Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 1 Mar 1935, p. 6

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"There is more to life than laugh ter."-Maurice Chevalier, Donner and Hamco Coke Susquehanna Anthracite Pocahontas -....-- A'mbricoal THE WESTON " Irvin . Lumber Co,, M, FINISH the WINTER IN COMFORT'. MEAN IN FUNERAL DIRECTION? Please do not Wait for Our Representative to Call 'e't. in n funerll ser- vce is stained only through sympathetic Ip- tlt"tt of skill and train. ing. Yorke Bros. funerals are impressive because long experience and com- talle modern equipment are combined in their "range-aunt. own: adettt tumul- positively e-utr, (or In low In “5.00 "I A. BURST. Pres.. W. J. INCH. Fire-Pres., 1 m Vii-lit Dairy M. Street N. ”a Ave., m. but»: Wm “Every Child Deserves a Chance " YORKE _ BROS. 1220 Weston Road 2197 BLOOR ST. W. JU. 5722 Crippled Children's Foundation Fund ROTARY CLUB Gnu E Yorke ALAN G. T DOES " III-nuns Ada-whom in Next Week's THE WESTON-MOUNT DENNIS coal which provides quick heat for cold days and easy cuntml for mild weather. Grade for grade, there are no finer fuels than Irvin's. Unsettled weather do mands quality fuel -- Mail Your Donatim, Tum To PERSON. t1eerrtary--em Puhtie l'tilities (MIL. Weston or to I SOLH'IT YOI'R DONATION FOR THE I i ll M”, um. um. Coe l pleasure of sharing the contents with her. Dancing was the main diversion ‘of the evening and at the conclusion, the auction, fTuturvd by spirited bid- lding, was held. The ladies are to be {congratulated 0n their (‘ulinary abil- {ity. Tho Club nu-pts again on Tues- ‘day, March 5th, in the Weston Lib- rary at X p.111. ”Mm-w» m unsmr-m-t Icsli Hummus n-wmmending/ KLEl-IRPlxi "The Wondvr Healing Sulve" fur Er ‘Lcma. l'srriasis, I'erpphUus, Firythe -n'm lm....o;...\ I. L rs .. N -The Weston C,C.Y.M., Youth Movement of the CCF'., held a very sucrl-ssful llux Social at the home of Viv Warren, Searlett Road, on Tues- day evening, th. 26th. Each lady mx-mhnr supplied a box lunch which was to ho auctioned Off to the high- of! gentleman bidder, who had the Iitqg.Bc.gt.._s _. L __' .. --ir1t' lunar Minstrel Revue of To- on mondayg at 6-30 p.m, mm” will present an tintatijjiiir"leitp"e,tr..t,it'ty will FBI! fur all a?” on Tuesday, March 5th. wil be a i1u'A1%a11 l’rocvmls for Sunday School Picnic.g"}"“"?" .at. ”$9; WI The Revue will be held in the Com, i/site: "1T.hi/t 'il/elif, munity Hall, 135 Harding Avenue,) Inch 8th, lr. P't', commencing at 8.20 p.111. _l.en.t.ery . set'v1ue of --Tlw Tudrrririi/stii,'i Revue of mum will present an entertain:, fur Hilfiger? on Tuesday, March "e"'""", . “Mumsua, nume- ma, [mm-Ugo. Itch, Rails, Chaps, etc. Works like magic. 50c, $1.00, $2.00. Ask Itichardsdh's LILA. Drug Store and Hrigg‘s Pharmacy. x-lw viulss mun Hanna-y, Librarian at tlw Weston Public Library, points out that tlie 1900 books 'm sociulum' cir- culated among juvvnilvs in 111)), were Immlly fairy tales. ty"uatwes"Gri" prime, -.4 Dance [maturing Jack Mtt'twl and his orehestrut will In» held in the Mlusnniu Tomplu on T hulsda) new ink, Man-h 7th. “new will be novel- Frr .lu..,.... I . tpt' s--ln the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, Rev. R. B. lrding- ham will spunk on "The God of (Eur Fathers: an}! in the owning on “HH- tyiss Ruth Cth,, _ -.~uu.....-.....: Ht.tttirvis in the Faith m. 9662 Yimytret Show Weston Local Items LIMITED of urtsriirite " “an all Guide“ w _ iltttms, Higgins in charge. On Fridag', 1.f,',"g Winn-h 8th, Mr. Hooper will give a _ ' (1......m.