Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 23 Oct 1952, p. 10

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l Humber Memorial Hospital) Indies’ Auxiliary is holding Isl, Rummage Sale in Central United! Church rooms. Friday, October} 24, 10 am. Good assortment used 1 -Ytiiie rdgm with gafage or park- 1ntr..fkei1itits rtgui.red by bgsjngas WANTED-Home to rent, T one which will suit two families. CH. 1-2382. nc-43-u -tiit,f,i.'mt'st in Weston th. vicinity. hone CH. 1-5221., Monday, 7-9 pm. o-43-tt Coming to Humbercrest United Church, Jane and Annette, a travelogue in Chodochrome "Spain As " II Today,." br, Di A._I. Wil- SMALL furnishgd apartment pr BAZAAW-0n Monday, Nov. 3, In the Thistlebown Community Hall - bazaar at 7.30 pm. and a “dire at 8.30 p.m. The Smithfield Goodfellowship Club invites all its friends and neighbors for the even- hl. o-43-2t hair." Ikuii it Humbercreat Youth Centre. Friday, November 7th, 8 p.m. Tickets Tire. x-43:131 THREE or four rooms with sink "irtaiteiteii,' itniiur couple with year old baby. LL. 5526. x-40-4t Women's Association of Weston Presbyterian Church are holding their annual bazaar Saturday, Oct. M, at 2.30 in Creelman Hall. Home baking, afternoon tea. A good chance to select Christmas gifts. x-43-1t BAZAAR, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. to 5.30 pm. at Central United Church, Weston. A good variety of hand made articles, home baking and tea mom. x-23-1w Rummage Sale, Westminster United Church, Saturday, Novem- ber lit, at 10 mm. Overcoats and other warm clothing. x-43-1t Hiiitriir'dhirr%,ilrleit Road, Saturday, Oct. M, 2 p.m. x-43-1t Thistletomt's Women's Institute annual bazaar, Thistletown Hall, Saturday, Oct. 25, at 2 p.m. De- licious home baking', candy, hand nude articles to please eye and pocket, wonderful raffle prizes, "embody welcome. x-42-2t articles. "COMING EVENTS I For Two Quiet, Middle-Aged Ladies MASHiNTER--In loving memory of my dear father. Lawrence Hashim". who passed away October 27th. 1949. While you, dear Dad, res: and lbw. your loving memory I'll al- vayn keep. Your loving daughter Alice. o-43-lt We wish to thank all of our kind friends, neighbors and pull bear- ers, for their many acts of kind- neu, sympathy and condolescenes 9nd for their beautiful floral offer- mn " the loss of our dearly be. love father, Bernard MacDonald. --The Family. x-43-1t Cir"aT".ririiiiiFiEdFr husband. (and! Ind grandchildren. o-43-1t Card of Thanks CAWt-tn loving memory of a dour wife, mother and trrand- mother Mary Carr. who passed any dctober 23, 1950. In life loved and honored, In 4.sth remeTber.eti. . ' . Individually "Tailored" To Your Home Manufactured From First-Grade Pine . CUPBOARD DOORS ' O COMBINATION DOORS W0 specialise in light millvork, no job too "no". - CALL FOR ESTIMATE -- Baguements Rpmn'gagg salt to.Pe pew 1.9 St, Tde6ikiutttATitm WANTED within walking distance of hospital. FLAT OR APARTMENT Schaefer Mfg. Co. Accommodation Required Telephone Administrator, Humber Memorial Hospital. CR. 1-3585 SOUTH STATION " C t "tt Pay: " Ivy In Wanna” STORM SASH x-43-1t x-42-2t I NATIONAL cash register totalizer, nearly new. CH. 1-4381. x-dll-tw 90 gallon hot water jacket heater; 3130100' 1K" pipe; trhed 7' x ll'. CH. 1-4873 after 7 p.m. x-42-1w ONE pair C.C.M. figure skates, size 7, $10; one wood lathe, tio; also mechanical books. CH. 1-5819. x-43-1t '38? aiGGarld un-d Viraiv'el. 71031 Wilson AVE" CH. IAm08. 