Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 24 Mar 1920, p. 7

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Mql'hl'h'h I had idiown about Dr. Pieree's n tsooner."--) PERCY WOOD Tillimburz. Ont. t-"Ey.er. since I an "member, Dr. Pierce's rmrdiqinett were used e -- L in ourfamily that A: r - and they never f lrCfi"i *2 to give good reaul r = , The 'Golden M . Discovery’ was ,2 AF ‘ as a tonic and bl \ 'd '. purifier and for b , child trouble, and E tt gr ved excellent. ave person tab. _ X en 'Golden tltAtt / " Discovery' for bron- / p, L" f..,.. chial trouble, and f glt)"i'" the 'Favorite Pte. ’ SI scription' to build me up when I was run-down and they both were ve bemo- fhdal. Mother always used Dr. {Home 'l Compound Extract of Smart-Weed for pain; it also was very good. I feel safe in recommending all of Dr. Pieree's medicine- knowing them to be good."---MRS. CLIP: FORD MITCHELL. Central Butte, Sask.t--"1 have used Dr. Pieroe's Mediqal Discovery for a number of years and am pleased to recomm d it as a blood purifler. I know it has no and as I used it for my boy for tuberculous of the knee joint. My neighbors and friends were 'gate with the results; in fact. I do bot . he would be alive today had it not been for the 'Medieal Discovery.' I also keep it on handdor coughs as it differs so ttg/tg, cough ,Te,ei/,"ii'; 'tttf of up- Ie . t 6 storm as most cou ‘syrupl do it is good for 'le, stomach, I onl wish I had known about Dr. Pieree's me§icina When/you take Golden 'Medical m.- ogxery, you are getting the tAnettt M tho experience of a doctor whose reputation goes all around the earth. Still more, you get a temperance medicine that contains not I drop of aloohol or narcotic of any kind. Long ago Dr. Pierce combined oertatn valuable vegetable ingredients-without the use of aloohor--so Whiz remedi- nlwayl he” been strictly temporal: medicines. I Wednesday, March 24th a? . (tir " tEl ge')"'" on! LIME, PORTLAND CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS} Ete. . PLASTERING HAIR MORTAR COLOR LATH Women of Canada Who Testify All Other Contractor's Supplier 81 MAIN STREET WEST Phone 771 HAMILTON 11.8: J. Ihn 'lllllllIIIIIlllllilIllllIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllll t --...THE--- Hamilton Provident and Loan Society his. Crawford D. M. CAMERON, Treas w. B. CALDER, Valuator . ‘ GRIMSBY CONFECTIONER Manufacturer ot Wedding Cakes, Ice Cream and Fine Candy. Weddings, Receptions,, At Homes and Entettainryehts upplied. F l l, See Rouse Better facilities than ever tor Mficient and prompt service. Shell Rimmed Spectacles and eye’ glasses in every varie- ty pnd style. -- . Bemémber always satisfac- tion or your money back. or repay to those you wearing' , Shell Rimmed all shades, either white, black, wine or brown, put on your' own glass- es whilp you wait. - Hamilton t Estabflshed A. D. 1900 ’ays gig per cent. on daily bal. ances on Savings accounts‘of $1.00 and upwards. per cent. paid on Debentures for one or two years. per cent. paid on Debentures for three or fire Fears. Money to loam Contractor’s and Builder's . Supplies ‘orner King and Hughson Streets, Hamilton d _ LUNCH copNTERs CATERERS , King St. IN M YOU NEED GLASSES , I. B. ROUSE 32 King E. Doors West of P. o. 'iphtrb'b"tiVh paid on Debentures two years. paid on Debentures or fire years. " h Hamilton , 1920 Il Ont. mmmr'u'lg are Ttie high- water in tt Creek has destroyed the G: in South GRIMSBY and d: Geo. Griffin bridge, and Jleaiiing to above mentione Iare closed._ ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt The' vaccination ban on St. Cath ines schools has been lifted. The vaccination order at American border points has been recinded. ' Beamsville I of the old Don D. S. O. was the guest o at a dinner last night in Hotel given 'by members trict 'bar and friends _in appointment as Assistai General and Quarterm of Military District No. f Smithville Review-The Peninsular