Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 29 Oct 1919, p. 2

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GRIMSBY OFFICE Snotslnger Block ' Will visit Grimsby tor consultation or chents each Tuesday and Thursday from 1.00 to 5.00 pan. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Ot1ieets---Grimisby and Beamaville. Money to loan at current rates. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates. ot. fiees “Spectator Building," Hamilton. James J E. H. LANCASTER Barrister, Notary Public, Solicitor McKAY, McKAY & WEBSTER common LAND sunvnzw ONTARIO LAND SURVEan . cIVIL ENGINEERS DR. W. A. BROWNLEE Dentist r otiiee---stephmt Bloc; . (Second Floor) i, . $tfBms Mo-.--) A. H. to 4 . I. GBIMSBY, ONT. W DR. J. M. HUGHTON Dentist Office over] C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 215 Electrical Equipment GRIMSBY ONT o 00' Otfiee and residence, " Sherman Ave South, between King and Main Sta. and ttve doors north of the H. G. & B By. line. Depot Street Physician ind Surge Coroner, County Lil omce Hours: 8 to 10 Ban., 1 and 7 to 8 on Main Street West. 'Phune No. 1. Grims Dentist oftieo-Orrner Main and . Mountain Streets, over Canadian Bank of Commerce Office Trourg-0 to 12, 1.30 to 5.80 'Phone 127 GRIMSBY, ONT. MONEY TO LOAN Dn real estate security. Both Private and Company funds Valuator for the Hamlton Pro- TWO vident and Loan Society Insurance and Real Estate Office-Main Street, Grimsby 'PHONE NO. 7 Zam-Buk should be in every homo, especially where there are children. Children who have once had Zam-Buk applied will cry for it again. They never forget a remedy that ends their pain. Get a box to-day and keep it handy. Zam-Buk will keep indefinite 1y without losing any of its strength or purity. As a household balm, therefore, it is most economical. working or playin be, when you MIS" so long as you om. This herbal bleeding, end the germs, prevnnt b heal quickly. Equally good for cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, sores, rashes and eczema. All dealers 50e. box. You t(EIED relephone 172 Local Manager for Human Woodenware Mfg. Co. Owen Sound, 0 ttgs Do not place your order for 1920 until our Agent, A. Hewson calls on you, with our new style basket, up to date in every way. Dr. L. L. BUCK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Fruit Baskets HENRY CARPENTER Office Hours-9 to 10 a.m 2 to 4, 7 to 8tm. m F. HANSEL, Dentist ARTHUR HEWSON G. B. McCONACHIE LAZIER & LAZIER 5166 " Bank of Hamilton Chan R. A. ALEXANDER W. B. CALDER DR. D. CLARK Tiiitam o. Webst Hamilton. Ont, ND Phone [EDICAL DENTAL LEGAL IO pain, destr bloud-poisonin in (!ititba w HAMILTON ONT oof n l W the W " D-Ild Citl lil, Im-Bu ll ores, Grimsby ncoln 1 to ' Upstairs Buk at top tho Grimsby may in W. all 1nd Now that the Dominion Govern- ment has already nationalized two big railways-the Intercolonial and the Canadian Northern-and is about to nationalize another great system --the Grand Trunk-the matter of freight and express should be taken up at once and the express com-pan- ies done away with, and all goods handled under one method of ship- ment-that of fast and slow freight and the price should be regulated with due regard to the service dren- dered. It is nothing but legalized high.. way robbery for the express com- panies to charge thirty cents for car rying a small parcel from GRIMSBY to Toronto, when an outside price for a parcel of the nature should not he ‘over ten centq.--The subject of the carriage ot small parcels on railways should receive the im- mediate attention of the government as soon as the nationalization of the Grand Trunk is completed. Repeatedly, during the past sea- son, express shipped to GRIMSBY from Toronto on Thursday did not arrive/here until sometime Saturday -forty-eight hours, or more, elaps- ing between its shipment in Toronto and its arrival here. While, repeatedly, during the past season freight shipped from Toronto has reached_GRIMSBY in a much shorter time. I notice that the very first spe by the Hon. William Lyon Maker King, in the House, waslso contr to expectation, that even the Tor to."Globts" has taken