about the union, to a certain extent, of all the protestant churches in one great effort to uphold Protestantism. l I am very pleased to see this in religious matters, and it may E In addition to this, immorality is rampant in our midst. There always was immorality amongst us; but lately it has become rampant, and flaunts iuelf---and our 'good' people;----) people who do not know anything about it go right on living in a fools' paradise, making themselves believe that because the open bar has been closed, everybody is living a pure and holy life. UNION OF PR0TESTANTS---- I notice in the public press that a campaign has V 7777'â€" ._v .. ---9e_r_ “A.“ canal) UV] know it is brought home to their houses and they cook it and prepare food. . Never in the histor stealing done in one ye during the year 1919. of th It is useless,.therefore, for us to make ourselves believe that ing in a little paradise, when we are living in the midst of criminals. STEALING NOT ALL Stealing is not tt drinking and liquor is and men and boys a1 peacefully sleeping, in glorious success. Province as a crin I believe that hundreds of people in GRIMSF. or receivers of stolen goods, or have knowledg stolen and say noching about it. Hundreds upon hundreds of goods cannot be stolen without a The result is that the bars are ciosetr'-pubiie drinkfng has ceased--- but the people who had been neglected have run wild, morally; and ten per cent of our populatiim today are .criminals. slightest in The attention ot the churches an teaching the people the Gospel and t6 clean-And the whole energies of the ( the direction ot forcing a law upon the A week, ago Monday there were two hundred cases in the police court in Toronto-arid forty ot them were liquor cases. tor ". Following this foolish will-oF-wisp, belief neglected the people. l A short time ago there appeared in the 'Toronto Suuday World' a flaming heading, about as follows--'An Alarming Wave ot.Cripe Sweeps _Over To- ronto'--and the article went on to describe burgleries, house-breaking, 9914‘ ups on the street, automobile-hold-ups; automobile thefts; murders; iliieit trattip in liquor, drugs, ete., etc. ifl,5; The great fallacy tl F d work miracles , " WOuld practically PRODUCTIVE 0F CRIMINALS peopl C PROHIBITION AND CRIME In a recent speech in British Columbia, the Attorney-general of that Province stated that there was such a flood of liquor all through the pro- vince, under prohibition, and the breaches of the law were so flagrant ‘that it there was not some improvement before the next election he would resign his position as a Minister of the Crown. ACTIONS-NOT A'MrE--COUNT----. _ However, it matters very little what the government is called. .The main thing to be considered it what it does. It it gives us good government we will be quite content to let it be called the 'Peoples' Government,' or the ‘U.F.0. Government or even 'Mr. Drury's Government' for that matter. vo di It PARTIES COUI Had the tw were elected a grea plurality was didates runnin “09.940024" WHAT 7(%M*%4W%MWWWWW nd TWO is Men and boys and even'Women steal Our own Village and District is lt 'would be silly to say that one man, or one gang of men had done all his stealing, or one-half, or even one-tenth of it. open In olden de who v tlt The Premie It should be 1 330. fell far I is. therefore This may appear to be a very sweeping statement, but I have not the test hesitation in saying that ten per cent. of the population of the [nee of Ontario are even thieves or worse; and I look upon every thief criminal. iidates In onl Even had the U.h' e there would not the proportional s IRS And in tho _ elected by THE PEOPLE'S PAPER ESTABLISHED 1885 JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & SONS, Owners and Publishers. m ak Streets, Grimsby notice by the Government of b Is'sued every Wednesday from the Office of Publishers, Main and THE INDEPENDENT If proof conclu when the cri " +tr4rt n I'E a few counti reat number as brought a' t_he history of this country has there been the same amount of h d YO "oooooeooooooeooeooooooeooooooooe"r"'"-" L N A ME I------ JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, General Manager J. A. M. LIVINGSTON, Business Manager J. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor OI 1 the criminal people are just md more so. A, II o olt rould lit in ShOI acts and Fancies 1t DIM the only canker in our midst.