(Oil Heating Div.) AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE --PHomgs- WESTON-N, M.W-,8 Night 427-W-2 ROMAN ELECTRIC Prompt installation with a one year guarantee against defective materials and workmanship. Oil Contract Guaranteed We have installed hundreds of these Reliable Burners. VI Will give you clean, econ- omical and dependable heat, 2. A child learns to increase his span of attention. This is de- veloped by the trained supervisor, and it is thought that a child loos- ing this training never does quite YP. weli‘in concttrirtimr. Graig l, Conformity, -- acceptance of the rules and regulations of com- munity living. ‘It is surprising how easily a child come: to accept necessnry rules relating to danger, the rights of others, clennlineaa and so on. We are too apt to think he is against these things, but new ing that his group conforms, he does also. He learns to be an important member of his group. He, also, an do what they do. Toridheet Oil Burner A Junior Kindergarten adds training to a child's life which he can may get in the ordinary home,-9e learns A Junior Kindergarten glthem the neighbourhood .cblldren to- gether for a few hours a day end teaches them things thnt are mbBen- tial to growing up." As assistant pnychologiet to the Juvenile and anily Court, Dr. Blatz cited in- Iuncu of people who ‘n-ver had new ups-pm coup ea um e to live 'l','cdgt,t'l','l they had never learned the rules of com- munity living. _ Mit My OWNER! THE NEW le- than those of I maid, that it we I slur on our 1rivilisatitrn that my mother should have to wait out who had childnn under fim you: of age, thnt our Provinca now has I law in regard to Tat. who "look after" children in o at to make money out of them. "We think," went on Dr. Bieta, "that my one who looks after children should have training. In a Nursery School, or Junior Kin- dergarten the Director in I Uni.. venity gradualwith one year's pout ttraduato work. Bi. IE E. Blur: Addresses Jr. Kindergarten Toroetto-MUrrnr 6878 'i.w.n I" '5.“ _ tub of Wuwy, Unbvudty of Toning, Int wank athtrmatd the "win, of In Jam tuck Bis te h 1'lhfN'tt, 'mtrvetms of . '2firN,'tt,t Order Now! Introductory remarks pointed out that in many cues, that: “smart. men" no put in the fan of tetthers (hon W9C - hue Mt!" declared Dr. Blau ot the Immune! Child gum,» Unl- vonity of Tomnto. in hit to: to {in Weston madam-[nan Anne}.- on. . aaaet.-iod.ed wsth the high can of “I And mu inn-ulna, they may bd the only “not we Hull have hit!" declared Dr. Blau of Hull Office - Mnlton Tile Flooring Chimney Work Home Alterations See us about your Roof- ing and Siding Prob- lems. "SW-n P." Jun-u To repair that leaking roof with a new one. Now! I: the time catchers complain 7nostlyrrof Tile Flooring Westmount Salvage PHONE 1567 108 CHURCH ST. WY. IL? . "" AMER}: Aid, Allnn Limport and W. A. Gunn of Toronto, today Announced their intention of seekingI the leadership of the Ontario hen] Auocinion to succeed Hurry C. Nixon. The Liberll convention will â€W35 rl',,' inâ€? fs 2i 'Pr te on " In 1 . "n. Lana! amnion in the Ontario ,'et21tt,,e?.t.i,' sated Mr., Garth, run In lynch}... and IM- Meu on 90 for cent of the import- 3 ant questions of the day, l Among others rirdod " pol~ sible "ttdidBtaa for the Mani? no: Don Jam. ,et',tapi cy)., Donna um, i! Mlle; b. I. Dunn. Jar,'te, and Walter Eu Elm-h, for $0129: any. 2t gull" Oliver, pro-one Hon-o u - at iralset and“ u A Ito-ml. Twp Known To Be In Running For Liberal Leader I RGiGitGTFiir' your on, check your driving, check acci- dents. The Toronto Traffic Safety Council, branch of the Ontario Safety League is orning their clmpaign on May 15t , 1947, with an all out check program of the mechanical condition of motor ve- hiclee. Traffic Officers using Ttrp- ley Broke meters will be testing vehicle" " random in all parts of the city, testing brakes, steer- ing, horn and windshield wiper, to nuke sure your vehicle in in a roadworthy condition. You can eo-operate with this safety council by making sure your vehicle will pogo the ramming. We " drivers can do much to improve Toronto's traffic eondi, tion by discussing our driving pro- blems with our family and talking over the rules of safety, thereby begging to eliminate carelessness. |Continued from page I- ous Accidents, such us the driver ‘who backs down hits driveway and 'didn't look, thereby killing his Youngster, or the motorist who dines-rule the Mop sign and crashed into the vehicle on the through street causing serious im. jury, even death. Five people lost their livers lut year in the City of Toronto because of the motorist’a failure to observe the stop sign. Disregard for tnffic lines at corners in also dangerous turning from the wron line of traffic, an exceuive