Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 19 Feb 1953, p. 8

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ICE-BOX, :75 15. capacity, white ienamel, 1952 model. CH. 1-7839. EREN'CH doors, cellarrr stairs, oak i door, reasonable. 74 John Street, Weston. x-8-It §wine, in good condition: Ila-£25: aye. CH. 1-7655. ar-8-1t C_.CM. BICYCLE with accessories; f also G. E. 4 burner electric qtove for sale, cheap. CH. 1-0736. E x-S-lt QNE chesterfijeld a‘ryd. 2 chairs, BOGERS Majestic combination g radio, good condition, one speed, geasonable. CH. 1-0243. x-S-lt STOVE for sale, 4 burner Gurney, 3 table top, black and white por- celain, like new, 18 Langside Avenue, Pelmo Park, Weston. CH. F5004. x-8.It ONE electric stove, 4 burner, high C' boy, excellent condition, reason- able price, Weston. CH. 1-3163 after 5 p.m. o-8-1t CHESTERFIELD suite, two piece, in good condition, $20.00. Lo, 4048., n.e.-7-lt stove, ivory enamel, goofcori"dT tion, $14. CH. 1-5405. x-8-1t T riage with parcel ca%'iir," na, tress and insect screen, all in good condition, $15. MU. 8813. x-8-1t COMBINATIION c0311 an_d gas WH_ITE Sppshine convertable car- TWP., romp basement_ apartment rooms in new" home, pfivilegéé; $12 weekly. CH. 1-3702. x-8-It with modern sink and c1i%laar, also refrigerator, couple with baby Welcome. CH. 1-7726. x-8-1t JANE-WILSON, Jr clean. Plight MAR-man} TO LET-Unfurnished 2% ROOM Aaseoyent, apartment, completely furnished, continuous hot water, oil heat, use of washer and phone,, own entrance, good re- sidential district, business couple. CH. 1-2027. x-8-1t FURNISHED apartment, suitable , for business couple, near trans.. portation, cupboard space, use of washer, privileges, call evenings or week-ends, CH. 1-0197. o-8-lt _ ment, rangette, ice box, cloéewtro Main Street. Phone CH. 1-2243. 1 o-8-1t FURNISHED basement apart- ': ment, all conveniences, private gntrance, suit business couple. pH. 1-8128. x-8-1t FURNISHED .. basement _apart- THREE room apartment, new 5 home, 4 piece bathroom, tile kit- chen, living room, large bedroom, Clfristian home, abstaihers only, business couple or older woman. LY. 4950. _ x-S-lt YOUNG mother ptNPjres house. FAPARTMENT TO LET-Furnished yum“; mother reqpires Iaouse- l keeping room, with day care for :18 month old child, reasonable. LY. 8571. x-8-It RESlfONS‘IBLE family Arequires '; unfurnished or partly furnished house, (6 to 10 rooms), references, itte call CH. 1-5131, 9-7 except A ednesday, Saturday or Sunday. J. o-8-It RELIABLE Scotch couple desire c: unfurnished self contained 3 or 4 ioom apartment, Weston or Mount Dennis preferred. LY. 0837. J, Benefit Dance, in aid of Marg- kret Fraser, to be held at the Mas- bnie Hall, Main Street N., Monday, March 2, 1953, at 9 pm. Admis- _:sion 75e. o-8-2t ANDERSON-an loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Kate Galvin And- erson, who passed away 1i'ebru- , ary 17, 1949. Four years have . passed away and gone Since one we loved so well, Was taken _ from our home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon her grave, May wither and decay, But the love of herwwho sleeps beneath Shall never fade away. Lovingly remembered by her hus- band, son Leslie, daughter Edna, son-in-law Fred, g r a n d s o n s Bruce and Howard. Bruce and Howard. tr.8-It :Blrths t.RttBWSoN=Dr. and Mrs. J. l, , Robinson (nee Mary Boake), at De Graffe Memorial Hospital, North Tonawonda, N.Y., on Feb- ', ruary 15, 1953, a son. Both do- t. ing well. x-8-1t Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jockson of Third Avenue, Elmlea, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Luella, to Mr. William Evans, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Evans of Humber Summit. The wedding is planned for June. o-8-1t In Mem oriam ” Mr and Mrs. John W. Galia of 69 ‘Lambto‘n Avenue, Mount Dennis, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Alyne, to Mr. James M. Marsh of Weston. The marriage will take place March 7, 1953, at Elverston United Church, Weston. x-8-1t Engagements COMING EVENTS o 1i1ll,,,JiMilFllElil) AllWElitTl8ll)lii4 o ACCOMMODATION WANT}; Births. Marriages, Deaths, Card of Thanks, Engage. ments, In Memoriams Minimum Charge 75e PAGE EIGHT ARTICLES FOR SALE APARTMENTS TO LET NOTICES o-8-1t o-8-It o-8-1t goods) mailed post paid. in plain sealed envelope with price list; six samples, $25c; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. G. 4 Nova- Rubber Co.. Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. 2-1-H 11r1irliUrc, tiy p p I i e a, (mbber J. M. BRUYNS REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 Balmoral St. Weston Call CH. 1-7181 Anytime "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" SPECIALIZKNG in new, used and rebuilt parts for all commercial and military trucks. Largest stock in Canada. Tracks bought and sold. Mail order department for out-of-tom, customers. WRECKING hundreds of trucks. late models, old models, all makes and sizes. Tires. dump bodies, hoists and wincnes. platforms and alt other parts reasonable. with stove and-trig.,' hiiaCaLi electric, garage supplied, 194 Wright Avenue, Weston. x-8-1t FIVE rqom bmyrehysr, _comp1et§ light assembly work on electrical parts, and also as punch press op- e r a t o r s . Steady work for consciencious workers. Apply 1850 Wilson Avenge. xs.8-lt with at least 2 years office ex- perience for payroll work and other clerical duties, wanted by Mount Dennis manufacturer. Must be good writer and accurate at figures. Phone Mr. Lachance after 1.30 p.m. for appointment. LY. 8481. x-8-1t TYPIST_ for _eorraipondylee and general typing, dletaphone ex? perience helpful. Phone CH. 1-1124. . x-8-1t EXPERIENCED girls wanted for work, experienced only, perman- ent position, Oakdale Golf and Country Club Limited. CH. 1-3569. Call after 12.30 p.m. x-8-1t SMART girl 20:25 years_pf age BOOKKEEPER, general office For courteous, immediate and expert appraisals. For proper- ties in Weston and surrounding areas. HOWARD GRAFF ing or mending while bajBy sit- ting for you, Friday or Saturday evenings. CH. 1-6368. x-8-1t WESTON PROPERTIES LA.DY will do_dish washing, iron- B00KKEEPER-typist, experienc- ed, desires full or part time posi- tion. Box 80 Times and Guide. o-8-It '40 PLYMOUTH sedan, new motor “good tires, excellent condition. crr, 1-4836. W A N T E D - "Bed-Chesterfield, reasonable. Phone CH. 1-6656. o-8-1t moire dress, 2 piece black crepe suit, sequin trim, all size 38 and in excellent condition, very reason- able. BE. 1-2880. o-8-It baby tenda and baby-carriage'. CH. 1-4069. x-8-1t splendid condition, bench includ- ed, very reasonable. Ladies CCM bicycle, good condition. $10. CH, 1-3445. x-8-1t BROWN gabardine spit, A w i n e CHILDS Yquth byh kaby strpller, fet'and {our chairs, very dheap. Phone CH. 1492. 0-8-lt P1ANo,pfason_ald Rjseh,, uprighfc, 1400 WESTON RD.-MU. 3681 "THE DEPARTMENT STORE OI? TRUCK PARTS AND SUPPLIES" x-39-tf OA_K,dinjng exttion table,. buf- shirts, 151; Blue Stetson 7%; shoes, 9; electric pad, new, lady's coats,, 16. 23 Coulter Avenue, Weston. o-g-It ICE box, Barnet, 75 lb. capacity, good condition. CH. 1-1829, M EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Female MEN’S suits, 42_,patmyd, like leer; top, $15; also Metrdndme with bell $10. After 4. CH. 1-7354. ELECTRIC janitor, complete, 25 cycle, $15.00. CH. 1-4604. - _ IVORY, kitchen cabinet, porcelain Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd. Rectangular play-pen, 45 in. x 27 in., easily folded for storage; lightweight sidewalk stroller, with adustable back and footrest. Tele- phone CH. 1-7493. o-8-It T0DDLERS' Accessories - Used Ily/tlc Parts Specialists CALL CH. 1-8331 PROPERTIES FOR SALE PROPERTIES WANTED Real Estate Broker 1692 JANE ST. ‘ (at Lawrence) HELP WANTE D-Female HOUSES FOR SALE ARTICLES WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE MOTOR PARTS CARS FOR SALE PERSONAL SEE FOR n.c.