Â¥)0+ Zedofe e Band will parade at the Counâ€" hamber at the same time. essâ€"Full Scout â€" Uniformâ€"or ever portion in possession. e Band Leader will report to the utmaster at the Basenient, Public POl at seven o‘clock previous to ing his parade. RENGTH â€" Taken onâ€" 9 M. De: 102 Prudhomme. F.:â€" 102 Far he Troop will ement, Public © ling of this wee &gumumumum||||n|||||||m|||||| DEgâ€" Clarke the Gc Red /C BOY SCOUT NEWS AND O Oatmeal, h Bulk Oatim Corn Meal JAMSâ€" Lindner‘s 4â€"ib Lindner‘s 1â€"1b Lindner‘s 2â€"1} s . .....;........... .100 C ice Creamery Butter, 200 Ibs. only ;:g‘l’b's. H. A. brand to go at... Ib. iDomestic Shortening, hlng, 20â€"lb. pails (bring you! lortening, 60â€"lb. tubs........... $Blour, 24 Ibs................ fat for a2c. For Fridav and â€" MB mm en t enume t 1J mm t t es Pure Jamsâ€"4 Ib. pails â€" ;Qrdsburg Corn Syrup, 5 wardsburg Corn Syrup, 2 Wednesday, A1l1 other laund AXI fancy Toile iteDpuoy on ark‘s Po: Ylind ’{;D_epot Street. Phone 380. lock, Grimsby East. Phone 114 r13. ‘inters Coming SOAPS CANNED GOODSâ€" 1 p will parade ‘ublic School on eut i «Lo oBe aBe oBe oE cBe oBe oBe aBe oBe eZe eZe oBe obe cBe aBe ols ofe abo ofe ate a%e epe efecfe ofe ofe ( E. MIL LE ER 11 U]1 nouspey on i s MiEsSD NCO EREnE November 24th, 1920 euindarsine t es 111 & pails Strawberry elass Strawberry e 1€ tins GOVERNORâ€"GENERAL OPENS PEARSON HALL L 1J C 0al on Friday at seven o‘clock natoes C O rriday anC careful buve psS RDERS | , 20â€"lb. pails (bring your own pails) 26c fbedD: tubs:...:.:......"........ . 325C o tIDsS.....¢.......1.. ... ..« ..+%~WL.50 2 STORES atre..Â¥..1.. .‘ . Ioc each, or 3 for 25c Butter, 200 Ibs. only to go at just 58c Â¥. brand to go at..:.............37€ omestic Shortening, 1 Ibh. cartons 27¢ «.+ .. ... I5C per can; perâ€"dozen $1.75 irge size, 30¢ can ; small size 2 for 25¢ UaZ V h moey the or Mi )nt "W ER D Friday and Saturd AY| mlLruck Ooflâ€"â€"(Q <~Biggar, M. (Lhe Band); Sandy (the Band) are struck off the strength as of 19]11]20. POSTINGSâ€" 89 Farewell, K. is posted to Bear Patrol; 103 Farrell, B. to Beaver Pa tro; 6 Sutton, R. from Bear to Beaver Patrol; 9 Crabbe, M. to Band; all as of 19|11|20. § TESTSâ€" s re of 11 ‘B.; â€"are taken on the strength as 19]11|20. s f s $1.50; O â€"lb. pails. 21b tins. . M 1 c _ offâ€"70 Biggar, M. (the Sandy (the Band) are struck strength as of 19/11120. LC oTa ofe ce aBe oBo «To eBecGeofe ce eSeaSe oTeafe aPr XCC 1o bars for goc *%.. . 106â€"each in sA 2 form25C : 30¢, smalil 4/2 lbs. for / lbs. for OZ carelull aV glass z2 for tA \ensenreros se ;:-::t.f:‘:':::.'::::'::::.':. i:::i:2:335!-2:’433?5:{%?;;;.E:S%E:.:giï¬;:;:i sï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬;ï¬iâ€5'3’5‘:‘:’?353:’1;:;453;,;31 55352:5532355:?.:;;:;;-:5:'5?-1.;; s Benago n only 11 11 1 € 40C 6boc 50C 60c 30¢ 25C 25C 115C 25C 115C 225C nat ind .10 n D 1 € 10ness h as ously donated sums of money to the _'Troop Funds during the past week (the; through the collection work of Mrs. ruck‘Jas. A. Livingston. The Thanks of the Scoutmaster is extended to Mrs. H~ C. Kelson for Bear | the donation of two hanging lamps. & e%o warâ€"timé WHEREAS the said Company have made application to the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Grimsby for assistance by way of a loan of money for the purpose of enâ€" abling them to establish ang Ccarry on their industry in the said Village. AND WHERAS the said Corporaâ€" tion have agreed to make the wsaid loan upon certain terms and condiâ€" tions set forth in ay agreement beâ€" tween the said parties. AND WHEREAS the said Company have agreed to repay the loan by equal instalments of principal and in. terest during Fifteen years with inâ€" terest at six per cent. per â€" annum payable annually. * AND WHEREAS the Company furâ€" ther agree to employ not less than forty hands, for twoâ€"hundred days of nime hours each during each year for a period of Fifteen ‘years; to ‘keep th;) property insured for the full amount of the mortgage:; to pay All taxes lovied