Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 16 May 1940, p. 3

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(Editor and Publisher) -The English war office admits, according to the United Press un- der 3 London dateline recently, that a publicity release referring to the various colors of pass tickets issued to the military forces does- n't mean literally what it says in this instance: "Members of the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Ser- vice will show their pink forms whenever called upon to do so." s,' Scientists say that the planet Battorrrquite likely has 10 moons-- nine have been discovered so far. Rev. Albert Eikenaar, Pastor 16 Queen’s Drive Phone 613 WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH _ ABURN PAIRS frigerators _ and RADIOS 56 KING ST. PHONE 280 mama mm at new" PROTEIN! _ LEE-SABER man an "NEGRO! TRINITY SUNDAY, MAY 19 8 a.m.~Holy Communion. .Jn.-Morning Prayer. 'a.m.--J ll di o 1' Congrega- tion. 2 p.m.---Bible Class. 3 p.tm---Sunday School. 7 p,m.--Evensong. 'Goodrich _ ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH WESTON 96 Many tires cost more but NO OTHER TIRE - at any price - can give You this life-saving protection against gt both skids and Ill blow,,outs, J. HAWE Rector: Vicar: CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH NO CHARGE THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the House of the Lord." BARTER’S LIMITED Don't Look, Now CHEAP CLEANING IS POOR ECONOMY Call Weston 1000 NOW MAY 19th, 1940 11 a.m.-"The Friendship of Jesus." SUNDAY, MAY 19th, 1940 Public Worship 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Minister at both services. Tuesday, 8 p.m.--Young People’s League. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.-Canadian Girls In Training Thursday, 7.30 p.m.-Trail Rangers. 7 pan.---") Ministry of Suffering." WESTON CLEANERS Rev. J. Hughes-Jones Rev. W. E. Mackey Minister-REV. HARRY PAWSON EXPERT TAILORING AND REPAIRS Free Pick-up and Delivery 9 DUFFERIN ST. W. DODGE - DESOTO . LIFE-SAVER TREAD GOLDEN PLY BLO\Y/'-OUT PROTECT ION “#60 ch; may ird,ti-i1,-,r,','i Literary Perfection Row many writers, amateur and professional, stirred by the mystery of the departure from New York of the great liners Mauretania and Queen Mary, must have been stopped short by the literary per- feqtion ot therontine report: _ 8:52.-A British ship, no signals, passing quarantine, bound out. “Mortals and Immortals" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon tor Third Church of Christ, Scien- titt, 70 High Park Ave., and all other Christian Science Churches in Toronto, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m., and radiocast over Station CFRB all all, pn SInday, wi--- " The Golden Text is "This cor- tntptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on im- m1trajity," (1prripthitts1r: 5j0, Selections from the Bible include the following from Romans 8: 16, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:" Correlative citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Seienee and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in- elude the following from page 265: "The senses represent birth as un- timely and death as irresistible, as if man were a weed growing apace tit a flower withered by the sun and nipped by untimely frosts; but this is true only of a mortal, not of a man in God’s image and like- ness." Minitster-Rev. Currie Creelman, M.A., B.D. Lt Fern Ave. Phone " Musical Director-Mr. Bruce Metcalfe PROTECT YOUR FURS Garments Stored Scientifically 2% of Your Value Serviees-11 a.m. 7 p.m. _ 2.45--Sunday School. 11 a.m.---"Repent and Be. lieve." 3 p.m,--Sunday School, 7 p.m.---"Why Does G o d - Permit War?" . Rev. R. Currie Creelman will preach at both services. