Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 12 Dec 1940, p. 4

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u QUICK, COURTEOUS k, PHONE 676W 24 Hour Service Their York Times says less @311 n'thousand dollars in counter- ":1tii't money was taken in at the 'ttt Yin}: World', Pair, out of re lrceeipts of nearly $70,000,000. The atttbirittess think it is due to the fact that cashiers, the general whim-45nd even children have been taughé to Immune counterfeitts. It now remains ta teach people how to tell the real from the fraudulent in other when” of life, and thin wiflhe a pretty good world at, [ML Recognized Counterfeit " Main N. (Opp. New Post Office, Ben: " George St. For Appointment Phtnte Wain: MM-WA. 7771 Office Open Thas., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 1nd Sat. Afternoon F.A.SilvermanK.C. PHONES Ntmet. 6402" "Weston 544M" Residence: By. 8068 HONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES Elgin 1868 Money to Loan " Toronto Street. Toronto 0-16-52 Geo. W. Gardhouse c. Lorne Fraser M. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940 Bank of Nova Scotia A Chambers, WESTON Phones: Weston 152W Janet. 0769 trtytora--rrurtstoaeAcswitettae,rr S. RMmARDs0N--5Unatrer 175 Main St. N.. WestDn, Toronto " Phone: JUnction 9200 Reg... Weston 975-W omee Bonn: Dally ; also Tuesday and Thursday evenings Office Hours: F.12--1-5 Evenings by A pointment Parr Back Ultra Short Wave Therapy trM10lt8MM'8 GARAGE Specialized Motor Tune-up 122 MAIN N., WESTON ZONE 4-387 CHIROPRACTOB Nervous ma Chronic Diseases " Guestville Ave. Mt. Denim W 1Etmrtr--2 to 5 Phone J U. ' to 8 Stun!” By Appointment BARRISTER, SOLICITOR THIS DIRECTORY IS PUBLISHED IN THE GENERAL INTERESTS OF YOUR COMMUNITY-PLEASE CONSULT IT J. Edgar Parsons Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. "Ir Weswn Road. Mount Denni- BARRIS'I'ER. 'soucrron. Etc. 24 Hours’ Towing Service 2 Cars-No Waiting ELECTRICAL MAINTEN ANOE IKE-WINDING China Min Produce CHIROPRACTOR W ESTUN MOTOR AN 1) ELECTRIC CO. OSTEOPATHY ROY'S TAXI D. R. ROY I. W. BROWN ELECTRICAL SOLICITORS oe GARAGES {)SWOPATH l6 AIN N . Complete Line of FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES XMAS HOLLY TREES NUTS, TABLE RAISINS, FIGS Reasonable Prices TAXIS 19 MAIN N. Free Delivery in Weston and Mt. Dennis PHONE WESTON 214 AND LY. 1810 Phone JU. 8059 What You Need Is Here WHO’S WHO IN YOUR COMMUNITY Consult This Directory For Every Need - Your Local Business and Professional Men Are Ready To Serve You Dr. J. A. Middleboro 1866 Weston Rd. JU. 2: Office Hours: 7-8 pm. or by appointment. WESTON PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 240 CHURCH PHONE 7801 Personal Instruction of Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar For Appointment Phone 590J MARION RUSSELL DEMOBEST. L.T.C.M.. Principnl Kinder-pm Phno Method Plano - Singing - Violin - Theory Telephone Futon 2U 14deer 9240 Secure the verntile entertainer for your next program Illustrated circular FREE Address 6288 CRAWFORD BT., TORONTO Concert Pianist Teacher of Piano and Theory Phone LA. 4928 Studio: WM. BALL AND SON YORKSHIRE BREEDERB P. c. V. Licensed Trucker Cattle and Botrs--16e th. Calves-Me thet. W. R. M0TT Studio: 215 Dufferin East Piano Tuning RALPH GORDON Dignified ind Courteous Funeral Service UNDERTAKERS UNDERTAKERS PIANO TUNING Gun-mud WM. A. BIGGB 1280 Juno M. MT. DENNIS JUncL_'/9_u_or Wumn "I! PHONE: ZONE 4-444 INSTRUCTION FRANK STEPHENS TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 150 MAIN ST. SOUTH ENTERTAINER W. J. WARD PHONE JU. 8921 1278 WESTON RD. Main Ind John su., Weston 42A Gnome 8t. