', Gratefulness certainly is upper- most in the minds of the members of the Allan Boys-Club to the citi- zens who so kindly effected such assistance in the hockey season Jhast concluded by loaning their cars and time to enable the boys to carry on. Why mention hockey at this time but believe it or not, the season has just been closed and if the locals hid not surrendered the sixth game to the Curtiss' Hawks, there is likelihood that they would have kept up the play for Ball Iiamond looked In summer Months CALL Weston 1210=Bill Whitman 97 LAMBTON AVE}: Elia†s DUFFERIN STI, W. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940' ALL GARMENTS INSURED AGAINST FIRE AND THEFT AT THE ARROW CLEANERS AND DYERS! "ri'5'2,?,5) 'is'iii?j,?itt __ sEEYéCE ARROW CLEANERS Allan Boys Club Pleased With Hockey Efforts During Past Seasonu-Club Joins With Weston Workingmen's Club For War Activities Store your Winter garments with us NOW at no extra charge. Your garments are scientifically cleaned by experts, and are insured against fire and theft while in our possession. T Dblt7, -1‘1‘ AR‘ Don't Gamble†Fool the Moth H, #RE" JiiiiP,tWT EXPEEI BARTER’S LIMITED DODGE WW 1lir'"isAt,,fl, (You Pay When Delivered) AND DYERS Qamplete Cleaning Servipe" Free Storage'.,', Winter thats ELEAHEI Mil PRESSED s l AMt LADIES' AND GENTS' some time yet. The Miller Athletic and the Allan Boys combined and entered the King Clancy series with one of the strongest hockey teams that has been put forward and after a hectic season, losing but one game, they went into the semi-finals with the Hawks, best two out of three, losing two, tieing three and winning one. Quite a re- cord but then they had quite a smart team. They have no regrets or excuses. But that was hockey and now we are going on into other MT WHEN NEEDED A Car Loaned While Your Car is Being Overhauled, NO Charge Made for JU. 2121--WES. 120 WESTON 96 Hull's]. one "a; u‘bw-.-.7- V registration with a view to official- ly doing something for our troops. One other group who it was ex- peered might have desired registra- tion, refused and it was further surprising the resistance offered by one of the Committee by making misstatements in order to hamper this cause. A word to the Wise. is sufficient, do not try it again as we do not want any "Quis1ings" in our midst and we don't mean may- be. Just think over Nelstm's mes- sage and remember that every Englishwoman and Englishman knows that message and is expect- ed to practise it and it is ashining example worthy of note. Duty to- day Is. anything and everything that will tend to help our King and Country now in their hourof trial and need so forget your petty pre- '11E7ht'cb,y'c"', VvAvyo-vnv _.V - _ out and encourage these little ladies by giving them your support. Patriotic Fund In order to further identify themselves, the Allan Boys Club Patriotic Fund has been started and in conjunction with the Weston Workingmen's Club they hope to do something for the boys overseas. It must not be construed that these two groups have amalgamated but they have associated themselves under the 1%T. Charities éEthy games such as baseball; hard and soft and by every. indication, there IS a likelihood of getting an all star team to. play major. Every diamond and corner lot is a play- ground buzzing with activity. Many Players The Industrial League has the Pair ground diamonds on Tuesday and Thursday also the Memorial diamond for, Tuesdays, so there will be plenty of senior ball while the Miller and Allan boys have their allotments and the girls will also spend their practice and league playing hours on these diamonds. There will also be a local group competing for local honours and if possible an all-star team will be selected from these younger boys as they certainly have some smart ball tossers. The,reseetive club members are urged to observe their practice and schedule nights so as to take full advantage of the space afforded them and also to give their coaches a chance to have a full turn-out each night. Miller Athletic have the South diamond on Mondays definitely and likely will apply for other times. Allan Boys will have Wednesday nights and Saturday 'afternoons but these hours will be adjusted to permit close co-operation and sport for everyone. The Allan Girls Club have three teams and are well or- ganized and there is every prospect that they will have an entry in one of the city leagues but they will have proper management th.is year as their press agent of HMS. year will take good care that their ap- pointments will not be too far away. They will hold.the1r praco tices on Monday evenings on the North diamond, that is the diamond in front of the grand stand. All girls who are desirious of. playing ball and would like to 10m the Club are urged to contact the sec- retary either at Liberty Hall, .124 Main St. North, next to Cruick- shank's garage or call Jean Sum- merhayes, telephone 49%! 