m SEVEN BOOK colonial home, mm hull plan, in the ban. ot Walton. hm tutu In with via. Squib living new. din- AT WOODINDGE, Inm- house,; all comm-mu. Inn and lot) do» to "Importation, schools. shopping, your down payment commend, taking $11,900. Call Markham 78& FROOM HOUSE - P.rhing, adults, immediate possession. Call waning: or weekends, CR. 9-0MO. On your own sign-tun No bubble acuity If you cu: make monthly my- menu you an (at 3 loan It wEifoN-ai, urge room rartehtr-------=r=cl-L-AL-a-V-CL-i.-.= N -___ r a“ PVer --e- WV V I .. . -.. .. w nylc bungalow. finilhed ue" ROOMSTOLET i CLEARANCE SALE ment apnrtment, double page. FURNISHED All in working condition CH 9-0208. _---------------, , _ ___ __------------.-- WARM vcrv mmmnm. rottrm) Come early for but ulna: '20 APARTMENTS TO LET FURNISHED BEAUTY PARLOR Well alablished fully equipped with excellent turnover. illness forces sale. Aeknu & Wella Ltd. CR 14164. " MONEY T0 LOAN 18 HOUSES TO LET LAWRENCE AVE.-Weston Rd.- attractive upnrtment. self con- tained, heavy wiring, antenna, telephone, parking. Adults CR 1-u15. BRIGHT WARM basement, lop-r- ate entrance, parking, 3-piece bath, business couple or trentle men. CH. 1-0627 evenings " Sut- uni-y. FURNISHED Apartment for couple without children in ex- chtnge for wife', light duties. CH 1-0442 or CR 1-6661. 22 APARTMENTS TO LET UNFURNISHED W. G. PETERS, Mgr. CH. 7-5438 Don Finance Co. Ltd. -cusAvx in“ COMPANY EM 1-6161 , bedroom Ipnnment. free laundry Ind parking (Militia. Will decor- ate to suit ten-m. 8110.00 month- ly. Cull WESTON - Near Humber Howi- tal, bachelor apartment, kitchen, privnto bath, gum, suitable for couple. M7-0969. _ WESTON - $100, two bedroom suite, fireplntc. puking, Quint apartment, H b I o c k from "hoola, bus, shopping. BE 8. 0988. . wnsiox-a noun, mly decor- ated, Bttt" and trig, 1'.V. out- let. CR 1-6315. irrisros _ m. lug. mom. equipped. “my, 27 John St. Apply " South Station th. THREE rooms, self contained third floor, elou to non. and trgrnsportation, tniublo for bus- lneu - " 1-1718. SEEK! _;cond Nerr two lug: rooms. print. hut-plum bath, â€run. I" menprfa. 088-24.]. ONE iiFi, AND TWO Mm .pt..133 mound An cu. no". vacuum-ms WANTED 22 APARTMENTS TO LET TO BUY AND SELL I - UNPUBNBHQH l in. okaes. Two lo: burning fireplaees, tlniahed mention room. 817,900 with urns. Phone om CR ta680. . your - um" , . . IA. Chi-3H“ Mo publish“ every Thursday. Tuesday 5 Fm. . . . deadline-- Mudcy " Noon . . . "neellmtbea. COPY: All advertising my I. - ttt in approval of the "mum! of 0M. up". This paper round the rhthr to claulfy I“ “whimâ€. -ipred, . min-nu . mu Wm Id, Wm ctr 9-4922. cm: This paper will be -tsiblo for NOT no" then ONE Mme! Insertion of on mivortisqm.nt. ARRANGED BY PHONE Don Finance $50 - $5000 1125 ISLINGTON AVE. MONEY Rexdale Plaza Mr. LePnn (Sum) My John St, Weston. CH 4-2649. SAME DAY Classified Near Hwy. 401 Lam. m, luxurious l Ind b bedroom Apartment; lamp with baleonim, "nun. immediately at reduced mtg. Fired, in: ‘parking mum... air audition- ing unit: :vnillble at g ml] Bd- ditionat churn. ICE 1-2081 CH 7-4582 /etv_r,EE, Apart-tsta, Scu- lett Ind Dixon road, 1 and 2- l bedroom apartunnu, puking. ( CR. 1-1431. ‘BASEMENT apartment for rent, 3 rooml and bath, “on. private 1 entrance, Weston Rd. Wilson I urea. CK. 1-7159. 