Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 29 Nov 1951, p. 2

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\â€"_ This Gurney Model Conversion Burner is specially designed to give the maximum of heat at the lowest consumption of fuel for the smaller home. Y ‘" _ Bee These and Many Other Models Atâ€" Get the Most Out of Oil Heatingâ€" For Prompt, Efficient . . . Real Estate & Insurance Service WARDLAW BROS. ‘ REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 52 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON Phones Weston 445W â€" JUnction 2584 INSURANCE t REAL ESTATE Automobile, Fire, Floaters, 851“‘“;::!‘ l:MvBlnlh;eu Burglary, Lisbility, Per';)petty ‘Mlm:el::n‘;u Plate Glass, Marine, Bonds Mortgages Arranged _ _ Social and Personal + Club and Welfare ACKROW & WELLS Wallpaper & C.1.L. Paints 46 MAIN ST. N. Z0 Znd Floor, Farr Bldg. * (Over Royal Bank) 4 MAIN STREET, N., WESTON, ONTARIO Phone: Zone 4â€"552 * Randall Beatty, YES MANager ©PEN WED, & $AT. UNTIL NOON Leans made to residents of all surrounding towns * Personal Finance Company of Canade AT Pewsonal, it‘s "YES" to 4 out of 5 loan requests. Men and women, married or single, â€"see for yourself why Pesenal served over a million satisfed customers last year. es available for export this ‘The bulk of the oranges has WALLPAPERS / OFF ndarin Oranges Japan Orange Growers Asâ€" on reports that it will have 1,300,000 boxes of mandarin "If It‘s Hoating We Have 1t" Weston 2137 Toronto ROdney 3052 IRENCE AVENUE w. wEsTON H. C. Brookbanks For the Smaller Home Consult Weston and Districts OLDEST ESTABLISHED BROKERS Sale of 1950â€"51 DROP IN AND SEE OUR JOB LOTS For Small Rooms or Clothes Closets Loans $50 to $1200 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE REGULAR PRICE been contracted for shipment to Canada, which is the principal exâ€" port market. Shipments to Canâ€" ada in 1949 and 1950 amounted to 900,000 cases and 1,270,000 cases respectively. loan. Invaluable at home or away Account. Establishes your credit at over 50 offices comst to comst. You needn‘t have nor get a loan to open your account. Pay only NATIONWIDE CASH CREDIT! LAs TCC T ZONE 4â€"485 for an exâ€" With the increasing popularity of twoâ€"piece suits there are fewer men playing their cards close to the vest. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Walter Mather in the loss of a dear sister, Mrs. Harry Ireland of Maple. Interment was at Thornâ€" hill on Sunday, Nov. 11. Mrs. Eileen Blayney, president, thanked the guest artists for makâ€" ing the evening so enjoyable and refreshments were served. _ Mrs. M. L Stevenson then inâ€" troduced our guest speaker, Mrs. Lois Sears, wellâ€"known in Weston for her literary and â€" musical achievements. Mrs. Sears showed us coloured slides of her recent trip to England and the continent with her husband. The beauty of the slides and Mrs. Sears‘ informal yet equally colourful commentary carried the members away with her from country to country. Harry Ruble, Albert Lea in Minnesota,â€""We planted 6000 Red Rich in late spring. That fall we sold 7000 pints at 25 ets. wholesale." We have this letter on file. He calls Ked Rich "THE BEST GENERAL PURâ€" POSE STRAWBERRY EVER DEVELOPED." If you are interested phone Weston 2024â€"W or write toâ€" The social programme began with two violin selections by Miss Roberta Emberson, "Midnight Bells" and "From the Land of the Skyâ€"Blue Waters." Miss Emberâ€" son was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. G. F. McKelvey, [PERSONALS] RED RICH is hardy to 30 below, without protection. â€" RED RICH per plant yield is greater than any other strawâ€" berry. (Try it). RED RICH off season producâ€" tion means higher prices. The June crop is later than standâ€" ard varieties. Fall crop Aug. to Oct. has no competition. Listen to this grower: Two Christmas cakes are being sent to the "adopted" club in Leiâ€" cester, England. Plans are now unâ€" derway for the Christmas dinner party to be held on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12. The report of the Provincial Convention was given by the delegate, Miss Diane Lowens. Mrs. Molly Neill was chosen to represent the Weston elub on a panel discussion to be held in the near future concerning the Declaration of Human Rights. Discussion followed concerning the Christmas musicale to be held on Sunday evening, Dec. 9, in the Mâ€"Y Theatre in conjunction with the Local