Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 6 May 1954, p. 4

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_ . ENT.' “an“: I1CXl1 SU plCCIUUS, ll]ll[lCI)ul’uUle worm, The House resumed ttittings (mi Though families be scattered all over the earth, April 26% after a short Easter Their thoughts sweetly blending wherever they be, t'l,".'"'LI1teht t2,gg,1tiri",',ati,p,ig Are truly blest Mother, when thinking of thee. i'l'letr'tg1,y"J:r1tkd'utes2i's'tsrt'i,t I think of thee, Mother, though now thou art gone, lei-icy problems as they can on" I know thou art happy amongst a blot throng, he Throne speech debate. _ I remember thy tender sweet kindness to.me, Yesterday and today the And the prayers that thou taught me while low at thy kn ouse went into Committee as . whole to consider the Budget, When thy life drops lay silent and still in thy veins, imates. The Committee dealt) And thy pure soul found freedom from all mortal chains, th estimates from the Depart- I rejoiced then to know with thy last fleeting breath, out J,', Ptublfichollks "2, the: I had loved thee, dear Mother, through lite unto death. or men 0 art ern airs, i LR Tt.rp1rticylarly exerting Possess your possessions in this scene of time, 5:13; it ts of fundamental Oh. cherish thy Mother. while still in her prime, . _ Her mission in life has been caring for you, I tgg,h/ It “(fwd mention t? You are hers and your all. is no more than her due. _ w experlences ‘ d during the Easter holidays. J. Chalmers, Monday, April 19th, I visited " ' , ---- ew York City and was for- tunate enough to attend the, N Blamament Conference of the, T G Imibed Nations. The Disarm- talent Commission consists .Of By C. B. RAYNiIAM the nations of the security -r-----t--- and] plus Canada, because of _ . _ . . tut importance in atomic enerJ Most of us have been in a, T-N goes south it; semi-m tr. It was a most stimulatingrailroad station but it would b93903“ "16"!”th image prudence and during the re- diMcult to match that of cirryi1,ht,1rtid,t,uhrtah1 Hicuzzgvtxhi: ' I ltalked with United natti anywhere in this world. tel as his locker. Spares/cl tl Dt1,,eg1Lef"eviasrr1nstkhyefiFe are a lot who will endorses; etc. a.” left there, whils in French). II was. very much this. V. “5 travelling on south. inpuued with the able manner In some respects it was buiiBeavrwelght . _ h Wthh the Canadian Ambas- on the same angle as Toronto's, Three. hours prior to per; “my Dttvid Johnson, acquitted Union Station, but tracks arkthis column,'T-N was “Re than". I feel that we are very numbered and the passageway toiour landlords grandson, Fl " obeervance ot Mental Health Week, ;V I to 8. It in difficult to conceive of any ‘* of volunteer social welfare work in which - health problems do not figure 'paninamly. F' Mr of the Health League’s national tech- lied committeea, Alcohol, Industrial Health, E‘Ou'htrica, and Social Hygiene, take a par- "tieutar interest in the educational work of the V Mental Health Association. Mental unbalance 2, 1!. the core of alcoholism; prevention of alco- y holic disease or rehabilitation at its victims is " A. H. Hollingworth, MP. Datum " carrlprn m “mum Number Hallm- lat. Hardlnxlun, Bvuulev mm, Uuhdalo Arron. H ho. Wand-Is Rum-wow mun Fuirhaven. and. " humanity non dum- DUNt'AN u swvmm. Hummus Editor ALVIN-2r) H mnn. New. Emu»: z .150 Health Lean: ot Canada urges other itetyr organizations to join with the Cana. lsr, Mental Health Association in making I “(Hun t Main Strut South Tnluphun- PH. 1-5111 (AuthorJed zu Artund clall man, Pun Ottro Dauurlmenl. Ottawa) Foundrd m July, "" Publllhed by V J “CHILLAN‘ Puhlllhlr BUBt5CRiPTKtN RATES u no per Fear Irt mum. “an In Canada N 50 var yur m advano to sat... slung copu- It. n Johrt's To Hold Police are Mill searching for . . a hit-and-run driver in the met- t . ropolitan area following an arci- 1r1rg F811 M y 8 'dent on Wilson Ave. North York FC . last Saturday night. Gabrielle LAid Bldg. Fund Beaurngnrd. 