" 0 May 10 and 12 the Guild will hold its clothing exchange. Most of you know about it; tell, or better still bring a friend. Mrs. D. Leigh in charge. Last Sunday at St. Andrew's Church the sermon was based on, "Elijah, that rugged prophet ot the Old Testament." Mr. Peaclr and Mr. Berrill acted as sides- Bo good to hear Paul Grimths is to be permitted to come home for a visit on a Sunday. He has been so very patient. St. Andrew's Chess Club meet on Tuesday and another even- ing is being arranged. The new hospital at the Queensway is another worthy project. You will in all prob- ability be asked to give, so a big smile and generous contri- bution please. Our Juniors were taken over to the 4th Annual Musical Fes- tival at Etobicoke Collegiate and meived great applause. Miss Dumbleton has her own par- ticular way of teaching and; above all insists the pupils start out happy. She usually starts off with a little nonesense in the right place. l Tho Salvation Army ha: ac t out a call and Mrs. H. Coe W81 be busy again for them. It the do“ not see you, why not send a donation along to her. We have had practical help on more than one occasion trom this very 'worthy organization. Guides, Brownies, Scout and Cubs knocked on doors on Wed- nesday evening for their good turn project. A very tine gea- HOOP! Why to Mr. Wood- .rd. April Mth. W. In going to min Mr. ind? urn. Hartley and Leonie who '" Min; their new home 1m * mews FROM THE sunnouunma DISTRICT * Room Lo? WAELPAPER * PAINTS 36 Mamon " - CH. 1-3634 - Crang ' ON OUR OPENING WEEK CONTEST * FLOOR POLGHER D.lElT§H, 32?.Bridgoland Ave. '7 MRS. OSLER, 14 William Crogg Drive, Downsview, 01.14549 * PAINTS * PAINTS MARY HARRIS, 30 St. John Rd. Eon, Weston, CH. 1-3994 * MOP and BROOM HERB THOMSON Moore's Porch and Deck Paint dries to a brilliant high gloss-- tough and hard-wearing - made to withstand heavy tramc and outdoor exposure. Use it on wood or concrete porches and steps and as a heavy duty interior floor enamel. Quick drying. When you buy Benjamin Moore House Paint, you know that you are getting the very best. In all round satisfaction - covering, spread, ease of brushing, ap- pearance and durability-it is unsurpassed. . Betty Moore's Guide Book Illllllil iffiiity j to Painting Success tells all (’w "suts c" about the best paint to use ialillh on a particular surface - h Ill' tS! how to prepare the surface, - ' I . apply the paint and produce special effects such as limed finishes. It contains a wealth of painting tips which will save you both time and money. Come in and get your copy or telephone us and will send it to you in the mail. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Moot point iobs are easy if you know how-but lack of knowledge oven on one small point may mean extra work and unsatisfactory faults. " PAGE BOOKLET PAINTING PROCEDURES mulch“ In" Br III. W. DUNN]!!! *oe THE ASK'NG NICKY DRAW W I N N E " F. C. WILLIAMSON, 8 SmolleOd Dr., Beverly Ave, CH. 5870 . MES. WM. ATYES, 44 Compton Cr-nt, Dowmviaw‘ MOI! TO " DRAWN ON MAY 15TH AUDREY W. WILLEY, 15 June Avenue, North York, CH.l-3767 _ PAINT and WALLPAPER FREE TOP VALUE i Much of the credit is due to the leadership of Miss Ann Dum. beton and the cassroom teachers who not only trained the pupils lin class but also lent their sup- !port from the Audience on the (evening of the concert. REGISTRATION l Parents whose childrm will be Hive years old on or before the (31st December, 1954, are asked {to register them for kindergar- len, The