1-224: Your Dutch Landscaping Expert. BUrr0NW0oD AVE. MU. 8702 (Turn Left " Sanitarium "ttt'4 x- Mt TWIN eribslll sie, ttith sprig; mattress, 325 each] Phone" CH. 1-2083. x-43-lt SUNSHINE rangette; Claire Jewel gas stove, good condition. CH. 1-8662. x-43-1w BLACK Jotun f?r {ale tttrely FALL _BUlBs-rr'rulips, Daffodils, GENUINE black Persian lamb 12"-15" high, each.......-..-..... Shrubs - Perennials Rockery Plants Holland Bulbs 7 coat, size 40, $60. Phone even- ings CH. 1-6080. ' x-43-1w AIR candjtipning furnace, like Hyacinths. Crocus, top sizes. Plant mow and elem the Garden Photo Contest. . M. McDonald. CH. 1-4515. o-40-5t new/well knovVn make, feason- able. Phone CH. 1-5703. x-43-1t easy chair with footstool, green; white porcelain top kitchen table and four chairs: man's'overcoat, size 38, brown; all in excellent con- dition. Phone CH. 1-1984. a-43-lt CHINESE ELM 12"-18" high, per loo............ TWO pipe? crtssttrfleld, Jnaroon, -e iarirvxraieht' conditioG, he; sonable. CH. 1-6655. x-43-1t OVERCOAT. size M-36;_tylso suit, in modern home, Main and Wil- son area. Phone CH. 1-7976 start- ing Oct. 27 after 6 p.m., or Box 4306 Times and Guide o-43-1t TWO unfurnished moms for, wrt, THREE_rxTmss, goof _s_izg. gas UNFURNISHED two roamed basement apartment, kitchen sink and cupboards, refrigerator, separate entrance. CH. 1-7726. BROWN velveteen suit, practically new, site 12-13. CH. 1-5829. "50%; business' eaple. 70 Conner Ave. after 7. x-43-lt - iiiik' arndr cupboards, a heated,' adult family. girls preferred, Main St. N. CH. 1-3464.i x-43-1t APARTMENT To "T-U-ish" Twp, roamed fulmished apavment, large room finilhed in los, cabin style, large fireplace, wooden floor, extension phone kitchenette, toilet, partly furnished. oil heating, separate entrlnce, Scurlett-Law- rence area, $12 a week. CH. 1-0783, n-43-lz BACHELOR basement apartment, BILL JOHNSTON MU. 7285 CH. TWO mum basement apartment, large bed-sitting room, kitchen with sink. Built in cupboards, oil heated, near Weston on Malian highway. CH. 1-7327. o-42-it "Vii Tuié"chi'l&?e}. 'u-Buld like flat, apartment or home, reason- able. LY. t387. 0-43-11 “DUDE, PII’DI'IIIIII vr llll, Lulu-un- ed or unfurnished, two adults, four children. 110 William St., Weston. o-43-lt REGiSTERenNrtso Ind fiyemgn APARTMENT wanted; you; couple with one child mun" four-room apartment. Phone CH. 1-2316. o-43-it iiouss. Pathntnt or. flat, (migh- Plant hedges NOW Harman TO "T--NmlsUd Number Nurseries anance Boxes Carpets - Drapes . Track: VENETIAN BLINDS METAL AWNINGS “communion warn; ARTICLES FOR SALE APARTMENT TO MT PRIVET CH. L784! CH. 1-4339 x-43-1t x-43-lt 34.50 .20c puking ppm-o. Mter sin o'clock. Ion, would like chime and pre- par- mull. for buineu 6r elderly people. deep out. Box 4806 Timers ttth Guide. . o-M-it wk: regular part time worCiri Weston. Box 4304 Time, & Guide. HOUSEKEEPEF, Tsporuiblt prr ENTIRE second floor, two rmml. baby wolmmo. _ Phnm CH. I- 1Mk.________xr42-yt FOR .rtnt or "uu.trairer.crht?p, typing, hiby sitting", lisrht' housework, full or part time. Box 4307 Times and Guide. o-4,'t-lt YOUNG My_ want_s:dly for}, STENOGRAPHER. Tiddlr pk? EBPERIENCED pow" sewing machine operator want: wnrk, a kind, Weston virinity. Box 8 Times and Guide. 