him severely task for his stand upon the nati alization of the Grand Trunk R way System. The United Farmers 01 had a wonderful victory at and have elected forty five to the Ontario Legislature. ing them, by long odds, the party in the House. The "Globe", in 2 on Monday, October McKenzie-King to t on thisbig question the officials of true nounce themselves The Government of The United Farr Goods ‘31::er 'mtrtttli8gtrY . by freight, any day, reach Toronto the next morning and express shipments cannot do any better than that; while goods shipped from Toronto, by freight, very often comes through in twenty-four Iiours;---and it is a rare thing for an express parcel to come through from Toronto to iGRIMS'BY short ot thirty-six, forty-eight or even seventy-two hours. Although there is a lot of! confus- ion, at present, as to the manner, in which the Government of Ontario will be carried on,in._ the future, yet I think the farmers' should be al- lowed ample time to find their bear- ings and choose their leader and ministers, to form a Cabinet. In former days there was some excuse or express companies, but latterly the express companies have fallen down to such an extent that very often goods shipped by freight reach their destination sooner thin goods shipped by expressp--while the charge for carrying the goods by express is double, and sometimes treble, the cost of carrying by, freight. l, 'c'i. .T 'r.', ' 'c"', The goods handled by the exvress companies are carried over the same line of railway as the goods carried by treight;--hut the express shipments are in cars made up in the passenger trains, while the freight cars are in special freight trains. Those in close touch with each railway company, where millions and millions ot dollars were invest- ed for the purpose of transporting passengers and freight, have also formed exress companies with a limited amount of stock, and these express companies have exacted mil- lions of dollars trom the Canadian peole under the pretence of giving them fast and reliable delivery ser- vice of their goods. , The Nationalization of Railways---. t, and Express Companies.--- Now that . the Dominion Govern- ment has taken hold of the Nation- alization of railways, it should also give close attention to the express business which is closely interwoven with the railway business. For many years Canada has been cursed with two transportation com- panies on each railway line; where there should have Ibeen only one. -etgtatqrq"tq6q+.+er+eree64"Feeq"ar+e"Hqrqe4r-gqqrqqsoqq. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER ESTABLISHED as; JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & sons, Owners and Publishers. ' ' L Issued every Wednesday from the Ottiee of Publishers, Maui Oak Streets, Grimsby. , .9 TH E INDEPENDENT Facts and Fancies JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, General Manager J. A. M. LIVINGSTON, Business Manager J. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor libern on tne Ontario 1n Jn for. _--.--- By Frank Fairborn tl ot 91 n Ontario the polls members this mak strongest TELEPHONE 36. nto " 1itoy q---- tl 0 on i1 to IE h The Conservatives), who" were largely in the majority when the House was dissolved, were pearly wiped out, as a just punishment tor their own blunder in connection with prohibition, and the Liberal party did not bring forward any Construe.. tive programme which was any in- ducement for the people of the Pro- vince to support them. Both of the old parties have lost the confdence of the people-neither one of them carrying enough seats in the county to form a Government and, in fact, the combined members of both parties are in the midority, when the Labor members and the Farmers unite. The United Farmers swept the country, largely on account of their "new idea"--thttir platform was not so very strong, but it was a new idea and it caught on (Juicklv. with thes The growth of the United Farmers of Ontario Ihas been a most peculiar one-as it was not started with the idea ot getting control of the On- tario Legislature at all. _ on way for these two parties" to work together harmoniously