21 of " Chappell _ ' Hm Rd., Bevorlev Hills was tte. by the Men's Club. all thrown 21 feet when she was matron ot St. JON” Ary! 'hit by a car as she walked along It ehuTh, Welton fre partx- the edge of the road opposite tug: bl: hu'i'trgre"i,,t'il'r'21vCit.i.it Wilson Ave accompanied , uh in aid of the building by two girl men” I. The Fair will ho the first Gahrnnllp. fan employee of the to be held by the church A. V Roe Company at Malmh, . 1942 and the"committpe In had her face badly cut and it We promise (many attrar- was feared that, she might lose: I and surprises . the sight n! her left rye. HOW" be 'iiiriGririr%s to inrhldr' ever, hospital author.ities revert- q baking a white rlephanl‘Od on Tuesday that her condluon‘ a". pohd fowrr, and a was murh improved and that'; I I "r _ . _ girden. There will also he there was a Te/ye,, thntvher in! entertainment for thef’y' m" lt ty""!: 'e," , ',': m m ig being kept Lie",.'?.'..:":'..",','".?? 41-2- .3 :52: - ot the C‘nldlun Weekly Sow-MD" Auocuuon The Case For iEDITORIALS From ’urliameni Times and Guide u... u. "IO lrk 1r)t', uulluinx‘ , T . in”, r The Fair will b0 the first Acsbrgnp' y, "mp'loyee of the tt,','Jil,itthf/tmh',,1u1ttitteribnel, W‘mn“ o be held by the church , _ ' oe Company at ”mm." the Jilrr,' belt lf ti in. F 1942 and the committee m had her face badly cut and it ' ' . _ you (we! 'lTliiiui/, _ . . feared that she might m.se:T-N's View. ask him for his pho [ C ' promise many attrac- “a: to album or wait for the iuuemampl' and surprises. the sight ht her 19". fye. How-it" mm. as T-N will tnke SmulWestor _ ttttractions'arts to mdudwever, hospital author/ties regurt- very quickly over the north part} Trev baking, a white eiJriG/trl on Tuesday that her Py'ie'yiir'd you on the Gulf “mush“: Wt tytt ttond, "trtwrrs, and R was murh Impmvw and ttfr,'.",; mouth into tropical iGidT/iary wrt irden. There will ttl,no he there was a '00”!me that)" finally bark through the untrnv: non ' I entertainment for than)" may lt ty""!., There , tolled cypre” swam, to the At Mrs. n In which is being kept “good possihlihty m" her :e"iiiiiit. ocean. Mrs. C true. may return, the Times Ind dai) "Aren't you “tired tn Ito alone Mrs, l ------ 'w” told. on such tours. especially through moral "fhrfty tufted or ehenillel The “CHEM otturred 'boutithe jungle country'" he is so of ings, 3 Md! When drying thom If.56 Frn. on Sltllrdly. May Igt. ten naked, No, T-N is in his ple. Mrs mum: clothesline, fold the and the aeeident vletirn Wurmnnt there " I naturalist, even past pl min. The mm robitnkvn to Number Memorial hol-llf he did nearly nhlke hands on rnry ts I other and flutt up‘pital in the trccident cruinr of theIAprll l5th with one of the world', her ye: M a they dry. North York police. (lemme-t makes - the Mtte-iniervice. Report I POE TS , CORNER Ptrttutoe-rtts"-r6ttos4--riq the: Now this main part of Cinci- my natti's station alone is' positive- thtly magnificent to look at. The and lighting system is concealed and the size of this hallway is 150 ght. yards long by 60 yards wide. On logs each side are miniature stores tan- and hundreds of comfortable l of seats are all around. irali TN is always glad to be in lean this grand railroad station. a Tho most imnortant centre of RR in son. the USA. PX- Back To Florid- Number Hellhll “In“ (mkdalo Acrel. Humber. Fulrhlvan Rpxdnl- 1nd Hit- Run Auto Injures Woman May Save Eye This columnist is now going to give a hefty jump to Florida where he landed by train at 4 am. on April 7th. Over to the hotel he goes on his cycle. There to greet him, once again was the night drsk man, Most of us have been in A” T-N goes south in serpi-wir'ter railroad station but it would _brtet/les tinfprItiIJI-xi 2,2v"ili','s .to . . l S u a C sonvt e In mm?” to .match. that .of ci1t1-lli,'1r'id,', north. td uses this ho- natti anywhere in this world% as his locker. Grr"esriiiiii) There are a lot who will