The longâ€"delayed r.ceting ol Thn€ «GRIMSBY Club, was ‘held in the new Mub rooms on Wednesday night last. President Randall was in the Chair and state@ that the meeting could mot be called sooner on account of the moving of the Club from its old to its new quarters. Bvery effort is no v being made to get the Club in shape for a grand «epening, and it is hoped thnat this will itake place within the next two weeks. _â€"Fortyâ€"threse applications for meimâ€" bership were laid on the table and woted upon. All applications were pas sed and the new men.were duly electâ€" eq members of the Clab. 6 »moembering the old. On behalf of the «uxsgregation of the â€" Tapleytown NWothodist Chburch. _A commilttee was appcinted to go «ver and revise and adu to therules andregulationg of the organization. During the pats month a great inâ€" terest hasbeen taken in the cluh by grtts members and that is the reason so many applications being preâ€" seunted at this meeting. . As Mre. end Nre, D. Jarvis and family were moving away from our moighborkoog in which they have reâ€" gided nearly all their lives the congre Beation of the Wothodist Church, planâ€" ned a perpriso party ang gift for Mr. YHarvis, but apon finding them just gawbout to {eave, decided to wait until they were sottled in their new home fGefore â€" calling on them, and bad Rirs. NWilliam Cline call and preâ€" seat MWr. KFarvig with a beautiful mantol oclock ang address on benalf 4f the congregation and choir. The «ddress road as follows:â€" To Mr. Runcarn KSarvic. l On Kan. Znd, about thiirtyâ€"five of &oonmgatlon formed a jolly sleigh d end wonded their way to Bartonâ€" 49 NH P £eal' friend4.â€"FHaving lcarned with cere regrot of your intention to leavyo us soon, woe wish to show in a nemtnnp Black Natural 1Ar @16 Fancy twe PRICE Ten only a Children‘s Velvet coal Natural Mink M and Mink M Black L Black T Black F Black F Anyone. contemplating the purchase of wool dress _ goods, wolld do well to see what we have. We don‘t claim ‘to have a complete stock, in the face of present conditions, but what we have is excellent buying; and cheaper than it could be purchased at wholesale at the present time. Al PRICEF lar $7.00 PA PLRYTOW N t s p" A1 reranconscencomens C AGiait \. duce.â€" 1armot Dakota Dakota Persian H 1 T Coon St Wool Dress Goods mo )( CO B 0) t Collarettes. Regular $12.50. SALE PRICE. a Wolf Muff. Regular $13.50. SALE PRICE.. a Stole. Regular $13.50. SALE PRICE....... in Lamb Muff. Regular $15.00. SALE PRICE in Lamb ‘Stole. Regular $8.75. SALE PRICE. ... nnscarnancommmeeme e me crmnenrrar on uecairmeer 29 nemnemecn acs e GRIMSBY CLUB| Ladies‘ GCoats N. Cline beautiful fur UB Regul Regul cloth coats, heavy with quilted, lining, reguâ€" PRICRKY®. .0. es i yieeaivivericss Pusars i. W1Ooads xcellent $15.00 and $16.00 values, SALE n ie ul s ie‘ a oc Cacnts ‘ale in 6 €7% o.---..-..--$9o98 ts, regular $12.00 values, SALE PRICE $7.98 "¢* +n" & vears: Clearing @.:..............$1.09 ts, regular $12.00 values, SAI 3 to 6 years. Clearing @... 10 years. Upâ€"toâ€"date in every 50 values. SALE PRICE..... FURS ar $12.50. SALE PRICE.......... .$9.98 ar $12.50 and $10.00. SALE PRICE $9.98 Regular $12.50. SALE PRICE..... .$7.98 regular $13.50. SALE PRICE..... .$10.50 ar $13.50. SALE PRICE.:......... .$10.50 Regular $15.00. SAMLE PRICE....$10.98 ce aunren cqenoner on eneniemnget Lenilhetieat a 1. se elCal m B Tt .20 time was spent in muSic and Sames Mrs. Jarvis and her daughters sérvâ€" ing a dainty luncheon during the evening. The only regretable feature of the evening being that about thirty were unable to be present owing to illness in their homes. Before the jolly party left for their homss Mr. Jarvis thanked the friemis for their kindness shown toward :imself aud family by Miss Aletha Sorrine Jarvis reading a well worded address as follows: * # _ _Mr. and Mrs. Burt, have returned to Grimsby after a pleasant visit with friends here, Mrs. Jaryis @and M your extreme kingne such a beaugiful cloc words which make _ Mr. ang Mrs. Willison and son have moved to Hamilton. Miss Milly Paterson, spent the week end with hep sister, Mirs. J. McDonâ€" ald. Mrs. Moore, and children, of Procâ€" ton, are visiting at Mr. S. W. Woodâ€" lan‘s. tB Mr. James Copeland, of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end here. Miss Emma Wardell, is spending a couple of months with relatives ‘at St. Catharines, Miss Belle Walker, spent a few lays in Hamilton. Regul al LTVIS in pomeraeemenirmesinmynno