The wartime standardization al- ready manifest in civil life in Britain will shortly be applied to wcmen’s shoes, Leslie Burgin, min- ister of supply, has indicated. PAGE FOUR SHOES TO BE STANDARDIZED Great Britain Is Taking Step War Economy EIGHT tnllilTllliSTMlTS TIE FOR MAJOR PRIZES Library Edition-thum “This ig a remarkably complete book . . . a model of historical tolerance and development-d book that should be in every Catholic home," V Owing to our special-arrangement with the publishers you may secure your copy of T i) " Al, - , _-. maul“: T "f,tllllllkiii.s.s3i: é: 'lllllllt,5ii,ii),ti 'Tron MacDonell to Mdhiigan" "From MacDonell to McGuigan" A DRAMATIC STORY FOR CATHOLICS MW WM. PERKINS BULL, K.C. Special price on Staff Edition (limited quantity) 7 $2.50 postpaid 2847 DUNDAS STREET WES? The Times and Guide BEAUTIFULLY AND HISTORICALLY ILLUSTRATED A New Book ttS is SI) writtenhy an Orangeman From As By Fewer styles and colors and nar- rower range of qualities is forecast by footwear manufacturers. The proposed standardization would ap- ply only to the lower and medium grades in prices ranging from 10 to 13 shillings (about $1.78 to $2.31) a pair for women's shoes, and 17 to 20 shillings (about $3 to $3.56) for men's. DeLuxe Edition-AIO/m mm l was: Illllk Account 3,5,33' Mineralogists say there is enough salt in Texas to give a four-horse wagon load to every person in the state and still have plenty left. "Let us all reisolve to "seattle." Then the election speakers grab- bed it. Newspapers picked it up for use in relation to all sorts of subjects. The word rapidly became shogworlgu -. _ - Over-used Word (Halifax Chronicle) The Graf Spee incident and some sequels brought the word "seattle" into, familiar use, The association for a time, gave the word a charm and some appeal. Sailors at-“An Eastern Canadian Povt" were quick to adopt it, greeting each other with mock- Nazi salutes and "Heil Hitler." In New York City, the night clubs heard a new toast: "Here come the British. Scuttle, scuttle!†fol- lowed by a quick drowning of drinks. "Seattle" has been overworked. The world is suffering from too frequent use. It is high time to dispose of it, to keep it out of business for l long period. Last week in Movie-Titles Contest No, 13, eight contestants tied with nine correct answers and shared $140 of the prize money. These included two from the west end of the city, Miss Marjorie Lindsay of 20 Quebec Avenue, and Mrs. I. Soutar, 28 Rosemount Avenue. The other six lucky winners of major prizes were W. I. Dunbar, 17 Conway Avenue; Mrs. S. Gooch, 48 Balfour Avenue; Mrs. K. Mangan, 77 Harris Avenue; C. Lethbridge, 61 Fulton Avenue; Roy Jenkins, 922 Woodbine Avenue, and Dorothy Thornton, 46 Aldergrove Avenue. Interest is growing each week in the Contest and it is easy, very easy to enter, See the contest on this page and get your entry in early, You will find it fascinating to work out and educational as well. Be sure to be in one of the B & F Theatres listed next Thursday night if you are to be eligible for a prize. The following 27 contestants tied with eight correct answers each and divide the balance of the prize money: Mrs. T. Pioolc,..,,",.,.",,.."...-.,...,,,..,..,,....,,.,..10 Barker Ave. Marion Rennie.......................................868 Broadview Ave. Mrs. R. D. Packer..................................................67 Lewis St. Mrs. H. Judges.,..-.--) Victoria Park Ave. Mrs. N. Ryan..-------.....) Craven Rd. E. Rumley-....-....---.-...26 Heyworth Cres. Margaret Wright-....-...-..-" Aldergrove Ave. Mrs. C. C. Ti1son,,...,".-...-......-..13 Belshaw Ave. Mrs, Boggas---.--.-...-.952% Gerrard St. Murray Burke.,,...,-....,,,...,.",.,-..) Danforth Ave. Doris Harrison...,-,.,....-..,.-.................) Indian Rd. Mrs. F. B. McMillan.....................722 Windermere Ave. Share $140.00 In Movie Titles Contest No. 13 Miss Margaret Lindsay, 20 Quebec Avenue, and Mrs. I. Soutar, 28 Rosemount Avenue, are Among Lucky Recipients of Cheques for Sub. stantial Sum AT KEEUE' scuttle r...,,...,...,....,,.,.." Barker Ave. ....