for school purposes and water rates assessed . against their property and to agree to a fixed asâ€" sessment of $5000.00 per year for Fitâ€" teen voars for purposes of other taxâ€" ation and to maintain the business in Grimsby during the life of the loan that is Fifteen years. Being a byâ€"law to debentures the sum sand dollars, to gra way of loan to the Limited, of Grimsby them in establishing the manufacture of and other articles i Grimsby. amou taxes watet prop sessn teen ation in «G1 loan of the Village of Grimst BYâ€"LAW NO. 473 helping YO Scout Worl lows the te If YOUR J should be; him good. wl T1C in playing games;â€"the floor of the school basement is very hard anq the Boys cannot play as they should with out something of this nature to pro tect them from injuries should they fall. UNIFORMSâ€" WANTEDâ€" A couple of old mattresses for use 0) () n ple ly )1 18 of wh A J nCe TD work â€"of the s solely to th You can ass _ YOUR Boy ANNEX will onred th h POI W OV in 11 vt10nal 1 ramin1g S~Cnioc irke, His Honor Lion« ishire, His Excellenc ident of the Canadia d i1 itch 11 m e they ow« O N 1( th THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO miiorm is expected he Scoutmaster will lose â€" receiving ‘"k:i+ f _ dolls in the ° l h« 1 next least Yentomeentenaned . m 1€ , â€" overall Village 0 e s h rrvIin 10 d SDYy. a tD pat toâ€"anâ€" awlifieq poss by )olls ch on of 0 0 TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a byâ€"law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality in the event of the as ent of the electors .being obâ€" tained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in the Grimsby Independent newspaper the which first publication was on Wedâ€" nesda; & the 24th day of November, 1920 and that the votes of the duly qualified electors of the said Municiâ€" pality will be taken on the 20th day of December, 1920, from nine o‘clock in the forenoon at the following places, namely:â€"In division number One at Wilcox Chopping Mill; In diâ€" vision number Two at the Grimsby Council Chambers; In division numâ€" ber Three at Jas. A. Livingston & sons Ooffice. Angq that the Reeve will atteng at the Fire Hall on the 16th day % _ December, 1920, at eight o‘clock in the evening for the apâ€" poinmft of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, * AND TAKE NOTIICE FURTHER that, any tenant, or tenants who deâ€" sire to vote on the said byâ€"law must deliver to the clerk of the said Vilâ€" lage not later th he tenth day beâ€" fore the day apmted for taking the yote a declaration provided for py the Municipal Act, Section 2635, ( to the saidq _ a@ene -__\' by the Trea: Corporation and hi be printed, stampe( That for the purp said debentures an ial rate sufficient | shall in addition to assessed, levieq and year on all the rate the municipality if the continuance of or any of them exc tures shall be soone p AND WHEREAS it is necessary in order to make the said loan to borâ€" row the sum of twelveâ€"thousand dolâ€" lars and to issue debentures of the $@1q Corporation therefor. AND WHEREAS the whole rateâ€" able property of the Village of Grimsâ€" by according to the last revised asâ€" sessment roll is $1,059,554 : made the 11 beâ€" agurer 11 be : Th AND WHEREAS the existing deâ€" iture debt of the Village. amounts $125,343.17 exclusive of loâ€" improvement debts secured by loâ€" _special rates and assessments d no principal or interest is in arâ€" 1] the 6 46(0 Y() EFORE the Municip: e Corporation of the by enacts as follows the Reeve and Treasqrer jearing interest at the rate r. cent. per annum and hayâ€" st coupons attached. thereto. est shall be payable anâ€" the first day of January in during the currency of the ntures, the first payment of o become due on the first inuary, 1922. d debentures may bear any in one year after the day of s Byâ€"law is passed and payable inâ€" Fifteen annual ts during the Fifteen years ir â€" the <Ist day . of Janâ€" 21 and the respective of principal and interest i each of said years shall to