SIX SHIPPED HER Ellullllill 1.12 Hum! 81., m. Joan, N. B. "It is with pleasure that I write to Won of thegmuhenetit I received M the use of your medicine “Fruit-Himâ€, and: from fruit Arias. I an: a great sufferer for my years from Nervous Headaches amgdhrsAittrdio's. Itried everything, consulted doatom; but nothing lee-led to help me until I tried "rruitit;tsretr". Aftertakiatg â€an! boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been annually well ever sinceâ€. Miss ANNE WARD. NOTICE is hereby man Allan Yager, of land, in the County 1 Province ot Ontario, ply to the Parliarm the next session the NOTICE is hereby given, that Han man Allan Yager, of the City of Wei- land, in the County of Welland, in the Province ot Ontario, Laborer, will ap- ply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof, tor a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Letha Maud Yager, ot the Village of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, on the ground of adultery and desertion. DATED at the City ot Welland, in the County ot Welland, in the Province ot Ontario, this 9th day of December, Mhs. abox, 6ftrr82dn, trial size, Me. At all dealers or not postpaid by Pmiba-tivea Linibd. Ottarra, 1919 HUGH A. ROSE, Barrister, 27 East Main St., Welland, Ont Solicitor' tor the Applicant. MONEY TO LOAN Dn real estate security. Both Private and Company funds Valuator for the Hamlton Pro- vident and Loan Society Insurance and Real Estate oifice---Main Street, Grimsby Ms tt tgfitthg Ended By 'fmlittittt" A i Office over Phone 2 T 6 GRI MSBY NOTICE OF OWN“ once and issuance, " Sherman South. between King and Main and the doors north of the B. G. Ry. G. B. McCONACHIE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Ottieetr--Grimsby and Beamaville. Money to loan at cartons rates. E. H. LANCASTER garrister, Notary Public, Solicitgr Will visit Grimsby for bonsultation ot clients each Wednesday trom 9 an. otfiee Hours- ’Phone 127 of to Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton - - "aRramBx OFFICE Hotel Grlmsby Depot Street Dentist Teo-Ayer Main and Mountain Streets, over Canadian Bank of Commerce ifiee Hours-9 to 12, ISO to tLBO Phone 127 GRIMSBY, ONT. DR. R. A. ALEXANDER Physician and Surgeon Coroner, County Lincoln omce noun: 8 to 10 an" 1 to 2 pan and T to 8 Dan. Main Street West. 'Phone No. l, Grlmsby. James J. “aka! McKAY, McKAY & WEBSTER1,o1e DOMINION LAND SURVEYORS Gel ONTARIO LAND sunvnons wil cum. ENGINEERS 13in Isl-phone 4166 601 Bank of Hamilton Chamber: HAMILTON. ONT F. HAN SEL, Dentist HENRY CARPENTER Dr. L. L. BUCK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours---' to 10 aan.; 2 to 4, 7 to 8 pan. Dentist ottiee---Steple Block (Second F102â€). LAZIER & LAZIER 'PHONE II-l-r""""""--" . Hagersville has a lady school trus- , APPLICATION FOR tee, in the person of Miss Ida Harri- DIVORCE. son, who was eleqted at the school meeting without a dissenting voice. Bamiltttn, Ont. LAND summon DEN T William 0. Webster D. CLARK LEGAL Farrells Shoe Store Electrical Equipment ONT CALDER Phone 228 BROWNLEE AL Ernest ta. Mel a Main St. It Ill': The marriage took place in Lon-l Milton. don, England, January SI, 1920, of Brig-Gen. W. B. M. King,, C. M. G., D. S. 0., formerly command- ant of the 4th Div. Artillery, be- W and Selina, daughter of the late Brig.- Gen. Hon. Francis Bridgman and EON widow of Capt. the Hon. Lawrence . Kay Shuttleworth, Imperial Artillery- at.; eldest son ot Lord Shuttleworth of Gawthorne Hall, Lancashire. Gen. Grlmsby King recently arrived in England in connection with the provision of ord- ---_. nance for Canadian Militia on a l..