th Main St. West Telephone 771, HAMILTON All other Contractors' Supplies Contractor's ' Supplies Lime for Spraying [1.8: J. Dow 'uvtvvtowti,vtuvtemvtvvtotaavvtsmvvtpun"ir y'hnmtAtt'b'tttvMh'lNtht6Nr'litr'MPvtNpttsttir'Uio'l" We have a tirrstrelast, power spraying outfit. Give us a chance to show you how quickly and cheaply we can do your spraymg. RUSS & ARNFIELD Going fast at Popular Prices. It will pay every thrifty man or women to give me a call. Pumps, Oxfords, Sandals, Lacrosse Shoes and Polish of albukinds Phonc---3r3 r 2,' gig, r 3 . We are prepared to do any concrete job, small. or large, on shortest: notice and ata very reasonable price. Get at to give you a price. . For Men, Women and Children F. E. Russ Phone 288 A. Arnfieid WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If, 1913 _ We have the experience to dis- cover the extent of trestrain and the ability to make glasses ttit cer- rest. It. ' I. B. ROUSE SYMPTIOMS 0F EyEsrRto Headache . Smarting, tturrting,Uatering eyes Dizziness Type blurs when reading Squinting in bright light Nervousness when doing close _ Any or all of these disagreeable symptoms may be currected by use of glasses. tsc'ientifieally made and fitted. Little defame grow into big defects. Neglect is sure to cause retpiet)ater. . _ work Frowning, seeing double DON'T RUB YOUR EYES HR. 'fllilS, L hlfllillSilll Chiropractor MOUNTAIN ST. - GI rt. BULL 340mg St. w., HAMILTON Weddings, Reception?“ At Homes and Entertainment: Supplied J as. Crawford Manufacturer of Wedding Cakes, Ice Cream and Fine Candy The Season's Best Chronic Nervous and Female Troubles a Specialty Stylish Shoes l 1 1 King E. Hamilton " Siam; r. g :1'. er tr" t'.v" Do pot There's Something Needed ' Besides a Rub Lime, Portland Cement Plaster Paris, etc. Plastering Hair Mortar Color Lath Next door to new Post office F 2:30 tog 6t08 Other News by Appointment Consultation Froe Concrete Contractors BOOT REPAIRING MOST PROBABLY EYESTRAIN Lunch Counters Caterers SPRAYING Confectioner R. R. No. c, GRIMSBV A Specialty. Office Hours: 6t08 GRIMSBY Bo great has been the growth of Ford business in the last season and so confident have Ford executives be- tome in the unlimited possibilities of Canada’s industria future, that Ford expansion will continue. Already plans are under way for buildings of equal magnitude in Winnipeg and other branch cities, and these will be started in the near future. Excursion; from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta will be run, and special trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers. _ For full particulars regarding, transportation West of Winnipeg, etc†see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passen ger Agent, Toronto. One of the outstanding features of the enlarged Ford plant is the huge dome-like building made almost en- tirely pt glass and steel which runs along the west side of the new addi- tion and towers higher than the sixth storey. This is a crane-way built over railway tracks.' Freight cars loaded with raw material enter this building and an electric crane lifts the supplies to cement balconies on the various floors where they are wanted. This takes the place of freight elevators and is a time and labor saving sys- tem. nipeg August 19 and 26---From Kingston, Tichhorne Jet., Sharbot Lake, Ren- frew and East in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, including inter- mediate stations and branches. August 21 and 26.-From Toronto Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and East in the Province of Ontario including itermediate stations and branches, but not East or including Kingston, Titehborne, (Mt., Sharbot Lake or Renfrew. _ August 24 and 28.