Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 25 Sep 1929, p. 4

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V jllNjlt]lll)il'lllniAC BWSIX 1 , ' . " a SIN k22 == . -"" . . - =; ' #t18 grEr'sNith f1/"*:>”xz';-:$” M?’ gEt = ', 8R;1 6atke k8% ik3P. " A8S1 I ' F2N = 1% 'tFl ' 1222 ' I 53' Fark MP ' F, Rig ' K8 " ', "I _. yogi" Kv ate = ti' . ' N ..-. c. WfMi - '- - l . ') 2i [(3] LA! K (0'(2)i]ii2L,[iji5' ' r u S , ,'r, 'arttt'frf AlilrllltillllNlltliI.li1lE "l ' ‘ VW"' wed ' "l l! 'el': IilNitt '%gBlli© Leer. l 5 8 h s,,,,,', "Bllt Si E . i I Fuci Suph] Pyiiaap 'll PAGE FOUR " 153012.;ch Ori-GENERAL-Mb/fi"';" OF CANADA, LIMITED f Toronto Phone: WESTON, ONT. _ Weston: Phone: ' JUnction 8376 ‘254 _ 's, BETTER BECAUSE IT’S; CANADIAN on the wheel! Think of may); mi type, Povts.wit1r incomparable ease atitomobile which you can drive all throughqut 1ts entire turning range, dayhit any speed with the greatest ease 1ssury?g “35mm, effortless response tfo and comfort. the driver s every wish. Such are the fine results of two match.. Drive this new ht,:euu,ghlin-Buiyt. less new quality features in the 1930 Head for.: the sort of road you ordirt. McLaughlin-Buick-two features arily avoid as too rough for comfortable which add to this car's appeal as the travel. Ttest these twin features of corn- greatest dollar value of the dar-a fort which mahe the new McLaughlin- wonderful new frictionless steering Buick the easiest ~steer1ng automobile gear, and the new McLaughlinrBuick in the world! 1431-9-2an steering shock eliminator.' V The steering shock eliminator-built N E W L O W P R I C E S into the front of the frame on the Ask about the GMAC Plan of Credit steering gear side-absorbs jolts and ' Purchase Jars arising from road inequalities and ' PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS or CANADA, LIMITED Imagine being able to travel the rough- est rqad with ypur_lja_n§ls resting lightly make"'McLaughlin-Baick the easiest car in the world to drive! 5K (rr, 'RoailshoikElirk iaudor it? Dufferin St. . . and New Steering/fear High-compression performance, even with ordinary fuels is provided by Pontiac's GMR cylinder-head, developed by General Motors Research Corporation and available in noother car at Pontiac price.' Positive fuer.. pump assures full supply of gas to the engine and prevents starving on long, steep hills, . i V The only true performance is all-round performance . . power, speed, acceleration and LONG LIFE. That is why Pontiac is worth more today than any other car at its price. And that is why it is sure of isound resale value two, three or four years from today. Compare Pontiae's BIG SIX beauty, performance and dependability with anything this price field can offer . . then make your decision. P-ze-s-zsa COMPARATIVE tests . . made with the "fifth-wheel" speedometer . . prove Pontiac to have the highest top speed and fastest accele- ration of all cars in its price range. Its 200 cubic-inch engine delivers 58 brake horse-power at 3,000 r.p.m. . . exceptional power at moderate engine speed spelling long life for Pontiac Big Six engine. tif-gg' 'i,',';"""" Ask your Dealer about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan ER 'B_EC_A_.U_sE__,_I,'T's , 'tT'rR""'ETri'"ti"i J. T. FARR & SONS ROSS H, FAWCETT 1W gtthra ' JAA 'ee PONTIAC DEALER WESTON thus prevents their‘transmission to the steering wheel and the driver’s hands. The new McLaughliryBuick steering gear, of the effective strornvand-ro1ler type, moves with, iticorziparable ease throughout its entire turning range; assuring instant, effortless response to the driver's every wish. ' (T _ Drive this new tMeLaughlirvBuick. Head for the sort of road you ordin- arily avoid as too rough for comfortable travel. Test these twin features of cot1r. fort which make the new McLaughlirr. Buick the easiest-steering automobile in the world! %r,eRX__t)B_tBrt- Phone 187 M-Bl-9~293 THE WESTON TIMES &“GUIDE' l Ma Has Her Way Two children were arguing. John-It is! l Elizabeth-lt isn't! John-d tell you it is, because Mum-. my says it is, and if Mummy says it is, it is, even if it isitr--Tit-Bits, Wallrand all interested are requested :th be out or if any information is -:wanted they are askerto get in touch with';Mrs. Duncan. or Mrs. Usher. 