' liven! Vacating parties '0" hold "an“: In the MM. A In†on VI. [inn by Mr. Phil Judson and Ilia Jun swim of Tomato. " Mr. and In. lobbie- d " Email Down. Drive on But. my. This Wu also the occuion of Mr. Robbie's birthday and tin highlight of the evening in the cutting the Aur. birthday an The mm had a "and owning and then was modern Ind old-time dumb; with nun-en being and by Mr. Robbie. A lovely buffet lunch wu nerved and Min Stew-rt looked charming in navy and white with I cur-axe of pink carnation: Ind pale blue outrich plumes. The party broke up in the small hours with everyone tired but very happy. Many happy returns, Gerald! On the previous evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. Forbe- of 17 Epsom Downs Drive an a party for some of our teen-ture" and their friends from Toronto. I Beverley Hills ALBION RD. PHONE WESTON 1967-W 18 Years Personal Experience Behind Every Phase of . Your'Order. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK NOW OF' CANADIAN AND AMERICAN STRIPES AND SOLID COLORS A FASHION MINDED COIFFURE DESIGNED FOR YOU! As a companion to your EASTER bonnet. Make an early appoint- ment for your Easter Permanent. 1122A WESTON RD. (At Eglinton) Fascione Beauty Salon MASTER CANVAS CRAFT M. Order Early ESlilIlllIllliE A Word to the MM . (malty-Ila†I mm In... K.. W. MARIO 'tteg-O"" . Mm,mmw t--t-motr-rr-m.rtr-ertt-t-r'tt'"" Time To Look To Your Personal FROM THE SURROUNDING DISTR Just Around The corner! Muddy York? Am we over in itt Gruesome isn't itt However, wring bu yet to com. On the 2ist a house euchre was held at the home of In. Wm. White, Gaydon Ave to raise funds for the F the Canadian Log on No. 28 . n enjoyable evening wu had by a and a lovely luncheon was served by the social committee. The prizes were " follows: lat, Mrs. A. Sharpe, Wallasey Ave., a silver compost dish; 2nd, Mrs. T. Wu- ton, Jasmine Rd., a cup and saucer; consolation prize, went to Mrs. A. Scott, Elmhurst, 8 pkgs. jelly; door prise wu won by Mrs. Dick Foster, Wall-Icy Ave., I pair of nylons. Conupondnnt: Mae Scott, Plum 2153-1 MU. 1332 Thofluioomltobontiupesk in Humberlu, and I eoaldn't be- gin to mention I" the name: I have u molt of the‘homel In“ it but we will! a Ipoedy recovery to everyone, and Humberview School wu cloud from Int Tues. " till the following Monday. The Goodfallowship Club met at the home of Mrs. John Wray of Weston (one of our former mem- bers) on Feb. 20th. Owing to the epidemic of influenza, several members were unable to attend. The programme was in the line of music and Mrs. Campbell was gnu: speaker. Quilting; were planned and tickets for the play were distributed for our members to Bell. A social held at Mrs. Codlins on Feb. 16th in aid of the Sunday School was well attended and a nice Bum was realized. Mr. and Mrs. Lapp of Toronto visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pews on_Prid!sy last. - __ J Mrs. McGee and non How-rd from Montreal were visiting here [at week " the (neat: of Mr. Ind Mrs. Ed Bull, Walluey Ave. It wu brought to my attention that I hadn't mentioned the "Elmer" fUtt which is flying at Humberview School. We are quite proud of it, and hope to see it up there for a long time. Mr. Cec. Best “tended a large Bingo " the Maple leaf Gardens and won the 8100. prize, but un- fortunately it had to be divided and Cee. got $16.75 as his share. We of Humberlea send our deep- est sympathy to the family of Mr. Lewis, Main St., who was acci- dently killed on the highway on his way to Humberlee Church on the 18th. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to all at our sick friends, both young and old, who are shut in." A date to remember is Thurs- day, March 8th, our general meet- ing at the school at 8 pm. Next week I mar be able to give you more information about coloured pictures, etc., for this meeting. Birthday greetings to Miss Jean Given on Feb. 19th and Mrs. Penn on Feb. 23rd. T Paul Thomson who will be four years old on Feb. 28th. Mr. Alex Baptie who cele- brates his birthday on March lst. Happy birthday to you all. Little Brian McCIrrol, Wallasey Ave., is imptqving alter being sick with measles. Our school has been visited by the Etobieoke Traffic Safety Council giving demonstrations of szety Control to children. Birthday congratulations go to Billy McCarrol who was 11 yrs. old on Feb. 20th. Correspondent: Mu. J. Gunmen SMITHFIELD MARCH 5,6, T, S, S-- 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS REGARDING FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES T See Loblaw ad on page 10 for details WESTON MUSIC & RADIO MOUNT DENNIS THEATRE 1236 WESTON ROAD '-,,d,// Loblawkig Cooking School kii A representative of Mrs. Young of Riverbend Park, has been confined to her home, through arthritis, for a few months but we hope she will soon be able to be up and around again. Birthday [mum to Guy Playtex, Dunc Plum! liver“. Dries, Rumba! Suntan; Elana Godtrw, Mtratiatrdott Bhd., Wu- ton, Graham Grant and has Pith. Humber Summit; Into: Chub! Funny, Borden Street, 3.8. Don't forget the Bmvnte Motte en Auxiliary meeting will be held at the home of Mm. c. Leechmu, Borden that. Km]: 1th. Flo-u come and bring I friend. Dance to be held on ISItmday, March 3, in the Memorial Hall. Woodbridge Road, the dunes that was planned or Saturday, Feb. 24, had to be cancelled owing to sev- eral of the orchestra being ill with 'flu. So don't forget Saturday. March 8rd. Mrs. Mary Barrett wishes to be remembered to all her friends in Humber Summit. You can send her a card to this address. Mrs. Mary Barrett, c/o Runnymede Hospital, St. Johns Road, Toronto 9. It will help out a great deal. Part of a notice gent to all par- ents from the principal, Mr. P. C. Sues in regards to dogs being in the school yard. Can parents not see that the dogs be either kept indoor or fastened up until after the children have gone to school. Safety first you know. The Cubs and Scouts are meet- ing in the church basement every Friday evening until further nodce. Sympathy of the district goes to the family of the late Mr. Green, florist for many years in Humber Summit and who passed away last week. Glad to report the following as able to be up and out again, Ken and Roger Madman, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Richardson. and Mrs. Me- Kenzie is feeling a lot better now, as in Mr. Hendry of Riverbend Park. The jewellery dem6nstration was held at the home of Mrs. D. Busby, last Thursday. It is the hobby of a man who has been very ill, and can't carry on his regular em- ployment. So please watch for the next time the demonstration hap- pens to be in the district and try and attend. The Brownies of the 132 Pack held an open night last Wednesday, when parents and friends visited the Pack, to see how a. Brownie carries on her work. Rev. Dr. Ross 0n the trick list this last week, are Mr. and Mrs. C. Jordan, Pat Johnston, Charleen Johnson, and Kennie Parkes, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Parke: was taken to the Sick Children's Hospital today. The three McQuinn children, Nonie, Larry and Patrick, have recovered from a tonsil operation. Hope you will Boon be in good health. of the Woodbridge Presbyterian Church was a very important Wilt-Ll!