is l to avoid questions upon which they cannot agree. ‘ - . .9 The moment t.hat al,' legisldtion is introduced dealing with wagds, and working hours, the interests" of the United Farmers and the Labor Party are liable to clash; and a breach is almost inevitable-c-so that t the only way for these two Darrinq‘ m work and it caught on quickly, with the result that it carried all before it. The backbone for the United Farm ers of Ontario was brought about by Conscription; and the impetus given to the movement in 1918 was a re- sult of the farmers' opposition to Consctription--and the chief movers and supporters of the movement, in 1918, were Anti-Conscriptionists. In fact the date of the real grow of the United Farmers of Ontar was the time when the big deputath went to Ottawa to protest again Conscription and were turned dov Conscription and were 1 by the Union Goverrrent. The Farmer is interested in 1'Srt ing the working hours remain as; "i t are, in order that he might ltr “1,1; ably run his (arm; and he is 0 - that labor be more plentiful "'-ss. lower priced than it is at pret)8% On the other hand, the laborin " , "m is agitating for aha 1-433; , on Vince Twenti As ,the organ strength, the initial sight ot, and many joined the organiza1 place, because it W scription move, for, along that “line wit' war and becnme T5'f farmers' ors,r-1iza"" The farmer is anxious that if: price of manufactured goods, M b implements, etc., used by him, 911,.”- decline in price, while the wlrr,Al man is interested in maintaining. price of manufactured goods, he makes with his own hands Itll!! workshops of the country. g{'73‘,,! over the organi The Farmer is anxious that? price of farm products go uperr'jls1t the working man is equally ")allt that the price of farm prtAl, which becomes to him the n1NIt, ties of lite, should go down. .xf'; Another obstacle which maf'ET sent itself later on, is the tact/ja the interests of the Labor P Iitq the interests ot the United .Ni1irl are not identical on the two important questions of cost of 'l?,, workng hours and wages. ‘31.; The real difficulty, however/ii), presents itself, is that these iitit3, ties, united, form very little .53 than a majority of the -Hous.j,:,f unless they receive generous; ance from the two old politiet,% ties, it may be difficult for Mttll carry on. " 'At It seems apparent, at the I moment, that the Independeal Party will join with thq ‘; Farmers, iman endeavor to -44 Government; and in this ttfill parties may be suecesstu1.l Sll tht the . nd in the 1rto rr As Con he main ids tf 1ndidates were nominai seventy counties in the and the result of t tieth followed. ou me Ont tion 1.rr_i1_UtiroEr'ENmmdldlllktMsBT_, ONTARIO H‘- Iorward any construe. :e which was any im. the people of! the Pro- mization in it Was an were My 12 king: an Governme ther mization grew al idea, was v farmers who in o t1 ', an t their politic il IE 1nd Anti-con 1‘s m """-"o--" I d s, wa at Ott on It the I O ,Slal but e firs tti-Con troubr ot th a I‘E O n n ilAll Other Contractor's Supplies NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bylaw was pased by the Mnicipal Council ot the Vilage of Grimsby on the 8th day of October, 1919, pro- viding for the issue of debenture to the amount ot $7,500 for public school purposes for the purchase ot the Al- exander property and for making nec- essary repairs and Improvements to the said property and that such by- law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division ot the Any motion to 911astt or set aside' , a? same or any part thereof must be‘nf made within three months after theiw first publication of this notice and :m cannot be made thereafter. PM GRIMSBY Notice of Registration of By-Law County of Lincoln on the 11th day of October, 1919. , DATED the 14th eay of October/ia 1919. E A Fido not think they should be rush- . this matter but should be giv- iWturlts time to find their feet, lay T". plans, and become properly or- Bed. LIME, PORTLAND CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS, Etc. PLASTERING HAIR MORTAR COLOR LATH Ethink, in respect to the expressed "ion of the voters of