Ki Competition is very keen in local automobile circles. and prospective [purchasers of cars this spring are learning more about the good and bad points of automobiles than they ever knew before. - GRIMSBY has, we believe more automobile agencies and more sales- men than any other town of a simi- lar size in the Diminien. Every place you go you run into a salesman for some make or another of a car. The competition is very keen and sales are being made every day that would not otherwise have been made were there not so many salesmen on the ground. The presence of so many of these salesmen creates what would not be created for some time to come and induces men to buy cars who a tew weeks previous had no in- tention of buying this season. At the present time there are no less than twelve different cars be- ing offered to the public for their approval through eight different agencies in this little town ot ours. We have F. E. Russ handling the Studebaker; Gilmore's Garage of St. Catharines through their salesman Fred J. Poole, the Overland, and in- cidentally he will sell you a Hudson Super-Six, a Hupmobile or a Cadil- lac; W. W. Kidd is selling the world famous McLaughlin; whiie Capt. Ronald Kidd is handling the Olds- mobile; County Motors Limited have the Chevrolet and James Fisher is still handling the old reliable Ford; Aid. Jimmy Wray has the Maxwell and Chandler cars; while Culley and Breay of Hamilton through their GRIMSBY representative Mr. Fair- child will also sell you Overlands. child will also sell you Overlands. Anyone wishing to buy a car need not look outside ot GRIMSBY for one as all the :best makes from the cheapest to the highest priced cars are represented here. Among the Dealers J. E. Tuppling who has been smashing trucking records all spring with his Ford one-ton truck is still at it.- He made five trips to Hamil- ton and one to Toronto last week for loads of goods, besides doing in- numerable small jobs. "Tup" says service is what counts and that he gives it to you. , A new Red Sentry gas filling pump was placed outside the GRIMS Fry Garage and opened for service on Satutdar Ex-Chief of Police TEN --to--l EH o-..-----"--"-""' _lv/fkotcrr Section MSBY WELL SUPPLIED WITH BAH DEALERS a-----"-- T..,"'2='=u=u"-u----------------------------'-" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rllllIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIII|I|I|||I|III|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI! ommmummuumoumtmiiitmmmimmiiminmummm"""i"""""""""""""'s At Their Best. _ Where the Going Is Difficult Wherever the going is difficult: over country by-ways, on sand hills or unimproved high- ways: the MC LhUGHLIN is seen at its best. Front and rear springs of special construction, steering gear remarkable for its ease of operation and long, "heel-base give the McLaughlin unusual red qualities, which, as every McLaughlin owner realizes, along with the flexible, degradable power furnished by its valve-in-head motor, make for comfort and [satisfaction under all motoring conditions. 'Phones 40 and 341 Service Station: The l --o--ttrt-"-""'-. W. W. KIDD Swayze was the first to fill his car out of it and Just for luck F. E. Russ the proprietor made the ex-chief a present of the five gallons of gas. age tio act as a se GRIMSBY . for Ove Poole the local repr so be found at Pishi pleased to give you you desire. The Gilmore Garage of St. Cath- arines who are handling Overland cars through this section hare made arrangements with the Fisher Gar- new Ford L F. E. Russ. J. E. rupp1ink, has purchased a Master sive, Extra Special McLaugh- lin through W. W. Kid 1. C. Mayell is the possessor -ot new McLaughlin roadster. .. F. E. Russ the local St-uaeoaner dealer has got them all going dizzy. Last week he hung a long distance record for selling cars that will not be beaten for many moons to come. For some time past he has been in communication with a former resi- dent who. has been living in Dicke- busch Parracom'be, North Devon, busch Parracom'be, North Devon, England, and last week he received an order trom this man for a new Studebaker car, the car to be ready tor him when he arrives in this country in a short time. Come boys, can you beat this one? . G. Lorne Book, GRIMSBY East, has purchased a Light Six McLaugh- lin touring car. The new gas pump in front of the County Motors was set in place in the boulevard on Saturday and is now ready for business. The new pump is one of the "in-ight" meas- urlng kind. All the gas that you buy d . J. Dow is the possessor of a r Ford Coupe, purchased through as a service Stauon 1n d for Overlands. Fred J. local representative can a1 d at Fishers and will be give you any information --"- "--o--"---" d 341 Grimsby l The Village Inn Gdrage att 'I.‘ local St-udebat ai-it--" ter first pumps up into a glass' ing contahier and. then strt into your car, so that'you exactly what you are get your money. Jas. A. Livingston for several years has been a trotting horse en- thusiast but no one ever accused him of being a lover of the running .or jumping horse, still on Sunday he pulled off a steeplechasing stunt that would make some ot, the world's crack jockeys green with envy. On Saturday he traded his Henry Ford, which he has been driving for two years into the County Motors for a new Chevrolet "490". On Sunday morning in company with Fred Paw- son, Mechanical Superintendant of the County Motors he paid a visit to his Jordan farm. He drove all the way down and all the way back and never killed a living thing. Just as he was turning into the County-Mot- ors garage on Main street he went to put the brakes on but instead he stepped on the accelerator and the "490" leaped away like the 20th Cen- _..-..-.--------."----------------.::...---:-,,:.:. -1&waflwily!EMWQMIM!ML\€AW9, lg tury Limited. The car Jumped clean over the sidewalk and landed head first, half on its side in the big gas tank hole that was still open. Luck- ily neither of the occupants were in- jured and all the damage done to the car was the puncturing of one tire and the scraping oft ot a little the car was the puncturing of one tire and the scraping oft of a little paint. "Jas. A." visited his mountain farms on Sunday afternoon but made the trip behind his famous raee horse Peter Peeler 4:62%. Between 6,000 cycles are in iLuis.-'" '?'m\’1rza\'1iraï¬1miraï¬rmrmmrrmmram THE INDEPENDENT, dR1MSBY, ONTARIO ,000 and 7,000 motor- in use in the Nttlyt ".:mimiiiiili1ii1iutl ass' measur- strains out 11 can see getting for m-ot-"--) 'IU? A (“V Wg -QU {M _la.i'gi" Migi .JLU Ifgrgi' it "7 :1ij Mi-gi AM 1M "' - 1M (“U AM A! itil 'tiii' Wednesday, April. 14th, 1920