Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 10 Oct 1963, p. 4

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.!., The Prying Pair TN“; 15. Jt is' unfortunate these two man cannot keep their hands off a Royal Commission. Their recent drive to keep themselves sup- plied with the same confidential information given lo Mr. Golden- berg. has reached a new low on the ladder to the Mayor's chair throuzh amalgamation. Not only will Mr Goldenberg b, ~upphed with the briefs but he will also visit area Councils, to find tor himself, firsthand, what objections we have to amalgamation. Perhaps the only drawback to his mrestuattor1, wilfbe the constant meddling and picking by the City Councillors/ed by the Lampart-Goodhead Junta. By almost demanding copies of the brrets intended onlv for Mr. Goldenberg, Lamport and Goodhead are interfering with the very raison den: of the Royal Commissi Thev are saying, "Iatok, we know this Commissioner needs 2t, from us. . . we are the guiding lights of Toronto." Fortunatelv the suburban Cmmczllur: have more inte'iliaence than the henchmen of the City or Toronto >eem to realize. Most Councillors have told the two to fly a kite Weston and s" ansea were two of the most vehement and thev said. m vffect. "What we have to tell to Mr Goldenberg is confidential We're certain- ly not going to give this informatmn to our enemies." - both social sclentlsls and physical scientists - to siudy the causes of mar, 15 of course First obstacle to the devel- opment of the Canadian Peace March Institute. to th P forming of teams of sctenttsts It's not that the Lamport-Goodhead brain-trust likes reading but they certainly would like to know the reasons eaeh municipal- ity Us for objecting to their golden scheme of nmalglmation. Prom the briefs, and with I team of clever lega! minds. Lamport and Goodhead think thev can tear down each argument of the luburbs with their usual verbal camouflage _ on. upon a time, these men. with the support ot City of Tor, Qb panda-m. brought forth a motion suing Metro Council “favor: amalgamation of the 13 are: municipalities " Prime mover of the peace research institute is Dr. Nor- man Alcock, a nuclear physi- cist who discovered that split- ting the atom: Was not as important as finding out what IS splitting people. Fellow di- rectors of the institute include such distinguished heretics against fatalisrn as Dr. L Keenleyside and Dr. Brock Chisholm, Then venture is sup- ported by the Canadian Corn. mittee for the Control of Ra- diation Hazards, the Voice of Women and other groups of people actively resisting the prognous of madness and mass death. . This Matement In: probably the biggest fairy tal the year line must of the Metro members are vtolently oppoyg ti, amal- gamatiort. _ Now titat Ir, Goldenberg has been appmnled Raul Commis, tioner to .investigate amalgamation and Metro Toronto one might think Lamport and Goodhead would keep their finger: out of the pie. _ . not so. In an obvious and cheap mow. the mo have prompted me $utropoiitan Clerk to ask each are: Council for a copv ot a brief each is to prepare for Mr Goldenberg W in. Ilouopolnu Totoalo Com“ an! may to the UNI tnuniboaliti" sound like momma out of I fifth-rate any ml. A group of Canadians are trying to do something about scientific study of the causes and cure of war, They have organized The C a n a d i a n Peace Institute. a pilot project that they hope will be dupli- cated in other countries. _ Than letters In" been prompt“ by the uould be all-power- M duet ot Mean Lamport and Goodhead, Doctors have a dandy word for a disease that has beaten the system. Terminal they can it. Accidents are fatal, diseases are terminal. and all other conclusive conditions of the body are grouped under the generic heading of good- night Irene. Ot all the maladies that at- flict mankind none comes close to being as terminal as war. Despite the lethal and instantaneous epide mic of nuclear destruction, h a r d I y anybody is working scienti- neaitr to try to find a cure for the disease of war. The best that governments have been able to do is recommend that people build fallout shel- ters, which is like advising a man stricken with mortal