LAKESHORE RAMBLER Sometimes the bottomless depths of my oun Ignorance appal me I was going over the map of Europe With Jeremy last night in preparation for a geography test when I discovered that Sweden is not tucked costly into the center of Europe, right next to Swit- zerland. No sir, it's way off in the middle of some very cold-': looking sea at the top ot the map tthe one I got with "Tide"). to! gether with Finland and Norway. For years I've assumed .- and) even said out loud -- that Sweden was next to Switzerland on no firmer basis I now realize than that both countries began with' "Sw". (Thu u the sort of female illogic which makes my husband bun at the ears) Ot course I should have known that the old map-makers (alllmnlel wouldn't arrange things tidilv as a woman, would. It was also a surprise to see that Portugal is part ot Spain - at least, it's all part of the same blob of land And Denmark isn't really a part of Scandinavia - it's the most northern craggy port of Germany. at least on the map. I know: it's incredible that anyone should have gone through World War II with its endless published diagrams and maps of battle areas without finding out, meaning about Europe. I am quite ashamed of myself. but re-' lieved that I now know where Sweden is. even if I had to wait for my son to reach Grade 8 to find out. My education can't help but improve as I go through school with the rest of the children. It's discounting to realize how much lie forgotten about school and what it taught me. Somewhere in the sludge of my subconscious I'm sure there are all sorts of fascmatmg facts and figures about copper exports and the Corn Laws, but nothing Ger rises to the surface. On the other hand. my husband remem- bers a great deal of his school-work and is always startling me with his knowledge on a number ot subjects. Though I must say that he obviously didn't benefit at all from his study of English literature or history. I suppose I had geography lessons at school but I can‘t remember them, whereas my tussels with arithmetic and my triumphs in English composition are fairly clear. I could but it more easily it ne e:ther mane a Joke of a Wild ride like today's or apologized for it, but the “hole proceeding ll bated with I sort of dignified gloom and the occasional nervous giggle which I cannot restrain after being snatched from death's muting jaws is grimly ignored. or course, I must admit that my driver did warn me, when I asked if I could ride with him, that he didn't want to be talked to in the morning: this didn’t worry me. because I can always catch up with my reading and though I love to talk, I love to read better, However. In With so. mny men at this hour of the day, it is hard to tell whether his silence is golden, sullen oi Just means that he's not awake, I don't expect him to be jolly at g am. but if he IS going to risk my neck at that hour, I do expect him to be pleasant about ii. I am now looking tor another ride into work and I don't think "IV con- ditions are unreasonable; he should get to work on time tour days out of five: he should be a good (Le. reasonably carefull driver; he should give me fair warning if hex gomg to work late and it would be nice if he smiled “hen 1 got into the cur I do not want him to play With my knees drive at more than tio mph through thick traffic or try to women me to his purtr. church oi union. I, this too much to ask? Another distinct memory is sitting and droning out \erses ttom the Bible with the rest of the class and it meaning absolutely muting to me _. certainly it didn't give me or the others any spiritual training because I recall that our only interest m the Bible in those days was looking up "the rude bits" when the teach- er wasn't looking. I also remember vividly having a violent, emo- 'nsal, hair-pulling donnybrook with a pretty girl named Barbara (Continued on Page 15) ' "t't_wtsesstgrttirtterttseattieqttris morning that! I t. . It the canteen right alley and buy myself a mu drink - Werner 'tiidmeurin0uWsd-hout three mm- -.