Central Fair Directors. under the new Presidency of M. B. Cosby, are out to do things right for the season of 1920, and they promised a bigger fair than ever before. They are meet ing in regular session every two weeks and are busy planning improve ments to the grounds. also the up-to- date revision of the prize lists. The exhibition of 1920, is going td beat all r.ecords or M. Eds going to know the reason why. All they need is fair weather'. the boys are / at work with g Will. -, the tram so the hi tbé Bel] decided , A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Calvary Methodist parsonage Hamilton on Wednesday afternoon March 17; thecontra-cting parties be- ing Miss Lydia Furler and Mr. Gory don Lymburner of Smithville. Rev, J. Culp officiated.‘ The young people were unattended. After. a short trio uulp omelated.‘ The young people were unattended. After. a short trip east Mr. and Mrs. Lymburner will reside near Siuithvi1le -where ' they have many friends. set and one dang will deeply ft husband and’ ily fftrve the f of friends w, large. Thet - ,__--- Alqul_ intendentl was arrested upon the serious charge of having carnal knowledgegof one of the inmates-a young girl of 15 years and a ward of the Children's Aid Society. About two months ago the girl gave birth to a child ‘of‘who‘ the Superintew. dent was said to ave been the ta... ther. Before Magistrate Goodwin at the local Police Court on Thursday the/ ex-Siuperrntendent pleaded guilty to the.eharge. Provincial Inspector Martin spoke of the seriousness of the case. where as young girl was taken from her home in order to be potected and cared toe and placed in a shelter where such protection is ex pected to be obtained. He asked the full penalty be g,iven the taeeused. Magistrate Goodwin sentenced the prisdier to two years less one day in Burwash Farm. , Astp' Catharines attended meetin Niagara Townsh Friday evening solidated school ed later £61 Beamsville Express--. On Sunday evening :last Mr. Wm. Fearns. Lake Shore, was returning home from Mr. James Konkle’s on the mountain. While driving down McCurrick's Road just above Mr. E. Keith's farm, two men stepped from the side of the road, flashed a lhrht in his: Penn “Ah“ statement without men escaped unre Cayuga Advocate-We have rumors of a rather funny hors, at Selkirk a couple of months. which has caused a ripple of , ment Ahroughout Rairlharn,. Mr not know the actual facts reg: the matter but a brief outline l case according to these rumors follows: A Selkirk lady Mrs. " Ni idea impro tion of the t 1'6 " h " tr hi " m owie 1ugtht n tt (loving father. Th sypathy of a large Ind the ‘commun funeral will btFan til ol n ON out a search nrecognized. light in his face, pail} aOirn demanded his iingtthat he had no I Standard-A g of ratepay :ip was held in to consider a " the hip. tomm F--We have heai'd r' funny horse deal e of months ' ago a ripple of ,excite- Rainham. We do in the Twenty the Grant bridge Ind damaged the and the roads " 1t lt Q ns " the n the er. '1'ne ram- a large circle ommunity at the Clifton of the dis- honor of his t Adjutant- tt Pl he had no mo,ney and any of that fter a few passed on 0 or It h brid u If n M ll 10unc " o It rd n lt gely of ar- " Set h vo 11 e sold a pony which she owned to Sher man Hoover for $60. Mr. Hoover had possession of the pony when the lady's 'son Murray Kerr sold the tani- mal to Fred Held for $50. Me. Held it is said took the pony out of Mr. Hoover's barn to his own and . later Mr. Hoover reciprocated by doing the same thing to Mr. Held, A county court case resultedJn which we un- derstand Mr. Held was the'complain- ant. This case was to have come up at Cayuga on Tuesday of this week and a number ot witnesses Were on hand but Mr. Held did not show up. The case was to decide Athe, owner- shin of the horse which is still puz- he came tohis nleg: horse and" rig had pouch containing 2 to the baker and money had gone. was untouched. 