~8-lt x-8-1t x-8-lt x-8-1t CH, iuiif At?f?rwrrpi.orifiri"i7"; F “Annuaucu uuuseneeplng‘ rooms, in Mount Dennis, central location,' apply after 6. JU. 5206. o-8-1t TWO rooms TWO rooms, furnished bedroom or bed-sitting room and kitchen with sink and cooking facilities, five minutes walk from Main and Lawrence. Suitable for business couple or two girls. TWO upstairs rooms for rent, 1 furnished. Apply CH. 1-5396, TWO rooms unfurnished, busineg couple, references required. 10 Lovi-lla Blvd., Weston. x-8-1t tained, grourrd -iiaT, share bath, at bus : 1-2024. TWO rooms, kitchen electrically equipped, bedroom, elose to transportation, suitable for busi- ness couple. CH. 1-2224. x-8-It TWQ furnished, rooms, self ,,_‘.-~--._.- uuuluuxu, guluwxnan preferred, near transportation, 159 Queenslea Avenue, Rosemount district. CH. 1-7303. 0-8-1t FURNISHED bedropm, gentleman FURNISHED room mP/l'5HAyp. Two large, clean rooms, bedroom slnr1'r'idiiiiii bath floor, adults. CH. 1-4340. LARGE front room, light house- keeping, suit couple. CH. 1-6631. x-8-1t TWO furnished ropms,_grill - .. - ¢uLAuuuuu JUUlllB, gnu ileges, girls preferred, on Street, CH. 1-8464. ed bedsitting room, kitchenette and basement kitchen, for business couple. Would furnish for one, CH. 1-3826. x-8-1t NEW recreation rooms, unfurnish- ROOM and boagid _available for one ROOM and board for two. CH. 1-6294. o-8-2t gentleman, 2f iAliitTciyh'o1ritr0.' CH. 1-5306. x-8-1t a bargain. Mr. crosskurth,%f 1-5953. Mann and Martel _ REALTORS $14,500--Near Main, brick home, three bedrooms, heated sunroom, oil heating, modern kitchen with pantry, garage. This immaculate home is close to T.T.C. bus and is Iu1t, semi-: $11a)0--Solid brick bungalow, two bedrooms, garage, private drive,' oirheated, divided basement, 100 yards from T.T.C. bus, easy to heat. Mr. Crosskurth, CH. 1-5953. Mann and Martel, Realtors Nine rooms and sunroom, private drive, square plan, brick, three floors, hot air, oil heating, wonder- ful condition throughout. Asking $16,000 with approx. one' third down. See it and make an offer. Good residential street, handy tq Main Street. Raum, Forrest and Moffat Brokers 1370 Weston Road (at Jane) ROOMS TO LET (Unfurnished) apartment, central. ANOTHER BEST BUY Stuart Mercer New modern seven room, storey and a half, beauti- fully landscaped, modern in every way, $15,000 with good cash down payment. All these can be seen and in- spected. TOM SCOTT Five rooms, full price $8,500 with $2,300 down. Five rooms, $8,000 full price, with good cash down payment. Six rooms, two storey, $12,500 $4,000 down. Modern five room new bun- galow, fully modern, $12,500 with good down payment. ROOMS TO LET-Furnished Another lot of 61'x315' deep, having a five room bungalow with basement and new gar- age. This growing section of Etobicoke offers great oppor- tunity. Lot 100 x 315 feet deep, with frontage on Islington Avenue near Thistletown. Close to Simpson-Sears, all main high- way arteries and new large housing development, with township water service, two homes can be built on this lot. REAL ESTATE BROKER 2837 Dundas St. W., Toronto TRETHEWEY DRIVE SECTION WITH OR WITHOUT unfurnished housekeeping s G, ‘M’-.“.L " . - REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 Scarlett Road Phone: CHerry 1-4781 HOUSES TO SUIT YOUR PURSE EXCELLENT BUY! ROOM AND BOARD ROOMS FOR RtiCT PROPERTIES FOR SALE NEAR MAIN REST HOW invalid or @1125 '13:}; x-8- 1t CALL J U. 7447 WESTON 1nd floor, sink, gas, at bus stop. CH. CH. 1-6751: x-8-1t in warm conveles- x-8-lt ar-8-It _ priv- Main x-8-1t o-8-It eon- Toronto architects are willing and delighted to design city halls for any municipality anywhere. They should think twice before ad- vocating that this rule work one way only, adds The Pose, Carried to its logical