P,i?j5,,fi?dis?i'ijij,i( -ri/iri'hT/rTii Maldon stock, 3 months old) AM"). r-iadon stock, 3 months old, $12. Less than half pet shop prices. Others tytdy te.r.xPas. Drayton, Elmhurst tiAG, Thistletown UPRIGHT piano, dining room table, Regent gas stove, radio, Singer u'ing machine. chest of drawers, in good condition. Cheap for cash. Apply 16 King Geytre. .Rotd. (off Church iiirGiDedr ciirt Austin Con HX§TZ Mountain Ruller Canaries, selling cheap. Apply To John Street, Phone 210-W. x-lw Dim; an: 5160,3150 buniire to rent. ( 134 John Street. o-lw [ CHOICE Dairy Cows - Registered 'and grade cows, government T.B. tested. rash and close swingers al- vuys on hand. Blood tested if desired. Free delivery on purchase of 7 or more. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wm. J. Murphy, Lindsay, Ontario. Telephone 1852. x-lw To LET-Three rooms and kitchen- ette, unfurnished, gas. electric light and all conveniences. Apply 141 King St., Weston, or phone ISO-W, Weston. St. sewn. YOUNG business couple want 3 rooms, with all conveniences, gas 1 rooms, with all convéniences, gas included, reasonable. Apply Box 391 Times and Guide. o-lw iiiiiiiiiiiii) GTC; REE, with? bikini}: 25c éash.10c at“ if ked, also 10c extra if apply Box No. care of this All copy must be in by 10 a.m., THURSDAY, to in- sure publication in? eurrertistye. UNDER nus HEADrNY--'.'rttr 8:1on "For JPtt'Ittf, RELIABLE man in Weston will polish hardwood floors,, or any work either in the house or garden. Terms mum-hie. Phone 26. D.H. iiririfgsrtrdd and spring fur salt, RELIABLE girl wishes position in housework or as saleslady. Tele- phone 7054, Weston. o-lw eun- ennui In lull: uuuau Ur slum". v.-.~.-.... . . Terms reasonable. Phone 26. on. I. “In the fare. of the physically dis-l EiEiriiEirirTrr,TiThTraai "l--.- (inhtrited Ryssia has a wonderful ideal l R housew 'i":, wltr es position In I so far as it goes, namely that every 0 or as saleslady. Tele- I person m the State will be assigned phone PtHef_trrt/p: o-lw l to a 2p,1t,algt5tr by where, be?!» OMAN wants -iTrri.-raT,7; nin are 1 , continuing on t. ro' w references, 1.gfe'rt,,.t'"imtg; 'y'liil.l,it,2'l,l, . to old age' his physical 708. . 1 F l wants will be. attended to fr.ee. of "e':,-,-.-,-,,,,...)':: charge. The Science of healing hen)? -r------r--r.--_-- harnessed to the collective go . LOST T Christianity as practised has pro-' _-i-a-x-i-rc:-:-::---.-],-----------------)) vast nu.mbers. of individuals ON WEDNESDAY evening of last who give service full and free but week, Oct. 23, one eornet, in black I individual effort does not reach .a.11 15:31“ case. between Town Hall and the needy m .thi? respect. Russia's ison Avenue. Apply 225 Rose- plan is for all in the state. Jesus pro- mount Avenue, Phone 163. x-lw hr/Ing as life t',1ng1i1/g,t.dHiit isl“to opfen T.7.t="_T-rr--L--r------ t eeyes o t e in ". is pan is or c%U'/irtt"r1eekti.ttg; Sltlnday.fneari all of every state, or race or tribe. feet. Reward ii; E IP4 ront I Jesus had a passion to lift the burden 82 Front Stre' t rs. . . Western, l of physical suffering from all man- e . x-tw kind. The power of obtaining healing "'-""P"""-'---erP-"rieP=e-et.ei-e.ep i should not rest upon the power of the m... A -.-..--- -- (indiyiduaibyCit. .. _ . . FitidiriTiano, good condition. "erifiee. Phone wit-J. o-1wl GREY Persian kitten, Sunday, near Church Street, has Inge front feet. Reward. Mrs. E. A. Western, 82 Front Street. x-lw m ’RICK house, Weston, T ronms, con- y yenjgnces. Joseph Nason, IO Mtin F ‘ tNE Beat: RUM! . RICHARDSON ST WANTED TO RENT ROOMS FOR RENT HOUSES TO LET EmEErEEiE UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Thursday, the 14th day of November, 1935, at the hour of 2 o'elock p.m. at the office of C. Lorne Fraser, Solicitor for the Mortgagee, Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg., Weston, Ont., by A. M. McEwen, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: .. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Weston, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Township Lot Number 5 in the Fifth Concession, West of Yonge Street ,aryi better described rllul hullucamun, "can. us I "lug: bVUEEyKJU ,uuu Wyn/VA “you."w. as follows: Commencing at a point in the south-westerly limit of Main Street where it is intersected by the south- easterly limit of the lands described in a Conveyance from Emma Chew and Harry Hoydroyd to the said Charles H. Smil- lie and Annie Smillie dated the 29th of Nov., 1926. and regist- ered'in the Registry Office for the Fast and West Riding of the County of York on the 11th of December. 1926, as Number 6189, for the Town of Weston; Thence South 27 degrees so mlnutes west one hundred and thirty feet: Thence North 63 degrees 42 minutes west, thirty feet: Thence North 27 dergees so minutes East one hundred and thirty feet to a point in the South-westerly limit of Main Street: Thence South 63 degrees I: minutes East along the South-westerly limit of Main thirty feet to the point of commencement, on which is Md a two storey. brick and stucco dwelling containing six rooms and bathroom, furnace. electric light and modern con- venience in good Mate of repair with garage, being premises No. " Main Street South. . _ WORK WANTED The Baie will be subject to a reserve bid and to certain audit“ of sale, which may be inspected at the office of “mud aolicicor gt any time during office hours. tu-IO the. cash to be paid down at the time of - Tiiiiig :13ch E83516 be paid doam at the time of an. and the balance to he paid in cash within thirty days, I C - tam u my be arranged satisfactory to the RICHARDSON'S l.D.A. DRUG STORE FOR SALE ATTACK THE SAC-0 c A u s E ot Rheumatism. I!“ Beutien, butrtbqgo- Advertisement of Mortgage Sale Eirreo It Wm the 23rd day of October. 1985. C. LORNE FRASER. Bum, Ete., Weston, on. Solid“: for the Mortgage. Phone-Weston 26 0-4w o-lw o-lw GIRLS wanted-Young girls for light factory work. Carl Austin & Cu. (ivory factory). Box No. 321, Times & Guide. x-lw l. Taronto, SIXTY-FIVE acres good tillable soil, near Weston, known as Johnston farm, new barn, 6-room house. Appl to R. W. Johnston. Scarlett Rang: Weston, o-lw PENSIONERS and others provided with full board and accommoda- tion. Charge fifteen to twenty dollars monthly. Ap ly: The Salvation Army, Aged Men's llama, 25 Augusta Ape., PASTOR GIVES FOURTH ADDRESS Oli COMMUNISM Continues Series on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, in Westminster Church In the fourth address on Stanleyl Jones' book, "Christ's Alternative to‘ Communism," Rev. G. Ernest Forbes in Westminster Church on Sunday, October 20, stressed the fact that this is not a book on Communism but a book on an Alternative to Commun- ism. In every nation there is some alternative to this system and these alternatives go under a great variety of names.' Fascism, Nazis, Monarchy, Re ubliean, etc., etc., but this book under consideration deals with the " itemntive found in the program of Jesus of Nazareth. A pommumsm," Kev. u. nrnesr rorues Wil B l m Westminster Church on Sunday, ttBon--- .rer" l October 20, stressed the fact that this . A very pretty wedding was solemn--1 is not a book on Communism but a ized on Thursday, October 17th, atli book on an Alternative to Commun- l the home of Mr and Mrs. E. Coe, sis-le ism. In every nation there is some ter of the bride, at 473 St. Jo?p'si! alternative to this system and these Rd., when Martha, daughter of Mrs-1‘ alternatives go under a great variety IA.. Byers, became the bride of Mr. f of names.' Fascism, Nazis, Monarchy, Malcolm Wilson of Woodbridge. Rev. 1 Re ubliean, etc., ete., but this book R. Turner officiated. The bride, pret- ', and)†consideration deals with the al- tily gowned in transparent wine vol-1; ternative found in the program of vet, carrying a bouquet of Ophelia ' Jesus of Nazareth. roses, was given in marriage by her T "Jeasus' program is srypple...e",y,,o,,t,l,taer,,, Mr. Hugh Byers. Mrs. J. It. l known today under the name, Chris.. Byers of