Of course, a provincial election is one thing and a Dominion election is another; and a party that could win an election in a province may be badly defeated in a Dominion contest, because provincial elections are won or lost on local issues, while Dominion elections are generally fought out on na- tional questions. _ The success ot the farmer inces to convert their busines as a new broom always sweel The issue in the coming Dominion election', in all probability, will be the tariff policy-the Toronto 'Globe' and other papers of that ilk, may try to claim that the Government is trying to make the tariff an issue, but as a matter of fact, the Toronto 'Globe' itself, and the farmers of the West," made the issue long ago when they declared tor tree trade. Now that the election is on and the Toronto 'Globe' sees that the cry ot 'tree trade' will drive to the Government, many strong Liberals, it is trying to swallow itself and to make it appear that it is not in favor of free trade, but rather in favor of a revision ot the tariff downwards. The Premier, Sir William Hearst, decided to go to.the country' on pro- hibition and his own party deserted him and instead of swinging over to the Liberals, who also had announced. themselves in favor of! prohibition, they swung to the United Farmers of Ontario, and the consequences was that the United Farmers ot Ontario were carried to victory by political voters. The farmers, 'of the West, however, make no bones of coming right out and declaring point blank' tor free trade--and when we see such men as Crerar, Wood, oMrrison and Drury leading the farmer element, we may know that their intention is nothing but out and out free trade. McKenzie King, the leader ot the out and out Liberals, is on the tence--- he is neither.tish, fowl nor good salt pork-it he was talking to the farmers of the West and had any hope of securing their votgs, he would be a worse tre trader than Drury, who is the most hide-boun free trader in Canada to-day. .rt he was talking to an audiem mighty well and never mention fre facturers ot Quebec, he would takt Toronto. It was not much trouble tor the bus,iness organization, to swing to a 1 nature of the election of 1919 Rave the Up to October, 1919, the Parliament and in th The great change th but in the country-the tario in their first politic over Canada to organize organizations, there has which is now on the C Alberta. But if he was talking to the would talk downward revision ot S As far as is known to the outside world, this combination ot Conserva- tives and L?erals has been doing work together in the Government, in a most harmo ious manner-and although several ot the leading Liberal members have retired from Cabinet, as tor instance the Hon. N. W. Rowell. The. present Government has been known as the Union Government, as it was formed, almost equally of Conservatives and Liberals alike, who united in 1917 for the better prosecution of the war. . is about Now that Premier Mei; election this fall, a great I have been taken by surprise loudest for an election. wan I For the 'past' two years a politicians, have been howling solved Parliament and gone to The Coming Election-' Well, we can now start'and talk politic Issued every Wednesday from the Ottiee of Publishers. Main and Oak Streets. Grimsby. _ V . TELEPHONES-P,usuness Office 26: Fdifnrinl Office 02 THE PEOPLES PAPER ESTABLISHED I885 JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & SONS, Owners and Publishers. THE INDEPENDENT at Premier Meighen has announced that there will be a general s fall, a great many of the politicians are howling because they aken by surprise-as a matter of fact, those who were howling the an election, wanted it the least. TWO EPHONES-Bus1ness Office 36; Editorial Office Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. . Member Selected Town Weeklies of Ontario. ps. A. LIVINGSTON, General Manager J. _A. M. LIVINGSTON, Business Manager J. ORLON LIVINGSTON. Editor WHEN YOU WANT QUthTY PRINTING mier Meighen has announced that there will a great many of the politicians are howling to an audience in Toronto, he er mention free trlhie--it he w he would take the same attitt SS' hat has taken place is not in the Government itseH-- a success which attended the United Farmers of on- ical campaign in 1919, has encouraged.the farmers all :e and amongst those already organized, as business s been a rapid swinging to a political' association crest of th4 wave, especially in Saskatchewan and the Conservative par 3 country, of Ontario --- we them COME DIRECT To THE INDEPENDENT great many newspapers and a great many because the Union.Government had not dis- the country. the I 1rmer ers of the Maritime Provinces, he mitt, with free trade on such com- s for a while lrty had almost -- would choose his words as talking to the manu- lde as he would take in and the peculiar eep into' power. monopoly in good l Canada is a nation-the Dominion Parliame it is not a county council making laws tor a s I council making laws for a great, wide expan: .many provinces all with different interests. _ I Its policy, therefore, must be a national one be governed by a national party, and not by a a silly to have a government composed entirely silly to have a'government composed entirel; plumbers. "Our Soap ( advertisement. all coap does. The married mar