043-” MIDDLE and German wpmpn re quire: oi) kind of work, house- sktertr.r; factory work, Hit-hon wor . CH. 1-1392. x-43-lw - 5? 313m; work, typing oi. pin-rt lime office work, mornings. 60 Allenby Ave., Rexdale, Weston. YOUNG mother, denim: any type new slip covers, 1teater, winter- ized. CH. 1-6676. x-M-lt V celain top, two deers, 48" x 27", reasonable. CH. 1-1774 (King St.) Weston. o-43-1t FURNACE, 20" Grimsby, used one season, converted for oil, reason- ably. CH. 14088. __ x-43-1t '38 PLYMOUTH, good eond.itjon, MANS bicycle. C.C.M., good con- dition. CH. 1-0836. x-43-1w V iGG/om wife, both' in excellent" condition. Phone CH. 1-0457. STRQNG kitchen table, Whitaker- PM.N0,yyyf1srlyt 'ttn.TA tttod condi: - '56:}; 'ti'ii).%G"U30b' ‘Times and Guide. x-43-1t QUEBEC heater: with sere'P, sauvt' GHiUS. bicycle, $25 (needs. gqod FURNACE, 20" Grfrpabyt.used NORGE refrrisreryto5 .9 cu...ft.i ferobe drawers. -Tai%it; nisr; one heavy weight floor Polisher. CH. 1-3816. x-43-tt JACKET heater, $5; space beeper, SIMMONS % bed, spring and spring mattress. CH. 14788..“ .. "'tTi"phiei,Gs% we; Gonthis. CH. 1-0118. x-43-1t "iiaiiiniri;" '53'so"one‘ ear hater (water), $10. CH. 1-7856. x-43-1t CEDAR PAINTED kitchen table and four chairs, white and red; fine wal- nut wardrobe; very roomy, good extra clothes closet; Wilton rug, 15' x T approximately, dark beige ground all over attern; three oth- er small rugs, VI', good condition, reasonable. Call at 87 Hopcroft Ave. or phone CH. 1-6855 after 6 o'elock. x-43-lt COMBINATION storm and scrg_e_n STEEL utility cabinet, white; bud- gie cage and stand, also extra stand; one four-tube florescent light, 25 cycle, all in good condi- tion. CH. 1AM89. x-43-1t CHILD/S 3-4, year muskrat t.eo.a) V "“5; Sampaef elecirie janitor with instruction, 25 cycle, $10. CH. 1-6515. x-43-lt BEACH electric stove, four yum- ers, with oven, good condition, $65; also white enamel kitchen an- nex fitted for coal or oil, $35. Wardlaw Bros., 5 Lawrence Ave., Weston. 0-43-1t TWO pairs skates., one be's.C.C.M - 's'si'ie"?iriariarmen'i size 10. CH. 143344. x-43-1t “7;aner 7561.1},ng condition'. CH. 1-3279. x-43-lt "V "isri'n-d'is'sCs- ki, inks. bungalow. CH. 1-2935. x-43-1t B-gn-CHESTERFIELD, for “sale, grey lamb trim, Isii‘e 12. CH. CH, 1-1974. x-43-lt MeCLARY gas stove, three burner, almost new. CH. 1-1334. x-43-lt '40 FORD, good condition, must sell, reasonable. CH. 1-6869. x-43-1( range, oven, takes both coul'or gas. MU 6416. 11 Cobalt St, yt. MEN'S overcoats, one brown size 40, one blue size 38, both like new, just from storage. CH. 1-3172. X-43-lw GIRL'S _wir}ter .coat, . grey} with ROCKER ash bin, practically new, $2.50. Phone CH. 1-h729. x-43-1t COMBINATION _coal _and gas Dennis, imLoYMINT wANTEB.-romtle Cement walks, driveways. base- ment floors. septic tanks. Priest very reasonable. BROWN Ballard cord jodphun, lite 12, and three eveninf drou- es, [in 12, yellow and wh h. lite " blue; green station wagon coat, 14. CH. 1-6963. x-43-it REAL blqck loam, tusyifilly; all}: trrisveOv" iG irisck load.' CH. 1-6620. x-38-lt tlri0hrveG - {an Ga, c.5356 stupor. CH. 1-58“. 143-1! KITCHIQN bulky, [my Arborite CEMENT CONTRACTS Tuvfs ism. STORM SASH Prompt Service PHONE CH. 1-2587 in“ on um cu? FOR SALE AITICLI '0. “LI chest, dresser'and chif- to match; also chest of Phone CH. 1-7137. x-43-1t CH. 1-8223 mar git. m’é o-43-lt .x-43-1t x-42-2t x-43-1t x-43-1t Sacrifice For Cash! Mutyr'BF. SOLD ASKING $10,800. Scarlett Rd.