Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 1 Sep 1915, p. 4

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E1ectrie light, tell and power wir- ing. Let me give you an estimate on your electrical work. We make a specialty of wiring houses already constructed without wrecking them. E. E. Farewell, GRIMSBY, 'phone 311. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN-I have secured a limited amount ot pri vate funds which I am prepared to loan on gilt edge security at once. Apply tor particulars to H. H. An- derson. GRIMSBY. - The last band concert ot the season Will be held on Thursday (to-mor- row) night, instead' of on Friday night as, usual. Three more baloons will be sent up for the delight of the kiddies. . House to 'rent-Containing furnace electric lights, town water. Possession can be given Sept. 18. Will rent very reasonable to a good tenant. For par- ticulars apply Albert Marsh. For Sale-Indian motor cycle and side car, 1914 model, fitted with 1915 starter; original value $520. Good bargain. Apply to F. P. Macklem, GRIMSBY. F Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Warres andi daughter and Mr.’ and, Mrs. Geo. _J. i Hamilton, motored from Buffalo and) spent the week-end with Mr. Wm.) O'Con11ell, Smithville, _ ' l Wanted-Comfortable room with'! board, wanted by lady, in pleasant Io-l cality in the Village of GRIMSBY.§ Apply to H. V. (r., THE 1NDEPE'N-l DENT Otfiee, GRIMSBY. l Fruit Wanted-q am prepared to buy at highest cash‘ prices, all kinds of fruit through the season. Apply to T. D. Jarvis, GRIMSBY1ast', _tele phone 293 ring 13, GRIMSBY. The last band concert ot the season Will be held on Thursday (to-mor- Bell Fruit Farms Limited will buy a limited quantity of tomatoes at twenty-five cents per bushel, spot cash at the scales. pan J. P. Roberts'on, the "Quality Gro- cer" has put in a line of Aluminum Cooking utensils', which he will give away absolutely free under his prciit sharing 7 system. North GRIMSBY Conservative As- sociation.---A special meeting will bd held at the Office of C. W. F. Carpen- ter, Esq., on Friday Sept. 2, at 7.45 Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid up - - $3,000,000 Our-plus - - . " - " $3,750,000 Mrs. Shelton and Miss Dorothy and Mrs. Jas. Fisher and Miss Margaret, "are-spending a few days with rela- tives in Tilsonburg. Sept. fyto Sept. 8 is Red Cross week at K. M. Stephen's Help to swell the tund by purchasing your needs there during this week. .Don’t forget the open air band con cert is on Thursday night this week instead of Friday. Toronto Exhibition is on in full force. The opening day was attended by nearly thirty thousand people. Mrs. Warner and Miss Doris, and Mrs. Harry Seaman and little daughr ters, spent the Week-end with rela- tives in Toronto. Dr. Brownlee's office will be closed during the month of September, will open about Oct. 1. V For Sale-Hen house 7x12, and nine Plymouth Rocks. 'Phone 17, or apply to Box 246, GRIMSBY.' To Rent-House on Robinson St. North, GRIMSBY. Apply to E Fare- well, Robinson St. GRIM-SBY. Tele- phone 311. e" Miss Marion Hartwell spent weeks of very enjoyable time Georgetown, returning on Friday For SNe--Wheat for chicken feed will sell cheap. Apply to J. Herbert Beamer, Phone 295, Ting 13 GRIMS-. BY, . i ' In the list of those enlisted for Overseas service at Well-and, appears the name of Wm. Wincheombe, ot GRIM‘SBY To Rent-A house in good locality, cit'y water, good cellar. Apply to Hewson & Farrell, GRIMSBY. . Mfrs. Geo. A. Phillips and Master Robt. of St. Andrews Ave., spent the week-end in Toronto with relatives. 