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH f SUNDAY, MAY 19th Christian Science WESTON PRESBYTERIAN LYN D. 3883 38 MAIN N. The initial part of a, new photo- graphic course made available to a group of blind students at the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind, as described by Paul Mitchell, assistant principal of the institute, "consists of studying light by comparing it to heat and sound waves. A photo-electric cell connected to a sound mechanism, and each student passes his hand through the light beam playing on the cell. This operates the sound mechanism and the results of his action is heard by the student," Broadly speaking, there are two ways of increasing the efficiency of crop production. One involves the development and distribution of improved varieties by plant breed- ers, and the other is concerned with maximum yields of best quality products may be secured. Why is it that the first way is so popu- lar, and the second so sadly ne- glected? Nothing is easier than to "sell' a new variety of wheat to growers', but the adoption of new methods of production necessary for the best immediate results and for the permanent benefit of the land is a much slower process.-- Seedtime and Harvest. ... New Photographic Course is Now Made Available Woolton inaugurated a national food campaign in . speech and ap- pealed to women to organize a “kitchen front". Be saidthat the peace-time re- cipe. of one spoonful of tea per person and .one for the pot, be changed to one for each person and none for the pot. He said that if this method was practised, it would save 60 ‘shiploads of tea per year. The British Minister, of Food Lord Woolton urged small consum- ers to avoid waste, emphasizing that one slice of bread wasted daily ‘by each consumer would amount to 30 shiploads of wheat in a. year. l EFFICIENT CROP PRODUCTION At St. Andrew's, Thistletownrat 3 p.m., a special service will be held on behalf of the Upper Canada Bible Society. The preacher at that service will be the Rev. R. G. Davi- son, of the United Church, and the Rev. T. B. Butler will be the preacher at the evening service in Mr. Davison's Church at night, making an appeal on behalf of the same society. On the week follow- ing a canvass of the whole com- munity will be made for funds for this very worthy cause. The work of this splendid society must not be interfered with even though the war is being waged. 1 A most impressive service was held last Sunday at St. Philip's, ‘when three infant children were baptized at the morning service. In a helpful message the Rector com- bined the thoughts of Mother's Day, Infant Baptism, and the Bap- tism of the Holy Spirit in an ap- propriate Whitsunday address. Next Sunday at St. Philip's at 11 a.m. the Rev. T. J. Dew, of Mimico, will have charge of the service, and will preach, an ex- change of pulpits having been ar- ranged. In the evening Bishop Fleming of the Arctic brought a very prac- tical Whitsunday message. "I sup- pose you heard Roosevelt speak, a very wonderful speech, but he cut it short. Everyone wondered why. I guess you would as he has many worries and is ruler over millions of people" said the Bishop. Rev. W. E. Mackey occupied the pulpit in St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday morning. The Bishop spoke on the early exploration of the vast Arctic, by the numerous explorers, and dwelt on the Christianizing of the Eski- mo, and the excellent work that has been accomplished by the scores of self-sacrificing missionaries who have given their lives to the Arc- tie. Bishop Fleming pleaded for donations for the little Missionary Hospital, tucked away amid the ice bound Arctic coast. If they did not receive sufficient financial aid from the parishioners of the var- ious churches, he would have to perform the difficult task, on his return to the Arctic in the course of two weeks, of closing the doors to these Eskimos who have re- ceived such marvellous medical aid at the hands of the missionaries. The Bishop took as his text those well known words, "Peace, 1 leave on to you, my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth peace, give I unto you but as the Lord giveth". The W.M.S. will hold a meeting at Mrs. W. M. MaeDonald's, 1 Franklin Ave., on Thursday after- noon. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Roos will prepare the program. Church of Good Shepherd The Guides and Brownies of Mount Dennis and Silverthorn Dis.. tricts will parade in massed forma- tion to the Church of the Good Shepherd on Sunday morning next for the eleven o’clock service. This will be an impressive gathering and the regular congregation as well as the friends of the girls are advised to be early. The address will be delivered by the Rector, the Reverend R. P. Walker. At Even- song, 7 p.m., the Rector will begin a course of sermons on "The Twenty-third Psalm". The teachers and officers of the 8.8. will meet in the Church Hall on Thursday evening. A good at- tendance is requested. The Rummage Sale will be held on Saturday afternoon in the Church Hall. Come and take your pick! _ C+uu"to"rrroeoooot""or""""ore"t"et"tto"u"tE EDUCATION FOR THE BLIND Providing Favorable Conditions For Maximum Yields British Minister of Food Shows Bow Small Things Count Up URGED TO AVOID WASTE Weston Presbyterian St. John's Anglican CHURCHES St. Philip', During the past week the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto held its annual sessions, opening on Tues- day with one of the most largely attended gatherings ever held in St. James Cathedral. Until the very end of the sessions it was evident that there had been a deepening of spiritual life in the church which is awaiting guidance, direction and leadership. The services in their entirety, the sermon on Tuesday night by Rev. Frederick S. Flem- ing, Rector of Trinity Church, New York city, the’charge by His Grace the Archbishop of Toronto, reports given by the Diocesan Board of Missions, the Diocesan Board of Religious Education, the Diocesan Board of Social Service, the Special Committee on the state of the church, and by the%aymen's Com- mittee, all struck a high note, and issued a challenge to all Anglicans in the Diocese of Toronto for a greater dedication of their lives to the service of Christianity. These reports and the leaders called for the rededication of the individual and the general acceptance of the The regular monthly meeting of the Central United Church Women's Association was held last Thursday in the Auxiliary Room with the President, Mrs. G. A. Barker pre- siding. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. G. Wynn and prayer was offered by Mrs. M. E. Smith, son. Gratifying reports were read by the secretaries after which the president asked Mrs. G. Snider to preside over the balance of the meeting. Two lovely vocal solos Anglican Synod Meets Diocese of Toronto Everlasting Flowers Form Basket ttf Life It""""-""""-"""""""""""""""""": l""""o""t"t"r"ot"r"""rro"tr"oorr"rr-trr", Hitler is a hammer in the hand of God to smash some of our idols, and a great many people are like the neutrals of Europe in cow. demning the Allies, but when attacked there is a post haste cry for help. God is shaking our civilization to its roots, we are facing the greatest war_of all history and it is no time to stand idly by but' to repent and turn to the only One who can bring peace; "For God seek- eth such to worship Himl" I believe that in the face of blackouts, casualty lists and heart-rending scenes it is more essential than ever that our people grow strong. Every man, woman and child should be in some church on Sunday; evoking God's bless- ing an the cause of right and generally in a spirit of humility recognizing that if Canada is to avoid a blitz- kreht we must reform our country from one end of it to the other and build on a foundation which is not her- bouring or protecting evil in any of its forms. There is a lack of faith in the promises of God