This spring also will see the Icheme It Aurora (ought pain. We hope to have supporting arms and Iota of equipment. So fellows, watch the Ranger column for big thin“ to come.. This spring will see the old m. ditionnl Fort York ceremony agnin as every spring. This year we hope to have I very distinguished vili- tor u will be Inter Announced. ADVERTISING PAY! - TRY IT Training is carrying on It the usual rite in the various wings, Gunnery, D Ind M and Wireless. Plans have been drawn for A Mil- lion-ire: Night to he held very soon, so watch your queen's York Ranger column for nignu of same. It will be announced in plenty of time for you to mike the fun. Saturday evening saw the lust of the officers baseball club. The finals hue now begun, no until next year we must wish them the best of luck and may next'yeAr'l iery he bigger and better. The Queen's York Rangers had‘ an association dance on Fridny. March 4, with 1. good band Ind general merry makers on hand. The NCQ's und\men had a very good time and hope that it will, not be long until another such night is held. I Recent renovations inside the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Weston have no doubt given the clerks a hectic time but they will eventually mean an improved sit- uation for both customers and clerks. Counters now are on three sides of the room giving the em- ployees more working room and the customers better service with three teller cages! Renovations also in- elude new linoleum on the floor surfaces of the bank. Forecast to he opened "on or about April lst", the new Tot and Teen Shop should be a welcome ad- dition to Weston businesses. This shop will be owned and operated by Mryand Mrs, Lorne A. Ritchie and it will be located in anew extension to the soda bar bus waiting-room on Main St. North. . - Modernization and expansion of business premises on Weston’: Main St. continue to take place in fond hopes of the eventual mod- ernization of Weston's Main Street. J. T. Farr & Sons' mater car show room is being given the latest ap- pearenca with new large show win- dows, I central door, and beautiful flowers. Offices have been moved away from front of the building to enlarge the show-room alpaca. Al- ready, several outstanding chm have been exhibited here. A communication and copy of the thaw bill was sent by Mr. Adamson to M ministers of West York, and also a copy forwarded to the Wea. ton Tory Association. l The not is designed to mend the the Criminal Code to cover the one of those inguina- and periodic-ls commonly culled “crime comics". the publication of which is recently leg-l, but which it in widely felt tend to the lowaring of maul: and to induce the commission of crimes by juveniles. The purpose is to do.) with these publications not by im- mune a direct censorship or by â€that prohibition but rather by providing in general terms, that the ptttrlietstion and distribution " defined in the Act shall be illegsl And thus lowing it for decision by the court apti/ or jury, in accord- Ince with the norm-1 principles prevailing st u criminal trial to de- termine whether or not the public. tte in question falls within the efinitioa, The Act wns mended by adding the following: (d) prints, publishes, sells or distributes any meg-zine, periodical or book which exclus- ively or substantially comprises mutter despieting pictoriallr the commission of crimes real or fic- titious, and thereby tending or likely to induce or influence youth- ful persons to violate the low or to corrupt the morals of such persons. ': M B. Minn}. ml:- ‘W 'mMiieast at the Wanton I†mum mutton, u:- nouuod thi. wuk. that Rodney Adan-on, MP {or Wont York ha minted hi. 5W of a mu intro- dmd by Mr. R. D. Fulani, PC member tor Kamloops down. with erimo comics and their itsf1uettee up John“. dolinquency. Export WW??? Ward-w Am. By DUSTY RHODES TILE BATHROOMS . FLOORS - SINK! MANTLES, ETC. OWN OPICS QUEEN’S YORK RANGERS R. INGLE nshi "lg?