--There is a lot of illicit is constantly being passed around in an under hand way are drunk many a night, when the general public are in the foolish supposition that prohibition is a great and counties, wm minority votg nearl her that the for the iv cease. n1 not q d upo t of " ar as tit " O " art 1V6 see this, because it may bring about a revolution it may show people how silly and how useless is rw-..-.--" all I "mm“ - churches and Sunday Schools wag diverted trom ‘rospel and teaching them to lead moral lives, and 'gies of the churches and schoois'were turned into law upon the people to close the bars. By Frank Fairborn People ing the securing minority pe m III a had a 1i in orohibr there has been done in the vicinity of ‘GRIMSBY {ll n iid tl them TELEPHONE 36. been would th people fell into was the belief that prohibitior people, and that once the law was passec a n prot " " baskets of fruit and vegetables and other great many people knowing all about it. 1'f CO ht clivities reat unde tt in this contention, as a peoples' govern 1ajority of the votes of the people, and the a majority of the. votes of the people- H I] maKe ourselves believe that we are liv- are living in the midst of crime and the L majorlt: overnmen fair example of thievery run wild " " it andfhe women and girls certainly OI . Dru nmeI }RIMSBY District are either thieves O q-..--.. tl oportional 1 IO many U.] feated them licen canon luralit O bar n -_ mu-...- _---- county against the U.F. overnment and very few tl n tl ge tl was not at all responsi he people apd the immc ohibition as they were un is inclined to h iates ndl law. in this count: 'om the pulpits, am tive per cent ot'the of property having been prea< YE not fov was W been started to bring t6 et O rest It a majority. What majority-and this at least three can- of Qntax f crime mtation been in ndidates elected all and l responsibl the immora ts, and pl: ot'the crir 11 the ceed F.O, can- :w U.F.O. te ac it for her th they 1[THE BUILDING OF DISPOSAL WORKS ï¬WWW%W*WWM*M***é "Mercy!" he quavered. "Spare me! I am barely 40 years old and all my youth stretches before me." "Lynch him! String him up!" yelled the crowd. There was not one dis'- senting voice. And half an hour later he was a lifeless figure dangling against the moon. The next day, amid the plaudits of the populace, the Governor publicly thanked the leaders ot the avenging mob. For never in the history of the State had so foul a crime been recorded. Posing as his victim’s landlord the culprit had called upon him with the news that his rent was to be low- cred and that he was to be file? a tive-year lease and both the victim and his It is an easy matter to follow advice that travels in the direction you are going. ve "Do you want to live tour hundred ye cost keeps on going up. Moving picture shows are younger generation the proper We got so accustomed to drives during the war that we put them over better than we do anything else. Why not organize a Consumers' drive against profiteering and the high cost of keeping alive these days? It we got behind a thing like that the way we got be.hind the Victory Loan drive, something ought to happen somewhere. Suddenly the night air was filled with the haying of b1oodhounds and the hoarse, triumphant shouts ot the pursuers, They were on the murderer's trail at last. After tracking him with re- lentless fury for twenty-four hours through bogs, quagmires, swamps and morasses, the dogs had at last definitely picked up the scent, and now the capture was only a question of minutes. They found the trembling wretch in the topmost branches of a soapwrap- “an {Hana - wife had dropped dead with shock "Farrtiers' Union is Independent ayways were. per tree Did it ever occur to you that nearly all insured? Hamilton %W*%MWMMW*WWW That wives do not go out on strikes. That they haven't raised the price of the air we breathe That one can keep fairly warm in the sunshine. That if! you don't have turkey on Christmas Day you turkey hash and turkey soup tor a week afterwards. That bread is the staff of lite-its cheap. " That last year's overcoat is still holding together. Accordin and North G of our reside We Are Thankful This Year of our residents is During the year kind and only one d little evidence of cc OUR STATE OF HEALTH IS GOOD tt We are pleased