C?XoXoJCoX9XoJCoX)X.XoDeeXoXiXoXoDeXiXi)CoXi)Ci)3XE CtXtNXoxoXiXoXoXoXiKoXoXi)CiXoDCeoxoXi)Ci)Ci@CiK+ CO 00 OO 00 OO ti)? CE O O o© ti E o O OO 00 00 o. 00 ECE 0@ Cie) © © © The Warden, while he didn't want to stifle discussion, pointed out that the council had adopted its road pro- gramme. The yhad approved an'ap- propriation of $7,500 for the subur- ban roads, and this resolution he thought was out of order. Councillor Kemp said the Town- ship of Grantham was |being fairly treated in the matter on money spent on roads. The township paid in 12 per cent., and got more than 12 per cent. of the money spent. The coun- ty representative on the Suburban Roads Commission had refused to sanction the laying of a concrete road, but the city's representative and the Government decided other- wise. If the representatives of Port Dalhousie and Grantham hadn't sup- ported the concrete road scheme, it wouldn't have been built. Now they've got the road, and they want the rest of the county to suffer, by dividing up some of their mileage: Aid. 'Welstead said Grantham as a whole didn't want a concrete road, though residents along Ontario street and that vicinity urged it. It wasn’t fair to hold the township down. to one mile of road, even if it cost a million. One mile.of road wasn't a fair share of mileage for a township. Councillor Mitchell said the same mistake had been made in other parts of the c ,unty in laying Tarvia. This county would have to back up in its policy of! laying expensive roadways, and so would the Suburban Commis- sion; they'd both have to adopt a cheaper type of construction. Per- sonally, he felt that it was a mistake to have a man from Clinton on the waurfban Roads Commission. While he had nothing to say against the gentleman personally, still the re- presentative should have been cho- sen from Grantham, where the big bulk of the money was to' be spent. It was regrettable that so much money had been spent on the laying of one piece of concrete road; the county and the commission would both, have to back up if they were going to carry out a programme of utility. / Councillor Haynes characterized it as a "terrihle mistake" and a "lot of rot" to appoint a Clint n man on the Suhaurban Roads Commission. This ought to be changed. On motion of! Councillors Rem-1W and Suttttn, a by-law was passed tol raise $95,,000 to pay the countr'sl, share of roads in Lincolnn under the' Highways Improvement Act. I Council adjourned. ' The motion was defeated only Concillors Welstead. Haynes and Stewart voting "Yea." (tl) 33% The Warden still thought the mo- tion out of order, but the councillors apparently wanted to vote, so he put the question. 8% deal to go on with ttiiss"work'ovithout the city's consent. (oC)(i; oo oo oo oo oo oo 00 'tti, (tt 00 OO 00 00 8% GI ©© Coke) EC 53% ie:) (lilllll'lll Nllllllli. RI SPEND TWELVE Co) (l.) Co) (Continued from pa THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE M MADE IN CANADA CHEVROLET LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON, $1025.oo.. F. O. B. Grimsby Two cars in one, the CHEVROLET Light Delivery Wazon affords _ two cars in one, the UtilfVltU1.ir Light Delivery Wagon affords double value for fruit grower or farm use. It will carry farm produce or fruit with equal disregard for distance or road conditions. And two spare seats afford comfortable capacity for eight passengers with baggage. Its economy of fuel and tires make it- much desired. \ We have some good cars and trucks for customers. - WHITE County Motors Limited A; - , ,iijiiic2il 'i"iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisi, t, ’f†- Fa?",,?,).?,?,]??,!!,?,! _ I n. - “3"“: gjiiiiiE A_ c", , ' iiiiiiii2? --es.iia+ _----"--,-, (illlliii, CLLC,i-,I,-a,"i,,T,,i"i,"ii,",",2, gllS ‘ Le, 9~ " 'Ur, MII 1iiOl SERVICE DEPARTMENT 9) Used Cars and Trucks "tx9X9X9XoXoXeiCei)@6yi)@Ci)(?XiXiXiXoD(Ci)C.)Cimi)(iXi)Co)aCeiCi ", Moved by Strong, seconde" ty Ken nedy, that the Reeve and Treasurer, issu their cheques for the following accounts: J. W. Clark, services as Audi- tor.... ........ ..........'