11081111 ITEMS of Interest in and Around GRIIDSBY . OLLEGE ACCOUNTS last two at Mr. S. A. Brubacher, 163 Queen St. north, Berlin, Ont.,.is asking-the fruit growers here for consignments for his Berlin agency. The fruit commission business in Berlin of late years has been seriously neglected but with the sixteen years' experience in hand- ling fruit, (having learned it from Mr. J. H. Gorman, who for over fifteen years has carried On the business successfully) also being well acquaint ed with every retailer in Berlin and Waterloo, and by strict attention, Mr. Brubacher will endeavor to re-esta- blish the business and bring it to its former standard ot about file cars a week. Dailrreports and weekly re- mittances will be strictly. observed and carried out. Mr. Brubacher will continue the business on the'same premises. Any one who has any carpenter work to be done in the near future, will do well to communicate with me about such. I am now open to do all. kinds of this line of work, either by day or by contract, ind I guarantee-all my work to be first- class in workmanship, and reason- able in price. Give me a chance to substantiate this statement by let- ting me, do some work for you. I have had considerable experience in building, amounting to sixteen years, seven of which have been spent right here in GRIMSBY and district. So I am able to attend to your wants in a very efficient manner. Albert Beere, GRIMSBY. Mr. Robson Liddle of the Aviation Corps, Toronto, is home on two weeks holidays. He is accompanied by Aviobor Ross of Montreal. The boys have graduated from the. work on the water, and willch into camp at Long Branch in a fortnight for land work. The water class is hand- led faster and men turned. out quick- er than the land forces. can handle them. . _ Auction Sale-Mr. Geo. A. Brown, living on the Buckbee road, two miles west of Smithville, has decided to sell off his horses, cattle and some imple- ments and will hold an auction sale on Friday, Sept. 3, at 1 o'c1ock. He has rar more horses than he can carry over, on account of the fact that he has been engaged in a big stone con- tract during the summer and now de- sires to sell off rather than carry them over, as he is somewhat short of feed. He will sell a large number of his cattle for the same reason. Terms, three mimths' credit. Livingston & Lacey, Auctioneers. _ Aviator Harold. Drope, of the Tor- onto School, is home on two weeks holidays. I, Dr. and Mrs. Oscar, Teeter and daughter, of Amheystburg, who have been spending two weeks ifl New York State, are the guests, this week of Dr. Teeter's mother, 'Mr-s. Robt. Teeteu, Mountain, Street, tGRIMSBY. LOST-At GRIMSBY Beach or at the electric station platform, on Wed nesday, Aug. 18, nine dollars in bills. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to W, H. Miliert, GRIMS BY, or? THE INDEPENDENT Office, GRIMSBY. The best bread and cakes. Our bread and cakes are guaranteed to be fresh and wholesome. The place where you get quality as well as quantity' and where you are sure to return for more. Don't forget we sell Kerr's chocolates, The best tor the money. Our variety'in cent goods can not be beaten. Theal Bros., GRIMSBY Bakery. C sale. Foer Sale-A rubber tired buggy, nearly new. May be seen by applying toe John Sweet, at Mrs. Makepeaee's residence, two miles west of GRIMS BY. Will sell cheap for a quick For sale-One thoroughbred three year-old filly, one thoroughbred three-year-old gelding, and one thoroughbred two-year-old gelding. These horses are all in training ready to run and will be. offered tor sale at the Driving Club, GRIMSBY, on Labor Day, Sept. 6, when they will give an exhibition of their speed. For further particulars apply to N. R. Sutherland, GRIMSBY. AUCTION SALE-Mrs. J. ‘W. York has decided to move to Niagara Falls and will offer for sale-her household furniture, in the old INDEPENDENT building, GRIMSBY, on Saturday afternoon next at 2.30. Everything will be sold positively without re- serve, Jas. A. Livingston, Auctioneer. “ROUGH ON RATS" clears out rats, mice, etc. Don't die in the house. 