' Enamelware, Tinware and Kitchen Utensils t Nice lines of Flashlights and Batteries. i Plumbing and Heating Estimates ... Promptly Furnished. .3. MMMWW*¢®WWWMWWWW EJASFBIRD w***mw*4-W%MOÂ¥MMMâ€'10.?4'40'1'4'4'd'40'1'14‘i'i'4'W'104-4010MWWWWWM STOVES! RANGES! FURNACES! Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired. Second-hand Stoves and Heaters on Sale " MAIN Street, GRIMSBY Buy “Fit Ezy" Stove Pipes, they save time and temper. We are prepared to buy apples in any quantity, suitable for pealing. Pricest the very highest Apply to EDW. TODD Dominion Canners Grimsby, Ont. TENDERS will be received by the Reeve, Hamilton Fleming, Esq., for crushing and delivering on the Grimsby Park Mountain Road and any other roads within a radius of two miles from the stone piles, the Council may determine. The Town- ship will furnish the use of stone crusher free. A11 tenders must be in the hands of. the Reeve not later than Oct. let. - ' Dated Oct. 9, 1915. THOS. W. ALLAN, Clerk. Apples Wanted st Choice Double and Single Tulips, $1.00 per hundred. Choice Daffodllls, 30c a dozen, $2.00 . per hundred Choice Hyacinths, 40c a dozen, $3.00 per hundred Named Varieties, Hyacinths, 50c a dozen, $6.00 per hundred. Special Collection, 25 Single Tulips, 25 Double Tulips, 6 Single Daffo- dllls, 6 Double Daffodllls, 8 Hyacinths, $1.00. All orders $1 and over, parcel post free. W. W. WALKER_ 108 St. Paul St., St. Catharines, Ont. WEDNESDAY, 0011mm; £11915 'erfection" Oil Heaters are the best' Tenders Wanted gives a maximum amount of fire of ordinary construction. The lu and a fire starting inside is confi: BULBS Flame-proof building board is a composition of asbestos and portland cement, that is absolutely fireproa. It is made in standard- sized sheets, and can be used as a finished surface with battens or to take a thin skim coat of plaster if a perfectly smooth surface is required for tinting, painting or papering. It is made for the interior lining of residences, cottages, bungalows, hotels; for walls and ceilings of kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, and for rendering elevator, stair or light shafts fireproof. . MARSH & SONS, Grimsby, Ont. Athena; Meaning Comptny, Limited LINABES TOS “7 iBOARD ASBESTOS SHINGLES " of fire protection at a cost very little greater than that . The house is absolutely safe from falling sparks outside, , is confined and strangled by Linabestos partitions. For full particulars and prices, see Ross .v. Hamilton, Grimsby & Beamsville Railway Co.---) F. Hell- muth, K.C., and G. H. Levy (Hamilton) for defendants. J. R. Cartwright, K.C., and E. Bayley, K.C., for Ontario Rail- way and Municipal Board and for At- torney-General for Ontario. No one for Dominion Government. Appeal by defendants from order of! Ontario Railway Board of 10th May, 1915. Application by Rev. J. S. Ross D.D., and others for the installation in the cars of the company and at Grimsby of sanitary conveniences. At the hear- I ing the Board ordered the railway com pany to file with the Board complete plans and specifications for sanitary conveniences on their passenger cars and at their passenger station in the Village of Grimsby. Appeal argued. Judgement reserved. a special effort for indlvual cont-ribu Itions for funds on behalf of the British Red Cross Society, and the Order of St. John on Thursday, 21st of October, such money to be devot- ed entirely to relicviag the sufferings of our wounded soldiers and sailors from home and overseas at the vari-. us seats of war. Be it resolved that owing to the scattered population of the Municipality, and the difficulty of collecting individual subscriptions on short notice, a grant of two hundred dollars be made on the 21st day of October, 1915, as a contribution from the ratepayers of! the Township of North Grimsby. Carried unanimously. I H. Fleming, Reeve. I Moved by Sutherland, seconded by Beamer, that Wheres this Council has received a letter from the Lieuten- ant-Governor of Ontario, drawing their attention to the appeal of the Marquis of Lansdowne, on behalf of would be better for: the Township Council to make a grant of! two hun- dred dollars, which would represent the contributions of the ratepayers of the. whole Township. Accordingly the following motion was passed:-, _ At a meeting ot North GRIMSBY Council on Saturday, Oct. 9, the let- ter from the Lieutenant-Governor, with reference to