$30 00 P. M. Olmstead, services as Auditor........ .... ..... 30 00 Lemuel Vaughan, pay sheets, months Dec. to April........ 5 60 Edgar Harrington, pay sheet, months Jan. to April _.... 8 80 E. G. Crow, pay sheet, months Jan. to March............. 22 52 Frank Reece, pay sheet, months Jan. to March............... 10 45 William Crown, Ipay sheet, months Jan. to Feb........ 5 35 Alonzo Strong, pay sheet, months Jan, to March..... 14 00 Ivan la. Moote, pay sheet, months Jan. ttrMareh..... IO 25 Eli Beamer, pay sheet, months Jan. to March........ ...... L. A. Shaw, pay sheet, months Moved by Kennedy, seconded by >Krick that the Auditors report as read, be adopted and that the clerk be authorized to get the usual num- ber ot copies printed tor distribu- tion. Moved by Strong, seconded by Krick, that the Collector’s time be extended until April 17th, 1920. GAIN SBORO COUNCIL "Council Chambers, April 5th, 1920. ---The Council met pursuant to ad- journment. Members present, Reeve Lane and Councillors /Kennedy, Krick and Strong. ' _ The Reevelcalled the Council to or der, and the minutes of the last meet ing were read and confirmed. Communications wre read from: Ontario Municipal Association re Af- filiation fee; Hospital tdt Sick Child- ren, Toronto, thanking council tor donation; Tax Reform League, re- questing council to pass pesolutions and have them forwarded to the Dom inion and Provincial Governments, re taxing unimproved and vacant land, removing the tax in improve- ments and adjustment of the tariff; from Pedlar People, Ingot Iron Co., and Peckovers, re steel and culverts tram William Misener, requesting council to appoint some one else as Poundkeeper in his place. J. W. Clark and P. M. Olmstead, Auditors of Township accounts for the year, ending Dec. 3lst, 1919, pre- sented their report. c, S.HEolrnes, tax collector, inter- viewed the council and asked for a short extension of time to complete the collection of taxes. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ’ MEETINGS I'ROLETA at low prices that we are selling 45 Moved by Mr. Durham, seconded by Mr. Book, that Frank Trembley be paid the sum of $2.30 tor shovel!- Moved by Mr. Book, seconded by Mr .Durham, that the by-law 'be now read a second and third time and do pass, the Reeve and Clerk sign and seal the same, and its title be as in th motion. Carried. 'By-law read a second and third time. T Moved by Mr. Eoulter, seconded by Mr. Durham, that this council ex- press the deepest regret on learning ot the death of a former reeve" and member of the Council for a num- ber of years in the person of Mr. Charles Grassie he being a very, worthy member,; as well as a citzen of sterling character, and "we look back on his past career as one which was creditable indeed and reflects credit and honor on the one departed and this Council expresses the most sincere sympathy to the widow ot. the deceased in her sad bereavement, and that a copy of! this’resolution be forwarded to his wife. Carried. Moved by Mr. Boulter, seconded by Mr. Theal, that leave be granted to introduce a by-law to appoint a Trustee for the South GRIMiSBY High School, and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. By- law read a first tim.e $21.33; A. D. court in Toron hall rent from 9th, $18.00; J. . $13.12; G. G. B treasurer, J. B Roberts, sale?) treasurer, 1919 plough as brol Carried. Jan. to March..... .. J. E. Lymburner, pay f months, Jan. to March John Fis'her, pay sheet ,m1 Jan .to March......... Herbert Dawdy, pay , The minutes ot the last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Book, seconded by Mr. Theal, that the following ac- counts be paid:--- A. M. Nélson, road div. 7, $19.14; W. Ball, road div. 2\and 3, $28.00; Frank Trembley, road div. 9, $27.40; John E. Fisher, road div. 8, $18.20; Herbert Dawdy, pay sheet, ,4 months Nov. to Feb....... 28 63 John Larppman, error in pay sheets, year 1919.......... 