150 and 250 at Drug and Country Stores. Sept. 8I15 grown about ready. Bartlett Pears, Red Blue and Gage Plums ready, and housekeepers should place their orders at once. . _ . PEACHES-season later than antici-' pated. The popular Crawford type--- yellow Ifre? stpne--Niagara District FRUIT BULLETIN trh C,r,i.r9,Y9.tr ' Ye Olde Firme of HEINTZMAN k CO., Limited Heintzman Hall, 81-83‘ King East; Hamilton _ For Sale-A dwelling house, nearly new, on Robinson St., south, GRIMS- BY, splendid location, excellent fruit lot, well planted, electric light, good hard and soft water, good cellar, hot water heating, plenty of room, large lot. Apply to Alexander Graham, on the premises. Captain Mavorl of. the 15th Batta- lion, i).E.F. .invalided home for three months rest is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Drope, Lake Lodge. Capt. Mavor was through St. Julien, Lunge marck and Festubert. He got the gas, four bullet wounds and several shrap- nel wounds. And "the present time is carrying four pieces bt shrapnel around in his body. He has been giv- en a commission with the new 92nd Batt. which will form drafts to all up the gaps in the 15th and will leave for France again in about six weeks. He knows Lieut. Livingston person- ally as well several of the other boys from town. . Monday, August 30th Out-of-town customers .are requested to write our mail order department for lists of used pianos of all descriptions. In letters received last week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. House, Gunner Lorne House of the 31st Field Battery, has arrived safely in England Lore says the boys slipped out of Niagara Camp and were, on the ocean before anyone ever knew they were gone. . WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO, in mission oak case, plain design, has 7 1-3 octave keyboard, 3 pedals. Just the piano for u_se1 ion yonr den or living room. A Bpe- C a iita1..1o.yt.ie..............r....$235d)0 VVORMVVITH UPRIGHT PIANO, handsome walnut case, overstrung scale, 7 1-3 octave keyboard, 3 pedals; has man- Ile, attachment. This has been re-fin- ishe and thoroughly re- newed and is offered at ...... $265.00 College in her native songs and dances 1 BELL IJPRIGHT, mahogany case, 7 octaves, all It-finished and thoroughly repaired and fully . guaranteed ".f.u.1.1r.....'..........$7S00 2 GERHARD HEINTZMAN UP- RIGHTS, full octave, overstrung bass, repeating action, for.......................... $220.00 tlc:" Matinee Daily Week Commencing Sept 6th Tire HAVE A NUMEBER OF UPRIGHT pianos which have been slightly used for rentrlpurposes, and to clear them as rapidly' as possible, have reduced the price of every instrument and sell them on terms as low as $1.50 per week. Central Business PRINCESS KALAMA Fl CD ALU.M are supplied at lowest cash prices by and Collegiate Institutes Phone 1975 Text Books and all Supplies Terms: Day Glasses, $8 a Month Night Glasses. " a Month Golden Rule Books PIANO BARGAINS AT ', HEINTZMAN HALL , FEATURING The Great Hawain Beauty HELLO CERES Public, High and Normal Schools CLOKE & SON F all Term Opens l6 West King Street Hamilton, Ont are now Ready THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO for Royal fomplarBuilding Main East, and Walnut Streets . P. Gibbon, Principal After the evening services at 8.30 Mr. Banfield will give a lantern lee- ture in the Presbyterian church. This promises to be the most interesting hour of the day and should be greeted by a large congregation. Everybody invited. Somebody broke into the shooting gallery at GRIMSBY Beach on Tues- day afternoon and got away with two or three 22 calibre tities and a consid- erable quantity of ammunition, besides several of the prizes that you shoot tor. The police have no clue. LOST-on Monday night, fourteen dollars in bills, consisting of tsFo five dollar bills and two two-dillar bills, between GRIMSBY and Winona. A liberal reward will.