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 78 WOODBRIDGE Classes now forming. NELLIE LEUTY VOICE CULTURE Funenl Directors Ambulance FLYNN AL. HARRIS MEDICAL SHIPPING Work Gnu-dig Load Insured W ESTON MUSIC PHONE 50WS J U. 2203 x-28-62w xl-tf While walking out of the tur.. denc on Saturday night I wax u- cosbed t one of the vendors sell- ing min ture nutogragtlwd hockey sticks in_thls manner. ith one of these sticks stuck under my nose he hollered out "Mister you can buy Bank Goldup for a qukrterl'-- so I told him he had better not let Conny Smythe hear him or he Mun}! places of birth have been claimed for Hank Goldup trnd his use his been batted wound like a woman's after she has passed the thirty mark, no the record book herd to be brought to light again with the following found on page fifty. Henry Goldup. Born at Kingston. Ontario. thtorer.2!rtt.t, 1918, weighs 180 lbs. Married in {152°“Goo Old summer-ttme" of s, to you "Hap" Day and Bingo Kampman, half the bouquet that most fans and sports writers have handed to Rankin; Pankus Goldup. This tieirtxf goal was the turning point of e game and it just paved the way to help in no sma" way of pepping the Leaf: and Goldup to finish off the "job with a win over the "Boastful Bruins. Those of you whO were at the game and I hope Foster Hewitt described the incident for the bene- fit of the radio fans, was after a gauging attack by the Leafs the puck was held against the boards in the Boston defence zone thereby causing a face off to the left of Brimsek. Just as linesman Joe Primeau was about to drop the puck, Rap Day banged the boards to signal a final change in the line- up. He sent Kampman out to re- place Church, figuring that should Metz get the draw and bang the puck back to Kampman his power- ful shot would have a better chance of finding the mark, and the very thing Hap figured on happened, Met: got the draw back to Kamp- man who let fll through a maze of layers, in act the entire Leaf flu' Bruin teams, the puck hit Clapper's skate and, as it defleeted off, Drillon banged it home to tie the More. Goldup! Goldup! Rah! Rah! Goidupl Such was the song being sung by every person leaving the Gardens last Saturday night and also by some two million radio fans throughout Canada, and out- side of the goal scored by Drillon two or was it three years ago against Detroit in the play-offs when he streaked from one end of the rink to the other to eliminate the Red Wings in over time, Goldup's goal was the finest piece of work I have seen in my Yeahs ant). yeahs of watching the Leafs in action. Don't for one minute think that GoHie's effort wasn't the highlight of the night, but I personally would like to pay tribute to an- other member of the Leafs who played a shot that was just as im- portant as Goldup’s and that was the strategy of Hap Day in his shuffle of the defence in the last period tiththe Bruins leading the Leafs 2 to L settf...titt..,tt,ttrais KEYHOLE SAVE YOUR coupons f 5 Gm nd Prizes Given Free Weston Music & Radio EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS AND SERVICE 28 MAIN N. (Opposite John Street) PHONE 842 Winner No. 3 . . . . in Our FREE Radio Draw MISS BERNICE YOUNG MAIN STREET, NORTH CONGRATULATIONS - ONE FREE RADIO GIVEN WEEKLY GRAND DRAW - DEC. 21 "Weston's Oldest Established Radio Store" , While he was nhseatt, the chil- dren wmdmd from when in: but! left them, trot lost. and Cttustl, died of stamtian. On this story the: “Babe- in the Wood" In: founded. Everyone in “mm!!- with Dick Whittinetott's eat. Dick. who came to London " a poor Menuhin lad. made his fortune by trading in a low. smut kind of thin. known DAVE KAY in I low. stunt kind of ship, known " I "eat," Tint is the origin of the pantomime eat. Re was Lord Mayor in 1897, 1406. 1419. and mnrried his master’s daughter in proper mmtic style. an" Tutter beam sorry mend whim food. The children maximum] And the uncle cam into their mung; then, some years later, the m can out. A ytirTdr, m amt; ed and. a is trial dednred that he and new" mhbu had boon paid to murder the ehiUrvo. They a well-know Norfolk gentleman named De Wayland made a will on his deathbed tn favor of hU two children. The boy was four and the grind two, so their father hf! than: in the 'gtPt',"ttg/, his ',"A'ds'gtpt t. the m cy rs: wing Babes In The Wood Bome nwmimen are founded on fact. 