Council of Women. Here is a chance to get into bigger money. Grow this luxury product for the high price trade. a new proven patented atrawberry RED RICH flavor and sweetâ€" ness is absolutely tops. RED RICH appearance has great eye appeal, the rich red color goes right through. _ On Wednesday evening, Nov. 21, the Weston Business and Profesâ€" sional Women‘s Club held their monthly meeting in Central United Church rooms. â€" PELMO PARK Mrs. Lois Sears Sh?s Slides At WB & P Club FARMERS MARKET GARDENERS R New Moneymaker for ' Ee s # Grow Red Rich Perennial Gardens Special Value .33 This Couppn valid from December 1st to December 7 and try our BUTTERSCOTCH RIPPLEâ€"STRAWBERRY RIPPLE CHOCOLATE RIPPLE ICE CREAM BRICKS One Pint Brick Coupon ... CAMPBELL‘S DAIRY BAR BRING THIS COUPON 2 DENISON ROAD, WESTON, ONTARIO Capt. Cliche, normally employed as a translator in the Army‘s Translation Bureau at Army Headâ€" Gquarters, is chief instructor for a course in French language trainâ€" ing for Army officers stationed in Ottawa. At present he is teaching 76 ofâ€" ficers and two civilians to speak There‘ll be a lot more "parleyâ€" vousâ€"ing" in the Canadian Army if Capt. George Cliche of Ottawa has his way. Many congratulations were reâ€" ceived, but much appreciated was a message from His Majesty the King and a testimonial letter from the provincial government. Mr. Wardlaw was born on the Wardlaw homestead about two miles west of Weston and remainâ€" ed on this farm until Ke retived about 20 years ago, and they have lived on Coulter Ave, since that time. The immediate members of the family were all present: sons Alâ€" fred of Mt. Dennis, Erson who reâ€" sides on the home farm, and daughters Mrs, Harold Stonehouse and Mrs. R. Ansell, as well as eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mrs. Wardlaw was the former Mary Ann Pearson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pearâ€" son, and came to Weston as a young girl, making her home with an uncle, the late Mr. Harry Pearâ€" son. Mr. Wardlaw has been an elder and a member of the kirk session for many years and the session and women‘s auxiliary presented them with a Bible and a suitable bouâ€" quet of flowers, Weston Couple Continued from page 1â€" Mrs. Wardlaw‘s four brothers and one sister of Essex and Detroit, and it was regrettable that three others sisters were unable to be present. They were married in Weston by the late Rev, Walter Reid, minister of the Presbyterian Church, of which they are still members. Other Weston district Junior Farmern who won lWI!‘dS were Murray Cupples, Holt, who won the Weston Lions Club tray, and Andrew Watson, Woodbridge, who won the T. Eaton tray. Mrs. Audrey Cameron, Woodbridge, won the Clarence Graham tea set. Following a few remarks by Mrs. Elton Armstrong, Armitage, presiâ€" dent of the Women‘s Institutes for North York district, and Reeve Winfred Timbers, of Stouffville, representing County Council, the prizes were announced and troâ€" phies presented by the various donors. Meeting for their annual banâ€" quet in the Sunday School room of the Victoria Squaze Church on Friâ€" day evening last, the contestants in the York County Junior Farmâ€" ers‘ Home Plowing competition enjoyed a very delightful evening which featured the presentation of prizes, The Marion MacGregor trophy for the highest scoring land of the thirty fields was awarded to Bill Thomas of Maple, who also won the Eckardt Tea Service for first in the Walking Plow class. Present Awards At Banquet To Junior Farmers St. John‘s School, Weston, was on the honored list | hook and the tool; they used to make it. "It and here Nicole Maurais, left, Heather Willman, [ lot of fun!" exclaimed one of the teachers. Carole Rice and Julie Berti proudly display their Parlezâ€"Vous? fi%w:“z 2 We e h. * Instructors are Frenchâ€"speaking officers employed at Army Headâ€" quarters. 