endorses, etc. are left there, whilst hel this. ' ‘is travelling on south. J Possess your possessions in this scene of time, Oh. cherish thy Mother. while still in her prime, Her mission in life has been caring for you, You are hers and your all. is no more than her due, I think of thee, Mother, though now thou art gone, I know thou art happy amongst a blot throng, I remember thy tender sweet kindness to me, And the prayers that thou taught me while low at thy knee No name half so precxous, immeasurable worth, Though families be scattered all over the earth, Their thoughts sweetly blending wherever they be, Are truly blest Mother, when thinking of thee. MOTHIR‘S DAY Tis a day of remembrance, sweet solemn and grand, Invisible wmgs carry throughout the land, Some sweet thought of kindness, a token of love, To the, one who Is priceless, all others above. In any Uni!“ Mental Health "The task for voluntary annotations in the mental health field is gigantic but, by its very nature, necessary and rewarding beyond description. The group of citizens who band together to give freely and generously of their time and energy and devotion have been all too tew in the past. There are encouraging signs that this may no longer be the case as groups are beginning to spring up here and there in Canada to accept the challenge." Dr. C. A. Roberts, chief of the Mental Health Division of the Department of National Health & Welfare, declared in a statement endorsing National Mental Health Week: Ag tor industrial health, an eminent Cana- dian industrial doctor said recently that din. tive and circulatory disturbance aggravated by mental maladjustment to society and work were the Palor cause. of absenteeism in industry over gny long period of time. Geria- tries, which deals with problems of aged people, muirt concern itself as much (if not more) with mental adjuatment to old age " with physical and economic adjustments. The problems of Social Hygiene can be battled on the surface with wonder drugs and prophylac~ tic measures. but basically they are moral problems arising from unhealthy mental atti- tildes and in the long run they are effectively solved only by Mental Health. more I psychological than I Physiol) problem. No wonder folks quit cycling 'as hard work. Don't be misled 'or sold on anything but a light- weight cycle. People all classify such as "racers." T-N has yet to see a racer in Weston, lCovered 1,600 Miles On the rim of such wild and near unknown terrain are the lovely upon, so dear tn T-N. places surh as Fort Myers, Nap- leg on the Gulf, etc. Jungle Country , 80 if "Mr. Jones" went to Flor- ida. claimed he "w nil and found it cold at nights, the bet ting is that he drove not far mm the FIU‘I‘! belt. If you question T-N's view. ask him for his pho to album or wait for the issue tn come " T-N will tlke you very qulrkly over the north part,' land you on the Gulf shores, then south into tropical Florida, finally bark through the untrnv- cued cypress swamp to the At lantir ocean. Florida, 'r-N even. is divided trimld. In the north. thousands of square miles of forest land; in the centre, the citrus belt rev- 'er seen oranges or grapefruit in perfect shape for eating lying on the roadside and ditches around winterhavenP): but south of this citrus belt roman the semiiropic and tropir areas, this columnist} veritable paradise. There we: find the enchanting varziadesi anti the bin cypress swamp. , TIN. had to raise the front part and the lift took an effort - the weight on this front section was positively heavier than this columnists cycle, as he set out from Jax', as folks in Florida call Jacksonville 'r-N has been to Florida twice now. 1,600 miles " travel there will surely take one over a lot of this sunshine state. Without any vestige of self glorifhration. T-N has yet to meet anyone. including the native born folk, who know more of Flori- da's tourist angle than he. And then, too, T-N, by his slower form of travel and his eyes. hawk like. ever wide open to spot a beautiful scene or an anelrs of wild life, ‘ light stuff at Jacksonville in Florida's north. He uses this ho- tel as his locker. Spares.