Ontario, the ed Farmers and Independent , r Parties should have a fair 3, square opportunity to form a rmment, and carry on. 1lllttus situation to them, is a new '; as a great majority of the mem 'tss elected never sat in Parliament 'tttre/and consequently it will take if" some time to become acquaint- Ftnto parliamentary usages and to tharne acquainted with the routine 1imrliamentary work. lllit is a question whether the Unit- trararmers, as a political party will i) m e a permanent and successful tjranization but for the time being $'ias are in control and should be Ken a. tair chance to work out I ir own destiny without undue in- jlrference or obstruction by mem- . tr_of the old political parties. liptionists are now a thing ot the u, the United Farmers can turn " attention to more loyal and i tical issues. EéANNOUNCEMENT H. P. Shepherd & Son GRIMSBY Phone 157 Phone 771 31.62.]. DWI o"""""""""-------------- PRIVA 8r MAIN STREET WEST --THE---. Hamilton Provident and Loan Society ones as S( We intend to carry a full line of Flour, Feed and Seeds, and will endeavor to satisfy our customers. trial D. M. CAMERON, Treas. W. B. CALDER, Valuator GRIMSBY Having bought out the Flour and Feed business 01 H. Raynor & Co., we will be glad to meet all the old cus- tomers and as many new Pays 3% per cent. on daily bal- F ances on Savings accounts of $1.00 and upwards. 4 per cent. paid on Debentures for one or two years, 5 per cent. paid on Debentures for three or fire years. Money to loam Contractor's and Builder's Supplies VATE AND COMPANY FUNDS AST. TERMS OF PAYMENT TORI BONDS BOI'GHT AND SOLD orner King and Hughson Streets, Hamilton MO NEY '0 LOAN Ff ht W. B. RUSS, Clerk HAMILTON tario ' Ald. Mitchell is to be commended on the gtand he took at the Council meeting on Wednesday night last when he brought up the qustion of Watered Milk in GRIMSBY and had passed a motion instructing the Medi- cal Offiers of Health to prosecute the guilty parties forthwith. When Dr. Alexander found samples of milk that showed evidence of being watered he should have prosecuted immediatelv and not have waited for Mr. Mitchell to bring the matter to a IGRIMSBY’S milk tor some time past has been very poor. The best of it is none too good, and it is high time that something was done to rem- time "gnu something was done to rem- edy atters. Milk delivered to householders at night and kept in a refrigerator over night will be sour in the morning. That fact alone Troves -the milk is not pure and has been tampered with. Every one of these men who have Watered their milk should be fined to the fullest extent of the law. WATERED MILK T) law GRIMSBY’S 33 MILL RATE ado where form 33 mills seems like a high rate, but when one considers the increased cost of living and utensils it is not so Very high. Municipal expenses like everything else in Canada has been on the upward trend tor some time. GIIMSBY spent the money, therefore why should she not pay it. The debts have to be paid whether they are paid this year or next. tives When the Town Council on Wed- nesday night struck the general rate for the year at 33 mills they passed the wiest and sanest piece of legis- lation that has gone through the lo- cal house of parliament in years. GRIMSBY had a sample of this last week and while it was only a minor matter still it showed that there was discourtesy being shown on the part of a town official, and it he would do it in one instance he would be very likely to do it in others. Courtesy and civility is the cheap- est thing on earth today. uary 1st with a cle will leave no debts overdraft behind. struck the rate ft includes last yea1 mills and will‘go ine the town clea NO BEER NO BONDS In St. Catharines the labor men are so sore at the passing of prohibition that they are going to try and injure the Dominion in order to get even with the Province by opposing the sale of Victory Bonds. One of their num- ber has coined a new slogan which reads "NO BEER, NO BONDS." This slogan has been pasted up in the tae- tories of the county town and from all reports the labor men are going to live up to it. Had the "Geek" who is carrying an