conclusion, such a policy would mean barring evtTthing---trueks, trams, music, painting-made outside the sacred limits of the city. Torontonians would still be liv- ing in Wigwams if their forefath- ers had adopted such a narrow policy. And if various special groups get them to adopt it now, they will go back to Wigwams. Some Toronto architects are the latest group to subscribe to the quaint old feudal policy of walling themselves in, comments The Fin- ancial Post, noting the proposed competition for a new city hall de- sign, and one arehiteet's statement that Toronto architects should design their own eity's public building and "there is no justifies tion to make the eompetition na- tionwide." TelT,',?R,TAT.10N. .129; q 31 r e d transportation to St. Clair- Yonge, arriving 8.15 and returning 5.00 Fm., 5 days .a Week. CH. 1-6334. x-8-It - ___-_v - "tf"'"""" from Weston to vicinity Exhihi- tion Park (Princess Gates) arriv- ing at f) o'cloek and returning at 5, CH. 1-6593. x-8-1t MIDDLE lagged lady C/ri] and chairs, reeioirered -GiirGifi'-" ed, from old to new, reasonable. CH. 1-7805. o-8-It UPHOLSTERING, phasterfields ed or‘adjuustéd; 331 fonu; 'iitire"'"ir' out. by experienced Polish lady. Price reasonable. CH. 1-3464. . , o-8-It pairs. Spring niattreGariaGjt like new. 24 hour service. Eider- downs recovered. EM. 6-2363. YOUR pretty dresis could be a1tek, . ,_-.__-_. WWW-6 P'"eer'i tions and repairs ' reas6ritililis, Houses, garages, recreation rooms, trim, cupboards. For estimates phone Ramsey Bros., Contractors, Ch. 1-3121, Ch. 1-3226. x-14-tf BEA-UTY~RE_ST and Marshall re- cleaned, waxed and polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Painted walls Washed. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone A. Corras, CH. 1-0282. CAfPENTR,Y, " human; TRUCKS RPA N T E D FOR WRECKING, ANY CONDI- TION, LEVY’S TRUCK BUYER, MU. 3681. \ x-39-tf MODERN Floor serviiiE Floors SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms If Desired MT. DENNIS UPHOLSTERING crate mixers. wheelbarrows, skil- saw, pumps, plywood. concrete forms and contractors tools for rent. R. A. Scadding. 65 Tilden Cres.. CH. 1-5901. x-29tf Household 1pprovemept Services All types of home improve- ments, shelves, cupboards, fire- places, decorating, s t o r m s, screens, repairs, etc. Freeestr. mates and advice. floor pohUG. firrerE"'resriiirr" rates Alpha Engineering Co., 1852 Jane St.. Weston, Cherry 1-5275. BULLDOZING apd .grading, ern, CH. 1-2011 WESTON MIMEOGRAPH ty pUPLlCATING SERVICE FILOOR sgnper _ana edger and Adjustments & Motorizing Estimates Cheerfully Given Nordic Agent J. FOX 14 Roxaline CH.1-5411 Picture frames, mirror frames, period framing a specialty. Cas. tom built occasional pieces.. R. DANIEL ' 220 William Street CH. 1-7915 x-50-tf 16 St. Johns Rd. W CH. 1-6674 TRANSPORTATION VWANTED A. Lyon NOLAN DUPLICATIN G AND STEN OGRAPHI C SERVICE Chesterfields and Chairs Studio Couches, Davenports Recovered and Repaired HAND CARVING AND WOOD SCULPTURE THE WALLED CITY SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS FURNITURE RE-FINISHING HAY, FURNITURE COMPANY 'on MU. 2706 1034 Weston Road. LEVY AUTO UPHULSTERING SERVICES OFFERED CH. 1-8271 MR. ROEDDING For Appointment CH. 1-5434 WANTED TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON 1746 JANE ST. would like St. Clair- x-8-It x-6-4t 1, 1952, was $1.30 an hour; it w-as $1.22 a year earlier and $1.06 in 195(h-quiek Canadian Facts. Average wage of men and wo.. men in Canadian factories at Sept. Villa-Lobos is a Brazilian com- poser with much the greatest rec- ognition of anything musical in South America. His music is often based on Brazilian folk-songs but reflects a skill which has over- flowed into nearly every musical medium from the short song to the symphony. Seven of his piano pieces including "Native Legend" and Jungle Festival" are played by Ellen Ballon on London