‘ cloth, es, etc. are left there, whilst he is travelling on south. Heavyweight _ Mrs Winch, the immediate pas! president was mad» honor, rnry trresrdent m npprnmtmn of her your: of faithful and offu-u'm Lin,” LW.R. -c Mrs, Humn, May 4tlt. "”4 Weston: evangelistic Chrwlmn Winning Dancer stewnrdship, Mrs. Bull, va- Top smmr in tap rimming " Market; otir.r'nship (‘anndunu/ri I’m-l County Festival in Bramp- tion, Sabbath Ohservanrt, law ion was 12 yuannld Jack Burns legislation, Mrs. P, Winch, Kvs of Wl-slon, Jack is no stranger wick; lepernncr In day svhmile. m tho vnlr‘rtmnmvnl world with Mrs, Howard, For! Crvtht; tcm six wan-s of trammg behind him, paranrn m Sundnv schools. Mir; ho ls an ostahllshnd porfnrmer. U. F Strelo, "Minn; pram and having nppt‘ar(‘d professionally intvrnatmnal relatiuns Mrs at Nunm‘l’ls and on the stage. Camphnll, puns Mrs. Drnpvr, TM and com-p rations were Weston. invrr‘nsn-d apprnx1matnly 40 per Travellers aid Mrs Rrrden,nol " May in. Coupon values ton: world and Canadian missmn wvrr raisod to tnur ounces tor My work, Miss L. Starr. murmurs. Iva or 16 nunros for tttfee, with non nirnhnhr fruit products two roupnns valid Mich month _ Mrs. Dirken; publicity and snr’ml "h"; "VFW "TON! and Murth Mrs, C. Cargill, flown missioto,TTnrrsday Limit of one cup of Travellers aid Mrs Rouen, Ho] ton: world and Canadian missmn My work, Miss L. Starr: murmurs. non alrnhnhc fruit products Mrs. Dirken; publicity and snr'ml Mrs, C. Carlin. flown mmwm. Mrs, J Craiggir, Jhrrt Crvdrt, moral education, mnthnrs va inns. Mrs Fknnnll, Lnkr- Show (Continued from Page 3) The slate of offttws mvvn by Mrs. G. E. Modhurst. Weston, was accepted and msmIInd br Mrs. Perigoe. Thvy wnrv as fol. lows: president, Mrs. Damage, Weston: vice prtyudrmt fur PPM Miss Steele, Bolton: vu-vrprwl dent for York, Mrs G. Mui- hurst, Weston: rmwrdnm sun-n- tary, Mrs. R, DIM. Wz-stun; treasurer, Mrs, F. Murrnt, Km wick; corresponding gem-Marv. Mrs R. Serrlck. K"swit'k; Y.TC ( Applicants tor this scholarship lshould belong to an art group. ‘rlub or school in the above- named provinces. Mvmbers of their group are invited to select the painting to be submitted This selection should be for warded to the director of the Don Valley School of Art by ‘May 17, with all particulars as to name of painter. group, ctc, It will be hung with other club entries from which the scholar' ship winning painting will be chosen by three loading Cann- dian artists whose decision will be final, Final selection will be mode at the Royal Ontario Museum Theatre on June lst. followmg which all entries will be on PK- hibltion. All paintings submitted must be original and a minimum of 25 entrants is required for the contest. Submissions should he sent (by May 17) to the Direviur Don Valley School of Art. fi39 Carlaw Avenue, Toronto. wrth printed application form obtain able on request Offer Scholarship For Best Painting {CANADA DONATES (‘ODFISH A scholarship is offered to art students of Ontario and Que- bee amounting to a two-week stay at the new Don Valley School of Art Summer School, with all expenses and art tuition paid, it is announced by Rny Cadwell, Director. The Sum mer School near Madoc. in the Ontario Highlands of Hastings. will be opened by Dr. A. Y Jackson on June 12, The United Nations Korean family should come ima/ the Reconstruction Agency (UNK- house of God and dedicate them- RA) announced here that tht’iselves anvaheir children to His shipment consists of 1,500 shortlService. e remember Mother tons of fish .valued at'slightly'on this day by our gifts and by 'more than $450,000 (Canadianltaking from her shoulders the dollars). Last November, Cana/weight of the week's work. da contributed 1.000 short tons ---__---_.