'Wd,' Wm] IV was king, SoifIcan trerapetheodddroyr out of the housekeeping money this week, I may buy Brads. Kampman, Goldup and Apps and then as): Santa Claus for an NHL. fran- ehise-muU isn‘t it-tmt no crazier than the suggestion of last year fiat Goldun would be a - Mar this yretgr--PN foreot eh', Well maybe it is inst as welt-Xmas is just around the corner. Paul Thompson's Chicago team will pay their second visit of the year when they take on the Leafs on Saturday night and all things point to another nerve wracking game. If you recall in the dim and distant past, this is the team that beat our Leafs in their first visit here by a 1 to nothing score and boy, oh boy, what a game it was. bat Mr. Goldun hadn't begun to unwind himself and S w e e n e y Schriner was just getting hr, sea lemi, so things may be different according to the scoreboard come game endinz time for their semnd visit and, ff not, the Bull Pen Bankers will have to eat verv lieht on Xmas as their roll will Tide high One thing that has become ap- parent to me this year is the mat- ter of high sticks and so far no player has been seriously injured, but there will come a day, and then it will be too late to curb a serious injury. Any screwball armed with a hockey stick can chop a man down when he isn't expecting it and if these woodchoppers think the fans enjoy it they are nuts, it is not written in the rules of the game and the fans don't come out to see episodes of this 1hd--Art Ross please note; - bri Hap Days’ boys for a win would be looking for a new job before Xmas. A number of youths who are taking the Government War Emergency Classes at Weston Vocational School will require Those having accommodation. call Prineipal's Office, Weston 164 a“ Arty ROOM AND BOARD FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHT TO TEN WEEKS for them, and went TIMES AND GUIDE the chi!- n u but! wally died trtpr, Ao killed tt In W .. I. H .7 F.“ , _ I." t 31.. hr." - , , , .' t ;;“~- , ". r mar the 9n“)! List wear' we once attain brought forth the old pocket book to the burr Lam Exams are just ”bums the came: and soon *9 shalt be fUttnderitttt mum! Thtr in tum. suit ye sink. or an in stritttf That a the amnion It! we asking with a wild rumba. Our thin school- hus In new blown out to their fullest extent an! are {running under the strain. Bo, if you have not begun”: “335' M'ffr,,', that yuu get 'ttl a burning and do I little work. Remember! Only seven man studying day: till Now that the bowling league has been taken over by the Student CouneiUwe shall have the pleasure of reporting ho you, week by week, about the current "strike stares" and "gutter - gusses" (spelling doubtful). To date the league boasts only four teams. "Ytthootiesr Cookies” (first by reason of its name), headed by Doug Seal; the "Blitzkreftr", captain Pete Marks; the "Go-Getters", led by Ray White; and the "Burrieanes", un- der Bob Huson. The teams have 2? been bowling for three weeks as yet are only warming up. In an!» of this fact. Leigh Cairns. of e "Go-Getters". last Thursday afternoon brought home e score of 293, the highest ree We have had the strictest order: not to disclose the lowest score. Next week we will oblige with the team standings and more high scores (if any). Coming Tower Bume" of you have pmhabiy béen wondering why there has been no mention of our school magazine this year. We regretfully Announ- ce that, for a number of reasons, ttterewi11benoeditiottofthe" “Canning Tower" this year. Our ttme is being taken up by things Hutu Rugby Banquet Last Wednesday, the members of our rugby teams, orchestra, and band, were entertained at a ban- uet held in the school cafeteria. gudging b the large number pres- ent, the goys turned oat in full force. After the dinner (of which everyone had two helpings), Ken Fortune, chairman for the evening, proposed a toast to the school, and Mr. Worden responded. Wes Bo., dington, captain of the senior squad, proposed a toast to the team, to which Mr. Thompson, coach of the team, responded. Blondie McKelvey, captain of the junior A team, did the honours for his team-mates and Mr. Scott, their