--aprtm Toronto and stations West and North in the Psovrince of Ontario, but not includ- ing Stations on line North of Tor- onto to Sudnbury and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. MANY THOUSAND MEN REQUIRED . a" for the _ HARVEST 1N WESTERN CANADA Thousands of Men will be tetpufred 'titirh Ontario to help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop, o.nd'bractieally the entire task of transporting this great army of Harvesters to the West wilt fall to the lot of the Canadian Paeitie Rail- way. _ V f . ' Consult CP.R. Agents regarding particulars in connection with trans- portation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATES will be a motion picture theatre, and all taetorrvisitors will be shown in- teresting films depicting the Ford car in the process of manufacture, the Ford system of assembly by means of a mechanical conveyor and other sub- jects. - _ “Return Trip East,†'$18,00 from Winnipeg. _ The building of the present addi- tion to the Ford plant added 130,000 square feet ot floor space, bringing the total space up to more than nine acres. The service department was the first to be installed in the new building. Several of the executive departments will follow in N a few days. These will occupy the commo- dious quarters on the sixth and fifth floors of the new section. There are many modern improvements, includ- ing new lunch rooms for both men and women employes. A novel feature All of these buildings have been completed since the first of this year. The Montreal building, costing $250,- 000, opened its doors on January 23, when it housed the annual Montreal Motor Show. The Toronto branch building cost over $325,000 and was opened late in February; it is one of the handsomest commercial buildings in Toronto. The London building cost $140,00trand was ready tor use March 17. Now-the home factory addition at Ford, Out, which involved an ex- pense of $300,000 is practically com- pleted. h MILLION DOLLARS IN NEW BUILDINGS Ford, Ont., 1915. With the opening of its new factory addition here this month, the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, has completed a building plan in which over a million dollars have been spent within the past year. Beside the factory addi- tion, this includes new branch build- ings and assembly plants at Montre- al, Toronto and London. Mrs. Land, who resides with her son, Mr. Wm. Land, of this place Celebrated her 94th birthday on Fri- day last. Mrs, Land’s health had con siderably failed (Inning some weeks past, though at present his improv- ing. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Nelson, Fulton, spent Sunday with M Mrs. Jamieson, the Iatters mother Master Harold Clark spent Sunday with friends in Hamilton. Mrs. Jameson and Mrs. Moffatt spent Friday last with Mrs. C. De Witt, 'of Fruitland. Mr; John Graham who underwent a serious operation some weeks ago at the City Hospital, “continues to improve favorably. Farmers progress with harvesting has been greatly hindered by the heavy rains and the fine wheat crop more. or less damaged. Attractive trips to various points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. Tickets good going August13, 14, 15 and 16, return limit August 31, 1915. The Maine resorts including Kennotn1nlrport, Portland, Old Or- chard, etc. Tickets good going Aug. 27, 28 and 29, return limit Sept. 13, 1915. Particulars from Canadian Pa- cific Ticket Agents or write to M. G. Murphy, Passenger Agent, Toronto. Miss Amelia Tweedle spent Satur- day and Sunday with. relatives in the city. . TAPLERT0WN Congratulations to Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Thompson, a little son at the rectory. Sty SEASIDE EXCURSIONS WA CANADIAN PACIFIC ingfl'rip West," $1200 to Win of The new Giant- Midway, with its army of spielers, never presented a more diversified list of attractions, while the Hippodrome and Circus in front of the Grand Stand will be t a triumph in the amusement line. The fair this year in' all departments pro- mises to excell any previous one' ever held at Toronto. F . _ The Directors’are looking forward to a repetition of the "Million Year" and are planning their prognam on a scale to fit this immense attendance. The big war spectacle in front of the grand stand will be quite the most elaborate pageant ever presented by the Fair, while the Model Military Camp, aeroplane flights and the mint ing and torpedoing of ships in the harbour, supplemented by the war trophies,..will heme a revelation. TORONTO FAIR BEST ON RECORD There was never a time in the thir... ty-seven years of its history when the Canadian National Exhibition pro- mised more real instruction and en- tertainment than this year. In addi- tion to the marvelous proofs of the manner in