-mtaaa.;wehadtodrotrhiswiNodrtnRiehmand an! n the way and I still clocked in at Halted " £30 precisely. This h a - at about " miles in Mt minute: and to hell with the a“ e! the tattle. We had two narrow new on the way and tt a woman had been driving, everyone would have agreed that it should never have been given a licence. t was lucky encugts b survive the but: in London during World War 11 and I'm darned if I’m join] to get myself killed merely because my driver can’t get up in the morning. There are better causes to die for. In particularly annoyint to me because while my driver has only tu get up, wash. their and gnaw a piece of toast before he arrives to pieh up, I have to get breakfast for the kids, even it it's only name and toast, brush the girls' hair, make or turn back the beds, give the bathroom a lick and a promise, leave a list for Joni then she comes home from school, lay out Julie's clothes for the day, wipe noses, dry eyes, comfort, Instruct and somehow get my- self dressed and drive a mile to the top ot the road to meet the dear boy. After all that I'm usually there for several minutes; before he arrive: l I“. AUSTIN "' n... 1.1 "ME “I. .......... Iâ€. 'tttit" lhrftrd 80in Ovcdrivq, Mio. .004 vim, om- Irina am. new. 1,57 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE QIDUC I . .. °-16†I957 STUDEBAKER HAWK 6 BE SURE WITH LAKESHORE 'j_"i'i't'i'ii"" cAIIS " can. M, a“. Tum", - AS " SPECIALS - Talkingpoint "" LAKBHOI! ILVD. W. MIMICO h JOAN SEAS“ Thu sounding 3 m" MOO" with ammo": has boon - drum “an new and is in showroom cow HMO". I on". mttstt In 'nv Ind My. with maroon trunnion Mus. be I.†" be tuna-M. I": who was â€an. Print hr "a likrlmlnuln' luv" .. This sedan in 2 â€no no"... and g" 26,000 Milt: by “Mu! when "Need 1960 VAUXHALL CRESTA 1961 ROVER SEDAN l7, $695 SPECIAL 8156. i'iiiiie?,'ii $2695 I ".""""" 'trv",,, $985 Baskets of mixed gladioli and fully into a chapel train. Herl Chrysanthemums d e C o r a t e d elbow length veil of silk tulle ii- Queensway United Church re- lusion was attached to a tiara of? cently for the wedding of Arlene ‘seed pearls and she carried a cas- Ruth Hollins. daughter of Mr. and _ cading bouquet of yellow roses, Mrs. Harry C. Rollins of Delroy Stephanotis and fern. l Drive. The Queensway. and John She was attended by a matron) (Douglas) Crawford, son ot Mr. ,of honor and three maids gowned _ and Mrs. John Crawford of Park- in mauve organza ranging from ( er Avenue, The Queensway. Rev, deep mauve to delicate lavender.) erend George Doney offieiated. Matching flowered and valledi Given in marriage by her fath- ‘headpieces adorned their hair' ‘er, the bride chose 'eeTt,r.?y,rlr,e,d, they carried crescent shaped' _white peau de sole and Frenribouquets of white carnations and lace for her full length gown de- lpom-pom Chrysanthemums. [ signed and made by her sister. Mrs. Joan Hasberry of Alder- Edith, Mrs. E. Phillips of Brigh- wood was matron of honor and "on, Ontario. The lace was tea- the bridesmaids were: Joanne tured in the lovely Empire bodice Crossley of The Queensway. and‘ and sleeves and the full boutfant 'two of the groom's cousins,Usan, skirt. detailed with selt-rabrirne Crawford of Alderwood and bows at the front, draped grace- 'iDiana Hasberry of Ciarksom l Mr. and Mrs. Gould P. Allen. pose happily with attendants following mar-1 Louise Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm A. Stewart of Long Branch riage in Christ the King Church, Long Branch. Bride is the former Carole and the groom is the son of Mrs. and the late Mr J. P Aherne of AMerwood Ahemze-Stewart Couple Wed In Christ The King Crtilrch The Ontario Safety League quotes some interesting figures released by the Ontario Depart- ment of Transport Statistics Di- vision, which indicate that wo- men are considerably more sens- ible about drinking-and-driving than men. In August out of 9.044 motor vehicle accidents. there were 1241 drivers (8.1% of the total) who were reported “abili- ty impaired". or "had been drink- ing". But of these 1.241 "drink- ing" drivers, only 44 (35%| were Anyone who likes a good argu- ment an get one going (any time, any place, any group) by asking: "Do women drive better than men?" Accident statistics suggest stmngly that the ladies are better drivers: but men usu- ally rush into the argument wrth seemingly valid (if ungallant) reasons to explain away the su- perior records of women drivers. female $IDAN - Low mileage, - job, At _ S'ECIAL " SUPER WAGON. Iolio, 2 use, pow tire Top ("4606†I when: " 1958 RAMBLER 1959 RAMBLER A 255-7321 81095. new l The groom was attended by hisi best man. the bride's brother (Kenneth, and the ushers were