"W:§E€é€lfllip ersonal 'IJ Club and Welfare Activities) 25 MAIN ST. N. Evenln sb A ointment GEM HEARING 'hi, Mm' AND SUPPLIED PHONE 193 1 MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON COR. LAWRENCE and MAIN each , BRAKES RE-LIN ED ' (Chrysler Products) Parts Extra ARE A MUST BRAKE DRUMS Tl 'RNED BRAKES ADJL'STE I) Mr. Motorist - - - GOOD BRAKES Telephone WESTON 1208 LY. 2626 DODU E - DESOTO CARS RICHARDSON FURNITURE 8: ELECTRIC CO. (minor) PHONES - Zone 4-577 -- Zone 4-466 - 6641 “It's a misfortune it your car won't start. But it's a calamity if your car won't stop." Weston Roofing Materials '. L. MERTEIS, th.B. Complete Brake Service , OFFICE HOURS Except Wodnud-y, 9-12 mm" Idi0q.30 pm Wodrludqy, 9tttt. to 12.30 noon. INSUl-BRIC SIDING INSULATION We Maintain a Complete Service Department In Our Premises Parts For All Chrysler Products l J. BAR TER ,Exeni'nki by]! 0P'NMETRisT Ga rage Plenty of it in stock SOUTH STATION ST. WESTON RADIO REPAIRS --at-- WES'ION 1208 PROMPT - EFFICIENT - SERVICE DODGE TRUCKS ZONE 4-525 $9.00 " .00 " .00 ERIE "reavy Rush For Tires _ The heavy rush for tires, now ilthat they are off the ration list, l? will soon have to ease up or there will be a general shortage across .the country. In many cases. the llocal firms find that drivers want "our new tires and if the demand (keeps at this high level. applit'a- tions for tires will soon exceed the lsupply. It is generally thought i that it will be sometime around the land of this year before tires are lavailahle to all those that “ant l from an overheated pipe. Very little Royal Comtratulatiorus l damage “as done. Mr. and Mrs. William Kirke of I . . . Caledon East, recently celebrating I New YWCA Secretary lthelr diamond wedding anniversary, _ Miss Mary Hamilton last scek'reeeiviui congratulatory messages laccuptt-d her new duties as sem'e-lfrom the King and Queen as well Vary of the Weston branch of the,as greetings from Canada’s prime }YW(‘A. All members of the lucuslinunister, W. L. Mackenzie King. organization wish her the "best" in' The couple had several callers for l her many duties and to date she has the occasion and every member of [been kept very busy in her Work in the family was present, including iconnection with the rooms registry,six grandchildren and two great- , office. - lgrandchildren. . . V . them I‘T‘rethewcy Fire _ Fire Chief Ernie McGinnis and ‘his volunteer brigade made their ‘Ilrst trip out to the now nomes on QTrezhcwey Drive last week. It I required only about ten mmules to extinguish the fire which started from an overheated pipe. Very Mlle dlnuge “us done. l Milton Village Elections The trustees for Milton Police Village were elected as follows, with the first three bein elected: 1 Malcolm MacRae. 106; S. 'lv. Knipo, ’52; Thomas Manville, 45; Donald (Tomlinson, 44; G. H. Young, 28. The inaugural meeting of the council for this year,,nnd several new faces will be seen around the table, is slated for Monday. Jan. 14th, at ll a.m., then the same eve- ning at 8 p.m. they will start the business end of things off for this year which should prove an im- portant one IS Weston's future is moulded. 