Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 8 Mar 1935, p. 5

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LI} flip“. “no: a. 1m Used (rhyme and Parts for all makes of cars. Glass installed . in all makes of cars. Weston Auto Wreckers 41 Main 8t. th Weston PHONE 709W Mattresses romatle $2.95, and re- covered in new cnver. $400 and up. Also all kinds of furniture recover- ed, repaired and refinished. All work guaranteed and estimates free. Start the year right by hav- ing your work done in yuur own locality. ARCADIAN NURSERIES Weston llpholstering ' ththittetmaking Shop Late Fo"""'"'.",', she T. Eaton Co, t . Put your creed into your deed, "or speak with double tongug." PHONE LY. tttttt Mears m. w" for Gudlnllon In the Ann-m and . position through our Emphyuut Bureau. En!" any dar. N. lam! nutter". Full particula- would. Write W. R. shw. Rut-Inn Dental-2. Buy & Charter sucell. To- (HEATED CAB) Any Place in Weston-loc Three or More Persons-Me Rates to City and Other Points, Very Reasonable A. McKAY Phone 156W SPRING TERM glimmer Fuel eggpany Limited 0mm um Weston and "riGriia"iic'L'rF.ii.h. Tuck: “India. I” --TeuM-- Weston "I! - â€"â€" "'W, VALLEY ANTHRACITES, VOLUNTEER POCAHONTAS, ELSH COBBLES and BLOWER COALB--AMERtcAN and CANADIAN CORE-HARD and SOFT WOOD. At Standard Prim If you have tov-"" our Calendar. pInac phone. Or Write ARCADIAN NURSERIES -- Toronto 3 Canadian Three-Year-Old Roses Strong Flowering Shrubs Field Grown Perennials '.roEiittG'i Day or Night P. . 00E Any Distance Rich-mum's I.D.A. Drug store mm or '743J Please Mention This Paper now open in Shaw Business Schools CENTRAL TAXI (HEATED CAB) " MAIN ST. NORTH (OPELA. & P. Store) SPEC % Ton BUCKWHEAT COKE andlakl'ol RED A8HrBNCKWHEAT _--..........-.....,.'-......:......,..., 223 MAIN ST. N. . Phone 424-J FREE PRICE _ LIST TAXI m; if. Cimega“;Earififiirgeo-“iaméa”a“: G. MACKAY -- -'"F -.. " “in m t"atmeot-. -'"'" 'iGcii", Cat tht ““3111.” by SPECIAL 1ttttr+ 5-Emerson. I offer pm to tree service of the Page Engineering but Try me. You word be sorry. One 1eeh,petceot..ir-tee goes - Uittl " hiy'GJri Rum- Remhk MWT GUESS AT YOUR HEATING NEEDS El I 'tContinued from Page One) 1ley.1itt there was "ll defect in any ,0 ipmvnt, used by 1.10 buy al {hr , MUll'l'i' accident mourn-(l. , To Interview Department L 'rmsmm. Cruieksiiamk spoke to «a Notive of Mnljun which he had giv- ‘nn at the last regular meeting, his ENQtim‘ of Motion being to the effect l that: i "At than?“ regular mailing of the I "ojg,1 I y'illumovo tte following: Charlie Con-Cher is without a doubt, the outstanding player in the game to- day and the big irood-natured right winger is an example that any up and coming youngster might use for a pat- tern and be proud of it. Murray laid Gotham“! from a blow on the breather and this midget Amerk packs a real punch. Down the home stretch und plenty in front, but that 1“”ng up in front of the grand stand is w t counts. hut I thin the Leafs have the staying power barring accidents. ttto Kikhenér i7es-trailsiCtriiiiiiir' everybody on the ice and look for the extra player, Sagurd-y against the Americans was Just a gkoo work out with nine of the boys pie ing up scoring points. And judging the Leafs on the night'S play, it doesn't really matter who they meet for if they keep up that kind of game they cnn take any of them. Pep Kelly was thfstar of the night and this J,',",??,'.",', pot reminds those that Se."? 'r,','ltp. er way back when Sehnarr, ' A 's, -ee ,7 A . . . _ Clancy had a big Aut and the King had to finally give up from exhaustion-. Thtrthree teams in each group to enter the play-offs have been settled, hut in what position they will finish remains to be seen and if dear old Les- ”Ami also that the firm of Thorne, Mulholland, Hnwson' and McPherson oi Toronto be a pointed auditors for the Bean! for Ste ensuing calendar yoar, such audit to be done quarterly, " a salary of "312320013” annum." "l have found since that the Act says it is not legal for us to pay fur an audit," stated Dr. Cruickshank, “therefore I cannot make this Motion. The Town have an