- Lawrenee area, 5-room bungalow, immaculate, modern kitchen, 4- piece hath, private drive, immedi. at» possession. Call Mr. Colby, RO. 2326. R. M. Kitchon, Real Estate. HYGIENIC S I]: p l i e a, (rubber goods) maile post paid. in ruin sealed envelope with price int; six aamgles. $25c; 24 samples. £1.99. Mail rder Dept. Gat lion- Rubber Co.. tidx" 3511' 'Hirziilloh, tit., - x-l-tf light, water and wood trans- portation. Near Summerlea Golf Course. Apply after 5 p.m. CH. 1-5674. x-43-1t of Montieal Building. Apply tn Manager. x-37-tf WRECKING hundreds of trucks. late models. old models. all mlku Ind linen Tina, dump bodies. hoist. and winches. platforms And all other part- relaonlble. TR.UMPET prayer. requi.res .even: 0F?I_C_E 'spase fol-“rent jn Bank "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" SPECIALmNG‘in new, dud Ind rebuilt ing work ivith dam/e band. Chalfont Rd. Rexdale, Weston, LOT for stle, 100_ ft. x. 170 ft., Dim: for I” commercill and military truekst. Large-t stock in Clnldl. Trucks bought and Bold. Mail order department for aural-town cusmmen. cleaning, onceurtaie $153k]; preferably Friday. CH. 1-811. CLEANING woman_f9r general two chiidran, November'is Gift}? Christmas, $13.50 a week. CH. 1-1877. x-43-1t hours It a.m."t'o"7 p.nL%ikiii 5 p.m. to 1 am. Good wages. Pike Restaurant. CH. 1-0967. x-43-1w croft, Russel, Jane. lies/ra/ii. CH. 1-3435 after 5.30. x-43-1t fined hornlr,%isrjGr%UG," p.13- vate room and bath, liberal, time off. Call MU. 9213. x-43-1t WOMAN to lqok after three child- ren, two school age, while" in; rents work, no heavy work. CH. 1-0148. x-43-1t M1DDLlil_asred woman to mind GIRLZS silver yris.t watcll, Hop.- WNTREfis wanted--- Daytime FULL time taxi driver, familiar with Weston and district. Vet- eran's Taxi, Jane and Lawrence. CH. 1-3525. x-43-1t EXPERIENCED domestic for M. L GRAHAM {emotive firm, rnale"drHermTe, over 30 preferred, steady position, Box 4301 Times Ind Guide. $10,500---Here is a real spe- cial, 5 room solid brick bum galow in immaculate condi- tion, combined living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, large modern kitchen, 4 piece, bathroom, high and dry basement. $5000 down. $50 a month carries it. BOOKKEEPER for local new au- GARAG_E, wanted ty _rqrtt, on, or $2280-$2630, Weston, Ont. Details a n d application forms at Post Office or Na- tional Employment Service Office. not} WESTON RD.-MU. am "THE DEPARTMENT STORE or TRUCK PARTS AND surpues" x-39-tt WESTON DISTRICT Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd. Truck Parts Specialists no" Pélmd "ca. Cull -tfUn6trb. x-(3-lt MECHANIC o LABORER NATIONAL (‘ELLULOSE of Canada Ltd. 1-21 (‘Ioullon Are. Mil mm Ink" , George St, Weston CH. I - MM Employment and Claims Officer Good referencel required. WANTED TRUCK DRIVER OFFICE SPACE TO "Y PROPERTIES FOR SALE 'V HELP wANrur-omi. uni WANT» mm; LOTS FOR SALE MOTOR PARTS “A“ WANTID NIL! WANT") PERSONAL MUSIC LOST o-43-1t x-43-lt x-43-t 43 (, Walter 5 Boddington _ CH-1-4461 I CH-1-3213 l‘v-smroy white stucco with zonuino PERMASTONE front, largo living room with real log burning fireplace, family size din- ing room, modern kitchen, gleam- ing No. 1 oak hardwood floors, three largo bedrooms, tour-piece tiled bath, extra tiled sink in base ment with