i Established A. D. 1900 t-" 't2i' 'tmmurrummmnummmmmo,m'fi; bvvls'vur'vviprvvruvt,vv; Providence, R. 1.-"I was all run down in health, was nervous, hadhead. headaches disalpgeared. I gained in weight and fee no tt I can lior1estly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to any woman who is suffering as I was. 'u.. Mrs. ADELINE B. LY_NCI_I, 1_00 Plain St.. Providence. R. I- amen, 100 main tit., Providence, R. L Backache and nervousness are simp- tom " nature’s warnings, whic in. dicate a functional disturbance or an unhealthy condition which often devel. opgjnto a more periohs ailment. cf Labor desiring assistance will oblige by communicating with Women in this condition should not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch 3 experience, and try this' famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- d-and for a ecial advice write to m'lf E. 'h1h"L"htiltc't , Lynn, Mass. T. A. C. JONES, Hon. Secy. Soldiers' Repatriation Committee -ll-tr- 'F----.,, 1 F or I , Go to E Men's HOW Til flllillil illijll(jlt)lli. Mil 'lilliilllillltliliitt 4 Doors W Hamilton Established Remember ,alwa tion or your mone Wednesday, October 15th ' See Rouse Better facilities than ever for effieiegt an} prompt service. Shell Rimmed Spectacles and eye glasses in every varie- ty and style. Shell Rimmed all shades, either white, black, wine or brown, put on your' own glass- es_while you wait. or repalr to those y0u are wearing'? '9 ' “I: W's-qua 21 CONFECTIONER Manufacturer of Wedding Cakes, Ice Cream and Fine Candy. J as. Crawford EMPLOYERS! Weddings, Receptions, At Homes and Entertainments upplied. T _ Boot Repairing promptly at- tended to., REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Go to H. Bull’s Shoe Store. Men's Fine Shoes, Women's Pumps and Oxfords ,and also a complete line of Flee Foot Sporting and Tennis goods. Shoe Store Next Door to Post Office 'old by Mrs. Lrich From Own Experience. LUNCH COUNTERS CATERERS rices and goods are right M YOU NEED GLASSES In. Seasonable Footwear l. B. ROUSE 1rur m . BULL King E. West ot "-".--- ays satisfac- aches, "g, back ached all 0 time. I was tired and had no ambition for any- thing. I had taken ( a number of medi- cines which did me no good. One day I read about Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege- table flprnptmndiiiid what it had done for women, so I tried it. My nervousness tttttl beckache and h b Hamilton 8.0K. I 'M (ii'it'ttttbvtuvuiru1t Ont. '1 , 1919. If you want to be quite exquisite have a special fan to go with each evening frock. It is an interesting conceit to have the tans made ot the same sort of thing that Is used to trim the frock. For instance to wear with a frock that was trimmed with narrow knife-pleated ruttlet, of georgette ther -*ra'tuh tan made of Imitee: pleated o,ur,.iyifiiiiill,l,laiaitdi t,1,jiiiiit sticks. With the frock that is t - F with ostrich plumage you should have an ostrich fan to match, and it) you are wearing one of the interest- ing new frocks that shows hand-paint-l ed decorations you should have a fan that has the same sort of nstinfesrq nail , le' Have you noticed that two and'ie: sometimes three different sorts ot tur te are used at the same time in the' V same tur piece this year? Other years (ture there was something ot this sort of Str, thing. For instance, a seal skin iii))); showed a collar of skunk or chinchits Moi la. But this year there is the mos: liqu unexpected sort of combination ot tw ing. furs that you would never harthGir" thought of using together, and all‘fill within the small compass ot a small tiny collar or scarf. It might look, it, you, clan didn't know, as if the furriers were;,bmv trying to use up small bits of fur'lemc tha} they had on hand or as if some I M. thrifty woman who wore them had pi; two partly worn out pieces and hadlcove: one good piece made from the better this parts of both. But that is not at all dress what has happened. It is distinctly erou: the fad to have these patch-work a ve: pieces of fur, and the odder the