audit taken of our books to protect their own interests and We cannot contribute to the costs, of..? munigipa! audit." The Amerks had iothinz to win or lose and they did their best to 'spoil a perfectly good hockey game. The Leafs should take it quite easily in Montreal, (1 am two fingering this on Tuesday) and what a game it should be here on Saturday against the Bruins. The three teirid in each group to enter the play-offs have been settled, but it.t wltat,position thtsr_will finish remains to be seen and if dear old Lester Patrick has his way, I don't think you will see the Rangers playing the Leafs for the N.H.L. title. BOARD'S F.xPFhN0rrUREy, MUST BE APPROVED BY A. J. B. GRAY Trustee It. J. Flynn declared that "We are a body "leeted by the people and I think we should give the rate- payers a statement of the finances we handle. How else can we give them a true statement except thrgugh our auditors?" Protest Tn Change A Notice of Motion presented by Trustee R. J. Flynn at the last regu- - -eeie"i e'PWP ...........,5 "That the Municipal Council of the Town of Weston be notified that the Board do not wish to contribute dur- ing the ensuing calendar year to the municipal auditor. There was considerable discussion on this matter and at length it was derided to have Mr. Oliver Master, Chairman of the Finance Committee, interview the Ontario Department of Education. to find out whether the Bond can hr granted permission to ply tor an audit. Then. if this per- misaion is obtained, the Board will notify the Town of Weston of the alleg'ed lack of efficiency and alleged lack of co-operation o the town's auditors. @TRANSOM HEARD OVER. 59.25 bléwen; Little Rabbit McVeigh the (New York sporting writers idea of a won- der man) 3 suites miles and gets no place. in Net, he was nnything but I help to his mates on Saturday night. Hollett should be :standout in the play-offs and it is worth the price of admission alone to see this boy go. . Finnigan,Thoms and Kilren are get- ting better Jl"T,'il','"/,'ne and right now the Leafs are od B on favourites for te. the Stanley Cup and the N.H.L. it e. tar Patrick has his way, I don't think you will see the Rangers playing the Leafs for the N.H.L. title. Please, Mr. Calder, don't send Cleg- horn or Dinsmore here for the play- offs as we alter“? had a murder here over the week-en . 'tt2 iikik iieViiiG, iii- but“ In the report of the Management Committee, presented by its Chair- man, Dr. F. D. CruiEkshank, mention Wu made of a two day visit made at London recently by. one of the high school staff, Mr. .. H. G. Worden. Mr. Worden expressed appreciation to the Board for allowing him to make a visit and said that the time had been spent most satisfactorily. He was very much interested in the system of stagzered chases used in the London schools. The original il'eer"i'i,'etd, systems for Canada origin- at in these schools and people are coming from as far " Australia to see them in operation. So much was there to see at London Technical School that Mr. Worden expressed a desire to spend another day there at a later date. . schools. Emms for the Amerks was trying to make good use of his helmet, but Hor, npr showed him that a good pair of hips and shoulders have a more telling effect than a new helmet. In looking over the records, the Amerks have only been in the phy- offs Once in nine years of action that was in 1928-9 when they finished sec- ond in their group. And they were smartly knocked out in the first round. Conny Smythe him] smiles these days and why shouldn't he be with a team like he has got. a later aate. . I mum" mm, In, can; OCHX'K, When, The Board of FMueatiort's (Mall "The .Browlt Bread Str., of Toropto' budget for the year amounts to 3129, I will SI,',' a talk on difrtrty..t countries 402 for public, high and vocational and a ow pictures. A dehémus lunch schools. will “so be served. It is hoped all the -----o----- ladies will attend and bring an many ladies In they can with them as the umsr mvm members of the WA. hope to hue one hundred and fifty ladies register. an mom PRAISE The date of the Annual Anniversary in f,t',','g,hi'g' 2min»:- ehunh was f,': _.