the Council with a request that the taxes tor 1915 on apiece of property in town, that he was interested in, that had never been collected be cut in half as had been done with other taxes ot a like nature. In speaking the ex-reeve referred to the fact that GRIMSBY was growing and that while he was very reluctantly leaving the town, that he would like to see it continue to grow and hoped that the council for this year and years to come will do all in their power to induce industries to locate here, even it they had to give them mone- tary assistance as he believed it was money well spent. He referred to the erection of a Memorial in GRIMS- BY for the fallen (heroes in the great war and he hoped that the- councils would see their way clear to erect a Memorial that would ‘be useful as welt as ornamental. He also called the Cttuneil's attention to the fact that i some of the officials of the Town had refused to "loan a little ink to Judge Campbell for Use at the Division Court, which he did pot think was right. He con- tended that the town would be better off by buying their ink in town in- stead of. outside the town, and the expretprthey would save could. be IIS- etto supply ink for the Division q81rri.slttiium. -He, also referred to tlrir.rimiitraCorthe Cataract Co.'s pole 011081: guise!) tor Which. the Com- Wti†tt my» a this: ctniticif to' make them remove their "Wires and cross arms off a lot ot trees in town and the docket to be transacted. The agenda included almost ev'erything imagineaple from turying Victoria Park intd a cow pasture to hearing a few sensible remarks from the lips of Ex-Reeve Johnson. . The "Little Reeve" appeared before the Council with a request that the taxes for 1915 on a 1oiece of property in town, that he was interested in, Marsh----", do not want to block anything that will be a benefit to the town, but I want to get the safest method." The matter was left in abeyance. . County Motors Limitedl, presented the‘fine points ot the Chevrolet Fire track to the Council for their con- sideration. They recommended a one-ton tuck of the "Baby Grand" type. This truck Chassis would cost $1750. Chemical tanks would have to be fitted on it. This would cost extra. It would have to carry in the neighborhood of 3000 pounds. _ It weighs 3000 pounds. It is equipped (Continued on page 6) _ them remove their Wires and cross arms off a lot of trees in town and erect poles to carry them on. For the balance of the -' year Ald. Culp will be chairman of the ceme- tery, the Chairmanship made vacant by the resignation of H. D. Walkker. County Motors Ltd. through their Mr. Stoddart asked for permission to erect a pump on Main St., the tank to be five feet inside sidewalk. I T5rrap-"What is real reason for ob jecting to/be on the street?" ,hfarsh-"'I don't know of any." Wray----"" would be better out on the curbthan in on their own pro- perty. hit, is on their own pro- perty the you have the danger of cars,running in and out _over \the sidewalk." l l stoddart-"It is not feasible to put the pump in on our own property. Then again there is the question of safety. If there is a filling station theds people will not be parking put the pump in on our own property. Then again there is the question of safety. If there is a filling station there people will not be payking there as they do now, excep: to stop and till with gasoline and go on. We will not fix or repair cars at the fill- ing station. They must drive in the orarjd if they want repair work done. They ‘cannot even get air on the, street.†This Qttestion Agitated the Minds of Several Ratepayers at Mon- day Night's Coimci1 Meeting --Counci1 Transact a lot of Business-Fire Truck Figures Secured From Chevrolet Agents GHIMSBY Is illlilllllllil, so m WE; IE'PAEES THISWEEK For the first time since its incep- tion, way back in '85 the INDEPEN- DENT this week consists of sixteen pages, yep, sixteen, count 'em. The sudden enlargement of our paper is caused by the heavy adver- tiéing for DOLLAR DAY. Our local merchants appreciating the value of the INDEPENDENT as -an adver- tising medium have used plenty of space to advertise their great lists of bargains for this day. Last fall Was the first time that "This Great Moral Educator and Pro found 'Mouiders of Public Opinion" ever increased in size. For five weeks then it ap'peared as a twelve page paper, and to-day it comes out with sixten pages and all of them carrying a message for you, both in the advertising columns and the news columns. _ ' GRWSBY irtr,owfr'ur and so are SHALL 1llMlfllll PARK E I PASTUHE HELD? THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. n SIXTEEN PAGES k1 " n ."l"'llrrillillllE) ir, n tl Icil me .ape fir h / of ob bus refused to e Campbell ourt, which ht. He con- u n excit 11 MI n This, company handles the famous