Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 15 Nov 1951, p. 9

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alumi~ panies alumi~ rd, ntil Not nce sed adian sed setâ€" less y. to ate enâ€" our the er stem da, & bar 4 ducts. ut 20 alumi~ ruck s i8 nthiy ,5008 J of the ate iniâ€" tice ils echaâ€" plant 12340 the in all ers for for rcial and try." rk. fron® ing )ne have nt to r in idea the bal and le« THURSDAY, When the citizens with requests for service cannot reach their elected members they fall back on the Clerk‘s department and the The budget for this department this year was $21,334 and the staff consists of an assistant Township Clerk, a purchasing agent, who is also deputyâ€" issuer of marriage licenses. and three stenographers. Under the Act, the Clerk also licenses and burial certificates. He has the authority to issue marriage must certify that the assessment roll is correct, and prepare the voter‘s lists. _ He prepares all cases for presentation to the Municipal Bpard, and arranges all advertising in connection thereâ€" with. in addition to his many regular duties, Mr. H. Hall is also secreâ€" tary to the Board of Health, the Hydro Committee and the York Township Housing Company. As Clerkâ€"Solicitor it is his reâ€" sponsibility to prepare and present to Council upon the authorization of the Committee of General Purâ€" poses, all byâ€"laws and reports. By statute the Clerk acts as returning Officer and is responsible for makâ€" ing all arrangements in connection with municipal elections, the takâ€" ing of the ballot and the announce~ ment of the results. The Clerk is really the secretary to the Counc!'l, and between Counâ€" cil meetings conducts the business of the municipality as directed by the minutes of Council. It is his responsibility to see that the minâ€" utes are properly recorded, deal with correspondence, and pass on to the heads of the departments concerned the sections of the minâ€" utes requiring their attention. or. _ The dual position w as created in 1941, when Mr. Howard Hail, K.C., then acting solicitor on a part time basic, was given the appointment by Council. The wisdom of that choice has since been proven by the very efficient manner in which the duties of this department have been carried out. The Clerk of a municipality is probably the most important ofâ€" fial employed by the municipality. In York Township the position is doubly important, because the Clerk is also the Township Solicitâ€" STARTS AT MOUN! THEATRE MONDAY, NOV. 19th Municipal Affairs y Reeve W. G. OF YORK TOWNSHIP 15, 1951 _ Canadian seed potatoes are highly regarded in the southern section of the United States, and often command a premium in price over seed from other sources. There also appears to be a good market in the southern states for Canadian table potatoes, apples, rutabagas, cheese, bacon and ham, beef and, possibly, for eggs of high quality., While cities in Texas, and probably Louisiana, obtain sufficient beef from within their own states to meet the needs of consumers, the production of beef is not sufficient to meet the demands of urban population in most of the other southern states. flvertising Paysâ€"Try It Prominent speakers on horticulâ€" tural and agricultural subjects have been obtained and numerous interesting films dealing with soil fertilization, landscaping, general gardening and other interesting features have been shown at recent meetings. The Downsview â€" Horticultural Society which was formed only last year is currently conducting a drive for membership. Any inâ€" dividuals who would be interested in joining the society is invited to attend the monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. at the Maple Leaf School on Russell Rd. response to the requests must be satisfactory for we receive very few complaints in this regard, and this courtesy to those seeking adâ€" vice and assistance is the objective of all departments. This will be the last of these series until after the elections have been held, and I want to take this opportunity of thahking the press for their very