Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 10 Jan 1946, p. 5

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-Human beings could um stand up on such small bones as exnst in the foot without the fool's elabor- ate system of arches,. 65 MAIN ST. S. '-rdallllt mun ~~UNDERTAKERS 1273 Weston Rd. JU. 8921 CERTAINLY and sshile 1h: mm! " "ir,, w7nh N purh‘aits. remember tie is phntnzruphir htratluuartius, We uill Ln. to your home for children or fumils work. HENRIIETTE J. CHAPMAN OWNED AND OPERATED by STODDART BROS, gifa'5ihag8aat Felt and Gravel Roofing Eavcstrnugh and General Sheetmetal Work 2S2 MAIN ST. NORTH PHONE 993 (Rear of Coulter's Foundry) 100 MAIN ST HOME OWNERS ATTENTION! CLEANERS AND DYERS Quality Cleaning imiicG *7 29:36 DUNDAS ST. I Afternooy LY. 7917 Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. LY. 7175 The Weston Sheetmetal And Roofing Company 139 Main St., Weston Ph. "ii-Junction 9662 Lumber--- IRVIN LUMBER Making Photographs Is Our Business GRNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS WILBY IRON WORKS PROMPT, col ' RTEOI 'S SERVICE Sec uur selection of designs and let us give you a FREE ESTIMATE on your work. No job too small-no job too large. Improve the appearance of your property uith attractive ', JANUARY 10, ms Our Traditions sincerity and honesty guide our the public blingles--Rock Wool-Walling service to that require CO. LTD. Lyndhurst 11168 Will photograph your house, show windows or anything else you want photographed. . To the many residents " Weston hving no". or within sight of the Humber River, it appeared lat (week-end " though the tide wu i becoming familinr with these inland Ptuerts, but no, the swollen kinks e, the Humber were the run]: of In All-time record "heat wave" peculiar to dates such u January itte;l2lin1i' 6th. The sudden thnw wan no In: unr- moins tb the trozen river " it was to winter-elm citizens, And {mod ice-packs threatened danger and destruction to homes nnd rop- erty us they moved lion; (l,'ld the angry river .on.tre Pmpatre. _ _ Six boys had to be rescued by the York township firemen after finding: themselves isolated from the shore by the torrents of water rushing past them, while at Wood- bridge, fifteen families found themselves marooncd in their cot~ takes at the northern end of the village, but these local happenings may be considered mild in Com. parison with the reports from other areas where considerable damage and inconvenience resulted from the surging rivers and streams. At one spot in the Plumber he" Wax-tun, six boys were playing along the river enjoying the spring- like change in the weather, when thvy suddenly fognd themselves on 8H llnse’asonal Thaw caused Angry number River to Threaten Locally island whére they were stranded PHONE T00" WESTON NJ WESTON 527 g Weston Pentecostal i In Matthew 24:44 we may read a very short scripture. “'l'hero- fore be yo. also ready, [m- in sum-h an hour as yr think nnl. tho Sun of man cometh." This is very true him-amp at tho rate wc are 'roing 1n thp “(HM and the" prnphm'irs that are hmm: )quillcd. truly tho Lord Jesus Christ is caming hack Wu, very Ewan. Thr Lord is gain}: to “turn itt take with Him the purl" and spot- less Christian who has known Him down here. Who has acmptod Him 33 their own personal Saviour. This is no mythical lain my reader friend because as sure as No camo tho first time He Lu' Mming: again. When m, is coming. no man knows the day my tho hour, but note that in "such A timv a< P' think rent the Son of man cummh." The tittws WH' are living in mm are the times a: same as the 11H)S of 2iotth. People are ridimilmg. Who ask? ulwoluc uuucn mug. mm. yuan mu lbe. only too flag) to know that we twill be privi eged in having them J return to us gurtsin. The Sacrament of Hn/r Com munion will he dispensed on Sun day. Jan, 27, and FM. R, the Sarra ment of Baptism