fe- ver to stay out of the sun, EDITORIAL AND THE _ WORLD LAUGHS mm» - My. 0212 L“ : M- , Crossword The Canadian Peace Re, search Institute may well find. a: a matter of cold fact. that peace can only be attain. ed after the war we all dread. that the. sickness is too far gone for any other kind of therapy This. too. would be worth knowmg, it for no other reason than that mo<t of us are rnuung into pansmn plans the rhino we could he spending on one last blast nn Bombers, The Canndmn Pear e Re- wnrch Institute u darting a drive for lunuds Could he the best medical plan vou ever subscribed to “lawn for word of it, Whatever the initial proj- ects the Peace Research Insti- tute sets for itself. they' would be scientific in method and therefore an advance over the purely emotional business of parading w ith plaeards. which can never be more than an appealing nuisance, that peace has become a dcrty word. Any group that takes the word into its name is im- mediately suspected of being either Red-run or a gullible comfort to the commies. Indeed. the first research project of the institute could well be a semantic analysis of the word pence. an objective study of how the Russians can associate it with the rocket- rattling of N. Khrushchev, while to US. Senator Barry Goldwater peace is part of the lexicon of treason, on lo I“! Report From Ottawa Fifth Party Solidify Liberal Position When Mr. Dientenbaker precipitated the first vote In the reconvened session of Parliament with a proposal for making the increased old age pension retroactive to the date of the last election, April 8. it was not with any hope of defeating the Government but merely to lay a ground- A police offloev neoivod on oHieiert commendation from Mono Police Commotion loo! week for aiding in flue venue of some 'boys from on island on the Number River. The veil of the office: won locgmon in the "- cifolnenf by evoryono excepf'olio Elobicolxe fire chief who wrote to police oufhovlfin and woo Monumental in -tirtg the officg oomo ryeoguiflon. A Metro COMMINN hon suggested that taxi amen MM mt Wham, one for mo and one for win. m m. . __ Magistrate Thomas Elmore, senior Metro area magistrate is of the view that all crummoI cases for the police courts shoutd in future be tried m city he" while traffic court 3152: could remam for hearmg in the indi- vidmlerep &micipalities. b The Ontario Water Resources Commission plans to hold a course on identification of algae at their labora- tory in Erobicoke in November Algae is a growing prob- lem on a number of lakes in Omar-o and on the Great Lakes It is mud that iaundry detergents are a con- tributing factor, Metro Assessment Department Intends to exomme the business assessments being applied to used cor lots tn the Metro area, If any substantlol Improvements on the lots, such as lighting has been made the owners may fund themselves with uncreased busimess assessment In September I962 a motorist damaged a concrete pole at Lake Shore Blvd and 23rd St The damage was $30 Metro has been unable to fund the motorist to collect payment of the damage . Metro has approved a $1,000,000 debenture issue on behalf of the Etobicoke Hydro Electric Commission for a new administration and headquarters building Etobicoke Board of Education has received approval in debenture financing for a “12,325 addition to Boar. crest school whiff includes two closgooms and a library Tre executive director of the Metro Housing Auth.. ority lives in Etobicolne which is accused of blocking the Thisrtetown low rental housing project. All the blame is being placed on township Reeve John Maclath when it should properly be placed on someone else at the muni- cipal level. Two public hospitals have already advised Metro that they are prepared to apply for municipal hospital bolding grants once the corporation re-enters the build- mg grant field in I964 after an absence of five years. Both are cuty hospitals so some suburban hospitals would be advnsed to get ready some submissions for Metro monev requests and not be left behind, One way not to save taxpayers money. Metro Ex. ecutlve Committee intends to fly up to Ottawa to ask the Federal government to increase grants to hospital budding