“ l29I-J l Unfortunately, we on do little or nothing about such a situation arising. All we can ask is thlt you, the customer, will plane co-opente with us and your carrier by insist- ing on your reeeipt,--the punching 101 your cud and the curler": card. IWon't you please help your cutie: in this seemingly small but impor- tant matter? gross. Atomic research in Canada mny produce better wheat crops in Australia, Prof. G. M. Schrum, phy- sics professor " the University of British Columbia, told the Austrsi- in mud New Zealand science con- l A reliable boy is one of the most important assets or aids to any newspaper. Gordon Millar of 1579 Jane St., who has just left us we: tone of those kind of boys. It was a rare occasion when Gordon received ‘my complaint and rarer still when (the fault was entirely Gordon's {From his conduct in the office and ,whst we heard from a few of hi.s {customers we know thst Gordon ‘was always courteous to his 1rcustomers and was fair to them by ikeeping an aceotmt of their psy- lments regularly both on their cards iand his own. Gordon also co-oper- jated fully by showing "the ropes" Ito the boy that is taking his place. .Thanks, Gordon, and heist wishes. _For A Speedy Recovery Continued from page I--. boy's cards and upon the boy punch- ing their curds. As a result, the carrier is out this money for papers which he has delivered, the custom- er is paid up, and the Times and Guide has one worried paper boy, and several dissatisfied customers. Several of our carriers have been on the sick list. Beth Sainsbury has just recently recovered from her illness, we're glad to hear. Marilyn and Paul Weisbrod both have the' measles now but we hope they‘ll be better real soon. Paul Roe has been laid up with a sprained ankle for several weeks now..Seems he had one mboggan ride too many. Hope you’re all better by the time you read this Paul. Jor enquiries about carrier de- livery or, mail subscription, phone 4-239 ' ' Customers Check l A new campaign is beginning ;next Thursday to get more T t G readers and build up the routes of our carriers. These hard-working lads and girls get In extra big bonus for every customer they get, by showing them the value of the T a G--loeal news, sports, want Idl, ettterttintnent,"prsrsonals, etc. Won't you help them by giving in your name if your not s subscriber nlresdy, or if you are subscribing, by giving the name of s neighbour or friend whom you think might want to subscribe too? A Relisbls Boy ' Teh carrier boys and girls who deliver your Times h Guide to the door are the main subject of this column. Also cirrn1ltstion new: of interest to the general reader is related here. Won't You Help? CARPENTBY REPAIRS .-,ALTERATHLN8 KITCHEN CUPBOARDB NEW HOUSES P, J. MARTIN " Lila Ave. Home "tata AT YOUR DOOR A. PURKIS ELECTRICIAN Plum t 12418 WESTON II. I Fm Estimates Wm LI. 1 7.16 6 ..46 6:“ - - New ture. u a-tagt6--amaa. 0:“ 4th "hr-ue Join: Club. 'At E.atttieuer?ueur--amrta. THIS WEEK um Browatier-at. John: Church. 106th Guide-Eine sum School. ' Badtnintorr--WtmbU mum SchooL ' Drum Guild-rows Bill. 106th Bmmtu.--mstminisar. 54th Guiderr-gt. John: Chunk. Girll' Nautical Trunk; Aaaoeution-tunioe School. Orchutn Rah-i-Eine tltrsetAehooi. Badminton-ti Iihatrfour. pydrttirtton--Ritrh School Gym. 4th ikouu--at.uottn, Church. 4th Cub-81; John: Church. Ch-Town Hall. Gwen Club-Kin. Street School. Moeur--4hael" " 0_-Amata. Badminton-1m mm Junior Ct-i-At-tio. Public School. America: have #oeur-a-. Hutton-l have Jroehrp--Ama_ Own Sound u Eitelt--hmna. Junior A WnaiF-Armtn, . Sergio! A Phtalr--Armsn. -e"riiinit." (“ICE "-.MAWM W) Tim: l Of timely interest was I second reeluthowing how I summer child- ren’s camp was conducted near Is- ‘lington. It showed how, for I very unsignificant Bum, u child was cared for in true camp style under competent leaders. They sat in 1 large group to hear stories and sing songs. Later they comprised smaller groups to do finger paint- ing, leather work, carving, model- ing, building netoplanes or go on hikes where they learned to pre- pare a delicious meal of been: md Now that his retired his hobby serves as s valuable friend and he is