FOR SALE-tight five passisnW3- touring car, repainted, guaranteed in first class condition, almost new tires, two spare, high mileage â€one: gallon. Will demonstrate. Snap for immediate sale. Buying new ii'tib. Frank English (Thirty Mountain)t Beamsville, cgll 64 ring 12. . FOR SALE-House and. about 2 acres of land: Will sell“ 1ioude'sc'k'hit lot or land .. separate or together. House has eight rooms, summer kitdhen, Sleeping porch, cellar, hard- wood floors, downstairs Georgia pine finish, good furnace, electric s1i'sMf city water and a good well." ‘La 'Wi. city Water and a good well.' . Letitia-3* all set out in about 120 cherries as- sorted, 300 currant bushes, 22 plum and pears, also a good sized rasp- berry patéh. Lot with house also has an assortment of fruit trees. Apply to' Ec, Hand, Ontaritrritttrt GRIMSBY.’ _,.-' ' FOR il.gkLE1--One six foot oak silent salesman show case. 13evelred plate glass top, glass slides, plate glass backingsrin sliding panels. Wilt sell right. Apply. to W. J. 'Flett, Tonsor- ial Parlors, GRIMSBY. n FOR SALE-A beautiful phaeton with leather top and rubber tires, nearly new, Ibuilt especially for an invalid, will be sold cheap. A to Jas. A. Livingston,, Agent to owner, GRIMSBY. ' FOR SALE--uTwo Ford tourtrig cars; 1 Ford chassis; 1 1rordU191t Ford touring car body; would liketto' exchange tor a Ford roadster bodir: Apply to A. H. McPherson, 'phone 130, Winona. w J, . h. _ 1H FOR EALD--Two-horse draycs used very little, one ton and a. half, gait; draft circle, a good rack. This -drar can be seeriat my place on Saturday) May 1st. R; J. Snetsinger, 'phone 408, GRIMSBY. . ', 1n! FOR SALE-A new house iQ,$9°d locality in GRIMSIBY, electric light, furnace, city water, etc. Immediate possession. Jas. A. Livingston F Sons, Real Estate Dept., GRIMSBY), GRIMSBY. 'iau--o------t-tttt." FOR SALE-An International Har- vester truck, in good conditidn,, "idt a bargain. Geo. Udell, 'phone 75, GRIMSBY. _ _ ' au-G-----'-.-'?'""?""?'"'"." FOR SALE-A well matched team, of horses;. five and, seven years}, may; well brokel and suitable-Aye fruit farm work. John Pyott, A. R.‘ 2, Caistor Centre. .",.r..r",, FOR SALE-McLaughlin touting, $450.00, six good tires, in good mm- ning order. This is a real bargain: See s. s. Fairchild, Overland Saws; at James F. Bird's Store, GRMSBY: FOR SALE-A light horse, suit?! able for fruit farm horse; a wining: worker; cheap tor. cash and quick sale. H. T. Haws, GRIMSBY Centre, 'phone 195 ring B. _ pk "'%irsArm---1 side board; lounge; arm chair; secretary. Apply to Mrs. J. Gilmartin, Robinson St. ssplith, FOR SALE-Frame barn, to. be £111. (197111. or moved off premises. R. Mogley, Robinson sti%t sdiith, 'phone" 4. _ FOR SA,LD-A good range wuu reservoir and water front. Will sell cheap, if spld this week. Apply. o. T. Pettit, Kidd Avenue. V FOR SALD--A Raspberry bushes, thousand. Simeon, GRIMSBY. FOR sAIm--alight. y eight weeks old. M. Mei BY Centre, 'phone 74 rin BY. FOR SALD--1 single horse pJusit;' 1 adjustable cultivator; also other gum plements and some furniture. 34%. Alexander', 'GRIMSBY. 1't PT. FOR SALE-I still have a supplus of Nursery stock, also Cuthbert'rasp- berries and Black . Caps, etc. Geo. Hill, 'phono iii, ring 4, Winona. tion. H. GRIMSBY FOR SALE-A square Tiano, in good condition; will sell cheap em: change on gramaphone. Applgrrto Mrs. E. Mannell, GRIMSBY. _-j-ii-Clie-trr' WANTED--A boy's 2icFiefea.tsirie, 20-inch; mustbe in first class ipotidi- FOR SALD--1 bushel of Alsike clover seed.. Apply'to C." E. Bayr) 'phone 27 ring 2, Winona. ".. s" li FOR SALEr-Six weeks" oid"tifits. Apply to A. D. Fleming, Ontario St., Beamsville. ",oiGiiEiLir---Pansy plants in full blooni now tsoyior, well hardg‘iltd. Thos.].Smith', 'phone 119. l .. l _ _ i' - _ tCi ii" ." ' ni. . '! l @ORHSALE OR RENEE tf 1 I I' " / ' 'ra,' . _ , . my] FOR sgLD--Upive young pigs), ' -, l? â€~54.“-'1‘$404.01.4.40'3"?*°5€“F°¥4'+MW4«2"§°°W%M*4°€°%J.â€Z"!'