1946 Council Mr. and Mrs. W. Pike und son, Barry, left this week for a trip to Florida by car. _ LYndhursl 2526 LOCALS Officers for the coming year' of (the Women's Missionary Society of lyhe. Maple United Church are as ‘follnws: President, Mrs. C. E. iF'ockler; Vice-presidents, Mrs. C. iNorman' and Mrs. Stanley Ficht;' {Secretaries Mrs. Sylvia Ball and 5. Mrs. Leslie Laver; Treasurer, Mrs. l R. A. Bigford, Only what fveds and fills the sentiment with unworldliness, can give peace and gnod will towards mom-Mary Baker Eddy. The Women's Missionary Society of tlse Maple United Church ex- remled their allocation by $15 when they raised the fine sum of $175 for missions. T Society Officers' For 1946 1r.tyrten/t' Mistiortry Society, session that the by-law hnd been amended quite some time ago at his suggestion to give eight hours after the fall of snow before the police should bake action. This allows anyone away from their home dur- ing" the storm to return after busi- ness hours and perform the walk. cleaning task, thus keeping within the regulations as laid down in the liy-law. Needless to spy. new no- tioe cards are being printed, . _ wmâ€"w-m. l The families that are now mov- ing into the homes At. the Trethe. wey Drive wartime housing comm munity will notice that one of the streets has been ruined Stew-rt Smith Cram North York Council jnamcd one of the streets utter the. Toronto controller in order to ex. ,tend to him the proper recognition ltor his great work in spegding the (prujm'l that is so necessary to this , district. Two issues back, it whs stated in the Times and Guide that local citizens had four hours to remove snow and ice from the sidewalks of all property in the town. That in. formation was correct, nccording to the by-Iaw as printed on the notice ands handed out by the police to offenders, but Deputy-Reeve Rown- tree reminded council at the last Re__Snmg' Shortllirur Trethewey Drive. Community The Victorian Order Nuns will call at any home wherever there is illness which culls for part time nursing care. Phone Weston 123. LIMITED MAPLE _ An Emu-"the meeting “I†be 'hold at the home of Mrs. Strong. Qnhn St. on Wednesday, January: Oth. at 2 run. Thr, date of Pros-' Mtrrxal was ammum-Pd for Friday.‘ ,Fv-hruary R. at Howard Park, lChurch. Toronto-Mrs, Jeffery andl ;Mra. Warren, drlegates. After '_5'ytsrinsr/'Jpsur Saviour Pilnt Me,"; ‘Mrs, Warren took up the Work of: ithe study hnnk from "here Mrs. lrnultpr elosnd last month. F'lu, told tor Currie of Chissaurbriay sadnescr, and loneliness after the death ofi hic wife He had tn construct a {Sholtrr for himself, build a Churvh Hind u-lmol and dormitories tor re- '.Iillrnt pupils. This was tt prodigi- Imu: task ls the trove hurt to ho trut. siznd, ('arrmtl In the spot' ‘,rhn,wn. then built A friend helped! ‘lme ley WPI'P nlnne as the natives, Hump too lazy to holy). Inke Nomi-l ‘miah he held a trnwvl 1n nne hand "tnd humid with n punt-r that tho‘ Aword w the Lord would pin-re the rttt y heath of tlw hath-M, Great difficult!†stand m by: “'54) l, The taking of slavm by whrte traders. He tried to Mott the ram-t van! but the trnderr rhnngorl their; mute; 2. Superstition the belief in witrhrrmft, Cruel things 2,'/ velopinz. 3, Polygamy mrrupt‘ living in the tillngrt. Ar prnwr.‘ instruction and friendly tnlk! inI the nutivc huts he brought thug†" Mrs. Peacock smoke for the ‘Trmperancc Secretary regarding Mm building or proposal of a large 111010] cnntaining hm howragr- cr00mF, my. and the danger tn Inna] {Option (“entros hle Weston, North [Toronto and West Trhrrrnto. She Immunemicd the lhemier of the Hloys' Parliament on his strong istnnd on Temper-'. The mrctlm: Vim" voted mm a loner of npnreri~ :atunn he sent. to the Premier ex- mrrssing ih? joy of [he WMS in That a letter of thanks and ap- Cpreciution be sent to the Sunday I School through Mr. Jack Halos.