vim is Whennis. THREE-room J'lrdtit, tttlet an. 1-2393. ' Lanna?! f man ' virgin V 1738 um Id. loam bun Fol-lilting m m1) business lady requires bed-sitting room with privileges, h North Weston. Phone CH. 1-5614 after lix. o-34-1t mm“ basement apart- M lovely condition. all con- Ige,tgt " Croydon Avenue, Dennis. x-34-1t THREE-room Unfurnished flat, mm baby, desire unfurnished . home or apartment, four-five rams. reasonable. careful tenants. BE. 1-5650. x-M-lt mt, reasonable, requiredr' By my Intangible couple. J U. x-84-1t BUSINESS copple desire Ihtee in" iptg Irobms, central lo- .503. A. 1-1647 after 6. x-33-tf IOU]! or five-ron apartment re- tf',':,,', in Weston, Woodbridge or mailman, four children, two of whoa] age, will pay up to $86 tmmthlr. CH. 1-4461. CH. 1-3;:3. f x- -1t WESTON or Mount Dennis, un- T {uni-bed thnte-roome4 aypart- in: Mo. The tppy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness this world can never fill. --uvinqlg remembered by his .wife Minnie. his family and grand- children. _ x-34-1t BQSINESS couple _requjrye two or, 7 in} G" E60511? GnhrGiiiiek, -Gk hath flat, Weston or West Toronto vicinity. September. PH. RE. 3207. V 0- -1t Where Ileepa the one we ean't . forget. The one we loved so dear. Thu dearest husband this world _touldhold, __ . . I.†“37min Le. Holland couple in: girl 11 your: desire to rent infill: tiiA 2,ritg desiri, tifriini I; “furnish house or two or t.5ARMAN-Hrt loving memory of my dear husband, Walter James V Hum“, paged away August 22, 1951. tai,".',' hills quietly sleeping, ' ere the trees their branches 1 wave, Liu I dear and loving husband, The hulbnnd we could not save. He bade no one a last farewell, Ha aid goodbye to none. HI spirit fled before We knew _ that he from us had gone. At night the silent stars look F- Idowst on a grave npt far from tth r,tp wonderful journey from . the 0 world to the new, M the' heavenly gates have open“ to let our beloved mother d love, an will live to the longest day, a won't wear out, can’t be lost, von’t be given away. --Ahrars remembered by Nel- 3., In and the children. x-34-1t 'gAtrrERS---In loving memory of out wants, Jessie Masters, who mud nway August 21, 1951, ad John Thomas Masters. Amt M, 1927. God'- greatest gift: Remembrance. -r" remembered by their My. x-34-1t And-56h who knew him, T All will know how much I lost a oGriiiill'au of her are thoughts h Menuhin A -budtihiiirmiie and a. heart of Min loving memory of gut" J',',"),?,:', liubeth Ried w o Du away August 10.1961. mod. ttrivatt entrance, use of ', also two In? unfurnish- mml on second oer. kitchen Id built-in cunbocrdn, heavy T Viv-to bathroom. line of ' basin-I people only. CH. C. _ x-34-It PM couple. reasonhlilé Ajit'. . 1-4018 after 5 pm. o-IM-lt ACCOMMODATION WANTED [broom uplrtment, bath, 'iit',,tl'rt "(‘0 adults Ilivail- n erenceI p Gale. kw ' x-34-1t I'TITMINT "rd FET" WENT for ranksâ€: rooms, monthly, bright, new, large I Pt,",,'; convenient loca- 1788 we. comer of Mae, I. x-34-1t "tttttees llama-.13.