-- of codfish to help supplement the WESTON PRESBYTERIAN _ Knrean's rice diet. . The service of worship next These donations, UNKRA Sunday evening will feature a said, are in addition to Canada's sermon on our dutv as a mem- contribution of 37.250000 to the her in the realm a witnessing, agency's programme. .r.d We”? and is an answer to the question, struction and rehabilitation in "Why doesn't the Christian Korea. :Churrh Grow?" We have a place -------- 'in this movement and a respon- 04¢,“- CIM, nlnvok:n sibility to Christ. United Nations. N.Y, Canada has contributed a svcond shio- ment of dried and salted codlish to be used 1n the United Nations emergency programme m Korea The conference will discuss a set of conclusions based on re- plies of governments to an ILO questionnaire on these subjects, with the end in view of formu lating a draft text for final ac- tion 1955f Delegates also will study methods 0f enabling dis, abled persons to make full use of vocational rehabilitation fa eilities. _ In its work in the development, of social security standards, the ILO has consistently advocated the need for social security in; dilution: to look beyond thei mere provisions of monetary ben-: efits to the possibilities of reg employment of sick and injured: workers through rehabilitation., ', Prevention of disability from industrial accidents and occupa- tional diseases and the vocation- al rehabilitation of the disabled. are two fields of labour that have concerned ILO officials, almost since the inception of this or ganization in 1919. bilitation “d the employment of 1:eslie Mill? who 'f." I mir tlisaNod worker; will be iiii'i's'/iii')iii,y, with the China mind the main topics to be discttssed Mission preachedat all than. at the general conference at the:serpces. Rey. Millin Pm International Labour Sore.t.iejf, tug experience! " a prxaoner‘ tion (ILO), I specialized agencyiunder Communist tbie. M ot the United Nations, which‘who were fortunate in beuuu‘ open; here on'Jun. 2. Rev. Millin Willa look forward t 'The'Conierence will also take the tour Sun "r in August, sup the question of migrantils'" 8th, 22nd. & 29th) when he ‘workers in under - developed wall take the serVIcea in Retr. countries. penal sanctions tor Butler's tsbaenee. ‘breachee of employment con-1 This Sunday May 9th in tracts. and will also look intolMother's Day. Rev T. B. Butler the matter of holidays with pay will preach at all three aervicu‘ Disabling accidents and sick including the service of Holy neu do more' to reduce the out-'Communion at 9.30 wm. put of mankind in industry and)' The ladies of St. Philip's their agriculture than all the wars 'indprieruis and neighbour, can look strikes in history, ILO states. forward to an enjoyable time at Prevention of disability from the Birthday Tea being sponsored industrial accidents and occupa-‘by st, Philip's Guild this 'iii'? tional diseases and the vocationr‘day, May 8th. This is a oppor- al rehabilitation of the disayed)iirlit; tor new members to meet are two fields of laboiir that have‘mhel-s' especially those with a C9ncerrjyd 1L0 /rmcialy.,tlmostipirtruiay in the same month. Geneva-ite vocational reha- bilitation and the employment of disabled worker; will be among the main topics to be i'iiitii'i2 It the general conference of the International Labour Organizari tion (1140), I specinlized agency‘ of the Unitetj Nations, which) opens here on June 2. DISABLED WOIIIIS' "Iliad 1Catitttts UNIONS at I'IHH‘UI‘IS HUG on In!I SIRE“. l At the Jtone laying osremorrl T Tm and com-o rations wer%es on connection with the pm- iywzvu'rnM-d approximately 40 pcr‘pmed new York Township Col _ Mm May Ist. Coupon values logiale Institute whire Sir Wil. worn raised to tnur ounces (”Flinn Mulock ttMrittted on Sat. T tna or 16 ounces for coffee, With§urdny Int. Imonu those noticed two mupons valid Ptttsh myth ‘as present at the function were 11mm, rvvry second and fourth Ex Councillor Sam Totten, Deprl ' Tlmrv,dav Inmlt of one cup of uty Reeve Douglo Wohltvr. and) ' mn‘nv or on? sm‘ving of to: will‘th'e Mud political notable, Mr w) mnhmm In rrsmurams and oth P. McLMn, for many yours FM- " t'atmtt plnrrs, oral memher for the hmnrw rid I ' May Nth, 191.9 j;;',,', of Wert York. Unique Honeymoon Mly Tth, 1909 , One of me most uniquw moth Woodbrldn ods of commencing uno's honey- The man friends of Mr. D, A Imoon trip and " the sink 't12iiclr',',Ull"ll who van one ot mi _ Tho (‘hurch was fulrvt to fabriunurcn was snll t1er'essary. acity to hear the Rt, Rev. R. H/--ca=a-.,.