‘ _.,--,', P m. . -_- rm: fangs AND mm: Clovelly Chapter --A spendidly attended meeting of ,(‘invr-Hy Chapter Nrt. 144, Order of the Eastern Star, was held on Tues- day evening in the Masonic Tvmplv. {The Worthy Matron, Janet Totten, and the Worthy Patron, K, Ainslie 1tj5ijj: were in the chairs. Pre- ,pamtinns were continued for a St. il’atrick's night to be held on March :12”). Invitations were read from /pltir, Chapters to be their guests, as (follows: To visit Unity Chapter, West Toronto, on March 8; Friend- iship ChaIBter of Toronto on March {18, and airbank Chapter on March 120th. Atnthe conclusion of the meet- (ing games and dancing were enjoygd. "Sister Edith Barr winning the prize ifnr musical chairs. Refreshments were served at the close, _ --The regular monthly meeting of (the Weston' Presbyterian Women's 1Missinnary Society was held at the 'hnnw of Mrs. Roos, 19 Joseph Street. lwith Mrs. Wm. Burke, the President, in the chair. A most interesting italic was given by Mrs. Steinmetz, twnrkor among the Hungarian people gin Toronto, and Mrs. James contri- (rusted a vocal solo. Refreshments (were served by the hostess. ! --0n Thursday, March 7th, thy Jliadies’ Auxiliary, W.W.C., are cele- brating their first birthday, the or- :ganization having taken place just a year ago. The ladies are entertain- iing their husbands with a banquet at ithe Club House to begin at 7.00 pm. iKimlly note, this being the regular {mm-ting night, only members with Ithuir escorts are asked to be present. i ---The seventh annual banquet of Lmige Leeds, Sons of England, way held in the Masonic Temple recently, about one hundred sitting down to a good supper. After the meal, the usual toasts to The King and the Order were given. Entertainment was given and a most enjoyable time was spent. Brother George Med, burst acted as Chairman, and during the evening P.P. Bro. T. Dougherty was presented with a Past President':, Jewel. Lodge Leeds invites any Erur lishman to become a member of a real live Lodge. To anv interested, call W. H. Sainsbury 474-F. - ""'8 .'_-. ...,....,, n... gch a lantern service of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for the children. Parents are welcome. --At the Harding Avenue Mission on Monday, at 6.30 p.rm, an aluminum demonstrdtion will be given. There will be a supper, and following, a "Driven at 8 o'clock with Mt. Wil- ,:..m Fr? . . . - -"r -""e"'"_ .F.. Fr* " yualuuu to offer really outstanding values in used cars, thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed. 'Phohe Weston 1020 or JU. 1224., Imam-nun,“ -Rucause of me unusuglly brisk vulmnc of new Ford V-8 sales, Ross ll. Fawcett, Limited, are in a position f.. ”Ira“ ---rr,, __. A I- _ . -Thv annual Inn-ling of the Moth- ers' Auxiliary of Scouts and Cubs will be held in the Public Library next Tuesday afternoon, March 5th, at 3 o'cluck, and a large attendance is looked for. --Whether or nut you saw "The h'unbonnet Girl" last year, see it this your on Wednesday. March l3, inl Westminster Church, presented by the ( choir, It begins at 8.15 pm. _-em-ewes -0----- A, 2lext Sunday mornin in the Mantis! Church the pastor,§{e\'. J, C. Williamson will speak on "Prayer," and in the evonin on "Ghost Cities." Sunday School 'Jlf, be at 3 p.m. '.V'rT'rt, 'tb6tl wnUrtrrFti Cmfotoria. a dvlicinus rnpast brim; provided by the Mothers' Auxiliary fo Scouts and Cuhs. Rrv, W. E. Mat-- kn} Honorary Smutmastnr and Chaplain, wk: rhntrman and acted a: Tovrtmnstrr, Following the sayln': of grave hy Mr. Mavkoy, the, tuna to "The King" was responded to Fry tho Mmrintr of God Save the KIRK. Those prnpminz and rmmndimz to tottsts ware: "The Chief Smm"AMr Wolls Fraser and Mr. Nils Non-nine. "Our Gttestr"--gvrk names and Mayor P. w, Momm. Mn. Flyw- of the women', Auxilmry made a nrmnutinn ot a hrldz'r- hm!) to C, M Thornton. who has been Smutmanmr for the past several - and I! [iv hump the work. Mr Thornton rm plied fittintly. Following community muting. Mr, T. WMM-rspnon :pakw trrirf1y Ind provided 30.