“_" I amn or ri 2ttth Ind 29th. he' Arehives Chairman Contributes: may I“, 32U with prayer hy to “From Putnam to (Mrs. . Warren. Mrs. mint served Davenport United" delirious refreshments. Mrs. J. w. ',tFi,"ei',: who he served as ”Swen; Rev. Dr. Him-ks. (In-inns" of the" pint two Y?" '“ PM" wit Archives (Historical Committee of theI . most trorll,'eNra'".% 'il'5 t the General Council of the United Church} Title, "k' C ii . N. ii "a: of Canada, in contributing In int»” '1 . 'e 'tCert' m. ttte t duetinn to From Punniun to Dnvon- 1M Tort. Schriner, the ace recruit of the Amerks would be more than welcome to any manager in the circuit. Busher Jackson is getting back into his stride and by the time the plav-offs are here the Kid Line should be hitting on all three. lar meeting, was brought forward. As the Mutinn was brought-forward, Trustee T. C. O'Gorman spoke un: “I wish to speak to this motion." "I object," stated Trustee Fl nn. "Thin motion pertains only to pubic schools. and Trustee O'Gorman, representing only thc Svoarate Schools, cannot. we permitted in speak to it." Trustee O'Gortnan was tum he would not be allowed to speak to the Motion. Rev. Dr. Hirteks, Chuirman of the Archives (Historical Committee of the General Council of the United Church of Cam. in contributing In intro. ductinn to Prom Pug-mun to mum port United, Mr. Perkins Bull‘s next volume, expressed tn mm opium u. to the linking; trf history. Andy Blair is back again and his back injury is all 0.K. and Handy Andy will be needed before long. We will soon-uri,' to start and get ready for the big series and give the Leafs the support they well deserve. The Motion. as passed hy the Board, is as follows: "Whereas the Public Schools of this province are, as the name implies, upon to and available for everrehild of school age, without di5crimination, and as such are entitled to and re- quire for their efficient operation the fulles‘t measure of public support.“ It is not. my: Dr. Hinds I matter of Males m1 Arts of Psrliatrteqtt, or, in the of church. a meter of 'tlu'll,l6'll (may. History , , their live! at! work. and you can only.” the - colour of I m WWPLMN ".sreed ‘n "Therefore be it resolved that this Board of Education, on behalf of the public school supporters of Weston, protests against any legislation which will impair its revenue or will in any Way div'ert troivrimene -gYants a? td. cal taxes for school purposes, to which they are now legally entitled, toward the maintenance of separate schools, or of any system of sectarian or denominational schools and that copies of this resolution he sent to Honorable, the Prime Minister of On- tario, and Honorable the Minister of Education of Ontario." Reports Received Reports from the various inspector, who recently visited the public, high and vocational schools in Weston, were rend by the Secretary and were later commented on by the Board members as most encouraging and satisfactory. - - __ and] um ol- in ttte Can-dun s'.'di1'n'3rs'll'l,t.t.tl'k'Wirpdttt, the hand of the binary-n. Hardly nurture all. did one individual so hold threomtnuptty in the hollow of " hand, so kw: as its spiritual "t1eeotiotnie f A r. ' thrill to An “mint town from the iGGGi tttNT mughouv. the work, be u had tho ctr-operation of _Dr. Hindu. who prescribes the finished volume as I can for the worst ills of our time. - irPelkim Birlri%, been re ri =tlttlutter, 9! Ilethyrelt $5303 "To the lowering of intellectual and moral standards through Soviet in, fluence". uyl Dr. tf.incks "and to the weakening of the fibre of our young men and yawn women in the desire tt? not tul',','?".".";',') m.sthi.ntr,_syme vigorous antidote' is required. Where be ter could it be found than in this marvellous picture of the free hard- working pioneers'. "There is no quack cure for the depression. We must get back to the pioneer attitude towards work, towards God, and towards each other. In Mr. Perkins Bull's new book we find the spiritual dynamic of the pioneer, the industrial dynamic, the cultural outlook and the