26 FLATS '10 LET I UNFURNISHED FIVE " "Rooms TO LET i300! and bond for one or two j (mama, lament apnrtment, lap-rite beds, neu- trtutsporta- tion. CH 6-5200. RUSTIC AND Keele, than mod- l em rooml, picture window, In- l tenna, sink, cupboards, new, parking. CH 4-2228. WEE'RTV AREA - Room Gd ICENTnAL - Comfortable cosy room. Suit business, Indy. Grill l privileges, parking. Adult home. CR. 6-3510. WARM very eomforuble room, I wit gentleman, parking facili- ties. Phone CH 7-0070 after 5.80 pmt, WARM front room, near buses and' FURNITURE AND ELECTRIC rertaurarnts, L-wunce Ind Wesa _ ten Rd. CH 1-3114. 1 1919 WESTON RD. TCt-_-___-__"-'---- CR. 1-9106 ONE SINGLE room Ind one room Nimble for two. Working girls preferred. Reasonable. CH. 4-1656. WESTON - Private, two rooms, equipped, business couple, puk- l ine up“; CH 6-6496. 33 COMFORTABLE attractive room, quiet home, parking. CH 1-5078. No. 82-. . wr _ __.. LOVELY ROOM in quiet home suit refined business gentleman, tsbstainer, [um CE. 1-6640. NORTH or WILSON - hot CAPABLE woman in Weston will take can of baby in her home _ during day. CR 671.2. ' RESPONSIBLE middle-aged wo- mm want- baby-sitting. Own transportation. Phom 244-3727 after 5 pan, or week-ends. WILL PAY cull for good and piano. CR 4-1609. tQ ARTICLES WAN‘I‘EE e: Pullman, Candi-n semi, mum-bk. CI 1.8806. KITCHEN tatk I n d chin, WALNUT KITCHEN at, hud- l v00]. but offer, cl.» bed l -rtrte and maul-at. outline i Quaint GIG-00“» IVE has room flat, privite entrance and bath. 266 Gary Drive. CH 1-3159. bond, or breakfast, parking fl cilitiu. Phone CR. 6-7886. lunches, good «an, pic-nut home, backyard Ind swings, full supervision. Up to 8 children. CR 9-1048. (and): Apartment sin $86 and up Rebuilt _ Gunmen in good eortdititnt auntie. cm chair, Ian nib. Mums ale. 14211-1 .4031 CH 7-4582 " no Annm- BU 5-6012 AiTlCLES FOR STATE" Tom Mathew Appliances 1699 June Street CE. 7-.†, RANGES DAY CARE POR CHILDREN KEELE " ARTICLESFOIIALI SECTIONAL ehestrrfUld, mul- lnt condition. blond uh mp table, trl-lizht noor lamp, cam- pleto "E CH 1401! after 6. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION, pilno, ‘6-MONTH buinetu, potty chair, and bath " lot. Lloyd buggy l $23, excellent condition. CH. ‘ 4-501. before G pan. ftjrTStr'ftrRS'CNlhND MUSICAL INSTRUCTION LEARN TO speak A foreign Inngulge in your home by the use of records. French, Spanish. Italian, German, Russian, also Englilh course: from French, Suninh, "Minn and German. Free demonstration, no culin- tion to punk-u. ME 54224. 