SIX “FRUIT-A-TIVES†Made Her Well, Strong and Vigorous BECAME 30 'lllllf, SHE WAS AFRAID: V V MONEY TO LOAN 3n real estate security. Both Private and Company funds Valuator for the' Hamlton Pro- vident and Loan gociety Insurance and Real Estate Office-Main Street, Grimsby 'PHONE N O. 7 Dentist . Oftiee-stephen Block l (Second Floor) Otf1ee 1ttnuns--4M0 A. M. to 4 P. M. , GRIMSBY, ONE. . _----------------- DR. J. M. HUGHTON _ Dentist Ofhce over) C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 215 Electrical Equipment GR I MS BY ' ()N'l GRIMSBY "I tmeered terribly from Cons. tipation and Dyspepsia for many years. I felt pains after eating and had gas, constant headache, and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thin that I was frightened and saw several physicians who, however, did not seem able to help me. Arlast afriendadaisedme tombs 'Fruiro.tiams'. I did so and soon I felt some relief. I continued with 'Fruit-a-thes' and in a. short time, the Constipation was banished, t felt no more pains or headache or the disagreeable sensations that follow dyspepsia. Now I unwell, strong and vigorous.†Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc Iron/tr to loan at lowest rates. Of flee,' “Spectator Building,†Hamilton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton Omee and residence, " Sherman Ave Scum. between King and Main St; end ave doors north of the H. G. & B By line. - Madame ARTHUR BEAUCEEB. " box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or from Fruit-9m Limited, Ottawa, Ont. omee---Corner Main and Mountain Streets, over Canadian Bank of Commerce Office Irourg---9 to 12, 1.30 to 5.80 'Phone 127 GRIMSBY, ONT. G. B. McCONACHIE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ottieea--Urimisby and Bonneville. Money to loan at current rates. E. H. LANCASTER Barrister, Notary Public, Solicitor Will visit Grimsby tor consultation bt clients each Wednesday from 9 am to 3 pan. - GRIMSBY or1?rC1il Hotel Grimsby Depot Street James J. McKay Telephone 4166 607 Bank of Hamilton Chambers DR. R. A. ALEXANDER Physician and Surgeon Coroner, GrmttrHdneotn Uttictt Hours: 84:0 10 Ban., 1 to 2 mm and 7 to 8 pan. Main Street West. 'Phone No. 1. Grlmshy _ McKAY, McKAY & WEBSTER MADAME ARTHUR BEAUCHER DR. W. A. BROWNLEE Dr. L. L. BUCK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ottiee Hours-9 to 10 a.m.; 2 to 4, 7 to 8. p.m. DOMINION LAND SURVEVORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEVORS CIVIL ENGINEERS HENRY CARPENTER F. HANSEL, Dentist LAZIER & LAZIER W. B. CALDER DR. D. CLARK LAND SURVEY" 805 Cartier St., Montreal. William G. Webster Hamilton. Ont. DEN Phone 223 “DEAL LEGAL Dentist HAMILTON. ONT Hikim f.fiiiiiifi'tii?l?: Ernest G. Mela Main St Grimsby l “O O CXXXXXzXX=XXXa" = "so"A'o9io99999po69o9o94"o'o9io9o9oN9oVo9996TTWTTTTTTTT=S2eet " " CXXXXXXXXx', LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTV CXXXTXTXXz=XXXzXXXTXTXXXXXXXXXXXXY3 N†tt The annual meeting of the Clinton and Louth Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Beamsville on Friday afternoon January 16th. Niagara her in its plecE Over $6,000 was collected in license fees in St. Catharines in 1919. Phorold t Ernest, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tuttord, of Jor- dan passed away on Monday Jan. 5th. Scarlet fever was the cause of the young Iad's death and interment took place the same day. Two or three other members ot the family are also ill Beamsville Express-Mr. Jas. Hew- itt has sold his planing mill to Messrs. John Stevens and Elmer Graft. The final papers have not yet been signed but the deal is ex- pected to go through and the new proprietors will likely take possess- ion about January 15th. Niagara Falls, Ont., J'an. 6.--Clif- ford Martin, this city, car repairer. was this afternoon, in the police court, sentenced by Magistrate Fra- ser to three years with hard labor in Kingston Penintentiary, on charges ot stealing trom freight cars on the Michigan Central railway. Special Officer Moynihan made the arrest. Accused pleaded guilty. married Kenwit of M1. 'ham '1 The ban came off the sale of mon:- ey orders payable in the U; ' a week or more ago; and the local post office is again selling them. When exchange was at its highest and fluc- tuating wildly, the sale was prohibit- ed; but when it dropped slightly, money orders were again available, and are being bought briskly at the present time. Niagara F2 MacMahon of has received ada for a ne Niagara Falls, Jan. 8.--Mauriee J. MacMahon of the Customs Matt here has received patent papers for Can- ada for a new match. 