generous coverkge of these articles, which I hope have been enlightening to our citizens. Downsview Group Hold Drive For IV!emhbership (Bill) Beech Southern States Son of Thomas and Laura (Smith) Jones, the former Moderaâ€" tor was born in August of 1887, at Launton, Oxfordshire, England. He attended public school in the village until he was 10 years old, and then worked on a farm for six years. At 13 he was a boyâ€" preacher in nonâ€"conformist chapels in rural England, serving without salary and continuing his farm duties at the same time. The Very Rev. Thomas William Jones, D.D., minister of Calvary United Church, Montreal, Moderaâ€" tor of The United Church of Canada, 1946â€"48, died in Montreal recently at the age of 64. Dr. Jones suffered severe pains while attending an Executive Comâ€" mittee meeting of General Council in Toronto last May. He was flown back to Montreal and has been under hospital care practically ever since. Former Moderator Of The United Church Dies At Home In Montreal Weston Baptist Church on Main Street South, Weston, will mark their 44th anniversary next Sunday, November 18th. Rev. G. K. Tyler, the minister will be in charge of both services. The congregagion has held their services in the new church for three years, TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON i nmmnicnnn immmnatiimemm manimonttamneâ€"omiite AANP GUIPE. WESTON 44TH ANNIYVERSARY CELEBRATED BY CHURCH |jm===â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Surviving are his widow and one son, Ralph Leonard and one daughâ€" ter Margarét Bernice, now Mrs. Robert Darling, who has been livâ€" ing in the Philippine Islands, She formerly served with UNRRA in Washington. Raiph was a flight lieutenantin the RCAF. During the put 4?;(7)V§urs. 2091 members were received into Dr. Jones‘ Church in Montreal. As Moderator of the United Church of Canada, 1946â€"1948, Dr. Jones made it a point of visiting as many small congregations of the United Church:â€"as time would permit. He préached not only in every centre of Canada but in many important cities of United In 1921 he was appointed Chapâ€" lain, with the rank of captain, of the lith. Hussars Cavairy Unit, Eastern Townships Regiment, and until his death was a reserve ofâ€" ficer of M.D. 4, Montreal. In December of 1939 he proâ€" ceeded overseas as Senior Officer of YMCA supervisors, with the 1st Division of the Canadian Army where he served through the Battle of Britain. He returned to Calvary Church in October, 1941, He was a member of the Monâ€" treal Canadian Club, chaplain of the Heather Curling Club, Westâ€" mount; padre of the Montreal Gyro Club; chaplain of Remembrance Branch of the Canadian Legion; a member of the Joint Board of Governors of the Theological Colâ€" lege, Montreal; a member of the Board of Governors of Stanstead College, Quebeg; and has served as Grand Chaplain of No. 1 District, Montreal, of the Masonic Order. During his ministry Dr. Jones served as chairman of the Montreal Presbytery, as president of the Montrealâ€"Ottawa Conference, and as chairman cof the Board of Christian Education of the United Church of Canada. Among other interests he has Served as .president of the Monâ€" treal Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society; as a memâ€" ber of the Board of Governors of Sir George Williams College; the Verdun Protestant Hospital; the Montreal Association for the Blind; Advisory Council of Boys‘ Work in Montreal. in December proceeded overseas with the YMCA, with the rank of captain, serving with the transâ€" port service. He was discharged in 1920 after service in France and with the Army of Occupation in Germany. He returned to McGill in 1920, and was immediately asked to take over the pastorate of Calâ€" vary Church,. He graduated with the MA degree from McGill and with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity from the Congregational was ordained and inducted as miniâ€" College in 1921, the same year he ster of Calvary Church, where he has been minister ever since. In 1935 he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Emmanuel