LS-53l. I could not get the piano scores but this sounds like very competent pianism and excellent recording. This past week I have had my Diamond Anniversary. I have re- placed the diamond needle I got a year ago, for even a diamond is not safe from wear on LP's after 1000 hours of use. The saving in tiirii1iy" of reproduction and free- dom from record wear are, I am sure, ample justification for this expenditure. i A wholly fit companion is Lon- don's issue of the "Lake of Swans" ‘on L565/566 done by the same ‘conductor but with the London (ymphony. By the way, how does the legend persist that the British are an unmusical people? This chance to compare them with the French gives them a handsome margin of superiority. A British orchestra gives such intelligent co-operation and team-play to the conductor, (in fact they believe in most things besides music in the necessity of thoroughness and de-. votion to duty) that they do achieve very high standards. "Swan Lake" is not as great music as "Sleeping Beauty" but in these recordings you are almost persuad- ed that it ts, by the spirited LSO. And "Swan Lake" has even better recording than "Sleeping Beauty" tho' both are vivid and clean. If you have recovered from the Christmas expense account, here are two issues well worth your consideration, They called him the “Symphonic Apostle of Gloom." And certainly some of his music is gloomy. But poor shy, introverted Tchaikowsky has Written the gayest, dancing-est music ever heard this side of hea- ven. There has been no shortage of recordings of his ballet "The Sleep- ing Beauty" and "The Lake of Swans" but only now have com- plete issues of each come out. The first is on London discs, LL636/637 performed by the Paris Conserva- tory Orchestra under Fistoularsi. All the imaginative delicacies of the old familiar story have been raised to the nth power by Tchai- kowsky's musie-the Lilac Fairy, the Four Princes, Puss-in-Bootsr and the Sleeping Beauty herself, each find in the bright orchestra- tion a spiritual revival. The per- formance and recording are excel- lent. on the property of James Buchanan Lot 20, concession 3, North York Township, west, (corner of Keele and Fineh's Ave.) Saturday, Feb. 28 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN HERD, FARM STOCK, . IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Ken and Clark Prentice, Auctioneers. o-8-1t Record Sealed'tenders, clearly marked as to content, for alterations to the Thistletown Waterworks Pumphouse, will be received by the undersigned up to and in- eluding Monday, March 9, 1953. Plans for the proposed altera- tions are available to contrac- tors wishing to tender on this work and may be obtained from the undersigned upon deposit of the sum of $25.00. Each tender must be accompanied by a cer- tified cheque of the tender in the amount of at least 10% of the tendered price. CH. 1-2233 By Harold A. Miller, LRSM SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL 335 Main St., N. Corner Parke St., Weston Thistletown Waterworks Pumphouse Alterations Auction Sale W. J. WARD Phone: CH. 1-1119 DR. H. M. LeGARD TENDERS VETERINARIAN UNDERTAKERS Funeral Directors Ambulance The Police Village of Thistletown, RE. No. 3, Weston, Ontario. H. A. Marnie, Clerk, Re vie w: q q BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' 4 JU. 8827 CH. 1-1153 INCH’S DRUG STORE 19 Melinda St. WESTON 7 Speers Ave. CH. 1-1776 Office: CH. 1-0621 General repairs for cars, trucks and tractors. We specialize in motor tune up and wheel alignment. Corner 27 Highway and _ Albion Road Mel DAVIES’ GARAG ll 122 MAIN ST. NORTH CR. 1-1161 JU. 0865 C. W. LEASK Household wiring, base plugs, fixtures, stoves, oil burners and hot water heaters. MEDICAL SUPPLIES We specialize in hot water heaters and washing machine repairs. All work guaranteed TRUSSES LEARN TO DRIVE and Fixtures Sold and Repaired ALSO GOOD USED WASHERS Certified Public Accountant 46 Main Street North N. GUNN, D.S.C. 8 MAIN ST. s. CH. 1-2421 Hours on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, by appointment only. Practice Limited to Ailments of the Foot s. ROGERS ELECTRIC Phone CH. 1-5741 CHIROPRACTOR Nervous and Chronic Diseases " GUESTVILLE AVE.