“! [Gimme RN humane apartment, 'ittintt room, kitchen, wail:- tnd Flames Closet, fullx mania. Write" Box 3462 aad Guide. o-34-1t " bed-sittintt room, mg with navy duty We Ind electric refrig- ute bathroom and pri- niuble for one or ndufu. CH. 1-0787. x-M-tt ItH3..A.tmy.Gf:.-1ht mur- nllhubozh,ty) Hart- " Weston to Jtck armer Ygitrtto In :olamnised bi In. Mr. Rewind at Yor Ch! Pushyurhn Church My. Aug. 16, "es, x- -lt .elfetrettairted nurt- M emf-m, Prefer b. III. Into mu g. 1,,M$llf,rlllllilll? ADVERTISING - Chm. 15c an. "id _ "id : mines. no: 5601 Tim . all-1t "£2! dtrtr, tted, 'e.rt, ttood Prodhomme's eompleta line of hardy nursery stock. Ornamental Tran, Shrubs. Ever-greens, Rom, Perenni-ls and Bulk; also Fruit Titan, Syn-ll Fruit: Ind Berry Bushes of nll kinda. One of fitt. m'l Infant (rowan, eat. 1 . W. {urn In 2,ttl,i,t'1 new“ kit, can ' pun n. n cu. m. it4.llret,vftlftg paid midy- A - "'h’d."ii'."§mdh""_ GGG i351; m. Bum-vino, om. 143-2: -" m -e --"r 6"iGiG/rGuiiiit -irc tee. Cprl Aunln Ltd., " amen MIDDLE-aged German J/Gr, 84.291“ ‘WAmMn an Mrr.P.iy..soerurteed, on "III" HOUSECLEANING and um housework. Phone CH. 1-15.21. x-. _It - V- "TT _ .,.._ ..-v., """""'""8 of two room: and two-Neee bath. three big cupboards, semi- furnished, small infant wolromo. Wilsnn and Weston district. CH. 1-8298. . x-M-lt looks for any work anytime on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. French and English spoken. Phone CH. 1-1392. x-34.1t PART time work desired. CH7- 1313. nc-34-1t THREE-mgm, butinegt1 you; preferred. Phane';fw:6 CH. 1-7597. " THE entire "eond floor, consisting A, .,,, . . _ haul, $7 or swap for rabbits or small Quebec heater or what have you? 162 Lawrence Ave., CH. b. 3945. o-34-1t “mu vuuuunvuluu, gum .unea, heater and defroster, Ienled beams. good running car. CH. 1-0155. x-34-1t vuVl-I nu: you: nun cuuuxtn. .1 or weekly $10. Box 3403 Times and Guide. o-IM-lt WILL giyg day care for one or two ifhildren" mg; tii/ee-fear;, of age, Monday to Friday. E. Scott, 934 Main St. North. q Twp unfurpiahed room: had two. piece washroom, bdGeGFGie ptMerrpd. at Wuton and Wilsnn. CH. 1-3966. x-34-lt GENT'S Raleigh Cycle, sports, 8 speed, new, cheap for quick sale. Phone CH. 1-5328. 0-34-lt 19.36 _0LDSM_OB{L_E, good .tipesl GOOD. sdtay_tatrtteltrhLren, $7 or TWIN baby carriage, reasonable. CH. 1-0163. o-34-1t 1940 PLYMOUTH sedan, excellent condition. CH. 1-7704. x-34-1t tends to seat eight, nix leather chairs and buffet, all in good con- dition, $85 for quick sale. A. G. Peirson, 21 Church St. CH. 1-1063. x-IM-lt Cement walks, driveways, base- ment floors, septic tanka. Price very rensonable. BABY ear.r'ialre, copyertible, Gen- MAN‘S bicycle, cheap, tieetirover- tress, practically tfew,' solrd oak els, one drop side. all-over plastic mattress cover. CH. 1-4585. OAK _dirtimr room quitettable fx- BABY'S playpen wanted. CH. 1-6868. x-84-1t GIRL'S bicycle, $25. 1637 Wilson Ave. (close to Loblaws). 