†Humber Summit BRAEM AR AVE will be at the MoUsEHoLB---FHtE---AUT0 INSURANCE Your Frigidaire dealer FRANK STEWART Stewut Agencie- ‘M and will. tho nil“! hr.- id M in Dr. lol- Hi It. c, my, about may. a on... ‘M. and in they Iim6 tt In for: 11m both " Ito-Nu Ard m My m, u 'that in in their pro-h- milk a! others, not on“ Al it Punched to be "_iving by" it VII- a very â€growing Fir At the end a the meet- lie, than wu I homo bake ule, some cakes mad. by parents nmt friends, and also eahea and cookie- made by an Brownies themaeives. .Many thanU come from Brown Owl, Mrs. C n, to all who helped make thil 2,'ll W “In . Iuccess. I see little Verna Warm is up and around again after being gick. I Birthday greetings to like. Mill, Elmshurst Drive, for March 5th. Also to my nephew, Tommy Whitney, who will celebrate his birthday on March 5th. Don't forget the Batons,"- meeting on March 12th a 8 o'clock, schoql room, Bordon greet. Mr. Baughurst, is still laid up, but I hear he is on his way to re- covery. Mr. Field, Elmhurst Dr., is feeling better, also Mrs. Jack- son, Third Ave., is up and around again after having the flu. Mrs. Lewis, Sr., Albion Road, is laid up with the Ulu, Deepést sympathy is extended to Mr. K. Stainton, Irwin Road, whose mother passed lwny_Fridny. On Sunday, the nice weather saw a few more go out to church. Mr. Clarke took for his sermon "Urd Was It P' from Matthew M, 14-25. The Last Supper and Betrayal. The 30th Psalm "A Song of the Lord's Deliverance" was read in unison. The Wednesday Bible Club for the children is being held at 4 o'elock. Delmond Delaney, Ken Beans, David Ware, Katheryn Pooiey, Mildred Shepheard and Diane Wiley, trll these children have been any from school through flu. Hope all of you will won be able to get back to school. 1 On Monday, February 19th, a 1social evening waa held in the church. Mr. T. Clarke gave a brief but interesting talk. A trio of girls from the Toronto Bible College rendered beautifully a number of selections. A duet from Weston sang a lovely hymn: We hope to hear from these girls in the near future. Mr. Clarke showed a num- ber of slides on the new projector. The ladies then served refresh- ments and a delightful evening came to a close. The regular church service at 11 o'slock and the special service on Sunday, March 4th at 7 o'clock Belated birthday greeting: to Linda Jones, Golfdown Drive, who celebrated her third birthday last week. Deepest sympathy in extended to Mr. Whitehad and family in the loss of a dear wife and mother. Corretspondent: Mn. Cubi- ELMLEA ’ ZONE 4-352 nun-hum»,- -.ettthooaiatoduet to-nduartM.-ur. Th null-r - " in Wang Auxii-qritl nut in threhtueh IoWMuU o'clock. Additional District News On Page 9 1742 JANE STREET 1 [Hook North of Lawton. Devlin’s Modern Barber Shop ASPIRIN Small, 12's â€II: Large, 100's W79: SAVE Tte COD LIVER OIL, 16 01., no. 89c .-qrrrrrrr-.w'__r_"rr-.-__--_.-mF_r___ ,. _ VITAMIN B-l TABS, 100's, 300's, no. Me, 79:19:, LAXATIVE VEGETABLE mas, 36's, mg. 25e,_.........,.........., A.S.A. TABLETS, 5 grains, 100 for _ "-'-_w"r9r_rr_...re-w.t.qr....-....