'l lice yesterday wen Charles ,Grassie well ", known throughout this fe,se.i/utgsgi, away at his home at an early our on Wed.. nesday morning 17th 1920; after a protracted illness lasting over , year. He came froth a pioneer family who that one tfeld the horse while the others held him up. with a pistol; then he was hit and stunned. When he came tohis legs were tied and the horse and rig had disap eared. The pouch containing about '/'/l 'belonging to the baker and $50 of his own money had gone." His gold watch was untouched. The Provincial Po- lice yesterday went to the scene of the affray and found the horse and rig tied up by the side 'ot the road. After a search they found the nounch with all the money intact. settled at Mount Albion near ,Hamil- ton in the early thirties where he was born in 1852 orrthe 25th of Aug- ust. However he has been a resi- dent of the townshiirof South GRIMS BY from an early age; except tor several years of residence in Welland Ont.. and Caistor Towship. His time of reside‘gce in South/ GRIMSBY in- cludes t entsr-six,iroars of 'residence in the village of " Smithvjlle where for many years he carried'on a gen- eral blacksmithine business and from at Cayuga on To Ind a number ot land but Mr. He] The case was 'to ship of the horse rling many people municipal career and ively supported. were ot a by-law to Ahe r: bonusing of the T. H to bring it to the 'lim C of Commencing on March 1, 1920, all "local" advertisements will :be charg- ed for at Forty Cents-per insertion, instead ot Twenty-tive Cents, the prevailing price, heretofore. This advance is made neteessary" by the increasing cost of production in the newspaper business; and we feel sure the public will not feel over- charged for the service rendered through such advertisements.. On all small advertisements ot this. nature, not paid for within ten days of the date ot insertion, an additional charge ot Ten Cents will be made, tor carrying and book Irharges/ " WHY IS IT that chronic skin diseases which have dltiass all other treatmenty yield to Zam-Buk , It itrbecause Zam-Buk is germi- cidal, and also has such power of penetration that it reaches disease in the underlying tissues and cures from the " root " up. That is the only way a permanent cure can be effected. u Mr. H. C. Buckley of 461 E. Broad- way, Portland, Oregon, says: "For chronic skin diseases there is nothin like Zam,Bulr. For fifteen years ihad eczema, and I tried an endless number of so-calléd ' eczema cures,' but nothing was,eapable of curing me permanently until I used Zam-Buk. Ten months' use of Zam- Buk has effected a complete cure." For ulcers, abscesses, boils, ring- worm, blood-poisoning, piles, burns, scalds and cuts, Zam-Buk is equally good. All dealers or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 500. box, 3 tor $1.25. nt m CHI RLES GRh SSIE PASSES municipally owned ele Jower distribution SYS' ADVANCE IN RATES JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & SONS H :al firm cked by bout 9.2 _ from St. David: feld the horse d him up with tt Smithvill THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO art 0 h " ts t1 5 Ont 5 told trreair Ot U he 11 interest . municipz was Re serving a IT all ht magnum o P " clam {eview on M h' during his imlyleme which he act- f0 sale the submitting Brick :eayers for the ---- & B. Railway f; ut it in ' He while lt e 11 " nin de ll m his )um velon ll TT OI rom vear blic the " ll March 2i"r--Thursday-On this date I will otter a large quantity of darm ti1re by unreserved auction sale, on the premises of Mr. J. W. iran... KOUghnet, one nine East and one- halt mile North of Beamsville, at one o'clock. Terms: $5.00 and under, cash; six months' credit on sums over $5 See bills for list and fur- ther particulars. Jas. A. Living- ston, Auctioneer. March 23'-priiiar---on this date, on the farm of the late Elizabeth Tweedle, lot I, con. f, Township of Saltfleet, abouttwo miles , West ot Grassies, J willoffer a large quanti- ty of farm stock and implements; a small amount ot household furniture) and some hay, grain and feed, by public auction. Everything will be sold positively without reserve (LS the farm has been sold; and to settle an estate. Sale ‘at one o'cloelr. b niture. Terms: e particulars sepbi inkston, Auctioneer March COOPEF AN AUC Saturda: Mr. R. ] hold an Inn, Sm four ho: teen shc her of and a ,1; ments. The seventeen shoats will weigh about one hundred and titty pounds each and will soon" be ready to go away. The 'brood.strws are supposed to be in pig to Bartlett's pur-bred Berkshire boar. In the offeing is Mr. Cooper's pure- bred Hackney mare, rubber-tyred vbuggy'and harness to match--with which he haswon so many pizes at all the fall exhibitions during the past two years. \ There are, also, two tive-passenger ttIat'9,----One in good running order and (l m M u " platen {will 6' jlllllTlllli SALE DATES ng stone and a use a quantity I. Terms: ca 1 ch " ll 11 Ho It 4) 7th--, fgaturdar- On the Cain Street West, GRIMS- e o'elock, a fine building quantity ot good quarried ne and a quantity of lum- All persons residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carry business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: Every unmarried person, or widow, or widhoer, without de- pendants as deh'ned by the Act, who during the balendar year, 1919, received or earned 31,000 or more. Yourlncor p CLASS , Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 3lst of March, 1920: A Address of Inspector of Taxation for this District. il Trustees, exKutors, ad- ministrators, agents and i1t)tngnees must use Form H Employers making a return of the names and amounts paid to all di- rectors, officials, agents or other employees must use Form T 4. fitTe,Se'e, and Joint Stock om anies making a return of afl dividends and bonuses paid to sharehold- ers and members during 1919, must use Form T 5. NtyrE.-atsdiviamlts oomprising put- norlhip mit" fue returns in their Indivi- dual annuity on Form T l or T l A: PENALTY Every person who is required to make this return, who falls to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of $10.00 for each day during which the default continue-nd all such pen- alties shall be assessed and collected from the person liable to make the return in the same manner In which taxes are assessed and col- lected. Irftt Return 3ash. ills or Quillen 1m )0 0t aivt the 1t II 1Beparttttettt of ' {name 101136 Mr ver ntity of farm , and timber Mar tion at the' Bell Farms Apr tR Ot " tt 01' nold tur furthe " o’czoc l il montl " Su Important Nptice! . 0 h Beamsville. at one o'cloelEvery- thing will be sold positively without reserve as the farm has been, sold, Terms: CASH. See bills for lists etc. Jas. A. Livingston Auctioneer. March 81-.-m'EDNESDhY---On this date I will otter a large quantity of machinery; implements and house- hold furniture on the farm of Hubert Secor South GRIMSBY; on the Smith ville and GRIMSBY Stone Road; for sale by, public auction. 'Everything will be sold positively without reserve as the owner is living in GRIMSBY and has no further persm .1 use for the goods. Sale at one o'clock. Terms $10 and 'under cash; six months' cred it; 4 percent. for cash over $10. See bills tor lists and further particulars. Jas. A. Livingston Auctioneer. reside] tindale ton, at ton, at the age ot 84 years. The Ile- ceased .1ady had been ill but four days. Her husband predeceased her about sixteen years ago. She is sur- vived by one son Thomas, of , Hamil- ton; and four daughters, Mrs. Thos. Flood, Brantford; Mrs.' R. D. John- son, GRIMSBY; Mrs. R. -B. Warren, Attercliffe; and Mrs. G. A. Cotfeter, Simcoe. Th efuneral services were held on Sunday evening, Marc1C14th by the Rev. Joseph Kulp. The remains were shipped Monday morning, Och. 15th via chartered Radial Car to Beamsville for interment in the family plot, Mount Osborne Ceme- tery. / Mrs. Martindale will be well re- membered in GRIMSBY, she having for some years‘made her home with her daughter, Mé. Thos. Flood, tor- merly of Oak Street, GRIMSBY, now of Brantford. 