eight cent package of squirrel food around on his shoulders for a head, had only gone farther when he coined the slogan and finish- ed it up he would have found that it read something like this: No Beer, No Bonds No Bonds, No Business No Business, No Work No Work, No Wages No Wages, No Food , No Food--sTARVATION. A town's reputation for doing busi- ness in a business like manner can be made or marred by the refusal ot a public servant to answer the com- munications that come to him. never notice the extra few mills onl thiz year's taxes. and next year’s ommnil will have a free hand to go ahead and do business‘without being hindered bv a lm‘estone around their necks in the shape of a 1919 over- draft. COURTESY 0F OFFICIALS In no way can as much discourtesy be shown as in the refusal or neglect ot public servants to answer corres- By striking the rate at 33 mills the Council can go out of office on Jan- Courtesy on the part of municipal servants to the public and the people that they come in contact with and do business with is one of the great- est assetts that any municipality can possess. pondence, and especially so when they are requested to do so by ratepayers in a communication directed to them for that purpose alone. d Anv milk dealer, .either wholesaler t' retailer, who will water milk or dulterate it in any form should be unislhed to the fullest extent ot the 1w. He should not be shown the lightst bit of leniency. ni hind. Last l high rate IV oline motor th 1111 a clean sheet. They debts unpaid and no on Irs narrow ga we grades in Color- steam locomo- a necessarY. being Wednesday, _th°beL29th II CLOKE ea so t " " tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt WM. STEWART DRUG CO. LIMITED; Grimsby, Ont. _:', Sole Agents tor Grlmsby. m $1.04 to this address or to tret, ton’s Limited, 142 King St. W. Yo, onto and T. R. C's will be sent [00% AGE DOES NOT INTERFERE " TREATMENT IS PROPERLY FOLLOWED A SIMPLE METHOD TO REMEDY RHEUMATISM Over two years ago, William Nesbitt; of 113 John St., Toronto, Ontario, my attacked by Rheumatism. Mr. Nisti?it',il was 53 years of age at the time and 1,ii feared the worst. After trying Fiiii'ii, remedies and prescriptions without 0%: taining relief he took a friend's iuih', It and used Templeton's Rheumatic f G stiles. Result-to-day Mr. Nesbitt , '] "He hasn't lost a day's work siner fears Rheumatism any more." . ' . w':', Mr. Nesbitt gives the entire credit i, 'e his recovery to T..R.C.'8.... Profit l?rlii8 experience." Try them 1;“. " Many persons contend that there lit no sure remedy for Rheumatism, Sas iea, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, of their kindred diseases, but dont tid biased: draw your own conclusion. from the proof submitted. "r):' By keeping them in good condition, healthy and ro- busc. Remember always satisfae tion or your money back. See Rouse _Better facilities than ever for efficient and' prompt service. or repair to those you wearing , It is the best regulator and egg producer. It also pre- vents various poultry dis- eases. It should be fed reg- ularly to secure the best re- sults. ' l Shell Ittiiuneif Spectaclar and eye glasses in every varie- ty and style. MAKE YOUR 62 King E. 4 Doors West of P. o. Hamilton t Established A. D. 1900 Shell Rimmed all shades either white, black, wine 01: brown, put on your own glass- es while you wait. Welcome Yo San Oriental Tints--Blue Pink, Tan, Mauve and White all box gods. or glve you a SC corating which will please and .g tion. ous greeting at are always willi Tecumseh Linen, Empress of France, Empress of India, Empress of Britain, Old Burton Linen - All Linen Paper. SPECIALS Fine Onion Skin and Half Pound Note. to visit our We extend a hearty weld come to you when in town, HUME'S POULTRY SPICE WRITING PAPERS Wallpaper Department 011 M YOU NEED GLASSES WRITING PADS I. B. ROUSE ire VEST KING ST HAMILTON. SSH ed of a courte- and our staff illing to show scheme of de- ch we know , give. satisfac- HENS LAY rt f n: (I I. " B ENE El BEEN}? tX'-9.'SA'dWWt =Gwa--'"'" énmsny mmm ' 1919 'ttttttttat Ont. are

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