com- The bination the better fashion likes it. '--. Three. or four seasons ago paisley sign. was revived and many were the fine old shawls restored from the seclu- For a sion and darkness of some old chest , or attic to be cut up into fashionable the can _accessories. ‘Quite large sums were guimtpes offered by some of the smart dress- the' higl makers who'were making use ot gen- children uine paisley" for trimming ot frocks out diffil in combination with fur in scarfs and! frocks t muffs tor handbags and on hats. But I corduroy tor the most part the makers ot wo- ger than men’s apparel were content to use the: but go t product of present-day looms, whichI well. So had the same beauty ot colors and gee-color would satisfy most women quite as] . much as the veritable old paisley. - Fringe, Apparently we did not have enough ot them ; of this paisley vogue. At any rate it of silk th has come back and some ot the smart- feather est ot new hats are showing -the use fringe. 1 ot the paisley colors and weave. You it is wor will remember that for some reason toque-like when paisley was popular a few years. encircling ago it never became popular to the - extent of commonplacene‘ss,'so there] \ T is no feeling against it as there might have been had it been-run to the ground at that time. I Six eh FASHIONABLE KNICKNACKS Ie------,- ated ruffles of georgette p. tanttuu.av. " lade ot knife- tf,;t-irj,CC."-i"i'ii'are'li on " MA INL Y FOR WOMEN m: am was m axwell -iRtrr-w a"-"--------" o-"------ I l â€WWI: large, ripe fruit. Steam fig. Iteen minutes or until thye are tender'. , Cool and peed. Cut a,slice down}; ft side, remove the stones carefully agd lint one marshmallow in the place ot each. Roll in powdered sugar and stick almonds cut in strips in the peach. Serve with a spoonful of whipped cream ,garnish with pieces lof preserved Ringer. N. R, a an... _ Wash the clams and open grithout ‘ibreaking or destroying the shells. tIStrain oft the liquor and grind or t!ch0p the clams with the onion. 1lMoisten bread crumbs with clam ;'1iquor, add clams, onion and treason-i l ing. If dressing is too moist add "more bread crumbs. Mix well and 'ifill clam shells wiht mixture. Lay (tiny strips of fat port on top ot Iclams and put into a hot oven to ibrown well. Serve with slices of {lemon and sprigs of partsley.--Mrg. M. B. B., TIst/rum-on-Hudson, i' Fifteen cents for the clams Will icover the useful necessary cost for this receipt. Leftovers are used for 1iressing and the result makes a gen- 1riifi serving for six oeople. It is a very delicious and attractive dish. The tin ystrips of! pork garnish the browned filling in the shells. Stuffed Peaches Six freestone peaches, six almonds six marshmallows, one-halt cup heavy cream, one-quarter cu powder ed sugar, one ttalespoontul preserved ginger. l TESTED RECEIPTS Ill I " Stuffed Clams F Six clams, two cupruls tine " Ibread crumbs, one slice pork, one'- halt small onion, one teas onr -- glemon juice, salt and pepper?0 mfg-l IllllGTG lfourth teaspoonful poultry dressing. '.E!.ee.1S-e!.!.e Select Fringed hats are a novelty. Some of them are covered with real fringe of silk threads, and some with fur or feather fronds made to look like fringe. Whatever the fringe may be, it is wound around and around the toque-like hat, or else forms a single encircling band, if it deep enough. guimpes that are offered at some of] , the high-price specialty shops for A Payroll of $4,000 a Month! children may be made at home with- Means Something to a Town-. out difficulty. They are worn with VOTE FOR THE BYLAW. frocks of navy blue serge or with "-r-rrrtrrrzzezzzzzezzzzzz::zzzzzzzzrrrrerrr corduroy frocks and appear fresh lon- ger than the white cotton gulmpe, IllllilMllllll-qqiigtiiggIigiIIgi-i-iIiIgIiIIg but go through the laundry, quite as I l ' well. Some of them are made in pon- gee-colored silk. ' _ A I ‘I7 A For a little girlâ€: school frock tht . ape recommends itself to the careful] mother and these pong? THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Tl H l"l I PUBLISHED AT 'GRIMSBY IN THE HEART OF THE FRUIT BELT I Tag INDEPENDENT Above is an exact 1 Referendum ballot, shov C to Vote in order to susta perance Act as it stands. Ontario Referendum Committee JOE! MACDONALD; D.A.DUNLAP; ANDREW S. GRANT; Chair- Tim Vien-Chainnnm a...) C-c-. l Unless a majority vote "No" on questf peranoe Act will become almost worthh li. The only SAFE course is to mark your 3. Unless a majority vote "No" on question 1 the bars will be restored and the sale of all k mil your ballot. 