1940, is more likely to get a doll as a. gift than one whose birthday comes after that date, for on July 1, dolls eyes-officially "lamp- blown g1assware"-will be liable ho “Key Industry duty" and will make dolls a few pence more ex- pensive. Aug little English girl whose birth in" comes- heme June .39., After June.30 Britain Will Collect Tax On Dolls' Eyes WILL MAKE THEM DEARER PAGE SIX 25 MAIN N,,, It’s As announced by the Minister of Finance, the Foreign Exchange Acquisi= tion Order, 1940, has been enacted by ,Order-in-Council under the authority of the War Measures Act. . No life insurance company incorporated in Canada is required by the Order to sell any foreign C1111reney which it needs for the purpose of carry"' ing on its business outside Canada. T Unless exempted by the Order, every resident of Canada who, on May lst, 1940, has any foreign currency in his possession, ownership or control, whether in Canada or outside Canada, is required forthwith to sell such foreign currency to an Authorized Dealer (Le. a branch of a chartered bank) for payment in Canadian dollars at the official buying rate of the Foreign Exchange Control Board. "Foreign currencyâ€, for the purposes of the Order, means any cur- rency (excluding coin) other than: Canadian currency and includes bank notes, postal notes, money orders, cheques, travellevs' cheques, prepaid let, ters of credit, bank drafts and other similar instruments payable in any currency other than Canadian currency, and also includes any amount in foreign currency of which a resident has a right to obtain payment by rea- sen of a deposit, credit or balance of any kind at or with a bank, savings bank, trust company, loan company, stockbroker, , investment dealer or other similar depository. The Order does not require the sale of any foreign securities, The Order does not affect any foreign currency, deposit or securities of any non-resident of Canada and for greater certainty the Order ex- presslrdeelares that a non-resident visiting Canada for business or pleas- ure for a period or periods not exceeding six months in the year continues to be a non-resident for the purposes of the Order unless such person enters or has entered Canada with the intention of becoming a permanent res1 en . T Under certain conditions stipulated in Section 1 (b) of the Order, a resident who is not a Canadian citizen may be granted exemption, but only after application for exemption is approved by the Board. Further particulars may be obtained from branches of chartered banks. Any resident who has any foreign currency in his possession, ownership or control on May 1st, 194(Lregardless oramotrnt, should con= suit his bank at once in order to ascertain the extent to which he is affected by the Order. I No resident is required to sell any foreign currency if he satisfies the Foreign Exchange Control Board that he held such foreign currency on May 1st, 1940, solely as trustee or agent for a non-resident and that the nonsresident's interest therein had not been acquired from a resident since September 15th, 1939, except in a manner approved by the Board, Priced From 1llllltllllilhlllllllMlil lllitlRlilrii1llllilllllii ANI ELECTRIC FOREIGN EXCHANGE ACQUISITION ORDER IMPORTANT NOTICE We will save you a substantial amount on the purchase of a 1939 Westinghouse Refrigerator, A few only left in stock, FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD ottawa.-Aoertng's book, “Mak- ing of a Nationâ€, has been eonfis- cated in Russia at the request of the Ministry of Culture, on account of a passage in which the field marshall declares that the great decision for Germany, Europe and the whole world would be the con- flict between the Swastika and the Ottawa.-.Ah1 some M deep recon- naissance flights made by night by the Royal Air Force only four air- craft are known to have been lost through enemy action. 593.75 Tlie Only Refrigerator That B The temperature ot, food in the new Westinghouse Refrigerm tor, rather than the temperature of the frostér, governs the operation of TRUE TEMP control. TRUE TEMP control, a patented feature exclusive in Westinghouse Electric Refrig- erators, has made TRUE ZONE 3, possible added feature, Constant Cold is an Exclusive Westinghouse Achievement Soviet Star. "Should the latter win Germany would be destroyed by the blood terror of Communism and her destruction would be followed by that of EuropeP Ottawa.