to note from the report of Dr. Alexa he holds letters from the "Headquarters" ot the two local I to the effect that they will install new and efficient system engineers at their factories next season for the proper han ot their refuse. The refuse from these factories has been plaint for years from residents living along the "Forty" front. THE INDEPENDENT and the Council have every Ir, tt IN n to the poll affairs, wit b And this domination a ple, especially the men, aw the churches what they go Thus splendid their pr theor tions Ht IM 1n. ilit il n us ot to rule We have, therefore ple being good protc TE in! O h IR RELIGION TAKEN FROM THEM on. bu And it 'ies of 511 IE VLO bhor li 11 n " Penned and Scissored " they find a' man in the )011 and vote; and how with which the churche it THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO I1 tlt l , n ll 11 " nd II n ntn OF POLITICS may show them that 'unless they get back to the broad liberal true Protestantism, their churches will all become mere denomina- 1nism; governed by a few dominating men whose chief thought 1nd dominate and dictate to the rest of the people. board of He not been. lt conditions 11 lt they o not 11 maJOI On te 11 lif it] do M O ot; D n rrow, denominational and sectarian theories O II awa )m C If ll ity ot our would not but on lo 0 t have turkey on Christmas Day you don't have to eat :ey soup tor a week afterwards. e staff of lite-its cheap. " overcoat is still holding together. " 110W! It I‘E a 0 the denominations Wt wn as Protestantism avh give the in the J mt rm [isposal 11th thi in 11 or Dre II tl " and dictatorship has driven the masses of the peo- iway from the churches, because they do not find in go there to seek-spiritual life and inspiration. ISD n 11 h U ener DONE TO DEATH. ot ll )11 at the' Medical Offic ire published in th V good indeed. 'ttie there has been ONLY REMEDI p nr good for one thing 2 way to hug and kiss t1 lté rt rt n th 1t of 1 '., they ch- left at all, chum t---bu; 'man zens wo as the 1 ieep pulpit, dictating to them how they shall go :hey should copduct their physical life and should have nothing to do. . ib of the leaders ttt YE ON micabl o w lppl n SUP] IMSI kl 11 ey h xant non and but ind co 1tholic headline in newspaper inl 1nd o ll nrl weakening the in n ar 1t " 1i )1111 " fireproot buildings are n to att poll reli n " ii it It out so Ind hi l then: asks al the it will the ch ll ll n at and n ll in n ut into whirh they have people all into athaeists, , be the Roman Catholic a1 organization, the chief RIS life and in a temporal a " least. They show the ll rl tll the town. There was nd the health of the rural sch ols is good. Ias a bout of conten- far a remedy for the s inspectors are well L throughout the town n H tit headline. Not if the cu be th reat ch tor chu sewerage disposal 1ssion on"the part aen made to have 1 a better manner nent' one. In the 1t 11 _ same practicesl‘“ =. “' "H""'"""'"'. minations which -'"--'""_-'- op-and men are SEPOY A WONDERFUL CREATUBI in not stand for Kasha" Garhi, arches. _ North West Frontier exerted by the nd set up the and broad and 1j01‘ity h 1t O protestan arvice, be t the pro farmers heavily he ot to p . Oh, it is a jolly old place, the Army, there is no lite, like that of 'an Indian Army Officer.Incident? Gee, its all incident. _ It is like a doctor in a Toronto hospital. One has to tackle every kind of disorder, Generals Colonels, S-epoys, D. D. O.'s, Staff ot- ficers of , every kind and calibre (each making a different sort of noise), people in clothing factories and Arsenals who only write with in- delible (and illegible) pencils through six thicknesses of carbon paper and so ortand so forth. I must say I like the Sepoy, he is as good as a month's leave. You should see him putting his boots on ,the wrong feet or trying to wheel a (bicycle along the road, skinning his ishins everytime the pedal comes (around and finally doing a high-dive into the centre of it. I believe strongly in looking Der- Well, Orlon J expect to 'leave'for home any day and will be glad to set mp in the stand again and see Jimmie Lawrie soul] a hopple. pacer or hear Jas. A. Livingston's melo- dious voice saying "Take back on the outside." By the way tell Jim- mie Lawrie to take the check-rein up on that old black pacer a couple of holes, hithim down the hack and go out and develop