-. 'Wntcrman. RA, D.D.. Lord . Bishop of Nova Scotia who', Smithlield NEWS bv-mmht 'rreetings to the people ofiMRS. J, CAMERON - CH. 1-807] St. David', from the members of -"--------- the church in Nova Scotial The Several of our children took lliphop, who stands well overroart in the 4th Sttring School six foot tall, was a striking figure:Musiea1 Concert of Etohicnke on ns he took the congregation on7hurtstNy, Mav 29th. Those sing- a m\ thival “sparo ship" flightjne were Rodnev MacMillan, Dar- m-rn~:< mu Dominion of Canada lone Rostlrk, Beverley Fancett, and hack again, The Bishop isil’atsv Codlin and S h a r o n in Toronto attending to matterslSturkev. of 'm-clociastical importance and Mr. Frank Forbes is bark in his kindness in coming to St. Smithfield aqnin and working ax David's is deeply apprrtiated. Surveyor at Glendale Gardens. JThr, Spring Bazaar of the WA. The ratepayers moetinz was will ho hold in the church bass. well attended and a real treat mr‘nt May 15m, The rhmr is put- was in More includimz nicturo ting on n Paper and Rag drive and a talk on the Bell Telephone inn Snturdnv May flth to raiseisyatem and work they aim at LINN/is for much hooded equip/comp/rut in the township. ‘mvni Amour wishing to helpj Plans were made for a big iplmw phono (14713466 or CH- celebration the evening of May I 7000. '24th. consisting of Ramps. social mn‘vn or one srrving of tea-will rmmnui‘ In rrsmuran's and oth er "atme plmvs. May am. In!» . Uniqur Honeymoon Top scnrm’ in tap dnnr‘ing " I’m-l County Festival in Bramp- ion was 12 yearnld Jack Burns of Wrston, dark IS no stranger l Next Sunday the Rite of In- fant Baptism will be offered. It _ ityi'rns appropriate that on Chris-, tian Family Day, the w e family should come imp/“g; house of God and dedicate them-; lselves anvaheir children to His (Service. 9 remember iii/ii) Pn this day by our gifts and by ltaking from her shoulders the! iweight of the week's work. l l Looking Back to, 25 and " May 40.. um Winning Dancer The Annual Sossinn of the Sy-{and lots of fireworks. nut of annntn will be héld uni Mrs. Carter held a Mar 25th through May 27th, andlbirthday party for her will npon with a service of the‘on Friday evening last Thv Intol‘cainmnnt is in Creel, mm “all and this organization will be assisted in their pro- gramme of music and drama by the Young Women of Parkdale Presbyterian Church The choir practice is at 8 pm. on Thursday evening and a good turnout is desired for the prepar- ation of the churbh music. Our Sunday School mee_ts at ll a.m. on Sunday and any boy or girl in the community will be made welcome. The congregation and all im teristcd are invited to attend "Owuissa Vuriety Night" which is to be huld on Tuesday everv hm. May Ilfh F 1 On Saturday May 29th the gardens of Mrs. Graeme Adam and Dr. Albert Ralph "The Elms“, 757 Scarlett Rd., and Miss Marjorie Van Allen, 480 Main ‘St. will be opened in a joint (Garden Party. The proceeds 1w1ll be m aid of St. Philip's 'Building Fund and tea will be ‘served in Miss Van Allen's Gar-i 'den. l The Women's Evening Auxil- iary will meet on May 12th for an hour of fellowship and every woman will be made welcome. CENTRAL UNITED May with its opening flowers and Singing birds IS a warm in- vitation to all Christians to wor- Ship their Creator God. ‘And true to their better instincts they attended in large numbers last Sunday, lt is