newmenimtry see w 4o do fln P dn Alce diercen Eis L o Cl 2000 price $17.50.. SALE SMITHVILLE wh espect. Reguâ€" ghters seryâ€" . during the table feature ofg Mr. P $6.50 pleasant cames 3) Major Roberts of the O9lst. Highâ€" landers, who has been overseas since Sept., 1914, returned to his home in GRIMSBY, this week on a short furâ€" lough. The Major was wounded at the Battle of the Somme, having some of his ribs broken ang was confined "to ihospital for six weeks, He is now enâ€" joying excellent health and looks well. > MAJOR H. L. ROBERTS _ _ â€"â€"HOME ON FURLOUGH G. E. Smith, of GRIMSBY, went to town last week minus a iicense numâ€" ber on the front Oof his auto. He said tat he didn‘t know that he had lent the license number until he reached the city limits, and that he immediate ly informed several policemen . whom he met of the fact. He was alfawed to proceed vunmolested, he said, until he came upon Sergeant May, who had him summoned. Magistrate Jeffs smiled when he headr Mr. Smith‘s story, and was on the verge of dismissing the case, Sudâ€" denly he recalled that M1. Smith hails from GRIMSBY. ‘"Were there any unusual costs con nected with this case?" his worship asked. ‘"Yes, sixty cents," Clerk James Mcâ€" Kay answered. ‘"Mr. Smith, are you willing to pay that sixty cents?" "Indeed I am, your worship.. It was all an accident." "Then pay it and go your way." The new Council consisting of Wm. Bell, reeve, and A. eamer, M. Bush, H. Copeland and W. McDonnelil, coun The GRIMSBY Hospital Supplies Club sent last week to the Canadian Red Cross Society, Hamilton Branch, the following supplies:â€" x 12 Pairs Socks. 6 Khaki day sHhirts. 4 Helpless Case shirts. 12 Suits pyjamas. f A donation of $1.15 has been reâ€" ceived from a Class of Girls in the Presbyterian Sunday School. Thisg gift to the Red Cross work was much appreciated. 24 & 3 The Club meets on Thursdays at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. at rMs. Lesâ€" lie Nelless‘. Workers are invited to attend. $ Men‘s Heavy PRICE. Men‘s Chin Hobberlin SALE Youths‘ Raglan overcoats in grey Boys‘ overcoats, sizes 4 to weed ulst RED CROSS sUPPLIES FINED 60 GENTS Youths‘ and boys‘ overcoats and Clearing at the SALE PRICE SALE SALE PRICE CAISTOR CENTRE THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO chill PRIC â€"STEPHEN nin( )R T( Men‘s Overcoats MAIN ST. W. GRIMSBY Boys‘ Overcoats L Ol Regular $12.00. SALE PRICH hilla ulst« U 9 vears n ible coll and mixed colors. Regular $12.00 length, in navy ilton, on Saturday. On Sunday morning, the 14th, Rev. Mr. Powns, of Smithville, will conâ€" duct the services in the Methodist Church, Abingdon. Ervine Hanningan and family, of Vineland, visited friends in this vicinâ€" ity for a few days last week. On â€"Tuesday, Jan. 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. John Young, a son. COLLECTION OF WASTE PAPER The Boy Scouts of GRIMSBY have undertaken to make a systematic colâ€" lection of . waste paper for the _ Red Czoss Society every week. The town has been divided into two sections the East and West. The East consisting of Oak St. and Depot St. east to and including the Beach Road. The West taking in the remaining part of the town and as far West as Mr. A. F. Hawke‘s residence. On Saturday, aJn 13, weather perâ€" mitting, the collection will be made from the Eest Section. To assist the collectors in their undertaking and to enable them to cover the large amount of territory each week an apâ€" peal is made to the housekeeper to have all the papers bundled up and placed on the verandah on Friday afternoon, asgs the collection will be made first thing Saturday morning. It is hoped that the ladies will keep this in mind and greatly assist the collecâ€" tion as otherwise it will be impossiâ€" ble to cover all the ground. The collection for the West section will be made on Saturday the 20th and alternately each week. If the weather is unfavorable any Saturday watch for an announcement in the INDEPENDENT the following Wedâ€" nesday. At a meeting heid in the Union Hall on Monday evening last a literâ€" ary society was organized. The offiâ€" cers elected were Pres. I. E. Nelson, Viceâ€"Pres. _ Morley Merritt, Sec.â€" Treas. Miss A. Jackson and several committees. It was decided to hold biâ€"weekly mecetings beginning on Tuesday evenin, Jan. 16. A good time is expected. An inventor has combined an erasâ€" er with a clip to hold a pen or pencil in a pocket. navy and brown. Regul â€"~Mr. Bailley of Ker Circuit will conâ€" duct the service in Stone Church on Sunday next. / 3 â€" Mrs. Jas. Adkinson has returned home after spending several weeks in the hospital in Hamilton. 