registration will take iplace in Thistletown School And. litorium, from 9.30 mm. to 11.30 am, Thursday, May 13th. Per-l ems whose children have nail attended kindergarten and who) will be six years old on or be} fore December 3Ist, 1954, are asked to register at the same{ time. It is necessary to have a doe- tor examine I child before he On Thursday, April 29th, the Thlntletown School'l Junior Choir an. to 1 full house of pu- ‘ent- and friends in the auditor- 5mm of Etobieoke Count-to. ‘While Thirtletown was only on. iof many schools tlkinl part in (this annual concert which was lheld for four nights, it made I most outstanding contribution. It was remarked by many that the Junior Choir looked so well, sang so beautifully and behaved so properly that it was a real credit to the school and community The Grout Cupur mom ad the All Saints church. KWIWIY. Grand thing to get can: poo- plel idou on Church LIN; Mr. Don Wright guest maker. I plo'u 'clul will moi "tUNI. waning and“. Wonderful return. at the Lenten Bout: over “a ndw, tho bert yet . mu. In. loan “but took glam ot the Junior. Commu- Than will to I Guild mum on Kay 10th and . buy ovu- ing is expected. Mr. R. any. how young poo- plo'l 'clul will moot am the: Many thanks to Mr. Henry Loose for his interest in our newly formed Chess Club. _ Parents are asked to co-oper- ‘ate in this matter since it Is vital to the School's planning for September. enters school. Forms to be filled out by the doctor may be ob- tained from the school. These forms should be brought to the school on the day of registration. Proof of daté of Birth will be asked for. BLIND GAY MORRELL loads the fingers of a Ilttht sightUss friend across tho page: of a Braille book from the library of the Can- adian National Institute for the Blind. Thu Institute Library con- tains mar. than 22,000 Brallla and Moon Type volumes and 58,000 talking book records which are distribuied free of charge to blind of all ages acrou Canada. CAVALIER tl0rliillliliats The Double H Club agreed to With Parking Faciliiiu for 2.000 0m GRAND I OPENING CHANG SHOPPING CENTRE 1666 Wilson at Jane CH. 1-3171 Beverley Hllls iEiiFT(rTEiirNI Shirl: . Pyjamas - Shorts Tins * Sport Shim DOUBLE ll CLUB FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 7th and Bill, 1954 Books' That Talk MADI-TO-MIASUI! SUITS " â€FIRTH" "Currie" . "Duvul" . "Nnmemf "Oibrnlhf’ . "Catalina" MEN’S FURNISHINGS as well as products by: [mud In the fabulous ‘cafuring: I The wedding of Marie _Wray, daughter of Mr." and Mrs. W. Wray, College St., Thistletown, to Mr. Edgar McPhee of The Queenswuy, was performed in the United Church on Saturday go to the Ford Oakville plant for their June meeting. Mr. Bert Barclay is making arrangements. In May they plan to put on a programme, What's Your Line? Everyone enjoyed I talk given by Bill Martin who has hits own shop on Dundas St. The W.A. are having a meeting on Tuer day instead of Thursday. A reception was held after the) service for Rev. and Mrs. Fryi; and their two daughters. The Mayor of Wolfville, Nova Scotia) flew here to wish Rev. Fry sue/ An address was given by Ven. Archdeacon R. P. Dann, M.A., Director of Church Extension work tor the Diocese of Toronto, and he then introduced Rev. F. W. Fry, M.A., who recently came from Wolfville, Nova Scotia to take charge of this parish. Rev. Fry said he had never built a church in his life, and is happy to have this opportunity of work- ing with the congregation in building their church. He felt it was