3W“ 8 "t: A The In Maple Leaf Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary are hold- ing a garden party on the lawn of Mrs. Brookbanktr, Maple Leaf Drive, on Wednesday, June 20th, from 2 to 4.30 pan. They are hav- ing home baking, upronI. candy. I white elephnnt ale. and there will be tea and to: cup tending. in: than: an In the oppor- tunity to mall, M noundl You" truly and in ill-bud um the vim:- " prison in a ducky spot hm. A lovely lunch wu served krill“ the evening, and utter it local talent provided much eater- mnment. Thnnkl for a mud we. On Monday, May 11th, the India of the Sowing Club took the evo- ning off and all went out for din- ur and a Ihow. Let’l hope they but! u good time. , WAY. TtMB " tMt Well, all there in left to '" is-- Don't forget to (in Esther his DI! nut My! 1yrers.ttetuiuuvtma.ttttr. lav!“ to tho “alum" party by Mr. And In. Town“ on Sut- Imhy. Jun. 9th, ad wut I lovely “no w. all had. The. ion to poop]. moat, and than included mUtiona an! triad: of our hunt and but“. turn the city. in well u poiuhbon. Than worn mm to make up two lots foe "we 'oteiasr, and tho Plnl Jam and iiiiiiiiiii'"jirjt-iiiiit- THE SURREWBUWENDISTRIGTS Notice Ttrllhsg Owners THIS 'li' THAT This by-law provides the following regulations governing dogs in the Township of Etobieoke. I. The owner, possessor or harborer of a dog must pro- vide same with tt registration number and license which may be obtained in the Township Treasurer', office. (Note this regulation applies regardless of the age of the dog). t. Dogs must not be permitted to run st large and if permitted to do so are liable to be captured and destroyed. Your co-operation in the enforcement u these pro- visions of the by-lsw is requested. PREFECT.. 1951 ..ANGLIA Limited lumber Only . . . . ..Available For Immediate Delivery... .'. . It Pro-Budget Prices Ford ond Monarch Doolon 9t MAIN ST. NORTH , PM“: Won» 47" - WISTON - Toronto: MUrroy 12756 Beverley Hills Ill-31711083]! "Mu-limb; MAPLE LEAF AND GRANDVI'EW" - Mm. W. Gerry, 1903 Trade - Terms - Cash LITTLE 3308. LIMITED UP To 40 MILES PER GALLON - LOW UPKIIP COST TOWNSHIP OF STOBICOKI IY-LAW NO. 6338 The Most Popular BRITISH-BUILT "CAR (Signed) Township Dog Catcher. BRITISH BUILT FORDS Mr. 3nd MIL'Cornerl and hm- ily of Middleport, Ont, visited Mr. and In. May on Sgnday. Dee out sympathy il extended to Mrs. gmyth uni lumily " Thistle. town in the loan of I dear husband and father. who passed away Fr!- day evening. at 2 o'clock. The Innual meeting of Elmlea Ritepnyeu took place Wednesday, June 8th. All officers were re- turned by modulation. There will be no meeting: during the lummor months. Jimmy Greenwood, Paul Stain- ton, John Jackson, Roy Jacklon and Gordon Cubil of the lat So don't forget that date-June 20th. The Int Mapu Leaf Scouts did very well at the Scout Camporee held in Kleinberg. There were ten boys, divided into two Imtrols One of the patrols received In A and the otUr a B. Birthday (rennin;- to Bend, Man. who will in (out you! old Jul. 13th. _ To Mrs. Smith, Br., Golfdowl Drive, [on our got-mu wilhu nnd - In. Smith had the misfortune to an and break her ankle in three places. She in col» fined to the hospital. A in tireuttoeI Tum-y, Jun. 19th, “and†"any to Bondy Pay-a. Second Av... who will be ah- yoou old In. 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Lu Jonu Ind Lind: spat put. of Int. wuk viiritfttg "Indon- ne-r Believing Ontario. . UM. lick, tttttre of Irwin Road will celehnu hig first bith. day June Mth. - no pry-icpogl eli.nie w_ill when l This week advance notice: are jgoing out to all the homes in 1T,1.?,'.,tl,ter,,'.t and Elmlu in prep- aration for the annual canvnu of a; dUtriet on behalf of the Upper Canada Bible Society, In nuxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Our auxiliary last yen!