unstinting in sharing it with others. His kodochrome movies dealt first with birds. Just outside Toronto at Erindale on the Dundas highway lives a man, who studies birds and has them there as friend- ly as any budgie could be. He is Mr. Ivor. There Mr. Moorehouse exercised. his skill as a photogra- JC; and brought to a delighted au- dienee pictures of birds tn unique ‘poses which most had never seen before. Added to this was a" care- fully pl ned running commentary ‘pointin out the things that a quick survey ight overlook. Blue jays, rose-b. sated Gmsbeeks, cedar w wings, chieksdees, ducks and many species of birds taken in their natural habitat were shown. After this amazing reel of bird life at Mr. Ivors, the members of the staff spoke seriously of making a. visit to that same place. Since the pen-entago hula we: used to determine the attendance prize winner, Mr. Weller was given the totals to compute. In almost no time he had his wife, Mrs. Weller of Grade 2 and 8, proclaimed the winner. Much good humour was expended on Mr. Walter Moorehouse,» the guest smelter, by Mr. Bowman. It ‘so happened that, until Mr. Moore- (iairilil retirement last year, they both taught at Jervis Street Colle. giate. During his " years as a teacher Mr. Moorehouse had as his main hobby, photography. This he brought to excellent use in his school through the school maga- zine, making it unsurpassed by any other school for many years. The Humber Heights Home end School Association eld its March meeting on the first day of the month. Mr. Webb Bowman, the pre- sident, presided over the meeting in hie usual efficient manner, bringing forth hie gem! ot wit end wiedom at the right moments Mrs. _ Pearson acquainted those pretrent' with the happenings at the previous meeting. A delightful treat wee given the audience by Mr. See- grave. who brought his two boys, Want and Paul, to provide bothl piano and mordinn music. The numerous encoree bore testimony to I the excellence of their numbers.} Their example wee inspiration for, the parents present. . l Humber Heights Assoc. See Movies By W. Moorehouse Nearly all varieties in stock. You name varieties wanted or leave moat popular Election to us. British Fruit Market 169 Main St. N. Wooten $10 $10 $10 $10 1 2 yr. PM?! Tree l 2 yr. Pear Tree 1 2 yr. Peach Tree 12 Raspberry Cues 1 2 yr. Apple Tree The Entire Collection for Only 81th--Caah With Order _ mum, Early April - VILLA COLLECTION FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES Free Replacement Gmntec '.s mm: AND Ltritimmsir _ I At the conclusion of the pictures and address Mrs. Stewart Smith of "he school staff in glowing term: 'huded the speaker for his excel- llent presentation. A hearty round of applause indicated theUudienee's enthusiastic approbation. j Coffee and doughnuts, a bill of fare which proved highly acceptable .on Men's Night, again met with lfavour, proven by the rapidity in {which the plates were cleared and (the number of times they had to be i replenished. 2 Red Currant Bushes 2 Black Currant Bushes 1..2 yr. Cherry Tree The meistirfir adjourned with PK rents and teachers well satisfied at having had a profitable evening. Grade five mothers under the au- pervision of Mrs. Conway are to be complimented for the handling of the, lunch programme. steak. Parents of this area welcom- ed this infprmution which was we sented on location by Mr. Moore- house. I Mr. Richardson stated that while ,Weston in some sixty-two miles 11mm the nearest existing station, (Buffalo, and the-normal range is ‘bnt forty miles that we were indeed tfonungte in getting such excellent l The Buffalo TV station publishes one week in advance the coming lweek's entire program so that all members of the family can pick their special programs. Some .of the better known prognms are as follows: Texaco Star Theatre, Ar. i The 'rignifietuuxs of this new entertainment in our homes today Iss. that it will re-knit the family circle, mother and rind, sister and 1brother will not be leaving the 'home to go their devious ways, but instead, will