a little early speed. a chap in GRIMSBY suddenly sit down on the pavement, take off Ihis shirt and search for Heteroptera Cte.nocephali or Pulices. Oh! yes, the Sepoy is a rare old bird and he can lie as easy as he can go to sleep. Just to show what kind of time I am having up here, I will;relate a little incident which happened a few nights ago. On going to bed I found a horse or may say a pony in my tent (anyway he was much too large tar the size of the tent.) It was one of those country-bred mus- tangs and judging from the. condition of the tent one would think it had been there for months, while in reality it had only been there two hours, at least I d.idn't notice it in the tent the last time I was in but of course it may have been under the bed. I believe in kindness toward animals, especially mustangs so I merely asked it go away as I wasn't needing a horse just then. I also went outside and made a noise like the finest oats but it was not until he took a few nose-dives and backs and my tent was level with the ground, that he emerged from the wreckage. Ot course, I said Gosh Darnit and a. lot of pleasant things to him, at the same time impressing it on his mind with a fine whip but I always took good care which end of the animal was my way. I don't want such a thing to occur.' again soon as I hadn't used a profane word for six weeks until this happened. damage to their houses within a few days of the, expiry of their leave. Mothers mysteriously departed this life (some for the, second time in their career) houses fell down and brothers became dangerously ill. I think of the distress I have stopped in cutting out this leave. By so do- ing I also stopped the flow of! tele- grams which used to come in regu- larly to this hospital, such as brother dangerously ill, see face, grant: ex- tension ten days. Talk about New York being full ot tree amusement, just see our sepoysi. You never see sor men this Dear Orion:--- V . It seems that every one of my old pals have sent me a card, paper, letter or something, but you, and I don't know why you should forget to drop me a few lines. Look at the bottom now, and see who the writer is and get wise to yourself. 1 am still in charge of the veterinary hospital here and 1 am fed up with everybody and everything in the Khyber Pass and I think the Tribes- year's subscription paper. Which remi vice of a lawyer he who was complaint heat of our Bummel summer was "over/ the young' man tha make the summer s promissory note in due and payable in I am so much THE FLIGHT 'OF ,TIME. Kansas City, Miss., Nov. M. Editor Independent: - Few things mark the rapid flight of time more distinctly than the termination of a year's subscription to,a good news- paper. Which reminds' me of the ad- vice of a lawyer here to a young "ian who was complaining of the extreme heat of our summer and wishing that summer was "over." This lawyer told the young man that the best way to dex in 1y ndepem light of 1111it Orion Livin tll tor your th kin 'body and et' Pass and are too, as 1 amp last ni on Ems to tl n u 0 d pe if t1 ys, out as myself that te became dangerously ill. I he distress I have stopped out this leave. By so do- t stopped the flow of! tele- dch used to come in regu- domestic l their D nt t time ot MARLATT It n It . charge of the veterinary e and 1 am fed up with and everything in the ', and I think the Tribes- , as they sure did pepper ,st night. jolly old place, the Army, ,ronlgly 1n looxlng per- the welfare, not only of tut also their families. " that I have saved innocent villagers in (who otherwise would i). The way I have s by refusing to .grant it ot IE ti poys tor discover, ality ove mily unl and even 1t listrit on, Grimsby, Ont rd t1 hort was to give a the (spring, to be the tail. interested in the I forgot the rapid I wish to thank y, and kind remin- ven not then 1111 e was about tt say that 80 pe: 0 went' on leave bereavement 0: 'uses within : to all old friends at, yours sincere- 'At, the Army, of! 