0-34-11 tress: one invulid's wheel chair, collapsible, in good condition. Phone CH. 1-3313. o-M-lt THREE-quarter complete bed; also bureau, $26. CH. 1-3128. x-34-tt trailer, $10. r Avenue. CH. I-0754, LARGE size cedar chest, un- stained. Phone CH. 1-2000. dron, air ibr'ce blue, exkelleiit condition, $25; also high chair, tii. CH. 1-7826. T x-34-1t REAL BUY! Crosley Shelvador re- frigerator, new, $250. McClary‘s gas stove, new, $60. CH. 1-6535. o-M-lt ONE Catch hospigql bed, and Tat LARQE HIM. Ir.ityel.t with 10,000 FT. of_Gyp-Rftk high, $40 ber 1,000. made CH. 1-2231'or CH. 1-3790. x-34-1t ONE pram, reasonable. Phone CH. 1-2235. o-M-lt IVORY enamel ..crib, spring mat burner gas ranxe with enclosed table top, excellent condition, $35; also 75-lb. ice refrittertstor, nearly new. o-34-lt "iiiiiueif,. v13): 9th w'ith mast, both $26 delivered. CH. "eh 1 o-l - t GURNEY hpartment file three: EMPLOYMENT wkNjir-rVmii; BABY syringe. fuctory_ mon- fuck loan in: w. by truck AM: also aay.d ay4ataml. .1931. load; ulna and Ind gnu]. 1031 Wilson Are.. CM. 1-0508. 1-224! WIT, osir_tgrnaee, good conditéop, Reasonable rates, free estimates. Phone CH. 1-5856 Percy Street CEMENT CONTRACTS CH, run TO "r-um-V um w-a-tkm-s-ou-u' ARTICLES WANTED A-I PAINTING PAPER HANGING AIMLB POI “Ll IUILDIN‘ TRAINS CARS FOR SALE FLAT To IINT CH. 1-8223 1742' Lawrence A. o-34-1t xL8irft x-34-1t 0-34.]: x-34-1t x-34-lt $8,250.00--4 'rooms and 4 piece bathroom, modern little brick home in Lambton Avenue district. Immaculate throutthout. Has full length living room, 2 bedrooms, modern ltr, and bathroom, basement nn can; to heat, in quiet convenient? istrict. ands $4,000.00 down payment. Early nonunion. Immediate Possession. Attractive 6 roamed solid brick bungalow, attached garage, hot water oil heated, gumwood trim, cut stone fireplace in large living room, panelled dining 'room, modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms and den, large playroom opens into lovely garden, priced $14,900. $11,50io0-6 lovely large rooms, oil heat, hardwood. Thin home is near Main Street in Weston. Up- stairs ideal for renting purposes. either ensuite, or separately. $4,000.00 down required. Busing“ Opportunity 7 lovely iahdseaped building lots in Hopcroft - Maple Leaf - Kayla Street district. hese Iota have wide frontage with water mains in. ALSO-A Bargain 1W x 135' lot on Scarlett Road rpsiderttial--t2r, per foot. , Also-- New modern 5 room bungalow» $13,000.00; 2 year old room tmmtttlow-ti1,80o.00; 7 room, 2 more] with acre of ground lttrtd, .ruoed--Only $1i,lr00.00. All than with immedinte or early pou- union. CALL 6 roamed brick and stucco house in immaculate condition, 4 rooms on main floor, 2 and bathroom on second, gumwond trim, oak floors, hot water heating with oil, good garage. close to all conveniences. Owner will take back mortgage. $12,000." Weston District. $12,500. Real nice T rnnm brick home in good residential district, hot water heated with coal, 3 car garage, extra large lot, close to transporta- tion. M. L. GRAHAM Rubber Co.. Box il Ont. Single or Married Experienced Preferred 5 Day Week -. Employee Benefits HYGIENIC S a: p l i e a, (rubber goods) maile post paid. in Plain sealed envelope with price ist; six samples, $25c; 24 lamples. $1.00. Mail Ord_er Dept. ttu4 vaa- four day-VI. war," iGuhrii.oo 'tif 5.30. State experience, nnplv box 3306. 