programs. This will involve an overnight stay In o hotel for several of the seven committee members. The some request could have been made by letter sent with a five cent stamp. Metro government would like to extend a large s-ze welcome to visiting motorists but the provmce has turned down the Idea. Metro hoped to install colorful Signs of welcome adjacent to provincial highways at the edge of Metro but It Is contrary to provincial regula- taons A The resuitirurssarr--rfi to 90. IS as near as the opposmon is ever likely to come in torf" mg a new election, if, indeed. any of the opposition groups wanted one. " the Pearson Government was reasonably safe before the summer re- work for any future cam, paign. JV'" CHAIN or DEMAND ".-.sq-usatte This is not only a precedent but a dangerous one, More often than ttttt Governments will outline coming legislation to their rollowere. If there Is opposition within the party this is the forum for battle and Government, which re- But Liberal backbenehers want more than assurances that such incidents will not be repeated The genial chan- man of caucus. Dr. Guy Rou- Ieau. announced plans for cau- cus votes on Government le- mslation and policy. Resolu- tions would be moved and in some cases made public Mter their adoption. Regardless of any demand for a cabinet reshuffle, the discontent among private members was too evident to conceal. Nor would it be fair lo blame It on either Mr. Gor- don or Miss LaMarsh. Contri- buting as much as anything else was a mix-up over the pay Increases which members voted themselves Just before adjournment. on the amount which it in- tended to propose. As a result. Liberals alone had no official knowledge of the boost lo $18,000 unlzl the bill was In- troduced, Official denial or confirma- tron of newspaper reports of what happens in caucus con- stitute. in themselves. a breach of the supposed cau- cds secrecy. In its efforts to get unani- mous consent for the move. the Government took opposi- tion whips into its confidence But if Mr. Pearson has clear sailing in the House of Com- mons " has troubles among his own followers. The two- day Liberal caucus that start- ed the reconvened session on Its long way exhibited a res- uveness and lack of confi- dence among back - benchers. The Prime Minister was forc- ed to break long established precedent and deny categoric- ally that caucus had demand- ed the heads of two of his ministers. Finance Minister Walter Gordon and Health Minister Judy LaMarsh. cess it is now " safe as a church. To conquer, there vi'us ‘no need far Mr. Pearson to divide his enemies. Mr. Caou- one did that for him, provid- lng four opposing groups which can never combine on any Issue. And with the sup- port of any one of them Mr. Pearson can command a ma- jority. The only question -- and for Mr. Caoueue it is a $4,000 one -- is whether his Rallie- ment des Creditistes is to be recognized as a national party under his'leadership. If not, his hope of $22,000 a year m- stead of $18,000 is dead. Speaker Alan Macnaughton has wisely left the decision to a Parliamentary committee. Metro has awarded a $177,432 contract for the construction of a pumpmg station on Second St In New Toronto to assist in sewage disposal opert0ttoos Metro has run short of funds to spend on the installation of traffic signal lights. Weston Mayor George Bull hos sug- gested that since the safety and lives of cutizens are un- volved Metro should get the necessary money to do more trofht light 'rnstolkttloos, Among Mu organizations recently receiving air palluh'on warning: from Metro have boon the Campbell Soup Company and Goodyear Tire Canoe!" along with the [fablcoko loan! of Education, the TTC Nice. a hor pi'al and a brewery. As chairman of Metro Parks Committee Mimico Mayor Grieg: has proposed that Metro considev decor, ative lighting for some of ilk parks. This is a result of 0 display which was in James Gordon: in Etobicoke last week which attracted so many Vulcan. [tableau Rm Mum arrived at the Metro parks commune. muting 1e'tt_iystirtrrrretormoWooromertt "Ihavohod a buy not," ho M. any increase m Canadian spending abroad there IS little doubt that last year‘s $50 mil- lion deficit will be