tstand-many thin: Cultivating one's raises a protest. A.fool and her money are soon married. Drury, another farmer leader, is by birth and education' an": Sontimen a free trader, and although he was elected by the votes ot the Conservative National Policy men, yet he would not hesitate to sell his supporters an throw them behind him, could he find a wider sphere in Dominion politic under a free trade flag. . Greeks get Turkey's Angora. It's a city. Many a man is driven to despair in his own car. '~ Wood, another of the leaders, has joined in' a n opposed to-he has always been opposed to the farme tion of the West becoming a political party, but he was into politics so that he is a creature of circumstances Mr. Morrison is an anti-conscriptionist and a fighter for the farmers business organization, and while he differs with Mr. Drury on many points, he still would sell his birthright for a mess of pottage because he would ruin Canada by changing her sane, sound, National tariff policy into a free trade policy-or a rift raft, helter skelter, go as you please, revision down- ward, which would throw the whole country into doubt, disastrous dissatis- faction and possible ruin. . The duty of the Liberals and Conservatives is very plain-they have within themselves the power to save Canada at the present time by support- ing a safe and sane policy. It is the duty of the Liberals. and Conservativces to unite and to elect sufficient supporters of the Government to protect Canada against the class legislation of "a lot of foolish, but would-be politicians. but when he saw the serted the Union Gove move.ment, hoping to is a time server. Canada is not a thing that is in existence to-day and will be out of existence in ten years-it is an existant fact now and for all time---but the class movement that is now surging over the country' and engaging the at- tention of the people will be a thing of the past in a few years and it is the duty of the Liberals and Conservatives who are true to their country to see that this class movement does as little harm as possible while it is on the Wing. . In every county the Conservatives and Liberals should unite to elect one man who is in favor ot a safe and sane and stable tariff .policy and thus offset the fool movement towards class legislation but when he It is up to the sensible maintain, tor them, their S] has built up in the province The 'Globe' WY power-Alle student provinpe--it is a I the circumstances 1 swung into the Li' leader pt the power be a Conservative it Mia-20m It is up to th maintain for then 1S And not only that-but the products ot the West find an enormous mar- ket amongst the manufacturing centres ot the East-destroy those manu- facturing industries, send their skilled workmen to the United States to work, and a great part of the West's market is destroyed, and her railways will become bankrupt. - One would imagine, to hear the talk and arguments put forward by the Western farmers, that the West was the only place in Canada-when, as a matter of tact, there never would have been a West, except one occupied by Indiansa nd buffalo, had it not been for the East that supplied the men, the money and the brains to build up the West, and to build the railways into and through it. . It the Government is composed of free trader farmers from the West, and the Mrestern farmers receive their implements-tree ot duty, from the United States, it means the destruction not only of the manufacturers of the East, but of the railways which were built tor the benefit of the West and were used to carry the manufactured goods to the West and to carry the products of the West to the East and to the sea board. A+er+erqato'4s64"t"H"t"e"a"beqrq"Hr6qse+arq-q-s4.4", n The situation, as between the East and thd West is simply this-the East put up the money to build the three railways to the West and the East is now paying the deficit on those railways which were built for the develop- ment of the West; and those r'ailways have been used by the manufacturers in the East to supply the West with goods. . - The International Harvester Company, of been located in Hamilton had it not been tor tl plements--and if the protection granted by th International Harvester Company will ship thei Hamilton, but from their plant in Chicago, The Russian Red feels blue The Massey-Harris Company and all other companies in Ontario and1 Quebec, making goods for the farmers of Alberta are suffering under a handi- cap of three thousand miles freight haulage, whereas were they situated in St. Paul, or Minneapolis, or Milwaukee that freight haulage would be cut in two so that what the Massey-Harris Company and other firms now are benefiting by the tariff, they lose on freightage. The statement ot the manager of the Massey-Harris Company, in To- ronto, puts this very e1ear1y----if the tariff is lowered and United States im- plements are allowed to come into Canada free of duty, then the place for the Massey-Harris Company to make its' farm implements is not in Toronto, but in Milwaukee, St. Paul or Chicago. Manufacturers who have been making goods under stable and reliable tariff conditions, view, with anxiety, the tree trade campaign which has been carried on by the wild agitators, seeking office on any old excuse, and these manufacturers certainly are curtailing their operations