be entertaining each other’s friends in the easy atmos- phere of their own living room. inception from twenty-two miles [beyond the'working radius of the A'ufslo station. Television waves (do not bend with the curvature of jthe earth like radio waves. They shoot tstraight'6ut in space which ‘plncu the theoretical operating radius of the simian at the horizon. Although Weston in actually out of the tinge ot Television Broad- casting this lupomnlitiu inatru- ment pick: up the TV broukuu from WBENTV Buffalo with I clarity of pictun amt sound that amazon, and tiso by “his to But- to, trom the Ntw York the TV program of the NBC. -'""" vu-vuuuuwwutwclllrll 'r2nuitetgeYt?,i,i by... 9,... ttte 0.8.4. m .5. “than ceteitt?PtriiAiarii'iiiiaG7ii%iGi'a" In" muh an on In! miuWw-chmm- C'f1"eAtit1vrtr.-mi- â€www.mmmu ite,etet.Puust_-rFasG"iiU'iiTti'd human mil" I'â€- unit . any}. of has a! oaitiesg, 8u,ttoeittd.setin-eitrltrd.eiisktVeaTartiriiirrt' and in In effect to luv. everyon- ar. ' "erthi-a6ab-oemanuin according to the and Int-m Ho comfort, Mr. Richardson has Rmit- then undul- In): " tic duh if ed the Indiana to . for invited he wank have are pun! found- zuuh each evening, this will 0013- ad to the Wm Tomato Port of time until all matron at getting Entry. The following dar It. want I from line view have Vitus-d to the Want Toronto Custom . performance of this muhbln Home and. in r1ftmn minutes the Omen! Electric dcvelopmont. parcel wu claret-ad "within; The development of radio itself has taken I marvellous trend, but when one actually witneuel a Television progrun that oritfuurtes mmy miles any it in alumni. an. cmny. Science and experiments Mon of General Electric engineers in Electronic: have nude it poo- sible for everyone within range of I TV Broadetustintt station to wit- ness in their own home perform- ance: of Inn of stage and screen, international events ay hockey gnmes, boxing 1)mr, aryl almost every PHONE 353-J-13 ‘dtiuuhvi his iiaiTiii aa ot Toni-lo- a the shown: of the Melinda: Filmma- Cou- Felevinion Shown [West Toronto Customs Hm Mreston Audiences Panda... 11-..: (and..- I--- 1.-. At Riehardaonh, E. S. WARN animals, CONTRACTORS WESTON. R.R. 3 BimttuAt6riG muon stated FREE ESTIMATES 'SP‘E!EIW "uiLiTaira importance, and wrest- imaginable " Main N. Thin it 3 lamp]. of tho service that in given eontimully day in Ind day out-at the We“ Tom Port thur Godfrey and his blank. Phil Silvers. the Swift Show with Lanny Ron, wrestling and hula; mum- from Mullah Square Girdml. Chesterfuid'. Supper Club, and many others. The prom start " 4.45 pan. and continua until 11.30 pan. Who Wat'rouuom Hou- human-um. It,“ nou- "rrtoqerdtttmtonmin'-rt. 1r"tttt?t.eaNoersttoeudran Render; Real Service Lomlly lunch: " mmm AUTHORIZED 63W? GUARANTEED WASHER REPAIRS ,"eeelhrtavotrtirti-tut- “and In. this an â€In 1ttelt-'t-vrrv..r.iG '.eelvnht.irtdou-ru-era" 'tel-tau/e-ia/dia-anis". ."Pdlei-alitutua.ihAu. 1,1feFGTiirfGG'riii'i'rni"i"iN'ia" LeadliiiGTiaaiiUTiii1'iiiU'rti"'i tt-lFGrii'ii"irriTirii7ii. "in +,tliuiiuGiGiaTrirat"zi". Lti.rlaikGriiaTGamUiatii 1ierlii-GuTcGTGi7riii"irii'"ri: ggeart (cream: to work to 01be this 'e Pet and who haw down though 2 STORES I tin yum “unlined their fight for in opestinuanee. Wat Thmnto Port of Entry in -tinl to the ind-trut life of West Toronto. -,,-u"'"" . Insulin-1M If It's Etectrteai-a'ry a . (fd REXAL 1c SALE mcws owe. STORE" PLEASE “CAUSE PAYMENTS All PAID DIRECT To OUR STOII MANY t/AttESTtt CHOOSE FROM New Electric RANGES AND RANGE'I'I'ES And Don't Fm You Coupon POLLARD’S PAYMENT PLAI .00 up 'str WATCH FOR THE COMING SOON 0F ussn APPLIANCES "spa'."',',.', oda'e?ty,rti'iiiiaao"irc- than avail-o M tuarg‘r-nï¬mmwuw 'J,ratl4tNJNe1fd'2'ftitt'22'tg ' I ion. ._, “molWi-nld by i 'g2,tt',hrs,"ttt,Ttu'ttigtr cur-mtg nappy on_uqug_¢._ -- 7 - wma‘anm dim‘ “may... Adm regal-:1 ta"fdtllU.'V'l"dd .ror: _ ’; 1 'dak' or luau-mum Musk-'1’. " R, ' 1t,'Thagthtd,ttttaMat,ro"""h a, UM!“ on a“. 'lhluI-W. . A J,, ,.. ' Illlllll HYDRO APPROVED EEGTRIO _ t HOT WATER Installed “DIG [SPARS Mal-M “Mt