Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 6 May 1954, p. 9

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Dukes Stay , In; In if,)1gttii?ii, Win Tilt2-1 "ff), On Friday April 30th the Bowling Lew held their an- nual banquet and dance at Mar- tindale Lodge to mark the end ot another successful season. Trophies were presented to the winning team and Joe Neil, Don Archer, Cliff Haight, George Hubbard, Shirley Wiles and Peggy Robertson are to be con-. gratulated for the team spirit and good bowling which brought1 them to the top of the league. , Bob Kennedy deflected Ron Casey's blueline shot to even it for the Dukes in the secondi period. They scored the winner) when Bob Garner sent Gill Mae- Neil looge for a shot and after) Johnny Reinhardt blocked the shot MacNeil sunk his own re- bound. Junior Dares and Gord Thomp- son tangled with five minutes to go and went off with fight- ing penalties. They tangled again in the penalty box and and ‘were both assessed miscon- ducts. Dave Noble took the'ien's High Average with a score of 2H, Ev Cole took the Ladies High Average with a score of, 172. Ron Blake came up with a High three total of 847. and Georgie Shupe with High threw 674. High three with handicap', was taken by Bruce Chapman) with 843, and Frances Brown', with 808. Men's high single was won hy John Noble with ML and Betty Golding with 301. Men's high single with handir cap was won by Jack Cooper with 341 and Willi Miller with; 323. . Weston Dukes steyed in the running for Ontario junior B} hockey honours when they edged} Waterloo Siskinr, 2-1, in thel tuth game of their tritee,t.ei ttttttl series at Waterloo Tue-- day. With Siskina still in front 3-2 in the set the next game will be played here in Weston Thursday night. Coming up with their best performance in the series, the Dukes put I tight check on thel Waterloo attack and after spot-‘ ting them a single goal in the first period evened it in the sec- ond and rapped in.the winner It 1:35 of the third. Waterloo got their first tally when Doug Falby's blueline shot caromed in off Lon Kendall’s stick. Midget NHL Trophy Day Is Saturday Wu“ uni" iii “Tram may, my a, nu iitaiiaiir tiotiiaiiis" 1435.; ciiriai/i On Friday April 23rd, those who attended the Spring Dance " the Club Kingsway thorough- ly enqoyed the evening. Prizes were given to the winners of Spot-Dances and congratulations go to the Committee members in charge for helping to make the dance so successful. John Noble, in charge of the Summer Fishing Tournament, reports that his committee al- ready have their plans well un- The trophies to be presented will include the Inter-subur- ban trophy for the Wench Pee Wee All-Stun; the Alex. Little Weston And Siskins Clash Tonight der way. On Saturday, May 8th, tro- phies will be presented " the Weston Arena to the winnin. teams. individual award winners, high scorers. and co'neolatlon prizes in the Weston Midget NHL. 7 the Gibson trophy for the Na. Clonal hone; the Rangers Branch ot the Canadian Legion‘ trophy for the American with non; the Volunteer Fire Briodd, trophy for the Senior A League winners; and the Wooten Police Association trophy for the win- ner, of the Junior A Lonnie. Recreation Club - N E W S - MOFFAT " tttittes ant: ttru'rtte , il Thistles; ’I‘Eonto Vs. IItathers,.Weshm At Weston, 1897 I Year's Biggest Giwd Watch Weston Dukes Bow To Siskins 4-2 by Henry Loon This summer the Weston Lawn Bowling Club will muk its Dia- mond Jubilee, indicating sixty yam of continuous activities Ind progress. Weston Dukes bowed to the arena, the fourth of the series. Waterloo Siskins 4-2 in Satur-lThe win sent the visitors into a day night's gun» " Weston commanding three games to one Part l at Three Pub and decided to form a b.owlinirisohn McEwen. by Henry L- club, whereby they could meet, The first my“. club which pro-) Thig summer the Weston Lawn and enjoy 3 game of bowls inivided keen competition was the Bowling Club will mark it: Dia- friendly competition JiiFtiilifiiiiie's' of Toronto. A photo- mond Jubilee, indicating. sixty themselves and outside clubs/graph, donated by Mr. Wm. c, year: of continuous ttctivitietr and This new club was called the)Riddeu, and dated July 17th, Pmtml "Heather Lawn Bowling Club."’1897. shows a group of the Hea- Away back in 1894, a few em and its first president was Tomlthers and Thistles during a thusiutlc lawn bowlers ot the E. Elliott. The vice-president wasigame of bowles. This