-.....868 Broadview Ave. .........-.................67 Lewis St. .444 Victoria Park Ave. o,."..,........,....) Craven Rd. .....,......26 Heyworth Ores. .......u.18 Aldergrove Ave. o...........,..." Belshaw Ave. ................952‘/2 Gerrard St. ..........2644 Danforth Ave. ..........-...........612 Indian Rd. ..,,,.722 Windermere Ave. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Fill Below is a list of Forty-seven Movie-Titles. Select from these the Ten Titles which in your opinion best describe, represent, suggest or fit the above Ten Pictures. 1. Lost Squadron. M. Zero Hour. 2. For Love Or Money, 26. Too Hot to Handle. 3. hBlade For Each Other. 27. Sweethearts. . reek of Day. s. Shining no". 28. Road Demon. 6. Bkak Heads. M. Four Wives. 7. Rtllin' Westward. 30. Down " the Farm. 8. Rains Came. M. Midnight. 9. Five of a Kind, 32. Across the Plains. 10. Union Pacific,,- 33. Over the Moon, 11. So This is London. 34. Hidden Power. 12. The Crash. 35. Night Hawk. 13. Our Fighting Navy. 36. Sundown on the Prairie. 14. Clouds Over Europe. 37. Sisters. 15. Sunset Trail. 38. Wolf Patrol. 16. Undercover Doctor. 39. Rain. 17. Room Service, . 40. Four Girls in White. 18. Front Page. 41. Down to Earth. 19. Carefree. 42. Undercover Agent, 20. 'tageeoark, 43. Night Work. M. Risky Business. 44. Big News. 22. Shine on Harvest Moon. 45. Ruler of the Sens. 23. Twelve Crowded Hours. 46. Dawn Patrol. M. Four Daughters. 47. Bright Victory. Entry Form-Ccntest N 0.15 (i; (ll, s 0A3 '1",,',,l1',liillliiillil 1l5l5'ij15" r MOVIE-TITLES Don’t forget to enclose ik for handling costs with each set of answers you sub. mit. Fun to solve... ...Easy to win '/,t tet,',"; M. Zero Hour. or we 0r Money, 26. Too Hot to Handle. bBlsde For Each Other. 27. Sweethearts. real; of Day. Shining Hour. 28. Road Demon. mm. new. 29. Four Wives. Rtllin' Westward. 30. Down " the Farm. Rains Came. M. Midnight. Five of a Kind. 32. Across the Plains. Union Pacific, ' 33. Over the Moon, So This is London. 34. Hidden Power. The Crash. M. Night Hawk. Our Fighting Navy, 36. Sundown on the Prairie. Clouds Over Europe. 37. Sisters. Sunset Trail. M. Wolf Patrol. Undercover Doctor. 39. Rain. Room Service, . 40. Four Girls in White. Front Page. 41. Down to Earth. Carefree. 42. Undercover Agent, 'tageeoarli, 43. Night Work. Risky Business. 44. Big News. Shine on Harvest Moon, 45. Ruler of the Sens. Twelve Crowded Hours. 46. Dawn Patrol. Four Daughters. 47. Bright Victory. in the NUMBERS ONLY of your selections from the above list of Movie Titles. , ADDITIONAL PRIZES OF $5.00 I' EACH %/%{ @%/Q/ TIMES AND GUIDE lst. Prize - " 2nd. Prize - " 3rd. Prize a " A NEW COMPLETE CONTEST EVERY WEEK When sap is trickling through the spiles, And drips down to the pails, And snow still stays on shady sides 0f tree and rock and rails; Weekly Poem SIGNS OF SPRING H. B. Thornton"......-........._................75 Milverton Blvd, Jean S. Reilly-.........,...-.-.-.,....) Dufferin St, Mrs. J. Connor...,...",,,..,.,.....-......-........) Harvie Ave, Joseph GpinpelL........-.......d.......114 West Lynn Ave, D. Bygrave..-....-..,-........."......,.73 Queensdale Ave, Mrs. Dee-............,....,-,..............,.,..,......) Woodbine Ave, H, F1ook.....,..-.-......,.,,....-...."-.......,,,,...t0 Barker Ave, Mrs. B. Tier.-.,.....,.....,.......-..-,,..,.,,......' Willow/ve J. Jackson...........-............,........-..,..."..........)) Frater Ave, Miss Melba Sutherland...................100 Moberley Ave Mrs. C. Ralston..,.............,....,.........-....,.....; Fulton Ave Louis P. De1eourt....,.........,...-................79 Charles St. E. Mrs. Merva MeLeap..-.......-.-474 Danforth Ave Verna Duekwmrth.....-...,............,.,....,..181 Coleman Ave Fred G. Gibbs...........,.-........"