‘ _ Superintendent, for their financial} (help to raise the allocation this| lyear, The interest of the childreni in Missions is to be greatly comm mended. Their Monthly Special; Meetings were greatly "pprovcrL' IAnnnuncement of a Spo'vinl Day on rHie first Sunday in February was) read by Mrs. Slang. Mrs, Strong thanked the ofi'i- (or; and mnvenm‘s of committees on monthly programme work, the musical and Bible study groupsl 'and those who prepared the ad-s lcupply of speakers by them, the; ldrt‘tses on the study hook and the iwhule membership for loyal sup-) I port. I Regret WHS oxpressed at the mess of Mrs. William Mnwhr the Corresponding Sorrotary. v is Ill Western Hospital. The V shower of mail. men decidrrl tn send to hrr 'iwn voted mm a slum he sent. tn pressing (ho joy their attitude. Mus Hall trad the UNI) IN. trr from r'rtsshytvri;yl Iczauhrn thp ncx! year's allot-211mm Toronto (‘nnfrrohrt‘ has her,†im‘l'rnwvl hy SHOWN) dollars. The slim-(Him! of hm: year‘s Incrensr ha< Imam left hy the Preshytevial Finnm-r- Com- mittee to cavh Auxiliary, It Was decided lo raise the same amount as last war and as much more as abilities allowed. Mrs. Chantier said that 'Hope' was (ho word for the future. The un-nporutwn of the (-mim body was nm'esmry in swan“ NM- lvl! thp honour hut more {um} the rl‘faf rttTsihili/r. Mrs. Chantler, the new 194f president, was presented m the meeting which recejred her grad- ously. The meeting opened by singing: "O God, Our Help in Ages Past", and prayers for guidance through- out the New Year. After the minutes read by Mrs. Jeffery, Miss McCorr Lawr- a minute account of all the Imancial transactions of the year 1945Y and announced that the allocation to Presbytery had been reached. Later a vote of appreciation of Miss Me.- Cort's fme business ability, was expressed. January meeting of Central Wo- mens' Missionary Society met in the Auxiliary Room on Thursday, January 3rd. Mrs. Stung, Past-pre- sident occupied the chair for open- ing exercises and business meet- ink, Mrs. W. Oh'antler Pres. For 1946 Of Womens " Officers For 1946 Elected At January Meeting Of WMS oxpressed at the ill- William Mowbray, ding Swrotary. who Hospital. The Wo- I The home of Prof. and Mrs. P. E, Wage, Regina, was the setting for Ithe murmur- of Donald Maxwell Wagx Ind Dorothy June Ehnes, dau hter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Elma, of Weston. Prof. Warg performed the ceremony by cnnv (Delight, while a lighted tree and Christmas decorations adorned the rooms. The bride wore an Alice blue crepe gown sith matching io.. they hat, Crll'sttirrt of ten 1-0505 and carried a white Bible. a gift of the groom. Miss Wilma Wagg attend- ed the bride and wore flowered crepe with navy blue hat and Cor- sage of yellow roses. Mr. James M, Cameron was hast man and Mrs. Ron Henry played the wedding music. At the “mention held HI: [lowing the ceremony, Mrs. Wturir) , , welcomed the guests. For then" G. weeks'HVcddmg trip the bride wore a, Qttawa. t'hojiack an“ over her wedding en-) 1j,1,'ly%",,ei"y'iili..rt'. She wrll return to Van-l trttty. MBJHquuvor shortly to complete heri 'turnett iroyt wear lll public health nursing and SUVâ€? '"1tho couple expect to make their .Eur.ope, he'home 1n Rrgina. Mrs. Wag): is a JI'tytie, of I graduate. of the University of To- -. .... . a ' ' . .. _ There i, tt bridge in In: which ie Inwrrnd 20 few? under the wntpr m chm, ships may nil our the span. I n. C Miss tary, Miss Slow Mrs, Wurrpn thou spoke of the “ark a1 homo in the Victor “(mm for (iiris on Jam." Street and the (Hal vccd far no“ buildings and equipment. The homo: me old-- antiquated-uc-mr/ry. They are a dlspratp In tho Unwed Church. Let In raily In Ilw help of (he “mm†who are strivin; in rah-r the Mlle gills who have fallen inetruriprl hormme {93¢in in We \‘iilngiw. Tho most Clever wow you to Regional Schools “here Hwy