Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 24 Sep 1919, p. 4

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D. J. McIntosh ( Steamship Lines was the Beach on Monday A meeting tor the, pu forming a Citizens Liberty in GRIMBBY has beens e Friday night of this week i, Theatre. Mr. LeRoy Oakley of Winnipeg is. visiting with his father Mr. Sylvester Oakley. . Miss Helena Woodruff of spent the week-end with her on Robinson Street South. , A GOOD ASSORTMENT The Misses Belle and Annie C eron of Hamilton spent the week. with Mr. anddfrs. W. P. Randall Parsnips Hubbard Squasl Spanish Onions Lettuce Gold. Bantam Corn Cauliflower Cabbage Sweet Peppers Celery Pie Pumpkins Sweet Potatoes Cooking Onions Vegetable Marrow Cantaloupe large Musk Melons (Salmon Flesh) lg 9830' ‘BBBBEBBBBBEBBBEBPBRfi3&6’66735’63€€€€Z€€€€€ G. A. Hoshal is the possessor of Obey that impulse-Support the G. a. new Ford Sedan. ‘W. V. A. in every possible way. Miss Agatha Scott ot Toronto spoilt the week-end with Miss Fonger. lg!!! EtlgEtlgEEtCt3Etlt3rutTg'EtlEEglEtWg]EtlEt] a . E3 [gl B) E4 R 're-Ml-gr-lil- Vii] E! m 9595' 'aS882hS2hS8', sasssasasaaeeaaaeaaaeaeaeaeaea aw companied by their friend [meal Items Of Interest Orlando Ofield is driving Ford coupe that looks pretty P. W. and Mrs. Pottingt the W FOUR Geo D lk Don ay Baby’s.$1.25 up [fl Ladies $2.50 up tt Gent's $4.50 up , , We can give you good value in Diamonds. - _ ne n 1011 Tu on b 0 d fail to BANK OF HAMILTON Ot d Mrs. two week 1nd IN M rin nt Urns on Optomet O 10111-0 1ont rtE ur't as IZt n of Hubbard Squash Lettuce Cauliflower Sweet Peppers yo " hex _ called k in Mc D the ESTABLISHED 187g purpose leation W1 0 visitor of tro T pays to raise hogs. There Il, always a market, prices are high and will remain high on ac- count of the large export trade. If you need a loan to increase your stock, consult us. )n mada r to or if new mes an m- and tt It o JU of 1e 111 is "' p it W. J. West h: old barber shop Chas. Clattenbur sion on Monday. FOR SALIil--Twin Indian motor cycle, power plus motor ,in good con dition.. G. Lipsitt, GRIMSBY, Box 445. Mr. Fletch and family of Tavistock have moved on to the farm they re- ce'ntly purchased trom W. B. John- son, on the mountain. _ There is a pie p111 bition in H. Bull' weighs 41%, pounds by J. Harrison, Pail Support the and dances---', wards the " Clubhouse. POR SALD--A mare and tyred buggy; a fine driving cheap. W. C. Dawe, 'ph Winona. PUBLIC N0TIClB---Notice is by given that hunters and found or known to be tres on my poperty will be, pro: Thos. Gagan, North GRIMSBY Mr. Rodgers of Hamilton is act- ign manager at the Bank of Hamil- ton during Mr. Pottinger's absence. FOR SALE--- A Hall range with water front; condition. J. A. M. Livin; Gunner H. E. Amos, former princi- pal of GRIMSBY High School, has been appointed principal of the Ham ilton Normal School by the Pro’vin- cial Government. power attachm how to 'turn yo power plant in Miss Aurvis of C and Wm. Schaefer c the one-step dancin Beach on Thursday "Jimmy" Wra Smitrville and secured several Delco Lighting For ness 2 IN FARMS WANTED - and Stock, farms wantet clients. Please send ful to Josisph H. Smith & Co Building, Toronto. D. Marsh and Sons have secured the contract of building a combina- tion dwelling house and garage for Armand Smith at Winona. The gar- age part of the building sits in the centre of the structure with living rooms on both sides of it and over- head. The contract price is $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mitt, ot Toronto, we: accompanied by their sster Mrs. J. Nic Brown, and Mrs. Stitt, Sr., motored -the over on Sunday and visited their auntlTh‘ Mrs. Glass. , nin The prospects tor cheaper clothing} U_.._., "’ -9._--H.--___ are not at all bright. Canadian Wool- St .Alban’s Church. ot England, lens and cottons are still being ship- Beamsville, will hold Harvest ped to Europe and until this condition Thanksgiving service on Sunday 29 is reversed, price witf be high. How- Sept. The Rev. A. Hewitt, of St. ever some stores are selling goods at Thomas' Church, St. Catharines, will much higher prices than others. Far- be the special preacher in the even- rars sell their merchandise at the most ing. The rector the Rev. R. T. Nie reasonable prices. They manufacture will officiate at 8 and 11 a.m. their own goods. They buy and sell . for cash, and are satisfied with a Miss Myrtle Konkle has recently smaller profit. We would like you to finished her course at the Canada call and look over our values. The Business College of Hamilton, and better. judge you are, the surer we are has been placed by that institution to sell you. We make suits to your as stenographer for the Standard order. Every coat and vesth tried on Underground Cable Company. She and satisfaction guaranteed: Always entered on her new duty Thursdax at your service. Farrar ‘Clothing of last week. - Manufacturers, tr Market Square. We give premium tickets. 