Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 9 May 1940, p. 10

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Much discussion has taken place as to why the weekly sports column was not written for last week's issue-the truth of the matter is that we were conducting a burial service on the "Keyhole" column that kept us long after press time and the boss wouldn1 wuit--bue I heard plenty so here we are back on the job again for the summer months and to enlighten any of the PAGE TEN MMABPEN'S gamma WESTON 126 GIVE YOUR "lyiSTMtll,,,"a""'"lllli. ONLY THE BEST == M EASY Made By Canadians--- For Canadians , The Only Washer 'i'f'is?vssa'1iiiF.iLs, 1 in the World Jhat , Gives You All This 'iii?",',',:.,",",,","'"'""?) More MILK for Health!, It's always the children who drink the most milk who are the healthiest and happiest youngsters in the neighe borhood. And what's more-they love the creamy", rich. flavored goodness of our milk. It's their favorite. GENEROUS TRADEMN ALLOWANCE EASY IRONERS $8950 up WESTON DAIRY taszsi1tfever,---s [, 27775“ 30 DAYS' SUPPLY RINSO FREE ON EACH PURCHASE LIBERAL TRADE-J“ ALLOWANCE 2 DENNISON RD. W. 3L $69-50 AND UP w _ OTHER MODELS $59.50 Faiillii0EllllMSTMTl0lriitlf0llRMME Thefe is only one way to get EVERY- THING you want in a washer ' . . long life . . . easy vacuum-cup action . ' . super- safety wringer . ' i lifetime guarantee . . . PLUS the last word in streamline styling. Ws the new EASY Vaeeunrcup Washer . . ' the only washer in the world that gives you ALL these vital advantages. End wash-day worries for keeps, Come in and see the new EASY. Special Introductory Offer: $5 Down. Balance As Low As $1 Weekly DAVE KAY GET THE BEST-“GET AN EASY readers who are interested enough to wonder where we got the design for our sports heading, it was tale en from a dressing room scene at the Gardens depicting a celftaln hockey manager's appearance after a game with Kirkland Lake-the series brought Goodyear to doom. Tii/i local“ softballérs are all set ready to go and the bigrmoment is scheduled for next Monday when WESTON MUSIC AND RADIO 28 MAIN ST. N. JU, 7216 (Opposite John Street) PERSONAL SERVICE-- the Ki-Y Intermediate loop gets under way at Oakmount Park with the official ceremonies taking place at 6.45 pm. and at 7 p.111. Canada Dairies last 'year’s champs will tangle with Royal Arcanums. This series will operate" every Monday, Wednesday' and Friday night and with a strong six team set-up the local fans can start re- serving their seats at Oakmount Park now, Operator 6621 reports that the village of Swansea are planning a large sports programme for the coming summer? Four Teams at least are scheduled for the softball league which will open on or about May 14th, at Rennie Park, and a lacrosse beam has been entered in the Toronto Lacrosse League play- ing home games in the hockey. cushion directly behind the Muni- cipal Building. So in all Reeve Downey's Muni- cipality it fast stepping to the front in the sports world, and the latest word is that the possibilities for a boathouse to accommodate their canoe crews is now in the making just about stamps the Swansea sportsmen A: the most, aggressive since the days of the Jane Street Rats. Er.' "'iffide" at 253% Dundas St. when a series of meetings will take place covering all groups interest- ed. George Tutty this year's secre- tary of the Ki-Y minor leagues has requested that all teams consider- ing entering teams should be on hand to-morrow night at th? Ye.- While on thé subject of softball I would like to hear from any im. terested parties as to the City Council's action in paring the play- ground estimates to such an extent that some grounds will not re-Open this year and those that do‘will have their term start on July Isl: and close on August 15th. fathers to their electors was to the effect that they would cut the tax rate but I personally know of where they could have pared off twice the amount they took from the play ground estimates and it would have never been missed-- especially the new broadloom Cat'- pet for the Mayor's offiee---1 won- der if Mr. Mayor needed this car- pet as much as a few thousand children who do not get away for the summer needed the p 1 a y grounds that will be closed-maybe you readers can supply, the answer and if so I Would like nothing better than to print it in this col- umn--but don't forget there is a Charles Cruse, St. Alban's Avenue, Weston, was dead when he was taken from the wreckage pictured above, following a crash on the Malton Road. The accident occurred about one mile west of Wes- ton. Wilfrid Bryon, Craydon Avenue, the driver of the car, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was later charged with reckless driving. Bryon was employed at the DeLesseps Airport at Weston. A third occupant of the car, Private Gerald Spat, of the Black Watch Regiment, was unhurt in the crash. Marking another forward-step in its young life, the Westniount Army and Navy Club held a very successful and entertaining night on April 26th when their new hall, "The Sidney Lambert Hall" was officially opened by its name-sake Lt. Col. Sidney Lambert. After a few opening remarks by the presi- dent, Comrade J. Smith and a speech by the Rev. T. B. Butler, chaplain, Lt. Col, S. Lambert ad- dressed the audience, stressing the need of such a fine hall, where the voting day coming on