0-33-2t REGISTERED cocker spaniel pups for sale. CH. 1-1919. o-M-lt hour. 'GF, -iTv"e in: 'tht.j3isi,' 19 Main St. S. n-34-lt GI_RL cltrk for 5mg†grocery Ito.e: ord jiiriiit,'f'aary 1ji ikiF, fats, H. 1-4014. o-IM-tt HQUSEKEEPEHR, fo IU? isp_iPyy “Eu?“ day 9"? hy. 4'e yfutr WOMAN wanted for light house- work, four moms. revue noon mag] tor elderly coupl’e. Apply 264 Main Bt. North. ova-It J. M. BRUYNS Moved to 1665 Bloor Street W. Call for shoes left over within 30 days from August T, 1952. REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 Balmoral St. Weston Call CB. 1-7181 Anytime CARL AUSTIN Ind CO. LTD, as Church St., Weston WESTON PROPERTIES MIKE'S SHOE REPAIR STUART MERCER Assistant Bookkeeper Real Estate Broker 7 GEORGE ST. WESTON CH. 1-8181 an Dtnttfiiiar. wm YOUNG LADY REQUIRED Apply The Dominion Bank Keele and Eglinton LY. 6042 Roll I'm-n Amt M2 SCARLET ROAD Ph-.. (Ilium L418! “I" WAN“. (Do-d“ PROPERTIES FOR SALE INCOME HOME PET STOCK PERSONAL SEE 24 "rn'ptes, [ G. 4 Nova. Hamilton, ', 1952. x-32-4t x-34-2t x-34-2t 'Wo. yggng mep pr girls, tyin beds," $6 a: week. G GseiGs Dr., phone CH. 1-3933. o-34-1t FURNISHED rem, suit? gent]? men friends. Pho/e CH. {4102, close to Weston and Malton. DO.UBLE room, two_ gagglemen. close to transiroAaiioiiriii%rc Donald Ave. CH. 1-7336. x-34-1t ONE furnjsshed. bedroom, gentle- _ man preferred, close to 'trGsdois tation. Breakfast optional. CH. 1-7303. 159 Queenslea Ave. TWO unfurnished rooms, baby welcome. CH. 1-6826. x-M-lt TWO BEDROOM for THREE rooms. and beth, “5:95) Twp gentlpmgn to share room, also Board, close to jifojiatiGLi C.C.M. Phone CH. 1-2904. x-34-1t Tsyo .li‘ghg. .ho1y1ektepirur _ roams, furnished, in Weston, suit quiet business couple, abstainers. For information inquire at 30 Sykes Ave., Weston. x-34-1t TWO unfurnished rooms, entire second floor. 69 Hoperoft, near Maple Leaf School. x-34-1t weekly, one baby welcbi'ne'. CH. l-0812. , o-34-1t for one or two businilsddlik. CH. 1-0787. x-34-1t FURNISHED room, quiet-home, kitchen -i" cktinTds', -rureirtTG' moms, repairs and painting call CH, 1-6715 after 6. o-M-tt $10,90t1--Irnmediate possession, see this lovely five room solid brick bungalow in real nice condition. all rooms good family size, finished playroom. in Net rented, forced air heating with coal, high and dry ten block basement. Garage, lot 50x 150'. $5,000 down payment. ROOM ROOM CH. FURNISHED bedroom, suitable suit business tre'rso'n, 6688. rooms, private entrance. CH. 1-3912. x-34-1t FOR .better sqrpens, storm sash. W E S T O N - Two unfurnished $9,500--Here is just what you have been looking for. A dream home in the country with all conveniences, extra large lot, several fruit trees and a vegetable garden, 6 roomed brick house in im- maculate condition, garage, several extras. At least $3,500 down. ARI: YOU tooth); tor a perfect Mme! Then In out " large mains. motel colored wuhroom and bathroom, fixtures, nit con- miom‘ng with oil, recreation room, hwnher and washing machine unit in kitchen. CH. 1-562. o-34-lt hu.'a." it. in? In Quality