which the patriot at home is taking care ot Iris responsibilities in the way ofraiereased production that the patriot at the front may have the wherewithal 'to keep his place in the battleline, there will be special features of patriotic and historic sig- nitieance. T Havoc [complete 1hey played, Oh, the Wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Think of the charge they made Think of the Fly Brigade, Now eighteen hundred! Cookies to rear of them, Fully a hundred. Into preserves and jell, Into the cream they fell, They that had eaten well Came through. the pantry door Into the dining-room-c. All that was left of them, Easily twelve hundred. Flashed all their dirty toes, Flashed as they upward rose, Tickling the black cook's nose, Spreading disease while. _ All the world wondered, Over the cat they crawled, Over the 11ouse-dog sprawled, Feline and Canine Fled from the scene, appalled, Shattered and s mdered, Opening the door for flies, More than six hundred. Peaches to right of them, Apples to left of them, Sweet things to right of their Sweet things. to left of them, Sweet things in front of them, Sugared a, 1d buttered. Stormed at by cook and maid, Boldly and, unafraid, Intorthe bowl of milk, Into the marmalade, Not a fiy stuttered. V Sweet things Sweet things Sweet things Sugared a, 1d Was there a fly dismayed? Not' so you’d notice it. Why should they worry? Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to spoil the pie, Theirs but to eat and fly. Up on, the pantry shelf Haste they and hurry. Moved by Jas. Stevens, seconded'by Thos. R. Gilmore, that this Council do now adjourn to meet at Campden Hall, October 4, 1915, at 9 o’clock a.m. Carried. Moved by Thos. R. Gilmore, second- ed by James Stevens,. that a number of bills and accounts be paid. Carried, THE CHARGE OF THE FLY BRIGADE Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, Into the vale of Health; Rode the six hundred. Forward the Fly Brigade! "Charge for the food!" they said Into the Valley of Health Rode the six hundred. "Forward the Fly Brigade!" Moved by A. L. Fry, seconded by Edward Bpughner, that the following grants be made: Clinton and Louth Agricultural Society, $75; Beamsville High School, $150. Carried. _ Moved by A. L. Fry, seconded by James Stevens, that five dollars be appropriated to pay for membership for the municipality in Municipal As- sociation. Carrried. Moved by Edward Boughner, second ed by Thos. R. Gilmore, that Arthur Eckhardt be paid eight dollars for one sheep killed by dogs. Carried. ' Moved by Thos. R. Gilmore, second- ed by A. L. Fry, that A. C. McIntyre be allowed to cut brush on road allowance south end of lots 3 and 4, Con. 8. Carried. By-Laws were passed for raising money for County Township and School purposes. _ Clinton Township, Aug. 2, 1915. Clinton Township Council met ac- cording to adjournment at Town Hall, Beamsville. , All the Council present. T Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. tmy Wall of the paper. They are " good for general business as they are for 'lthrtp Wanted." etc. , the use oCour Want Ads The births, deaths, march- ges and the other Cutaified Columns are usualfy inclu- ded In even a vera, peg-mm.- QuicktResiiii"iiirt: tur be depended um um CLINTON COUNCIL G. W. Tinlin, Tp. Clerk THE INDEPENDENT, 6111113331,. on!rtirtiit upon-awn...†t "ogtt ' 1 t has??? lam;- 5 mined _ inclu- ll, 'ir,',',',',,','.'::")) raver. . Grand Concert by the 1 9th Reg’t. Band and other big doings all day ldng and Barbecue of the St. Catharine's Butchers Association. 19th Reg't. Band and several of the big factories at . _ Grlmsby Beach "The Biggest Moving Picture Theatre in Canada" AOC. Sh ,!!iiilk Olhl AIJil. Mth TI h/ll . mu. Mr. George Kleine presents the great emotional _ actress, Mrs. Leaslie Carter, in . A thrilling tale of the revolutionary days in old France._ story full of love, pathos, comedy and intense dramatic situations, Six reels of fascinating pictures . GRIMSBY BE,AC]Hl /rUlllDrr'Oll2lllUh/1 Three whole cattle roasted in the good old fashioned way, on a skewer over a hot bed of coals, and served free Hutccrs’ jlllltarlxcijlt August 18th DlUzeelBAjRjll2Y The one big day of all the year Grand Picnic Canada' finest picnic resort