1 ll Mn I " ublic am MRS. l pr rm A rril Win} 1 Mr h bu net oc yo om and 29 II h RG l RE T All. persons in Class 1, as shown hereon, must file on or before the 3Itrt of March, 1920. All persons in Class 2, as shown hereon. must file on or before the 30th of April, 1920. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors o r Assistant Inspectors of Taxation, or from Postmasters. Read carefully 'all in- structions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and documents for- warded by mail to Suspec- tors of Taxation. All other individuals, who during the calendar year 1919, received or earned $2,000 or more. MOORE’S LIVE-PP “Win n Doetor's Dist Make your returns promptly, and _ avoid penaltie‘s City TH UR ."Squareheads rid a large t implement ion at one General Instructions ml Within"---)) _omradoship"--Speeis Through the Wrong te, Kennedy. HAMILTON, ONT. Fatty Time Limit ay, Man her son, esagpat Irrt Who ton. VIII I , 7 c, r..- f Lg Comedy y the of SDhY--on this date 'ge qpantity of farm nents tor. sale by one o'clock; on the 1rrtwo miles West South ot the top ot Mountain. Every- o' W. BREADNER, ,Commissioner of Taxation M Cl Should be I Filed at Once! ! iti MARTINDALE tindale pasise l 12th, at th Thomas "Ma, Ave. s., Hami ODIN“ Itt; 4 per c e bills tor 1 m Auctione Came Back r52 Villian 1nd Chaplin iViIl wrek passed it the ,M‘ar- Hamil- itl under cent, lists, Door Ahttttitdtttt of (lCattatta rom 1p Ar- A NERVOUS Ilillilll(lliMi Miss Kelly Tells How Iadia E. P'quham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Newark, N,. J.-“For about three years 1 tsuffered from nervous break- I _ down and dgot so I] T I weak I coul will, If: ' 'rtand,andhadhe - . i'JS aches every day. I IE = ' tried everything I -,' "s50, tt could think of and llBi ~_ r a was under a phy- g'u; 9 r ' sician’s care for' two - ll rift Agirl friend a - ‘ ad used Lydia E. ""i'C, ps-r, AIM iitia1ttg2', Veg: ~I ‘ * y e ompoun an )ii" l V" . ie, told me 'htel, K i' it. From the first ' J l \ I l day I took ithegnn _. " h, . z to feel better and tii.", , a, now I am well and (V ‘\ able to do most an§ K. kind of work. my (di ll tll have been recom- 4 mending the Com- pound ever since and give you my Jlht mission to publish this letter.'"- is! _F_Lo_ KELLY,-476 So. 14th St., Newark, lb The reason this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhamu Vegetable Compound, was so successful in Miss Kelly's case was because it went to the root of her trouble restored her to a normal healthy iGiatiiii and a trait her nervousnesp disappeared. i) T ytl tt'kri l' "" ' (lliii'i tt , {INT ' BM-Gil r I m" a .'i.-.'.ih ll 1sfitii't aa, Ll l s.')?") 'iiiiiii . ‘ t' th ' al Forms to be used in filing Returns on or before the 30th of April, _1929: - All individuals other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T l. Fahnere and ranchers must use Form T l A. corporations and Joint Stock Companies must use Form T 2. PENALTY _ Every person reauired to make a return, who ails to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, whetheruxable or otheerise, who fails to make a return or provide Information duly required according to the provisions of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $100.00 for each day during which the default continues. Also any person making a false statement in any return or in any Information required try the Minister, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $10,000, or to six months' imprison- ment or to both fine and imprisonment. tur Every corporation and joint stock company, whose trrofits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year end- ed in 1919. CLASS 2 or Carrying on SEVEN

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