“! amusinl "ttertaittment. The has! to the Udies . was 't7"l',""il I by 1'h,Itte I',") 'tTet' fl. . . Ga vi areodi . ruhrukr-ttt"iiti Canada" do: in .vmtt, 1 At Annual Meeting --The MacDonald Junior Ctrnservr. tive Association of Wrst York Wm well represented at tho Annual Most, ing of tho Fndoration of Young Can- ada Consorvativo Clubs on Saturday 23rri at tho Royal York Hotel. Gor- don Graydon, who had been N'rOli‘ClWl Drosillonz of the frsrivration mrlivr in the afternoon. prositlvd at tho mev're ing. Following the afternoon sossion mrmhers of the furlvration dined in the tlure banquet halls of the con- vention floor. The some 3.000 mom- hers of tho federation pron-m then assembled in one hall to hear the spoovhos of tho Rt. Hon. ll. ll. l,'vrr, --.A --_I Px A -- iett and Demon M554; Smut Banquet _-A F'athvr and Son Ranquvt of thc Weston Roy Scouts was held last night in tho stlnn High Svhnu! service on Sunday which was the mn- cludinz nnv, will nut soon hU forgot- ten. Credit must be given to thp sisters who conductvd the Children',, MiSaion, and the congregation is much indwhtnd td Rev. Hiscocks, for thr, splendid way in which ho bullion] vmany by prayers and intorcvssinym he Vicar also wishes to thank all thnm- who co-operated in making thv Mission possible, St. John's, ('hurrh News “Tho Mission put on by km; ti. H. Histocks, t'rrrteltttlerl at St. John’s 011 Sunday night last. During: Un- whole mission many wore in "ttvtodanvv, and tho chilrlrvn's strvices worn particu- larly well attended. The vhildrvn', , Lenten Services _ -Next Sunday in St, lehn'x’ Arum mun Church the Vicar, Run W, I", 1Mackw, will speak in Ilu, morning and there will be a ~ln-vml xyu'nkm in the owning. On Ash Wu-zlnusduy March 6th, whivh is th. "ist duv n! Lent, a special sornru will 1w huh and Rev. Canon Ru>n~ll Smith of Oakville will speak. A-xrhunging fir; the day with Rev. ML Mrwlwy, Dur- ing Lent at St. John's then- will hv special services in lumping: with thv season, and thv hours of [Dump wr- vicos will ho annnunrr‘d (-m'h mmk. All organizations of tlu. church ilt't resuming their usual nun-tings :nfh-r the Mission. Vestry NIH-ling --8t. John's Anglii-an Mission by“ a Vestry meeting :iflm' (-n-nin-g wr- vice in the Community Hall, 13.] Hardin}: Avenue, on Sunday lust. Mr, J. W. Harvey was tlite" as l'l‘uplw‘~ Warden, Mr. Chas. I,. Watt 4m Vuslry Clerk. It was decided to start (I Will ing fund at onmn The fulluwim: Building Fund ('unimiltw w'rts'rrp- pointed: Mrs. Wilkus, Mrs. Gray, Mrs, Hodges, Mr. Wilkes, Mr. J. W. Hur, vey, Mr. Chas. Purwker, Mr. Lawn ence, Mr. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Boddinglnn. Tho next Vestry moi-t inst will ho held on Thyis0.v, Mun-l) 7th, when a report ot the Building rummauw ..,:.. L _ _ at the y/omiUr 'iiiri/'A". Mm 180 Queens Drivv, um thes {hurl} day of Man-h, which is the 22ml ----ty------- -The choir 'of Elvvrsto I Church, under the dirvctiun of I J. C. Bull, L.L.CDI., is to ha 1 gratulated. Ono, the rlrur smooth tone of the choir has I heard it means froquvnt visits to church on Sunday evenings th, -____r ,.... a ""'r"K-but' logical car, and tlm logical duller - The new Ford vs, and Ross H. Fawcett, Limited, .'phune “mum 1020, or Jet. 1224. --"The Sunbonuet Girl", tw» act) n¥eretta, will be given by the choir 0 Westminster Church on Wl-dm-s- day, March 13th, at 8.15 pm” in thv church. Admission will he 25 cents., Premier Bennett and Cordell Hull, Secretary of State in President Roosevelt's cabinet, talk things over before the annual dinner of the Canadian Society of New York, where they shared chief speakin honours. "Canada and the United States," said Mr. Bennett "Natidrwnei Id',;',',?,',, in this great new world . . . approach their respective problems with the same consciousness of their obligations and the samu- resulutinns to fulfil them r, A fommitu-o will Ibo pr/sd/l, -.