apeeg have been reel-now sible for a large part of Toronto's ristipyr truth; accident toll. He exploded a few popular beliefs with regard to germs. One of these, relating to the inadvimsbility of leaving food in tin cans. was called [complete hunk. Tin cans, Dr. ‘Garrard pointed out, Ire sterile and ;actually food is better left in them than dumred into other receptsbles which will quite probably have a high germ count. The cans, of course, should be kept in I cool place after being opened. Dr. Garrard told the Rotary Club at Nilgars Falls, on, there are usually half 1 million germs on pot or plate that the woman of Crt house gets through her washing J Big Job Is Being The nverage housewife doesn't do much of . job of dishwaahing in the opinion of Prof. E. H. Garrard, head of the Agricultural Escher iology Department of Ontario Agriculture College, Guelph. Claim Housewives Poor Dishwashers Money is spent lavishly on roads, cosmetics, newsprint. Let us ask what our children need md get it for them. Playing on the street, unsupervised, undirected, "r..-. "our greatest asset is neglected." Dr. Blats talk was followed with intense interest, "Ut Weston be the first place to set up such a school, open to all," he urged. Is 3 Nursery School . luxury? No; it is important to all alum. Should not all children have the opportunity given to the few whose mothen have had this training. "H our children could I.“ have the ndvtuttagtus of lea-nine these things What] tart for them! They'll never unlearn them." 5. He is Allowed to experiment in In environment which is not dangerous but is richly provided with interesting maul-ills Ind equipment. In I Junior Kindergnrun there is no censorship. The child learns self tritieimm No nagging is " 8. A child lam irrgr,,t.ie-,ii tzu'rlvo and an; to allow and 1 . Dr. Blot: bud out that 'lure,'.', all be no... that the may (and and eo-opoutivo fblltnmgs,-ttU.. who on Pt: a .ottduuandwork%r-it' n- nunory school I child gains pmtige by what he can give; prestige can only be gained smong eontempomries, thus 1 fsmily must have compunior- of similu Ice for "heir children. Pumice is gained by the child, not who rand. first, or has most toys, or is but ditched» but by the child who has In idea. [den make the louder. The goodl follower moaning the good idea. 4. A child is we functional cootroV-aromething some of us did not learn! he]: of wpib. The M. mm Pttt sun and " b. an; chief (not!!! u In 8 "Hon Amy's ttmt bitt in poorer Jesus said: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures where moth and rust can corrupt and thieves break through and steal. but lay up for yourselves treasures (of clean, fun, mentally-clear boys and gir a, in Heaven-where moth andefuat (alcohol) cannot Fog-mp} or thieves l bé;é}$'§ré;66}gs )Wbre-a'}; through and steal.’ Which is the better? To create a great financial surplus in the land by mtrnuftseture of alcoholic beverages, or to pay a few dollars more and save the souls of our Cagadian ngth. - What shall we do? We must abandon politics and select the men who will stand firmly against cocktail lounges, beverage rooms, .heer joints and the sale of beer in reitgqrgnts and stores. l We have gone back from 80 to 50 years, morally. Never in the days of the old bar-room was drinking held respectable. It used to be anonus to be an tyleoholic-- now it’s tstylish-just another " sease, you know. It is aristocratic to serve cocktlila. It was never so hard to save boys and girls from dangér. Down-town Toronto's streets are an disgrace. Women are nfraid to walk them alone. Drunken men lean upon posts and away toward them. Wild drunken drivers ca- reer through traffic or mow down 'men and women on a highway. Children are constantly memced by these and witness things we neyer saw. -- _.,..-..- ,.v-..-w. _ It is a and aftermath of a strug- gle for freedom from Hitler, when we ourselves can have a law forced upon us with no chance to vote-- no power to appeal. In this Demo- eteyt - ( Mrs. Eagle, as'Temperance Se- cretary of the Presbyterial gave a very informative address, con taining definite data regarding the increased consumption of Alcoho- lie Beverages in Canada and the United States. She told of a re- cent visit to Detroit where great sign-boards announced the manu- fastuye of tlehyie prgdugts. See that your church can be call- ed "The Church of the Lighted Lamps." Mrs. for.) Leo Murray sang ifhe Lord’s Prayer, very beautiful- y. v, - --e .._ -_ -v...