or even that there is a God. Can we not realize that God made man with freedom of action, and unless we are to be glorified Charlie McCarthies, there is bound to be evil and destructive influence at work. That is the price of having adult powers of decision and not being mere puppets in the hand of a supreme ruler. So the question why doesn't God do something is irrele- vant, if we realize it is up to us to make a decent world. The trojan horse of mod. ern times conceals more than enemy spies because there is graft; infidelity to principle, a lack of allegiance to church and state which are just as subversive and destructive to our country's welfare. 7 Mr. W. L. Mackenzie King, the Premier of Canada, has ealled,on all our people to have courage, so that we may match our strength to the gathering storm. But if there is any criticism by our citizens it is that we are not given sufficient opportunity of getting into the fray. Men are being rejected for army service and generally we feel that our country is not carrying its share of the load. This question must be left to Parliament when it meets this week, but there is one place where we all can enlist, and that is in service on the home front. _ f . i I, ___ "’7 _ - ---_ ___ - V - 7 . ':7,i"yy"yc2,cr2'c'iCyHF, .ftc ":'vrr_' rr.wft 2: . '. . _ .-..,....,.......... , . _.' .. tr,ist't'.ss3:sk?.r/?yty,y. Irc-c"' w" - .. 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CAiimtiagr..ii'fii'f.ir, JfeeSr 'tCir,': 14.5””, r4" , WI 12ycrryyp - P .s,etarryf.Lysirit?prs,:ts ' " _ 39t {>\ 0" I t'p:hc's'jy,, “it, .-" '_VYP, , qWV.w'. :-:"."$ fa "i,".":,'.'-, ’ Iii.;:': _ le:::. _ It. 4151* Mt” s I _ A»..- “‘ 3v .-.' I...» to-.. i". s. r' .2;:2.2::r1 3%.)?" ’ ,4 'ii)jjii-'j1lt'1i':,'i.r:'j: w}; NN " A w, ,3 J 5.933525%: ',2?i"ii?,::Y.., 7 2,'.kr., if»? Thte year gin yawn/f a real treat. Enjoy a Planned Vacation with all Me utkerstme details complete/y arranged for you a: scan a: you buy your ticket. Archbishop of Toronto Presides-Reports and State of Church Intimate That the Diocese is Launching Ouron Still Greater Work Miss Andrews From Dixon Hall Brings Central United Women's Association Unique Address Do Your Bit! TIMES AND GUIDE (Edmonton Journal) A front page editorial notice in a country newspaper in Iowa claimed a double . "seoop" last month. It read as follows: We were the first journal in the state to announce, on the 11th instant, the news of the destruction in Des Moines, by fire, of the mammoth paint establishment of Jenkins and Brothers. We are now the first to inform our readers that the report was absolutely without foundation. Woollen garments will not shrink if they are hung out to dry while dripipng wet. A 'rare flower the 'Orchid for Obedience" we should place. in our basket so that we may be enabled to overcome resentment and jeal- ousy. In order that Christ's pur- pose may be fulfilled on this earth we must then place in our basket the "Pansy for Purpose". The "Lillies for Love" we cannot do without if we would love our ene- mies and do good to those who despitefully use us. "Poppies for Peace" that we all must pray for at) this time, we must not neglect to mix in with our other flowers. In the centre of our basket we should place a "Calla Lily for Christ's Love in our Hearts". With "Fern mixed in for Friendship" and a "Bow for Remembrance" we now have a basket filled with flow- ers of rare beauty and lasting qualities that every life should possess." _ .