always an in: spiration to find so many folk answering the Call to Worship! with hearts open to the influences of God. i CHURCH NEWS In Years Gone By CHURCH OF ST. DAVID " PHILIPS ANGUCAN Last Sunday May 2nd. Ree, evading the usual confetti throw TH'STLETOWN COMMU ing crowds, was that omplow‘d} by Mr. and Mrs John Arthur, Speak": Mr. John "m Smart on Saturday last when; Musically it's Mixed Choir following the wedding commony. . . . and reception. they made a neat! Bright Congrogohonal Sin takrroff at the Weston At'ro, drama and soarvd away leavmm Come and Bring A their frustrated 21mm still clutching: thrur rice and confetti 1 Young Canadian l,acrosse boysfmrs have New Collulnle hare m 1904 will be phased torutasts and Years In the Times & Guide Plans were made for a big celebration the evening of May 24th. consisting: of gamPs. social and lots of fireworks. Several of our children took Dart in the 4th Sarina School Musical Concert of Etchimke on Thursday. Mav Mth. Those sing- ire were Rndnev MacMillan, Dar- lene Rostick, Beverley Fancett, Patsv Codlin and S h a r n n Smokev. The ratepayers moetinz was well attended and a real treat was in More includimz nicmres and a talk nn the Bell Telephone system and work they up ac- cttmpllshirut in the township. My. Mackenzip concluded by exolaining that there were manv obligations still to be met, and many mom improvements still to be realised, so that regular and sustained support of the church was still neressary. ; The furnishing and equipping of the many rooms has continued without pause. Drapes have been purchased for the Primarv Room, and also additional small chairs; equipment for recreation has been provided for the Auditor. ium; attractive tables for ban- auetr, handsome chairs for the Choir Room; and a sum of money has been raised to furnish the Young People‘s Room. Our service on next Lord's Day will be a special Mother's Day Service. Rather than the tradi- tional Mothers Day Service we are holding a Family Sunday with a family taking part in the service. We hope that all our members and friends will attend with their families. Last Sunday at the morning service, the Rev. James S. Maek. enzie gave a short review of the progress of the congregation dur- ing the current yearn So far, more than 120 persons have joined the fellowship of the chgrch. I In the morning message at iRiverside. Mr. Legge referred in: Ps. 65:9. The Psalmist talks Pr about a River whose banks late always full with clear. cool land sweet water. To the nsalmisv iit is an edrthly Heaven. But God has provided a River fdr marr ‘kind. A river that is clear and full and ever flowing. It we 'drink of its waters, we shall never thirst again (JOHN 4). If we east ourselves upon its waters; we are cleansed and made whole: again. This river is the river of God's Love and Grace. A river flowing through history and des, fined to flow through time into; Eternity. It is available to all! and the Gospel is the Good news/ WESTMINISTER UNITED The Men's Club of Elverston were in charge of the Service lon Sunday May 2nd. Cord jMow-t was chin-man while Sam Scale led the eongregation in Driver. Our guest ape-her was Fred Homing, I lay preacher from Willowdnle. He gave us a very fine and inspiring message. Fred Bill was our soloist and our male Quartette comprising mem- bers of our Men's' Club also sang 1 number. The service was a very Me one and much Bppre- ciated by all present. RIVERSIDE UNITED ( {RHIWAY PARK UNIT!!! ‘ The week-end saw us all quite busy. What with the new ven- ture on the part of our choir and the Spring Ten and Bake Sale upon-cred by our Women's Asso- ciation. Both ventures were very lucceuful Ind we are very thank. tul, our morning service wu well attended and the message wan the aubSect, "The River of God." Mr. Luge announced the fact that on next Sunday. which would be Mother's Day the Women's Association would be in charge of the service Ind Mrs. Lease would brine