--" preference for en- tertainment by members of their own regiments has been shown by Canadian troops in England. While professional entertainers have been given an enthusiastic Welcome, home-brewed concerts, with Cana.. dians as performers, are the most popular. Westinghouse is Built in Canada By Canadians All Models Guaranteed 5 Years Tumparature Autesmatieatty TERMS AS LOW AS $1.00 PER WEEK To a Weston home on Monday' morning of this week there came a letter, it was from Private Fred Morriss who is somewhere in Eng- land to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Morriss, 57 St. John's Road West, Weston. When Fred joined up with the Toronto Scottish on September 12th, 1939, just nine days after War was declared he was eighteen, and on the following day he celebrated his nineteenth birthday. A brother of Fred's, Alfred, is also in the army, but has not yet, gone overseas. These two Morriss boys were exceptionally well known around town, they were members of St. John's Anglican Church, Weston, and were employed at the Canadian Cycle and Motor on Duf- ferin Street East, Weston. They attended King Street Public School and Weston High School, where with their winning dispositions made many friends. Mr, and Mrs. Morriss have been kind enough to allow your local newspaper to reproduce the letter they received from Fred. It is sure- ly a great honor for one of Wes- ton's own sons to be chosen to guard the Palace of the Sovereign of the British Empire. There is no more that we need add, the letter is self explanatory. Dear Mom and Dad: A . How are you keeping? fine I hope. __ - _ I suppose by the time you receive this letter, you will have heard all about the Canadians on guard at the palace. l I was one of the Toronto Scot- tish chosen for guard, and at time of writing, I am on 7 hrs. leave, the first relief since taking over guard from the Royal 22nd Mont- feal Reg. Sunday, April 21st. After our relief from duty at St. James' palace, wetexpect to take our turn at Buckingham Palace, for the remainder of the guard, which is until Thursday, April 25th, at 10 a.m. We then change over with the Welsh guard. Boy were we ever nervous on our first guard shift, the people seemed to come up so close and 101k up into our faces. We sure are kept busy saluting these days, as we must salute every officer even if he is 50 yds. away. Fred Morriss Guards British King’s Palace I am writing this letter from the "Beaver Club", Piccadilly, where we came for dinner and bath while off duty. The bath was free and din- ner Is 2d. [ Oh yes, while I was on guard yesterday at Post No. 2 "Pall Mall St.", I had to give the "Royal Salute", to the Queen Mother, as she passed in her car; she was not expected in London, therefore it wa_s quite a surprise. _ A __ By the way I had quite a thrill last night; as we were resting on our beds, who should walk into the guard-house but England's pride That Mainta One of Weston's Own Boys Among Chosen From Toronto Scottish to Palace-Meets Anthony Eden OPEN EVENINGS April 23, 1940 TIMES AND GUIDE and joy, "Anthony Eden", with General MacNaughton. They pass- ed along to each bed, shaking hands and talking to 'he fellows; when they came to me, he shook hands with me and asked me, "How I liked England?" How long I had been in the army, and what was my trade before joining. I guess I’ll need a new hat after that, eh? who was one of the Toronto Scot- tish chosen to guard the Palace. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Morris, 57 St. John's Road W., I forgot to tell you Mom, I re- ceived your letter saying, (you would like to hear that I had been chosen for guard,) just as I was being relievgd frontflLe first shift. Well Mother and Dad I must close now, and get some rest, as it is a very tiring job. Will write more as ggon af possible. Needed More Time Uncle Abner had been very much occupied all by himself in a corner of his cabin near the fireplace. He had been working industriously with a stub of a pencil and a piece of paper. Suddenly he looked up, a joyful expression on his wrinkled "Doggtme!" he shouted, "ef I ain't learned to write." Uncle Abner's lifemate, Aunt Melissa hurried across the room and looked Wonderingly at the scygvyled lines on the paper. - _ ."Blesg my soul, man, you done have learned to writer." she ex- claimed, "What do it say?