1954 MONAch‘, mum-tic, radio, good conditfm. But cash offer. CH 9An91 the: 5 gun. iTifrtrr6triiiihiietrEtTir. & GARAGE EQUIPMENT FOR truck part: it'u lavy’t - all makes -.- new, used, rebuilt. 1400 Weston road. RO. 0-1115. EVERYTHING for the cur, n". used Ind robuiit, machine shop servlet. Kay cut by code. Wes. _ ton Auto Supply. 1889 Wester, Rd. crt 1-3588. Efhetive Petr. 15th. Mttqtrg I nan. b I pm. [ dlily. Suntan an 0 pan. 54 MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FLOORS-old dirk noon and. m. dial-I. Sid (mum Ito, "no. a VENETIAN BLIND. chum! and mind. pick up All “In". _ no». Dart lm Doc-nan I Cantu, CI. um. _ tft chain] and popular, accordion. Spmilh guitar, innrumenu tuned to beginnen. CH. 9-8082. " Church St. (Mum) I7"-2|" RCA ELECTROHOLME. dc. _ Battdhatt with“: , BUILDING TiADIS & HOUSEHOLD SERVICES TRADE-IN APPLIANCE All in working condition Jome early for beat valuation Refrigerators $75 IT" and 21" TNa from 860 FRIGIDAIRE GENERAL ELECTRIC WESTINGHOUSE We In. it by the and At WI Fun In. mum Ind CE. Iâ€! REFRIGERATORS 3 blocks south of 40l Tom Mathew Appliances CH-9~l 76I 2540 WESTON RD. cuutcnu mum-mu Moo' mm noon anon: nu anon: com: 0045 nuts I cum: we summons noon sew-ms muss "PEWIIIIIS I sewn um mavusnous “as“: t IED'S rename T mow: mucous sun SAWS sun“: cum um onus ELECIRIC nun-m room CAIPINIEIS room no It vounsnr TOOLS nousumo's Icon ICE sures new venous mo MANY, MANY MORE Tom Mathew Appliances 1699 Jane Street CH. 7-8289 FUR SHIPPING YES STEPHENSON‘S RENT-ALL RICHARDSON'S $49 and up-Terms Fully mun“ '" ad up 1 099 TV. SETS CH. 7-8239 All sin- (used) 28-12 tf _vsr1-.tsuom-ro -ti%atrrrrVdistrtaluAAl1 multilinmrar " rum-as, “comm PADNWtt"DBc0rtAT0rtt5 Spatial attention than to Psper Hanging and Com- mmid Work. R. C. BROOKBANKS 1972 Watch M. Wm CM. 17681 PAINTER AND dear-m, hid. " DREWMAE'G, TAILOR’G ALL ROUND -ienesd dun- _ maker md altaratietnist "quire! work at bong, whit. CB. Chanda“, Chain meant“ and nde I Chrome kitchen chin 'T79tr. 72A UPHOISTERING A. LYON 78 HELP WANTED MALE MECHANICAL Engineer - Suits engineer for heating and air conditioning firm to satin-u. design Ind calculus that metal load and inspect building for is stallation problems in plumbing and wiring. For further inform- _ ation pie-n cont-ct Min Moore i at CH 7-8261. TOOL DESIGNERS -- To design TIME STUDY Man-To observe and -do stop when nudist. Com- pany in Wuton 111-. For fur- ther infonhltion please contact Min Moore " CH T-8261. ELECTRICAL Engineers-To all eleetrieal equipment moutly in Toronto territory. Some out of town travelling. car provided. For further information plane contact Min Moon at CB 7- ACCOUNTANT - Salmon! ho- ATTENTION -- beverage route men, laundry men. millnnen Tired of early morning hour" Killing yourself lifting heavy eases? Sick of everyone'. dirty linens? I'll take you ""r from All that. I'll nut you " $180 pr week. Write Box 71. " HELP WTD. FEMALE Expanding Manufacturing burl- nau In: two m position- "Ill- Ible. WOULD nu like to an. an! money in your up." time u 1 Spam" - Spin": Cor-tiert Fully trained, pod commission. Contact Pearl Lehman, " ‘Homewnod Ave., Wiilowdnle. Inn Inn on)“ Grub " Apply in pom " the Carmina Imp-rial Ink I! Guam mo "INN In. WESTON Ill-UH! and outda- work, pop. hast ing, has “tint-I. CN 1441!