- peace basis. Ave Sta. The charge to the patriotic fund tor soldiers' dependents will be in- creased from 62 cents to $1 per day. The charge to municipalities will be raised from $1.25 to $1.75 per day. Beamsville Express-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Walker ot St. Catharines form- er residents of Beamsville, celebrated their golden wedding on Mbndday. Mrs Mahlon Tufford is a daughter. The local men who assisted in the last Provincial elections in Ontario have not as yet received their pay. They are-the enumerator, poll clerk, deputies, clerks of appeals and A cherry tree In full bloom is said to exist on Buckhorn island in the upper Niagara river, on a farm own- ed by John F. Lynch. Sprays were brought to Niagara Falls last Friday and exhibited. the printers Tony Rose, grocer, was fined in Police Court yesterday morning $200 and costs for having a keg ot wine on his premises. He pleaded guilty. The keg was upstairs above the store. The tine was paid and the wine confiscated. ' St. Catharines, Jan. 27.---T.he City Council last night, after a spirited discussion, refused to recognize the newly organized union among the firemen, by a vote of 7. to 2. 'The spokesman ot the delegation to the Council declared that the, firemen would stand or fall h ythe Union; Welland, Jan. 28.---Wil1iam Willis, Reeve of Wainfleet, was unanimously selected as Warden of the County of Welland for the ensuing year at the inaugural meeting of the County Council yesterday afternoon. Reeve Willis was nominated on the motion of Reeve Richings of Thorold and McGillivray of Port Colborne. The pupils who have to try de- partmental examinations will be re- lieved to learn that this year they are to be held a month earlier, begin- ning fith the entrance examination on the 8th of June. The examina- ning with the entrance examination cause of the influenza epidemic had made so big a hole in the school term. . Hamilton, Jan. 31.----The City Hos- pital governors will join with St. Catharines in asking the .govern- ment for a larger grant for patients. The grant is now 27 cents for child- ren and 30 cents or adults. t The gov- ernors think it should be raised to 30 and 75 cents. Dr. Langrlll, the medi- cal superintendent, says that it costs on an average of $2.87 a day for each (patient. St. Catharines standard-ir/tnt has reached the local Humane So- ciety and an investigation will he made into the action of certain farm- ers leaving horses to run on the Nia- gar Military Reserve all though this severe wintry weather. One horse died of exposure, the owner skinned the hide off and was generous enough to leave the carcass for the township authorities to bury. High Constable Boyle has charge of the investigation and there is trouble ahead for some person. St. ' Catharines Standard-The ses- sions of the Supreme Court ot On- tario with a jury (formerly known as the Spring Assizes) will be held in this city beginning Monday, Mach 1, Sir Glenhoime Falconbridge will preside. On Monday, May 17, His Honor Mr. Justice Logic will sit on the woolsack here for the first time at the non-jury sessions. The peo- "ple were quite accustomed to seeing General Logie in war times but it will be the first time they have seen him in the more sedate robes of of- fice on the Bench. St. Catharines standard-The High Constable came across a pitiable case in Niagara Township yesterday. Niagara Falls, tht., 'Jan. " John Yerick, who came up at , r police court yesterday mo " I ' charged with receiving stolen 19 , from a M. C. R. shipment of glofj' and other merchandise, was fined K" and was made to pay another restitution and 18 costs. The a - , ing had occurred at Montrose ya‘r, r According to M. C. R. detect] Kastee and Moynishan, about " more accused men are to come , for like offenses, but only Yerick a peared this morning. F. W: G, tithe, D.C.L., appeared tor .the , tense and Crown Attorney T.D. o, per Hamilton spectator-About '. (it o'cloek yesterday afternoon, just , fore the teachers of Stinson Str?, ‘ school left after dismissal, a