replaced hv a surplus. This added to the Russian wheat windfall rould reduce the balance of payments 'deficit from $848 million last year in as low as $3.50 million. Canada's international ac- counts are m much better shape For the first lime since 1950 there is the prospect that tourist spending in Canada will be larger in the valendar year than Canadian spending :I‘Vr' ad. In the first half of the x i the deficit on travel aw count was $93 million, $43 million lcs< than the tirst \xx months of last year. With a record breaking tourist season since that time and little, if The Government's decvsion to increase only the personal Income tax by l per cent lo finance the increased old age pension will add another $55 million to Mr. Gordon's den- cit for the year, If the corpor- ation tax had also been raised by 1 per cent the Old Age Security Fund would have been m balance. If I per cent had been added to the sales tax there would have been a comfortable surplus. Unless the Finance Minister gets an unexpected windfall in re- venues he could end up With a deficit of $800 million or mote. highest on record. But now, apparently. cau- cus is holding the threat of publicity over the head of Cabinet. Under such a system every private member be- comes a potential target for the lobbyist just as they are in the United States Congress, Unless Mr. Pearson stamps this one out quickly he may find his Government will no longer have 102 followers :11 the House of Commons but 102 blackmallers. CAPITAL HILL CAPSULES If party caucuses should start making decision by ma- jority votes these could only be recommendations to Ca. binet. Anything else would be negation of responsible Gos- ernment. There might be no very great harm in this al- though caucus pressures after Cabinet has made its decision should be kept within bounds. If legislation ls changed or shelved as a result of caucus tiscussions 'this cannot be ad- mited outside cautyus. Under a long established Parliamen- tary system Ministers of the Crown are answerable only to Parliament tor their actions. So long as they command the confidence of the House of Commons they rule supreme. fuse to listen to caucus crin- ctsms are likely to find them- selves in trouble‘ But all this is done behind- closed and guarded doors. Prior to i956 taxpayers mn- tributed nothing tor tranrit "rvire, This year over £11 million of Metro tnxpayen‘ rush [mm current rovenuo in coma for trans“ servme Now there h talk of londmg the entire annual TTC dob! rharlu coating about 83.000: m nor "It plul In naditian-l tub-icy tor subway con-trut- The "C reduced fares dur- In: 1Mi1 to deplete reserves and some taxplyers into the transit butinpss. m'r vonr a: and when they ut,t ghoul seven milhnn fares per var It his increased em- woven wages each eight or nine months SINCE 1951, , North Yorks fiery reeve Norman Goodhead has scolded tht‘r taxed Metro Muniripil- mm He demands a radical In( roase In taxation to finance rodh' improvements at once, ll ts evident to me that Mun- impal taxpayers should make 'thor influences more effec- tive. They should calmly con- sider the'incredible boldness. If not impudence: of elected representatives and others. Thr Thronto Transit Com- mission has mcroaspd operat- mu mate well own- tl.0tyt.000 'li)iii'j1i,r,i",it "s? ©UNGENZT , b " S 4 'r' p that LOADED MAGAZINES. Had a (all Hutu a lady "ho complained that men's magazine: "re making her humane] into an irresponsible dandy. "Heinn- he ,turted reading these things", his wife said, "he sprnt a lm of time at hams with me and the children. Now if he i~n't out every night at a poker game or uatr-hincr mint- "porting event on TV he thinks he's losing hi, mawulinitx . On top of this, she added, his mice roihermlnr “ard- rolre is now loaded with ilashy “autumn. :Iitlrnng cuff- link, and loud sports jackets. "lf thi, i.,a stage he's going thmug'u I uin li-s'vi hurry up hetm.