icarnod linuschmlri 111211.12"- mm). farming, z-arpmiiry. mother. craft and many practical ark. Thmr Spiritual Instruction parai~ him their other studies. Mm likr Currie of Chissamhra, an the tar-flung lines of civiliri tion are fighting a battle fur Democracy and Christianity as much RR any warrior on the field of hattlel hrznhen Wrath-0s lo :99 thai God fruwncd upon sur h pn-tions. Currie prayed with them and thr, results Show today. Latoya thaw uhmn he inetrurird hm'nme icarhv1s in the Milnmw. Tho mosl clever wcrr Members of the teaching staff of Western Technical Commercial School participated in a pretty wedding in St. Mary Magdalenc's Church. Napanee, recently, when Mary Elizabeth Galbraith became the bride of Peter Allen Crichton of Toronto. The bride is the daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Max- well Galbraith of 'Napanee, while the groom is the son of Mrs. Crichton and the late Mr. Fred- 21? Crichton of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Von. Archdeacon R. J. Ciiiiiiiiyi, conducted the quiet ce- lremony, while Mrs. Harold Moore was soloist, and Mr. W. R. Eppes (played the wedding music. Given 'away by her father, the bride was ’gowned in ice blue satin, designed ‘with a long moulded bodice, sweet- [heart neck and full skirt sweeping I (into a slight train. Her shoulders (length veil fell from a matchingl {satin calot; crested with twin os-l itrich tips, and she carried a cos-l Evade bouquet of sunset roseml lshaggy lemon Pfy,s,ttyhtt,tPtttr,l 1rosebuds and violets. Her only on) 'nament was a strand of pearls, the lgift of the groom. Her only attend-l ant, Miss Marney Lace, of Toronto.l , wore a frock of apricot velvet, with a pill-box hat of matching shirred irelvet, actented with an ostrich,' iplume and.cascade of calla lilies,l lshell pink roses and white snap-l (dragons. Mr. Horace Bladon of; iMontreal was best man‘and ushers,' iwere Mr. Ray P. Rogers of To-: lronto, and Lieut. Lorne Bowman) ‘of Ottawa, brother-in-law of thel groom. For the reception which) followed at the home of the bride's I parents, Mrs. Galbraith received? in a mist-blue crepe dress, small feathered hat and waist misage of;y sweetheart roses and cornflowers., Mrs. Bowman, the groom? sister,! assisted in a two piece black en- somhlci with accents of chalk ll white, small black hat and corsagoi of rosebuds. Travelling the bride, donned a tailorl‘il frock of'sliccr blue wool, mail-hing blue wool coat and Dutch bonnet hat, with touches of Persian lamb. A cluster of coral ( rarnation petals on her mutating) l'rwsian lamb muff completed hori costume. The bride is an Artsr graduate of Queen's University,) while the groom attended Dalhou-i Me Univeristy, graduating in Com- l men-o. Mrs. Crichton was for a limi- on the staff of the Weston, Collegiate and Vocational School. l Crirhton--Galhraith Fonto School, bf" N'ursiIIg waurr-Ehne. [WEDDINGS] In 0 .1. “A!!! tAIO Irl,l's J. & J, mm Oll, ai,h'f?h ANIMAL sons I for “ANY ALIHIMS sflt KATTLIZS iii UP 'lAVl.N-TH'y', mx‘rux MA.silis :1 m- 25c llbilNTy, mm mom, 3 m Me I)riNTRfTM A I ATO>H 65c Jit 1-:u-2m'mr mm nunmrnx , iiiiiiiiii PliiGY "ANKS ANI) VIIANTH' I , . ',7,?slc,rr',,r,5,!,Nisr,'.r Mtt 2",iili'i,!C'?l,,t',"1'2'r" 51-45 "i .fm' ' ". . Mtt INCH’S DRUG STORE PA 111.1]! LACTOG L' N Some 60,000 soldiers have bean asked in I BritUh govertu.ntrtt qaestirrnruipe to give their opoimon We Salute His- Majesty J. RA HY POWDI'Z R Weston 43 MAIN ST. N. Weston 53 THE BABY In Your Home of my clothing, with mud that they a u e tr e I t dainty changes. l mum". “qu" m. "i, Mt. Dennis 1130 WESTON RD. JUnction 8733 79c, $1.79 45c