church in all her interests, incarnated in the single heroic figure of the author's great grandfather! Bartholomew Bull." Even when he is writing for those outside his boyhood county, Mr. Per- kins Bull cannot entirely forget Peel, and its residents will find in this new book many interesting side references to the work of the church in Peel, its ministers, its residents and its activi- ties. In Mr. Perkins Bull's next book, which should follow From Paganism to Davenport United within a few weeks, he will return to his native heaths with fresh vigour and a sur- prising new fund of information. This store is complete with all ac- cessories necessar to the well dress- ed '/,'Jll"'-'ll1'rit'l%y, distinctive, sex» vieeable clothing. Knowing this, it is small wonder that men and young men buy-their furnishings from this local men's shop. In his years of ser- vice H. N. Smith has won a steadv rapidly increasing business. We wish to compliment him upon his unique business methods and assure the men of this community of utmost satis- faction in purchasin their needs at this popular store. Ll,") in and sel- ect your Easter suit, top coat or Spring hat. He has a wide selection from which to choose. Do you know the rungs in prices on Spring suits at _ mif v. Smith's Clothing Store, in Wood- bridge, Have Choice Selection of Easter Clothes Everyone will admit that "clothes do not make the man," but they also must admitithat the clothes 3 man wears go a long ways towards giving a correct impression of the man. lf his clothes are correctly tailored, if he is particular about his appearance, one immediately classes him as being successful. For the man who is tas- tidious about his clothes or for the man who putsbusiness first, no mat- ter what the need may be, consult H. Nuprnith, of Wtodbridge, - For men's and your, men's fur- nishings see this reliagie establish- ment. He handles only high grade merchandise and, due to his great volume of business, he is able to sell at most reasonable prices. He has a reputation far and wide for being the style _centte, in M, Arne. At Smith's Clothing shop the show- ing of clothing permits fancy-frets SCI, ertinn of style and fabric. Every fa. shionable style model is shown in an astounding variety of new weaves, shades, sizes and proportions. Look where ynu will, there are no hotter style clothes to be found. The well dressed men of Woodbridge and dis. trict wear clothing from Smith's. They carry a complete line of under- clothing, shirts, ties, handkerchiefs, socks, sweaters, scarfs, hats and capsl An extensive study has been made in faultless attire for men and young men by the buyer of this establish- ment. ' Smith's flSllilllllllf MEN HHESS (llllll©ll Mrs. Chapel, of Pontiac. Mich., was a visitor last week with Mrs. D. Scott. The woman's Association met for the March meeting at the home of Mn. H, Hunt on Wednesday after- noon. Over thirtv ladies were in at- tendance. The President, Mrs. E. Ewart was in the chair. The devo- tional wu taken by Mrs. A. W, Pears son, Mrs. King, Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. McLeod. Plugs were made for an Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, of 0t- tawa, visited over the week-end with his mother and brother at Humber- side and with relatives in Weston, To- ronto and Locust Hill. aftémoén inn. chGkGi"rGidiy'," ?fIreh_19th, ot 2.30 o'eloek, when WWI GUIDE 'o',tt&t'ttAttSUtatt HUMBERVALE i The murgcguests were received b 'Judge D. ' onnell, MI istrate Wil’: “Ham Keith, Reeve Col. I'. J. Stuart, fund Chief John Flulds. Others who [assisted in the evening's arrange- ments were Inspector Harold Nash. :president of the association; HIE. ‘Charles MaeDoulton, vice-presideiW; _Thomas Gunton, secretary-treasurer; Deputy .. Reeve William Graham, Deputy-Reeve William Noble; Dep- uty-Reeve Marsh Magwood; Coun- cillor Charles Cashman; Councillor ILance Beynon; Councillor C. J. Mc- iMaster, P.C. William De Gear, RC. Hugh Brown, P.C. Stanley White- lhend, RC. Jack Mason, P.C. Harold Lawrence, pnd Detective-Sergeant .Walter Segee. More than 1,500, including