Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 22 Jan 1953, p. 5

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nunsmv, JANUARY 22, 1053 NEWS 'rtrrfflt-t'ffft! -trtrfilrtrrlfftthlM DISTRICTS Belated birthday greeting! to Johnny JOrd, Luann Ave., for Jan. 16. Birthday greetings to Roy Jackson, Third Ave., for Jun. M. Fred Poirer, [slington Ave., will celebrate his birthday on Jan. M, and littlle Lynn Tiveron will be two on Jan. 28. Mrs. Gallop is still on the sick list. Little Donny and June Wil- liams are sick with the mumps. Mrs. Whitehead is also on the sick list. We wish all who are feeling ill I speedy recovery. Belated wedding anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. R. Mathews, Thistletown, for Jan. 18. I guess by now most of the folks have the water turned'on. Isn't it a grand feeling to have lots of water again? Even though we are paying for it we say thank you to those responsible for get- ting water mains and such. We are pleased to report Paul Thompson, Irwin Rd., has recovered from his tonsil operation. Also Jimmy Greenwood is feeling better. The Boys' Club got off to a grand start last week wth 16 boys, ages ranging from 12 to 16 years, joining in the fun. Mr. Hazzard and Mr. Barnes are the leaders, assisted by Ken Graham. The club meetings will be held Wednesday evenings at 7.30 p.m. The prayer meeting will be held at Mrs. McTavish's home tonight at 7.30 Sunday (waning service will be 1aken by the evening class of the Toronto Bible College. A date to' keep in mind is Jan. 29. That is the general meeting of the church. There will be more details concerning this matter in next week's issue. Corrupondul: Mrs. Curbi- ctr. 1-4260 BETTER HEATING Buying 320 Bay St. Phone CH. 1-4139 c, Liyt'itF'.NCr', AVENUE W. "to OI? I.“ "no mm“ I N [almond-AI" unlit, loll" lull" "In a“ 15-min Mn Mr. Collett MU. 9706 (WE? OIL n A”! WARDLAW BROS. A. E. LePAGE FOR C0URTE0US EFFICIENT SERVICE IN SELLING OR BUYING A HOUSE Elmlea Sold and Serviced See These and Many Other Models At-- lg or Selling Real Estate , ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS "If It's Heating We Have It" I? old 60N50/MPT10N/ --call- Realtor Thnt's the reason for Car Wood popularity in I nutshell. Designed an the eouuter.how principle, Car Wood Autoenntie Belting Units hrin health. ml, even. automntieally C,',U',U'i heat to every room regardless of how hr the mercury drops outside. And Car Wood owner- report fuel savings of up to 40% over fume! units. If youve content. plating a new heating unit. it will pay will to irtveetigate liar Wood without delay. Mattutictured by Engineering Industries Co. Limited. Toronto. if Sorry to hear that the Blgnnll family have all been on the sick list and hope by the time this you to press they are completely well, Hat: off to “Puppy Bud" who pitched in taking over both hurt ing and the housekeeping. Once again our birthday greet- ings are a little late but neverthe- less sincere wishes go out to Peggy and George Smith, and David Coi- fetu, who have celebrated their birthdays this past week. The monthly meeting of the Pel- mo Park Ratepayers' Women's Aux. was held in the school, Mon- day, Jan. 12th. An interesting film of the Royal Tour was shown and enjoyed by all. Plans were made for n Home Bake Sale, under the convership of Mrs. Roxxa Howden, to be held in the school an Setup day, Jan. 31st from 2 o‘clock until 5 pm. A tea cup rpador will be an hand for those interested in having your fortune told, and of coursv there will be the ever popular "White Elephant Booth." Mark this date on your Calender folks and remem- ber to come early as we were sold out in record time at our last ml". "Just tmother small reminder lad, ies. Do be sure the goods are Home Baked." "Just another small reminder lad" The catering classes, project of ies. Do be sure the goods are Home l the Pelmo Park Women's Aux., Baked." l commenced in the school under the Committees were formed to start) leadership of Mrs. P. Clayton on work on the arrangements for the l Tuesday evening, Jan. 