Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 6 May 1954, p. 8

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' a"""'" . . _it',1 istslr , sti,i)yr FOR MATERNITY CASES "During 1952 and 1953." Mr. Ferguson observed. "Humber Memorial, because of its location in a large community of young Robert Ferguson. the adminis- trator of the hospital. who has worked closely with the hospit- al's architects. building commit- tee and committee of the medic- al staff in planning and design- ing the new unit, explained the basis of its construction. ed some weeks ago, and that'; N __H working drawings were now al R most complete. The new wing' will be of single storey con» equeSt ltruction and is expected to be (Continued from Page 1) completed and ready for patients/Hardware, Canadian Tire Cor- in the summer of 1955. It wilrporation and Bannerman's Hard- house 40 maternity beds wittr'ware. Each of these merchants the necessary labour and der/v/situated on Main Street have cry rooms and nursery areas. lkindly consented tn accept bun- Robert Ferguson. the adminisfdles properly tied up. From tutor of the hospital. who haslthese places the local branch of worked closely with the hospit-ithe Canadian Legion, Branch al's architects. building commit-1213. will collect them and for- tee and committee of the medic/ward them on to the Education ttl staff in planning and desiim-iServices. It}? (Continual from M 1) INO" 411“} "ma 5:5 ' a' "taMe1mtt anon 1'ri'/gu"oett, into the world . ' anon on an gum-u on"! l ma nity bed wm,D ff tl l we. 't.et'eet 1.. m. 55 as many newborns u the Ty:) I eren y t, ' by Bym A. "Nahum Western Hospital ma 1/5 H M met. Da has ch _ ' at the-laminar; Fund many " the Toronto General , ow U. 19‘“ "ft dmfd . _ m Inhaled coat oLHaspital. With this heavy -viiiii/iitd,! Today m a Tll o I.'. a WWII! the new/te.'. ratio of maternity cases to lady of grand y oung l 'l'IA' " l _ bed wing i. my”. towardtoU1 admissions. it was, decided the .cee may, be, can oo tor- “ iy 't00,000 inlto design a new wing for materr‘ward (according to the, advert- i 1't,',tdret"llvsgd grants,nity use. alone, based on tid/ily",'""."') to being the lucky re- Mttt in 'ttset-mine when eetr,et", experience and enowii1e1f'lt. on Sunday, May 9th,‘ot T ett'rsmenmts..During tieltdee of the area's needs formed any number of attractive gifts mttetttta, Mr. Hurst mldurin; the last three years of its ranging tromyt new TV set to . . alumina have conducted ceptrat.ionf" Mr. Ferguson noted complete spring wardrobe. tihe 'ttm-tttl campaign to raise 91¢ng! the'actual bed complementiwm- perhaps. receive tireetuy we of 8Mr0,000. Mr. Hump"! the hospital would be inJcards both humorous and senti- bred that 't40,000 of mum-eased by M beds, bringing the manta], and, of oourse, a boua t mm “at be provided by hospital's total bed capacity to quot of the traditional fltyrers. Wu] 1 u over I tisrei,l06, Since a re arrangement of, Although this commermal as/ your period on the lollowingtthe old maternity ward, which pect of Mother's Day ts not ai NJ. some instalments of whicitwill become a surgical unit, will new idea brought about within) In already " hand. provide an additional W. beds the past few years, it is certainly) York County & The Cor- In addition, an enlarged X ray, celebrated .in a much different, mum; of Metropolitan laboratory and bloodbank will way than it was some 30 yeBrr 19mm ..__..__, _ ___. ts0ooobe prowded as well as an ex ago. North York Township _ 345.000 panmon of badly needed Pmer A front page article in the May Etobicoke Township tt. s30,000 gem-y department- facilities for issue of a 1929 Times and Guide York Township _ _ 515.000 industrial and highway accideut notes the proper procedure tol TOTAL T _ __ _ $140,000 Victims Additional operating follow on Mother's Day. "The “The remaming $250,000, com 1"'.ee wtll also be ado/tu/ by a wearing of a tlower, the writing‘ prising the hospital's appeal to rrf,e..rS"I'fe"'f,1t of ex1stmg _tu, of 3 letter. the pilgrimage to a the Town of Weston, Industry cu'lities. and a nc))' post surgical grave, the especially tender.kiss, And fro, nuklln” M,, LL...» AL. recovery room will be added, ”1th and kindrpd trxnre<<inn< of The general contract will beiof the Bulova Watch Co, 'Tor- let some timp in early summer, onto, and Frederick Cuthbert, according to Clarke Wardlaw/son. Personnel Manager, Moore chairman of the Building Com/Business Forms Ltd., Mt. Dennis. mince: Mr. Wardlaw, a former) The hospital was successful in C.o.une/11or of l!hobieoke Pwytepuctirui its operations during ship, " a member of the hospit-i3 to yield an operating