- distributed 148,886 volume: of the scriptures in forty-men languages halides Engli-h. Home as lame of them which mlkel it lound like minimal-y work in Canada: with how may are you aequainted- Kuoyn, Lwenl, Wenli, besides Re. brew, Ojibway. Hindi and most of the Eastern European languages. Collector: hope to be around next week; plane encourage them! The Saskatoon (thusk.) gagin- uring department chalked up I rocord when it moved 864 truck- load: of mov in one any from city trtreett. For the opening partner: of His ministry Jeane returned to Hi- home town had read from the Jew. ish seriptarea Horde written ueven hundred year! before by the prophet Inith. Ind admitted their npplication to himself by the em- phatie statement, "This flay in thin Icripture fulfilled in your ears". June came to punch the zonpel to the poor, to heal the broken-heart. ed, to bring deliverance to the cap- tives, light to the blind and liberty to than bullied by All the crueltiea of the evil one. So, by then miniltrations of love end Iymplthy the followers of Jesus are living out Hie life in the lpirit of His own words, “Inasmuch " ye did it unto one of the least of these ye did it unto me.†When this is supported by earnest, believing prayer and endorsed by person-1 testimony to the love and power of God the church will we the kingdom of God growing and ex- pending. Mr. Tod Clerk w ch. much" It mule. Chunk on Sunday. On the bet two Sud-In the subject- ‘were the Christian" “Love to God" and “Love to cum". Following on than two, the Inland result in “Love to In". The textual inspir- ation wu found in the word: of the 18th "no of the togrth chapter of Luke’s gospel in which our Lord condoned th. tem- of Bis com- mie-ion on earth. Thou who be. lien on Him and whole heart- have been captured by Bis love Artt both obligated Ind privileged to reflect that love and eoetsideration upon than with whom they come in contact. Thir, then, mun: that Christinnity 1: I very pnetical thing and the Christian one to which Chrint panel on His com- mission for daily tttlfiBrrtertt. We but In. Low“. In. Ward And Mr. Ball.) in in on " the lint our}. E in: ths m brides. tut-_-tth-.. s'ltttg'htlrtdrxl,"ati UM f. 7 _-_ - , 7V", f/tttttgtg','.'.".',',,,',',':," 4th Wuhan?“ mic-mum’s}; WWWMWMM Humberviow-Mount Dennis lottll “Minion of Girl Guides held their final muting for the lummer. They no holding their picnic on Thundny. June 21, to Muulcmon'l lec no we hops the weatherman Fi'; L' kind to ml. The first mut- rlnt for the In" union will be an lsm 14. Try to brine I new mom- her with you. Hope you .11 hive A ivory pin-am mum-r Ind also Pt you I" enjoy your nations. Jim Mnrjorum, nephew of Mrs. W. Wiley, suffered a very bad sc- eident just after commencing his daily work. One srm is in a cut, Ind the other had 37 stitches in the front shoulder; the arm in the cut had 17 stitches and I tom tendon in the lower arm. This is the result of a machin. interruption and pieces of metal flying in all direc- tions. The doctor It St. Jouph’s Hospital where Jim was rushed slid that if his mind hadn't! been on his work the results of such an Iceldent would have been fatal. Jim makes his home with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiley, Ind had just completed his univer- sity year and was just in his third week of omployment It ths Acme Screw and Gear, Weston, Rd., To. ronto. Hope you will soon get the use of your arms, Jim. Sorry thin piece of news wu loft out Int week. Mrs. A. Prahl Md Ion, Chris, war. vinimrs with Mr. Bttd, Mn. W. Moore, Mrs. Pnhl'l parents. They returned home to Stowe, Vermont, U.S.A.. Int wank am A month'l my in Humber Summit. Welcomo to our new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Ind daughm. Ethel. Hope you will like our die Viet. Brownie Mathew Auxiliary, Itt, we their last "with. Int" the nu, when the uni mum win it held " the home of In. I. Selma, Mill Rd. Ind Emily a, numb" Summit. 