Work Reasonable Prices Please Call After 5 pm no Yd: wiEt‘JiliGour mi- '4.N.""ht or Inn-m! Cull LL. my , E. my! Arlinmn 16 St. Johns Rd. W. CH. 1-6674 E. TAYLOR 1m JANE ST. CH MARTELL'S $Tll0ltl M. L. GRAHAM lady, 6182. CUSTOM OR COMPLETE INSTALLATION W0 unfurnished Phone CH. 1-42', tional. CH. 1 ferred SINGLE room, 7 GEORGE ST., WESTON CH. 1.8181 NOLAN DUPLICATING AND STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE ROOMS TO LET-Unfurnished WESTON DISTRICT ROOMS TO LET-Furnished [mama Water Service Sub Footing: Septic Tank: Ind Beds Drains Ind Sumo. and l 1-6294, â€I.“ ’0. an Real Estate Broker ROOM AND BOARD MASTER PAINTERS and board snvacss ennui ROOMS M. 4549 for CH board shed rooms 1-4223. Im, suit light l maze AND GUIDE. WESTON rent, 5314 rd, gentleman 4875. x- TO for RENT breakfas't ' middle duties. CR. 1-3161 x-17-tl gentlemen. 0-34-2t for CH. 11 x-34-1t fast on- x-34-1t x-34-1t 0-33-11: tit-u EH. B4-It rent. 34.11 445991 pre- Ii4- It -aciaait ox: repaired; ar, pointing done. CH. 1-0166. x-34-1t 'tae-ka ,Giaii." rié. Estimate-4 Phone A. Corr-I. CH. 1-0282. Itiom and repairs r,eatronable. Hansen. garages. recreation rooms, trim, cupboards. For estimates phone Rumsey Broth. Contractors. CH. 1-3226. x-14-tf 'Wet Moo: Bereiee-F1oors i “as? n'Scpl pol'ished. in o oo roux". u tlr new. hinted _,U"d grub“: mummy. bqilding alte.r- EXPERT, chimney work, new a_nd “nun 11m- "ee m .m- nah. 3... 5;: cs. 1-299; Gravel, stone, sandy top soil, crushed stone for driveways. Delivered by the load. Reason- able rate. Adjustments & Motorizing Estimates Cheerfully Given Nordic Agent J. FOX " Roxaline (31.16411 LOAM, SAND FILL SCOTT HAULAGE Sizes 10 to 14x in "big sister" styling we have an excellent range of skirts-- Tartans, corduroy, wool, flannel. plaids, Alpine. First selection of Back to School Fashions, In rayon 14, 3.98: “058 73-11 mm " u. (opp. Poet om“) STORES CH. 1-7941 8 ' SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Woodbridge 64 ring N 89c to 1.19 'rr, Navy Gym Bloomers CJ 'i'C4'tl ' v , v . , tll';' Jiiii ft t2 C ai 8 . L) , ‘ V tt LI' a It" a ., v 4Af 1%.: Teen-Age Skirts nnel. plaids, Alpine. 4.95 to 7.95 “VIC“ -. Sizes 2 to 14 serge. navy. Sizes 3 to 6x, 2.934; 7 to 16, 4.98. tllilLBREIt'8 WEAR Girl’s Tunic: 'miCiUuTilr' m 00. 1852 my raid.' x-21-tf mm Full - lashioned black lisle hose, 0 ri e n t brand. Sizes 8Vs to 11. PLoquNG. discing. grading. em CH. 1-3950. o-ZO-tf vepat"rs and dietitian}: sans]?! Black. Phone Ch. 14451. x-9-tt crate mixers, wheeiGrroW, skil- suw. pumps, plywood. concrete forma and contractors tools for rent. R. A. Sclddinz. 66 Tilden Cres.. CH. 1m901. xAt9tt BRICK., Block. any Concrete Laying! PLAST NG repairs and new work ph ne CH. 1-8121. o-33-1t METERING rep-in, coll." whim-bod. wmnmohd. ote., also carpentry Rttuiition-tu" built, kitchen qupboardl. ate., con- enu work. sidewalks, Hinton. Wllh, etc. CH. 1-3320. i-go-tt tions and repairs anon-h]; Houses, guises. recreation goon“. trim, cupboards. For estimate! shone Rumsey Bros., Cttdtraetorg h. 1.3121. Ch. 1.3223. and BULLDOZING Ipd gradintr, e.o.9- CA.RPENTR_Y. bqilding ‘sltgrp- 'to, Music Lessons: Piano and piano accordion. Monthly rates. Plaid doeskin sports shirts, sanforized. Large selection of plaids in a variety of colors. Sizes 6 - 14. .