ban†event took place when Miss E. " Teeter, one o fthe staff of the Stit son school, was presented. with B. ' of silver teaspoons. Mr. J. Mun principal of the school, made' I presentation on behalf of Miss To. er's associates. Miss Teeter repli suitably. Miss Teeter, who can i, from Smithville yesterday closed r u'nrb in fhn enhnn], severing her on suitably. Miss Teeter, who scorn from Smithville yesterday closed by work in the school, severing her co nection with the teaching staff . the public school in Hamilton to shortly to a home of her own. H marriage to Dr. G. Leslie Bell tak place shortly. Afterwards the you' couple will reside mammoth». rfij . Welland Tribune-twas when the Township of Wain! last honored by having their sentative selected to the reSI cl "4f: -,' i Ut ', " Whenever y C))'s(' "pimp1y" lam-E wash with warm . h. Then apply lam-Bu]: Ben, l " tlar, but thoroughly. If thin " Anne nersistentlv each nizhi of Welland for the prosecutid! 'ssl).), VT tii" "ii WW a,'itr)lj."x)a)itg ' , . NT; tt d9?" f'? a,“ C L41")? mg sit m â€:25 f I I ():i-lr1y(i'7 J y/r Then apply lam-Bu]: gen. tly, but thoroughly. If this is done persistently each night before retiring, ih'll will soon be repaid by a muc Improved con. dition of the skin, and eventu. ally byfreedom from " biotches or pimples. - " " " .. Mrs. Owen A. Gee, of 3 Bong. venture Ave., Montreal, states t “Generally speaking, I have no faith in sd-called skin remedies, but I am willing to admit that Zam-Buk is quite different. It is very superior to anything I have ever used, and I have good cause to know, " I used innn. merable remedies before I heard For eczema, ulcers, abscesses, boils, blood-poisoning, piles, cut burns and scalds. Zam-Buk is equally good. All dealers 50c. box. a/i"'; Whenever your skin is blotchy or I "pimp1ar" Zam-Buk is what you need. First, 'l' wash with warm water and Zam-Buk Soap. , was in Ight Wainfleet was air repre sponsibili r , Illll tttlr!,.: IS WITH PEDES- if?“ THAN Iriitii , 'Seem to overlook ItiiiFi, Police Observations on ' " Bf', Cty"; "s fMyot. the speed limit with- like of the county would lit' 'r'. ' effect in decreasing 'llEi't), / collisions that occur .h'."it'itittifrn ot officials. Few Ill.?, of automobile acci- lti'iFtlrred during the past IIE/roamed, by excessive Ililli'f ot the drivers, but Biitrie, unavoidable ac- inns! Govern H laws named a _ii,i2l for vehicles to tra- “'ans stated that the J - should be governed w', a; M by which it was I' _.', C'r'," ,;- it was felt that , ".13 failed to appre- M';;2-g of the law, _ri'i1iii'l',l,'i1EEliRE that they _s/,,,i",).)ii"l:i,.l,, V ll limit anywhere. g, "'Thaanain thing in regard to mo- tor traffic is not to reduce the speed especially but to impress upon the drivers the, necessity tor care," said an officer, "The foot passenger has the I right ot way, and motorists should realize it." _ Rights of Pedestrians ~The sight t:miliar to all of a per- son attempting to cross the street and being forced to run out of the way of an approaching automobile should not occur, as the man on foot has a perfect right to cross the road at his one pace. When a driver saw a man or woman on their way over the pavement, he should not Now his horn and proceed with un- ikurened speed as many did, but #1011141 slow down and allow the pedestrians to continue on their way yithout having to scramble to save Rhett ,lives" he said. W H of Zam-Buk. I had mffered for a long time from blotches and spots on my face and body, and had used so many remedies without receiving benefit, that I had given up hope of anything curing me when Zam-Buk was recommended. I agreed, how- ever, to give it a trial, and to my amazement I soon noticed a marked improvementin my con- dition. I persevered with aun.. Buk until finally it rid my skin of every spot and blotchy patch and left