2e I FULTON Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDougall are spending a few days in Oneida.. UI Itc ulsters Of. ... Clearin al Regul Regulatr g MI al n Regular th ) and $8.50 to $12.00. hx Gsre s + D00 it In? th h aI () 1( SALE $14.98 $25.00 $18.50 UI $7.00 $3.98 $9.98 lhan ? 08 m with in and the citizens of «iRIMSBY «@nd surrounding country learned with reâ€" gret on Monday of this week of the assignment of Mr. A. F. Hawke, who Lag conducted business in GRIMSHY as a dry goods merchant for the past twentyâ€"seven years. ; Mr. Hawke has always kept a very highâ€"class store, acknowledgeqd to be one of the finest country stores in the Province. Up ‘till about threa years ago his business was very prosâ€" perous, but the hard times of 1313, and the war of 1914â€"15â€"16 so depresâ€" sed the fruit business in this section that it injured Mr. Hawke‘s buiness to a great extent, nis sales falling off to tha extent of twoentyâ€"eight thousand Gollars in one year. The resualt of this falling off of trade was that Mr. Hawke found it necessary to assign, which 11e did on Saturday, Jan. Sth., to McLeod1, Tew & Company, of Hanmiil ton. Mrs. Rea, Grimsby, Deéc..:31,‘ 17 J. D. Allan, Smithvilie, Jan. 20,‘17 W. ‘W. Ferris, North Grimsby, Tec. 31‘,1 7 Stock is row being taken and a meet ing of the creditors will be held next week. Everyone hopes that an arâ€" rangement will be mads by which Mr. Hawke can continue his business. The juice of a cactus growing plenâ€" tifully in Uruguay is used with lime in that country to make a brilliant whitewash which withstands storms and frosts for years. To provide a substitute for the not always sanitary iceâ€"cream cone an inâ€" ventor has patented a device that cuts a core from a banana and reâ€" places it with ice cream. According to a French physician the fumes from aluminum â€" factories not only are destructive to vegation, but they also cause a form of diabetes to workers in them. A Pennsylvania steel mill â€" has been equipped to roll the largest plates in the world, 192 inches in width, the limit that it is possible to transport on American railroaid‘s. 12 The Three 'pi'izes, aggregating $26,000, Newest Notes Of Science Men Ladies‘ low overshoes (Arcadia). Ladies‘ high button, or three clas} Children‘s and misses‘ stockinovelt Men‘s plain C Lumberman‘s Rubber boots Children‘s and misse Men Ladies‘ rubbers Boys‘ rubbers, 7 Men HAWKE, CENTRAL STURElE ASSIGNS ( )1 in low ov PAID UP LIST Buckle overshoes, $1.50 and. Buckle ovet mel rshoes (Jersey Rain Slippe! vers or sole rubber rubbers, buckle or *4 "5 and...~....4 In uniry StoOres n till about threa so was very prosâ€" _ times of 13913, â€"15â€"16 so depresâ€" Rubber Goods )( a OLI _ WUihni {iRIMSBY W rorm variety of styles) an d 11 ho Overshoes of unheard of advances in an still offer our custome . stock. at practically th GRIMSB Y rubbers, 45c to _ _ 00 2 0000000000000 oo seevarâ€" sn paue Pn uP n d e o Malt Underwear sp, oversho ers. $1.25 t s, 90c and. lace. $2.00, (del WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1917 nouse press are 6 are equal in eiliciency to cut glass ones at about oneâ€"third of the cost. Europe has about 3% times the tele graph traffic and nearly twico the firstâ€"class mail traffic of the United States, but only twoâ€"fifths of the telephone traffic. A Connecticut inventor‘s musical instrument has a single violin string of more than usual length and is played with a bow while held beâ€" tween the knees, an aluminum horn, amplifying the sound. To supply electricity to operate wireless instruments on aeroplanes a windmill that drives a dynamo has been invented, whirled by its passage through the air. For economical unloading of autoâ€" mobiles from freight cars an inventâ€" or has patented a movable platform, mounted on a track, which can be wheeled against a car door. Chopped hair has been successfully substituted for skin in skin grafting by a French surgeon, due to the fact that hair cells can be transformed into skin cells. Cross brand. 0908400886066 @4 %$§@608600888%6 sseGi gl nmnent tO n NJ th ‘tates bureau of lightâ€" ucceeded in making lenses for buoys that nd in ‘es tfrom which 1 be obtained. bureau of lightâ€" priC ) Russian govâ€" ion or disenyâ€" narket, â€" comâ€" .$4.50 $2.00 $3.00 $1.50 $1.00 $3.25 $1.5 $1.50 10¢ 00 0C oC )Vâ€"