8ept. I. Don't for- .“ the 182 Brownie monk July 6 to Deadly Park, Pin. Gm» The 1001] fire brig-do u author. ized to recruit nbout 10 new mem- bers to train with the present bri- glde in civil defense work. Thou men partieularly trained or inter. ested in first aid or other emerg- ency mutter: are asked to file per- sonal applications with either Fire Chief Cus. Jordan or the brigade secretary, S. C Heldon, It the salient pouiblo opportunity. Thin move in not melnt to mule my concern to the general public, but is just n security Icheme in which the local men Ire taking I keen inter. Olt and which will be a benefit to All should In emergency nrise. To- ronto and surrounding communi- tiu It. comidered to be within 1 da-rm" Ire; should Another war develop Ind these schemeg to train I eertain number of men in nah district il now commencing. We are very glad to hear Mrs. C. Donn in coming along fine and will be home this next week, Ill be, ing well. Mu. Donn hag been in the Plumber Memorial Hospital, We» ton, undergoing In operation. Mrs. David Evnm left Humber Summit last Thursday evening In route to the west, Prince Albert, Stukatehewart. Mrs. Evans wu ox- pecting to mike her home with her mother and sister, Illa Mm. Evans wu hoping to be home in time to give I Bible. Hope you had . pleas. Inf. trip. The Home and School Anodi- tion will be held on Jun. 28. Every- one welcome. Being the [sat meet- ing of the nelson, we would like I toad numbn- out. How About. in Lawrence Henry "Visited hi: grandparents, Mr. and Mm. J. B. Henry, Knox Ave., Humber Mun.. mit. Tht next 1nd final immunisa.. tion clinic will be held on Thun- day, June 21, It 11 um with Dr. C. Hill in chugo. Contrra_tuletioru to Mr. and In. J. Devin] on the birth of a baby girl, Lillian Faye, on May 26. Birthday greetings to Mm. C. n J ohmon, Knox Arc, Humbor Bum. mit; Mr. W. Johnson, Kettloby, and I “young" Indy who celebrates her 84th birthday, Mrs. Duncan. Many hlppy returns. Belated greetings to Mrs. Wont, tucker of 2 Ind 3 in Humber Mun. mit school; Illa to Win. Robert. "tend Doug George. My m " 00 has. ad In. A. “In, Huntingdon Av... all Satin". Rd., 1 plastic dame» "mtionnmaewenbrHm.v.. Tux-nu, Duke St... Tomato. Than won “out 20 Indie. Print. his. vim:- woro In. S. Thornloy. Woodbridge; Mrs. Matt Campbell. Rumba: Summin; In. Godlny, Sn. VII-uncut. After I" goods had bun shown (that. wu quill In "sortment) dainty ulna):- menu were urvod by the haiku. uni-ted by Min Maroon Godfrey and Mm. Reid. Notice: anyone wilhing to his I bu- trip to Crystal Bach, upon- sand by the Memorill Committee. Humber Summit, mmemtor tho " in going on July 28, instead of Au- gust 4. Tickets can be hnd from Mr. Pnrkel, Graham Ava. Visiting with My and Mrs. G, Grits: this Int week ware Mr. and Mrs. Glen Critel. Glen in a brother of Gain-u. Mr. and Mm. McKenzie mat the week-end getting their cottage fix.. ed Nldy for vncntion time. Accom- pnnying them Wu Cecil Attwell. Their summer home is at Round Lake near Peterborough. m:ln.J.l.I-r Humber Summit There wu quite . bonfire up Laney near Dalner int Fridny. In hot it lit up the nvina quite nicely. It seemed like I pretty good party too. - Article; for publicntion may be paused on to Mae Wallbank, 31 leer Ave. _ There has been a marked de- crease in car Ipeedl around the development since last week. f,', makes it I lot easier for t e women who are constantly watch- ing their children. , We cannot get phones in our home: for the prount we know, on account of the Bell Telephone