"e soomzpn . has? " variance! to um um. Inkling. Keck. lawman dis. Toronto 15 William D. Lyon, KA., LLM, Barrister at Salmmr 1415 Lau renco Ave W. Suite 201 Weston Weston 19tt Weston Ooucsne John Weston, Ont. .. Weston CH 9 2288 Evenings and Saturdays by Appointment. Howard G. Ashbourne. BA " KING STREET Mortgage Monev To Loan Evenings By Appointment um Box H,Ave.to,tutak that. 235 Dixon Road, Weston Bull & Ashboume h Mlle S. at “I Cor. Ont SI. Alfred K. Herman. BA Bar: xstcr - Sohmtor 1938 Weston Road Fraser & Simms Barristers & Solicitors Leonard A. BraiOwaite Barristers & Solmtuxs Geo. W. Bull B,Comm Barristers & Solicitors Barristers _ Solicitors Royal York Plate 1500 Royal York Road Accountant, Office Manager . 2 Young Men For Stockrooms Stenographers - Shorthand & Dictaphone Heakes and MacDonald 1923 Weston Road BARRISTERS DOROTHY TYERS STAFF SERVICE HELP WANTED _ CH 4-5517 - 8 9 Dictaphone Supervisor, 25 to 29 Receptionist - Typist with Shorthand Women For Finishing and Packaging Department JUNIOR CLERK TYPIST MANY OTHER INTERESTING PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY POSITIONS AVAILABlE. BUFFERIN INSURANCE RADIATOR SPECIALISTS DIXON HWY- 27 Professional " Business iriT!m7iTtr)2riif a CH. L569? CH I 5.'ttt CH 66115 Road Struck CH 1-19" REXDALE PLAZA 249-914] CLERK TYPIST NO CHARGE TO YOU Fully Air-Conditioned REXDALE "" Weston Road CHerry I "" WESTON and AREA Your Neiehhmtrhood Radium Ind Auto (“In Semen new Radiator a Glass Service Ltd. Wtslon -. Ontario LADIES . Unlimlwl osmium“: far um amino. than. hours. Full or pun-tune. A can: ot your own Plus. call In. Hall 700.71. M. HELP WANTED FEMALE John W. Smith Weston Chartered Accountant 134 King St. Weston OFFICE, U. 3-0693 RES.: CH. 9-4657 Magerman & Page Barristers - Solicitors 1630A Wilson Ave, CH 6-219] Crane Plaza Estate Funds Available For Mortgage Loans Weston J. R. Currie, 0.D. Optometrist 1891 Weston Rd, Weston For Appointment Call CH 1-0701 Evenings by Appointment ACCOUNTANTS Chartered Accountants DIRECTORY Marsh, Goulding Chartered Accountant i730 Weston Road OPTOMETRY C. W. LEASK 1969 Weston Road CH 1-1129 CH r6061 USE THE TIMES - ADVERTISER CLASSIFIED SECTION TIMES MlEllTlt0l M. HELP WANTED Mt. Dennis Delivery Service " Bala Ave. no a 1521 Bus CH 7-5451 Res BE 1-6533 W. l WARD BUYING . . . SEllING . . . RENTING . . . MW BABY? let People Know VIA Can provide you with attractive temporary jobs hourly rates to help you toward the goal Our Ramble chants and. prospective employee: have convmced us. If you are 1 Steno, Dion. typist or a machine operator you can earn extra income, and work in your own area m FUNERAL HOMES 20% “mini '" La," inlaid OFFICE OVERLOAD Comes To Rexdale 1495 Kipling Ave., N, Clean Your Insurance Problems Richards Cartage-Moving No matter what your goal, for the future trip or a new wardrobe. Dunn's Insurance 247-3865 OFFICE OVERLOAD Piano Tuning AMBULANCE SERVICE And Repairing Wm. A. Riggs 1230 Jane Street CARTAGE " Seabrook Ave., Toronto " CH 7-5367 Ambulance Service " Hours A Dar OFFICE OVERLOAD Dennis RO 9-2841 Work Guaranteed INSURANCE Funeral Director: CH 7-4646 lst Tina Rd. mm Branch RU 1-4646 Modem Plum Rudd: Area KLINCK Woman Required CM. 1-2233 Solved By Packing MUSIC Service 1495 Kipling Ave., Work REXDAlE If you are available to work for a few days or weeks or prefer longer periods of sever- al months we have a variety of interesting aglgnmems for you in your own vicinity. National cash machine operator for general ledger work TYPISTS. 'iIyNOGRAPHERs, DICTAPHONE OPERATORS, BOOKKEEPERS. CLERKS, CoMPhhMETER, SWITCHBOARD AND BUSINESS MACHINE OPERATORS M. HELP WA NTID Urgently Required BY Peak - Time Services MRS. JOHNSTONE CH 17465 DAYTIME CH 9-0826 EVENINGS invoicing, Small congenial office in the if possible. Vacation with ply and sick leave and pen- sion plan. Required to live in residence. Apply Mr. Herd Toronto Hospital Weston 109-1161 Local 20 - 9:30 - Good Wallace and ability to meet the public menu-l thome HEM!“ meme: Rexdale Kipling Area Full employee benefits With good starting salary For the ugh! person For appointment interview Call My. George 925-4549 VI. 5-0061. VT. 5-732] of Keele (Lawrence Queensway and Rexdale US! THE TlMIiAOVIIYISIl CLASSI'IID liCI'ION No tort Chm OAKVILLE. ONTARIO experienced in accounts receivable and Requi, es, commencing PEAK-IIME SERVICES 43 ASSISTANT Ililill(l(Uml TWIST RUSSELSTEEL tum Switchboard Operator' Hours 9 a.m. to 5 pm Sept. 3rd 421-8600 Bethrtdge Road Rexdale RPgisterini - a vacation, at high PERMANENTLY REMOVED " rum-nous“ ANNE GRAHAM LOGAN Enabhshed Over so Years Only $5 per Mil-hour Insane!