~Z«2~'3 Wednesday, April 28th, 1ng Advertise Yiiiir Wants L. Hagar, ffiidmNG---Rhode TY ght young M. Meikle, o,dllfsit at $12.00 oer Smye, 'rrho11i,f,tatu/ few ever-bearing ar, 'ot.1one1=--19 a: 4, GRIMS- ange with tp d. I"".'.'"' li at (ttgt " .A--A_ wa mg 1 " May I-SATURDAY-con this date at one o'cloelr, at the farm ot Isaiah Tufford, three-quarters of a mile $15?" Beamsville, I will offerm11 'Ile stock, implements, and ." a, nti y of household furniture, tor _ by public auction. Everything will be sold positively without re- serve as Mr. Tufford is giving up farming†Terms: $5.00, cash; six aftil "credit; five per cent. for cgph ,oYe.rr $5.00. See hills tor lists and particulars. Jas. A. Livingston, Milken . _ The prize lots of cheese at the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Associa- tion exhibition secured from 97 to 99 amalgam; which-is an excellent attainment. _ "t ' "IIIIIIIHIHF 'i'ahe,11 P-ip-Aon this date 1'i'ijr"i/i1S1ii's auction, on the farm of' MiGmge Leslie, one mile East of tttmirilmtre .of GRIMSBY, I mill-otter pll his household furniture and farm Wpents. Everything Will be so positively without reserve. as Mr. Leslie has sold his farm knit is going to Scotland. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms: $20, cash five months' credit; four percent for one over $20. Jas. A. Livingston, Moneer. . _ LTDDLE-/ilhis is in loving memory ot Flight-Lleut. T. Robson Liddle, R, N. A. s., who laid his life on the Altar of F dom for the World, on April 80, iiftf, t),htngior(i, England. 5 M ov’died thatye might live" l 2l'.ft1ei1ei-i,eestoonosdibt men to 'ret/i/il: awleigh’s Good Health Pro- 'iitys'it: An opportunity to get into ‘ _siness tor yourself, at an occu- Fpation that is pleasant, profitable Iand permanent. Must be able to fur- fnish acceptable Contract securedhby _:1,t?trtfrist1,retieit,' and to provide' ‘téam‘ rii'iWr'F.i)tutrn or auto. Industtipim, Mb’ba‘bj‘e'men seoure large returns for Mei?" effOrts. Largest and best known list of Made in Canada house- .htyId.,-atetRktsities furnished on terms Atryneet your business requirements. Adgress the W. T. Rawleigh Co., Ltd. 313,151. 112, London, Ontario. b+etq+Ftr66ee+FFFrr6t+H66666 ot-itoooooooooeoooooooooe ‘i :.ri,._s'r'. INJMEMOMAM .-u-.;.- , “fqopd pasture and good water tor hts’rsgs; and cattle for the coming sea- s_stir)'.ht.e W. Kennedy, Beamsvillc, a fy phone' 56. 'tir-FFF-tHs-tFree-Feet" is,ttgtl:gitg1neery Eight-day clock; wa mg machine (Mission); good bi- Icycle (Cleveland); nickle plated ii'iili', F bath. ty'. A. HWc'pyggart, I lave" 'phone 257. " . 3'": waiiN%co----Yopng girl to take charge of baby; three afternoons a week. Apply to Mrs. _ J. C. Suther- lane; Main Street. 3Couple wanted for fruit farm. Ap- ply to Robt. Cole, Winona. . r shaihiisiiitV PLANTS FOR SALD---The following varieties from a one-year-old hed of Kellogg’s thor- oughbred pedigreed "plants: Kell- ogg's Premier, extra early; Senator "lap, early; Glen Mary, mid sea- xson;‘.~r. Burrel, mid season; Wm. aBelt,l mid season; .. Magic Gem, mid if easdn; JCeliogg's Big Late, late (variety; 1Ce11ogg's Prize, late variety. it†some baled straw. Apply to S. .?)Bttthaam, 'phone 183, Murray St., Aiytth., GRIMSBY. ". J, {EQMATO PLANTS-l am ready to lake orders for all. varieties of Tomato Cabbage and Citd1itlower plants. D. Robertson, 'phone 58, Beamsville. fHiPrhipHmuir---yre pay 60c a pound for, new goose feathers, 7e pound for chicken feathers. Highest prices paid tor all other kinds. Grimsby Mattress Co., opposite G. T. R. Sta- tion. s),, '006+6r6006666e6e4r6060qr66664 FARMS WANTED-lt y0u wish to sell your farm communicate with us -,we have buyers now. It will cost You, nothing unlezs we make a Bale. Bell’s Limited, GRIMSBY, 'ph ne 405 or 261. WANTED---1 have a client who wants to buy a good roll-top desk; will pay spot cash. Apply to Jas. A. Livingston, GRIMSBY. WANTED-House, to'rent, June 1st Apply County Motors Limited. :lllllff .'tl?,1t,1t, sAIt-Egis for hatching tttite/tvig, .Ba.rred P .Rocks and F loomb Rhode Island Reds, Bred to Lay stock; $1.50 tor 15. Special i i, _ 50 and 100 lots. Geo. E. Ihisyg?, ring 14, GRIMSB'Y. C",, MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED me_r666666t6"so'66q"6"e'4"6'4"e94t ON SALE [IAIES WANTED 0901a d, THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF the estate of Johp Hewitt, late of the City of Chicago AND TAKE NOTICE that after .such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said execu- tors will not‘be liable tor the said as- sets or any part therof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of distribution. INGERSOLL & KINGSTONE. 