..,..........,.,..' Oakwood Ave, Answers for Contest No. 13 A,--No. B.--No. c-No. D.-No, E,--No, li'.-No. c-No. H.-No. l.-.-). J .--No. .. f L’ ' it', " 'till-fir-ll'"" The Newest Rage in Contests,,', 117/}! ("7/2 27-,-THE FIGHTING BREED 8-RONN HOOD 24--PYGMAL10N 14--YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU 21-HER MAN M-GOOD TURN 4--EMPTY SADDLES M-POINTER 20-DRAMATTC SCHOOL M-GUN PACKER 7/747. / iii/j, ', /////, o/. yum...“ When crows fly Iaz’ly o'er the fields, In search of food to eat, When rodents stick their heads up through. When robins come and hunt for mud And bits of grass and string To built their summer nests again, Why these are signs of spring. ADDRESS NAME... Don't chance losing one of the major prizes! " AT ONE OF THE CONTEST THEATRES ON "MOVIE-TITLE NITE." in one a number of contestants an tied for on. or more prime the prize money duo than winners will be divided amohg those of the contentanu who are in attendance at the Contact .Theltru on Movie-Title Nita. T The prize-moi†remaining after can'- nolation print an deducted will be added to_the following \yoek'a_lilt of prizu. lows: . lst Consolation prize 2nd Consolation prize 3rd Consolation prize The above prizes go to the canieatnnh with the most correct list of answers IF Theatres listed under "EXPLANATION" on "Mttvie.Titla Nita" when winners an announced. " one of the ten canton: theatres when names are announced THEY WILL RE. CEIVE CONSOLATION PRIZES as fol- THEY ATTEND one of the ten B & F Picture Letter ""“"""‘383H Arlo""""' .......,75 Milverton Blvd. ............1914 Dufferin St. o.............." Harvie Ave. ,...114 West Lynn Ave. .......73 Queensdale Ave. .........918 Woodbine Ave. o...........,,,,.." Barker Ave. ...,............213 Willow ,Ave. r,....,............?) Frater Ave. .........100 Moberley Ave. "....-......61 Fulton Ave. ...............79 Charles St. E. ",........474 Danforth Ave. RI. If the winner: ARE NOT PRESENT Q B l "fii'Cl El J I Ll (Pleas. Print ....cu1= HERE.......-.... I YOUR ANSWER Set Set Set Set "3.: Ne. 1 No. 2m. 8No. 4No. 5 IMPORTANT t. .OOIOIIOIIIOOOOOOI Name and Address) I I ' . . . n . . ' crawl-"*3 . . $20.00 ' . 10.00 . . 6.00 Meteoric iron that had fallen from the sky was used in making weapons long ago, V, before man knew how to make his own iron. When sister wants a brand new dress, New hat and pair of shoes, And then she wants a new light coat, (One of the new shade blues); When all the air feels balmy, warm, And showers seem to bring The grass and flowers from the ground, . Why these are signs of spring. When father gets the old car out And shines it up like new, When mother says house cleaning time Right now has sure come due; When, Bobbie gets his roller skates, And down the street does swing, And Tottie gets her skipping rope, Why these are signs of spring. The ground, where once grew wheat; When gray birds perch on rail- fence stakes, And oh, so sweetly sing Their songs of love to their fair mates, Why these are signs of spring. RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford se, Toronto. Jj:tik N.“ i'iii,i)"iij,c,")'j'.) MU? A ,'9_ HOW TO ENTER-write your name and address on the entry form as designated. Now cut out entry form and seal in an envelope together with handling costs (see rule 4) and mail it to West Toronto 'Weekly, 2936 Dundas St. West, or deliver it to any one of the following B & F Contest Theatres: PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, Dan- forth at Woodbine; CENTURY THEATRE, Danforth at Broadview; GROVER THEATRE, Danforth at Dawes Road; BEAVER THEATRE, 2942 Dundas W.; YORK THEATRE, Yonge at Bloor St.; CHRISTIE THEATRE, 665 St. Clair Ave.; EASTWOOD THEATRE, Gerrard at Ashdale; CARLTON THEATRE, 509 Parliament; SCAR, BORO THEATRE, 960 Kingston Road; or LA PLAZA THEATRE, Queen at Lewis, not later than Wednesday, May 22nd. The winners will be announced from the screen the next day, Thursday evening, May 23rd, at the above Theatres, and you must be in any one of these theatres to be eligible for the Major £11285. (Seeiules 5, 6 and 7.), I. The contest is open to anyone excepting employees of this newspaper, the B & F Theatres and the Contest Man.. ager or those employed in conducting the contest, and their families. 