13th. The Easter Party the Ratepayers arc ladies were well plensed with the planning for the children of the I instruction received and " course members. The party will be held 1 delighted to eat the food they pre- on March 29th so that now mem-l pared at the close of the class. Not bers paying dues in March will : too bad going back to school is it also be elegible. More details of:p:irls! this event will be given in future; ----- columns " keep posted won't YT“: Hope Mrs. Lpavrns' daughter il Next month the well known Miss Nellie Lewis will take charge of the entertainment at our regular meeting, teaching Square Dancing tn those interpsted and vari0u§ other games for the ladies who like a less strenuous moans of entertainment. W'VI'his should be fun so old and new members please try to attend. MRS. J. DICKEY CH. l-1575 On Friday evening, Jan. 16'h Fauna for Oil Economy Pelmo Park Patter Toronto Rodney 3052 WESTON Mr. Sanderson RO. 1202 EM. 3-5661 Correspottdertta Mia. Leo Vin Wiggoner enter- tained It her home on Pelmo Cram, in honour of Mrs. Julie lelor. who in expecting I tiny new ar dition to her household very Boon. Bingo was a feature of the oven- ing with some very lovely prizes. Diets and the counting of cal- loriea was forgotten when the ladies viewed the beautiful buffet table laden with alllds and sweets. Among the guests present were Mrs. All Shark (nee Betty Burma) we of the recent brides in our district, and Mrs. L. Van Waggoner Sn, who despite her seventy odd years is looking younger every day. Many ladies from this district Intended a ten held by the Cancer Society in their headquarters on Simeon St. Tuesday Mtermoon. Sorry we still can't agree with your feeling of the baby carriage trade, however maybe in tho 1 atomic future they will have ways of ca'rriages suspending from air [ allowing pedestrians mnre room on ‘the streets. As for storekeepers ywishing mm? of the little "mon- sters" (growl) drop dead, how sad Lthat would be for their business. iDnn’t thoy knnw that mothers ',woulrinit buy half the things they Ido if it weren't for those little l "monsters" (growl again). Silver pins were given to each of those present in thanks for the part they.had taken helping in the various meedg of the Cancer So. ciety. A wider knowledge of the terrifie work this great organiza- tion carries out made each of us proud that in even a small way our work had helped someone somewhere in a vital need. Hope Mrs. Lpavnné daughter is out again after her tonsolectomy, and bout of chicken pox. Guess the Cownn's, Pelmo Cram, are well on their way to the Bunny south, visiting California, Mexico City, Florida and Oh. Boy how we could use some of that Florida sunshinn nurwlvvs. Quite flattered to SPP part of our column on the front page of last week's paper, but wonder if our friend OBE reporter had to toss his hat in first when he arrived home that evening. But his wife is a good driver too! True fatherly spirit was shown early the other morning when a Dad, was seen carrying out his son's early churn of delivering the morning pnper. ‘Friday, January 23 _ 8.30 P.M. BOYD CAMERON and TheFour C Ranch Boys Borden Avenue Public School Humber Summit M) Kingdom Street, Westmount, with OPEN HOUSE on Saturday. January 24th, 1953. from 7 p.m. to 10 pm. DRESS-Country Style 3 '. Refreshments Sold (WPrizes Sponsored By Borden Avenue Home and School Annunciation TICKETS Me Comp and look mar our new Building. We shall " most tlrhglnlml In "tloute you nu ll”: imlnulunl (mm-mm. A VERY HF,ARTh INVITATION IS EXTENDED T0 YOU 62 WALSH AVENUE (Where Wilson meets Main - 1n Dr. T-ylor’o Office) Evening Appointment CH. 1.1612 COMMUNITY GOSPEL HALL DANCE MRS. S. PRINGLE CB. 1-4216 D. R. JOSEPHSON, R. O. For Complete Optical Service We are happy to announce the opening of our new Consult The first meeting for 1953 of the Guide and Brownie Mothen’ Aux- iliuy wag hold on Jul. 2th It the home of Mm. 8. Schultz. There wu a good turn out in spite of the weather Ind rout. The highlight of the evening wu the eleetion of