“ 239A Blur w, " 34‘“ In Cultu- St, WA 1-" mg “-3.1%†Mm TLWRING up to grade , try Grade 12 student, CH 1.1M SIA. TilllllliRl HOSPITAL WESTON 789-1161 til. El WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE . . . If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regu- larly eaeh mouth on t group of Studio Girl Cosmetie clients on a route to be established in and around Weston, and are willing to make light deliver- ies. etc,, write Studio Girl Cos, metics, Dept. CWA-98, 840 Lafleur Ave., Monti-ell 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. CAPABLE WOMAN to baby-sit. Live in. room and board plus remuneration. Call 633-0068 after 5. CAPABLE WOMAN for has; keeping duties. ' day week. live in preferably. " #1639. 47. MARRIED MAN 33 desires in. side position purchasing. sales correspondent order desk. 7 years industrial sales, 3 years assistant branch manager. sales promotion experience. Recent auto accident forces change. 2398728. M. . HELP WANTED 46A. PANTRY MAIDS UNWANTED HAIR Weston & Lawrence experience not necessary Westway Plaza Kipling and Dixon Road Good working conditions Write hi im‘iookm ilNllngEllt ROYAL BANK 741-1020 LOCAL BANK Keith Cleaners IR. ti l Eltlf on Counters Full or Part Time Good Wages Grade 11 required CH 14195 full or part time Apply in person WAITRESS WANTED Required By of Canada POSITION WANTED required DOMESTICS WANTED to work WOMEN'S COLUMN Apply Girl and I am not saying 1 am dissatis-‘7 fied but that for months now I have heard nothing but com-1 plaints about the "way thingsl are run around here." Also I; am a firm believer in opposition j, if tor no more reason than to keep present leaders on their) toes. It worked wonders Yotytdl here in the last municipal clec-I tion. It has to do some good. You 1 0sWm-Dermi.s and Pat (nee Kedge) thank God for the safe arrival of a son, Michael David, on Saturday August 11. 1962. at Humber Memorial Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. James Kedge. First great-grandchild for Mr, and It is hard to believe that; August is already here and not one word has been mentioned locally about the elections that are coming up this December in North York. This election is pre-i sumed to be the one of all the] great changes ete. and yet here1 it is only four months away and there is a quiet, calm through, out the township. What happen- ed to the grievances, bypas- itions etc? There, is everyone' RICHARDSON- In loving arc/ cry of a dear husband and fath- er Ernest Sadler Richardson (Dick) who passed away mm) ust 17th, 196t. L Calm and peaceful he is sleeping. , Sweetest rest that. follows pain: 1 We who loved him sadly miss) him. But trust in God to meet again. Ever remembexed by lovmg wife Daisy and family. PUBLICIZING the Ontario Junior B Band Competitions to be held in York Township August 18, with a clarion call. are three members of the York Lions Club Brass Band. Shown here M. 59. ANNOUNCEMENTS Saturday Aug. 25th Registration for new term at Albion Bowt - 982 Albion Road Thistlewwn Plaza ATTENTION Slllllllili't SCHOOL Mrs. Fred trea/e." éHnd's}; for Mr. anders. Harry J. 0s- win of Itexdale Use The Times .. Advertiser Classified Section 1 PM to 4 PM For Information m MEMORIAM 636-0962 announce DANCING 3l||Y-Ann Kerman BIRTHS Oakdale Heights & Belmar Park (see. suppose a subdivision such as ours gave all their support to I one candidate and he lost. The candidate who won is obliged tol help them either to gain their lvote the next time or at least to )keep them from crying that he tis a poor loser who wouldn‘t help them because they didn't support him. If the candidate they supported got in. then they u get the help they need anyway, {That is why it is so important “or every vote to be used. There I is not or rather there should Ira he any party politics on at linunieipal level. During the last} Ielection season in North York. [one of the candidates for mom 'cillor had a personal letter sent [out by a member of parliament la prominent party leader. 