prom- inent members of Judicial and legal circles, attended the annual answer dance of the York Township Po ice- men’s Association held lust week" in the nt'ott,l, Ballroom of the King Ed- ward otel. I " 'lf we "chicvo than? ulvji-rtiuu: my one [Iced wish us " Merry t'hristrua; iot' a Happy New Year, in: thvy will lbo nurq. Yet to (lum- who have 'labored unselfisllly and intelliurmttly, Lthu publlt‘ spirited citizens who have (given of their time and their means”, ”he departments, municipalities and (the corporations who have contributed to enable the work to go forward. to lull these, and to the 80,000 people Iwhmn we were privileged to serve in J1934. may we be permitted to extend il".: age-old greeting and wishes,'" :the report concludes. Lindsal Electric, in Woodbridge. ( Offer Exceptional Electric Ser- l vice to This District Councillor Cashman also spoke on the proposal to consolidate the fire, sewer and transportation areas of the township. He declared that until a complete survey as to what the ac- tion will mean to each section is mm. pleted by Works Commissioner o. M. Falls, it will not be known what the sectional benefits will be. A brief outline at the 1935 budget for York Township as it appears at gresenc was given to the Lambton ark Ratepayers' Association Tues- day night by Councillor Charles Cash- man. He told the audience that it is too early to make an definite pro- nouncement on the budget as it is not fully prggared_ ag yet. _ _ "In Lamhton Park and most sec- tions of Ward Three," said Mr. Cash- man, "l am inclined to think that we will suffer more or less of a burden in the consolidation of the fire and transportation areas, but will likely receive benefit from the amalgama- tion of the sewer areas." (Continued from Page One) exemplify the spirit, the service and the objectives of the Y.0.N. as Christ- mas and the New Year. The keynote of Christmastidc is to bring happi- ness to others; happiness to those who know it not, and more happiness to those who may already have a share. The twin notes of the New Year are faith in and hope of a greater measure of health and hap- piness than the declining year has given, Through its ministratinns to the suffering and ire, guidance to, wards better health, the V.0.N. seeks, and not without success, to extend for those it rmu'hvs, the Christmas and NM; Your attributes of happi- ness and rmwwml hopes in u twelve- month state of mind. Deputy Reeve Marsh Magwood spoke on the same subjects. VICTORIAN ORDER NURSE MADE 2800 VISITS here, and one will find it advttrttmr- eous so bri m’s radio pmhlrms to this firm. 'ltd establishment am- dir tritmtors in this district for the Rog- on and Majestic radlos. These sets men would: mtisfhetion. fine rerep- tion, dependable performance dar in and dly out. A - of furniture manure would berm to W, e. _ "ftrmofeket donllkinds EXPERTS AT HAHN] EMIS-SME How often do we see a sign posted in front of a new home calling at- tention to the "Electrical Hame". This home we find entirely operated by el- ectricity. The lights, heat, refrigera- tion, ranges, was ers, ironers, sweep- ers, radio, in fact everything in that home is run by electricity. In this modern era such equipment and at» pliances are not merely conveniences, they are necessities. At The Lind- say Electric, in Woodbridge, one will find them all. They are fully pre- pared to uke care of all your electri- cal needs, 'and we suggest at your first opportunity you drop in and let them demonstrate to you the many advantages of these electrical ap- pliances, both from a standpoint of ecojorny hand cnnyenience. of wiring a!!! rowan, also motor t,"I "we; 1'ttt,',tt and specialise m m ”systems. All work an. - m the up- pmval of the Ontario Hydro m Cam-m. It,'Jgv'e2te','g: The Lindsay can a my ":,Pr"tets".tftttet.tf9rdtreV was" '.'"i"."lii but” _-_ “If; "r "in", ld to 1tutera In"; hood-Jam . idsiiii2iiipsi "annotation to? " mhhluau- bt,e4b"ruB'.Te',tgtetst, t.tt:d't',J"MS'i','tt . Radio is probably the greatest ire vention since Guttenburg devised his crude wooden type and made printing possible. In almost five centuries there has been no single invention sn closely touching human interest as this miracle. No one should he with, MIL: tdio. in their home toyUr _ The Lindsay Electric an thorough- ly familiar with every phase of the radio business. They have spared no expense in eqtsipirttr their place with the my“ 'rp-to-date Inboratori for the repainn‘ of all makes and inds of Helios. verything for the repairin: 9nd ntvjcing ofLra3ioris faulted Mount Dennis Local: 1 m""'""""'".""'"