17 M Moved by Krick, seconded by Strong, that this Council do now ad- journ to meet Monday, May 3rd, 10 am. The Municipal Council of South GRIMSBY township met pursuant to adjournment, in the U. F.0. Hall, Smithville, on Monday, April 12th, at one o'clock p.m., with all members present. . ete $12 $16 W 80 05 SOUTH GRJMSBY COUNCIL . E. Fisher, road div. 8, $18.20; f. Roberts, registration ot title, $2.65; W. B. Davis, road div. 6, 0y W. P. Duck, road div. 3 and 4, 5; H. Huether, road div. 5, 3; A. D. Middaugh, attending t in Toronto, $12.00; G. G. Brant, rent from December 15 to Feb. $18.00; J. E. Naergarth, tor wire, 2; G. G. Brant, salary due late mrer, J. B. BrBant, $25.00; F.W. arts, saiairy te, stamp tax as iurer, 1919, ' 0.44; W. Ball, tor gh as broken on road, $10.00. Ci)6XiKi)eCoXiKieCi)@eCiKieXiy THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO MADE IN CANADA supply of tires and S. W. Freure, Clerk months eet 14 <95 O. OO 00 O. 00 00 CO 00 go) "si.liii, O CE O .0 "ii)? © Q ©€§ ti)fi (M) iii o O o . 89: iii (le 8% 'i) GE ©© 9Q) 19$ ft? oo Q ing snow on the townline of Div. 9. Moved :by Mr. Durham, seconded by, Mr. Book, that leave he granted to introduce a by-law to appoint fence viewers, :pound keepers and sheep valuers tor the township of South GRIMSBY for the year 1920., and that the same he now read) first time. Carried. By-law read a first time. Moved by Mr. Theal, seconded by Mr. Boulter. that the ~by-1aw just Mr. Boulton, that the by read be now read a second time ,and do pass the B Clerk Sign and seal the s its title be as in the motion By-law read a second i Moved by Mr. Boulter, seconded by Mr. Theal, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again n the U. F. o, Hall, Smithville, on Monday, May 10th at one o’clock pan. F-+rrrF.0+H.6e0q+e+F' April 28--FWDhy--On this 1[ti/ate, on the premises of the late Jo n C. Tufford, Queen street, Beamsville, I will offer all his household furni- ture tor sale by public auuction. Everything will be sold positively without reserve as the Estate is be- ing settled and the residence and pro -perty is for sale. Sale at one o'eloeli. Terms: Cash. See bills for list, etc. Jas. A. Livingston, Auction eer. . H. GRACEY, Re P. W. ROBERTS, Clerk. April 80---PRIDhY---On this date by public auction, on the farm ot Mr. George Leslie, one mile East of the Village of GRIMSBY. I will otter all his household furniture and farm implements. Everything will be sold positively without reserve. as Mr. Leslie has sold his farm and is going to Scotland. Sale at one o’clock sharp. Terms: $20, cash five months' credit; four percent tor cash over $20. Jas. A. Liv.ingston, Auctioneer. "The Pour Plusher" is a gripping story, interestingly depicted and un- folding an unusually clever plot. It has the power ot strong drama, "M020“ AUDI +er660+FFh.4. THE FOUR FLUSHER Llh_.rirlt, l f1‘c3ro‘r1to ON SALE DATES 250 St. Paul St. Dealers . St. Catharines FRED J. POOLE, Salesman, GRIMSBY, Phone 14r1 3 nmmtmmmmiummtimmmmmmimimmimmmimmmmmmmmiimimmmmim1l Mr. A. J. Gilmore, Gilmore Garage, has made arrangements with Fisher Brothers Garage, Grimsby to handle parts for Overland (4) and give service--- Phone 193---Night phone 429. F. J. Poole, Salesman, will attend at Fisher1 Bros. Garage and will give demonstrations as desired. . "mmmImiimmmmmmmimmummiimiitttmmumuuuitmmiimimmmrmmmmo They smooth out road roughness They take up the jolts and rebounds. Three-point suspension Triplex Springs of Overland 4 take the discomfort Triplex Springs make possible, for the first time, a light weight car which rides with the smoothness, steadiness, buoyancy and luxurious riding com- fort of the heavy car of the long wheel base. ' b- The light weight of OVERLAND 4 makes it surprisingly economical of fuel Ind in completeness and quality of equipment the Overland 4 ranks with and oil higher priced cars out of rough roads GILMORE GARAGE notion. Carri Si. ond and third Wi‘W Reeve WWWWWWHMWWWMWMWHW 1m third and and eeve the breeze of farce and the humorous contrast of bright, flashy comedy. It is the story of a typical youn New York business man who 10v2?',u, to his last penny, and puts everything into clothes in order to maintain "a good front". One day he gets a live tip from a friend about a South American millionaire who is, looking tor a hustling agent. He Concert- trates all his efforts toward making himself appear something he is not, to land the big job. He establishes himself in a fashionable hotel suite, engages a secretary and servants, buys an auto and gets away with his bluff. Up to his last rpenny he plays the game like a man, supported by the love and faith of a girl and a con- fidence in himself that is impressive 1y depicted. In the end he clinches the contract and the girl, and still smiling, proves that it sometimes pays to be a "Pour Flusher.