NOTICE [j terest of is the s1 ibl O1 whole REAS it would be a pubâ€" ) the ratepayers of the to have in operation an h as said Gompany proâ€" REAS it will require the .55, to be raiseq annualâ€" d of Fifteen years to est of and discharge the the sum becomes due. th 1] 1LO1 $12000.00 said deâ€" iled with the Corâ€" said Village and n 11 PP )11 iterk iry dqurin debenture DC on th purp( il Counâ€" â€" Village 1€ m th 11 O1 1€ 7. It is agreed that to secure the Corporation in respect of the said loan, the parties of the second part shall give to the said Corporation a first mortgage in the sum of twelveâ€" thousand dollars on the property, plant and machinery owned by the said Company. 8. Itâ€"is agreed that the saiq parâ€" ties of the second part shall insure and keep the premises insured to the full amount of the mortgage for the benefit of the Corporation which may be reduckd from year to year as the payments aforementioned â€" have been duly made. : 9. The parties of the second part further agree to pay all the taxes and water rates as assessed against the property, the parties of the first part agreeing to fix the assessment at the sum of $5000.00 per annum during the currency of the said loan and not to excee~ in any case a perâ€" iod of fifteen years such fixed asâ€" sessment not to applyâ€"to rates levied for school purposes. ; 10. It is further agreeqd that the members of the Company .who move to Grimsby shall reside within the Municipality. * 11. It is further agreed that all employees of the said Company are to be paid ‘by the said Company> in ties of the second part may repay the whole amount of the said loan at any time by paying such a sum of money at the time of such repayment as would with with interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum be sufficient to retire all of the said deâ€" bentures still remaining due andg unâ€" paid at the time of such repayment as the same fall due. cash and such payments are to be made at the said Village of Grimsby. It is further agreed that, during the currency ofâ€"this loan that the payâ€" roll and books of the said Company shall be open for inspection by the proper officers of the said Municipal in tC L0 or tne repayment of the said d ures on or ‘before the first da Jecember each yeas the first rent to be made on the first d ecember, 1921, all payments her of principal or interest in a o bear interest at six per cent. nnum, provided that the said es of the second nart mavy D ing the property immediately North of the Grand Trunk Railway Comâ€" pamy‘s lands on the said Easterly side of Ontario Street and establish on the said premises within the limâ€" its of,the saiq Municipality a modern firstâ€"class factory _ fully equipped with all necessary plant and maâ€" chinery for the purpose of manufacâ€" turing dolls, overalls and other arâ€" ticles and to continually and. proâ€" perly maintain and operate the same at the Village of Grimsby during the period of said loan. 2. In consideration whereof, the said Municipal Corporation agree to said Muni pay to the _ NOW THEREFORE in con tion of the premises, the hereto hereby agree to and wit other in the manner followin: â€" 1. The parties of the secon agree to purchase certain pi now under optional agreemen Charles H. Bromley, situate _ Easterly side of Ontario Stre the said Village of Grimsby a ing the property immediately of the Grand Trunk Railway oF THE SECOND PART â€" WITNESSETH that whereas the parties of the second part have seoâ€" cured an option to purchase certain property in the Village of Gzimsby for the erection of*a factory building thereon and propose to establish, opâ€" manufacturing dolls, overalls and erate and maintain a factory for other articles in the said Village of Grimsby and the said Municipal Corâ€"« poration have agreed to loan to <the said Company. to assist them in the MEMORANDUM : O0F AGREEMENT made in triplicate this twentyâ€"second day of November, 1920. BETWEEN : + The Municipal Corporation of the _ Village of Grimsby, in the