ifiil Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crawford sm-le happily followmg we†recent marriage In Queensway United Church The bode us the former Arlene Hollins, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry C Hollins of Delroy Drive, and the groom IS the son of Mr and Mrs, John Crawford of Parker Ave both of The Queens way fully mm a chapel train. Her brother Donald and Douglas An- elbow length veil of silk tulle ii- drew lusion was attached to a tiara of? Following the ceremony. a re- seed pearls and she carried a cas- ception was held at the Forum, cadlng bouquet of yellow roses, Brown's Line. where the bride's Stephanotis and fern. jmother received guests in a She was attended by a matron charming gown of champagne of honor and three maids gowned _ beige French lace, pink corsage in mauve organza ranging from deep mauve to delicate lavender. Matching flowered and veiled headpieces adorned their hair and they carried crescent shaped bouquets of white carnations and The Salvation Army Thursday 800 pm - Prov-v Meeting Good Musk and Smgmq All â€mu vi" be (Wm! be LONG IlANCH CORPS s so» so In an MM“ ll 00 am --rioGA, 1-75.21 Sunday, 3.10 Na- - TM." Math. Sunday, 7.00 p m - (vanadium Sowuu Wednesday, 200 pm __- Lode Home League IMF“ - In W. â€on!" Sunday 915 am ~Sundu 50mm - an germ Clan Motor J Craig au All WILCOMI Winter will bring mom mm. cult durum: condition, But an} min-ur- drivmg condition, can be compensated for. the Ontario Safety League pomut out, by u- lra our? and reduced speed ‘In the vummg months, always drive <afolv --- weather ir no beige French lace, pink corn-5:3} She was attended by her maid of sweetneart roses and white ac- ot honour, Rosalie Miraslavieh. cessories. She was assisted by the bridesmaids, Marylou Girard and groom's mother attired in shell Pena. Lunn, cousin of the bride. pink crepe with lace bodice, pink {and three flowergirls. Laume corsage of roses and white aeees- 1 Anne Stewart. sister of the bride, series, ‘Donna and Debbie Owen. nieces Amnnn Hm munch more Mr N†the groom. Among the guests were Mr: and Mrs. Varey, and Mr and Mrs. Gonneau of Barrie and Mr 4 and Mrs. Phillips of Brighton. ', For their honeymoon trip to Northern Ontario. the bud e changed into a beige sheath which she wore with a matching chapeau, white accessories and corsage of roses. They now reside in The Queensway. '" Mark. Ave, 15132†CAPT R GODFREY r THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY SERVICES ll:00 on. and mo on. MIMICO CORPS Photo In Streeter Sludlu N T 185 guests attended the recep- tion at the Mayfair Inn where the bride's mother received in a charming gown of olive green chiffon with matching accessor- ies and Autumn Haze mink stole. She was assisted by the groom'r sister, Mrs. Nora Mount, wearing a two-piece ensemble in an aqua The 3 flowergirls wore "Little girl" dresses of matching heaven- ly blue with a full skirt of chit-l mn over taffeta. topped with ai gathered cumberbund ending in il large bow at the back. Their putt sleeves and a peter pan col- iars were edged with tiny seed; pearls. Matching fabric was usedl, in the wedding band and bow) design of the children's, head) dresses, and each little flowergirll carried a basket of white Pinoc- chio mums and pink carnationsi The maid of honour and brides- maids wore gowns fashioned of georgette chiffon in a shade of heavenly blue. Their shift dresses were belted and capes fashioned of the same fabric draped grace- fully from their shoulders. Mat- ching wedding band headdresses were worn adorned with a simple bow and matching circular veil. Each bridesmaid carried star burst bouquets of yellow roses and yellow mums. The best man was Mr, Brian Aherne, brother of the groom and the ushers were Mr. Terry Mount and Mr. Daune Owen, brothers- in-Iaw of the groom. Tlthithtelt't Drug Slorc Don Rascal! Pharmacy Walter’s Brag Sim Wordsworlh'c Drag Sim Couldn’t Pharmacy Holland Pharmacy Klaus Pharmacy Lid, GHBISTMAS CARDS NWEA SKIN CREME GOLGATE DENTAL CREAM CONFIDETS BEST Mt UNIT BULBS “HEM TOOTH PASTE GERITDL 24.02. Liquid or a FLASHBULBS "General ileum" SAGGHARIN TABLETS Savings this Week at MA, All,illlfol:f,,l,yi,lii.ly1 77 These SPECIAL PRICES End October 19 24-01. Liquid or 80 Tablets (Southern Etobicoke recently held) Mrs. Carrier and her commit- a coffee and planning meetingltee: Co-Chairman, Mrs. S. S. â€with her