-,..., w the townTbelow that a service was being held. That church was called l'Th, Church ot the Lighted Ly.tiptr." _ - Mrs. Pierce brought greetings from the Presbyterial. She said: “We are workers together with God." Therefore as W.ME. Women we should let our lights ehine. Nts. Pierce illustrated the point by means of I story. "A traveller in Bohemia, staying It an Inn, not ticed many women wending their way up a. steeg stone stairway Jeading to I c urch on s rock labove the town. Each woman curled an ancient wrought-iron ‘lnmp. On being questioned one woman explaine that these l/TT' were lighted end placed in brac - eta in the pews. As each set her lighted lamp in the bracket, the dark shadows Around disappeared. Should one not be present. a: gloom eurmn that part of tlte; church, " " lamps were thel only mean , " lightipg the chepel.l Thd May muting of the Sr. Auxiliary of Central Women's Miniomry Society wt" honoured by n double visitation from the West. Presbyterirl. Presbyterial Represented At May WMS Meet , mean " lighting the chapel; ' the 'll,s 'er trf conveying to VAUGHAN _ REFRIGERATION e/o Polhrd Electric " Main M. S. Phone Walton Zone 4-370 Comlt “I on my refrigeration woman. Low temperature zoom: built to order, Walk in boxes, bottle cooler, milk c counter; self serve counters. Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, air Units Vs to 15 horsepower. _ REFRIGERATION Sales-Service Rebuilding Iva-fut Spring Putin! " lull: {0‘50 lull " In": Ann, Sum-day, In, "th. BUY THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA " Church St. WESTON Phone ISM-W Investigate the advantages of the Family Income Policy. Pays tt Monthly Income in addition to the face of the Policy. LORNE E. LENEHAN Even the very snabbiest pieces have their uses. They can be eat up and used as stair pads, to give an added luxurious thickness to the stair treads. Odd pieces of old carpet accumu- late in most houses. The best strips. if scrubbed well with good carpet soap and bound with gay carpet (binding, will make useful rugs for the kitchen, or attic bedrooms, or runners for odd places in the house where the traffic is specially heavy. Shabbier pieces can be folded into two or three thicknesses. strongly sewn at the edges and used as "kneelers" or mats to stand in front of the kitchen sink. l the Guides with patro They were called "Ten the pitting ail' it; number of points on tht last three months ce.ngrdtuyiyu'i"hrset - Me - Not" Patrol for the find showing. F Thevmeeting closed with Brownie prayer and taps. 166th Guide Company The Brownies played I book balancing game, and also An old f_avouriksinsrinir p1me-"The Paw Paw Patch.†Rather than have a story in their new pow-wow ring, the girls spent that time in learn- ing a new piece-ie Crocodile Song." They also sang "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," and "keep on Smiling.†i On Saturday, May 8rd, the 1Brownies opened their meeting may the {airy riryr. Most of the time was 3 nt on health talks and learning ti: flair, and it is felt that there will be e few ready to pass these tests at the may meging. _ 166th Brownie Park Several people were running around with banded fingers and knees-there wasn't an outomobile tureident-it was six Brownies practising their first tsid. Good luck on your test next week, iris! Remember. “LEND A HANS." ‘ On Tueldny, April 29th, our Brownie Pack meeting opened on time. The Brownies learned two my song this week. Mrs. Garret wu visiting, this week, and she pused quite a num- ber of Golden Hand Brownies on thtir meguges. _ 106th Brownie Puck Mrs At MIM - - - Outoftown? Ride in Safety Ind Comfort ORDER OUR Chrysler Windsor Royll -Detrertdeble 8erviee-. t their Guides patrol Consult VETERAN TAXI ttrol leaders and Bl "ere also taught a Y Tenderfoot." Day gave out the tro) who had the Girl Guides coolers, display ZONE 4-327 mepting conditioning. _'rndIlt, “Magma mow . last court 1 and s inspeetioh L Tuesday of honor, secondera. new song name of highest >w ring, n learn- irocodile W, Row, tor the values vary, their love for each other under all circumstances. It is 36 Maln St. S. Though thousands of miles separate mother 0 AUTOMATIC TOASTERS O ELECTRIC IRONS - -_ O ELECTRIC WAFFLE GRlLLS q Shy .S‘LEX COFFEE MAKERS it): hp, L? a shass:CAaQ " .. tiiiiif i), 55:35? - , Ci " 5 ur T, J I g 7'. w x’ _ . CHU' (Y o PLAST1C COSMETIC SETS 0 Botmom LAMPS o 1111le LAMPS 0 BOOK ENDS .RECORD PLAYERS . And Many Other Gift Suggestions . RADIOS Mother. who is always forgiving and conciliatory. It is Mother who . ELECTRIC 0 HOME): CAKE DISHES . TA.BLE LAMPS . BRIDGE LAMPS OSEBVING TRAYS which is the truest, purest love, unites them for .ELECTRKC q SANDWICH GRILL and child; though their opinions differ and sense of, .PIN-UP LAMPS KETI'LES lights us all our lives. she comforts and den her in small measure to comfort and delight 11, with remembrance, pleasant memories. It is dedicate Sunday, May Mother to whom we forgets the unpleasant .-and cherishes the all time and"