game, we Village of Weston met togetherE. Copeland, and the secretary, understand, was played on the Weston Bowling Club Marks Jubilee Though styles of clothing have changed some in the post 60 years, the sport of lawn bowling has remained popular in Weston. The Heathers of Weston, predecessors of the Weston Lawn Bowling Club in their sixty years of active bowling history have met much strong competition but perhaps there is nothing today to compare with the thrill experienced by the Weston players as when they beat their rivals, the Thistles of Toronto. This photo shows the two teams lined up on the greens on July 17, 1897. Left to right, they are (Weston players only are identified): Henry Wardlaw, Joe Barker, two Thistle members, Mrs. Copeland, Thistle member, R. H. Leighton, W. L. Hutchinson, two Thistles, A. J. Griffiths, W. C. Riddell, J. F. Hill, Levi Mercer, two Thistles, R. Burlington, two Thistles, Ed May and his two children. COMMENCING 8.30 P.M. Far that of Cour'., is “in "cum Warner In”. maintains this unlquc ”Mon, ht .5" "or!" to piewru of other dayl. there an oUo, " a hm Mll- m, 0'"!un ionign tan in the eo0.etion. A no: [swank Mull, th. Fund! "ugetrt count, an early British Auuln and a German Opal. Tho In; of in colloclkn h a 1900 McvonI-Dvryou, a two-pennant mayhem VIII in". well which and a May main. lt. too, nun thu h an oun’endln' 01mph Hun with (artful u'hnlion and - lurking on numb". will In» a mlgMy long "In. char on: own! MI pond lt do». " motor. new. the hum of the mod our bum“. I)!” in and but". around attrtfrrte, In Ill Ihcw you can "so. in m any Mm. Wn’ll killer tern" to m your individual , Hidden away on a rough may Hollywood is )5 on. of Amorica‘n mo" amazing, and valuable xFS:,fa'r und our Ion. Wn’u pretty proud of our and H " can but we’ll he" in admit we he" nothing fe much We". _ No on. out.” a Uw hand pkhd one" and dirutou and a in: medial-kl In our pertain-d ht look our the Warn" In". eolurtion of 160 'mtiqo and (only! can. The" on row: and vow: of thorn, a 1903 WM”, 1906 anklln, I904 Tomi" (with a hinge on top and a door in the back), a "" Mittlf and to on. The men mod-m of the collation II a 193. model which in brought on. for movie: with "erm' dupiding pawn: dun. I.“ for on. n. on our m. whkll nod. "mas Is A oooowm one C""--" m“ for you: new» and rundown In "cubic-(no [vary oi,. of them is in good running order and gloom: From can“! Marlon. In “a, a man hm to In e"rlttn.d In throw mud on when p. they’l_|qol In?" mum: In Oh. mttvlqt. ETIEiIllEE ai WESTON ARENA mm WEDNESDAY NIGHT Anion fill-d bouts whit high spud mlddlowoighh "Wednesday 'tight I: Wnnlln' Night in Winon" CHILDREN .35 GENERAL .75 RINGSIDE 1.00 1894 To 1954 MAY "itllh PRO ”WIS? vows NEWSY WEEKLY“ by Jack Pink lead in the best-of-seven finals and it was played before a 'jg'gt of 1182 paid admissions, a reco for the season. The game was brilliantly (Continued on page 13) ' mu. CH. 1.520: 0! bow stllt com. in for a omensnmou' These Are Only A Few of the Wonderful Buys All This and . Really Good Selection of Reconditioned Used Trucks ' Fords, Mercurys, Forges, Panels and Expresses _ - "MEMBER - ' . so Austin Sedan cor . $1425.00 " Chevrolet Sedan " Chevrolet Sedan so Ford Panel New paint, good tires, ready for ' any kind of work $695.00 " Plymouth Sedan This u I, lovely family (or . $1425. LIPPAY MOTORS Our repeat customers make us feel we give A Wonderful Buy At Lawrence at Main, in the Heart of Weston Hisrdris A Bargain For Some Meéhunically-Minded Person Owned by prominent Mingle" family $1395.00 Original Gunmetal finish, WW"! whom-w $895.00 - """r"1'fii'lTicirT - "'"'"T"" il m: :1. an: IT PAYS TO MY AT lIPPAYS_ " 4143 " OLDSMOBILE 88 ROCKET SEDAN TOTAL price for all $160.00 The' most outstanding Used Car we can offer. Equipped with Air Conditioning, Radio, 2-ione SorarrSlip Covers. GUARANTEED USED CARS Here are some of our one-owner CARS with our own PERSONAL WARRANTY Mt. Dennis tt CARS tt Maria Street (now Queens Drive)‘\ greens. Jpme reports seem to indicate that these two clubsi originated in Weston, and laterl amalgamated, If so, the Thistles must have continued its name as a Toronto Club, for in the) Times and Guide, 15 years later) it reports these two clubs meet-i ing annually in a friendly match) The record states that the visit- ing Weston Club "left by car at 8.50 Wm., played the game and was back home for dinner". The match played in 1897 included 22 players, 11 Heathers, and 11 Thistles. The Weston group was composed of Henry Ward- law, Joe Barker, E. Copeland, R. H. Leightw, W. L. Huchinson, QRANG PLAZA BOWLING LANES'1 Site Your Date OLLER SKATING from '36 to '39 models _ LIMITED For 1954-1955 League Reservatisns Phone CH. 1-4979 BRAM PTON MEMORIAL ARENA (Located Downstairs in the Crang Plaza AuditoriuA) [HIDE loan-d in the Crane Plan Shopping Canon. Wilson a! Jan. DAILY 12 NOON TO I2 MIDNIGHT 10p!