until they know for certain whether the present tariff is to be tampered with or not. A friend in need leaves you broke Coming events cast their shadows before them-and the campaign for free trade which has been under way for nearly two years, led by the hide- bound free traders of the East and the farmers in the West, is the shadow of uncertainty and doubt which has to a great extent, brought about the de- pression and the state ot unemployment now present in our cities. The coming Dominion election will be a testing time in Canada-in fact, it may be a turning point from the prosperity and stability of the past many years, to a period of doubt and uncertainity which will be most disastrous to business. _-. modities man Ind my prediction in not make a too rer ', is the duty ot the people of Ct natipnal policy, rather than on arar, the leader ot the farmers of th nion-Liberal and was a member ot en he saw the class, wave which w 'se-be Penned and Scissored castle is his home still as THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO the Maritime Province people wish to buy and have not '. .3 urther†an Miitt modern tses to count on Quebec to bring the Liberal t of Quebec well knows that Quebec ts not National-Conservative province, and it was OI pt Sir Wilfrid Laurier, being a Liberal, that 1 iberal column-had the men ot Quebec a C r of magnetism of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Quebec fool of S CYS labor men to su their full dinner rovtn ag 1e protection granted by the tariff is taken off, then the ster Company will ship their goods to the .West, not from their plant in Chicago.» V class. wave whicn W rnment and got him be carried into DOW voice usually that Quebec itself in th )lendid hear the talk and arguments put forward by the West was the only place in Canada-when, as a would have been a West, except one occupied by on ter Company, of Hamilton, would never have les more an on Parliament is a national Parliament-- laws for a small district, it is a national wide expanse of countryy in which, are! i anada, therefore, to vote on principle and 1 a_01_ass demand and a class policy. ot Mak! is wha Many a man's opinion of is formed by her dretrc2ak, Charity improved At last the -wave gins to look like a save tm io-day it The hardest winter in ' always the OLe just ahead Bobbed ha! oesn't catch il J ntario to support a policy that will markets which the national policy 1al one and not a local one; it must by a 'class' party; and it is just as entirely ot farmers as it would be entirely of doctors, lawyers br The first printing press ' a girl with rouged lips IV peel min: t 1f surging ov alfpointed on the we illy the industrial portions of I election. . le tlt begins at hem? but is much by a trip abroad. a movemen 1rmers' busi f thle the 1 me sons shine. tariff upon agricultural im- was nd acme-on _ the w. ' ny day,, they wa me policy that will Liberal party into ts not a Liberal was only through 1, that Quebec was 2 a Conservative Quebec would soon sy to comb nan’s coat b of depression be farewell wave. Lder of _so th ter history was O lt hf EP" _)".;':,"):,';.',';'-',') ADVERTISING PAYS YOU woman peopl h ff to sell Kiss- §§§§Business Directory nd m " is On real estate security. Both priVate and company funds. Valuator tor the Hamilton Provident . and Loan Society. , Insurance and Real Estate. 0ffiee-hiain Street, Grimsby. Phone No. 7 W. B. CALDER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public " Federal Life Building Hamilton ran, mornings only ubjects taught, in "w further particula Miss Jones' Private Sch m] boys, top of Liot1tt ‘rRIlSBY, morning and lasses. Class tor very' DR. VAN nes, GRIMSBY. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Money to loan at current rates Ottices---Grimsby and Beamsville vCW:-1-1-GDI)-1I-()-()-()-(_0-0-(-0.().(_0-0.0.0-0-0.0-H-0-0C! '.DOI3% ¥¥4Â¥44Â¥444#44¥¥4Â¥4444tÂ¥4444Â¥4Â¥4Â¥4Â¥14t4¥¥¥4i 11" .cv’»,.0|:-£â€0-0-1)-‘_o-n-n-0-4_0- A 2.08 Class.... .... ...$300 2.40 Class.... .... ...$200 2.18 Class .... ....'. ..$300 Running Race ..... ..$100 - $1.00 to enter. Nothing retained from winners. Free stables, hay and straw. . Public School Drills, $30-$20. $5 to each' school in parade. Best Dairy Herd, any breed, $30, $20, $10. , See list for increased prizes in all departments. Bring Your Baby to the ROBINSON BABY SHOW. . N. M. BARTLETT, Sec. Extraction ' 'Phone 92 for Office - - HENRY CARPENTER MONEY TO LOAN G. B. McCONACHIE PRIVATE SCH( BEAMlSVllllllLllLE FAIR' NCE LEGAL for very' young only: all the -1 SEPTEMBER, 16 - l7 Far mtain ii ly to atte $106 tor RACES 'on i Hamilton Dominion Land Surveyors, Ontario Land Surveyors, Civil Engineers James J. MacKay, Ernest G. MacISay. William W. Perrie Phone Regent 4766 72 James " N. A _ Home Bank Building - LAND summon MacKAY, MacKAY & PERRIE . ' Dentist Office \and residence, 73 Sherman an enue south, between King and Main streets, and five doors north of the H., G. & B. railway line. ._Hamllton " " "' Ontario "9'o'h-'-t-errme-te--t-iw-- t Dentist Ottice-Corner Main and Mountain Streets, over Canadian Bank ot Commerce Office hours-S to 12, '1.30 to 5.30 Phone 127 Grimsby, Ontario -0.0-0-0-0.0- Wednesday, September I4, 1921 IRVIN & MACFARLANE Funeral Directors. Phone T2. Night hr Bay Motor Equipment. ' DR. D. CLARK F. HAN SEL G1 DENTAL , Ont Ontario