officers. The new president, Mrs. G. News"; vice-pres., Mrs. A. Walduck; sec'y, Mrs, D. McKane; tram. Mrs, S. Schultz; cox-rel. see'y, Mrs. Norman; loci-l con- vener, Mrs. v. Fox; lick convener, Mrs. Roden. Refreshments were served by the loci-l committee. Sympsthy of the district go to Mrs. J, Petrie, in the pulping of her husband this pm week. It is just five yam since Mr. Petrie retired from business, and in sum- mer his work was in his garden. which wu A pleasure to take a look " No weeds around. Well once more Misa Avis Poole has been travelling to Accepulto, Mexico. It would be very inter- esting to listen to the different place: Min Poole I'll! visited. Glad to know Mrs. McKenzie has returned to her home from hos- pitel, And is feeling mach bftter. Mrs. ctunplwll in getting along fine and we do hope Mr. B. Pid- geon in on the road to recovery. Mr. John Evan’s is mined in the store, but he in nw-y on a trip for I chlnge, hope the weather keeps good John while -you are away. Mrs. W. Moore, 7th Concession, is spending I short vacltion with her daughter, Irene, Mrs. A. Prahl, in Stowe, Vermont, U.S.A. 1 The firemen of Humber Summit ‘nro holding l Valentine Dance on 'iF'eb. l4, at 8.30, in the Humber Summit Memorial Hall. Please Qpatrnnize this dance and help a ‘good cause. Don't forget time land date. ' Humber Summit Congregation- ial Church Young People meeting, :Fnb. lat. Speaker will be Mrs. C. iStaider. Please try Ind attend as Sorry to hear about Mr. Kelly's accident. he is in the Peel Mem- orial Hospital, with a very badly gashed hand. Drm't forget the dance sponsor- edvd by the Home and School Association, on Jan 23rd. Dress, Country Style, tickets 50c. Come and spend a splendid evening of fun, dancing, old and modern. There will also be some good prizes. Refreshments will be sold. Time 8.30, Borden Ave School. Cameron Boyd and his four C Ranch Boys, for the music. Mr. and Mrs. F. George, accom- paniedpanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. McKie left Saturday morning for a vacation in California. Neigh- hours wish you all a pleasant trip and good weather. Mrs. N. Attwpll has returned home from hospital (in last week's issue of the Times and Guide, it said Mr. Attwell instead of Mrs.) Mr. A. Lockhart's not feeling very well; but what can you ex- pect with such changeable weather. Master Billy Trout is out once more after a bout of the mumps. Dawn Norman should be about ready for school very soon. Away from school owing to the mumps. Too bad we couldn't chain him up. i mean the mumps germ. Sympathy of the district go to Mr. and Mrs. M. Campbell in the death of Matt's cousin. Mrs. J. B. Henry. Con. “umber Summit WES AND GUIDE. WESTON , In. Bnder in a wry interesting spa-hr. Time T.80 p.m. On Friday cumin}, Jlnulry 30, the Shorldhn Ave. Gospel Taber- nulo Young People will be in chug. of the prognmmo in the Humber Summit Congrognional Church. Time " 8 p.m. All are welcome. Rdruhmenu will be and. The clu- of Wee tot: of Pine Ridge PresbrterUn Sundly School we: held " mull at, the home of Mn. P. Muir. The weather or had med: is not harming the uten- dunce to the Pine Ridge Presby- terian Sunday School. Conuntuhtiom to all the new office" of the 132 Mothers' Aux- iliary, Humber Summit. The February meeting will be held on the tint Wednelduy in the month, that date being Feb. tth. Mu. G. Tavender was responsible for I nice miuciilneoul Ihnwer for Mrs. G. Folherby (nee June Pentney) on Wednesday evening. Neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pentney and had a real nice time. Many lovely gifts were received. To our Mr. L. Wheeler, hurt in In nutomobile accident, we wish for 1 speedy rocovery. Mr. Wheeler lives in the farm houle on King- don Lane. The Mother's Auxiliary of Scouts and Cubs had their imstallation of officers for 1963, they Are " fol- lown: president, Mm. M. Coghlnn; vice-president, Mrs. J. Porritt; sec- rctlry, Mrs D. Port; treasurer, Mrs. C. Piraeus; membership, Mrs. Baldwin. locini convener, Mrs. Craig, lowing convuer, Mm. L. Peach; nick