~be paid to the finder if it is returned to THE luNDE- PENDENT Office, GRIMSBY. A special effort is to be made in aid ot the Upper Canada Bible Society in the GRIMSBY district . on Sunday, Sept. 5. At 11 a.m. Rev. A. W. Ban- field will speak in the Methodist church. Mr. Banfield is a son of Cana da who has spent fourteen years in missionary work in Nigeria, Africa. He is a most interesting speaker. - The various Sunday schools will be visited in the afternoon. At 7 p.m. Mr. Gibson will speak in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Jesse Gibson, Field Secretéry, will speak in the Anglican church at the same hour. " Removal-l wish to noify my cus- tomers and the public generally that I have remqved my butcher shop to the Burland Block, Main. St. east, Grimsby, where I will continue to serve them to the best Of my ability. I Will always carry a full stock of fresh and cured meats and vegetables. Phone same as usual. H. L. Harshaw, GRIMSBY. Contributions toward the work will be received at all these services. FARMERS-Anyone near-by who pannot get Cole Bros. or H. Reamer to do threshing, can get it done with the International Harvester Chon1pan's little Mogul farm tractor; Apply to H. MeLearr or Tim Farrell, GRI-MSBY. Don’t forget the big auction sale of horses, cattle and implements at the farm of Geo. A. Brown, Buckbee Road, two miles west of Smithville, on Friday afternoon next, Sept. . 3,. commencing, at one ofclock sharp. Jas. A. Livingston, Auctioneer.' SPECIAL NOTICE-when at GRIM SBY on Labor Day, see -the most powerful and really the first small useful farm tractor, the little Mogul, oil pull or gasoline engine'. It is _ a little wonder. Manufactured by the International Harvester Company, sold by- Ben Pyett, GRIMSBY. The Macassa is making two trips a day between the-Beach and Toron- to and is handling large crowds to the exhibition. The boat leaves the For Sale-M-Room dwelling house and large fruit and garden lot. Apply E. McMillan, GRIMSBY, Ont. "Jack" Simpson, the well known GRIMSBY 133 pound boxer, has enlist- ed tor overseas service with the 44th Regt. "Jack" was lightweight cham- pion of England before coming to Canada. _ _ 'LOST-on the stone road betWeen GRIMSBY and GRIMSBY Centre a black silk hand satchel, containing a sum of money and five railway and boat tickets between GRIMSBY and Ott'awa: The find.ep will be suitably rewarded by returning to Mrs. A. Bacon, GRIMSBY Centre or is THE INDEPENDENT Office. GREMFrTBY. On Monday besides the six reel feature Ofticer 666, there will also be shown seven other reels of "Reel" pictures. Making a total of thirteen reels on the, programme. . The Beamsville band will be in at- tendanee at the Beach afternoon and evening and will play several. Coll- certs on the picnic grounds and in the big show house. _ sFor Sale-One/XM silo, second hand, p-dice $55.0u; also smut killers seed treating machine, price $15.00. See the great farm oil pull tractor, at GRIMSB Y, ”B. Pyett, Agent, GRIMS For Sale-A fresh milch cow, Just in, will make a good family cow, quiet and all right, the calf by her side. Phone 195, ring 3, Thos. Pearson, GRIMSBY. f Chas. Russ' underwent a successful operation for appendicitis at the General Marine Hospital, St. Catha- rines last week. He is doing as well as can be expected. Constable Konkle went to Oakville on Tuesday and arrested a young In- dian, boy on a charge of stealing two bicycles and other goods from people at GRIMSBY Beach. ss Another attempt to rob t.he store of A. F. Hawke was‘made last night, but the burglar was unsuccessful. Fre, kicked the panel out of the some fan:- that he had gone through a week be- fore, but this time struck a seat-r: i' iirr- ing of boards on the insi Va, with?) he Was unable to get through without making a terrible amount of noise. GRIM‘SBY BEACH CLOSES 0N LABOR- DAY _ Labor Day will see the close of the season of 1915 at GRIMSBY Beach. - Dr. and Mrs. Nugent, of Ujjain Cen tral India and their daughter, Miss The year has not been what you could call a really successful one at the Beach, due to the conditions of