'It is called. "MacMahon's Two-in-ine-match." The match gives two channels to light and is practically two matches of one, and consequently does away with large wood waste. Mr. Mac- Mahon has had several offers for the disposition of his invention, which he is considering. Ilht Simon Spiece, Vineland, reported to the Hamilton police Thursday night that his pocket was picked ot$65 on the platform of a coach attached to the 10.30 am. C.P.R. train to Tor- onto. Mr. Spiece stated that he was jostled by three men on boarding the train and is of the opinion they were the guilty parties. "I used to smile when I heard of people having their pockets pieked," said Mr. Spiece "and even now I don't know how it’s done." . Raymond Dean, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Melin Dean of Wainfleet Township and Miss Minnie Edmonds, second daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. James Edmonds were married at the residence of the bride's parents." In Wainfleet township at high noon Tues day. December 30th. Rev. J. A. Niell of Fenwick officiating. After a sump- tuous dinner the happy couple left will Edward Foley is the new Mayor of iemployee of the Dominion for Bridgeburg. They will live with the bride's parents. Both young peo- ple hav 'emany friends who wish them much joy in their new life. Dominion :bruary 26th Beamsville Express-The Board of Education has reconsidered the ac- tion taken by them at the annual meet ing last Friday and will likely with- draw the resolution to resign. After reconsideration and at the request of many of the ratenayers and in view of the fact that their action could not be brought before the electorate, they will likely withdraw their reso- lution and continue to serve for the best interests of the school. Nomina- tion will still have to be held to fill the one vacancy on the Board. Muskrat hides are fetching $4.00 a see in Winnipeg. Calgary, Alta., Jan. 8.--'Phe Prince of Wales is determined to visit his ranch in Alberta, during the coming fall on his way back from India, he told Prof. Car1v1e ot Calgary, who has just returned trom England, where he made arrangements for the shipments to the ranch of thorough- hred Dartmore ponies which the Prime s inn-admins: into Alberta, al- °o thorourrhhred Short-horn cattle and thonshire sheep. The name of if 'he, ranch ha Prince as the T an Walch Trroq 1(“1911 yesterday af- fernnon whim emn‘oved on the ele- vator at Port Colborne. He was an " " W. Sutherland Mayor. ried News of the District Culled From Our Exchange rot District Summary h n n Falls has a 920 council " .d the bride is.a dau Mrs. Morse House of hip. Their many fr hem a long and I 1r1iament been zen fixed by the P. Ranch." woman mem- Fenwick and Welland were will meet Welland riend happ if In and was an iron worker. witnessed the accident, but missed in the afternoon and was made, and the body w at the foot of the elevator. have fallen from between S feet. He was 29 survived by thr Cayuga, one at I Hamilton, and a Kirkland Lakes. held on this 13th Hamilton Spectator-The pof have been notified ot what is thou " to be an attempted hold-up, whch , curred on Barnesdale Avenue. she , after nine o'clock Thursday mor iii Mrs.' Chambers of Stoney Creek, li ported to P. C. Arnold that she " r walking along Barnesdale Averiil south, when a large, blaclre1oseda car, containing tour men drew up? the curb by her side, and one of a, . men jumped out and stood in trd of her blocking the sidewalk. 'l , the curb by her men jumped out of her blocking the stranger' hat few moments, th exclamed: "Cot ing there." The as follows: , Port Co1borne--McGi1livray (R). . , Humberstone Twp.--d3abion 'at Nugent (C.). . .2: Humherstone vinago--Barnhiali (C.) Bertie---sherk (C.), Baker (R.). pi:-", Fort Erie-Douglas (R.). t", " Bridgeburg---Hoag (R.) V ir Willoughby-Dell (R). g: Chippawa--Kister (R). l Stamford-Folie (R), Walters (0)4 Thorold ToVn--Riehings (C), War? ren (R). I St. Catharines Standard-Miss . 'tip, Tenbroeck, the last survivng memb '"W4 of her generation, passed away Wed nesday at her, home in Grantham; aged 85 years. The deceased \ was the daughter of the late _Jo Reid Tenbroeck, was born in' Gran?: tham and has resided in this vicinim Thorold Twp.-dare (R), Thamag; (R). " partof Myhome farm up County Home. The mother deceasgd marraWtLtcRutlstust family nt Butler rangers. TV ers and one sister predecea: some time ago. ar p Pol was ins and other officers made a. raid on Joe's hang-out in Wainfleet during the Week-end and among the discov- eries was this still. It had the Ap- pearance of just having been diS- mantled. It was found hidden in the well, while the worm was discovered under the ice in a water-hole in the creek. In the cellar a long Brick fire-place had been erected with a tin cover'. The fire was out but the 1n lDOn O Welland County Council for 1920 l Pelham-Roland (R), Horton (R). Wainneet--Hi11 (C), Farr .