visitor, Mrs. E. Mid- dleton. These ladies are so anxious for the good of the organization. They hope to have you back them up in the programme from time to time. ' Happy birthday to Mrs. A. Wynne-Field who celebrated her birthday on Friday January 16th. Wednesday our Red Cross Com- mittee from Islington sent up a bus and we met with represents- tives from Humber Bay, Alder- wood, Westmoum and Humber Thistletowh Minnow"! In than“ " cums: " (tommnnn m I ANAnA ”mun Corn-pendent: Mn. W. panning --Cktntinued on BM" T ‘. J. Barter Motor Sales Ltd. featrittt, dfe Jrwsmfivmn/ p/e/tr I40 Imp. red ra m K; mgzm’ 2hie theodis)ru1rrd1heym I Corr: M. Beebe I " St. George's Blvd. CH. 1-8469 You will be sorry lo hear that one of nur former resident: Leslie Johnston broke his arm the other ay. A hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Sheard of Windsor Road who are now residents in our fair vil- lage, and also I belated welcome to-Ar. and Mrs. John Fowlete of York Road who are now living in the village, If there arr any other people in- terested in forming a bowling group, please get in touch with Jean Brown of St. Andrews Blvd. Is there have to be quite a few players guaranteed Mfme they will allot us any timv. Mr. and Mrs. S. lnman of tit. George's Blvd. entertained Mr. arvil Mrs. Ronald Carmel and their twnl children John Ind Susan from) Byron, Ontario last week. Mrs? Como! is an old school chum oft Jean's. i Mr. Ind Mrs Pnjnyahlo trip weekend. Ken. Helen and Carol Wilson (If St. George's Blvd. have been our joying this past week at Graven. hunt, and Mrs. Ryan, Helen’s sir- ter has been here keeping the homv fires burning. Birthday greetings to the Tyrrell twins Allen and Wendy of St. George's Blvd., who celebrated --Continued on page 7 1043 Weslnn Rd. RI TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS for Plane, Steamship. Bus or Hot_el_twywAt:re_irt_tht oyirld. FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE OPEN EVENINGS It costs no more to cook through your local travel agent. x-24-tf K ing "view Th91953 Dodge Coronet VA1 is st_yl.ts_d. for action . . . more otroamlinad . . . more compact . . . yo! with more passenger and trunk room than ever. It's assigned for action to provide a road-hugging, tyurvtr-holfng rude. new steering ease, wonderful manoeuvoubility. lt'l poworad for action wuth a new 140 hm, V-5 engine of the “menu "dome-shaped" design (as descnbed below) -thlt given "tonishing wck-up and smomh, just-mod spud. the ideal for WE? and economy This new V-8 engine brings you the triple power advamages of "dome - shaped" combustion chamber ' . . short stroke design . . . high lift lateral valves l (Lawn universally trtpi1r.11r'1a_s It provides moreTownr her cubic inch displacement than any other mass-produced engine . . . more fuel energy goes into power, less is wasted in heat and friction. Gyro Maw Prnmmiqmn bl" Own Torres pn-um.,,n,, - (a on": Maw of mud 5mm 'ggy ”may" to 45 m p h.--u nvadahlo or "no my, YORK TRAVEL MMM Vi I lage S. Rogers hid I" to Windsor last mm (t c'ondttrd " "ts. my“: drivmg m " R0. 1771 My Power-peeked Chartered Buses Offer Ideal Service For All Group Travel . . SPONSOllD " “I! ONTARIO RITA". HAIDWAII ASSOOAM Open to the Public February 2, 3, 4th only 6 pm. to 10 p.m. Admission 50e DAILY SERVICE TO ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION GROUNDS Visit Toronto . . . forthe CANADIAN “noun: and HOUSEWARES snow February 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 '1953 1ttit'1 40%?“- AUTOMOTIVE BUILDING VISIT YOUR DODGE-DESOTO DEALER AND THRILL TO A ROAD-TEST RIDE See thousands of items designed to stir your imagination, and 'rouse your interest, in this, the biggest showing of its kind. You’ll find eye-catching new :'1ourt'y/',t, for the home, garden, or wor shop . . . work-saving appliances . . ' Ind fascinating demonstrations. Free supervised Parking. Special Street Car Service (transfer to "Exhibi. tion" Cars at Bathurst.) tt Lawton“ A". W... CHerry 1-02.) By Bus

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