1,rryJllle Mission Circle met last night @133th home of Miss Louise Stewart. l The Women's Institute met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of MrJW. o. Duncan. The district of, fieers; Mrs. L. McNeil and Miss Me, Lerlan were present and a very fine meeting was held. Several business .matters were discussed. All members are asked to bring their donations of , ‘fru-itwand vegetables for the Ch1ldr?n's! Shelter to Mr. Stewart's Store before the: end of this week. Mix-Chas. Watts has: kindly offered to take them to the shelter. This is a very needy and ur- tent" call and it is hoped that everyone <Wl;.bear it in mind. u; Misses Ruth Kitching, Vera Peters and Louise Stewart, and Mr. George Gardhouse are returning this week to take up their studies. Miss Kitching going to the O.C.E. this year and the rest of the Toronto University. Pat: "Your honor, I was arrested for being intoxicated." Judge: "Pat, where did you buy the liquor?" Pat: "Your honor, I did not buy it. A scotchman gave it to me." Judge: "Thirty days for perjury." The Choral Society will hold an PPtF night fn October_ the 7th in th? i 1 Oh! Amamais! George came back from his fort- night's holiday proud of his bulging muscles. "Look at these arms," he said. "My hat!" exclaimed his friend. "How did you get them like that? Rowing?” . -eee - _ Pat was arrested for being intoxi- cated. On being brought before the judge he was asked by the court what he was there for. "Roiiring be blowedl" said George, proudly. "I got them pulling fish in." The Young- People's choir practice will be held on Friday evening. All ym1rtpeople interested are requested taAerp_rfysent. - _ 7 Rally Day Services will be held in sHumbervaIe Churclrorr Sunday, Sept. 29th, at three o'eloek p.m., standard tiipe. A good attendance of Sunday QSflhgol members and parents is look-. e or. F Harvest Home Services in connect, ion with the Sunday school will be held on Sunday. Special music will be rendered by the young people at the morning service. Young People's Rally Will take place at the evening service and a special speaker will be present at this service. Special mus-. ie will' also be rendered at this ser- vice by the Young Peoples Choir. A A meeting will be held in the church on Thursday evening and all members of the church are requested to_te p_r_esent. _- _ _ __ - _ }- Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto, spent isthv'week-end attthe home of Y. C. _ Several members of Humbervale W. M.S. attended the luncheon and meet- ing held in Central United Church at Weston on, Tuesdzt0st. T , _ V Miss E. Elliott-of Toronto was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Digings ayurofr. Digings; on Sunday. and Mrs. Rogers, ""tWi" have in the above, therefore, something like 200 members. The task 35 dubig one, and needs the co-opera- 3‘6?th,ij the citizens of the town to the ',timii,iit, degree. ' . HT , --------n------ Mr. R. Rogers and Mr. K. Hutchin- son of Mt. Dennis, spent the week- end with friends in Rochester. [ 1v;Junior fatrosse Team; Manager, =M’t“. LW. Curran, Coach, Mr. Harold Combat. ' w-r-Olena-le Lacrosse Team, Manag- -er,0fr. F. D. Banting", Coach, Mr. f?igi.,flt, Ella. T 97'???” 'i/ttoft/op Teams,, Westonias, C.C. Ni, Bell Telephone, and Moffats, Man- airt_Mr._Josh, Henkell._ _ - - "u, Tennis Courts-Chairman, Mr. Ian McArthur, (About 80 paid-up mmbqrs» _ A - - - 3 SEhool Lacrosse teams, King, Me- morial, and Separate., Manager, Mr. 