}. swig! tools Ind fixtures for machine; Rate 8854120 par week. Hours 9-5. For further information pious cont-ct Miss Moon It CH 74261. 8261. tween Mt and 60 yrl. of age. 3b]. to work urtsupervUed, and to do genenl accounting. For further information pie-u con- tart Min Moon " CR T-82tn. Sun: Feb. 26, 1962. You will I). given all any training for 5 thy: a week. You will lim " home and native the “me pay a . regular soldier plus I separate living allomutee. Typist, mat And aetmratq for nlel onion Ind etrrtaspottdenee. Bookkeeper-Twin with accounts parable experience. Mon. to Fri. 9 um. to 9 pm. Sat. 9 Ban. to 6 pan. Damion Amman, Ytmrb_,titehmnad BOOKKIEHNG MACRINE OPERATOR IN GIL-3200 wtta0N-EEELE AREA NONI RU 140" ll DUMAN MEN 18-50 Earn Ind Lou-n Nntionsl 8min] JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA TRAINING PROGRAMME TODAY Dufferin St. at Hwy. tot UPHOLSTERING RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN “VD-dined»; Dan “donning: JUNIOR CLERK WANTED N no. 2-2106 10M Wuhan Rd. tf REXDALE CR “-2818. course _ TYPIIT _ 1Wi¢h Dietaphooe uplriillal for 08in in Rudd; Pure“ â€11'. - an “wrung“. Candi-n Manor!“ Construction Limiud " Bethridm Rd. CH H2" ya all: m nun cum: TYPIBT, mm! tm Are mist, starting salary $56. 5 any 199 COMING EVENTS swrrcnnomn 0min: - Ex- CURRELL-Ente and flmily wish to atom! thanks to minim. friends, neighbors, The Cunn- dian Letion Brunch 213, the Raw. 3188' Ind Brown for their deeds of devotion, eorsdol- ences. and floral tributes in our recent bereavement. CH 7-8281. lThe mm: exeeag'tv. moisture '_---------------.- during the growing muons inat "fie Tne-tor Weston .m'isummer increased the amount of on. exponence in main my . quired. 8240 per month. 1','h,r,,Cmaeeie. In the fuld% that information please eoataeC"The dilute In carried over into t Min Sockctt " CH 7-8281. Mange," uyl Prof-nor Kelly," r,-..,.,-.,--,-.,:-::-.-.,-:,----------.-.---.:-; I!" . and portion of next AUTO MECHANIC, Dutch, Clan A. 19 yen-I uperience in for- sign and Amaricm an. CH 4- 7116. SKORUPA-mt loving memory of - _ "an“... dear mother Genes'ieve who: IMO. w. 'ou. ICC-IM- posed away Feb. 16th, 1961.' ROMA» ' ASNIOUINI. I.A. Sadly mused by family. i " KING m EUCBRE-reb. 20th, 8.15 pm. " Denim»: Rd. But. held by Lndiu’ Auxiliary, Canadian Lo- tion. Admission Me, . SATURDAY, October It, 1962 Wuuninltcr Unitas! Church Art. riunl Pall Fair. The convene“ Are Mr. and Mn. A. Tm Match For Distributor Cap Wear Trouble 'Yttertastttimertdrmnttv.the (distributor up on your tuner b uljunt or replace bulk pain“, it might my to take I clout look It the up too. Any sign: of and. or sustain mr mean- you I" It-d, ied for Inning trouble; DICTAPHONE "ttist-for Rex- dnh um, some apex-knee In accounting preferred, $55.00 to tttttrt. For further inntrmntittn JiTENoGRAPmilR - receptionist 97 t9tErmrTrE5r 98 CARD OF THANKS -.'