(R). V Vit Welland, January 7.--A l r still figured in an O. T :ainst Joe Petoski at the )lice Court on Tuesday IS found guilty and fined sts. Joe faces a charge land Revenue Act which it nd the rst Joe P e Court found gui . Joe fa rd Revem Tuesday .nd other hang-on THE INDEPENDEN’E’ Prince Arthur of Connaught, who was well known in Ca Stone of Dover Petrol Memorial at Leathereotes Point. near 'i'..'.f'...i,i..)::ii..::fi..'i.i..i.:.:3u, -end ( this of Ju It w mg the sidewa had looked at 'r, the driver of 'Come on, the The man Ye-en party drove aw lay next. Inspec er officers made t out in Wainfleet rt Dall 10me ipt 1df d predeceased --A large cop- o. T. A. case the Welland iay when be fined $200 and arge undpr the hich will' come Inspector Elk- at her for i of the car there's nothr r-entered tht er of the atytha" Two br’gg ly tf 1 f, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO er te bricks and cover and piping were Qtill hot while a wash-tul, was full of Iim.mash.' Aparently a roaring busi- giess was done at this illicit distillery ï¬n two large barrels of corn mash _jii'nd two of raisin mash were found in the cellar and one barrel of raisen Pand prune mash in the kitchen. {Welland Press-Damage to the ex- tnt of $20,000 was dope on Saturday . en tire partially destroyed the 'ftgfllandBrass and Iron Foundry on “Ch? Main Street. The blaze was , covered shortly before f) o'clock I B, 'the low pressure of the water ti5.t.,: the location of the wind made . taak of the fire department ex- Iitmely, difficult. After a splendid itht the, fire lighters managed to b%rthts Brass and Iron Foundries, as ' It)) l as Rounds lumber yard, which ., tdr a time in grave danger. The c Bi, lune and pattern shops along l ". hjtha office were completely de- gachine and pattern shops along (â€jith the office were completely de- stroyed. The collapse of the flooring between the first and the second floor ibsulted in the machinery on the up- (ti!:'; fit1ordal1irur to the floor beneath. (,é'has not yet been ascertained as to 3‘13: caused the tire, but it is thought n, have been the result of an over- faceted pulley. The plant which is may covered by insurance, is own- IIS' by E. J. Anderson of West Main " reet. _ IIE 1agara Falls, January 8.-Duringl Iilpritstrnas week Cyril Bell, 2.4 years‘ d,'of St. Catherines, formerly of. IMSBY, attended a dance in the} I ' nt ‘Mary’s Lyceum in Fourthl M' Feet. Charles Cunningham had 777_g:'rge of the dance. In mistake he , 7. alleged to have taken a coat worth . belonging to J. M. Colma, a stu- a 7nt. at the University ot Michigan, ilte1,1dt,o','; Mich. Cunningham was Rb.'tthi to pay Colma $65 for the coat -d}.he was determined to trace the al.tltity of the one who took it. Bell {this own coat with a Canadian il fran’s button on one lapel. Cun- ‘Qj bttham sent to the veterans' head- ' alters in Toronto and learned that ' ititsutton had been issued to Bell. Ill advised Bell to return the coat. al 771 'eame to the city yesterdap with , $008.12 ,but he did not have a scarf 9 ',y,IWmsts that had been left in the 7 gas and no money to, pay for _'i, Ith; On advice of his attorney T. '-ngham secured a warrant for , Est arrest and Belrwas arrainged 'd 73m; yesterday on a grand lar- B, t"tharye. Bell’s relatives settled l; Cunningham and the latter with f a the charge. He said he was Mt' 'tified the coat had been taken by q ke. polit would the ht that i en ca: t m: fa; E ll 'Brid is we n ypt scoverv of whiskey there in Irs laden with Christmas trees , a smile of reminiscence in IV circles here, but it was a lonted smile. Several ll fthese vere in the Bridgehurg railway at the time they were in tran- t not the slightest breath. of :ion existed as to their valu- sub-rosa contents. Otherwise luite likely that the cars would li and w ind W en idl not rnation the unm numb rd 1t TW nd it n fir tf e most hopeless (if all asks in the world and [ding of about two doz- hskey that were stolen Trunk Ralway, car here der pequliar _ppnditions. Mg' L; "', isr .." f; :ati'rcait8liprtri:'4 LS so closely 'guarded reached the Bridgeburg not even the seals It 21.2. m t1 a.†no: average I‘he nown in Canada, laying the Foundation Point. near Dover, England. . .... bord man a all I and Brideeburg, Jan. 10.