24 James Street, St. f,it)1ltp1ty, Ontario. SolicitorsJ r'the’ said'Executors DATED the 27th day of April, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 56 of The Trustee Act (R. S. O.'1914, Chapter 121) that all credit- ors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said John Hewitt, who died on or about the thirteenth day of-October, 1919, are required on or 'before the twenty-sec- bnd day of May, 1920, to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to Ingersoll & Kingstone, 24 James Street, St. Cathar- ines. solicitors for the executors of the last will and testament of the said de-. ceased, their Ohristian names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by htem. in_the State of United States of deceased. For some time past he has had considerable-trouble with a young lad on Ontario street who persisted in running away ' from school. On different occaSio'hs th‘el‘Chilef has had to takeWmifo School,_ He has also had: a lot of trouble with some large sized lhdian lads who have become regular street loafers, and the Chief has warned them on several oc- casions that they would have to go to work. - On Tuesday the runaway school kid again landed in the Chief's clutches and found himself! locked up in the coop. The Chief asked him if he had any matches and he replied by hand- ing him a small boxful also a pack- age of cigarettes. When questioned he admitted that the cigarettes had been bought tor him, with his money by Dockstader, one of the Indians. A couple of other young lads were interviewed and they all stated that Dockkstader bought them cigarettes. "All things in time will work them- selves out" is an old saying and Chief JConkle has proved this. It is the intention pfathe thef- to prosecute every parent who does not see that their children attend school regularly as he is done monkeying with them. After weighing the matter over'in his mind the Chief decided the' best thing to do was to have .' Dockstader summoned on a charge cigarettes to minors, and he did. . The kid was released and taken to school by the Chief.- --__ _ .. Under the new scheme each. and every municipality must pay a cer- tain sum each year for the mainten- ance of its nearest High School. North GRIMSBY will have to pay so much a year for the upkeep of GRIMS BY High School and the grant system will be done away with. In the case of GRIMSBY High School, pupils come to it. in droves North GRIMSBY and Sa1tfleet. Saltfleet pupils pay a monthly charge, and the Government gives a grant to cover their tution. North GRIMSBY pupils are educated free of charge except tor a small $200 a year grant made ty the township council and for a couple of years North GRIMSBY refused to make this grant. The Government grant to High Schools is a fair sized one but each High School district is also helping to pay its own grant. W. P. Randall, Secretary of the GRIMSBY Board of Education was on the deputation which was received by the Minister and he states that the idea was looked upon with much favor by that gentleman, somuch so that he promised to take the matter up immediately and see if the change cannot be made.' As the Act now stands every muni- cip'ality that has a high school in its borders must maintain it and at the same time it educates the chilren from adjoining municipalities where there are no high schools tree of charge. tor a small grant griven by the councils of those municipalities and should the councils not see fit to make a grant then the High School goes without. A deputation from all the different Boards of Education and high school boards in the Coutity T"aited upon the Minister of Education on Thursday morning last with a request thatthe Educational Act of the Province be changed so that all municipalites in each and every county must pay so much a-year to the support ot their nearest high school. "iii'""')'?'