Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 29 Nov 1951, p. 10

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¢ g&%’hv. : 35 market Rd. _ The Brownies of the 255th Co. of Toronto held their enrolment eeremony in . Tumpane . School, Beverley Hills, on Nov. 26. There were several children from our ‘eommunity took part. Rosemary \Wilkins and Joyce Smith received their Golden Hand, and Jean Mason her Golden Bar. As this is being written before the ceremony 1 hope you were all able to attend, and not kept away by the chicken pox, which seems to have taken hold in Tumpane School. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cross, Hayâ€" market Rd., visited Mrs. Cross‘ mother in Peterborough last weekâ€" The WA of the Ratepayers‘ Association held a meeting last Monday on Loney Ave., but as I was not notified of it, 1 didn‘t attend. I‘ll try and find out anyâ€" thing of importance that may have taken place and let you people know, who like myself were not told of this meeting. A man who thinks that a lawyer should be premier of Ontario, is sure to have his wish gratified. All three leaders are lawyers. had to mis parade for it The most sticks are found under the best apple tree. But in this campaign it will be easier to count the votes than the sticks. Get well wishes for Gloria Bevan, Donnie Sharman, Harvey Shinae and Beverley Grieve, as well as any other youngsters down with the disease. 1 hope none of you had to miss Santa‘s beautiful Telephones ROdney 1180 Oakdale Acres rocketing And To Provide For Better Roads, Street Lighting, Sewers, Thereby Reducing Direct Educational Costs. North York Ratepayers DEMAND Federal and Provincial Government Aid To Stop Taxes Skyâ€" DEPUTYâ€" REEVE GAY Elect MEMBER OF ALLIED CREDIT JEWELERS 36 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON WARD 3 The regular monthly meeting of the Girl Guide and Brownie | Mothers‘ Local Committee was |held on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at the |home of Mrs. L. J. Muldowney. Twnety mothers were in attendâ€" lance with Mrs. G. Culver presidâ€" ‘ing. After the reading and discusâ€" sion of the minutes of last month‘s meeting, Mrs. Culver turned the | meeting over to Mrs. Irva Day, District Captain, representing Mrs. ’D. Stanish, Commissioner. . Mrs. | Day conducted the election of offiâ€" icers for the coming year and the | new executive is as follows: Presiâ€" {dent, Mrs. R. Fairlie; viceâ€"presiâ€" |dmt. Mrs. Rampage; secretary, | Mrs. E. Bosworth; treasurer, Mrs. \Pengelly; convener, Mrs. Harrison. ‘Mrs. Culver thanked the mothers ‘for their coâ€"operation‘ during her Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kempling, Renfield St., on the birth of their daughter on Nov. 20. Lucky wee girl to have two nice brothers like Russell and Jim. Have you been thinking about the free planting scheme offered to the homeowners in the comâ€" munity by the Trethewey Ratepayâ€" ers‘ Association? Anyone at all intexgsted can get further details from the members of the commitâ€" teeâ€"Mr. J. Dawson, 6 Nordale; Mrs, H. W. Davidson, 63 Parkâ€" chester; or Mr. R. F. Johnston, 77 Brookhaven. To ensure delivery in time for spring planting, get your order in early. ROM THE SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Mrs. A. Macdonald, Phone 1615â€"M HARDINGTON Despite a home demand running in excess of present supply Britain intends to maintain her coal exâ€" ports at their existing level, says | Minister of Fuel, Geoffrey Lloyd. The Saturday evening shows at Hardington School are drawing big crowds. This week "Junior Miss" starring Peggy Ann Gardner is the main feature. The December meeting of the Scout and Cub Mothers‘ Auxiliary will be held on Dec. 4 at the home of Mrs. H, Dixbury, 16 The Wishâ€" bone. Come and help with the plans for the home baking sale which will be held Dec. 10. _ The new parish of St. Bernard of Clairvoux has recently been established to accommodate Cathoâ€" lic families of the surrounding disâ€" tricts. Rev. Father A. H. Marshâ€" man has been appointed pastor, Masses are said in the temporary chapel at 1789 Lawrence Ave. (just east of Jane) each Sunday at 8.30, 10.00 and 11.80 am and daily mass at 8.00 a.m. If anyone