lots of cupboards, air conditioned boating with oil, aide drive, page. , Main Show: South In Humberlpa, just north of Wrs,c ton, 1% storey with two bedrooms, lovely large living room, modern kitchen, dining room, extra large lot, four-piece hath. Veteran can carry for about $35.00 monthly after substantial down paymont. John Street, Weston, two minutes walk from Main Street, two-storey brick house with three bedrooms, in pxcnllent condition, a real family home at a very reasonable price. Main Street, Weston, near Fern Avenue, two-storey rug brick house with three bedrooms, living room, dining mum, modern kitchen, hot water heated with oil, side en- trance, new cement block garage, a lovely home in a very desirable location. Edmund Avenue, Weston, modern solid brick bungalow with two bed, rooms, finished recreation room, garage, only a few steps from Main Street. Aluminum storms and screens included. $6,50iT--Rear new Aura plant, 4 roamed cottagp ment, ail conveniences, 220', Venetian blinds, possession, $2,500 down. Lit 46' x 300', Pine Grovi». $100 down. .5969?!” zines!“ , G, W. PAFKHAM - RM] Esta” Four roamed Homage. immediate possession. MALTON t1t,500--Lovel 5 room 2 bedroom bungalow, modgrn throughout, nil heat; side drive and garagt- with acre landscaped ground, qumt select neighbourhood, immediate possession, act quickly, this is a real buy. $3,500 New 7 room, solid brick centre hall home on corner location. Sewers,’ water mains, roads installed and paid for. This lovely N.H.A. home is tastefully decorated and price includes Howard Air Conditioning Oil Unit, awnings, aluminum storms and screens. This home is exceptional value. Upstairs aecom- modation will carry this home.! Owner moving out of town. Fun' price $16,500. Call Mr. Elger, CH; 1-4022. l CHARTERED TRUST CO. $9,500-8ix room brick bungalow,’ so arranged to give income possr-i bilities, hardwood throughout, ?.r kitchens. Owner requires $35004 cash to give possession. Large), landscaped lot. Close to Main St. l Walter Boddington LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH 2 Four Piece Bcghrooms STUART MERCER Real Estate Broker 2837 Dundas St. w., Toronto TOM SCOTT J. M. BRUYNS REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 Bunion] St. Weston Call CH. 1-7181 Anytime WESTON PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 Scarlett Road Phone CHerry 1-4781 Jane - Wilson V.L.A. SPECIAL NEAR MALTON MALTON ROAD GARY DRIVE "Wills I“ an " King Street W. TORONTO CALL CALL SEE jet engine with base, lot 65' x immediate Spegial Wmlnn (M. 1-20” WESTON MIMEOGRAPH Cr DUPLICATING SERVICE BEAUTYREST and Marshall re- pairs. Spring mattresses rebuilt like new. 24 hour service. Eider- downs recovered. EM. 6-2363. on bath floor, infant welcome, reasonable, in good home. 8 Blon- din, one block' from Wilson and Main Sts. Phone CH. 14342. PLOUGHING, discing, grading, etc. CH. 1-3950. 