--The Canadian lake shore, as jokingly predicted, has become a popular "summer" resort, even in Janu.ary, with snow decorat- old mother earth's countenance and the winds of Lake Erie beating a tatoo about the eaves that is far from comforting. The big reason, of course, is the fact that liquor ship- ments can now be forwarded from Quebec into Ontario, while across the river it is dry, dry, dry. One the river it is dry, dry, dry. One Portsm_ot_1th, U enterprising American came over this irregularities, pr ! At her late residence, Abingdon Ont., on Wednesday, January 7, 1920, Lyda Margaret, loving wife of Char- les E. North, in her 67th year. She leaves to mourn her loss her thus- ‘band, tour sons, Arthur of Jordan, Elmer of Grimsby, Emery ot Jordan land David ot Lockport,N. Y. and iii: daughters, Mrs. C. Grant ot Abingdon, Mrs. Swick of Marshville, Mrs. Haney Pyett of Melfort, Sask.; also two sisters and two brothers, on 1y one sister being present at the time of the funeral. 'She was a mem- ber of the Caistor Centre Church. The funeral took place on Friday at- ternoon, service at the house, then to Caistor Church, then to the Grace Church cemetery. ' Buffalo owners when the truth comes out. Most of the summer re- sorters do not believe that the days of tree and easy shipments are going to last long, and want to get their stocks in now, while the getting is at least feasible. Compared with prices across the r-ver, where whiskey is $15 per quart, it will be seen that the Canadian prices are reasonable in- deed to the eyes of the man across the line" with an idle summer home along the Canadian lake shore. fi‘i The question of gaining and main- taning fertility may be summarized in the following instructions: lst-Give the soil thorough drain- aR 2nd-See that fhe soil has cient vegetable matter or humu it. lim ation by deep plowing and surface tilage. ' JiLLcuhivate the soil sufficiently o _ eep o n th ,we ds an to pre- 3mg 'ltiitlIllhflfsg 2llr Intl/l',,,,'.', "ht "th-Apply plant food in the shape ot barn manure and fertilizers. 7th See that the fertilizels contain the three important food elements in an enquable form in proper quan- tity for the best development of the crop. SEVEN POINTS FOR SOIL FER- TILITY A novelty skirt seen in a shop IS or silk, with a white georgette crepe yoke and girdle. The intention is that this shall be worn with a white georgette blouse, when the impress- sion will be given that the wearer has on a one-piece dress. An em- broidered silk or satin skirt with an bverblouse of the game shade an- swers the same purpose as a one- piece gown, and is bought by many with this end in view. , 3rd- yi,1 b th GIVES a0yE-PIEI orret drain IVE re the soil prop deep plowing a1 'rlllllll arcoz/thsx; Jan. 10.--/Phe Canadian jokingly predicted, has ular "summer" resort, DIED the sourne re, and b in a shop is of orgette crepe intention is with a white E1 VCR/Z of the 1pplyiiu ECI sutti epar- erace ““3531 1lllilllilllili as‘ M worm" Wednesday, January 14th, 1920 in I mar What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. medicine for saw. , '--Wrs. Portsmouth, Mrs. Shaw proved tho merit of this medicine and irrotethis letter in order that other suffering women may find relief as she did. Women who are suffering as she was should not drag along from day to day without giving this.famops root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’sVege- table Compound, B trial. For special advice in regard to such ailments write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. ,Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty years experience is at your service. lllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllIllllllllll Portsmouth, Ohio Yager, of the Village of Grimsby, the County of Lincoln, on the gran! of adultery and deseruion. DATED at the, 9ity,of Wellan £99...€39.9,11th _9,Mirt1l!ur4b,qrt T of Ontario, this 9th day of Deeisni 1919. HUGH A. ROSE, Barrister, % 27 East Main St., Welland, Ont Solicitor tor the Applicant. GRIMSBY ae 11 Jivot 1'0 PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD NOTICE l is hereb NOTICE OF APPLE DIVORCI For Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream The MODEL DAIRY ELM STREET Phone 410 MONEY TO LOAN' Woodhouse Animal INVIGARATOR I KEEP THE POULTRY WARM give them prevent in, feeding. l packages. H. P. SHEPHERD & SON Phone W. W. KIDD ll tl i)" )ntario CALL 0N HHS aio.--" I suffered from ins in my side and was so weak at times I could hardlg get around to o my work, and as I had four in mi family and three oarders _ it made it vex} hard for me. Ly ia E. l Pinkham's Vege- iz, table Compound i.jj.'i.iji.. was recommended 'tii:, to me. I took it 'ii.':.) and it has restored 'iii:,":,)'. my health. It is .., certainly the best man's ailments I ever m SHAW, R. No. 1, unent of C thereof, for B wife. Le by given, that Har of the City of Wel r of Welland, in tlr o, Laborer, will an GRIMSBY IM). Box 432 EATION FOR tor a Bill or Lethe. Ma l Grimsby, n t the gm. 1d r. l GRIMSBY Ontario