--F".or this _ y‘.’ THE gums & GUIDE Sunday evenings M’s Jir,iviyr-r-the F. A. Madman thes Ninth Fri. Ihv morning, llt't'ml \ywnkm sh "Tadruvsday, w iirwr duv of l will hr- hold Nation Neighbours *rstnn Park Lion of Mrs. to by can. dear and jp has ln-on visits to [hr ,4 for " “squt-iuné tufulfliltileVm: order of Sonic. Tho rally was pm by I half hour of cnmmunity hymn mhtttimt whim WI! entered into with M with Mr, E. Newsome " the . no. A ten-pieee orchestra Ind" wk Sang: accompanied the m and I _.. 'tttrv. hr! um “me thr, way nur rapitahstic and industrial "yrtem functions, and “mm" the side which brings tho most to tha mass-s nf the ponplr. f'orsrmall.v. there is not :. multi-millionaire in the world today whnso positron l would exchangv mine with at thrs wry hour, l feel I have numbvrlose avonmw of service " n to mm Somr-Limr-s it is nay to {(3le the crowd, hut it takes a man to stand quite alum fur the sake of a prim riplr," . ., _ -re"T ...... 5m“:- emphasis than usual an the recognition of the Creator " the L'niverse, it is im-nusn I am now in a better position in do Sin and rioes not man I have not felt that way all my life. 1 prnfvr to do my thinkintt as a Mlirver in thr, Christian faith botany I bohevo it is a faith superior to all others. "if tho prrst‘nl sysirm " capitalism cannot "xl'rrss the Christiari faith, and wwnaimn can, ' I am for munlwm "urn Univ. 1m us ,_tudy thr, way our rapitaiistir and industrial make an anulysis m’ lifr, Ind have had to mukv aHnu-ances for every variety of human hmng. If it has appeared n-cumly that l have laid greater emphasis than usual on the recugnilionl " thr. Creator of the Universd, it is ireraurwt I am nuw in a better position? tn do Fo, and rioes not mean I have' not felt that way all my life. I? prr-fvr to do my thinkintt as a helirsver,I .n thr, Crrrttian faith botany I brlwvo' _ wr -N9.P. FF' V “...“...cu , what oth, " may think of me. In travvls and nxpvrmnws I have him make an anulysis m’ 1va Ind have 1 to makes allnu'ances for every van _ (Curuirtued from Page One) (wil. mcial prohh-m", thrclavvd Mayor minimum, “It has conic confessing its wcakncss in the application of the lundamonlah of rcluzimi. It is tell- ing us that thcri' arc srrvial obligations Axum-h must ho olrsrrvvd if W0 are to romow tho rvhukvs which fact, us. Do ‘ you think Mn-lmvl Angclo would have I contributed anythimt of cultui-n to this 1 world if ho had only sat and dreamed of which he might do? No, he had In associatv himsvlf with matter which hurl m-cn created by the Creator of the uniw-rsc. Thvn lu, could Work and luring forth his mastvrpieco. So with the grout mculpturte, of the ages-they coqu no! do tlicir bout work unless associated with Him and His creation. You and I arc [hr outstanding examp- " of thy crpathv powcr of God; We arc tho im'rWPr'Y of His genius. “To be abirs to vmphasiee the social implications of the scriptures, we must [we our physical vxistence-we must understand vrursvlvvs--we must use our capacities to tho fullest. We must he willing, if we are to help others, to giro up so” interests; wn must have a llm'ution to high and great ideals, that othvrs may henvfit and he I-n- richml. Tho unfortunate of our land aw trilillcrl to a scum of security-- they arc vntitlvri In Work. at pay 1 sufiivierrt to givr llwm a cornformblt’ hvmg -tri livtt their roligious lives‘ unhInIlcrw-L , ' .. _VWFF "ma...“w Hung of tho town) huvv plunm-d that " mum-n, will hr- gin-n in tlw wry ll":lr future, yn-umwh of which will bu uswl in thc nurvhnw of banks for tir Pullu, Library. Miss Stella Huwntro-v prm'illrd two tlvlisrhtiul mum. numbw‘s. tlvvu, hoing "Ara- hx-vluv” hv lluhumy and "Valsw l'::;lrirv" by Cyril Scutl. Miss Found, who wvnt "r, u (It'lognll- to the Haptist Wurld Alliunvv which met in Ger- many just 311m Rltvtt a very irtforma, tn'v and ivm-rwtim: mMrvss on condi- tiunu H, ~in- found thvm in Germany. 