~ he breaks us", she mid, (Inna upon a time ltuhby war satisfied mth srtti1H,.', around the living room and sipping A pint at ale. nu“ he stock,, hi, Var “ith all kinds of fan-9y liquurx rllt‘ it"itlvd, "And to add insult to injury, ltc tlnnlu hr! a lady killer". she said increduluuhly. She inked if there was smile nay to "limit; him hark to his sense,." I pointed out that lung before the glut m incns "cia/iroes; hit the "e" “latitlr, a “alumna lung carried an artn‘h- tt-lling houseuise, how to "mold" their husbands, All'l tlu, has bevn going on for decades. "lt', only self defame", I painted out. She named a iew tna's'azrnes ~hr read tattleully. and l couldn't help lint think self (lcirllsc it}; her hulaud's4 rennin for going off the deep end. AT THE CIGAR STORE. "‘31) Inhlmud smokes a NIH-ruhuum pipe, "hat kind of lnlnau‘n mull-1 he [he lor Atul _\uu'll wt crumlry nmguunh m the "ports car euthur,iae,t's library. Iloueset, 21> I and. titost m the hrulm prelcr murh tdl'N' hrruuw they trant to lrltlN F' a Lar. ttot KlHIt It. 4nd the} fed North-Auwrican attto, an: badly (lbigxmi and gimmick-laden. Most of uur big husiuc,,sitten drnr big wh’nmlmu; Carr. but thew gems can't he clashed a.', true-blue mtelit" ts, t'xcept in rum Cases The real brnim m any muntry arr'u 1r ch, authors. playwright,. research scientist,, >12} proies- ~urs. artists. director, (TV. theatre and nun] ,aclun Plat ali), and people generally Imuhul m the arts, and mm: of xluwe drive cport, cars. The brainy people arr tar uulnuniln-rcd 1:} Lbs inn-is oi moragr irnelligcttce in the apurh car piloting galnr This i, why in: shouldn't expect more Irotn a "ports c.tr driver than from the kid in the ‘54 Filling-5. a, lar as road courteeey or anything else is concerned. One thirtp: most ,yorte, car uunerr um do h-mrxct. as DRIVE well. which ix more than can be mid ior the awr- ago,- qruner of the big auto. AT A CAR STOP: "tihe and Frellir. hum a harrel Irom the kse,t poker game: this i, it , hang ht Crrrues. home with a barrel inside him". Vou " hear Spoil‘ car fatllu; blaring nut the Mine garbage a, the radio In the '54 Fumig-8. drncn by that rock'n roller (louu the street. Not every chupple ,ittius,r, at the wheel at a Ravioli Grand Prix will speak in a cultured 11oive wrth an Oxford accent. or have Wagner coming through on hi» uncle». Youve just as likely to hear the lingliah language mutilated in a ,ports car a: you are to hear it maugled Ill the '54 Fumig-8, nith nliu~matic transmission. That dasher tuuling aloug the pike in his Rmmh mt't nun-warn)" thinking lofty thoughts either. llc', mure likely plotting the tonne ol' action he'll use on hi, date than mulling mer “Inch art show he'll attend. diving " good 1ous,iuvs,man requires 1; certain tucrcltandiriur.r but intellect “Illa! I): mca>urrd by .sivilih.) Many people look nith reverence ulmn the flying framenf the sports car aificiouatlo uilh great rewcct, " hile others rereut his departure from the covxetuiouul var field and brand him a "nut". SPORTS CAR LQ. There seem. to be a misconcep- tion running amok among the populace that sports car en- thusiast, are of a higher level oi iutelligeuce than those who pilotthe more cumumn species of auto. Sports car fan, on the other hand behest, any.“ unis- fiell "ith the comparatively ~|uggi~.|u luau-"mg and hulk of a typical North-American gas lmgg) Is a "upmrr". While must oi the "ttelhieetcsra preier HWY“ vars, nut a cryoue "ho drum d mun: war i, an mtcllrctual, far irom it. Time For Taxpayers To Ohject Iv , Thes have been warned time 3nd time Main about this matter, In the opposite direc- Hon. they have crucified rep- rospnutivdn who really defend laxpmer! The question is 'wlll our taxpayerr awaken now. or will they wait until an" the dam. age is done?' Mimirm rounrll has refused In show any raiepayer a do- ‘alled COPY of the 1963 budget when the tax levv x: $582.893 about swan mills) higher than 1960. And I repeat, a real snort is on toot to follow Reeve Goodhead's advice which would increase our tax- es ground ten mills more. We par double fares to en- able single fares on expensive subwavs. Yet Reeve Good- head has the impudence to suggest we are satelite Baltic stalet. relying on Toronto for support Mimico's Groaned Runway- ers' Association was critical of opposition to paying a subsidy to the TTC tion, (60 per cent of this would be paid for by suburban tax- payers). W. A. “with. oltie In usually i.ur lor “MIME

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