10331}? DeSOTo LYND. 3883 Exceeding their objective by $10,160, the grand total of $60,- 160.06 has been raised by the Western Appeal of the Church of England in Canada, it was an- nounced today by P. G. Venables, of Toronto, chairman of the Gen- tral Committee. The sum includes $800 which has been estimated will come from the Diocese of Calgary, holding its campaign for funds this wee . Exceed Objective By $10,160, Says Committee Head First charge on the mane raised will be an amount that wifl bring the salaries of the clergy in the three Dioceses of the Province of Saskatchewan up to $60 a month in 1940. This will require about $14,000. Balance will be used to supplement grants to all Dioceses of the Church of England in Can- ada receiving grants for work arugugjvhite settlers. __ A _ who was re-elected president of the West York Conservative Association at the annual meet- ing held recently. Mr. Venables announced that 24 of the 27 Dioceses had exceeded the sum allotted to them. Diocesan Bishops had rendered the finest co- operation, and laymen across Can- ada who served as chairmen and members of Diocesan committees, had rendered fine service. The Diocese of Quebec was out- standing in contributing $2800 on a $1200 apportionment. The Diocese of Montreal with an objective of $7500, exceeded it by over $3,000. Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal, made the largest parochial contri- bution in Canada, pf t2431, - - judices and help. Be big enough, be patriotic and show your lo alty by doing that which will helix each other until this war is over. Drop in the Club Rooms, Liberty Hall, 124 Main St. North, every Tuesday and Saturday nights and help the boys, also into the Workingitaen'g Club Rooms on Friday night. The Allan Boys still need chairs, tables, cups and saucers, plates and what have you in order to further equip their club rooms. Books of recent issues are most acceptable and will be called for if you. cannot con- veniently drop them m. Algoma Diocese, without a Bishop for some months, paid its allotment and 50 percent extra. The Diocese â€of British Columbia also turned in a fine report. Three Dio- ceses have not yet completed their regqrts._ .-__ . _ . _ The Diocese of Yukon tripled its objective of $100, one mission pay- ing the whole Diocesan objective, although it was asked for only $10. The same thing hagpened in the Diocese of Caribou W ere the Cath- edral at Kamloops took on the whole Diocesan objective, leaving Qitside contributions as an addi- tiopal offep'ng. - A _ - In the Diocese of Athabasca a group of Indians wanted to assist the Appeal, but having no money contributed by donations of rat and weasel skins which later on brought in $39.50. Three Dioceses' for whom the Appeal was primar- ily set up exceeded their individual objectives. In the Diocese of Fredericton all 69 parishes exceed.. ed their individual objectives, which is probably a record in the Church in Canada, the committee stated. Central Committee was made up of F. G. Venables, chairman; Mrs. F. E. Donaldson, E. A. Hethring- ton, F. Y. W. Braithwaite, Canon Leonard A. Dixon, D.D., General Secretary; and J. M. McWhinney, General Treasurer of the Mission- ary Society. _ The fairies lightly touch the eyes, Of flowers, so none may see, Then -gaily revel through the night, And duly crown the Queen. Church officials are quoted as saying that the Church of Eng- land's Western' Appeal was a fine missionary effort and one that should further? cement the bonds of unison between the east and west. So airily and daintily On silken cobwebs spun, The fairies dance from tree to tree, And dancing is great fun. A magic peal of fairy bells, Now heralds in the dawn, The fairies seek their downy beds, As breaks another morn. When twilight bids goodbye to day, And merges into night, The moonbearns play at hide and seek, With fairies stepping light. When blirds and beasts and flowers Bleep, The fairies then will play They dance around the cu oak ] POET’S CORNER l ' 7 trees. And sing a round-de-Iay. Western Appeal of Church of England in Canada Goes Over Top RE-ELECTED P. E. AULT Fairies EDA. GHEN T, TIMES AND GUIDE It's Spring! Although the lure of the long summer evenings is strong, remember the exams are so close it's ghastly. If you have the urge to go to a baseball game re- strain yourself and go fishing. The school grOunds look beautiful with the green grats and gum wrap- pers. The "Keep off the grass" signs have the same effect as "Wet Paint" signs. None. What happened to that desk, in Miss Smith's room. Did someone take hit seat literally? Vocational Department It is doubtful if many of you have heard much about our indus- trious auto shop. This "thriving coneem," with a little exaggera- tion, rivals the Ford Meter