Chevrolet car and promise to .give the public in general and the Chev- rolet to Oshawa in charge of final test the likeof which was never known before in this'district. At the pres- ent time they are making a strong bid for the contract to. supply the town and township with a new fire truck and, are right hot on the trail of every prospective car and truck purchaser tor miles aound. GRIMSBY'S newest business firm, the ' County Motors Limited, gives much promise of being a firm that GRIMISBY will always be proud ot. Although they have hardly been in GRIMSBY two weeks, yet, they have already come to the front in a busi- ness way and are attracting much attention by their progressive "Live Wire" methods. This is the firm that purchased the J. M. Lawrie property and trans- formation scenes are daily staking place on this poperty. The old barn is being renovated inside and out and other improvements are taking place. f The members of the firm are men or experience in the automobile and business world as the short biograph ieif attached will attest. James Stoddart, President and Sales Manager of the Company, came to Canada in 1903 from Bonnie .Scot- land and started with John A. Bruce re ' The famous Fairbanks and his smile will Mvoonpgzsigi,‘ "If-EATRE on DOLLAR-tsit Saturday, March 20th., in "He Comes up smi1ing"-rMlpecial ytAtiiitiii.til, 'i'iiro'ti1ock. Dollar Day shoppers can leave their children at the Theatre to see the show and kiiiiii?reiifisiiei11 be perfectly safe. Baby shows and largest families willbe judged immediately after the, 1htjfii'i'iiiir--same show at night, also a ", 1906--With Olds Mibh. (Ill Harlod Lloyd Comedy County Motors Ltd. is Composed of Men Who are Already Tak- ing a Large Part in the Busi- ... ness Affairs of the District- Stoddart a Crack Shot on Cana- dian Bilsley Team-Pawsorr has been in Automobile Game Fourteen Years. PAGES ONE TO EIGHT MSBY’S (Continued Irs INFANTILE FIRM IS A i,llllll1llllllifi nillliiliillll' "Doug" Fairbanks and His Million Dollar Smile page firm that proud of. been in they have n Aid. H. H. and Mrs. Marsh retgrn- ed home last week from a. most en- joyable six weeks' trip though the state of morida. The trip was a most beautiful one in every way de- spite the fact that our worthy oblder- man nearly lost his life at Fort Mey- ers in an automobile wreck. "H. H." was driving down one ot the leading thorofares, of the fort city in an Overland car and when he approached an intersection he noticed another car -containing three people coming down the other street. In- stead of the other, car going on across the street in front of him it started to do a loop-the-loop and wound up by running, into his front end turning his car over and pinning him underneath it. He had a bone in his left leg broken, his back in- jured and was otherwise shaken up. The cause of the accident was due to a steering knuckle bn the,other car breaking. Doctors soon fixed. "Hank" up and he made the rest of his tour with a' plaster paris cast on his leg. . _ GRIMSBY is still the finest place d thing,. For its only the one day we fefdii,,ne So reme her the day and be with On Saturday, March the twentieth. jltlllilllllll MARSH INJURED " IN jllll'llllllllllf jllltliElll' on earth according to t and he informs us that trade "the _ GRIMSB Y Dis whole state of Florida TI the ocean thrown in. On iovery warm climate in time there is nothing GRIMSBY can't beat. Five weeks were spen Mrs. Marsh in an autorr the state and they sav A Dollar Day,? Dollar Day, Heed you people to what I say On Marehtthe twisntieth in this Something unusual will be goil Ing For only .one dollar, think boy When things will soon beadmtl If you should forget the date or You’ll be sorry is what I say, For this will be your last chan, To get the things before the Mrs the tha To think of values l In these days of the! vance For everything is b 3e ready tor the da; buy, Fell your neighbors friends, . 3ut dorft you say it Joon the, weather; ?tti0lrylf3illlDllllf3i)itl ilDllf3l)iirr RIMS} wor DOLLAR DAY nu say it all depends weather or some JY, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17th [e twéntieth in this town nusyual will be going on. values we are giving s of the high cost of liv- Io e spent/by automObil NU WIINESSES. llil Joun i_V a1 n aw nd jl!ull,titirti' " Aide me woub rict for ith par tl a tell Mr tt W " " yth 1y ON not the are nd o tl "Yes, I am a constable, but I re- ceived no orders to summons anyone, I am not'cond'ucting the case" fired back the Chief. "I did not" replied Konkle "I had no order's to summons anyone" . "Why didn't you, you are a constable are y0u not?" enquired Mr. B. " I The men Were not summoned and consequently they were mot present at the court. Konkle had no orders to summons them and consequently did not