_Ui'.____.._._-l A bacterial dim, Buckley oc- BOOKKEEPER Complete Set- curs n the lam-end of the potato Weston area. Fully upcriencod. and in than accompanied by loll One girl office, $65-$70.00. For-mt, One. 3 tuber i. infected, it is "Tifrther information plain eon-lof no value for processing or table tact Mrs. Gnuie at CH 7-8261. ‘uu, and upochlly for and. DICTAPHONE Trpiat-tor at If you am buying and potatoes donil md Eglinton an: $235.00 this your, Professor Kelly was“; .for month. For further.informa- you keep that points in mind. tion please contact Miss Socket! . Bur only (mnhmn or cer- n CH 7-8261, 'tified not! "oek and BO0KKEEPER Complete Set- Wum "on. Fully upcriencod. One girl office, $65-$70.00. For "Either information plain con- tact Mrs. Gnuie at CH 7-8261. sioirrsj,r" ie,. evenings nnd‘ Suturdayu for light duties. CH 1-0442 or CH 1-6651. 86 EMP. WANTED MALE RUMMAGE SALE - " Cantu.) United Church, king 8t. III- trunco. an Friday Feb. 23rd at 6.30 p.m. Ampicen of U.C.W. Good and clothing nu. He mm“: that you in! impact tho up for any eraekx Them let minim in which will kill your â€at. Iatok " the high tannin enr%q on“. -t.et for in. " van. tf a ., is worn b.t-q contact And the metal - on th. rotor. um um MK Thin an. “I" we“ and high whenâ€. The nnmr: mull I m up. any: D. E. Clark, Onurio [know man of 4min"! amine». 84 PART TIME HELP WANTED littt-toeraeUnuthe war in man. clean up both the PM»! mum and the not lud- inc ‘3 “a and: plug culinary Inn of a In. «vb. Chit. RNCH -WESTON ROAD AREA Oil-Jul I. _ COMPTOMETER OPERATOR . All STENOGRAPHER To wk iat Imi- Dom Nada Drim Apply in nu. BELg TELEPHONE CO. wank. Jucuni Uu‘vontl of Can. Idl. Ltd. Ruble. Phone It. Wolds CBC. 7107. Employ“: ' - i " EGLINTON AVE. “If. Maud, Typing “phi. Duf- hrin Lunatic. um. For fur- ther information plus. contact Mrs. Gnuie It CE 7-8261. â€â€˜NUum‘n'nn - meP‘mmniyur’l Iced in infected." Growers for Resale um. $66.00 to ramming“! seed potatoes in from out- For further information [alongside the provin- mu run the rink contact Kin Sockctt It Cur)! tmrintt infeetad atesek. 7-8261. A _ . . . .. --, U MIN. “m‘w " UM ?.1'fe.: _ mums. could In tho number-I . Avoid rough handling that [CTAPHONE "ttist-for Rex-Ions dim problem for ontario"riiieau" bruiul or wound. whom an. Iron. some alumna In potato ¢men in 1962, ny- Pro. m" m m- 2er'1i,'g gulf“; fd,'e'ti,',',',/rrr C. B. Edu, Ontario De- f Li 32!: Id 1;. a Ir: dinin- nlrt. or urt er In arm- 1011:. . . a: in It.) to- o r pou- . ftartment of Aerieultum Mum-L please cont-ct Mm Sacha It , . was. CH 7-8201. {the rum: mauve moi-mm " m...» m" ' -1.-- a -- Blackleg Poses Threat To 1962 Potato Crop Opposin John Strut Weston, OM. CN 1-1"! Irvin-n C W 1923 WISTON ROAD W370" ca #58" WILLIAM B. “ON, I.A.. ua. um. A nonwo- ‘al um AVI- W. I'm†"autumn! um‘~- MT.