9n Qct. 21st to 23rd a tag day and in ot n 14 ring lean FOR Drop in chance The marri Itt mer tun Ily an GRIMSBY of 6 GRIMSBY BRANCH 1 SALE---", and wagon tit will your eam SAL Ir on phone 1rly tt WRAY'S HARDWARE and 'cular on the McGill Auto- achment, which tells you rn your Ford into a real W may of MISS . Isville and Mr IMSBY. WANTED - Fruit, Grain farms wanted for waiting ase send full part culars c. Smith & Co., 501 C. P. R. " Wray n oon pie pumpkin . Bu11's wi [If Miller’s of GRIMSBY afer of GRIMI 1as Nn SE Ileam (CD-ities is here- hunters and others ,y had a Beamsville to itty la; ‘he tis is ads. It was g: Faiview Avenue s repurchased and business tr, . He took poss n minute IN quantity of with cover thousand. are M " Je m tems tor ot lVillg n t GRIMBSY won ; contest at the night last. akin he on cent p tor qui avem plan a .In on exhi- window- that Worict1 Franl display trespassing prosecuted phone GRIM orcit Hung to- permanent o " ty 0n NI lCE rubber outfit; 11 rown cu- General admission is only aqutgla ment ---reserved seats thirty-five can for the McRaye Lecture in Moo his Theatre on October 3, under tl e from 'auspices of the G. W. V. A.--. ' sses- fail to secure one or two or mor_ - hat salt 011 nk d M hi- at md for q M ne at ll ll i Mrs. A. Martin ot Toronto, a known summer resident of GR Iii Beach was knocked down by automombile in St. Catharines Thursday last and severely ini' She is at present confined to hospital. Don't for Autopower cars, sawin next the m on Saturda; at 3 o’clock FOR SALE-A Cedar elot1tit cabinet, kichen table, curtain strisiAl ers, floor Polisher and sundry {fl ticles of kitchen tinware can be " f at my house on' Thursday eveni Fred M. Marsh. _ "fa on s? at thr there. FARMS WANTED-lt you wish) sell your farm communicate with. ---we have buyers now. Ittwill I. F you nothing unless we make a s _ A' Bell's Limited, GRIMSBY, ’ph-ne 4Q 0 duced sale. GRIM FOR SALE-Horse, one set single driving harness, buggy, cook stove, two heating. :3qu and rapes, iron bed and springs” 4 ply to Frank Whewell, living on the place known as the Wilson property, 'phone 376, GRIMSBY. auu intere Remember the Gan Company will apéar Theatre on Thursday ber 16--for the G. W. N SBY This is the finest and most healthy itoo weather in the world tor dancing. the Nice and cool and just enough nip in ten the air to make you want to dance. b The Beach Dance Hall is still run- t ning every Tuesday, Thursday and fl, Saturday nights. l a Plans and specifications for the enlarging of the Beach Dance Arr, for next season have tmen prepared. The present hall will be turned around and will run North and South when finished it will have a dancing surface 70 x 30. A 20 foot covered platform will run around all four sides of it. Supt. of Works Randall h finished up the Depot Street job and it certainly makes l improvement in the looks street. I WANTED-A dining-room and a kitchen maid tor the C cial Hotel, Beamsvlla Am once, to Mrs. W. Cosmos, o'ph Beamsviile, Ont. A uem Autopowe yoru For LOST-A new Dominion Nobby tread tire, size 34 x 4% with rim and tube inside-between GRIMSBY and 3RIMSBY Beach on Thursday Sept. 18th, 1919. The finder will please return to the INDEPENDENT Of- fice, GRIMSBY or the Department of Public' Highways, Beamsvilie. ville DE? SBVG St .Alban's Church. ot England, Beamsville, will hold Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday 29 Sept.' The Rev. A. Hewitt, ot St. Thomas' Church, St. Catharines, will be the special preacher in the eviyn- ing. The rector the Rev. R. T. Nie will officiate at 8 and 11 a.m. Int has been placed by that as stenographer for tht Underground Cable Cor entered on her new duty of last week. On Oct. 21st to 23rd a tag day am collection will be 'held in GRIMSB? for the British Navy League. oe 21st is Trafalgar Day and in. will b commemorated all over Canada b the Navy League in securing fund for the families of sailors and mar ines who lost their lives in the grea war. Further particulars later. UNDERTILING- Scientific und,.r- draining