committee to draft plans Nomads and Mrs. Robin Green- (for the Hallowe'en campaign. Wield; Area Chairmen, Mrs. Trev- This is a crusade by children)or Hamill. Mrs. Howard Shilling- tor children and our Canadianltom Mrs. George Wolfe, Mrs. R. youngsters -- 400,000 ot them last A. Moorhouse, Mrs. L. M. Wilkm- .year - collected $400,000 during son, Mrs. R. Savory and Miss “he Shell-Out season. This year: Sandra Wolfe, have been hard at (with more understanding of theiwork for some time making sure problem a n d especially with l that each child in Etobicoke wash, Scouts and Cubs pursuing aling to "Care and Share" will iWorld Brotherhood Scheme. it is) have a collection box - please lhoped that this sum will belmake sure you have pennies on I greatly increased. _ lhand for your Hallowe‘en callers. Some 60 million children and; When we in Canada realize their mothers in over 100 counrlthat one penny will provide five tries are currently benetittingiglasses of milk for some under- from the work of UNICEF, and nourished child and five pennies enthusiasm for this year's eftortfwill provide enough pencillin to to raise money for the ill andicure a ease of yaws, can there be hungry children of the world is:any reason to expect anything already very evident, but a warm welcome when the Mrs. Phil. G. Carrier, Chair- ghosts and goblins call on Hal- man of the UNICEF drive for;lowe'en. Southern Etobicoke recently held‘: Mrs. Carrier and her commit- a coffee and planning meetingltee: Co-Chairman, Mrs. S. S. with her committee to draft plans Jrozoris and Mrs. Robin Green- for the Hallowe'en campaign. ilield; Area Chairmen, Mrs. Trev- m M V _ '_-----------, The Ontario Satety League Church ‘quotes from a recent US. survey yon seat belts (which probably gives a fairly good reflection of shade with black accessories. the Canadian picture). Of b2 Among the guests trom oul_0f.‘m1llion motorists polled, mne town were the bride's aunt andipercent had cars equipped with uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ed-;seat belts tan increase of one- wards of Ypsilanti, Michigan. arurthird over last year). The poll Mr. and Mrs Gordon Puckering showed that 47% of drivers with of Caledon, Ontario. seat belts always use them in lo- _ " cal travel: 74% always fasten ,,?,'eu?C,he,',tTyee,n,,.,l,C1p.,,eicrn' for long trips. For their honeymupn trip to Bermuda. the bride changed into a navy-blue suit which she were with white accessories and a Cymbidium orchid. They now re- side in Fairview, Alberta, where the groom will play hockey for the Fairview Monarchs. Ghosts And Goblins Crusade For World's Sick And Hungry Photo by Street" Studio " MIMICO "" LIE. Shore Ilvd W. LONG IIANCN "" Lat. Show Ilvd te MIMDCO '" Incl Vow! In! lm IIANCH "" L... Show Ihl W QUIINSW‘V '" The Quota-v.7 le rtNtttNTO I"! uh Sh." IN! W ALMIWOOO " Iain" Lino 51's I groin 500%, 73e--u.thA. “General Electric" 2 for Mk AG-I or M2 - 1.56 value ', When we in Canada realize (that one penny will provide five glasses of milk for some under- nourished child and five pennies Lwill provide enough pencillin to ( More progress in controllim: the heart and blood vessel dis-. eases has been made in the past ‘30 years through research than .in the preceding 30 centuries. The Society will benefit from the sale of tickets to the German Fashion Festival to take place in the Constellation Hotel on Pri, day. October 18 from 6 to 8 pm. 'Both ladies and gentlemen are [ invited to attend this event which also includes German wine and icheese tasting and a demonstra- (tion of cooking. to be followed ;by a him on Germany. Tickets imay be obtained by calling BE ‘3-1855 32's George Muirhead, We: of Planning for the Township of Etobieoke Ind Secretary-Tm- - to the Township's Planning Board will Iddreu the Btotri, coke Historical Society " in next meeting to be held Friday, October 25 It tt pan. in the Mont- gomery Inn. Dundu Street West and Montgomery Road. Visitors or interested persons wishing to become members will be made most welcome. Refresh- menu are served durum I will hour. Topic of his illustrated talk will be “Integration of Present Day Planning with the Past." Planning Head To Address -. Hisiorical Society 4-01. - 1.33 1.09 value m, 40's 1.44 Slt value 5.49 value 1.09 value tll., 1-1411 13L. 1-2201 tll.. 1-1151 tlL. 1-6281 259-1562 ilk. 1-3311 4.47 1.29 1.09 42c