Counâ€" "‘ ty of Lincoln, in the Province of #~~Ontario; ho subâ€"section 3. DATED at Grimsby this 22nd d n ration in respect the parties _ of the give to the said C CJinadian Dolls, Limi corporated Company Head Office at the Grimsby, in the Coun coln, c November, 1920 AGREEMENT L( iny OoIT _repa 01 iss factory fully equippe: 1 necessary plant and ma _for the purpose of manufac dolls, overalls and other ar th imoun t U( ill pay nrinc W ‘ein @irti hei C1C 11. id l n 11 OF TH] and W the t€ pl that part of the TCl il juirk )1 wW. B. RUSS, rtain â€" prop ?rreement i1 )V1 n ao i: DYâ€"LAW NO. 474 th im _ Ol iyment at the OL In nd beâ€" North ~Comâ€" lasterly stablish helimâ€" modern n t irom on the h n re 1( p C n a V rties each p In of TAKE NOTICE that the trueâ€"copy of a byâ€"law _ been taken into consider AND TAKE NOTICE â€" FURTHER that, any tenant, or tenants who deâ€" sire to vote on the said byâ€"law must @eliver to the Clerk of the said Vilâ€" lageâ€"not later than the tenth day beâ€" fore the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration provided for by the Municipal Act, Section 265, subâ€" section 8. DATED at Grimsby this 22nd day of November, 1920. in es th mm bBe it therefC Municipal® Coun of the Village of The votes of electors entitled said proposed b on the 20th day between the hoi la w t] them in establishing and carrying on the manufacture of dolls, overalls and other articles in the Village of Grimsby. Passed the 22nd day of November, A. D., 1920. s Wheras a proposed Byâ€"law of the Corporation of the Village of Grimgâ€" by entitled (a Byâ€"law to raise by way of debentures the sum of $12000.00 to grant the same by way of loan to Canadian Dolls Limited, of Grimsby, Ontario) requires forâ€"its validity the assent of the electors and it is expedâ€" ient and necessary to pass this Byâ€" law for the purpose of enabling the electors to vote on the proposed Byâ€" D A Byâ€"law to provide for taking the votes of the electors on a proposed byâ€"law to raise by way of debentures the sum of $12000.00 and to grant the same ‘by way of loan to Canaéian Dolls Limited, of Grimsby, Ontario, to aid them in establishing and catrving on and Cle: poration hands a and the Corporation at any time. 12. It is agreed that if the parties of the secondg part shall at any time during the saXl period of fifteen years become bankrupt or insolvent, the amount of unpaid. loan shall imâ€" mediately become due and payable to the saiq Corporation and the said Cor poration shall be entitled to a lien or charge, on the said buildings, plant and machinery for the saidâ€" amount and shall have the right to immediateâ€" ly enter and hold possession thereof until the amount is paid or to sell and dispose of the said buildings, plant and machinery in order to realize the said amount which may be due. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Reeve TGNTJ 1 € in e me 11 _ have nd affixe y necome due and payable to Corporation and the said Cor shall be entitled to a lien or on the said buildings, plant Wil therefore Council lage of « em|t therefore _ enacted by the Council of the Corporation age of Grimsby as follows: es of the duly qualified ntitled ~to vyote upon the osed byâ€"law shall be taken th day of December. 1920 O NOTICE SEALI prese O1 inadia 0) of Mabey, _Poll roce*~> Deput by TD 1 unt is paid or to sell f the said buildings, rachinery in order to id amount which may lent anv 10 D AND ence of 1€ 11 W 1099 n( subdivision Number Chopping Mill .by â€"Poll Clerk and of Decer he closi moseqa t L1 n W Dol Ma the W. B. RUSS, ime offi W.B. RUSS 11X id propos "ARRELIL rcil d U Lnitot Itet nil Byâ€"law of the lage of Grimsâ€" o raise by way of $12000.00 way of loan to O ipality Municipal ito set Corporate 1] h +] n micipal COorâ€" set their ‘porate Seal ecretary â€" of ereunto set the: Corporâ€" any. tC d bove is a herein SEVEN iited, Schier, ‘resident Robb, ecretary of the .w the shall given ea by Clerk Clerk lock in in the has and the the Reeve Clerk th nd TED the n