.,'?;'?"";"')";")")"" aa<s-r66t6+es6666666r0s00664 GAVE CIGARETTS T0 MINORS ASK FOR (llllililE IN .' illilll Slllllllll. IllSllllllRl IIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII illlifiiflflln lllllillllliflllTli FIRE TRUCK PURCHASED _ At a late hour last night the HAITI-E (lf Sf JULIE“ 1louneils of GRIMSBY and North . GRIMSBY- in joint conference , passed a motion and signed the "t contracts to purchase on Oldsmo- On Sunday morning, April 25, bile, Fire Truck equipped with 1920, the GRIMSBY, District Branch Rickie equipment, at a cost of of the Great Wasveterans' Associa- $3600. Full. report next week. tion of. Canada) commemorated St. I|I|||IlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllll £32,911 J,,t1,L.y1t:.,?.r/olfPathei,1,' ff}- Notice to Creditors Illinois. one of the America, Gentleman, It was a light session that the North GRIMSBY council held on Sat- urday afternoon last. All the mem- abers were present and wost of the time was consumed in hearing re- Porte from the Road Commissioners and 1er Mr. Tanner of the Ameri- can LaFrance Co. was again pres- ent making strenuous efforts to have the council choose his eompany's eauiprnent for the new fire truck. It was decided to lay tile in front of Mrs. N. R. Sutherland's residence Immediately after the close of the service, the Veterans again formed and lead by the Band, marched to Elm Street, to Mountain, to Eliza- beth, to Adelaide, to the Library Park where a group-photograph was tak- en, first of the veterans alone, and then, with the band included. The Boy Scouts 'broke off at the Park, and marched to their rooms in the Council Chambers; not being includ- ed in the ohotograph. The Rev. L. H. Currie handled the short and simple service; the choir rendering special commemorative music. The Tastor's address includ- ed a resume ot the Second Battle ot Ypres, on April 22-25, 1915, wherein the First Canadian Division "Saved the Situation," when the German hordes made their first extensive drive for Calais, and the domination of the French coast; using tor the first time, in warfare, poison gas. Mr. Cdrrie l'f‘eeli , 1y read excerpts from the 1iJltit1c'lfilsj' of the’War Office and Sir John French, anent the gar. lant-conduct of the Canadians in that battle; and drew many parallels from it, tor the-guidance of the men who had been spared to return, in their civ illian life. The address was short but pithy; and no one who heard it could thave.failed to feel the inspira- tion given. At JO.30 a.m. the President of the Local Branch, Com. J. A. M. Living- ston, "tell in" his comrades in at- tendance, to the number of over forty; and Scoutmaster Capt. R. Hope Kidd, M. C., “fell in" _ the Scouts. The 44th Regiment Band was out in force to lead the parade; and the whole was an imposing and impressive sight, as they smartly marched through Main Street to the church. On Sunday morning', April 25, 1920, the GRIMSBY. Distritt Branch ot the Great Warieterans' Associa- tion of Canada) commemorated St. Julien Day 1915, -by holding their an- nual church parade to St. Johns Presbyterian Church, where the pastor, the Rev. L. H. Currie deliver- ed an inspiring address to them. The ‘local troops ot Bey Scouts also attended the parade. Tre parade dismissed at 12 N. ll, (llllllillll. MEETING 30 WW%WM*M$M*WWWW '7FtlEtjEEglEtTgiLttTttEtFttmlrtT, Of course you expect to do some repapering this season. Why not come in and have us reserve the pattern you want while the choice is at its best. is reproduced in our new pattern wall papers. JTVhe designer gone straight to Nature for his prettiest effects. The result series of _ . ' b ', The Natural Color of Flowers [REES Wall Papers of Real Beauty hi Isa as FIVE