will take place. l Many interesting events are be. ,ing arranged for the near future. lFrom February 3 to the 17, a .pl‘eaching campaign will be con- (ducted, D.V. by the Rev. J. Lucas, land ably assisted by the well known lconiraltn. Madame JBnes. Those lwho heard Rev. Lucas preach and iyadNtle Jouey tying last you will Last Sunday services were well attended. The music was most ap- prngriate and tho guest swam, H/ apt. Callum Thompson, has tho best wishes of the congregation in his_new work on civvy Mrcel. The childtwn of Weston wdl hr enriched by aliemlanm at Sunday Srhonl, and thr, mcmhrn of our church are urgori to bring lhrvir boys and girls to nur mvering " throe oViock. The Young Peoples Class which meets on Sunday at two o'clock will play badminton in the church hall on Saturday afternoon. As this is the start of the season's activity all urtclturehed young men und young women are especially invited to jqin our fellowship. relationship to God, Unless we worship the One who created and then redeemed " by the sacrifice of His Son, as we should, and be. come conscious of all His intrinsic jholine‘ss, we cannot become soul, ‘winners, or useful workers for the Master. Thus the keynote for a iyeai‘ of useful service in the cause iot Christ was outlined for us, by iremembering that before we can 'serve, we must be remade by the divine Potter, fit vessels for the, Master's use. This coming Sunday, Dr. Scutt, chairman of the Home Mission Board, will minister to us in the morning. We extend a cordial invi- tation to strangers to attend the evening service also. Our sing serv- ice'is lively and spontaneous and you will enjoy yourself as we sing heartily unto the Lard. We rejoice that ours is a singing: rl-ligion, for tho Lord put a new song in our mouth when we wore redccmiul, Join with us then, as we raise our heart: and voices in worship and praise. Weston Presbyterian In the evening we considered an- other vital message for the New Year, that of "redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Each one of us realize only too well, the tragedy of wasted and mis-spent years, when the cry is for more laborers for His harvest. Yet we are promised that by simple trust in the shed blood of the spotless lamb of God, we may become use- tul workers for Christ. What a glorious incentive we have, as we stand with another year spread be- fore us, to work more worthily for Him, who by His sacrifice on Cal- vary did so much for us. Continued from page 2-- At the highwny bridge It Wood- bridge, flooded waters backed up from the ice-pack, flooded Clifford St. to a de th of two feet Ind mn-ooned fifteen families in cot- tages nearby. The families were approached by rescue parties in boats in on effort to relieve the desperate cottogers. although many refused to lenyc their homes, Row- boats were the vogue until the cas- ing of the situation, but the out- ings hardly compared to tho sum- mer pastime on tt quiet lake, despite the Get thlt the weather w-s lean, ing in that direction. tor more than three hours with the flood waters rising four feet all Around them. Fin-Hy, with duk- nan npprouhinz, they attracted the attention of someone on the highway. The York township tire. men were summoned And the boys, soakin wet, were rescued by the men V510 lowered u ladder across the torrent. l very true ht-causo at tho are going m the “(n-M prophorios that are hmm: truly tho Lord Jesus ', coming hack wry, very mmmz bar Chungking. - Pedigreed goats are being ferried over ."the hump", the air rout» over the Himalaya mountains hohvnpn India and China. to speed tho prrutuction of goat hides, une of ('liinu's new in- dustnos. Mr. Black appreciates the many} greetings from friends far and; near in thr, form of cards. 