sur- nl's Board of Governors. He plus. after depreciation. of stated that active planning of;s7.631.09 without increasing its ttie addition had been complet-irate; purposes,'that is.. building and,were as follows: 3.173 adult ati- equipping the unit, since the hos/missions for 17.702 days care pital has operated without deicitGiii 1.155 births for 5.750 infant lince it opened in 1950. Jdays care. 5.895 X-ray procedures SERVICE CLUB SUPPORT Land 18.020 laboratory tests were The Service Clubs of the area‘pertormed, as well as 1.638 sur- have given very substantial sup- gical operations and 3-834 em- port to the project. the sum otcergency treatments, V " . $6,000 being contributed by the' New members elected to the Rotary Club of Weston - Mount Board of Governors of the hos- Dennis. and 35000 bv the West- pital for a term of three years on Lions' Club. were Rnhprt Fl hm; nrncidont TOTAL , _ __ _ siiirkk, victims Additional operating ‘The remaining $250,000 com Toms wtll also be added by a prising the hospital's 'ap 'al to reiarrangement of ex1stmg to: the Town of Weston 153“”), cu'lities. and a new post surgical and the public ,, iii ‘Hurst ob- recovery room will be added. served, "is, of course, the mostl CI'he. new maternity 'Aung it- diMcult to raise. Almost $200.000 self .wi)l embody the latest in of this amount is’now at Grid?osr.oital planning. desnzn and or committed. and while the WWW?“ l;inee .” th' being campaign oitleials had hoped that brought ‘ho Warm?" tor d 'P'T 100% of the target would be mutiny espemally interested in reached by April. I' feel .tharthis particular hospital sermon" 80% attainment of the objective stated Mr Ferguson "’No rooms is gratifying. in view of theiw‘u have more than '1 beds, Ind number'of appeals in Metropol- all will have large picture: Win- itan Toronto at this time. In dows. Individual units are pro studying the results of rmuirvided for each infant, and three charitable campaigns in the pasiseparafe nurseries for normal. 18 months, we found that 'tew'Prsm.ature and suspect newborn have exceeded 80% attainAent)will. be operated. The new mat, of the objective." Mr. Hurst ermty Wing will have three de- noted that the monies raised to livery rooms, an obstetrical re, date would meet" the cost of covery room. and four labour building the new wing, but the rooms, and each of the: latter can campaign officials would con- accommodate two patients if re- tinue their efforts during the/quired, period of construction to raise) OPERATION IN 1953 the balance of $50,000 required; A report on the hospital's op- to equip the new unit. Mr. Hurstjerations for the year 1953 was further observed that all moniesipresented to the association. The appealed for were for hospitalistatistics of service rendered purposes,Uhat is.. building andiwere as follows: 3.173 adult ad- equipping the unit, since the hos/missions for 17,702 days care pital has operated without deiiditGiii 1.155 births for 5.750 infant lince it opened in 1950. idays care. 5.895 X-ray procedures SERVICE CLUB SUPPORT iand 18.020 laboratory tests were . h“ wirsg in “N, Jtlta Warm $3.." ming . Commences., an“. months, Mr. " committee have l museum campaign I In; an ttttttteu.. My. May 1'tulte I-tleg, atKIRBY’S Crowded Facilities GIFT OPPORTUNITIES? GALORE N , NN y "il Ill , / m%fzo<l@y¢fimfi In addition to the above. the Education Services are asking for financial assistance to con- tinue this project. The Cana- dian Legion Educational Ser- vice' has under takep to provide new magazines by direct sub- Board of Governors of the hos- pital for a term of three years were, Robert E. Day, president of the Bulova Watch Co, 'Tor- onto, and Frederick Cuthbert, son. Personnel Manager, Moore Business Forms Ltd., Mt. Dennis. statistics of service rendered required to continue its work in l "The new maternity “'lllg it- self will embody the latest in ”Hospital planning. design and equipment. since it is being :brought i0to operation tor a t'um- (munity especially interested in "his particular hospital service." stated Mr Ferguson "No rooms ‘will have more than 2 beds, and all will have large picture win- dows. Individual units are pro vided for each infant, and three separate nurseries for normal. premature and suspect newborn will be operated. The new mat- ernity wing will have three de- livery rooms, an obstetrical re- covery room. and four labour rooms, and each of the latter can accommodate two patients if re- quired. I All At DrastleMtr,Reduced Prices HOSIERY . LINGERIE - BLOUSES l, SKIRTS . APROIS - DRESSES SWEATERS . SUITS Parkm-Golognu-Toiloirio Sol: Eletrhal Hm Applianou Kiiclmwarol 'its, on. I}; Every possible economy is; ‘nt used in administering the pro-l 'r-lgramme, it is reported. The paid;' r”staff consists of only one full-1 ‘re‘timu packer and ghipper and is/one part-time stenographer. All in other envious in cennection ng with this very extensive pro- tr-l gramme are givrn without of charge. 