1. Unless you ,vote on every question is spoiled. ' --- 2. You must mark your answer to tion with an "X't onlv. Artxrtq,tr,n Among the pictures secured ti 1oore's Theatre. tor Monday night 'hen the Independetit-Moore's Thea- ‘e Special Leased Wire Service will “Bounce the election returns are Pathe Review," Fatty Arbuckle in l'he Cools," ritish Canadian News, opies T ot ti Day, Harold Lloyd )medy "Lonesome Luke," British )vernment Official. News, Screen igazine and others.‘ I Answer Each Question t The beer of the ballot is I 18% strgnger than the Ontario Temperance Act now allows, and over five times as strong as the limit allowed for beer defined as non-intoxicating in Great Britain and the United States. Everybody should study tht tealiasexact'lir what they mean. the insidious demand for "light" 1uig is a delicious dessert and if Wed in sherbet glasses is most at] active and makes a generous mount tor six persons at a total st ot 60 cents. Canned peaches al may be used by putting two halves {ether With the marshmallow 1n , stone cavity. I Mark Your Ballot with an x after Each Question under the word "No" How to say'No!" R . T"'" "lNof--Four 'rimes--nNor nis Election Night Features. NO repeal; no you In “'00? ortho Woof th new. that two and 'thr-e"" outshone with! measure in wand hotel. that by a majority vote favour such to Th. Ortttrto Temmm Act Q- m In; '0on _ unit: TGa;; curl", m. In". I." gym m Tho Ontario Tmnu-mm teePe Are you In favour of tho a). of mount...“ have an: 'trer-oa, on. 4w - "a.“ "rough “gran" than†to The Ontario ram"..- Aro In 9 - ___ o LTI' ‘Vouro’iho up.†LINCOLN COUNTY’S PREMIER NEWSPAPER $1.50 PER YEAR---SUBSCRIBE NOW mlz'vw or an as. NO government beer shops we! 'hops-Four X's. c ALWAYS IN THE' LEAD 't I." uwmm “one“. aha '.ma"umiuu-iii temporal-com to mic such uh? rumour of an a). of titrht beer concur-In; not ' and 'tear-oat on. ammonia per cent. Alcohol W throuirh M'WM Manolo. and amend- dNvtarto "m““W Act " permit such “to? ) exact rtprodyction of the Lot, showmg the correct way to sustain the Ontario Tem.. ,_ "T ..- v. .. .... - wuwu’un. "In 1"tetetEiiiiFj'iieariiiiiG per cent. alcohol on every question your ballot - --- --'e-i9.FV m" M m 'Ommmmco Dalian-ch '. your answer to each ques- only. Anything else would I't tho - It 1igtt?ror county-Inc not the four questions and 1. Do not be misled by Lt†beer. NO" on questions 2, 3 and 4 almost worthless. howl. a; iaiui rGcGGiii"ciriiG "rel - an! nmendmom . ., "at t , I ‘HE clearglassdoor isonlyoneof the 'sill:.',':", 9-, modern features of this dependable r?').,)',,-,?-,,;-:'":'-'"] _ f. . range. Its baking qualities you know. I . . R The cooking top will take the boiler either k "s .. across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook 35‘ \- the regular dinner on wash-day. of “Dirk-nu. 3nd male of the Ontario temper- " No beer saloons; No each under the word “No of all kinda of i Mtlary's Pandora sale , ballot as Shown above. Sold only in sealed packages TE A'is good tea" jltlllliillRiBti, ?7erch,atGiir/i'."iiiiii"riiriitir, ttoo'. Excelsior Life Bldg.. Toronto) Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel; and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther- mometer takes all guess-work out of baking. No other range will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora; 24 Years the fame "good " tea ('5',‘, Sold by Jas. A. Wray, Grimsby Baking Alwazs ho frigh intoxicants permitted. l, 4 the Ontario Tenn. No government "No." CERF; Gr-r---.' " THREE " Ti: r, I.“