will double your crvps; our digging maehimr makes a perfect job. We will give you expert ad- vice on your drainage requirements and it will cost you nothing. We can also show y0u how to miderdrain your farm without putting up any money. If you want any tiling done at once, we can do it tow if you ap- ply quickly. Be11's Limited, GRIMS- BY, 'phone 405 or 261. J. H. ttendir If IE " ill b ID LOS xt the Satur tober 11 teserve, your seat Walter McRaye 5 Empire" in MC 26 JI d I will ning on Tr1ce tor cash, Hamilton Flemin n mt Of rt on e. 40 forget to see er attachment wing wood'on the new Wray & I 1onstration on the .M er attachment for use rd, will b egiven on the new Wray and McCoy jday afternoon of this o'clock. Don't fail tt thousand of the 1 baskets, at a gr 'ice for cash. and o Betw ay In the THE INDEPENDENig GRIMSBY, ONTARIO h ple uncle 1t ween GRIMSBY iding, lady’s I _ liberally rewal 11 Wray & McCoy ','dtil afternoon of this w _ zuaye on in Moore LI am n or MI 11 " SI NI M It or namuton, and by that institution for the Standard ble Company. She saw duty Thursday " communi l LIMITE Garratt the 111 ort h Itto POI evenin 0 m ‘this week fail to be sl' Gn "",Ciit NPTrS.1i1-A11 unpaid accounts due ursday and to the firm of Piott & Henderson, Bakers, will be left in the hands of . a solicitor for collection, if not paid non Nobby on or previous to October 15, 1919. With rim and Mr. Piott is leaving the, firm and it JMBBY and shall be known as "Henderson rsday Sept. lBros.” after October 1 ,1919. will please “A“ tNAXTr A., an,“ MM“ “mm at the pht b 1e McGi1_ for For vacant lo; 1n g day and GRIMSBY 1e. Oct. it. will be Inada by wily ate with} ), GRIM4 by store as " GRIMS is week" :tion of 0 (numer- U0ncert Moore's ly n 11E McGill just gutter "great t the Octo- once mtry " n 1e of all eon he girl 10119 a ud 1.8!. 1de " re- on lot an ar at m of k ll h , ( AT. JOHN’S (ii:' ' Sunday, Se ' beeial Rally D at t. It RENT-A 3, house on ' ith. Apply to - I Son Street South. a PL right I bag l Th, he Beach Dancing Pavillion 11 open on Tuesday, Thursday turday .nights. The Annual Rally Day Service of e. Sunday School will be held at 2.30 lock. An attractive programme has en arranged under the subject, "The me.” Brief addresses will] be " en by Mr. T. P. Jenkinson, supt., s R. H. Fleming and Rev. W. E. ssard, of Toronto. Parents and Wnds are invited to join with the s and girls in this special service. RIMSB pareu bf Du gill speak ible Socil 'itil 11 Our ls rs. W. Eadton of Vancouver, B.( C been spending a week with Mr "5R. Morrison, Maple Avenue. mandate ton Street (tr. will preach Fire Prevention Day tor the Pt'0- Vince. of Ontario has been set for Oct. 9th. Help to prevent fire by cleaning up all the rubbish and re- fuse about your property on that date. ' FOR SA] d Clover " , GRIM ne 64 ri FOR SALE-An eight room house. on corner of Clarke and Ontario streets; has hardwood floors, Sun- shine furnace, three-piece bath, elec- tric lights, town water, storm doors and sash, screen, window blinds, etc. all in first class order. A fine gar- den with a good assortment of fruit trees. Immediate bossession and reasonable terms. Fred M. Marsh. A While driving home from Toronto on Saturday night an accident of a very painful.but not serious nature happened to Percy Finkle and his party from the Beach. While step- party from the Beach. While step- ping along t,he Highway at a rair rate of spee.d the lights on the Ford refused to function all of a sudden and as it was very dark Finkhe slap- ped the brakes on quick and hard with the result that the car skidded around in a circle throwing Richard Caswell out in the ditch on one side of the road and Mr. Wiley, manager of the Beach out on the other side. ll DI The 'Grape Belt' a paper published‘ at Dunkirk, N.Y., keeping in close touch with all the towns through that| New cork State grape belt, such as Chautauqua, Dunkirk, Silver Creek,‘ Sheridan, etc., publishes n its. issue of September 23, the information with regard to the grape crop and prevail- ing prices in the grape belt. The price at present is $110 per ton, in twenty-pound baskets, baskets weigh- ed in, and 28c and Me per four-quart basket. The yield s expected to be about 4,400 ,cars, while the normal yield in the grape belt is about 8,500 cars. 28c for the ttNr-quart baskets is equal to 42e in GRIMSBY for our 6 quart baskets. cular f this asily 1nd of WANTED J. H. Ford, Grimsby East Nov J. E. Scott, Grimsby Sept, J. G. Eyres & Son, Grimsby Eas ' Sept. Being over the road and Mr. Wiley, manage: the Beach out on the other side by were [bruised and shaken ul tty badly but no bones broken. ”I" xiii Churches NO F01 also go, depender Sunday, b'eptemlrer 28th wet rdhehn iZE P116 1rt SLE QR ct PAID UP LIST METHODIST H Chicken I n The MIM Sept O Tt Spple ood na h nd yt 0 APT t1 lt ff 10ne'281 n ySe ea Member piano to .Eaton. RI mt Schoo About n " 1led. r W 11 , Hear indfalls RIMSBT M int rvice m svilk full BYTEItI Program Stephen ell d Pied O small fifty White L. Hagar " ith 1Onf illy n h Box sold t . 