2. There will be no tie-breakers. In case of two or more contestants having the same number of correct answers their prizes will be added together and divided equally between them. 3. Your entry must be at one of the following contest points not later than Wednesday, May 22nd: West Toronto Weekly, 2936 Dundas St. West; or at any one of the ten B & F Theatres listed above. If you mail your entry IT MUST BE ADDRESSED TO West Toronto Weekly, 2936 Dundas St. West, and postmarked in Toronto not later than May 22nd. Entries postmarked or delivered Thurs. day, May 23rd, or later, will not be accepted. 4. Contestants may send in as many sets of answers as they wish, but they are only eligible for one prize. If a contestant ranks for more than one prize, he or she will be awarded the one of higher value. For each set of iii) swers entered in the contest, five cents must be enclosed to cover costs of handling; for example, if you enter two sets of answers in the contest you will enclose ten cents; with three sets of answers, fifteen cents, and so on. ___-__. ~vvu Va- unwwvan, all even wcum, auu 3U vu. 5. To be eligible for the MAJOR prizes, contestants must be P any one of the ten B & F Theatres listed above, when their names are called. The winners will be announced from the screen and prizes awarded on MOVIE-TITLE NITE, which is every Thursday Nite at the above Contest Theatres. The results of the above centest will be an. nounced THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23rd. 6. Only entry forms carrying the contestant's correct name and address and with which the correct amount of handling charge is enclosed will be eligible for the contest. 7. The correct answers are known only to the Contest Manager. Every contest entry becomes the property of this newspaper. Full explanation and rules of the contest wil be printed for our readers' information each week. This newspaper and the aforementioned theatres will not be responsible for entry forms lost in the mail. 8. Upon entering the contest the contestant accepts these rules and the decision of the judges as final in all matters relating to the contest. Now start with Picture A above. When you have your answer, write down the NUMBER ONLY of the movie.. title you have selected, beside Picture Letter A, and in the column headed "Set No. I." Follow the same procedure with pictures B, c,o, etc. If you enter a second set of answers list them in the column headed "Set No. 2.†A third, set of answers could be listed under "Set No. 8" and so on. ' HOW TO WIN-All you have to do in this contest is to solve the above ten picture puzzles. A list of forty-seven movie titles is given on this page, from which you choose ten, which in your opinion best describe, represent, sug- gest or fit the ten picture puzzles. The contestant with the most correct epsyers wins the first_prize. - - rrEach Picture has only one correct answer, CASH PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR THE MOST COR. RECT ANSWERS. CONTEST RULES EXPLANATION iiii t ImcLosmcuow, , I Illl, (i'rit'l'i,'l,,'i'rf)),tii.'i] Tq . .. _ sow Igoraannsr 'Nllll (333} 'j",ilitt " I I/ F, A" . ht-ir-ffl? 'W l ' ‘..__ It r ' _i'cdii, - Emilia Tm cLoslic turs/ I HAVEN'TSEEN A SOUL INYPE misty =-c-suuici"'" --itead the Ads. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 The original homogenized high test milk . . . from selected herds . . . protected by the exclusive “Sanifoil†cap . . . the perfect seal and protection against contamina- tion. Same price as ordinary milk. PHONE TODAY' WESTO N 562 vrriuad' Youve Sure, You’re Safe, with Rich, High Test A lY15l8