-..r- LINSEED MEAL, l.D.A, Brand, T2 oz. canon, no. Mk........, CALAMINE LOTION, l.D.A. Brand, 4 and 8 01., rogulorly and Mc,..,.......,. V-FT. VVT TrT T _r_______ .. VVPV_P» .. ttT ml“, PENETRATING LINIMENT, I.thA. Brand, no. 45c 50mm... WA â€CARE, I.D.A., 4, 18, 16 01., W. loc, 15e, may CREAM, I.D.A. am, Ifrr 'etr,ttry1etyA?E ' COMPETENT IARBERS ASK YOUR I.D.A. DRUGGIST ABOUT OTHER POPU; LAR PRODUCTS ON WHICH YOU CAN SAVE " BUYING THE LARGE SIZE. Dr. Chan’s New. Food ........ ays-69e,. 18trs--$1.8--Ser" Me Ex-lax t__tr.r...-.mr....t.......0..r.mm.F..m.... 6's--15; 18's-33e-Save 12e Funamint m'-p.t-t'mm.m"r..'..._'r'""""". 8's-19c-, 36's-d9o-Save 16e Frosst's 217 Tablets w................... 12's-35c,. 40's--7k-Servq qle Frosst's Noochomicul --_ __ Food w...;........... 7% ox.-$1.35,. 46% oz.-$4.95-Sa" $3.15 Malian Balm .................W._.r'_'.._ 2 oz.-33c; 9 oz.-97c-So" 5te Jargon: Lotion m............... 3 ox.-A3e, 13h oz.-$1.t0-Serv. Me Johnson's Baby Powder ............ 4 can-29c; 9 oz.-4re-Sove " lady Esther Face Cream .................... lh or.-39e,. IO or.-)-'- $tz10 Cream .................... lh or.-39e,. IO oz.-$1.50-Sor. $1.10 lysol mw..w.....m...e-..F..e.....m_m'w 2h oz.-39e,. 16 01. $Mtr-Serv. 99e Mecca ointment ....._.. 96 or.-),. 6h or-tlm-So" $1.64 Noxuma m.....rwr.r......... " oz.-55e,. 14 or-tLW-Ser" $1.93 odo4lo-No Cream ..-....-. it oz.-MSe,. 1.6 tm-dee-Serv. Me ALKAGELT2ER.............. tr'sNt-25's 68¢ Ivy tho LARGE " and SAVE 33: Absorbim Jr. __........ 4 ox.-$1.19,. 12 ox.-$2.39-Sr" $1.13 Aimick ,...‘................... " ox.-89er 15% or.-$t.89-Srvo 6le Alphamenes ............_......... 23's-$1.00; 10tys-$3.9-Set" Me Amm-Ldem Paste ................ 1.3 ox.-33c; " oz.-89c-Srve Ble, Baby’s Own Tablets .......r.mmm..r__rr_ 3trs--2N 8trs-d9o-Sovo " Mann: _....................... 1.08 oz.-=9e,. 4 oz.-59e-Sw. Me Buckley: Mixture .................. 2% oz.-9k,. " oz.-75e-Sav. " Phillips Magnuic ............... 12 01.45:; 26 oz.-49c-Sa" Me Sal Hopmka m.t..m.....t...m.. " oz.--39c,. 13 oz.--)-"" 95c Scott's Emulsion .r.......... 6% oz.--),. 14% oz.-$1.19--Sr" Me Suave .__._.wV.VV_.V...r.........F...._P.. 2 oz.--doe,. 4 oz.-95c--S- 25c Templeton's T.R.C's *...m._..Fwr 15's-doe, 216's.-$5.0ty-Sav. $3.64 LY. 1316 WESTON Mt. At Inna-wood N o INCREASE IN PRICES DRUG STORE ZINITH [6-100 (No To! Chm) BARTII’S - ijilii" #1107: g') 'jij'ti'i, DETTOL ANTISEPTICay oz. iet-1 5 o..T.75 L Buy tho LARGE SIZE and SAVE 6le POND'S Cold Cream t.8 oz. "F-T m.1.25 Buy the lARGE " and SAVE 34: I a Frei are beet -/ikiiLs homo Seltzer ENO'S lh"tllg 1PANA IIM' Small, " _ 29: Small, 4 or 59: 91mm m - Large, 40's 98e Large, 8 oz. 98e tlf.: 1867):. kg ttl; P, It. ttt 4 ox.-$1.19,. 12 ox.-$2.39-Servo $1.13 . " ox.-89er 15% tm-$i.89-Srvo 61e ......... M's--$1.00; 10tys-$3.9--St" Me -.-- 1.3 ox.-33c; " oz.-89c-Srve " .....r.mrr..r__rr_ an--2N 'trs-ah-sat" SAVI i7: DRUG STORES â€MOO-SLR. Wu.- â€MOM“ SIMPSOI’S onus stun: BANK or MONTRIAI personal gawk Competitive Price Plus Personal Service SAVE 10: Js-ar.." Special Value: and Reminder! for THURS. FRI. . SAT. 63e '" III "I ’11: 25c '" I9: 'Aer so: Ola-n PM. Small (IO c.c.) .... 95e LARGE i50 cc.) 3.†Ivy tho largo 5b. and Son 26e Small (3 oz.) ...... 23e LARGE (1401.) .98: My new in: Icky Oil with LmMrt Small (5 oz.) ...... 65e LARGE _i12 oz.) 1.19 Buy the Largo 5k. and Son '7. Small t5'st' ......... 2Se LARGE (40's) - I.†in large 8b. M and Son Ste _ WILDROOT ,CIlAM-OIL Small (201.) ........99e LARGE (83202.) L†“I. Sta. M tht',',': 5!. [SEEKERS TAMPAX ilirfiiliW2 MEAD'S DELIVERY ALWAYS SAVI "