Smiths Falls,sister-in-law of tianity. But the ideal set forth by ;the bride, was matron of honor, wear- Jesus in His program, all will admit, ling plum transparent velvet and car- is not exactly what christianity prac- rying a bouquet of butterfg roses. titres today any more than the ideal \Little Misses June Coe and argareti of Communism is actually attained in Watson, nieces of the bride and groom,i Soviet Russia. The ideal of these two acted as flower girls, daintily dressed] s stems has a great deal in common. in green and yellow crime with nose-1 T’heir method of attainment is very gays of pom pom mums. The groom‘ different. iwas attended by his brother, Mr. yy) "In the care of the physically dis- lliam Wilson. The wedding march, (inhtrited Russia hasawonderful ideal was played by Master Albert Coal ‘so far as it goes, namely that every nephew of the bride, who also played lperson in the State will be assigned a violin solo during the signing ofl ito a hospital near by where, tbetiiirt, the register. Mrs. Byers received, inin before birth, continuing on t ro' wearing black figured crepe and a childhood to old age, his physical corsage of carnations. Mrs. Wilson {wants will be attended to free of wore a black frock trimmed with ':charge. The Science of healing will: transparent velvet, also a corsage of harnessed to the collective so . carnations. After a buffet luncheon, Christianity as practised has pro- Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on a motor ,duced vast numbers of individuals trip to Western Ontario, after which who give service full and free, but they will reside in Woodbridge. BUSINESS NOTICES "A specialist of world-fame in foot surgery recently said, 'I have a pas sion to make men walk.’ This is the passion of the Christian gosael, and this passion Jesus put into is pro- gram for Christianity. A world-wide kingdom of God on earth would be one in which every member had 'feet shod with the preparation of the gas- pel of peace' " he stressed. FARM FOR RENT HELP WANTED tptw" Shot out of a tree on the farm of in,tount,.tlttt bald-headed eagle, shown Fred Kellam, on the Manon Rd., five Flaw?“ believed tqdhave has“ if?†. . 'riNetormarWra10B9n eclcen miles west of Weston, on Saturday (houses of farmers ip the Manon 935. morning by Raymond LaRose, West; Grir"iortiii/"irii/i -tGrriuGiiii/ The Woodbridge United Church Young People's Society visited Pearen Mem- orial Church Society Monday night. The Woodbridge Society presented the program, with the President, Mrrl Clair Bush as chairman. Rev. J. E. Anderson opened the meeting with prayer. A solo, "My Task" was given by Miss Mildred Shore, and a poem was read by Mildred Nattress. They also presented a radio program with Roy Blake and Norman Jackman as announcers. At the close of the meet- ing, lunch was served by the members iof the Pcaven Memorial Society. The Senior Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of Christ Church entertain. ed the Little Helpers and their) mothers, the Junior WA. and mem-l bers of the Junior Sunday School on Saturday afternoon in the school room. Mrs. S. Stratford, Secretary- Treasurer of the Little Helgeâ€. was in the chair. After the evotionnl J,exercises, each Little Helper present- ed his or her yearly offering. Rev. J. H. Kidd, Rector, spoke to the ehil, dren on how their offering was used for Home and Foreign Missions. Mr. Kidd closod the meeting with (lawyer, after which mumps were playe under .3 Committee vomposed of the follow- -in;z: Mrs. J. H. Robb, Mrs. Ross Liv- linzston and Miss Olive Wallace. Sup- iper was served at the close. l A large number were present at a: iWnrden's meeting of the Southern‘ Iptrt of West York Deanery, in Christ "Church Sunday School room Tnesdayi inighL October 30. Rural Dean Rev.| 1.]