†"I don't know," Uncle Abner re- plied. "I ain't learned to read yet." Weston. Your loéing son, HONORED FRED MORRIS A. t TUBE ALL WAVE a TUNING BANDS 6 BUTTON AUTOMATIC TUNING es WORLD WIDE STATIONS ACCURATELY LOCATED YO U 'LIL FIND IN A THE tWT$TM0lllllil1i1 VALUE - †22g??? Your present Radio is worth more during our Spring Radio clearance, FRED Those Guard The ca slaughter and if t', stand th man coul gateway "Alas m) is led out first. Used to the pro- cedure it walks willingly enough across the St. Clair Avenue road- way and through the slaughter house gate and the cattle all read- ily follow, after which Mr. Bull re- turns to feed on some good eats until the next batch comes along. The Abattoir Keeps a great strong white bullock "which is not for eating". When cattle are being taken from the pens where they are_ kept until neeglpd the White bull It is a sad story, but, I suppose a necessary one so long as We "who do" eat flesh. This reminds me of an instance in the great River Clyde many years ago. A ship laden with sheep was nearing Glasgow harbour, when, startled, one of the sheep jumped overboard and ere they could be prevented, 600 of them were floundering in the Clyde. So is the power of example. Let us humans first find out where men are leading us, and re- member Him who said-- City Sidelights present no interesting scene than that is witnessed almost any day at f Abattoir on St. Clair Avena The cattle, when being drix Mrs. C. Cruse and family wish to sincerely thank the members of Post 118, Canadian Legion, the many neighbors, the staff and pupils of Humberview School and all who were so kind during their recent sad bereavement. The family of the late Mr. Ed- win Ewing, wish to express their sincere thanks and deep appréeia- tion to the many relatives, friends, and neighbours, for acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes extended during the loss of a dear Father. Mount Dennis Or- der of Eastern Star, Mount Dennis Masonic Lodge A.F. & A.M., Can- adian Kodak Co., Weldrest Hosiery Knitting Dept., Weldrest Benefit Society, National Hosiery Mills, Hamilton, Alliance Paper Mill Ltd., Georgetown, Bell Telephone Co., Sunshine Group, Post 31, B.E.S.L. and members of the infantry train- ing centre Exhibition Camp, and the Silver Cross Women. Thomas Burke, Portland, Ore., wiped the dishes dutifully while his wife described a story of a knife throwing act. "He threw it just like this----" And Mrs. Burke whizzed a knife across the kitchen. Then she sped her husband to a hospital. The knife had cut a deep gash in his thigh. ' FOLLOW ME Notices under this heading 10c per count line-mini. mum charge of 50 cents. Cards ol Thanks hter smell their brothers' blood if they could rightly under.. ‘. their fate, no strength of could drive them through the my to the scene of death. ity 1y to the my poor b Abattoir _ white bul Just A Demonstration The JAMES MacGREGOR, Sidelights White Bull 9 them ti. ,6 scene brother", 1:. Keeps The Glen Warbler resent no more an that is to be y day at Swifts sir Avenue, being, driven to - --_ â€"~ _ v mRtNFr 'tiC'f:jj:).j, Q; ' "Blik , - iii'g('ii' " CLIFF HARRIS, Prop. YORK AND WESTON RD., MT. DENNIS \fl/ grit-vi: 5:52: ." rr/_', 'r--- rr _', -r; Je bTUrA' "r, _ _ , I "r, Ls, g1 A .' ONE A , Y , 1A Fsj','f lil. TERMS! l IieBllllilM!1ee.e?.'-e-'-T P,i'sqNI . Marathon is a big value, low s 'ittillrt price Goodyear that runs, and Otter new TIRE MUrtiill runs, and runs. It has - PR a†Low.cosT I 'gllrt needed quality for long, sate, WITH tl “was, Rifllil low-cost mileage. Buy it here on GooDYEAR EI â€77/155 our easy pay Budget Plan. Ride ttWh ON “M 13/51 safely on new Goodyear: and pay BUY 51%, for them as you ride. Drive Int -..-,aararea" See us today! Y 3 . Static It European Blower Stoker Coal GENUINE CROZER POCAHONTAS NUT JU. 2242 When It's Red- (Screened), per ton filiii'ti?iy lies Reading MARATHON l IT’S THE BIG, NEW, MONEYeSAVING @1152 I \ 'itngfg?? SHAKESPEARE COAL r N o Dust - N o Dirt -- All Coal - More Heat FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE 7 Now Colored For Your Protection EMPIRE BLOWER -t. All Fuel Under Cover - WESTON 1208 LYNDHURST 2626 WESTON 556 " EXTRA VALUE TIRE WITH THE GOODYEAR DIAMOND TRIAD AT THE lOWEST ma EVER! NO MONEY DOWN! THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 EVENIN GS ZONE 4-449 WEEKS TO PAY! $10.00 JU. 0309