rather an appropriate ttme to begin I new church just after Easter, as the Easter message is the foundation of our faith. The service was conducted by Rev. George Roe, rector of Saint John's Anglican Church, Weston, who was instrumental in organiz- ing a Sunday school here last fall. The Lesson, Ephesians 4:1-13 was read by Percy Watts, Sun- day school superintendent. Mod wanted the congregation to r ember: I-the reality of the unse and the spiritual world; 2 - the inadequacy and blindness of a materialistic con- ception of life; 3--that we are surrounded with spiritual powers and beings, as our unseen allies, to insure victory to all believers. ANGLICAN CHURCH The first Anglican Church ser- vice in this area was held at the Crang Aud.itorium, May 2nd at 3 pm. when about 275 parents and children attended. This ancient story helps to lllustrale three thingl which Dr. l Dr. Maeleod's subject was "Our (Unseen Allies" and the text last Sunday morning was 2 Kings: 6: 17, "And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." . AWARD BADGES At the meeting of the If8th Brownie Pack on Wednesday, .Gray owl,Nrs. Brooks, present- ed Judy Dunning and Valerie Nageis with their second years' service stars. Tawny Owl, Mrs. M. Riddel, presented the profit" iency badges, Skaters to Jan May, all, Barbara Chambers and Di. anne Porritt; Minstrel Badges to Judy Ridden and Janet Brooks and a Thrift Badge to Dianne Porritt. Mrs. Evelyn Chappel was mn- ron of honour and Min Dori; Wray was bridesmaid. Beat man was Tom Butler. The reception was held " Martindale Lodge. The young couple will take up residence in Oakdale Ave. com- munity. UNITED CHURCH afternoon The Brrt bulimia on the “on. ‘da wu Street Reprouhutlvu‘ About halt of the street. now have ropreunuuven and when the list ll complete they will be published in thin newspaper to- Tether with phone numbers. A Public Works end Berviee Committee we: ttet up with Doug Reynolds u churmln. His “Intent: are Howard Wren and John Wheateroft. The Rec- reation Committee consist: of A1 Sherman. Norm Glover, Charles Waldmm, Allan Con- way and Art Keeping. l Bev. mm: in April m meeting of the Oohdalo Am. Enemy." Minion VII held in Yvonne Avenue when! with the president, Clan Schncdu In the chair. Beverley Hills And Oakdale Acres “BLAOK MAGIC" $1.60 $3.25 Ratenayers Of thlitiale)ures Plan May 24 Entertainment Entertainment for 'Mny Mth "ttiris'""" sums up cmcms I mason account $1.25 Mvsl.†$1.15 ht "ao MRS. N. GLANFIELD arm"; I! l WESTON! 900"va chm: _ I The executive ere endeavours h ing to obtain I special price for; _ sod. It ll believed it enough orw den can be lined up, the lup-‘ , plier will moat likely give al "igood price. , Considerable discussion was) n given to the luck ot playground) n facilities in this area. There is We large portion of land along Plthe Black Creek which he: been ‘izoned as Parkland, however nothing has been done as yet to, develop this or I portion ft ichildren's playground. The schooll l grounds have no recreational': 'r'taeilities such as swmgs, teeter-: "Hatters, sandboxes, etc. for the Eiyounger children. It was felt i'ithat some steps'should be tak.. i- en to have an urea either in the ?"parkland or the acheolgrounds' udeveloped tor the use of the! '1children this summer, The Rec-5 olreation Committee will be in/ slvestigatin-g this and endeavourl, Mr. Ross, Patierson, 5 Yvonne Avenue, is convalescing from I recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Osler have , returned from