Com- pany. Under the expert guidance of Mr. Templeton and his ambi- tious mechanics a halt demolished car can be transformed into an automobile in perfect running con- dition. Should you doubt the lat- ter statement take a glance at the various "limousines" parked in front of the school every morning. Truthfully though the auto shop is a remarkable place as far as test- ing cars go. It is supplied with some of the most up-to-date equip- ment such as air compressor, valve grinders, ignition testers, cylinder boring equipment, battery charg- ers, etc. I feel safe in saying that when you bring a car here you re- ceive "modern service in a modern shop". The shop also contains an oxy-acetelyne welding outfit and cable hoist for lifting the body of the car. A screw press is also situ- ated in one corner of the room and among other equipment is the grinder set and two portable drills. There are countleSs other tools in the shop besides those I have men- tioned, but space prevents me from telling you about them. Hoping that this article clears up a lot of Ihazineiss" about the auto shop for some of you we say "so long" till next week when we give you the 1nside fps pn the Drafting Room. On Saturday, May 18, the yearly track and field meet of the T.D.- I.A.A. will be held at Etobicoke High School. In former years, Weston has set a few of the records. Last year Mae Duff broke the Senior High-jump record and Ross Mekelvey, the Junior High-jump. Last year at Weston's own field met, Dick Watts broke the school hi CAMPUS COMMENT Weston Collegiate and Vocational School mm“""¢"""’"‘“""“" "â€7“: “7â€â€ ' T-' C:ry" TT ’“""'â€"""“/‘""‘“W‘WTW/WRTV:3-{InIM365:-1’33<5:-3-1.2-31“7‘11273-2-I‘Z~73!.’>51'.'-Y!-?4‘-‘-’-‘.-2vr531559565332 :1:-"¢:i:-::-'=: .:"-I-' 'sy, T .- 7, "Y' -' q T "i), . 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The winners of any of these events may attend the Ontario Athletic Commission Camp THE JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP 10 MAIN S. WES’ ting, brilliance and flawless quality all have a very definite bearing on its intrinsic worth. That’s why We offer you the positive assurance of tho Bridal Wreath 4-point guarantee. With it you know that you are getting the finest product of the jeweller’a at: . . . Yet you pay no more for this extra quality, because of our policies of high value standards. A Expert melody. can die fact that size dons does not determine diamond value. Coloring, Cub, R. A. SAALMANS (â€ï¬‚own pk: tttiN-tski V ;b5:42 fmagm’ï¬xg' rriiie:igfffvt'celi?i??iir. "g".: .4 w NCCriQ'. r4lil?iii;iijiF:,1.; "gage ,) rc-' y'.405 w». if W.:) .. 5i'ii?Etfijijijifi:ji':ijii 3;: Lag-3?", '.ti:yk:ii6it?iiti'gi.:fj:i', .. '5fi.8i'i.? Weston has really been playing badminton lately, Last week E. Martin and A, Tilston went to Vaughan Road: for -tournaments. Unfortunately our girls were no match for the hard hitting Etobi- coke girls.'Next Thursday, M. La Rose and f, Ninon are going to try their luck at Runnymedeu.Best of, luck girls! Baseball season is really here! Fer the last few weeks the girls have been eagerly dashing out to the baseball diamonds for their RT. classes. for two weeks. To see Weston break these records, the place is Etobicoke High School and the time Saturday, May 18. GirW Sports A new stamp is appearing in Create on which the figure of the Apostle Paul is seen preaching- on Mars Hill. ' WESTON 354 The, Allans Girls Club are begin- ning the baseball "season with lots of enthusiasm; the girls have or- ganized two teams with a possible third. We have the diamond for games and practices every Monday and Wednesday nights, the north diamond. The senior team hope to be entered in a city league, but if that cannot be arranged, a subur- ban league will,be, organized. Our new Midget team is hoping for 10- cal competition from the various schools. Any girl desiring to join the club, come to the Club Rooms, at 124 Main Street North, next to fCruie)cshan)crs, Garage,wr get in touch “with ' Jean F, Summerhayes, phage 499-9- _ l, " We are having-weekly games of euch’re everyThursday evening at the Club Room, pt 8 p.m. to help finance the/Club, and would apgre- ciate the patronage of the pu lie. This is the only baseball club (Girls) in- Weston. 'Come and 'see these 'girls_.p1ay ball. every Monday and Wednesday night. le is undersfood that the British Court is unlikely ta go to Windsor during the Spring as is usual in normaliimes, The-king is anxious lo be in London and accessible to his Ministers', says a London writer. Also quite-a.lot~of the State apart-. ments at-Windsor Castle are occu- pied by "lepartniente----or sections of thtm-evaeuateddrom Bucking- ham Palace and St. James's Pal.. ace. Economy is another eonsidera, tion. The castle is expensive to run when, the Court is in residence. WILL REMAIN' IN LONDON SOFTBALL PAGE SEVEN