-. , Mrs. H. Pawson very fittingly expressed thanks to Miss Andrews for her splendid address and also to Mrs. Iredale and all those who eontribdted to the programme, this was seconded by Miss Stong. The ladies of Group 4 served refresh- ments at the close of the meeting. simple faith of the teaching of J d- sus Christ. In all deliberations and exhorte- tions the Synod was admonished to make the sacrifice necessary to enable the church as a whole to give a more definite contribution to the world in its present chaotic condition. The church had not failed in the quietness of faith and in the strength of Jesus Christ the church is ready to go forward to plant firmly the banner of Christianity -sueh was the thought of all as they returned home from the final session on Friday. This great Synod has been a stimulus to all Angli- cans and in their various parishes should create a new desire, a new vision of the church and its mis- sion, so that with the dedication of lives to Christ the world may have the leadership it so sorely needs. The six hundred delegates who at- tended the Synod during the past week had the opportunity to be- come filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, to take fresh hold of the tasks which have been assigned to the Christian church today. "Jesus, Lover of my Soul" and "God Bless the King" were excep- tionally well rendered by Mrs. Ire- dale with Miss Gardhouse acting as accompanist. Mrs. W. R. Gross- kurth introduced the guest speaker, Miss Andrews of Dixon Hall, To- ronto, who was well remembered by most of the ladies for her splen- did address at one of the previous meetings when she gave an account of her work at Dixon Hall. Her topic "A Basket of Plowers" prov- ed to be very instructive. She ask- ed each lady present to think of herself as a basket of flowers in which she should place flowers of lasting beauty and virtues which would remain after we are gone. "Roses for Right" should be in our basket so we may start each day right and although sometimes things may happen to spoil it we must strive by right living to ad- just them so that right may triumph. "Carnations for Courage" are very necessary so that we may never allow criticism of our right living to cause us to lose that cour- age. "Daffodils for Volunteers" are needed, as the successful outcome of all worthy undertakings is made possible by the unselfish wil- lingness of those who serve. Then we need "Hyaeinths for Humility" so that we may work for God's approval and not for our own gain or glorification. We should put in our basket "Tulips for Trust" in God so that in spite of trial and severe testing in our lives we may not doubt God's purpose. Much of the world's chaos of today might have been averted if the nations had been truthful when they signed documents after the last war. We need also the "Iris for Instruction" and Prayer, _ ___ --_ - Double Beat ”Faction ttttts" offer: a wide range of Ila/May trits lo Ontario’s lake/and "strtts-tuie-dtty to e/gh-dey (our: with Me privilege of longer slop-o we”; of Roman Catholic workers at Malton aircraft plants and associa- ted activities. According to the re- port received, no date has been set for inauguration of the services, Many friends in this district were delighted to know that Mrs. W. H. Speers of Bronte was enjoy- ing the best of good health when she observed her 80th birthday on Reeve Lammy of Toronto township. Catholic Services We hear that in the future, Sun- day services are to be held in the community hall at Malton for the convenience and, spiritual Awelfare Miss Elizabeth White, whose home used to be at Mount Charles, now is residing with Mrs. William Lewis at Melton. Her many friends in this community are glad to see her back here again after her so- journ in Toronto. f Upon arrival of supplies this week, immediate distribution of shrubs and perennials was started by Malton Hortitu1ltura1 society. There now are 51 active members under the energetic presidency of Mrs. David Lammy, wife of Deputy Farmers Have Meeting Members of Malton Farmers' club held their May meeting at Malton hall instead of at the home of Mrs. Lawrence as originally planned. Choir of, Mothers Only mothers comprised a special choir at Malton United church, Sunday evening upon the occasion of the annual Mother's Day service. The choir was in charge of the talented