-MT. DENNIS Bours-.2 to 4 7 to g VERN HARROP Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor SALES and SERVICE Parts' and Service For All Ford Products ACCOUNTANTS Pick Up and Delivery Service PROTON Phone CHerry 1-6412 23 HUNTINGTON BLVD. CH. 1-6911 GENERAL CARTAGE MOVING STORAGE Anywhere - Anytime 125 Downsview Ave. PHONE CH. L.4641 Chartered Accountant Surgical Supports Elastic Stockings J. T. FERGUSON ELECTRIC CO. Douglas Driving School CHerry 1-5361 HOUSE WIRING Electric Appliance CRUICKSHANK GARAGE CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPODIST J. W. BROWN ELECTRICAL J . MILES TORONTO CHIROPODIST GARAGES DRIVING CARTAGE at MU. 4593 EM. 4-1825 $1.50 Residence: CH. 1-2908 Phom JU. sou x-3-tf Iv SOARING PAYROLLS Industrial payrolls are ru 10 per cent above year ago, re The Financial Post, while pa in manufacturing alone are 1 per cent. PLUMBING - HEATINQ BLOXOM BROS. HEATING on,. BURNERS FURNACES CLEANED ELECTRICALLY $4.00 STOKER & OIL BURNER SERVICE PHONE JU. 2507 or CH. 1-2531 1 Main St. N. Phone Weston CH. 1-0701 F. L. Mertens th.B., R.O. HOURS - 9 a.m. - 12 noon 1.30 to 5.30 pan. WED. - 9 " 12.30 p.m. Evenings by appointment Philip E. Staite, 54 John St. MASONIC TEMPLE 98 Main St. N. All new registrants to take part in Recital at Eaton Auditorium. Enrollment Hours 10 a.m, to 12 noon or Phone KE. 3209 x-2-2t PIANO Rose Music Studio CH. 1-3221 Ruth Gibbard MARION DEMOREST L.T.C.M. - R.M.T. PIANO, THEORY, SINGING ' W. WALTON PLUMBING PLASTERING MUSIQAL Illi$TRlllimolt 69 FALSTAFF AVE CH. 1-4061 SPONGE CEILINGS A Specialty For Estimates Call AND REPAIRING WM. A. mass 1230 JANE ST. - MT. DENNIS JU. 2841 POPULAR PIANO Kelly Kirby Kindergarten LL. 9240 PIANO TUNING 0PTGMETRIST STUDIO OF DANCING New Classes Now Forming at OPTOMETRIST Eye Examination Prescriptions Filled 8 John St. CH. 1-3781 For Information Call DOUG McPHEE CHerry 1-5361 Terms Arranged PLASTERING OPTOMETRIC REPAIRS and NEW WORK CORNICE CH. 1-6931 TRUMPET Work -dGranteed Modern AND MUSIC and THEORY Weston running 5 reports Payrolls re up 13 x-50-tf x-3-7 PHONE CHE-1133 CHI-4131 WINDER’! TAXI LllMrrii:D TAXI CABS CH. ' 1-3525 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 195. BAKER (Above Robert's Smart Shop) RADIO DISPATCHED Barrister. Solicitor, etc. ---OHee-- r 330 Bay St., Toronto EM. 4-9880 Res.: 158 Church St., Weston CH. 1-7353 For appointment during day, phone office. For appointment during evening, phone residence. Alfred H. Herman, B.A. BARRISTER _ SOLICITOR WESTON ELgin 1863 Money To Loan 18 Toronto Street, Toronto o-l6-5Z Barristers and Solicitors C. LURNE FRASER, M.A. CH. 1-0111 CH. 1-0123 G. W. BULL. B. Com. CH. 1-0661 CH. 1-1226 Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers On Request For Faster and Better Service SUB-PHONES At Jane & Wilson Main N. at Bus Loop 34 MAIN N. ROdney 2455 GEO. W. GARDHOUSE BA. Weston Veteran’s 1 RADIO DISPATCHED FRASER and BULL 8 Cars to Serve You ME" ' - I . __ MEI g . ' x I , w " - " 'ttttaM " - ~ , I " u 7 I r V ' OFFICE JANE & LAWRENCE Sub Station MAIN at LAWRENCE J. EDGAR PARSONS RADIO DISPATCHED TELEPHONE HEAKES & MacDONALD Barristers and Solicitors 291/2 MAIN ST. N. eston CB. 1-4159 st't Barrister, Solicitor, Ete. Mi Weston Road. Mount Dennis 24 HOUR SERVICE F. A. SILVERMAN 2 John At Main Bank of Montreal Bldg. 'Residence: RE. 1606 MONEY I'0 LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Etc. 7 Passenger Cars FLEET LINE WESTON. ONT. SOLICITORS Offire Hours: Daily TAXIS PHONES Zenith 87500 CH. 1-6071

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