wishes any further information, please conâ€" tact Father Marshman at 1789 Lawrence Ave., or telephone Wesâ€" ton 1611â€"J. at the balance of the meeting. Plans were discussed for the Christmas party for Guides and Brownies and following adjournâ€" ment refreshments were served. three years as president and welâ€" comed Mrs. Fairlie who presided at the balance of the meeting. Plans were discussed for the YOUR ONE STOP XMAS SHOP Open 9 A.M. To 9 P.M. Every Evening | 4 oâ€"â€"â€" RIGE For Deputy Reeveâ€"Ward Threeâ€"North York Township On Wednesday, November 21, the Thistletown Women‘s Institute gave a pot luck supper, to which husbands were invited. Happy to congratulate Mrs. Kellam on winning a prize at the cooking school last Thursday at Woodbridge. Mrs. W. Yearsley enjoyed a lovely fruit cake. Thistletown WI Mrs. Henderson, president, welâ€" comed the guests. After a most delicious supper of ham, scalloped potatoes, salad and pie, the gentleâ€" men declared unanimously that if On Sunday, November 25, Naney Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Booth of Coulter Ave., Weston, was christened at St. Andrew‘s Church, Thistletown. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yearsley (grandparents) were godfather and godmother. The christening tea was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Booth. We gladly welcome Nancy as a new member to our church. Saturday afternoon, 2â€"5, we are putting on a tea for our scholars. The Christmas tree is always a heavy program and we thought this might lighten the load a little. Our Christmas tree we hope to hold on December 19. Mr. C. Speakman conducted the 8.15 p.m. service at St. Andrew‘s Church and spoke from the words, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ," and stressâ€" ed, power, faith, and salvation. Mr. Wynneâ€"Field was organist. The choir sang, "Comfort, O Lord, the Souls of Thy Servant." Mr. W. Yearsley acted as sidesman. Mrs. Pratchett was laid to rest on Wednesday, November 22, in Riverside Cemetery. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. D. Paterson from â€" Ward‘s Funeral Parlours. The pallbearers were all nephews: Mr. Chas. Condonce Sr., Mr. George Condonce, Mr. Bernard Condonce, Mr. Ralph Condonce, Mr. Chas. Condonce and Mr. Aubyn Tavender, grandson. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. She leaves to mourn, her son, Mr. G. Tavender and family. Mrs. Gunn, a sister in Kitchener, Ont. Mrs. Tavender, a sister in England. Mrs. Pratchett has been a grand neighbour and good friend of St. Andrew‘s Church and will be greatly missed. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Tavender are so grateful for the many kindnesses â€" during â€" their mother‘s illness and death. We of St. Andrew‘s are very appreciative of the lovely flowers sent to church for service on Sunday, A good grading job this week has taken the holes out of our roads. More road work going forâ€" ward along with telephone work. Our nice road hasits top coat on, drive on Birthday greetings to Derrick Peach, for November 28. With election coming up on December 3, nominations for Trusâ€" tees of the Village are as follows: J, Platt, N. Love, J. Farr, L. Peach, J. Metcalfe, C. Bourne, G. Hearn. Do get out and vote. Remember it is up to you who helps straighten things out in the village, We are a growing concern and need to be represented. Mrs. Gordon Shaw and Mr. A. Clark of Westmount will be our ward representatives on the school board. much better and safer to CGOOD REASONS WHY Thistletown Reâ€"examine building zoning byâ€"law. Demand larger school grants from Ontario Provincial Government. Petition Ontario Department of Highways to take over main travelled roads from Toronto and York Roads Commission. Value for your tax dollar. To answer the Amalgamation question. The ladies of the Institute have had a very busy two weeks. November 14 marked the occasion of their annual bazaar. Mrs. Henderson introduced Mrs. Farr who opened the bazaar, speaking most interestingly on the Institute as it was many years ago, and the fine work the WI continues to do as decade follows decade. A lovely bouquet donated by Mrs. Reeves, was presented to Mrs. Farr on the completion of her short