Oct. 21 :being set aside as a special day for contribu- tions to the. British Red Cross Fund) was read and the Reeve and Coun- cillors took the position that it would scarcely be possible to cover the Township and solicit individual sub- scriptions in one day and that it would be better tor the Township 1illll'lll 1lilllilSlllf lllllllillll. lMlTlllllllfli8 ill RED CROSS JUDGEMENT RESERVED HEATING ENGINEER, PLUMBER AND TINSMITH operated by Electric Motor, Gasoline Engine, Windmill or Hand Power. Costs so little for the benefits it confers. Asbestos shingles are not only absolutely fire- proof, but are practically everlasting, giving a tight, durable roof that does not require painting or repairing, and that actually gets stronger as the years pass. They give the most economical of all roofs, at the same time that their attractive appearance adds to the beauty of any building. Cost less to lay than wood, and are made in a variety of styles to harmonize with every kind of architectural treatment. by equipping your home and farm buildings with a WATER SERVICE, SYSTEM You Can Have City Comforts on the Farm Safe Reliable Economical Comfort "on tap" 24 hours a day. L, Montreal, Manufacturers ASBES TOSLA TE He, is. survived by his wife, two sons,.Lennox,' Manager of the Mon- treal Crockery Company, Montreal, and Travers, Who will succeed his father as manager of a new fruit com-. pany formed last year, known as the Essex Growers' Fruit Company, and two daughters, Mrs. W, " Groce, of GRIMSBY, and Miss Dorothy at home. I About two weeks ago the deceased Igentleman took sick while out riding in an auto and returning to his home was confined to his room up to the time of his death. The trouble was a weak heart. The funeral will take Platte this afternoon from the home of his broth er on Maple Avenue, GRIMSBY, to Queen's Lawn Cemetery, and will be conducted by the MasoTtic Order, of which he was a very prominent mem her, being secretary for a great many years of the Royal, Arch Ma- sons. While in GRIMSBY he took an ac- tive part in municipal, Provincial and Dominion politics and his family was active in social and church circles in the village. l The death of the late Pelham Fal- conbridge will be regretted very much, not only by the business men and prominent citizens of GRIMSBY, but by business men generally throughout the Province, as he had business connections and personal acquaintances all over the Province, being a large shipper when he was a member of the firm of Randall & Fal- conbridge, GRIMSBY, as well as be- ing very prominent in the Masonic Order. The deceased gentleman and family had resided in GRIMSBY for about fifteen years, up to two years ago, when he accepted a position as man- ager of the Erie Co-Operative Fruit Company, Leamington, Ont. The citizens of GRIMSBY and vicin ity'were greatly shocked on Sunday last to learn of the death at his home in Leamington, Ont., of Mr. Pelham Palconbridge. __ FORMER illlliEillf MAN PAS- SES AWAY AT tlifllilNlflllll 'elham Falconbridge for Many Years a Prominent Figure in This District, Crosses the Great Divide Phone 320 THE INDEPEEDENT, GRIMSBX, ONTARIO l/il ii I t at..... t ') t for..., or "O' ' t 'ee1eieey, t gBALL d, .1. ' is The atte t hibition a .1. was very t of the soc .1. to make tt .1. er. Them . and drizzi t after_the 1 began to t out but it t crowd. The dis] t was very g their repu stock. Th show had butter and tal articles ers' wives The electric light plant from Yonge St. is being rapidly completed and the town will be lighted early in Novem- ber. Mr. Lemuel Keffer was calling on friends last Week. Master Lorne Shrum fell oft a lumber wagon and fractured his arm near the wrist. Mr. Avery, manager of Union Bank, of Cookstown, called on a number of friends on Saturday last. _ Miss Sara Sprague and Mr. Arm... strong, our Public School teachers, attended the convention at St. Cath- arines on Thursday and Friday last. Quite, a number of! our citizens at- tended the fair at Caledonia on Fri- day last. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Durham, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Goring, Mr.' and Mrs. C. B. Marsland, Mr. and Mrs. D. Shrum and Mr. and Mrs. A. Boulter spent Monday last at Buffalo. Miss Annie Grassie-ot Chatham spent the week-end at Mr. C. Gras-' sie’s. Miss Train spent the weekend at Dundas with Miss Keggy. ‘Miss Louise Hibbard of Welland, spent Thanksgiving day under the parental roof. Dr. Arrell of Hamilton, called od Dr. J. M. Zumstien on Sunday last. Mrs. Pridham and daughter- of To- ronto are visiting at Mrs. C. H. Sni- der’s. Mrs. Clyde Lester and son are visit- ing at Mr. M. Bradt's. J. A. Livingston of GRIMSBY and M. Neel of! Hamilton, Judged the hors- es and gave entire satisfaction. They also conducted the races. SMITHVILLE Miss Agnes Deans of! Dunnville, spent the week-end with her parents. The keen finishes in the open and local races kept the crowd in good humor. Between the. races, the many special attractions were run off, including the baby show, harness- ing contest, foot races, lady driving, three legged race and the chicken race. The display of horses and cattle was very good and the farmers upheld their reputation as good breeders of stock. The ladies' department of the show had a good display of cooking, butter and bread, useful and ornamen- tal articles and art work of the farm- ers' wives proved a strong attraction. The display of poultry was excellent. The exhibit of fruits and vegetables were of excellent quality. WALL ATTENDANCE AT ABING ' DON FAIR The attendance at the Patriotic Ex- hibition at Abingdon, on Saturday, was very disappointing to the officers of the society, who had worked hard to make this year’s fair a record break er. The weather man sent a very cold and drizzling rain which lasted till afterthe noon hour, when "the clouds began to disappear. The sun came out but it was too late for a big crowd. F Two only, single bed size, regular for.....?............... 'q.......... __------, Extra findMarseilles $ _ size 66 .x 84, prices...... . 2.00 and Raised cord effect, special 78 x 90 Good, serviceable spreads, 'size 66 X 8o............................._...... yard... Handsome floral designs in yard wide silkaline. Just the thing for the top of your comforter. 15 Make a good one while you are at it. Per yd. C Prints 12 1-2g and Ith: per yd. Yard wide flannelette, dark patterns, per , n,. No. 6, opens up 3 x 7 ft. (half size for 20 comforter) and weighs nearly 12 ounces...... c No. 7, opens up 3 x 7 ft. and weighs a frac- tion over six ounces. A popular batt. at a 10 popular price........ o'.'.'........................ c Silkaline and No. 25, opens up in full comforter size, 6 x 7ft. Beautiful clean stock, weighing two pounds. 65 Price per roll.................,..................... C No. 6, opens up 3 x 7 ft. (half size for 20 comforter) and weigh: near-1v To mmnpc c . EWMVG? 9&ma% Comforter Time 1915 E Niagara Batting White Spreads At this time of the year the thoughts of every housewife turn to warmer bed clothing. ‘We carry in stock a full assortment bt materials for the making of comforters as well as goods made up, including sheets and sheeting, flannelette blankets, Scotch wool blankets, special spreads, pillows, pillow tubing, etc. Other Coverings ..s.Ir.e.1d.1.ti.t $1.25 $2.00 and $2.25 Main Street West,Rhimsby ,jl)._.lll. Stephen Next to H. G. & B. Station Main Street, - ERIN. Mason & Risch "The Piano with a Soul" The World's Greatest Artists use itin all their concerts . and recitals. ll have seéured the agency for this famous Instrument and will be pleased to have you call in and see it . T. HARTWELL OS $2.50 98c 10c Twilled sheeting, bleached, extra weight at... Plain sheeting, bleachedUnd unbleached 6 1/2 lb. Imported all wool blankets extra fine..............................,...., 6 1/2 lb. Imported all wool blankets size 64 x 8s.......................... ...... . Sheeting and Scotch Wool Blankets ï¬RlMSBY Plain sheeting, fine, Extra weight, 8/4 40 in. pillow tubing, extra value, at 42 in. and 44 in., finp serviceable goods Flannelette Blankets 12/4 Ibex, White or Grey. I 1/4 Andley, White only... 11/4 Dragon, White or grey 10/4 Dragon, White or Grey TRANS CANADA EXPRESS Pacifie Coast Tours at Low Fares Includ- ing “CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" Particulars from J. H. Culp, Agent, Grimsby, or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., Toronto. Carrying Through Equipment to Winnipeg and Vancouver LEAVES TORONTO 6.40 P. M. DAILY Pillow Tubing HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until Oct. 26. inclusive Canadian Pacific All Thé Way No Change of Cars or Depots The People's ' $5.50 .' $6.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.35 $1.85 Store 25c 32c 42c 20c 25c