the message ELVIBSTON PARK Holy Communion in St. Jun- Cathedral on Madly. lily Mth., " 10 an. The lurid Couples Club will hold a meeting on Friday, Ely tth., in the church basement. surprise husband There Is not the sl doubt that Mt. Drums u the mar future Apply for poration an a polivo , While the township has great dull of revenue by ntinm of m terrltory, tl pence: of adrninirUring 1 young Canadian I.nr~rosse boysfmrs have not nhown any de- here in 1904 will be pleased tavroaso and a cansoquenl raise in hear that he has graduated frnmthe assessment of the remaining Quee Univorsny, Kingston asdistrwts has box-nme necessary an A”) last week, DA. as hr Sidewalks are needed and was known here was nno of thellghts on tho street, but these most tutttetmtitl gradual” at thntwill novor (:an as long as Mt. colie e Besides winning the gnidDa n n i , remains incorporated mrdai in surgery he stood third with the township. i., -_-- -. .L- __r__r__, L. --- m one of the sdhoiarshipt: Mt. Dmnls THISTLETOWN COMMUNITY HALL Sum“! Hrhnnlu - Rho-"M! Ind Elvrruinn Furl "tron AN. Youth For Christ Rally Saturday, May 8th at 7.45 p.m. 9.45pm 11.00 am 11.00 u.rn 7.00 pm. Church Schools: It) o.m. - 2 la 12 years. ll.?0 a "nomination cannon 11.00 am. 3.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. a 10 and 11.30 c.m. -- "The Family In The Church" Church 0f $t. David (Anglican) 11:00 A.M.-Sundoy Sghool 11 q.rn.--Motlrts and Sermon - .Junlor Congrogcvlon , p.m.-E-m and Samoa 11:00 A.M.-Morning Service - The Rector lo mum-Sunday khool CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Tretheway Park: 10.00 A.M. --W.A. Service aversion Park: 11.00 A.M. -- The Minister Baptismal Service at both churches. Riverside Park 11.30 AN.-"family Worship Sunday" 7:00 P.M.-Evening Service- Mr. P. Glover ' (um-Holy Communion F.30 A.M.-Morninq Sgrvico - The Rector MAY 9th - ll A.M. & 7 WHO SUNDAY m “STIR, MAY M, 19“ Elverside Uni}? Churches WESTON BAPTIST OHIIROH Weston Presbyterian church Westminster United Church H: 00 Ai-Fomilyl Service Presentation of Children and Dedication of Parents 7:00 P.M.-Evening Worship Prayer meeting Wednesday 8..00 P.M. " PHILIPS (h the Hill) The Public Invited A nurury is conducted during the morning worship. You an cordially invited In that lervitnl. Speak": Mr. John Simon. Musletslly it's Mixed Choir Woodbnidgc Bright Cortttretratiorurt Singing. REV. it. CURRIE CREELMAN, M.B.E., M.A., B.D. s Cross St. ttt Church, CHerry 1-1571 _ Come and Bring A Friend "Mother's Day and the the scholarships. Weston l Organization is the secret of ' not the slighttstsurtes) and yet in Weston the Mt. Donms will, m business men have never yet or- ulure Apply for Ineor panizod thomnolvm with the ob- an a polivo villstge jort of assisting the progress of township has lost ttthe town, Wo should like to sec of revenue by annex some ot out prominent busineu m terrltory, the ex-men lake up thln idea and make administering in at-it materinliu. Joy of Love I" IN. M. W. SUIDIVALL, I.A., LN., Ruhr lav-none. Av... [on of Juno Sunficy School __ 9 years and up "The Mother of God" Sunday School -- 2-9 years "Woke up and tive" Holy communion. Morning Sorvlco and Junior Congregation Sunday School and Bible Clan . Evomong - Tho Ruler 'he-N.'."--."--'.-,"".. Ru Jar-nu anhruic, WA., B.D., HIM. "In Frlundly Family Chunk _ " WILLIAM STIEEY King and Main Streets Rev. E. B. Eddy, B.A., ID. Rev. J. W. Gordon, M.A., B.D SUNDAY MAY 9th, 1954 MY. G. K- "LER, I. TM., MINISTER MRS. OEOIOI IWAN. ORGANIS‘I SUNDAY, MAY 9th, 1954 SUNDAY, MAY 9th, I954 SUNDAY, MAY 9th, 1954 SUNDAY, MAY 9th, 1954 SUNDAY, MAY 9th, 1954 Omani-l: Kan Jay, I.A.S¢. (An'licln) " Philip: Id. tut Milton Id.) - luv. t, I, gun... a! It., mu Church Services WESTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Trolhrw'y Park tr." 1:4. PM [Io-inn". Akin CH. MAIN ST. N, m. - 6 to 12 years CROSS sr. Cir In,” " "

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