talk. The bazaar was extremely successful with stalls almost bare by 9.30. No one will wish to miss the next meeting on December 12, when there will be a demonstration of wrapping Christmas gifts. Following this Mr. Cable, popular new teacher, gave a very interestâ€" ing and amusing talk on art in the schools. This seems to be a lesson (or is lesson the right word) which the youngsters enjoy very much, for here, notonly are their creative instincts allowed full reign, but the small repressions and annoyâ€" ances of everyday life which plague us all are worked out of their systems. Following Mr. Cable‘s talk, Mrs. Snyder moved a richly deserved vote of thanks to all those taking part, while Mr. Millard thanked the hostesses on behalf of all the gentlemen present, _ The evening‘s entertainment finâ€" ished with several games of bingo. The varied and interesting proâ€" gram continued with Mr. Lythe and Mr. Price of Humber Summit showing some very lovely coloured slides. The pictures of gardens in bloom, magnificent Niagara Falls, and our beautiful Ontario countryâ€" side brought great admiration from the audience. With Mr. Kell, minister of the United Church, very ably performâ€" ing the duties of master of cereâ€" monies, Mrs, Syned, assisted by Mrs. Deitrich at the piano, led a sing song while the tables were cleared. This everyone enjoyed immensely. Later on more music was provided by Mr. Lodge who delighted his audience with several well loved songs of yesterday, that was an example of pot luck, they were ready for more of the same any time. _ Melody Rd. Home and School Association held their regular meeting last week and everyone present enjoyed an interesting talk on the art programme for the schools, given by Mr. F. Shaw, art Glad to hear that Mrs. Bud Taylor is now feeling better after a bout with the flu. Last Thursday, the First Humâ€" berview Scouts and Cubs held a parents‘ night at Melody Rd. School. From all accounts a good time was had by all and it‘s debatable who enjoyed themselves the most, the parents or the boys. Birthday greetings to Naomi Bailey who was four years old yesterday. Harry Macdonald, Gayâ€" don Ave. also celebrated his birthday yesterday but he wouldn‘t tell me how old he was. Happy birthday, Harry. _ â€" MARY WEBBER â€":246â€"W Two of our lady drivers in Humberlea had the misfortune to get dents in the fenders of their cars last week. Another man driver wasn‘t looking were he was going and banged into Bessie Clyde‘s car. And a big tree got in the way of Peg Best, so she tried to knock it down. Never mind, glrll, bet your husbands couldn‘t do better. supervisor for North York Schools. In place of the regular meeting on December 12, the association is holding a euchre and social in the school auditorium. There will be l6ts of prizes and novelties and they are hoping for a good turn out. The next regular meeting will be in January and they have a very interesting speaker attendâ€" ing. There are over one hundred parents in the association now and there is room for many more. ¢‘ MHe Offers You â€" â€" â€" © Progressâ€"â€"® Business Ability “}\. Not P Monday, December 3rd Electors North York Township DEPUTYâ€"REEVE MAURICE T. H O O K ELECT VOTE to Ears To Hear With At the back of the nose are two tubes which send air into the midâ€" dle ear so that the pressure may be equalized on cither side. Very often, violent blowing of the nose may force infection into the middle ear, via the tubes, causing the hearing to become impaired. The nose should always be blown gentâ€" ly, one nostril at a time, so that infection will not travel into the ear. 64 18 6 Honestlyâ€"We Sell The Best Policy 29% MAIN ST. N. Bus. : Zone 4â€"718 Insurance Specialists Office Hours: Week Days: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ; Saturdays : 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. RONALD BROADBENT AGENCY RON BROADBENT and JOE DUNKLEY WARD 3 Other Times By Appointment THE Not Promises WESTON Res.: 1299â€"R or ME. 7598 DEVLIN‘S Modern For 1742 JANE STREET 1 Block North of Lawrence 3 COMPETENT BARBERS Barber Shop Fast Bervice Good Workmanship Give Us a Trial Information Zone 4â€"329

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