'This lust a lot of votes for this (mart - votes from people who [were undecided about a council- tlor but very decidedly against (the party he obviously belonged ‘to. And so in the next few months. I predict a general re- lbirth of Ratepayers Associations 7with meetings and the usual ibeefs and of course many candi- idates promises etc. and in the lend the whole fiasco becomes a 'farce mainly because there were [ thousands of complaints but only (hundreds of voters. A subdivis- lion the size of Oakdale Heights tor Belmar Park contributes over la million dollars a year in taxes to North York, has enough vot- ers to sway an election and that is where it all ends, It should (have knowledge and confidence that every dollar of that tax {money is carefully and sensibly spent and the power behind the {people to sway the elections if 3" "','.'I'terPPPh.tr.t rabbit? “Mung,“ Sorry to hear that the w. I!“ at Noramia Drive In I". " M of the was. We '1‘ them my ham-ms i. may dim To all those who am have their hohdlys to come, we Me the "at!" stays warm and m come home safe, happy sad I!» Irvin-d It's amazing how many diiG-Fi.iiiisiii. ending at Four Mile Lake, The boy em parts of the country are Visit- baseball ' ed by a group of neighbours in bridge run a summer, Vacationing with tion game their families. Dorothy and Gord St. John‘s Brown travelled to Muskoka.lbays were Ray and Lois Burrell went to the faeiliti Montreal and then to Laid Kew the school isis Shirley and Percy McGreg. when they or enjoyed their holidays at " to take a d saga while Grace and Joe Stuart ming pool. wen at their cottage on Trout ton won tl Lake near Bancroft. Mrs. Fox. The Rev worthy finally came home after resume hi spending four - at Trout Park Unit! Lake and a week " Halibunon servieet l Lake, Mr, and Mrs. Parson and month! " the boys went on a motor-camp- um . int trip across Canada. ttoqttat ' Wo're a little man on news this week as we have been week, pom in the. Ga. HARDINGTON t; DISTRICT MRS. E. WILSON Cameron and Dave Kitten. 'ihte"drGi; competitions will be held on the ground of the York Collegiate, Eglington Aven- ue West are; left' to righ_t, Gary mliiiGFtGC' Rick on news“)! Nomad: Drive and Marr 'en week-(would be very happy g, have it my differ- returned. tthe, , The boys of the Hardistgtm are VLsIt-Lhaseball team unveiled to Us. in bridge may G iiirii, aa. the people are genuinely disab- usfied. In the next few weeks, both subdivisions will be plus: ning Ratepayers Meetings for the Fall Season. Support the» groups who are constantly try- ing to make our area I better place to live. It is amazing the way the ap- pearance of the new Police Star. tion has slowed down the general traffic in and around Oakdale Heights. It is a good sign for I imagine traffic will increase in density with the new bus mu coming this September. I feel this bus along Sheppard Avenue will open up our area much more. Not only can we so to Eatons. straight downtown Via the Harbord Car but we have access to the shops in Wood- view Park and the Weston area as well. I just knew when I bought up here that although it seemed like the end of the world at the time. it would change and eventually the city would grow around me. I just had to wait, that's. all. The nicest part of it all is that I can still walk north oi here and find fields. farms, trees and country lanes to stroll in. I can still sit in the evening and hear crickets chirp, smell the clover in the neighbouring fields and see a larger variety of birds other than pigeons or sparrows. Then. with a tliek of the wrist, snap of our fingers. we can in five minutes. reach a drive-in, be on our way to a noisy metropolis (Downtown Toronto) attend a Rodeo in any of the neighbouring small towns or do whatever we like in the way of modttsporta This is suburbia at its tGi, non game with the boys d h St. John's Training School. Our boys were greatly impugned will the facilities offered the boys d the school and were dm when they were (in. the My totakeadipintttei-r- ming pool. Incidentally. Hm ton won the hall “In. The Rev. J. Eur: duh VI. resume his duties " TIM Park United Church net! My. Services than It: I.“ months In " 10 an. hospital and aiGai "m "I..." from injuries at: remind I. whmohile mm a u “. day week-cud. I Ham 3m u an. Stewart, Ont m Att-g. Betisiettmrt- ME CH weve"