24120 . 12119 ' ll )t 24l itih "a9TTTTTTuXX=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX+SMSStSSSSeSSteS1 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt IS 1d 11D 20 ii SMARTEST NEW STYLES i, IN WOMENCS APPAREL t " " H tt v- tt " " IIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIllllllllllI|I|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII You can o"repare now to accept one of these positions. F New students are admitted every Monday. COURSES , - I Business " Complete Office Typewriting Civil Service Shorthand Secretarial cl-ical I CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE is necessary to see them to ap- preciate their full value and gen- erous beauty. Beautiful cos- tume blouses in all the new pop- ular suit shades fashioned of lainty voiles, embroidered geor- gette crepe, soft washable satins and some of pussy willow tatte- tas. The woman with a shrewd eye to economy will buy to last her all season. Dainty Georgette Blouses each style decidedly different, and many shades and combinations, round necks, tucked and pleated trim, some have inset vests, a fe tinctive patterns. ' Priced at $8.51 White Habuti Blouses, with pleated and tucked fronts, pearl and specialy priced at $5.00 to l NEW AUTUMN BLOUSES tr THE VOGUE FOR SWEATERS shades McCoy's Tea Room wh ie1 Splendid Positions at Good Salaries all new autumn 11 GRIMSBY, 12 at . 44.56 Hugson Mig. Rothsay E. Clemens, Principal. Geor department pe de Chene in Most inviting and at- tive models for selection. It That Show Every New Style Tendency colors ls Enhanced b The demand for competent Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Clerks and Typists is greater than the supply. You are assured of a good position if you can qualify for the many excellent calls which are coming into our office daily from large! busness interests. I / ul 1nd Havormg. You can only secure this ElLSrONE, the acknowledged standard in 1 all chocolates are iudeed. " at th in our silk ette and sty ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt We also handle the The New. Fall Mil inery Reveals Many Beautiful Styles, Including Sma l, Trig, Close-Fitting Shapes 1C] Pal lov n m. rieed rom e you they are hats of distinction and worthy ot pitrticu We know that you will find the utmost in Quality, th, expression in this splendid collection. an abundance of black hats and of course, all the nev blue M=riiiiit, - t"rl',1, val yrft '"5 ht u bus rs have been developed this season, some women give linence of a fancy blouse. Shown in slip-on style, aist and coat models, brushed mohair golf; sweaters; ¢folk coat styles, with youthful collars, and belt or r, sash. Shown in pearl white, paddy, nile, brown, ue, tan, rose\and many other pretty colors with .con- Wool sweaters in slip-on style sleeveless and with at $4.50 to $7.00. ' of colors and prices in Misses and Children's Pull- cont k ers, scarfs, etc., I in all the Iikeabl A. F. Haw e 1 1 e YR TAKE HOME A BOX Il an chocola ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ..~‘,5H‘ . g. F. I.._. ... . E "s . n Al IM $8.50 and $9.39 with several s ompany 11n THE New Weaves and Styles F several f. button trin 56.69. s you always try to buy the best. g but the purest of cream, choco- an only secure this QUALITY amous chocolates in bulk ire beaded tu are in V Smartlv comprise u NeHsons " Wednesday, Sept. 24th n The Chocolates That Are Different... mm COC uit styl x, all siz ot W me a cha rib W til " ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttit" and tl rape Jon " ll season's masons assemb hats for every rench harming example of hat fashions. They or velvet and plush. ed little turbans and bows of gros- ‘. Others are soft Hamilton, Ont. Send for illustrated 'ibbon brai models a embroidre Mt Wools for sweat collars Very l shades at our wool counter orm 1nd ONTARIO 11 anada by h " n h " , 1919.

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