0-20-tf TWO attractive unfurnished rooms business couple, ptuiate enmmco. CH. 1-1334. x-43-1t vvfl'oéxi pdr/sher for rentfrbgulrrlr rates Alpha Engineering Co., 1852 Jane St., Weston. Cherry 1-5275. tions and repairs reasonable. Houses, garages, recreation rooms, trim, cupboards. For estimates phone Rumsey Bros., Contractors, Ch. 1-3121, Ch. 1-3226. x-ld-tt FLOOR sander rand edger and CA.RPENTRY, building altqra- RECREATION _ room, suitable for nished moms, upstairs, 3-pioce bath, private entrance, gas. Apply 3!) Parkehester Rd., CH, 1-6327. o-4,rlt refined gentlemen, two willing to shah double bed, abstainers. Breakfast optional. CH. 1-5164. x-43-1t SELF-CONTAINED three unfur. FURNISHED bedroom, use of kitchen. Married couple pro- ferred. Phone evenings. CH. 1-4465. o-43-lt COMFORTABLE bedroom, suit bus line. Gentle/tsan innlyfab- stainer. Phone CH. 1-0534. n-43-1t room in private home, Eentmlly located, suit business gentleman, abstainer. CH. 1-8234. 0-443-11 two young men. 63 Chdrch St., Weston. o-4h'-1t Ft/ RNI§HEDN room, near Weston FR ESHIfY decorated turnishcd tra mom on second floor, gur- age, heat, light, and water sup- plied, available Nov. 1st. 330,00 weekly. Box 4302 Times and Guide. x-43-lt ROOM for rent furnished. one or suitable for business couple, near transportation, private, also use of washer. After 5 or murk- end. CH. 1-0197. 043-1! " JOHN ST. FURNISHEE) 2 .roor.tt apartmm}! FURNISHED lower flat with r room, for light housieidu)hird, suit two. Reasonable. CH. 1-4931). X-43-ll PIANO r heated, light hodsdLAfiitk,"siit' one nr two or business couple. MU. 3493. x-43- It LARGE lu r n i g h e d recreation 1799 JANE ST. preferred, near to 'trandi/dia' tion, 159 Queenslea Avenue, Rose mount district. CH. 1-7303. BASEMENT rogm, furnished, oil FU R5118” ED bedroom, gentleman ..vvm um. Irv-nu ATF' v“... all-I- share room, single bledl, Vaal lunches. " Raymore Drive, West- mount. o-43-1t FURNISHED room, gentleman. Phone before 9.30 or after 4 p.m. CH. 1-0718. o-43-lt Gravel, stone. sandy top soil, crushed stone for driveways. Dolivorod by the load. Reason- able rate. utilities, Bonk! optioful, j:i; tleman referred. 1299 Wi Ion Avenue. SE. 1-6889. MAS-1t ROQM and bond fftyo.unsr mun CUSTOM OR COMPLETE INSTALLATION Rose Music Studio CH. 1-3221 bungalow near Weston, but non- phud, tiled sink, linoleum tiled noors and oak hardwood, 4 'ego hath! Tttttti fried S?,i “camp CH. 1- 9 . 1-4 -lt MOM, .newly dteorated, trookintr NEWm0MB---8otid brick ' room LOAM, SAND FILL ROOMS TO LET 1unlumished) MUSICAL INSTRUCTION SCOTT HAULAGE . Water Service: . Sub Footing: . Septic Tanks and Beds . Drains and Sumpa TRENCHING icons " "T-Furnished Woodbridge 64 ring 14 SERVICES OFFERED "outrun ’0. "" E. TAYLOR TRUMPET mo JANE BT. THEORY CH. 1-3161 x-17.tf WESTON x-21-tf x143-1t x-43-1t SCEI’TIC tary: ":xnd_ plastering NV... WA' m... m... ymmrnng, bungalow at Humber Summit, North York. Phone JU. 7943. to child, ynndasrtd'isrur.7. Wig Ham St., Weston. CH. 1-5164. YOUNG‘ Imggher' will gjye. flair gate Tii.ANSTRTATIoN r cg u i t' e d MASSAGE-First class massages for women, prices reasonable. 63 Church St., Weston. Mrs. Ilrassom. "Ail-1t GEORGE R MITCHELL, " {YE}; Ava. Painter in“, beroiiiiif.. New phone number CH. 1-1742. o-43-1t from Jane St. Imd- iii/iid, Ave. to City Hall, arrivmg 8.15 mm. CH. 1-3604. x-43-lt STORM windows, made ”£3317; reasonable. CH. b.1845. x-43-1w DRESSMAKING and alterations Mrs. P. Kourns, CH. J-'.?fi;9. MU,DERY Floor Service - Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Painted walls washed. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone A. Corras, CH. 1-0282. uuuuuumuu and grading. con- crete mixers. wheelbarrow-d, skil- saw. pumps, plywood. concrete forms and contractors tools for rent. R. A. Scaddinz. 