1ettcrc.l phone calls and telegrams. We all; join in wishing him many more! years of health and happiness. I The birthday party wa's a very pleasant evening enjoyed by all and Mr. Black and four grand- children, Misses Margaret Lindsay, Margaret Humphreys, Lulu John, ston and Phyllis Black blew out the 98 candles on tho beautifully dew mated birthday cake. USING AIR ROUTE Mrs. Black died in 193] and} since that time Mr. Black has madel his home with his children. Hisf daughters are: Mrs. Wes. Shanna, Weston; Mrs. C, IL Rutherford,‘ Wroorlbrid,r.w; Mrs. L. W. Lindsay” Bolton; Mrs. A. E Johnston. Nash-i, ville; Miss M L. Black, Tax-unimf Mrs. J. J. Humphreys and Mrs_W.> Hutchison. both of W00dbridze.[ One son, Norman is residing on the} houestrad at Nashville. _ 1 John Black Marks Continued from page I-- anti. {bugger} 'rlettt-gIandc_hildren ‘ Correlative citations from the Christian Science textbook "Sci- ence and Health with Key lo the Scriptures" by Mary Bakvr Eddy, inrludvdwhe following from page 465: "Question -- In there more than one God or Principle? Answer - There is not. l’rin- ciple and its idea is one. and this mm is God, omnipotent, omniscient. and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe. Omni is adoptcd from the Latin adjective signifyin all. Hence (lull combines 'i)11yxflir, potency, all- Science, or true knowledge. all- presence." . "God" was the subject of the Lesson Sermon which “as read in Ill churches of Christ Scientist. throughout the world, including Third Church of Christ, Scientist, 70 Hi h Park Ave., at 11.00 am. and 7530 p.m., and bruadcast over station CFRB at 11.00 adn. on Sunday, Jan. 6, 1046.. The Golden Text was: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." (itevela- Mom): 8). Selections from the Bible includ- ed the following from Deutero- nomy fi: 4: "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord." " mil be our rivilere to have the Rev. James gkinner of Kenya, Celonz, Africa. You will not want to mini that talented teacher, upenker and missionary. Come and bring I friend. Christian Science It!. In. will “well. When He does "IL'", twolllnll be In the field, t e one taVn, the other loft. Two shall be Ileéping, the one taken, the other left. 50% shall be taken but 50% shall be left. Which is it with you? Do you know the Lord Jesus In your own personal saviour. Please get randy, the time druweth nigh when He shall Mppell‘. . Next Sunday evening It 7 pm. it will bt our Erlvileze At. have mad was well know in Commercial, Industries, Rev. Mr. Coulter of Is- lington Lnited Church conducted the burial service and interment took place in Prospect Cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. James Manton, Frank Manton, F. E. Man, ton, Douglas Manton, Sam Foxley anl Ivan Eddy'. The floral tributes received were very lovely. To us in Thistletown we have lost a good neighbour and our deepest sym- pathy goes out to Mrs. Manton, Margot and Peter and all imme- diate relatives. George Chapman has arrived 'i home safely. Welcome back, (, George. 1 New Year's Day Ralph Lancelot Manton passed away very sudden- ly. Apparantely Mr. Manton had been m good health the day pre- vious. Born in Toronto forty-three pars ago he attended Oakwood Collegiate. For the past ten years the late Mr. Manton had been con- nected wich the Rubber business The Electors annual School meet- ing of SS. No. 10 was held in the Senior Room school, Thistletown, Dec. 26 at 8 pm. Mr. L. Peach was Chairman of the meeting and Mr. V. Hogg, Secretary. In the Trus- tees report presented by Mr. P. A. Barker, the need of a new School to properly serve the section was stressed. Mrs. V. Wood moved a resolution that the Trustees be prepared to present to the annual 'meeting in 1946 detailed plans, specifications and costs of a new school building. The retiring Trus- tee Mr. P. A. Barker was re-elect- ed for a three year term. Congratulations to the Village Trustees. Roads have been kept well sandrd