It clear and smooth. Zam-Buk is certainly worthy of all the credit and praise given it." boils, biocyrr?9lspniptr, piles, cuts, H. P W. B W. B: P. m 1rr PAID UP LIST ettit, Grimsby arr, Grimsby any, Grimsby enr, Handel, Sask. Sept. 26l20 Dec Dec an " 4: 31 31 21 20 l STRON 20 21 CHILDREN’S SHELTER (Continued from Page One.) It was moved. by Councillors Mit- chell and Revett that the resolution passed at Thursday's session ap- pointing a standing committee on questions pertaining to the Children's Shelter be rescinded and that a spe- cial committee Ire appointed in ac- cordance with a resolution passed on Thursday to investigate into Shel ter conditions and report to this Bes- sion of the Council. Councillor Kemp advised the Coun- cil that they had a representative on the Board of Management of the Children's Shelter who was respon- sible for the conditions at the Shel- ter. It was only right, he said, that Mr. Claus should be given a hearing. Councillor Revett stated that the representative should have made a report to the council and had that been done the report would be on hand for the guidance of the Council. Councillor Kemp stated that Mr. Claus was as handy as Mr. Boyle and that Mr. Claus should the given a hearing as he is still the County re- presentative and will be until Feb- ruary lst. . The Warden stated that he deplor- ed the conditions that exist at the Shelter. He stated that he had never seen the monthly reports which Mr. Boyle had _stated he had supplied to the County representative. Mr. Claus he said, should be asked for an ex- planation why he did not report the findings of the Agent to the Council. Councillors Masters felt that the Board of Management of the Shelter should. he consulted. There was friction between the Board and Mr. Boyle and both sides should be given a hearing. Councillor Mitchell asked the sense in passing a resolution to appoint a special committee and then appoint a standing committee. What we want, he said, is an investigation at once and we will have to wait until June for a report from a standing commit- tee. 'T""""'"' c0MBTNAEToN IN "A“ To MAKE MONEY†Judging from the success of that popular screen play, "The Trail to Yesterday," in which the dynamic young Bert Lytell established him- self in the silent drama and which will live long in the memory of! many of our readers, the feature pictu:e play which will be at Moore's Theatre on Saturday night, Felnuary 7th has more than one foundation upon which to base its success. It was moved by Councillors Mas- ters and Sutton in amendment that the Standing Committee appointed on Thursday re Children's Shelter, be instructed to proceed with an inves- tigation and report their findings to this session without regard to the general affiliation of the city com- mittee. Councillor Kemp asked if the County had the right to conduct an investigation when they had placed the control' of the Shelter in the hands of a Board of Management. Councillors Masters relied that as partners the County had a right to conduct an investigation. Councillor Mitchell withdrew his resolution in favor of the amendment. Councillor Revett consented land the amendment carried. as a; motion-. . - “Easy to Make Money" is the name of the play and Bert Lytell is its star. Edwin Carewe, who directed Mr. Lytell in the former success is again associated in the same eapaei- ty with the handsome star and Finis Pox,, who adapted the original vehi- ‘elc is responsible for the conversion of “Easy to Make Money" to the screen. Surely no comedy-drama has had a stronger combination as spon- sors. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday last at the Beamsville Baptist Church by Rev. W. Meldrum, when Elsie Jane, second daughter of, Mrs. 'Annie H.urst of Beamsville, was united in marriage to Mrs Charles Hum of Stoney Creek. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. Melville Hurst, looked beautiful in her gown of white georgette with pearl trimmings, veil and orange blos- soms and carried a beautiful bouquet (ot roses. She was attended by Miss Alvena Fisher ,who looked charming in pink crepe de chine with pearl trimmings and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The best man was Mr. Irvin Hurst, brother of the bride and her sister, Miss Viola Hurst, played the wedding march. Follow- ing the ceremony a wedding supper was held at the home of the bride's mother, and later in the day the young couple left on a short honey- moon trip. . G, H H H ll, Dec. 31 Carpenter Bros., Fruitland Mar. 10 A. Tufts, Welland, July 1 W. B. VanDyke, Grimsby May 1 E. M. Smith, Winona Aug Mrs. Makepeace, Grimsby Dec. Mrs. A. Rutherford, Grimsby Dec. 31 P. A. Cocks, St. Anna, July 31 W. C. Durham, Grimsby East Dee. 31 Mrs. o. G. W. Neal, Grimsby July 5 J. H. Upsdeu, Grimsby ' Apr. 1 A. B. Book, Grimsby Dec. 31 Rev. T. Tl atclitfe, Grimsby Dec. 31 J. S. Campbell, St. Catharines (llllllfl1 BUUNBIL July Il R. T. Grain, Grimsby Oct. Il R. M. Thompson, Freeman Aug. " H. E. Jenner, Grimsby Dec. 31 W. A. Coon, Grimsby East Dee. 31 B. J. Wilson, Beamsville Dec. 31 G. A. Ramsden, Grimsby Jan. 21 H. D. Dovenor, Grimsby Jan. 28 H. C. Beamer, Grimsby Dec. 31 H. M. Vandyke, Worthington, L. Gibson, Grimsby I A. McDonald, Beamsville mmD---BURST PAID TIT? LIST June Dec. "E l SY 13120 31120 31m 31120 Wednesday, February 4th, 1920 Need Help to Pass the Crisis Sa. lr-Proof that Lydia E. Pink. ham’s Vegetable Compound Can be Relied Upon. WUMEN ill: AB tt i , if n CII ill 'titll ' air “a tag 'i it l '. , ‘ IP " , illil , i',ii, ' r ti a W itt B, Jitiilgllil8 ll ii?lSil!llll, 'l Eli ’1;- gighi? a . " If , a ililtitttl iiMll , if ‘\. ill d , [ . ‘ -\_ . J, r ' _ ti Illt Ill 'll , Ill, ’ , " i -- Edith!) to its annofing syfnpuoms, t n a a» KC) had an 118ng it, as; Rdl Ir . , grippew i att! l gil' ttell, , 5%. all winter and " , ' ' " . 'l il lilil me in a weakemd i 2 'lf ' condition. Ifeltat , \\‘:\ _ rr , times that Iwould B! 31’3“ i,nesr.erbesris)lagMy 20 " " BbgrllRtill' I read of L dGE. Ejiiii5?j..uig Pinkhsun's WI/l; IHfj'i.)"ii'?! Mable Compog 'li . si)'," f Wi I and whatitdid aa; s) " ll 310mm:h It Cs Iting ' - _ " roug e mg. I ' " "s lil of Life, soItoldmy I 4x. ill doctor I would try ‘ a---tpa-- . J, it. 1soonbegatttp ' _ 'tt t't, strength " 'lllllltMtllMf an oanno'g Ill88m . Ill, , symptoms fi"),'. appeared and your Vegetable Compound has made me a well, strogg wyman so Ido all my own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound too highly to women passing through the Change of Life." ---Mrs. FRANK HENSON, 1316 s. Orchado St., Urbana, Ill. Women who suffer from /"'i'g'd/'l'9e "heat ftashes,'"hael9yehe, heads and "the blues" should try this fam,qua root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. "ttummm-init-ummm""): 'i ELM STREET GRIMSBY " iii., Phone 410 P.0. Box 432 r--. ii'mmmmmmummmmmmmmmtii' Urbana, 1ll.-r"During Change of um, GRIMSBY :-: Ontario PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND . SOLD in. D. Smith & Son 7 7 Limited WINONA, ONTARIO. i WWW For Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream The MODEL DAIRY cr"etteete-ettettttttttttttttt+m966i MONEY I TO LOAN Spruce Trees 20,000 Evergreen (Transplanted) Norway Spruce Trees , in one block from 3 to 5 feet high to be sold at considerably less than cost in Spring of 1920 es the land must be cleared. Farmers who will come to our Nurseries in the Spring, select their own trees, and dig than themselves and afterwards re- move them, can buy all they want (not less than 50 trees) at 15e per tree. Terms spot cash. The regular price of these trees is 45c per tree. Write now and book your order. llllliilili,,ii Mt CALL ON . KIDD