do so. Brennan made out no sum- monses neither did the Magistrate so that Konkle had none to serve "Call Oimstead," say 'vhnstead, Olmste: warbled Konkle, but to warmed Konkle, but to no avail. "Why are these men not here" says Brennan. the proceedings by telling Chie to call Waltev Graiit. The so the customary three times reported him as not answeri name. , . An half hour respite was granted while the Chief and Detective Smith went on a still hunt to see if they could locate any of the missing ones but theirhunt was in vain. They came back empty handed. ed to ol court o journed Daniels was pm back he being i "Bob" I "I will have to ask for an enlirge- ment then" said Mr. Brennan. "You have been -two weelfs on this case now, and it is' not fair to my cli- ems†spoke up Mr. Lancaster. Ito 5, gl (lgjlll,, BABE ' MOB ANOTHER WEEK ounty Crown Attorney Brennan Issued No Orders, Magistrate Kidd Issued No Summonses, And Chief Konkle Served None ---With the Result That the Case-Could Not be Gone on With on Thursday last-Comes Up This Afternoon. Did you summons them" questioned Crown. II VE don't know" repliéd the Chief Irdr W ll if " m " atter the court ad- onses were issued char- ien with breaches ot the Olmstead W 0 0 tt with breaches ot the will come up to-day says M ennan opened the ng Chief Konkle l The chief did M) times and then answering to his spector from St he rue court rc ion but all heir trouble as a little wh Mr. Brennan , olmatead' tin tt IO IE need- tidd's e ad- and room ll the o reside at Palm Beach." ,“MY8. Sarah Watt and her family will spend the winter at Ocean Park; California." . . 'These are samples of occasional news items that appear in the press as the frost begins to nip the pumpkin, but here is another one that will be seen] frequently in the next few months and prob- ably for three or four years: 'John X. Pond is building a pretty bungalow at Grimsby East, and the family-will spend their sum.- 'mers there." Or perhaps it will be. "Peter Y. Stayner has let the. contract for a Swiss chalet to be erected on the new sub-division at Has Always Participated ina Huge Summer Tourist Traffic-Has Always Ha'd Many Summer Residents-New Sub-Division at Grimsby East to Make the Distfict More Attractive Than Ever------)) Club House to Be Erected. -- brimsby east." , . Why all these GRJMSBY"EAST items! I’ll tell you. "Way back-Oh, I doh't know how long ago-somepne discovered that GRrMSBY and its environs made a most beatiful spot to live, es- pecially during the summer months. Since that time so many moons agone GRIMSBY has had summer visitors and summer tourists innumerable, and amongthem came, some few years back,, a certain man, who kept coming as each succeeding year offered op: portunity. " He "summered" at GRJMSBY PARK, now known as GRIiMSBY BEACH" and during,"the past few years could see' "expansit?n" writ large all around. , _ The devil finds work for idle hands. (or is it lawyers) to do, but nature finds a way to attract both idle. and busy minds andeyes, so nature would be sisted nature to deleting OCEAN As before stated the pro ertyri ROAD to the east. and min; soutl road put through the G. Lorne Boo feet from the lake another streetl' LAKE BOU AVENUE. a SECOND AI 11 W 1nd le I16 )nne tin ll new 1dV LL (Ill In all the Il Approximate-Plan of New Sub-Division at Grimsby East IL Ike _ .c. t = [ " tt6P. 3, 1.sf1h..iprqsu1gatcuprnto large lotsgmd thug 'ta-iw/fl-di'-))-'-), High e, iTirtriiFe's )‘1andiworlgéLR , rte" to ‘s’aj‘f'it, but! sordid,businesc4 must' ha ' pfac , q would be for ever lonely. The hand of 'thah" Ft _ F . n jd ature to 'give many Jhe advantages of her wdfk, witho 1 the charms. And that is the object aimed at in this" _ PARK to GRIMSBY'S VENICE. n efore stated the pro ertyr is on the lake shore from PARK o the east. and run; south to PARK AVENUE, the new through the G. Lorne Book property. About two hundred n the lake another streethas been surveyed, running east, If?,' with the old' Lake Shore Road, and has been named BOULEVARD. From, this, running sduth to PARK E, are two other streets called FIRST AVENUE and m trc cL0 B. HOV )uack fllllllfilll. Illifllllllf IE l PALM BEAEH OF CANADA? e two ENUI cl II h di went level Park Road ndid iob in Mgil mne In nety-one lots, the smaller :. Already a good percen he proper word, for the 01 irket until the summer of )y a resident of GRLMS1 home. The corner at the Continued on Page Three has W want all 1c ",,,--""t'C, ARE "ir),ei.i.:,eii? I LAKE ONTARIO 1d at URL. in the form ,5 the result (BY MILLE gone to Fh PARK AVENU $ PER YEAR, 4c PER COPY no GRIM SBY I Il GRI M SB Y EAST ida f 111 FAR ll {D " ltage o 'riginal f 1020) en 1e ss IKE w l nor which is of the h FIRST SECTION stfip of sandy he east side of ." Nature had rrth thereabout man's studv of h n IN IN It