the money market, the war, and' above all the cold wet months of July and August.. There has hardly been a day since Dominion Day that was' what you could call an ideal picnic day and this had a great deal to do with keeping people at home. P. R. Nugent, B.A., are visiting the Misses Eteid, of Park Avenue. The Auditorium which is featuring by special request Otficer 666 on Saturday and Monday nights, has had a very good season and Manager Allan has 1:0 complaints to make. BIBLE SO‘CJE TY DAY 3:1 THE CANADIAN BANK "an OF COMMERCE “Ed“?W$~Iuh2n¥°hi-é*Wé+¢$$Wé°WWM$**M$*MMWM Grimsby Branch 0;"!-#02.010:1.OFM‘X'OI'MOI-400102.4001'4'4‘010'1001‘03-‘1'*MMd'dd-id-4'40M'IO4-3F'I‘40Md04fi0-fi Beach at eleven end nine and leaves Toronto at 8.30 and 6.20. This gives y0u six hours in Toronto and a sizty SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL. D., D.C.L.. Prelident ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager _ JOHN AIRD, Au’t General Manager Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. ._ $21 BAPITAL, tIli/Bt/IN- RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 With these cool days and nights comes the need of a’sweater coat, something that is very comfortable and useful. . _ In spite of the' war we ale able to offer our customers a full line of the famous Priestleys and other makes cf suitings and coatings including the wool ahdroola Beacon coating and many other fancy fall weaves. Shepherds Check Dress Goods in black and while only, regular 35c and 60c for . Ladies' All Wool Sweater Coats id black and brown or black and red combin- ation colors, regular$3.oo for........... ........ , 500 Yards of extra heavy Flannelette. in pink, blue or grey stripes, full one yard wide, regular IS I70 and 20c for ....... ............... r.................... C Here is a sock that is very-scarce, but with careful buying we are able to offer them at" per pair.........--...)........... 25 and 40c WEEK END SPECIALS Plain and fancy weave coats, with nice assort- ment of colors. Special values from .Best quality cashmere, only a few dozen of these which cannot be replaced at the same price, colors grey, green, red and purple. Special 35c pair or......,....,............... The Mills Grocery and HardWare Co: , Phone 21, GRIMSBY Here Are a Few General Prices A: F, I-IAN/K E firing in Your Razors SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS MEN'S WEAR SPECIALS --_- All Wool Army Socks Galvanized Pail, IO qt. 25c, 12 qt. 30c, 14 qt, 30c. Butter Crooks, all sizes from I to 5 gallons, 15c per gallons Clothes Horses for holding dry clothes after ironing, 8r.ro and $1.4o each. . Brooms, a good assortment from 25c to 6oc each. . Willow Clothes Biskcls, 85c and (ih.co each. 3-prohsr, Hay Fork plain ferrule......-......... .........7oc 3-prong Hay Fork, strapped....--.--...) 4-prong Long Hendle Manure Fork.-.-....-; "s-prong Long Handle Manure Fork..............'.......$I.25 6-pr0ng Long Handle [Manure Fork......;..............$I.45 Fork Handltsr4 ft. 20c, A and s ft. Me Snaills, with a patent fastener, the best arrangement to hold the scythe in place. Only, each.................... $co.o ROYAL te Coal Ori, the scythe in place. Only, egch.................... $1. Binder Twine, Scythes, Corn Hooks, Scythe Stones, etc. 1'0 let bask (t (Met $2.00 up to $6.00 Children's All Wool Sweater Coats Arrival of New Fall Dress Goods FINE CASHMERE SOCKS h its nrerny requirements. We have a complete stock of ("Tools at prices that allow no bne to buy out oftown, and we stand behind every sale. I Paper, iarvest Time tth m O Regular 350 and 5oc F lannelette Values hunches l for 25c. pucka Sf 7 1y_rD1rliN)Ar,_FEPTE1rplJt _1, al mile lake sail for seventy-tive bents. Monday will be the last trip of the Maeassa. " 25c and Sh per yd n, by barrels. n rolls. 3.1. Waugh. Manager Bring in Your Razors 3 pairs $190 $160 1915

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