'Hu- nun-Hug rlusm! with the National Anihcm. MAYOR SIMPSOS’ (IF iiuors F0 BRINGS N'I‘IRRING MESSAGE “ohm-d My o/iii,, V” lwhivh mmprisos [inns of tho tuwm I with T " t'njnyml ine "uln 'lnwn I!” FTh. 25th speak un "The Well by the Gate." __ _-----, ir------ ”Du Thuisilay, Flt. let, the Lmlivs' Auxiliary W.W.('. hold a mother. and duughtm- mviul M'oninpr, whun about st'vs'riry wan- entertained. Two dainty yuan]: [Him {mm Wast- mount Kaur' sunn- wry ptvtty dancing“ numhvrs, also two Wmtun young [THIN mn'v mum- virtue and interest.. --Nvxt Sunday morning in Central l'nitwl Church Res. H. E. Wl'llwzmd will speak on "The Wumlvr uf the Hilde" and will ulsn give a short talk to buys and girls. Sunday Svhrml will Do at 2.45 and in the (Awning: he will speak 1m “Th0 Well hr the Gate" er. John Moffat, BA., will ad- dress the Weston Men's Four Square Class in the Public Library next Sun- day aftermmn at 3 n'L'lm'k, on the subject, "Religion and Response to Life." _ The- in] (‘uum' Ju. i224 T 2M0 mun- clvn-r and interest. step dam-Hm. Miss Marjorie ‘rt rvruhsrvd two wry pleasing tho owning drawing in a close l'x-I‘rvslum-ntx MIR-h Wt-re murh , Cuuncil or Women hr- Hunk” muohng HT ihy to, uncil of anon WU:, hvlll in Hu Hull m1 )lxjylvlay afternoon as”), Many items of business tlvalt with. A (-nnnninvv up- l by MW Wumvnjs l,ireal Cunn- wally I am In" concerned with Hf JIVt Us you to 'trt hlIl' tunw. Let us ,rtudy altstir and industrial and furry” the side buy, mm Fawcvtt. ,vtl. Linnhwl, Ford of thes fnwst vol- n" voluvs, (weir "Ji. amwnuiniv [Ivall'r 'phone Weston 1020 firtvv,n nrgani;:l< In my had to About fiftv mx-mbnrs and Moms, of the XL. Bible Class gathered in tho Sunday Svhnul mum of Central Unit- 'tsri Church fur the monthly social and busim-ss yum-ting of the class on Thursday owning, FNIL 2lst. Mrs. (hnwlund, l'tvsident of the Class, was in tlw chair for the prwiod of (lvvntinn and business. Mrs. Cous, ins wad svlwtiuns from the Book of Psalms and Mrs. Abernathy led in pruyvr. (HINT ttuunbers of the lit‘hru- my ('ommim-o pvrfurmm! the tliffer. on! ufficvs of thn- mow-ting. Th" husi, ng» was cumlvnxmi as much as possihlv to mmhlv tho spvakvr to have the maximum of time. Tho class felt Blind Minister Makes strong Plea to Parents to Warn Chit- dren of Danger of Blindness It was announced that the class meets every Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Public Library lecture room, and next Sunday afternoon, Mr, John Moffat, BA., will be the special speaker. REV. ARTHUR PICKERING SPEAKS TO u. CLASS The Kinsmen Quartet gave other much appreciated numbers during the afternoon, and the guest speaker, Mayor James Simpson of Toronto, was _ introduced by Mayor F. W. Mertens uf Weston. Rev. it. H. Ledingham/ and Rev. H. bl. Wellwund also took‘ part in the program. It was announced that the an“! surely l M'tnr, A McLeod G. E, Forbes and Rev. J. C. William-{ bon. The class executive was inn...) duced by the chaplain, Rev. J. P. McLeod, who also explained the 'our- :.([ual't' purpose of the class, which is, "By u four-fold programme, to unguge' and maintain the interest of ever)" mun, who at thr- new"! time is not[ actively idrntifiml with a Sunday) Suhoul.” I The executive of the class is made? up as follows: lmadvr, L. A. Bhyneyp Organizer, A. C. Keenan; President.