'an Indian Gee, its all Frontier Force, India my that overtook ly " purpose Sepoy no or to Wednesday, December 3rd, 1919 Artificial rubber has bean made from Russian crude petroleum which is similar to some California oil.. mail Folks said pneumatic tifes were joke. You stutik tubes a Phqnograph and Advocates Grading System Mr. Coleman states that this dis- trict has got the credit tor shipping a very high percentage of No. 3 apples, as compared with No. 1 and No. 2 and strongly advuates the grading system, asrbeintrmtleh more satisfactory to the grower, and far easier tor the packer wh: unless thoroughly experienced will always have a tendency to put apples in the No. 3 to avoid complaint from the in- spector, whose duty it is to see that the grade is kept up to government requirements and while it is only right that the grade should be kept strictly up to standard it is not at all necessary to sacrifice No. 2 apples at No. 3 prices to do it. Nobody phone. The ibutcher "threw in" liver. Strawstaeks were burr of baled. Julep Verne was the or to the submarine. . truth. You never heard of a "tin Lizzie." Ooetors wanted to see your tongue. The hired girl drew $1.50 a week. Nobody gared tor the price ot gaso line. Mr .Coleman estimate ot 4,0 500, was treat; of the wise on has been far shipped 7550 t With nthe exce fruit was all f the B. Jewell t It yo'u wish you may pu' clipping so that my man; may see I am making good With best wishes to you} all old frdendiin GRIMSB1 me I have purchased a IO-m bearing apple orchard, unde tion here, and am paying 36,0 on easy terms. I have sold fruit this season to pay Ranch, but that is not ne will notice from cutting of c paper I am packing and ship own fruit; I find it pays m better than shipping through tions. Eaton Gets Ten Cars Local Fruit--- Coleman Crop Over $12,000 Grand Forks (B. C.) Gazette J. A. Coleman of Hill View Orchard shipped his last car of apples to the T. Eaton Co. on Thursday. . Mr .Coleman states that his earlv You will remember I was with John Hewitt for about four years, And lived on the Neal farm, down by the harbor the latter part of the time. I was. sorry to read of the death of Mr. Hewitt, he was a fine old gentleman and will be much missed in GRIMSBY and neighbor- hood. 2' and $1.50 for No. 3 jumble These prices are F. O. B. s rpoint. The Ontario apple i should wake up and take. mot of their apple orchards and the apple box instead of the I know you used to be inter; apple growing and presume y still in the business, as I noti advertisement in the paper fc etc. Speaking of cider, I ha, made 350 gallons from cu] Windfalls and it is easily sold per gallon here. You will remember I wa John Hewitt for about four And lived on the Neal farm, by the harbor the latter part time. I was. sorry to read death of Mr. Hewitt, he was old gentleman and will be up now, I smell Irish stew in the "orting?'. It's me for; the Hindu hash. Kiss all the girls for me, chin chin,old son.. t Dear Mg. Livingbton:- I am in receipt of your account for Independent and am pleased. td be Able to enclose my cheque in settle- ment of the same. You will see by the enclosed clip- ping from the Grand Forks Gazette that I had a bumper crop this season, which will out me on my feet. My cr0p last season was ruin- ed by frost and it was a serious draw back for me I was fortunate this season in getting my crop off before the early freeze up. The loss through the frost has' been enormous. The apple growing industry' is a very profitable one in B. c., providing you take care of the orchard. I sold my ent TWENTY YEARS AGO Nobody swatted the fly. Nobody had appendicitis. Nobody wore white shops. Cream was five cents aa pint. Canteloupes were, muskmelons. Milkshake was a favorite drink. Advertisements did not tell the as h 'armers came to town for their as Grand Forks ‘awstacks were burned instead B.-iis is a fine country s nothing on GRIMSBY. p MAKING GOOD IN B. c. l'E Livingston of 4,00( treated box for N M) tor No listened in†on the xception ot 11 from Mr Yours very truly s are F. O. B. sh Ontario apple g: e up and take more ole orchards and ox instead of the used to be interes mg and presume yo business. as I notic o H exceeded {siness, as I notice in the paper for c , of cider, I have wens from culls it is easily sold for W. Grab boxe in your ears to it cost a dime. L a joke but this the only convert Esq., Grimsby. Ont not nett. You ting of our local and shipping my ‘paYS me much through associa- ay publish the r many friends g good up here. to yourself and stimate and as in Octt h better. rchard Eaton at hi raluu oleman Nov. 24, 1919 Mr am a COLEMAN " by chunk of Coleman you shippi Capt., he to believe " tele- id )me but 1nd m " In ll " " (I