College. Toronto. He graduated from McGill in 1916, with a B.A. degree. That same year he was married to Hazel Quigley, and in the same month he entered military service ‘with the Canadian YMCA. He served in Valcartier Camp that summer and _ Dr. Jones came to Canada in 1910 under the auspices of the Colonial Missionary Society of the Congregational Churches of Great Britain in order to study in the Congregational College, Montreal, then affiliated with McGill Univerâ€" sity. On arrival in Montreal he deâ€" cided to attempt the full Arts Course at McGill, and for this purâ€" pose attended night school in Cenâ€" tral YMCA, Montreal, in order to matriculate into McGill. During this period he worked at various kinds of employment, serving in stores, lecturing, preaching, teachâ€" ing, etc. In 1912 he became studentâ€" assistant to the minister in Calâ€" vary Congregational Church. He was then apprenticed to the coachâ€"building trade and later worked in Oxford as a coachâ€" builder for a year, He then moved to Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, and worked for four years building motor cars and aeroplanes. While there he attended the County Grammar Schools in the evenings and became superintendent of the Mission Hall, serving voluntarily at weekâ€"ends. My small nephew‘s first report card, one of the informal letter types, was climaxed with the comâ€" ments: "Stanley contributes very nicely to the group singing by helpful listening."â€"The Reader‘s Digest. Dinner is festive when you serve fried peach halves with the meat. Simply dip the pnch’n in beated °gg, then in bread ¢rumbs, then pan fry. At the same board meeting James Y. Murdoch was elected chairman of the executive comâ€" mittee of the board of British Anierican. _ Mr. Murdoch _ has served as a director of Bâ€"A for 18 years, and is president of several large &ompanies including Noranâ€" da Mines Limited. 1284 Mr. Beringer, who joined Briâ€" tish American 18 years ago, has been viceâ€"president of manufacturâ€" ing for the past six years and was appointed a director of the comâ€" pany in 1950, He is also a viceâ€" president and director of B.A.â€" Shawinigan Limited, an ew petroâ€" chemical _ company â€" formed _ to manufaeture acetone and phenol. Milton S. Beringer has been clected chairman of the board of The British American Oil Comâ€" pany Limited, He succeeds Wilâ€" liam K. Whiteford who has been elected an executive viceâ€"president and director of the Gulf Oil Corâ€" poration, He represented The United Church of Canada at many Church Councils in Britain. In 1948 he returned to Europe to attend the Panâ€"Presbyterian Assembly in Genâ€" eva, and to serve as a delegate at the World Council of Churches in Amsterdam. More recently Dr. Jones had been serving on the United Church comâ€" mittee . conducting â€" conversations with the Church of Egland in Canada. 128456 Milton Beringer Bâ€"A Chairman States and Bermuda. Household wiring, base plugs, fixtures, stoves, oil burners and hot water heaters. and Fixtures Sold and Repaired ALSO GOOD USED WASHERS We specialize in hot water heaters and washing machine repairs. All work guaranteed. S. ROGERS ELECTRIC T. W. WALTON INCH‘S DRUG STORE Phone Weston 620â€"W PHONE 53 Cement Contractors CRANG & WOLFE ELECTRIC LTD. PROTON Septic Tanksâ€"Floors Drivewaysâ€"Sidewalks Sewers, Etc. Estimates Given TRUSSES All Work Guaranteed 12 HUNTINGTON BLYD. PLASTERING HOUSE WIRING Electric Appliance NEW WORK CORNICE and SPONGE CEILINGS A Specialty For Estimates Call 69 FALSTAFF AVE Weston 2142 Surgical Supports Elastic Stockings J. MILES at â€" Phone â€" DOUG CRANG Weston 1977â€"3 PLASTERING Weston 1408â€"W REPAIRS x * BUSINESS DIRECTORY + * MU. 4593 oâ€"44â€"4t Homes Visited EVERY SAT. 10 a.m. â€" 4.30 p.m. Tap, Acrobatic, Musical Comedy 'Foe Ballet, Baton Twirling Highland Dancing Lone 4â€"617 OX. 1442 xâ€"42â€"tf Attention Farmers We‘will be pleased to pick n: dead or crl“ged farm si and _ pay ghest â€" prevailing prices. For immediate service teleâ€" phone collect Weston 449, Toâ€" ronto, EMpire 3â€"3636. Oddfellows