‘ ll. Nieholsun; Vice President, J. Fl.) Galbraith; 'ovctetary, W. ll. Scrape“ Enrulnwut Summary, N. G. Jackson;: Press y.'cryta.r.y, J. C. Nt-ulv; Tteu-) we ehair uni-ted. The Jim itetr on the order of service wt- . [imbue "Ut All Rejoice" by the ore cuts. The Kinsmen Quartet of Toronto, made up of male voices. then rendered a splendid number. and a hymn follow- ed, "All Hail the Power " Jun}! Name." The scripture reading was taken by the class leader, L. A. Buny- ney, and pruyex'u_w_ere offeted_lryiv. Spencer Fuel Cqmpany Limited K...!RB Y "S 215 DUFFEEIN ST. TORONTO MOLASSES KISSES If you have nut received our l office: I379 Weston Road Ya Junction 8019 _'h-lnnhmm Ll-Imun VALLFD ANTHRACITES, VOLUNTEER POCAHON'I WELSH (‘(H:I:I.ES and BLOWER Ci)AMl--AMF'.RICAN and CANADIAN COKE-HARD and SOFT WOOD. At Siandard’ Prices SPECIAL SATU RQAY ONLY 34 MAIN si. ii. 1 d A if: i ’_V kJ-V k). Lowest Prices . . . . . . Careful Workers WA’RDROPE CARTAGE COAL - CORE - WOOD ll s. Station St. w_.__ Fim‘st Muipnwnt I... Ton nL'vanm'r COKE. ASIA u f', K w H E AT "'"---. w. J. “Em. Jr.; ytulQicViii' A,. Savage; Chaplain, Rev. J. P, This is a Watch For Oui- Weekiy" Candy special c I i n ke An g' "fife; "iTiari's'rirriirtraraai- ET? nent and kreatost of cave-them: are secrets of om service. When it's ypur move. eall-, I offer you the free F Engim‘oring Dom. Try sorry. Ono hun/1rz'd_pe'r with all. my work- Rates Reasonable ' non nuas‘s AT voun HEATING means Yards: Jag? St. anis dd.K Tuck: -TrlePhones-, Weston 1029 WESTON SPECIAL . WlHtT"rON and r..., Ton RED All Makes of Furnaces Repaired Time Payment If Desired . - =" w... “my"... "of the dangera of carelessness and ,[curiosity were most timely. He culled '.upon parents also to sort-K their mock ,modesty and to talk wlt Ntheir chil- ‘idren of the dangers of immorality, 10! the danger to themselves and to [future generations. The talk w Imelda more impressive, if that was imyssiMe, by the fact that Mr. Picker' 'ine has himself been deprived of sight ‘within the last dorade and speaks with the aqurity of one who knows what it is to have seen and then be ‘t-untlvmnerl tn darkness. Master Bobby Wise rendered Xylo- plvn'v rulos to which the audience lien-mid with rapt attention. Bobby, -whn js only eight years of age, has a (mastery over his instrument which AHS' the envy of all his listeners. After only one year of stud Bobby has ilevelu‘ped into a Jeunagd little soloist am gives great promise of future atFevements/ His accompan- Eist for his first number and encor Jwas his sister, Patricia, and for the [second number another sister. Shir Hey, joined Patrick in a piano duet {with liobby at the Xylophone. Non" 'of these children have yet reached their toms but all are accomplished prrfm'mors. The Revere closed thy ttT happy half r, rounded out spent evening. of ,,, __ ___ ku "sq-I 5"“, who a he of the JyortCot the Caii. dihn 'ltl'l'td Insutute tor the Blind, and of the was“ and prevention of blindness. Ali. wore mud " the vast work carried on by the C.N.I.B. in the interests ot they deprived of their sight. In: Picket-mg my assistvd her husband by 0 rating the lantern which "Inmatese his talk. Pictures Show"? some_ of the Causes " blindness an Mr. Piekprirti'i com- ments on them, were thought,- mking. The speaker's eloquent gt Co thv parevts to yarn their china“ "r Hm damn.“ Ww ---__r_, ' it I privilege to have in My yrrktr [the Atr. Aettytr, Piet Medium Extras Phone 182, the free srrvicc _0_f the Peasr ‘alvndnr; plvarw phone, Fresh and Whoitsorm. PHONE KEN. 8328 Reverse Charges Accepted Chabman's EGGS Revcrend Harold E. Wellwmul thy meeting with prayer. A half hour uvor the tea cups t out an enjoyable and well - mm”, linen t, “is NEW LAID 'ry me. You won't be m cent. guarantee got-s Wed.- '" OPP. JOHN ST. lb. PpfAlloNTAs,, and by 0 “an Tik, “manta? his 'dll).' b some of the causes Mr. 1ieltrirti'i Men. 5010c Lie to $1.00 Store bhiwerk, $9.25 Delivery 30e doz. 25c the

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