128456 French. Last year about 50 men, including several top ranking offiâ€" cers, took the course. According to Capt. Cliche most students stick with the course but postings and transfers to other sections of Canada and overseas sometimes play havoc with a class. An illustrated booklet describing the service the hospital is giving has been prepared by local indusâ€" tries without cost to the hospital and will be mailed to anyone writâ€" ing to the hospital, The very active Ladies® Auxiâ€" liary of the Hospital Association will mark the occasion of the first anniversary by supplying every patient and employee of the hosâ€" pital with an individual small cake, each mounted with one candle. To further mark this important first anniversary of your community hospital, Mr. Jack W. Pink, past president of the Board of Governâ€" ors, will be interviewed on Station CKFH during the hockey broadâ€" cast from the Weston Arena on Friday, Nov. 30. Mr. Pink will answer questions on the hospital‘s function and service to the comâ€" munity, â€"Continued from page 1 Emergency Treatment room 805 cases have been treated, The hospital employs seventy employees and will do approxiâ€" mately & quarter of & million dolâ€" lars‘ worth of business in the year. The Xâ€"ray Department is comâ€" pletely equipped with the very latest in diagnostic and Xâ€"ray facilities and 1,862 Xâ€"rays have been taken on outpatients and 461 on resident patients, The hospital‘s laboratory has performed 2,853 lab. procedures on resident patients and 392 on outâ€" patients. Radio Broadcast On Saturday, Nov. 10, in St. John‘s Roman Catholie Church, Weston, Miss Joyce McLeod beâ€" came the bride of Mr. Dolthie Douâ€" cet. The bride, gowned in white satin and carrying a bouquet of red roses and white carnations, was given in marriage by Mr. Robert Blackley. She was attendâ€" ed by her sister, Mrs. Anita Thompson, wearing yellow net, and a friend, Miss Ann Hunt, wearing green net. Mr. George Doucet and Mr. Dijoun attended the groom. Later, a reception was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Blackley, Harding* Ave. Joyce McLeod Wed To Dolthie Doucet Nov Nov. 29 < Thursdayâ€" 4.30â€"Inter Yers, 7.00â€"Maple Leaf Girl‘s Club. 8.00â€"-1-!_umber River Newcomers. Demonstration by Mrs. J. 80 Fridayâ€" â€" 8.30â€"Over 20 Club. 400â€"Live Yers. 6.00â€"Teen Age Committee. 6 Thursdayâ€" 7.00â€"Maple Leaf Girl‘s Club. T Fridayâ€" YWCA Weekly Calendar Thurston, Dordina Cosmetics. _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.80â€"North Park Newcomers at home of Mrs. Dorothy ____ Antrobus, 25 Sunset Rd. 8.30â€"Maple Leaf Newcomers at home of Mrs. Frances ____ Bloxom, 100 Hoperoft. Teen Age Coâ€"Ed Dance at Senior Public School The happy couple left for a wedâ€" ding trip to the United States of America, _ The bride wearing a red gabardine tailored suit with black velvet trim and black accesâ€" sories. They will reside in Weston on their return. son was organist. The reception was held at The Old Mill. The brides mother reâ€" ceived wearing a raspberry silk velvet gown with hat to match and corsage of white carnatibns and yéllow baby mums. The grooms mother assisted wearing a mauve crepe and lace gown, pink feather hat and wore a corsage of pink carnations. Given in marriage by her brother, E. H. McCabe of Timmins, Ont., the bride wore a gown of white brocaded satin with a shirâ€" red nylon net yoke caught with seed peaxY. Her fingerâ€"tip veil was held By a coronet of orange bloseoms and she carried a cascade or red roses. 5 Mrs. B. Crayden, Jr., was matâ€" ron of honor wearing & strapless ballerina gown of perrywinkle blue taffeta, fashioned with a bolero jacket, shoes and that of the same color. She carried & cascade of pink roses. Mr. B. Cryden, Jr. was his brother‘s best man. Ushers were Mr. Reg. Elgar and Allan Crayden, RCN. Miss Jessie Watâ€" The marriage of Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Mcâ€" Cabe and the late Mr. Ralph Mcâ€" Cabe and Howard Dawson Crayâ€" den, took place in Central United Church. Rev. E. B. Eddy officiatâ€" ed at the service. Margaret McCabe Wed To H. Crayden soloist and Mrs. Harper, 320 Bay St. Refreshments Buying 65 MAIN ST.S. RUMSEY BROS. Mr. Collett MU. 9706 Wed., December 5th at 8 p.m. OWNED AND OPERAT Westminster Sunday School )WNED AND opmuzan BY STODDART BRO CLEANERS and DYERS A. E. LePAQGE ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS FOR COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE SELLING OR BUYING A HOUSE WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH, WESTON Quality Cleaning "Wedding Bells" (a display of bridal ensembles since 1858) at Kitchens and Bath emodelled Have Your Basement ttic Turned Into a Renting P: ition FREE ESTI ES PROMPT./COURTEOUS SERVICE g _ «_ Selling Real Estate ZONE 4â€"679 â€"22009â€"W COLD STORAGE LÂ¥ndhurst 2168 Mr. Sanderson RO. 1202 Admission 50c RUCTION PHONE TODAY WESTON 845 EM. 3.5661

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