66 Tilden Cres., CH. 1-5901. - x-29t1 BULLDOZING and Jtradims F UI’HOLSTERING Chesterfield. and Chairs Studio Couches, Davenport: Recovered and Rep-ired SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms If Desired MT. _DENNIS UPHOLSTERING Adjustments & Motorizing Estimates Cheerfully Given Nordic Agent J. FOX 14 Roxaline CH. I-lull ASPHALT driveways and Aide walks Perma Drive. CH. 1-3950. LEVY AUTO TRUCKS w A N T E D FOR WRECKING. ANY CONDI- TION, LFWY'S TRUCK BUYER. MU. 3681. x-39-tf 1st Quality Work Reasonable Prices Please Call After 5 p.m Alpha Engineering Co. MARTELL’S STUDIO TRANSPORTATION wgnTE 16 St. Johns Rd. w CH. 116674 CH-rrv 1-5275 r Free Estimate, a Any nuke repaired, work" r- uined. Convert your Hugo: portable to electric. WANTED.. Your old Singer, good price paid. A. Lyon NOLAN DUPLICATING AND ' STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE . SEWING MACHIN E REPAIRS TENDERS WANTED SEWING MACHINES WOMEN'S COLUMN MASTER PAINTERS 'ttn MU. 2706 1034 Weston Rand. KE. 4548 “IVICI 00mm WANTED CH. 1-5593 George Jam, IA. Se., Ping Authorized Toridhuf Boa As Low As 10% Down Balanco Over 24 Months x-43-1w X-43-1t x-4R-lt o-43-2t x-29tf THURSDAY, OCTOBER " I“ All persons having claim 5 against the estate of Eleanor Maude Kendall, late of the Village of Thistlvtown, in the County of York, who died on or about the 17th day of June, 1952, arr required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1952. After that date, the Administratrix with will annexvd will proceed to distribute tho estate having regard only to lhn claims of which she then shall have notice. Mary Rose Kendall, Administrat- rix with Will Annexed, by Fraser and Bull, Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers, Weston, Ontario, her Solicitors. . Dated the 23rd day of October, 1952. In the Estate of Eleanor Maude Kendall, unmarried woman, de. ceased. irthi'G A"? Phone ca. 1.3721 WESTON Notice to Creditors and Others Investigation: there luv. Ihown that I large red ant (which Alri- cinm all the"'boiling water mt") qxterminates the theraptus -- the insect 'which can": "trurnrnite'- without damaging the tree. Schub- istl are now undying how to ap- ply this dixcovory in practice agaimt "summing", for which no efficient remedy hu previously been found. (UNESCO). nun An effective ready In! th whit-proud “cumming" “on. which kill. off thousand. d coco- nut 'ralttus in Africa every you in been found by menu-u " lumbar research nation, u:- cordinx to the newspsper Eu” in Congo, published at Eliubeth- villa in the Belgian Congo. Jean Winter, 64 Edmund Avenue, Weston, Ont., Admin- istrntrix, by Malone, Malone and Montgomery, 255 Bay St., Toronto, Ont., her Solicitors. All norsons having claims against the estate of ANDREW MORRISON, Into of the Town of Weston in the County of York, retired, who died at Wes- ton ‘aforesaid on or about the 11th day of Januarv 1951 are required to file particulars of the same with the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 15th day of November 1952, af- ter which date his estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Ad- ministratrrix shall then have notice. .. Ddteit at Toronto, Ont., October 6th .1952. TWEING Katie: to Creditors and Others " his g.niUman ls quit. brim He woke up in A phmblou morn. "Jane St. x-41-3t x.4'3-3t

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