†ttttit m‘mn H. LEONARD A. "AITHWAl" - Hummus & salmon In» ma Ann-Mo In up! Yul nun- Moo- but "a and v.1: In! Imu- by W c. w. LEASK l noun. 'tttMI 'qmtte" Bull & Ashboum I M . , - H __ --_----- "W,'rl',W,5,ol','h',t'" l Servieemaster 1 which... Fraser & Slums Ignition I totieitoes Innings and WWI-y! by Andi-M t944 WTON lo†, "" WMttt$t to» WHY!!! . â€newâ€: mun tum I I"".-. P-' to lo. Professional - Business' “It"!!! . MtuCtrtttt "a vmvon IDA. And lop-Mn. HEAKES and , ---- MucDONAlD Richards BARRISTERS Ar. ct ett “I" WESTON and AREA 0 Use whole need or disinfect any knives used fur cutting and. Diainfset bags or eonhinan and to hold and until planning with one of the Qulemry Immunium com- pounds. e Don’tfomttolwreloedyou it on the Sell an Pub: don't plant immediately in a "lllRiChlrdl. “I“ I“!!! h vaunted place, and wold unfamiliar only occur when ye. i, piles, Venn Prof. Kelly. Dilinloct ply the right nutrient: in the 'gt the planting equipment with Sum-lemon“; And thin -k- all tiit, "n Bel or mercuric chloride mafia u must. . part per 1000 parts of water. l Prof. Rich-rd. any. that an" A reminder: clan up cull futon are just u imPtrtaat in mund the storage daily to prevent‘ewnomicll plum of (cod seed maggot tii" from spreadingxrlin. Adequate draia+ and the Blukleg and soft tart bacteria talus: of new all improved grain t ninfeeted tube". [varieties nu heh, to he... width. 0 Check your and when it u- rive- for In] an: of Buckle; or rot. Discard inNetod when. Treat the seed with Semen]: Bel or older mercuric qhlorid. solution. mo WESTON new l "“ ""‘""""‘ WEST I III M In- ON cu “on H _ ', And VII Chan-I " an A“ IO 6.t82t I†ma... Av. FUNERAL HOMES Mangormon & page MARSH, GOUlDING & to. DELIVERY SERVICE (HUGE-MOVING DIRECTORY W. J. WARD ACCOUNTANTS anâ€! minded Hit CARTAGE muddhhm .. his“? AimtttuB$$Ettlfttlt RADIATOR mums CH 1-H†" “I" It put yua- - O b N Mikhail militant.“ that m an and to In." - turning. On so h!- and. Winn yield: lunged " m i"tiuytPrtilimroudsu-- {of fertiliser remand n '" - A8.00 per um. Thi- in“... lot " mm. or an: " pu- as The [mutt m h b" {erased yields Iron tbrtiti- k Mb 1th: Urma that um " h“. imbu- of am per Mem "etttime 'un than an. will m II b- Lcrelle of 25-30 bulb-ll or - ‘,0n mad that prod“ 50 in!“ ‘per new or Ian, fertitimr wilt atm ,you . 605 innu- in war 1‘ Irrain for 1962. At thq In. - !youwillp¢.mnutuoh ‘every dollar invaded in HBO. l Incmling yield: with srtitisii5 ill not. imply I - of m; it on the Aeld. .1: PM II RO. 2-6622 'lv22i,',ty;'t2"at PM“: '1iehni3rr- tttttttyet/tti-tr mhmuwnn' 'rr't-rsoi-t-i '"'t"sedrerbrm- [amp ot " varieties all hip to Ina- ' IOItuio gwugmwh {ale-ll. . mud (tet-o- Yrithi - -7 A... ‘“ThsIl-b.'|lnh DUNN'S INSURANCE SERVICE J. I. CHINE, " ALLBRIGHT CH 1-1." Mint-III it-it-eat. HOUSEHOLD SERVIC'! M-zCIIYJIII Inn-l“ â€MAN-.m 1m Wm Id. Won-p For A-tram-t CO. OI MNt Fool INSURANCE OPTOMETRY t . _ 5AM! BAT 4r if; "