212,737 books were ship- its ped during 1953 and every re- quest was met. By the happy fact that the Canadian Legion Educational Service had some, funds left over as a balance from its activities during Worldl‘ War II, but which have now 'T-ybeen exhausted, plus donations/ d-ifrom Legion Branches, Women'sl: Its Auxiliaries and friends, the pro-, Velgramme has been enabled 10‘ n“carry on. Sn far this year $1,00pl/ 'mlhave been received in contriiou'-) or}tions but this rate will have to) Chibe stepped up sharply if the), ”Canadian Legion Educational, 3rt,Service is to carry on and meeul its commitments this your. , {to make a cheque payable to thei Sanadian Legion Educational l .Scrvicos. .. _l, Anyone wishing to. make a contribution tn this good work which helps maintain the morale of the forces overseas is advised scription er1 the, publishers in order to meet the requirements of the Armed Forces. The s)hoiv. project, together with modest administrative costs. requires some $9,000 to $l0,000 a year to financv, the coming year at 50 centres of service. (Continued from Page 1) i for Greater Toronto is $1,500,000,i four times more than last ytar's., The Army IS seeking to raise this, amount to pay for long-needed, additions to Grace Hospital and, the Men's Hostel on Sherbourney St, Also included in this amount,) is Toronto's share of the newt; Army headquarters at James, and Albert Streets and $350,000‘ By the year 1934, however, one can see in the Times and Guide the faint begihnings of our now (stablished Mother's Day as Weston merchants adver~ Used flowers, dresses and even grocery specials just for Mother's Day - A from page article in the May issue of a 1929 Times and Guide notes the proper procedure to follow on Mother's Day. "The wearing of a flower, the writing of la letter. the pilgrimage to a grave, the especially tender. kiss, these and kindred expressions of child love are appropriate on Mother's Day." Mother’s Day Now Marked Differently How Mother's Day has chang. ed! Today in 1954 that and old lady or grand young lady, at the case may be, can look tttr- ward ‘(nccordinz to the. advert- isements) to being the lucky re- Launch Red 35 MAIN ST. N. WESTON ' 91 MAIN " NORTH um PLAY Ittr. 0A" ; $mM8t06..MAY8tt$T. _ “H [out leagues will “you in nu Ladies Softball but» which plays its opening [amp-in Mum] Al 1948 chevrolet Fleelline A1 1850 Meteor Fordor A1 1952 Ford Tudor AI I953 Chev. Belair Al , 1950 Meteor coach A1 1851 Ford Tudor a, 1953 Ford Hardtop Al 1951 Meteor Tudor LITTLE BROS. LIMITED Outstanding Low Mihr, age , An economical family car A! 1946 Ford Tudor A real buy and . real price PVP Fully equipped. A'reat Hor Gar _ . at Reconditioned & ready to go to work .............. Cheyp transportation Green. This car is in w o n d e r f ul condition, You have to see it to believe it T TVV . New Car Condition Radio and Visor In lovely cond/tion kl 1949 Merbury Expr. TRADE " TERMS - CASH FORD DEALERS FOR OVER TWENTY-SIX YEAR‘ I May ttrt" ai- 0| hang”. and Veda-day- mi you. Cate._ting Mu vim tl Iron RCA}. No. 1 Supply $1095 $1495 cum s TOP BUYS ran TODAY! $2095 $2395 I $1195 $1195 $495 $1095 $695 $795 {(A4 j)) M t FORD-MONARCH SALES & SERVICE All OUR USED CARS CARRY OUR USUAl 30-DAY WARRANTY tdtrsieutHrtadietBadAiNr.tt_ 'dlleirttrretii'i ,a2rtu'en fittiattiN'g"t,,pu. _-dvattntt _ t'.1.tua,.'""""""" 'rsoetitqMtrettup, an: m can. an chum. prudent. Char" n’lm. ”INK a you. 11:17 I ’47 Monarch Fordor Pt Weeh's Special" . 1951 FORD. 'VIGTORIA ’49 Monarch $eiiat 'Ni Dodge Fordor 'M Dodge Fordor 5 "" ElilrrEri1n This is the cpr for you. ,$II95 C3?iE $695 FULLY EQUIPPED A Beautiful Cor, A real buy at Special at MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM At 1950 Foid Fordor . . $1195 A1 1950 Ford Tudor . . $1095 A1 1949 Ford Tudor At 1949 Ford Fordor At 1949 Monarch Tudor $995 A1 1949 Mercilry . . . $1095 At 1950 Monarch . - $1295 At At 1946 Pontiac Tudor At 1946 Olds Sedan A1195] Mercury Dump A 3-ton Truck in wonder- . . . S ful conditien cheap "(Importation A Steol,at this price At 1950 Penn $695 If you are looking for a real buy, this is it -r...... CHERRY 1-3521 Half-Ton Pick-up Truck 1949 Ford Tudor Two Tone With Radio Fordor Tudor £1395 $695 $695 $895

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