during the icy weather making walking safe. The Vestry meeting of St. An ‘lrmr's Church will take place Mun The Teen age group of Thistle- town held a dance Friday night. This dance was swnsored by the Tennis Club and elped wind up the old year. These same young folks enjoyed I sleigh ride before Christmas. f Weston lk District Ratepayers 510 Hold Meeting Next Tuesday At the Sunday School session held Shirley Snider read Palm 136. Birthday greetings to Shirley Watts, Bill Smith and Gordon Sneyd. Sunday, January 13th, Rev. Gerald Parke: Taylor of Wycliffe College is to be guest prencher. On December 30th Rev. T. B. Butler was the preacher at St. An. drew's Church. The Rector pranci- ed from the word Emmanuel. meaning God with us. This first lesson taken from the Christmas message teaches us Reverence, Purity and lastly, Joy Ind Glad- (lens. All~uf these were fully ex- plained. St. Andfew's Womens Guild met at the home of Mrs. Peach on Jag. Thistletown .-Continurd an page 7 January Fur Sale! It has been aseertaincd that W.R.A. were responsible, together with the ratepayers of the sur- rounding district, for the ques- tionnire circulated last November. Discussion at Tuesday's meeting will take place around this sub- ject. Plans for improved trans. portation will be approved it is hoped, and submitted to the re- spective councils on the spot for action. Ratepayers are urged to attend this, the most important transportation meeting of the year. "The people of Weston should be happy in the fact that Someone ls continuing to keep the transpor- tation issue hot," remarked ex- councillor Larry Stevenson. "They were certainly decisive in their condemnation of this fine lssocia~ tion on Dec. 3, and I want to pat tribute to this fine public-spirited group, the W.R.A., who in the two years of their existence have done so much for Weston. “Walton people interested in the malt of the may survey should come early," eonti nod Mr. Eaton, “Immune I large delegatiun of ratepnyers from Grundview, Hurd- ington. and Maple Lent districts will attend." lt is learned that the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve of North York have accepted an invitation to attend and the Weston Town Council have been advised and uked to do the sumo. , “Climaxin‘ the biggest job Wer. ton Plttgg'i, Association have so far " pad, the group plum I public meeting on trtsnsportatiun It Memorial School nut Tun-day night, Jan. 15, " 8.15 p.m.," stated President Owen Eaton today. 20 " 330 YONG! Sr. WA. 4821 COMPLIMENTS OF GllBSoN---MlcCARTNEY PERSIAN LAMB BOMBAY LAMB MUSKRAT BACKS Leader Fur Co. 13 HUDSON SEAL (Dyed Muskrat) RACCOON PERSIAN PAW BLACK OPOSSUM PERSIAN MIDDLES FRENCH SEAL (Dyed Rabbit) CONY MUSKRAT (Dyed Rabbit) PERSIAN SIDES BROWN SEAL (Dyed Rabbit) BROWN ty GREY BROADTAIL MOUTON CONSUMER T RATIO" COUPON CALENDAR Spectacular Values Offered in this sun I MON Orange coloured Prawn Coupons 33 to sr, P Craps-ms Pt ttt P25, l . nuér BI and all unnumbnrod Mos Coax-ms ism-d for 'porid PU'Pos" Expire Ja y . EVERY GARMENT CARRIES TWO YEAR GUARANTEE 28 21 " 22 29 15 TUB as Offered in this Annual January Fur Sale at Leader's Two Factory Stores ?yed Rabbi“ t) ' M I 'red Rabbit) BROADTAIL _ l ' .00 ES 5 ' s I00 'red Muskrat) Two Factory Stems TELEPHONE WESTON 438W 3O 23' l6 WED JANUARY For information and free demonstration your repre- sentative is R. F. CLARK, 12 Church St., Weston. FRED ENGLISH 31mm 17 SUGAR COUPONS 68, " BUTTER COUPON 137 -MF_At COUPON 20 Valid 31 MEAT COUPON 22 24 BUTTER COUPON 138 MEAT COUPON 21 v.13. lo BUTTER COUPON 136 MEAT COUPON 19 tata 3 MEAT cbupon 18 PHONE WESTON straw On Display at ...See the... THURSDAY HARDWARE 134. ST. WESTON " 3313 PAINTERS DEC ORATORS COUPON VALUI‘ IUHEI . u pond sum . I - " usod for "can“. Swarm“ ond§?mydwbc [E " HEAT UNIT 26 " l9 SAT

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