Hall, 30 Church St. Royal Conservatory 34 Main St. North ‘ Pianoâ€"Singingâ€"Theoryâ€"Violin Kindergarten Class Marion Demorest, L.T.C.M. WESTON 544 LL. 9240 EVELYN GOURLEY KETCHESON SILVER MEDALIST International Schools of Ballroom Dancing Residence 109 King St., Weston Ontario, Phone Weston 952â€"W. Samba â€" Tango â€" Swing Class and Private Instruction Water Lines Draing Footings and Septic Tanks E. TAYLOR â€" 1799 JANE ST. WESTON 1398 Fox Trot â€" Waltz â€" Rhumba WESTON SCHOOL OF DANCING 54 John St. Weston Zone 4â€"683 ERIC HOWARTH Gordon Young Ltd. 23 Joseph Students prepared for Royal _ Conservatory _ Examinations HELEN _ MAXINE MeIVER A.R.C.T. RM.T. 49 Boyd Ave., Weston â€" 136°W x47â€"tf PLUMBING â€" HEATING MODERN BALLROOM BLOXOM BROS. Heating Oil Burners KNOX LATIMER VERN HARROP FURNACES CLEANED ELECTRICALLY $4.00 STOKER & OIL BURNER SERVICE PHONE JU, 2507 or WESTON 255 Piano â€" Theory â€" Trumpet Special Attention Given _ _ To Beginners ELOCUTION â€" DRAMA ED. NORRIS FIRST CLASS PAINTING DANCIN G ELEMENTARY MUSIC (Under_ Direction Molly McGregor) Guaranteed WM. A. RIGGS 1230 JANE ST. â€" MT. DENNIS JUnct. 7996 or Weston 473â€"J Work Guaranteed GENERAL CARTAGE MovING STORAGE Anywhere â€" Anytime 125 Downsview Ave. PHONE ZONE 4â€"745 Plumbing MUSIC STUDIO PIANO TUNING BENJAMIN L. ROSE Piano Teacher NEW STUDIO Interior â€" Exterior Walls stripped. PLUMBING AND TRENCHING HEATING Phone Zone 4+711 WESTON 1097â€"M Terms Arranged PAINTING CARTAGE MUSIC AND Weston 1532â€"M Telephone LY. 0617 Mercury â€" Lincoln â€" Meteor SALES and SERVICE Parts and Service For All Ford Products 122 MAIN ST. NORTH WESTON 1916 JU. 08 BARRISTER, SOLICI!TOR Etc. Elgin 1863 Money To Loan 18 Toronto Street, Toronto DONALD P. WARREN Associate of ALEXANDER STARK 2104â€"Star Bldg. 80 King St. W Toronto WA. 4575 Barrister. Solicitor, etc. _ â€"Officeâ€" 330 Bay St., Toronto _ EL. 9880 Res.: 158 Church St., Weston & Zone 4â€"604 For appointment during day, phone office. For appointment during evening, phone residence. GEO. W. GARDHOUSE, B.A. ROdney 2455 Weston 152â€"W JU. 0769 G. W. BULL, B. Com. Weston 2138 , RO. 2106 Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers 29%, MAIN ST. NORTH Weston Phone Zone 4â€"757 Evenings By Appointment T Speers Ave. TORONTO 19 Melinda St. EM. 41825 s WESTON 1 Main St. N. Phone Weston Weston 193 OPTOMETRIST F. L. Mertens Phm.B., R.O. HOURS â€"â€" 9 a.m. â€" 12 noon 1.30 to 5.30 p.m. WED. â€" 9 â€" 12.30 p.m. FRASER and BULL J. EDGAR PARSONS TRACTORS _ We S In MOTOR TUNEâ€"UP WHEEL ALIGNMENT Philip E. Staite, Pick Up and Delivery MEL DAVIES || Weston 2101 GARAGE || MV.5772 GENERAL REPAIRS C. W. Leask CG.A. Barrister and Solicitor Barristers and Solicitors C. LORNE FRASER, M.A. â€"Residenceâ€" 106 MACDONALD AVE. WESTON 2126â€"W Cor. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 1017 Weston Road, Mount Dennis Certified Public Accountant 46 Main Street North Zone 4â€"575 F. A. SILVERMAN K.G. CRUICKSHANK GARAGE on CARS â€" TRUCKS MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES Evenings by appointment ACCOUNTANTS Barrister and Solicitor £.0. OPTOMETRIST WESTON, ONTARIO Eye Examination Prescriptions Filled 8 John St. WESTON 1902 J. T. FERGUSON Residence: RE. 1606 WESTON, ONT. SOLICITORS OPTOMETRIC A. C. HEAKES GARAGES Office Hours: Daily wEston, ont. ||| ** * PHONES Zenith 87500 oâ€"16â€"52 2215â€"W TAXI CABS BAKER Zone 4â€"700 RADIO DiSPATCHED For Faster and Better Service SUBâ€"PHONE At Jone & Wilson MAIN N. at Bus Loop 40 MAIN N. Weston 2100 Veteran‘s WINDER‘S TAXI LIMITED 6 Cars to Serve You Ambulance % WESTON 1500 â€" JU. 8827 TAXI 14 GUESTV JANE & LAWRENCE FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER REBUILT and RECOVERED SLIP COVERS DRAPES and BEDSPREADS CHAIRS and CHESTERâ€" FIELDS CLEANED 209 MAIN ST. SOUTH ZONE 4â€"456 Phone Upholstering ROWAN RADIO DISPATCHED W. J. WARD 24 HOUR SERVICE OFFICE Evenings Zone 4â€"780 ZONE 4â€"7177 UPHOLSTERING CHI UNDERTAKERS FLEET LINE TELEPHONE Funeral Directors T to 8 Gord. TAXIS 111

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