'Eipptyntiryr., _ _ . -- j rthe season for Softball has there- (oriy finished with a fully completed \s'cli-edule. All season everything went ‘along in a very efficient manner. The ‘game carried itself financially-the ionly one that did. Congratulations will It,' extended to the manager at a later ate. I 'l:lUMBERVALE [ We Softball Championship for the 4ttrsiif' of Weston Was-won by the Can- ;adkCycle and Motor Co., Limited at the COM. playgrounds on Saturday, September 21st. The game was full of ‘iiltegjest, but owing to the lateness of “the Mason a small crowd was in at- Yafamee. It is interesting to note that the tournaments in every case have re- salted in a W.A.A.A. player and a Central United player meeting in the finals. This keeps up the keen spirit of rivalry between these two clubs, and peps up the game. The association has had a busy year, and to those who are' not familiar with its activities it might be of in- terest to them to know that it has had the task of supervising the fol- Itnyiryrj--- -_v__ - A The finalists in the Senior Tennis for the Championships of the Town of Weston are: Men's-Ed. Westover, (champion of 1927) and C. W. Brown, (champion of 1928).' Ladies-Miss Alma Chapman, (runner-up in 1928) and Miss Pat. Musson. Juvenile Boys -Jaek Greaves and M. Inch. Girls-- qu by Miss Freda Druding. _ _ The Cup and medals will also be presented to the winners, the date of which will be announced soon. THISTLETOWN 1Ei'ifg AM. jllffllllflliS PHONE WESTON 1027 Eagle House Corner WE WILL BE One button in center of steel-in? wheel controls, starter, ights and horn. Simple design, easy oper- ation. No wires in steer- ing post- "FINGER-$1]? C O NTRO L " "oqstmonrahanilht " Designers, Created the N ew woil1llys-lllart,,qthrit _ _ i FOR A GOOD USED CAR PLEASED TO DEMONSTRATE ANY USED CAR WE HAVE ON HAND AND ASSURE YOU OF PERFECT SATISFACTION. T _ Men of long ex erience in the "custom-built” field designed the new-style "lil7fit,li1//t Six. Their artist»? itr quite apparent in this triumph of modern beauty. : , . Grace of line, richness of color, perfect 3 _ ctr-yr and pro- portion distinguish the new-style F'iefi'ysb'Eeit't'ir Six as the outstanding creation of these style s ecialists, and make availahIe-ht a remarkable low p',','il?--'t'l2', style and richness previously associated only with costly, custom-built cars. A eat automobile-a eat en . e-no valves to . d, no eosgtli carbon 'h';11f,'aT,'lflk','l'diui'ly1 fool-proof and ','d'fie7r'oel'. fC%fl;l'fllllil'lll motor, so far as we know, has ever worn out. Arrange for a demonstration at your earliest convenience. PARSON MOTORS LADIES-DONT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SE WILLY'S-KNIGHT AND WHIPPET DEALER STYLE EVNT IllllE itiiit1, __ h my» 1l.it E t : a Mi Mr, , IE MI' c I Mlltrk1 it I if till . g, 99- Blilitt " targ I l 'a' 'mm "e-om"" .-aaiiiiiii - - - iii, .1; , lal First Anniversary $9.SOup THE BIGGEST Smart Coats and Dresses IN WESTON Dresses from - ' .., w " . tm M. ._,. a ‘33.. a: {of " - 'l' y - , . ,4, - 44. . . _ - I 43., .. . ' ' _. a}: mr a... Bis, :ng " 3. tIM " a " IRIN © Eh' " E ..e' . 17";- - - " 14‘“: 3‘ " , . " . Emi' 3... . .,_,., w, ME gf " , M a Tk .3.“ = . Mir, L " - . w. 1.- - .. - " 4 " Fs - '" ' tag-A " - . ar, " - Itil = 4:». ii a: . m f, i a 'lil ila ' " ' 'ME . r _ Ri - - _ Et%t' - Lu ' " '" - .7 44:: “A w . _ rtrE' KBM M . . ' , q ' " . - in. a Br! m . tt" . _ ' . - ‘ . kt' " - 3,."- iMSh' MY " I i u . ' - IN . El a... La. - Reston Ladies We present free to each purchaser a pair of Penman's Full Fashioned Silk Hose in any one of the latest shades, with each purchase of a Coat or Dress. Made to Order and Ready to Wear _ Dresses & Coats Dufferin St. at Main St. AND TO CELEBRATE OUR We are now in a position to remodel and reline Fur 01' Cloth Coats. If your fur collar is worn bring it to us. Werwill make it like new. WESTON PHONE 935J PRESENTING THE NEWEST MODE IN Shoppe $21.50 up Coats from WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 25; 1929 Coach $1420; Roadster $1420 ' Tourin $1325. Willy's-Knight 55A Coach $1220; Sedan 81346. Prices F. O. B. Factory, Toronto, taxes extra. SEDAN $1545 JUNCTION 8703 Weston tlt)? Ki. , 'tCk he: iii

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