Next New Years and I have a memory like an elephant-so I’ll remind you taxpayers all about this play ground situation on or about De- cember 30th. Sidney Lambert Hall Is tlffiidiialllly Owned " Weston'; Oldest Established Radio Store" ONE DEAD IN MALTON ROAD CRASH Two Minutes Silence Observed For Fallen Comrades-Lieutenant Col. Sydney Lambert Addresses Gathering TIMES AND GUIDE Liberal T rude-In Allowance -r-rit- Easy Terms present veterans could gather to- gether, carrying on in the same spirit as those "Boys of the Old Brigade" do in Chelsea Hospital London, Eng. Not only carrying on to better themselves, the Wett. mount Army and Navy Club is also carrying on, preparing a way for the new veterans of the pres- ent war to get established on their return. After speaking on the war and its effects in general and Christie St. Boys, Col. Lambert asked all to stand in silent mem- ory of falletrcornrades, after which the "Last Post" followed by "Re- veille" was sounded. The evening then was given over to entertain- ment and under the capable hand of Mr. Gordon Sackett, who acted as master of ceremonies, the fol- lowing artists gave their turn: Your Credit is Confidential Thelma Black, song; Ross Dorks, Cowboy songs and guitar; Mlssos Himes and O'Neil, piano and dulci, mer; Jacqueline Jordan, acrobatic dance; Cooper Sisters, song and dance; June Primm, soft toe dane- er; Mr. Denman, Cowboy songs and guitar; Beverly Cordish, song and dance; Mr. S. Babbage and his dolls; Messrs. G. Chalk and G. Beacham Troupe. - "* During the speeches, Gordon Saekett's Melody Men entertained with several numbers and also pro- vided the music for the dance which followed. The President, officers and com- rades wish to thank all who helped to the make the evening the suc- cess it was and to Lt, Col. Iam.. bert, Rev. T. B. Butler, W. J. Gard, house M.P.P., G, G, Adams Esq., L. Epstein Esq., H. Webster Esq., and Gordon Sackett and his Melody Men-far their spiritual and moral- support. Mrs. John B. McLaurin, wife of Dr. MeLaurin, Secretary for For- eign Missions of the Baptist Con, vention of Ontario and Quebec, is to, be the special speaker at the next meeting of the Women's Mis- sion Circle of Weston Baptist Church, on Tuesday, May 14, at 2.3fl pmlu, i_n the church. .- _ ‘Mrs. McLaurin was herself born in India, of missionary parents who did valiant work in the early days of the mission. She knows intim- ately the people and varied aetivi.. ties of missionary endeavour in that interesting land and is in greet demand as_a tealcer. " The Weston W.M.C. feel that they are fortunate in having se- cured such a prominent speaker and extend a cordial invitation to all ladies of the town and district to come and hear Mrs. McLaurin on Tuesday next. The ladies of the Ladies Conser- vative Association, held their an- nual meeting in the Allan Club Rooms, Main Street North, on Thursday-of last week. The ladies were very jubilant and eager to go ahead and do big things this year. They are planning to work to advantage with Colonel Cocker.. am; MEI, recently _elected._ _.. Weston W.M.C. To Hear Speaker Mrs. Albert Pennett Is Elected President The President, Mrs. Jack Allan, presided, assisted by Mrs. Edmunds of Mount Dennis. The Executive of the year 1939 received many com- pliments on their diligent Work, and faithful attendance to all de- PHONE 842 tails during the recent election when they spared no time or energy to help the cause of the Women's Liberal Conservative As. sociation along the road to success. There was an exceptionally high attendance and the following offi- cers were elected: President, Mrs. Albert Pennett; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Frank Druding; 2nd vice pre- sident, 'Mrs. R, Phillips; 3rd vice pres., Mrs. J. Wylie; Secretary, Mrs. Clayton Wright; Treasurer, Mrs. William Hall; Auditors, Mrs. R. J. Flynn and Mrs. J. Wylie. After the business had been suc- cessfully conducted a social half hour was spent when all present enjoyed meeting one another. The bridge winner was Mrs. Phillips and the Euchre winner was Mrs. R. J. Flynn. The new executive are bubbling over with activities for the coming year. 5 WESTON THEATRE . WHERE SOUND SOUNDS BEST MAIN ST. N. - PHONE ZONE 4-483 MY NIGHT UNTJL MAY 18th "REE WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-MAY 15-16 TWO FEATURES FLASH-sun and Babe Give' Oxford A Liberal Education Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy in Individual Earthenware Tea-pot in exchange for two 1/2 lb. label ends or tea-bag carton tops showing tea-pot trade mark from packages of Salada Tea. FRnjArsATURDAY-MAY 10-11 TWO FEATURES Robert Cummings, Nan Grey, Gloria Jean in "DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK" MONDAY-TUESDAY-MAY 13-14 Glenda Farrell, Barton MacLane in "TORCHY GETS HER MAN" "THE UNDER PUP" _-ALSO-- Preston Foster, Irene Hervey in Claudette Colbert, Henry Fonda In Technicolor "A CHUMP AT OXFORD" -ALSO-- SOCIETY sMUGGLERS" SELECTED SHORTS ~ALSO- Pay for These Machines at Cash Price at Time Payment Plan SEMPLE-TO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Semple (nee Lillian Lawrence), EBirths a Marriages and Deaths a diughter Beverly Anne, April 26th. Weston Ice Servme ARTHUR FISH DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 BIRTHS 1151J x-23-3m on

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