Company hlving insufficient lines. But we do believe that in all fairnen there could be " lent one Juliane booth mulled on .each street. There in no difference be- tween installing public phones in Walton or North York, except that nervice should be provided more no in Oakdale Acres inumuch as people here do not uve any pri- vate phones whatsoever. To Mr. and Mm. M. Haddow, 6 Rooalie, eorurratultttiotu on the baby girl. A couple of people in Snowden have naked that perhaps the people who leave their garbage cum out- side all week long could be in- duced to put them in the base, ment. A garb-go an in lummer can be I very sorry looking mess indeed, with all the flies around it. To Mrs. M. Martin of 14 Hay- muket, welcome to Oakdall Acrel. But more Bo, I great big welcome to Canada. Mn. Martin bu been in Can-d1 two weeks. She’- from England. Advertising Pai-Try It Attaining: the manger, Bell Talo- phono Co., Wanton: wo columnist would like to draw your “tuition to the fut that than have been nun-mun complaint. with the phones service in Onkdolo Aaron. Then we at meant ISO familial in the development. For than name 120 “milieu the Bell Telephone Co. bu provided one public phone booth. One phone booth in to urve I woman with I yam baby three blocks away. The lune phone booth Ierves the 120 hmillel in teeming rain, mow, or what will you have. This in hurdly adequate! WW Oakdale Acres ON FRIDAY, JUNE 15th, 19St, lift _ tbatsg. Special ' TWO GARMENTS ran THE PRICE or one In. flu)“: u LONE! AVE. 1041/2 MAIN STREET NORTH On Sunday, June 17th two upo- cial genie» will be held, 11 mm. and 8.15 p.m. Special speaker! and special music. Monday, 18th, I congregational Social will be held and manic by the choir of St. Clair Church of the NIZIMO. A week of wortrhipful Mervin: are planned from Sunday June 17th until Sunday, June 24th in the new Riverside United Church, cnrner of Wallasey and Main Street North. " the old tNing carries nanny dear memories it it. Many who have grown up with the old church will find it hard to realize that it has fulfilled its life of service and that a new one “and: ready in in stead to carry on God’s work. Tuesday, 19th. Ukeshore Male Choir. Mr. C. Minty the speaker. -Continued on â€(a ' Riverside Uatud Clinch“ held their mud - School pienie on Sunday, Jan 9 " Exhibition Park. “all“. My Ichool Sunday School hon ball team on planned to mum ther beat Hurd- in: boys 11-11 and Elventon Park boy: 28-9. They plan to beat the Riverside married men', tum on Tuesday wooing, June 12th. If you want to II. some fun, come to Rumba-side School Tuesday night. They are still ehallengintr Ill comers for on exhibition some. Please contact Mr. Smith 1889 Wilson Ave., or Mr. Cook 623 Mlin St. North or give me a call on the phone. Can an gtvailaltU to take the boys to game: that can be "ringed It a muonnble distance away. Riverside United Church held their last service in the old church last Sunday, June 10th. It WI! I glad and yet somewhat sad service " the old bulging farries mnguy ALBION PARK 1 Block North of Lunch“ GOOD FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Devlin’s Modern Barber Shop Keep That Fresh look Vilic Your Barber Often uh'iiEmiI-n. mu 3 COMPETENT BARBERS 1m JANE “an? My! I“ Ills-J NEXT DOOR TO THE M-Y THEATRE 1910 JANE ST. MARATHON () . 2l" ytar vow/41¢ iiT:i'ii'i'i" in2htsaddsirte iti'ii egg-.mrzawmawmm cr Gooiirgnhiiiyi Cannin- Bathroom layouts Wat-'1 Pumping Equip-Int FCMI‘M. PROMPT, COURTEOUB AMT“)! so REPAIR CALM ZONE 4-“. IWAV‘ was, a. WEE-prior 722a: litptd at1iiiiiiil,iPi'irf,lq '5'me -iaGiiriiik LBOKM‘IIIS I." -w---'"""" ITS "tit!..?:, I'll-III; And luau t iu.rsstod_isGoetdr-llu-b- SCALES GARAGE OF ANOTHER BRANCH STORE Indium-“M mm 1.08 Ertriil AT " LAMITON MY. ZONE bM8