†See it at Moore’s Theatre. Saturday night, April 24th. "s the breeze of farce and t] contrast of bright, filashy is the story of a typical York business man who his last penny, and puts into clothes in order to VIOLET RAY MACHINES T0 RENT We realize that there are a great number of people desirious " usinga Violet Ray shut hesitatlng to purchase one on account of not knowing wheth er the machine would be of 'henetit to them. V _ To give responsible people a chance to try out a Violet Ray we will arrange to rent them a machine at a small weekly rental for as long a period as desired. ‘And further it at the end of the rental period it is desired to purchase the machine we will deduct the rental amount ' from the purchase price. Fair enough isn't it? If interested call at Stewart's Rex all Drug Store. ' FACTS ABOUT CANADA The only sbody competent to late respecting bankruptcy an solvency is the Parliament of ada. Provinces in existence tion. The acttt 1868 by that ot 1875, Which amended several times in 1880. At the session of Parliament of last year a bdnkruptcy law was en- acted and now «tarmac on the statute book, but the closing section "states The first bankruptcy law of the Dominion was enacted in 1868, super- rgedingg the old bankruptcy laws of the (Advertisement) at Confedera- was replaced , after being , was repealed to legis and in ot Can Which are not nanKruptc'y laws. The judges of! the Superior, Dis- trict and County Courts,' ,except those of the Courts of probate in New Brunswick and Nova IScotia, are appointed by the tii/vi/AGM-Gita' upon the advice of his ministers. These judges are, therefore, feder- al officials and their salaries are paid out of the f_ederal treasury, but the courts over which they preside are provincial courts. i that it is not to come into operation until a proclamation to that effect is issued by the Governor-in-Council'. At present the assets of an in- solvent are administered and dis- tributed under provincial laws, which are not bankruptcy laws. ' The judges of! the Superior, Dis- trict and County Courts.' .excent Please Read This Letter And See What Normal Health Will Do For You. Berwick, Ont.--", had organic trou- ble,' and after taking Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable ComPound and Blood Medicine all my troub es passed away. I was made strong and well and have been ever since. Now .we have a fine baby boy sik months old, and I know that I would not have this baby and would still be suffering if it had not been for your remedies. My husband. and myself say that your remedies are worth their weight in gold, and I recommend them to my friends. One of my aunts is taking them now."-. Mrs. NAPOLEON LAVIGNE, Berwick, Ontario, Canada. _ _ -- - -. . Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is its abil- fr to correct sterility in many cases. T is fact is well established " evi- denced by the above letter and hundreds of others we have published in these columns. A .4 _ In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkharn'g Vegetable C o m p o ll n d makes women normal, healthy aryl strong. .. - - - (lllll.illJitt If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. PinkhanN Vegetable Com- ound will IQ you, write to Lydia E. Binkham Me cine Ct. (eonfitreptia1), Lynn. Menu, for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict eortfidenee." Wednesday, April 14th, 1920 M11131] retore, feder- salaries are treasury, but they preside