Road 5. Clinton, 1% to graded...... ..., Road 6. Gainsboro, 6 to graded.. .. ....r Road 6-A. Gainsboro miles to graded. . . . [ Road g. Caistor, 5% to graded.... ....._ Road 9. Gainsboro, 5 to graded.... ....., Road ll.' Clinton, 141/2 to graded...... ..., Road 18. Grantham, togradqd.... .... .. ' Tania. Service Road 5. Gains'boro, 1 mile of construction.... ....1 Road 8. South Grimsbp, Caistor and Gainsboro. 41 miles construction.. .... Road 3. North Grimsby, 2 8-10 miles surface....... Road 9. Gainsboro, 16 mile construction. . .. .. ..... Road 10. Clinton, 2 miles surface Road 5. of Road 3, which as recommended clause: the of fine s of the road struction The .report was adopted, on motion of Councillors Kent and Gracey._ Roads Committee Councillor Lane presented the re- port of the Road Committee, with re- commendations as follows: That the portion of Road No. 3 al- ready under construction be complet- ed at a width of 16 feet. That Road No. 3 be covered with fine stone and rolled and the balance At Friday atterryoon's session of the County Council, Councillor Kent 'presented the report ot the Finance "Committee as foltows; We recommend that the ty1ditor's report be adopted and printed in the minutes. I Lincoln CountLJail is henceforth going to be a splendid place, to steer clear ot. Time was when the chief duty ot a prisoner in the Bastile was to look pleasant, take a little exer- cise and read a magazine. but the High Cost of Living and the bearcity ot Labor has changed all this. From now on prisoners will pay tor their Iooard and lodging Dy working on the county roads. The inspector ot Pris- ons recommends that worn be found tor tne 1)r1s0ners and the County Cp'pumuilors on lFriday picked out a tinejob tor the county's guests to ex- exercise their muscles upon. Besides _ helping the prisoners puys1cauy, [18‘ 'Will have the satlstaction ot Knowing I 'iTrWhesiittipirrtt to keep the taxrate down. a I Mootes, 24'x5'x Extension at On resolution of Councillors Mas- ters and Sutton the sessional allow- ances of Reeve Charles T. Farrell, ot GRIMSBY Village, were ordered paid from January 1st. Mr. Farrell's illness prevented his attendance at the early sessions of the council. nditu It was moved by Councillor Sutton and Masteis: That this Council will agree, in thexevent of the Waterworks by-law for the Village of Port Dalhousie be- trig carried, to a hy-law being passed by this Coumil permitting the Vil- lage Water Commission to lay down .a twelve inch main along Ontario 'street to .connect with the water- works system of St. Catharines, such work to be done under the super- vision or approval, of the County Road 'Superintenuent or any engineer or other person appointed by this Council. Carried. .On resolution of Councillors Mit- chell and Farrell permission was giv en to the Chippawa Gas Company to lay mains in the streets of Smith- vllle. The work is to be under the supervision of Councillors Love and Gracey. Carried. i 5. Clinton and Louth miles surface macadam mously Gradhe Earth Roads 5. Clinton, 11/2- miles graded...... .........$ g " a estimated expenditure on that be expended in extending con- :ion eastward on the same road. l the following schedule of ex- ture on roads be approved for urrent year, with the exception ad 3, which shall be constructed commended by the foregoing SECOND SECTION BOUNTY Ill SPEND $hUN UN HUM] iillllll( Gainsboro, 6 miles extension at 6'x6'x5'.... ...., .Culvert at C 24'xS'xtp. . . . . .. .. . THE I IiNDEPEiNDE?iTi Wednesday; April zrst, 1920 G'RIMSBY, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2rst, 1920 Finance Report Prices, miles miles miles 1mile 1% Sf) $10,544 47 42 13 2.304 9.071 00 ed with balance on that g con- 1e road. .834 519 210 00 0 120 00 300 00 465 970 67 50 were dis- given to mains on Chippewa U) 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 88 dis- last The Warden reported that the Fi- nance Committee of the City Council had met with representatives of the County Council that afternoon, and the decision arrived at was to do no more this year than to go on with the programme of roads laid out last year, and ot course, maintenance. A greater mileage of roadways could have been built it a different class of roads had been laid near St. Cath- arines. Concrete roads are very ex- pensive and it the policy of laying them was pursued, the mileage of roadways would he small. siorne- thing like $45,000 had been spent last year on the little stretch of con- crete roadway on Ontario street. The committees had decided not to go in- to further expenditure this year. Councillor Masters said that the city representatives had pointed out that the yhad been interviewing mon ied men in Toronto, and money was very tight. So it was extremely bad policy to issue debentures at this time. He regretted that so much money had been spent on one piece of roadway, and this year a policy of economy ought to be started. The city was an equal partner with the county in the scheme, and the city representatives said candidly that they were finding it hard going finan- cially. He would like to help Gram tham (but had his doubts whether it was wise at this time to take on any more roads. The county ought not to attempt to over-ride her partner, the any. It wodhtn't' be "a tsqitartt rect i gettin mone; roads . Suburban Roads , Moved by Uounclllors Welstead and haynes, that III v1ew ot.tne tact mat Lue townsmp or Urantnam 1s we mgnest assessed 1n tne county and tneretore tne neav1est conu'lbutor to county roads wrtmn the mun1cupat lty are under tne Jurlsdlctlon ot tne .bu‘ouruan noad Uommsslon and tne amount avauable tor them tot Improve the sad road speedy enougn to serve the residents or tnat mume1pality; tneretore tms council approve ot tne contemplated extra expenditure ot $303100 tor the improvement of the 1vier1uttvilttr1pad. . , Councillor Welstead pointed out that Report adopted on motion of Coun- cillors Welstead and Richardson. On motion [of Councillors Gradey and Mitchell, the County Clerk was asked to mail copies of the County Council proceedings to all local pap- ers in the county. We recommend that committee fe amounting to $64.60 be paid. Councillor =Welstead said that the tuck-pointihg would cost in the neighborhood of $1100. Your board ot Management for the industrial Home telt that the matter ot tuck-po1nting the Indus-, trial Home involved a greater ex- penditure than they had anticipated and should be brought before the committee and the committee an- , proves ot going on with the work this 'year, holding in abeyance tor a time some, ot the other building that was authorized at the January .Ses-' sion. at Total estimated expendi- ture for work. . . . . . . . . .t144,499.73 That a ne wbridge be built at Smithville, $that tenders for the same be secured by the chairman and that the old Ibridge be turned over to. the County Bridge Committee. . That comfittee fees and expenses amounting to $721.85 be paid. Report adopted, on motion of Coun cillors Lane and Kent. Home Management The report ot the Industrial Home Board ot Management was presented Dy wouncillor Welstead, as follows: Total Total Total Total Total Maintenance on al Metal culverts.... Suburban Commiss: Total construction surfacing...“ - Y Si (Continued trom page 12) Culvert West Culvert grading.... ........ culverts and bridges. Maintenance. . . . . . . . metal culverts. . . . .. suburban commission at all roads $20,000 . . . . . . . . . 3,500 ssion. . . . 7.500 ul pointed Ot e -heav1est col y roads and tn [ship is not ge1 Heaslips Heaslips road 'fN".+ereere-ese+F6r4"e"Fertt+Ft"teq+Ferqerqrte"ere"Fet THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO , WF°I°€°4°W4°M'! TH KIN E