I trip to the) USA., where they were guestsi of Mrs. Osler's parents. , , The W.A. of Beverley Hills ‘United church held their Joint ‘group meeting at the home at Mrg. Stun Hambly, 2 Stanley load, April 28th, with Mrs. R. Shallhorn presiding. Mrs. N. Glover took the devotional period and the subject was. "Reality of God". Dr. Macleod then spoke to the group on this subject and about the plan for Senior Citi- zens. Next meeting is at Mrs. H. Gray's. PERSONALS Pupils from Downsview in the recital were: Suzanne Kirk, Betty Houselander, Roger Rick.. wood, Marilyn Menton, Anne Sutton an d Lorratne Brown. Maple Leaf a Paulette Antram and from Hardington -- Barry Rowland. There were several vocal numbers as well as piano numbers. WA. MEETING The ladies of the church serv- ed tea and refrshments. RECITAL . Among the pupils of Mrs. Marion Demorest, LtCM., who played piano numbers in her‘ Junior Recital at the Royal Con. servatory of Music, on Saturday, April 24th were the following boys from Mayan Avenue-Billy Duda, Brian and Gary Lenglet and Ronald Morrish. These boys also took part in the Rhythm Band, instruments being cym- bals, triangles, drums, bells and horn. and were enthusiastically encored. cess in his new work, and was present It, the reception. to find sbme solution iirGii, problem. Any “been†that should be hundlod through the Rump-yen Auoclnuon. resident. no naked to put them in I form of I letter, and turn them over to the Streeti Representative. He will then) pun it on to the uncut!" wiur will take the Manny notion: and give an answer at the next' general meeting. a wu (â€new and it In. de- cldod that no retro-hunts rapid be my“, ttya ygn. An exception] In. diapinr of itmwe3re, In -eted with the Furlong Five who will rut hav- In. their hud- blown d for our enloyment, being larry Mormh. Eur Marshall, A1 Shannan. Ken Tldbdrry and Percy wan. . Crung Plaza - Madison load PET SHOP ARLINGTON . AOUARIA AND SUPPLIES f Bil. 1-0201 CBerry 1-192! 7†Mela A. N. At l----.--.-........- CIA†PM“ AUDNOIIUM, IOWNO LAN“ AND DENIAL “FORMATION "iq....-.....-.......-.- EILEEN'S Guns and Ftd 1680 Wllson Ave. "" “SOILAY MM 'M_miN.t8htttlq-. 10AM. " 10 ta. NICHOLSON'S VARIETY STORE Mother's Day Suggestion POTTER PLANT The Wuhan-4001:8500“ WIL'ON AVE. AT JAM "It" F I I E " IKIII Sr": magma "UL CH. 1-5331 REPAIRING CLEANING - DYEING “New". Shop†DELIOATESSEI â€number Mother With: l Mother's Day Cords I Hosiery . Lingerie SUNDAYS I M. " lo M, OLD k FASHIONED CRANG PLAZA SHOE GLINIG ' "DUNDC RAFT" Hrtusedresses and .Aprons DAILY Mi CREAM 1676 WILSON AVE. cum; Pun CH. 1-2991 CIANG PLAZA SHOPPING CENTRE Formula! NOW OPEN Favor". 54 MATTSON RD. Vuvh'y Maul 'vodudl " MATTSON ID. CH. 1-0658 NEWFOUNDLAND FOOD PRODUCTS MARWOOD‘S OHILDREI’S WEAR BABY’S WEAR - PRE TEENS Hundreds of boaquful pom plants to choose from A _ PRICE Atom 1.: ll? A SCHNEIDEI'S than" and Butter The .0 All COLOURS AND MAKE Clan. Plum Fanning - CUT HOWE†PM ONLY- MECCANO and DINKY TOYS 'rqh._a..aAh.-s-4ttttt" EVERY sro" NFFEIENT Phone: HOLLOWAY 50 MANSON RD., CH. I-3I24 3083 YONG! sr., HU. 3-6054 TRY OUR “FISH & CHIPS†JUST FOR THE “HALIBUT†SERVICE mud n on. "AUDWOIIUI' In I. (an. Pu" Ihopplq Cosh. FRESH DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY -. FACILITIES Fmt-- WEDDINOS - IICl'TIONS BANQUET! - PAIN†SOCIAL EVENINGS CHANG PLAZA RESTAURANT Shrimps and Oysters in season TV Park Sea Fonds OUR SPECIALTY Electric Company It-http'.'...'. VI!" II. "tit m NOW OPEN q Cl! 1-3131 CH. 1-4979 FISH DAILY 'ee