. H. Kidd acted as chairman. The' lspeaker of the awning was Mr. A. (W ‘Cuttle of the Toronto Synod offing; Ismukinx on missionary work. The<l 'idifferent parishes represented wet i8crtorpperir, Knltlehy. King. Maple, ‘IOakridzes. Thornhill, Thiutletown. {Weston and Woodhridge. I The WA, of the United Chureh held :I fowl supper and mncort in the Ichurrh last Tuvsdly night. There was I wry hum rrowd fur the supper Ind "tte church wa- fillod to rnpacity for ithe mud-rt. The pro ram eottsisted inf the Metropolitan grin. conducted ‘by Anthony ftomooeh. Mrs. Lung. (-107 ertionirt. Indies' quartette. ynun (St',',' -xtette, and Mir, Mild": _ Rev. J. H. Kidd. Mra. H. N. Smith, Misses B. and M. Wallace. Mrs, Ross Livingston and Miss E. Brown Bttend- ed the Sunday School convention of West York Deanery at Brndfnrd this week. Show. mun-alto. Miss Rett Wallace. Miss Queenie Emblem“. {ha Roscoe Pg."'.',' Mr. Wilfred Mney attended t mm] Provinci-l Cttesferretre of the A.Y.P.A. in†n Wham 1m week. "em I! "mm III! “I. ‘ DENTIST The an!» __. of Christ a C . m A.Y.P.A. iiil"l1,t?, mm...“ M “I"! I" a“ in the My . hoot room of, PHONE 110 ' - an an m .1 dl "kill WOODBRIDGE and Vaughan Township Rare Eagle Blamed ‘Fa'r Chicken Raids" l Hallowe'en party, with members from lThornhill and Richmond Hill branches ins their guests. About 100 were yet lent, with the President, Wilfred ax- l, ey, as chairman. Games, contests and (community singing were carried out iduring the evening, with the follow- , ing in charge: Misses Vera and Isabel _ Smith, Mary Thompson, Queenie .lDumbleton, Avis Poole and George lll'hividson. At the close of the even- . ing lunch was served by the local . branch. Short addresses were given f by Mr. Wm. Noble, President of Thorn- _ hill branch, Hugh Caster, president of _ Richmond Hill, and Wilfred Maxey of _ Woodbridge. I aialat l v COACH . 1 I " mmaaumn Miss Muriel Cox of Charlottetown, was»! the Nays Embassy I SCHOMBERG _ Tickets and information In Single-Mc Return $1.55 Dr. A. C.Clarke Mills Weaton-Sehomberg Leave Leave Weston Schomherg DENTIST Office: Cor. Main and John Sh. Over Inch‘n Drug Shore Phone: Office 80 Ron. 1071 a It' p.m. a 7.05 a.m. c " p.m. b 8.20 . . b 10.33 p.m. p.m a-daily except Sun. & Hul, b-Sun. & Hot. e-Sat. only. ' Coach Connections at Buf- falo and Detroit for all points in the United States. Dr. Harrison C. Roe: Dr. W. J. Rodwell DENTAL Sl'RGEON X-RAY EXTRACTION BY GA.R Nurse in Anna-m Office: Rank of Montggl Fldg. â€in“! Lid "id "si.rwestrm- PM!!! - Residence â€51 Dr. o. H. Sloan Toronto Coach Terminal AD. 4221 Daily Service GRAY COACH LINES Standard Time FARR BLOCK " Main St. N. PHONE 12’ DENTIST Office: 'i%iirr'operi. ’It is being held by 1LaRose, a brother of aymond. eagle, which is in perfect condition, has a wing spread of six feet, eight inches. Its Nylons magnum AX inghes' REL, who is attending the Univer- sity of Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Vera Smith. _ Miss Ruth Wallace spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. Car- vin of Barrie. The Pine Grove Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fraser, Wednesday night of last week, and as it was before aPnlmi,t,gt fowl were given as prizes. Fol owing were the winners: Ladies, 1, Mona Hendry, 2, Mrs. J. Gagnon, 3, Mrs. Mustard; Middle prize, Pearl Mtae- Lain; Consolation. Mary Maxey; Gents, 1, Mr. J. Blake, 2, Chats. Payne, 3, Robert Fraser; Middle prize, G. H. Maxey; Consolation, Oswald Orm- mady. Rev. Mr. Turk of Toronto occupied the United Church pulpit on Sunday, his sermon dealing with “Temper ance." He took for his subject "Safety First." The United Church Choir travelled to Palgrave on Sunday, where they rendered two anthems, "king of Kings," by Caleb Simper and "Sun of y Soul" by Edmund Turner. The soloists were Miss Marie Loved an Miss Louise Stewart. Mrs. Percy Bar- ger and Mrs. Lorne Barker sang a net. Rev. Davison accompanied the Uni- ted Church to Palgrave and led in prayer during the service. The choir is greatly indebted to their organist and leader, Mr. W. Dunning, for his faithful and splen- did work. The Sunday School Workers' meet- ing was held on Wednesday at the home of Mr. F. Lund. The Hallowc'en Festival