“ BOWLING Tuesday and Friday 50 Austin Station Wagon 50 Pontiac Coach Light blue finish with gleaming chrome $1195.00 munllic finish 'tSSS., " Dodge Sedan _ 51 Chevrolet Sedan so Mercury Express Black, on. ownor, oxcolkm “as Pawn-glide and mooullic finish This truck has been used as a private car $695.00 8 - 10:30 P.M, - at the - - every - $2195.00 Weston Tennis (hh Will Hold illeciion May 8th 'she meeting to: election all attiCers ot the Wenon Tank Club will be held on sunning} May 8th, 1954, at 2:30 pan. ini, the Weston Activity Centre " the rear of the Town Hall. Any- one wishing to join the Club tor their 1954 season is asked to at- ‘tend this mqting. A. J. Griffiths, W. C Riddell, J. F. Jill, Lew Mercer, R. Burling} and Ed. J. Maty end the match ended in a draw. t THE OLDIST CLUB I There seems to be no doubli that the Lawn Bowling Club isl the oldest club 1n Weston to-, day. While cricket was intro-I duced in the village in 1856.| Weston no longer has a cricket) club, and lacrosse. which came, alive in 1882 and was for a long, [Mme a powerful factor in the, ‘sporting world, lost its appeal; \with the advent of Box Lacrosse) Lawn bowling in Weston has) grown with the village and town. The village was incor- porated in 1881. and the town in 1915. in 1902 the late Tom Maguire was president, and again from 1916 to 1919. Tom did wonders tor the club dur- mg his term of office and as a member We note that also in 1902 J. L. Thayer was vice-prefs- dent, and J. K. Keener was "secretary-treissue' It was Mr. Keefler. with Mr. W. C. Riddell who started the first newspaper in the Vlllage of Weston] -lt was known as the Times and County of York News. (Continued on Page 13) THIS well cared for car is finished in proclicol but "non light grey, the interior is spotless, the tires or. excollonl and. is in top mechanical condition. YE"? will be proud of in up peoronce and pleased with its comfort and iconorny. TORI: a _demonstration drive and you will be convinced that thte ll a real buy. . $1.575 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM HERE is real value. This (or looks and runs like new, showing excellent care by the original owner. The grey finish is un. marked, the interior is spotless, and mechanically it has been just as well cared for. Buy this beauty tonight for complete motoring satisfaction. $1,265 COMPLETELY refinished in rich maroon, equipped with sun- visor, slip covers, direction lights and backup lights. Tires are good. This car has been thoroughly checked in our shop and is in lop mechanical condition. . THIS attractive light blue sedan, has a sunvisor, and air. conditioned heater for your comfort and overdrive for extra economy. The tires are very good, interior is exceptionally clean, and it is in top mechanical condition. ft is guaranteed, of course, and can be financed with convenient G.M.A.C. terms. m THIS famous Pacemaker sedan is obviously a low mileage car in perfect condition. Attractive 2-tone green finish accents its beautiful flowing lines, the more than roomy interior hos new looking striped upholstery trimmed with maroon. It is powered by a 6-cylinder motor ie excellent condition provid- ing the utmost in economy. It is equipped with a radio too. EEl7iliTEEiiiTl AllllNlSWOllllt'ill'H thit: 1lSllill1 CAR l. Ainsworth's O.K. Used Cars are carefully re- conditioned. in "our shop by factory trained mechanics. 2. Airtswtirth's O.K. Used Cars are specially selocr- ed by motor car people with over 25 years used car experience. 3. Ainsworth's O.K. Used Cars carry a 30-day warranty as recommended by General Motors. Cadillac, Chevrolet, 'ttd-tttths, ' Chunk! Trucks ' i _',' You can be sure of an Ainsworth O.K. Used Car A7 PONTIAC SEDAN WWII!“ t(t-it.6pa_ M HUDSON COACH The Key To Driving Satisfaction Is An $360 DOWN lit GHEV. SEDAN lit CH Ell. J10htht 50 STUDEBAKER {91/00me bWN - $46 PER MONTH INSURANCE EXTRA by]; $995 1771 St. Blair IE IO. 4143 " 4144 (Just [at of Old Widen Id.) WEST END BRANCH

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