organist, Mrs. Frank Johnston. Members of Malton United church enjoyed an unusual treat recently when Rev. Paul Tarey, a groom of only one day, conducted the evening service in the absence through illness of the pastor, Rev. N. C. Gandier. On the previous day, in a ceremony at the same church, Miss Irene Chester, organist there sine last autumn, became his bride. The two left on Tuesday to take up residence in Newcastle, Penn- sylvania. Harold Stonehouse, a lay- man preacher conducted the ser- vice at the Richview appointment in the morning, The regular pastor was able to take the service at Bethany in the afternoon, Piano Special Attention to Night Calls TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE RE-WINDING Motors-Transformers-Switch-r S. RNWARDSoN-Manager. 175 Main St. N., Weston, Toronto " Phone: JUnction 9200 Res., Weston 975-W MARION RUSSELL DEMOREST, L.T.C.M., Principal Kindergarten Piano Method mo - Singing - Violin - Theory Dancing . Elocution - Guitar . Etc. Telephone Weston 283 LLoydbrook 9240 KATHLEEN ROGERS 347 QUEENS DRIVE WESTON MOTOR AND ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contractor 55 ROSEMOUNT AVE. PHONE 620.] Main and Joht1titq,,irr1tsr_t PIANO and THEORY Marks 80th Birthday (Pupil of Viggo Kihl) Teacher of 's"sTejik"'. 'j;j's'sT4:ej:sjjriiirTsi"s.?ifiii': '("~‘2-‘~““‘~‘¢‘~»‘I*l"“"**~'\:“‘ \fi%?&*is$?$$w rfifi«”‘x~"’i 'tiyjiisi.'i'rr:ir'/i/iii'sj'it"t (iii,;,!:,::,,:',!':. . . 3§xr~1§i~§mgx£$kwflggze¢ “@5323 'iili'ii'i?r.. s5.frbrii"f.ci';iriiartia" '.. figfiwg '.:.i,'ii':'i.::r:iiii)B'j. "riij'iiriijr., ijiii'iiiitiii,'?2ir.'i:T;jis""a"ii's' *1”,”*~’3’.§<"‘" " ('tik."ld'iiifiit:5tj it).ti,i':tstis:'iijriiSi"k'; r:,-at~& r". ,,'i'is"y?j:ji's?jFe'Csiiii 'rjyTa'si,j'i1.ti'iiWttl. Bijiff4 Tf:; m2?m;3&.ur2.2m:5-;:3&1:$2:;>:$:?>aaa:;§§ézssr ’fiiflvfi’hfi ’é.§i..‘rk J,~_u_’..5‘£"332‘ P. H. COE Telephone 743 Reasonable Prices Start Floral Service Phone Weston 322J Residing At Malton ROY’S TAXI ELECTRICAL MALTON 24 Hour Service TAXIS PIANO Studio: Round trip from forum with all "peoserpe/d 7 Day: at hired”: {Mel a $39.40 7 Day: et the Royal floral . MM , pay: at Royal Malta/ca titrtel 39.15 y,ji:iii'ii.;,i?iii'iiia,%if; Nl"r. F..jrsj..t5t/'c, g F ff; -‘:¥""-3>".--"1"~E: irieeciifi?'Csrfi.E a.» ly 5 1gl8tKi i'. ,3" “1%: V» q »,, l ir: :-if. ii1'i?,iii'it '/ice:ttee; m. 'aiWtf,lsy,i; 'yy?)):.':)).):" Q3 a.“ $51.55: IWiifar 'fi) F? 3,32" _ P. " , "g & :..i::ivivsy.,oum.. ,'i, Cir') lil' F.it'iiyitji"iii)is,. .,T:ii,e,le5?sals ' '??'ffi> kt7tl?. Mr llc' 'iiit5tii',j:ii:':iCiii' I? tv,' ttiii/ fll 'ld.':)")??,:;))::')"';":-'-""' A. "r/tir-cat, , , l $tlt 1truFdce,t.e.ieratte, g»... I t .' A. m. ".t,:eisss:vi', 5ie'e'f 'kwa? f ”v . -" 1'pt4.t5.s'r3Cw fver'Iv/n y. p, A l/3.3'¢-"‘13 gangs}: ":.t?'fArp; 2 63:33,, 5;» 'ijfrii'y:C?ji'tas,t1ty?f 2255,21: _ _ 5f:o _ £33 "'iCi1'ij?,e'i(1t;.'f P '.' 'i.s)iiy:ies'si,c4arrsyit..: {353... r. Cty, w'.. " FY.' 'u?y.,Cy.ts.tpy;?':itifiite5jr: . '"'"'sttr,tr:e,e:cr""Ts'?,ys, "'i'ru"c?i'?:C:'c'?Ci?jjif.yca't ' The Juveniles who journeyed down to Playter's Hall on May 7, certainly had an enjoyable even- ing. To Mr. C. Lee, Mr. T. Bare- foot and. Mr. S. Pilcher, We say thank you, for their kindness in driving-us down. What happened on lodge night sisters, the turn-out certainly was- n't encouraging. Those, who form- erly held office seem to forget how much better they felt when they saw, a large number present. While we know that some of our mem- bers cannot be with us owing to ill-health, still that does not excuse us all. Why not make an earnest effort to be out in the future and become an active and valued meme ber instead of a "Jusr,Be1tpntC1 Congratulations to Sis. L.CHU- ton on the arrival of a little sister for Tommy and Marilyn on April _ Three young ladies became mem- bers of Grahamsville United church at the morning service on Sunday. The three admitted by the pastor, Rev. F. Sullivan, were: Eleanour Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ward; Merle Hostrawger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hostrawser; and Wilma Hostraw- ser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hostrawser. . Saturday. She was formerly Miss Lucy Bumby of Appleby, near Bronte. Her husband, a native of Toronto township, passed to his re- ward only a short time ago. Mes. R. J. Spears, esteemed Mount Charles oetogeharian, and a. sister- in-law of Mrs. Speers of Bronte, was among those present there on the happy occasion. One of the sure signs that the season is advancing is that rural youngsters are starting home again for family dinners, one of our Grahamsville friends remarked this week. We are told that the popular cafeteria at Grahamsville school has been suspended until autumn. All rural roads in this district now are getting in fine condition. (Daughters of England C. Lorne Fraser M.A. BARRISTEIE, SOLICITOR. te. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers, WESTON Phones: Barrister. Solicitor, Rte. 1017 Weston Road. Mount Dumb PHONES "Janet. 6402" "Weston 544M" Residence: By. 8068 MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD WRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES Office Hours: Daily; also Tuesday and Thursday evening- Geo, W. Gardho‘use " Main N. topp. New Post Offiu) Reg: " George St. For Appointment Phone Weston 87M--WA, 1111 tHtiee Open Thes.. Thurs. and Fri. Evening! and Sat. Afternoon Elgin 1863 Money to Loan 18 Toronto Street, Toronto o-16-lr2 Weston 152W F .A.SilvermanK.C. TORONTO HELICONIAN CLUB, 35 HAZELTON AVENUE w J . Edgar Parsons BAmusrm'l,"ioucmm, BARRISTER. ’SEUCITOB. Rte. mug CONSTRUCTION Wednesday Evening, May 22nd,' 1940 INSULATION EXPERT ADVICE Take Advantage of Pre-Budget Low Prices Nice Weather Pleases SOLICITORS Three Join Church JACK ALLAN ZONE 4466 at 8.30 o'eloek. The Public are Cordially Invited to Attend, By WM, J. LIVINGS, A.C.C.M., A.L.C.M. VIOLIN RECITAL J Inlet. 0769 will be given at the " lat mt coy of Womb, my dumbing More an! may om! res-mil hrrfdtry my: my all W pee mm: and Informal/M at TORONTO COACH TERMINAL AD. 4221 (Montreal Star) "Loch Lomond" was played re- cently in a radio program of Ger- man propaganda in English. It is thought that "the bonny, bonny banks" referred to those financial institutions abroad that are look- ing after the nest-eggs of the Nazi leaders. The members of the committee would be very pleased to welcome any of the members or their friends at 176 Main St. N. any Friday afternoon There are still a few seats left in the bus going to London, on May 27, so if you want to go please phone 185, for information as_§o price, tte. .. . . The Juveniles are asked not to forget that Lodge Holly are mak- ing a return visit to us on May 28. Members of the Advisory Board are asked to remember, the peer. We wefe all pleased to welcome Sis. M. Hilton and Sis. D. Pileher bag: at lodge the_otl1er night, Gk ist" bis. tee's, 423 Main St. N., on May 21, abs p.m. MAIN ST. N. WEST! Prompt, Cheerful Delivery _ Service The versatile entertainer for your next program q Illustrated circular FREE Address 628B CRAWFORD ST. TORONTO Thankful Little Nazis CmROPRAGToR Nervous and Chronic [Hum " Guam Ave. Mt. Denim 1v Mgg's Pharmacy Mounted a Framed Me COMPLETE Bonn->2 to ' Phone JD. so” W. R. SCOTT Piano Tuning Enlargement From Yaur Negative RALPH GORDON CHIROPRACTOR PIANO TUNING Dignified and Courteous Funeral Service UNDERTAKERS J. W. BROWN EN TERTAINER W. J. WARD & SON UNDERTAKERS V Guaranteed WM. A. BIGGB 1230 Jane St. [ MT. DENNIS What. 7996 or Weston 473-) PHONE JU. 8921 1273 WESTON RD. , to ' "tuMap biggvoipgege Ambulance PHONE: ZONE 4-444 FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Directors Phone 78 WOODBRIDGE FLYNN Work Guaranteed SPECIAL PHONE 720 Secure PAGE THREE WESTON

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