was cele- brated hy the pupils of Thistletown. Public School on Thursday afternoon. Suitable recitations, songs, games and plays were given after which re- freshments were served. Service at the United Church will commence at 7 pm. during the win- ter months. We are sorry to report that Miss Shirley Snider has been taken to the hospital during her recent illness. We sincerely hope for her speedy recov- ery, At St. Andrew's, Thistletown, on Sunday, Rev. T. B. Butler preached and gave a splendid message on "The Visit to the Potter House," illustrat- ing ably how it fits into every-day lives: He afterwards dispensed Com- ‘mumon. THISTLETOWN A Euchre will be held on Thursday at R mm. in the Thistletown Hall. Everybody is welcome. On Friday, Nov. Ist, the opening danre will be held under the auspices of the Thistletown Workingmen's As- sociation. Come along and have n good time. At the Euchre on Thursday, Oct. 17, 15 rounds were played and about forty members sat down to lunch. The Athletic Club invite all to come any Thurde night It 8 o'clock to the Hall. Mr'CiiriGi,G, irthe' loss of then dear baby. “mile jn Thistletown they made minr friends, St. Andrew’s Church was honoured on Oct. lath by . vitrit from Bishop Fleming of the Arctic. He spoke beautifully and will lnng be renierh. hered by those who were formant enough to hear him. Mr. Arthur Bell. a former choir boy. who up: visiting lhqyillag: an}; "The S‘trqnggr P. tttss villnp sing "The String of Ftii.lee.'LMr: Green pgnchgd _. foY lowing Sundly, Oct. 20th. in the ab- som-o of Rev. Butler. hum of the convention aw extended to all that nutlomen fer helping so kindly. The Timm, Ind Guide - min. sion of certain items from this column last week. This was due to the you pin. to pm I Guy eartr bee-ll! of the holiday. On Smithy next at both the Ag: can Ind f[Filmed (,1ltl'tP, in "d tm, re - work of the mag-$30 tt dot, Ind " . W dumb-all. OWE-60. In, it Frmytth.r is gmnded to Mr. and Held By Earl REID DAY mm WON BY Buliilr0li lllington won the Joint field day hold on thy his?! Ichool 3:29:11!!! Friday when it neared " point- teh?, 64 fod Lambton Mills ind " for Itonville public uhooll, thuts urn-yin: "my the trophy. Prise winners Are: Senior 100 gunk. E. McAvoy; â€mini C. uh; highdump, H. Mil skip, jump . cAvoy; relay, ton; ball thawing, Eitbnville, Junior trirlsr-61l yards, M. Jackson; brood jump, M. Jackson; high Jump, G. Small; hop, r"ttt; jump, B. Kitchen; _r_elay, Lambton ills; ball throw, ls- iingibn. gamm- boys-100 yards, Bud South- well; 200 yards. Walter Frost; run- hing broad, Bud Southwell; running his , Jack Broad; hop, step. Jump, Ge9rg_e Barker._ , m m Junior boyts--75 yards, Thomas For- Iter; 200 yards, Joe Barman; running broad, Bruce McHenry; running hidgh. Carl Bannon; hop, step, jump, Gor on Hay; relay, Lambton Mills. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dadson and family of Humber Bay were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiffin recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen visited with friends at Georgetown on Sunday. The Woman’s Association will meet tor their November meeting in the church on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 6th, and the meeting will open at2.80 o'eloek. Important business and show- er of articles for bazaar. Members all try to be present. . "Union negotiations having been dis- l continued, St. Enoch's United Church, without a minister since conference; has extended a call to Rev. Herbert J. Hunt, secretary of Toronto West E',',',")',,',,"?,; Educated in England at ondon University, from which he re- ceived a bachelor of science degree, Mr. Hunt gave up a scientific career to enter church work. After gradu- ating in theology from Victoria uni- versity, and taking post-graduate, work at Chicago, he was atttf, to mission fields, in the no h, and later to his present charge, where he has.served for seven years. He also has been secretary of the Toronto Ministerial Association," a clip ing reads. Rev. H. J. Hunt has been gas- tor of Humbervsle United Church for the past seven years, coming here from New Lowell United Church, where he had been Pastor. forwarded to Mr. J. Calhoun and Mr.