-.-........r..r___.F....F.e......r...... 2.69 Sanforized, zip fly, riveted pockets. Sizes 6 - 16. Made from tough wear- resisting blue denim. _.2-98 Pennvan's combed cotton zipper neck jerseys, two tone blue /grey, 3 " brown, beige. Sizes 8 to 16. 'm.... I Penman's combed cotton jerseys, smart new stripes, in a variety of 1 " colors. Sizes 8 to 16. F......-.-........... I Girl’s Gym Hose BOY’S RODEO JEANS ALICE RATH LOU 430 Russell Avenue neur Maple Leaf School CH. 1-5009 WESTON , DUPLICATING SERVICE CH. 1-201] 1746 JANE ST. Just arrived in time for school opening. Jumpers in corduroy. wool plaid, Alpine, Tartans. Sizes 7 - H. " to 8.95 SHIRTS Jumpers x-33-2t They passed her in the park. "That's Perry's wife," said Car- ter. "Thinks the world of her hus. band!" ' "Does she?" ' . "Rather. She even believes the payot taught him to swear." 'rty9GRiirisa.ri'iG'G'7G Mound and Mid BLIP coma MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms if Mid MT. DENNIS UPllOLB'l'llING A. Lyon II]. 3"“ "" Wealt- loud. Music Studio PIANO BenIamln L. CH. 1-3221 BEBE TRUMPET Large selection of plain or fancy soelaru. including Penman's Coolies, tttt Nylon reinforce? 'i""iri'ii'i""-""""" c Penman's a l-ny on trip e / durable. ......P.P....m.rrF....' F..FF.mmrFmFt_r..F.......F......H.. 98c "Over thrice the wear in every pair." Penman's "Shock Proof" areh-eughion sock. Sizes 8 to 10 in a variety of colors. p.---.-....-....-........-.......... 98c Plain color broadcloth shirts, blue and white. Fused collars. Sizes ft " 11 to 14 in. neckband. ..._....... I ALSO FALL SELECTION OF WINDBREAKERS, PANTS & SWEATERS IN ALL SIZES THEORY To team up with your skirts, jumpers or tunics we have a wide range of cotton and rayon blouses, sizes 2 to 6x. Sizes 2 to 12. We have a large selection in Bagk to School skirts, pastel, wool checks, vyella, tartarts, alpine, corduroya, flannels. 2.98 - 6.95 Blouses 1 .98 L. Mil SHIRTS Mtt - 2.98 BEBE William Potting, Tir-rear-old in- surance broker in London who died recently deft an cunts of £215,000. He 'ira"r9id' 60 yen: ago " I foot.. ball player at St per, week, selling insurance on the side. A. W. McEwen. Auctioneer, Weston: For Arthur Bunkl and Robert T. Jollye, _ Exegugqn -of the estate of Robert Robb, deceued. Further particulars mny be ob- tained from their Soliciton. Hooper and Howell, 171 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 10% deposit at the time of the ule. balance in cub on closing in thirty dnyl. Other condition- of Mlle to be read " the time of the an e. mend! .hl milieu-Ch Pt gamma of all Tnee lulu: mini-lg un- mou or ha. " M tht had- theme in M"d he unmask: novel: room haul brick 1mm with ttek "ed and cook homo. well 3nd camera, bank ham with uncut fomtdation, " pen and hen hone combined. Poueuiou will be fun to the purchmr on April l, us. Purchuer may enter on tho lands Uttr October I, 1952. to do fall work 7to 14 Torn-