coach, resFonded. Jack Hildebrand, captain o the champion junior B team, presented the cup to the school. Miss Galbraith, who, with the help of the' girls, arranged the dinner, thanked the girls for their help and Miss Jepkipspn, for the woliderful supper she_had prepared. Everyone went to the auditorium Brazil. y to dance or listen to our new orches- - tra formed 1'iu'gl/,i of the boys of the school. e orchestra was very Some R good, even though it Was its first salt water engagement. A good time was, had which to by all, but there was one complaint banquets. ---we didn't want to go home at Sh30. r"""'"'"" Bowling co"""""""""""""-"""""""-""""""""""""""""""""-" I """ "an E]IIIII"In!"lIIIIIll"IIIIll“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIuII-IulIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IInIn":Iluuuuunulllnw CAMPUS COMMENT Weston Collegiate and Vocational School I coming or» was to turn call for funds This time it was the Navy League and it is hoped that a considerable amount was collected to this Worthy cause. The Navy in the winter Season is in serious need of funds to ','i1t2Pg her vast number of tars wit warm winter outfits and Christmas cheer. Only one member of our student body in on Active Service at the present time as far as we know, in the person of Bill Norman, of Vo- cational, who is somewhere in "Ihr. emy waters". Those on home guard are Ord. Seaman Hugh Conlon, Esquimolt, and 0rd. Seaman John Callender, at Halifax. A California company has ar- ranged with the Brazilian Govern- ment to prospect for oil in northern Brazil. Some Romans of 100 RC. had salt water tanks at their villas, in which to hold oysters fresh for banquets. Alabaster marble is named for the place where it first was found. Alabastrum, Egypt. 'Cid-tttE.?...?) Boys', 11 to 3 'y"'""".:""?"'"".".""."'""""'""" Unify Every girl will be wearing White Skating Sets this year. They are selling fast and undoubtedly a shortage will be felt at Christmas time. Secure yours early. A deposit 3 95 of 1.00 holds any Set. Priced as low as er...-.--...-.'.---"-.- . Boys' Slippers, in wine or fawn leather. Every boy needs Slippers. All sizes, 11 to 5, at-- For Boys' Genuine Vici Kid Romeo Slippers, black or brown Colors. Sizes up 3 on to 12. Priced at n Me AND Me Rmeos CFilllllSFilolLlMl'S CCM. 2866 DUNDAS AT KEELE now rank tops on the continent. The .shoes are alfpew de. signs, built over new four-way combination lasts and are Goodyestwelted, 1y.hjeh..emuyys perfect fitting. thes, In wine or brown col jgh from illustrated. Sizes 6 to li Priced from _ ......»........ l I Zipper SlippT. OPERA In a variety of , Sizes tram 6 to IO] Priced from ..r_r....rr-.... Wine color, also shown in brown. Tadded sole and Heel. Sizes 6 to 12. _ Priced at H _..--..-..--..--""' 2-75 AND 1 .75 hidian Slippers MA T CHED SETS Bridge Slippers Packards Bridge Style Slippers, in wine or black patent leather, also in satin or chenille. 1 75 Sizes 3 to 9. Priced from m""""'"-.....-..--".-. I Blue, wine or patent leather D'Orsay Slippers, one inch heels, padded soles, in widths A to 3. 2 oo Priced from. vrFr_ _"'.""""'"'"""'"',""""""'" .rtm_"'.'._..FW.W_Ww..r._.ert n Slip rs for"ofen, 2eai,',"y Slippers F IT'S ECONOMICAL. CONVENIENT. EASY TO USE AND IT FURNISHES REAL HEAT PARK ST. Ashhee 6: Son Coal Is the Ideal Fuel IBYOU can dress Comfort up in n plensing gift. you’ll delight any person who receives it! Our slippers will flatter the vanity of my woman and crawl into the affections of any nun. Children love them tool Get them for " most everyone on your list! Smart if); Luggage or Leather Goods Of course coal is the ideal fuel. In the first place it's plentiful-we need never fear a sht'rrt. age. This assures you of low cost at all times. QUALITY AND WEIGHT GUARANTEED GET TONS OF SATISFACTIOI Coolie say: l SLIPPERS‘ Others as low as 98e. PHONE 1224W, 411, 538 Padded leather sdlgwd heels. 3.49 gh froni or low cut as Slippers t.....rr. 1.25 WESTON PAGE m trs, a”: a "

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