‘ Bnughurst of Thistletown for the work of this very worthy organixa- tion. This method is being followed this year instead of a general visitor. tion and you are requested to for- ward your subscription to one of those mentioned. Thistletown has al- CIT" responded generously to this cal and it is hoped that this year lwill be no exception. W.R.SGOTT FUNERAL AMBULANCE SERVICE W. J. Ward & Sons Funeral Directors PHONES: HUMBERVALE JU. 0691 Orangoville Monumental Works Phone " Woodbridge voters' List, 1935, Municipality of the Town of Weston, County of York ' Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voten’ Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at the Town Hall, Weston, on the 30th day of October, 1986, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. GirfiiJU.v call upon all voters to take immediate rs")- ceding: to have any errors or omissions corrected taco in; to law. the last day of appeal being the 20th day of November, MnnuNeturlntt American Grnnlu Ind erbh. Alan Cnnndlnn. Scotch um) other Fonlsm Gray-Hen. Show nt'a,t,' with th- hunt vneumnl P bola. Sindhlut. Write or call Ind get prim. 1988. Woodbridge 99 J. A. WHEN“ In India- Rd., Turn-Io Avoy; runninf bro-d, ump, H. Mill' hop, .chyy; “My. iuififi-' mm " Weston this Mth day of October, 1935. . HARRY G. mason. Clerk of the Town of WA bot-l Benn-mull" Town of Weston B. R. number; harm" Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Seniqr girls? ara lit 17 win}.- Weston 168 Lovely Autunn winds do blow, ', _ have- on troo- hll below. Luve- of yenovt, broyn and "d. . Dllpllying beauty overhaul. F [only Autumn not! no Ion-l, . Trel- andnmd look vow hood}. Katha: such I- Alma-t mud, 'tit dupy lave. I: may mum- . In“ Autumn bring. . ti _ k,':?,, mow nutrie- you'll t1l'Sis FRIDAY. NOVEHIIII lr, ins, _ Winter is about to knock, And um Winter, Sprinfu will um.“ Lovely Autumn pulling Air, _ Brings I promise that is run,- "We come me and Winter too, Then I will bring the Sprig to.“ F. w. MER'EENS W '16 MAIN ST. tt. Over Post Office Real [manna Service Fire Automobile Caaualty Phone-z Otrtee--i93 F Reaidenew-aN, C. Lorne Fraser,hL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Bank of Nova Semi- Chum ' WESTON Phonetst - Donald o. Rankin, B.A. Weston 152W W. M. Penman, BA. 16 Main St. N. Phone 1136 Over Post Office 45 Richmond St. W. AD. 0900 Residence: St. Philip's Rd., Wegton LY. 1960 - _ BARRISTER, SOLICITOB, Etc. A U TUMN Court of Revision ASSESSMENT . J. Edgar Parsom Necessary Insurance I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. Elgin 1863 Money to Lou! 18 Toronto Street, Toronto 0-18-52 Automobiles are necessary, yet dangerous! .§6.00nq§ve you n Public notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Re. vision to hear and determine com- plaints and appeals against assau- ments, em, as shown upon an Assessment Roll for the Municmty of the Town of Weston ‘for th " - V 1935 will be held in the Council Chamber. Town Hall, Weston, on Thursday, November 7th, 1985, at 8 o'clock P.M. All parties interested no lirequired to take notice and govern ithemselveg accordingly. Accident Paicy. Burglars are not welcome but $5.00 buys you a Theft Policy. Automobile Insurance in reliable companies. Further Information at 52 Main St. N. ACKROW'S INSURANCE OFFICE --.. F. A. Silverman, B.A. “Juliet. 640:" MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND ' MORTGAGE SECURITIES Drtitee Hours: D-ily: Ilno 'Tuudny and Thur-thy nanlnn. - TOWN OF WESTON Weston, October Mth, Offiee Hours: Daily From 9.5 PM. Tues. and Thur., " PM. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY Barrister, South". it. 1011 Wain: and. Mount D, PHONES (Opp. sdiiiiiiiN Church) Relldenu: Kola. 4877 HARRY G. MUSSON. Town Clerk. 'iiittani'. I Juliet. W68. "Woman INK" xutp18-T 1935 'x-Bm x-lM