-"--"-."- Petwen Manlorial Church was filled to capacity on Sum! for emu: yersary siu'vicer', Ravi enneth Ben- ton in"! a vivid picture of the ehurc 's work among peoples of many races throughout Canada. Dr. W. A. Hindu apt) e in the evening of the redeeming {impose of God, an re- vealed in t e life of Jacob. "The solution of our problems of to-day depend not on any new system bat on a new spirit in the hearts of men ttltustiuntL" he said. ' The evening Mirage was followed by a fireside gathering under the milspices of the Young People's Bible C has. Organization of the South York) Humewood Liberal Women's Club? was undertaken at the home of Mrs. ‘ sttyartyretttry Maplewyod_Ave, '; Mrs. R. G. Fraser took the chair I tm for the election of officers, which‘ resulted as follows: Honorary mesh; A dents, Mrs. Daniel Lang and Mum George Bremner; president, Mrs.; Stewart Stratton; vice-presidents, Mrs. F. McCrae, gm. Jack Bremnm"L and Mrs. R. G. raser; secretary“ Mrs, W. E. Budge; treasurer, Mrs. E.', G. Brooks. i, Plans were made for the club's ac- tivities, after which the ladies played bridge. The tea table, attractively arranged with a lace cloth and cow tred with spring flowers. was pre- sided over by Mrs. F. T. Knight. Dental service in the svhools costs on the average 79 cents per also. Trustee Frank Oke, of the York Township Consolidated Public School Emmi. told the members of the Mount Dennis Property Owners' Ars snciation Monday night. He said that the work has progressed so well that within 12 months all the urgent Work Iii Ml'ru,hqgmS Els,. __- - kw??? 4’ Short business meeting, 2.43 p.m., Tea 4 o'clock. Good Musical Program. Come and Bring a Friend. THE SUNBONNET GIRL I CENTRAL CHURCH W.A. ST. -irhtCt6ies-FEji Admission 25 cents. THURSDAY, MARCH N MRS. A. S. MACKLIN ISHOOSE THE BEST', In conjunction with the Chureh's Anniversary Service. "St. Louis Kid" --osith- James Cagney and . Patricia Ellis 'Witith Agent" FRi.--SAT. Mar. 8-9 Double Bill Wesley Howard pnd Kay Francis Under Auspices of 184 King Street Wednesday, March 13th at s." P. M. at home of WESTMINSTER CHU RCH AUDmNtiUM af/it 1% \‘r Show sum: Wed. and Thurs at 6.30 p.m. Westminster United Church Choir in h WEEK OF HITS TWO-ACT OPERETTA will be presented by tferr-ttoss qou m- I “What Every Woman laws" “Hm an The Range" --with- Jarkiv Cotrgart and Randolph Scott qr At, dt 3:195) MON.--TUES, Mar. ll-IZ Double Bill Helen, Hayes "air. ik.iit F. 'WWW 7 tiiiiU. tNe ' gut in gar-um an: Ida a uveennue. “Hm I tuthels, Que cw _ in? Cbmplouw" Il',',' been given ta hi been givc'm to 173 L' " sitatin 1,202 mm.- bx. A 1/ Ind tSi (mention. . a» the board has seven ' _ - played. In immune“. u r dentists have ftrund u - cavities in one mouth. ‘ Sneaking up from hem In. liam "tttes, Margaretta ”I she walked along Walnut»! ., Tuesday night, a thief. "sat-d purse, containing " In eaah I compact, trom tsntier her If..[_ 'rid; v'uru/auiitrGr Gin Jiet Westmount to a car which , parked with its en inc rm was Last seen speedl‘ng VIM at! erlawn avenue. . York Township police we" II.“ and a search of the anmundi‘! trim made by officer: in " cruisers and on momma“. C trace of the thief could DODGE-DE SOTO HU0rl0N--TERRAPLANE WESTON 96 LY. 388: DUFFERIN s'r.--At Mall Night Phone: Weston 550-W (Charges Reversed On City "s Calls) Phil H'awe SIGNSE and SHOWCARDS TOWING SERVICE 'Phone Weston 174-11 bar and Night wEIy.-aTrmc7: M ar. 13.14 Double Bill "hsk's%"er" Tickets new on " Thoma 8mm “mum mm hum" --with-- Philip Holmes FOR mwtsrirkr,toH -wittr.- Jackie (2009a

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