Ontario Community Newspapers

Times & Guide (1909), 3 Jul 1929, p. 6

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A German artist has written on an ordinary postcard a 10,000-word story of Colonel Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic. It took three months to complete and was written with a hard ptye.il and without the use of a mag- bifpY-gqlaiis W l “WWW WW PAGE SIX qt We B ULOVA LONE EAGLE" ' COL. "its?t, LINDBERGH says: The pleasure of using Weston Dairy's produets, c" cf; j, tjr 'hs, COL. CHARLES ALINDBERGH " N Bulova Watch keeps accu- y rate time and is a beauty." What more can be said about any watch! Handsomely engraved, with radium dial, flexibié link band and 15 jewel Bulova movement-this watch represents remarkable value. Come in. See it today! Cor. Main and Coulter Sts. JEWELLER 10 Main St. S. l Don't Deny Weston Dairy ALL ON ONE POSTCARD F. R. FREY JOHN HEBGIN, PROP. 58 Main St. N. WESTON, ONT. F. R. FREY PURE MILK CREAM BUTTER Yourself in honor of ,ll),_t,ltii"o., Ive-ttir WESTON BODY AND FENDER BUMPING FULLER BROS. Phone 354 N"llrlll NG WESTON Bright-Harshaw The marriage of Bessie Leona Har- shaw, daughter of Mrs. F. Harshaw, 291 Lauder Ave., to Mr. Erie Bright, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Bright, Weston, was quietly solemnized at 2 o'eloek Saturday afternoon at the re- sidence of the officiating minister, Rev. J. A. Hilts, Lauder Avenue. The bride looked charming in a pretty navy blue ‘coat trimmed with brown squirrel, French beige georgette dress with hat to match. Later in the after- noon the happy couple left for points south. On their return they will re- side in Toronto. SPO0NER-- DURANT - Saturday June 29th, at St. Matthew's Church, Toronto, Francis William Spooner to Hazel Irene Durant, both of Toron- to, By Rev. W. E. Mackey. vAREY-BANCROFT--At St. John's Anglican Church, Weston, Saturday, June 29th, 1929, Samuel Dunning Varey of Toronto to Estelle Lucille Bancroft of Mimico, Ont., by Rev. W. E. Mackey. GREGG--on Monday, July lst, at his late residence, l7 Holley Avenue, Weston, Charles Gregg, Jleloved husband of Hannah Elizabeth Nat- tress, in his 82nd year. Funeral on Wednesday at 2 p.m. 1standyd The Standing Committee of the Chamber of Princes presented Lord Irwin, Viceroy of India, on the eve of his departure for England on leave with an informal expression of their opinions of the recommendations of the Butler Committee on Relations [ttrm the native States and British n 1a. While expressing some satisfaction with the findings of the committee, drawn up at a conference at Bombay of representatives of the sixty Indian States, the Princes were dissatisfied with the Commission's failure to place on a definite basis the Crown’s right in regard_to the States, as opposed to a dis;rtsticwsry hams. W Put the lee Fillets in a heavy iron frying pan with just enough of any fat, except butter, to keep them from sticking. Brown quickly on both sides, cover, reduce the heat and cook 12 minutes, turning occasionally. Weston Fish Market Main St. It makes cooking a pleasure during the summer months, and operates from the ordinary ironing plug. 6 MAIN ST. PHONE 226 Built Electric Let Electricity Do Your Work! Fans will Pro- Comfort in the Powerfully mote Cool Home. One of Our. time). l Cemetery. CLIP THESE FOR FUTURE USE 'ested Receipts' for Cooking Iced Fillets R. h. DICKIN Indian Princes Disappointed See The New Range-ette PAN BROILING ICE FILLETS On demonstration at Phones: Weston 1263 Res. Junct. 3674 MARRIAGES interment" in Riverside WEDDINGS WESTON DEATHS Phone 404 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Timpson and family, accompanied by Miss Leona Qrisp, spent the week-end at Midland, Mrs. J. A. Cassan, of Toronto, and Mrs. Creighton, of Woodbridge, have returned home after a short visit with the former's sister, Mrs. Thos. Pear- son, Church Street. Ont.' Mrs. Gordon Barker and family are spending the month of July at Penn Lake, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Duthie and family are holidaying at their summer home till the end of August. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foreman and daughter, Dorothy, are spending the summer months at Camp Borden. Messrs. Earl Hepton and George Pratt spent the week-end at Wood- land Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. Grosskurth and family are holidaying at Wasaga Beach for a few days. Misses Mabel LeGrand and Edith and Mildred Mattison, spent the holi- day week-end at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fudge, accompanied by Miss Alma and Ina Best spent the week-end at Wasaga Beach. Mr. George Keyes has left on a trip to the West, where he will visit his brother in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crooks left on a trip to the Old Country, where they inilldvisit relatives in Stockport, Eng- an . Rev. G. Ernest Forbes left to-day for the Missionary Summer School at Whitby, Ont., where he will take charge of the School. The Post-office staff enjoyed a de- lightful trip across the lake on Sun- day afternoon. Miss Audrey Evans, Queen'tDrive, 1ipent the holiday week-end at Peter- oro. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and fam- ily have left for their summer cottage at Cawhaa Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowntree spent the holiday week-end at Cawhaa Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crossman and son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Groocock, motored to Marysville over the holiday, visiting with Mr. Cross- man's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Soper motored to Honey Harbour over the holiday week-end, Mrs. Soper staying on for a week's vacation. Messrs. Gordon Davies, Earl Lynch, Brian Houldcroft, and Dave and Alec Muir returned on Tuesday morning after a motor trip to Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Fitzgerald, of the Bank of Montreal staff, is holidaying at Peter- boro and vicinity for two weeks. Gordon Squibb, son of Mr. and A. T. Squibb, has received the silver medal, given by the Toronto Board of Education for eight years regular at- tendance at the Public Schools. Gor- don has this year passed his Entrance examinations and will enter High School in the fall. Misses Doris Trueman and May Stevens spent the holiday week-end at Buffalo, N.Y. . Mrs. Hutchinson, accompanied by Miss Gertrude McEwen, motored and spent the holiday week-end at Port Carling with the formers daughter, Mrs Hannah. Mr. Norman Pratt, of Warburton Motors, motored and spent the week- end at his home at Churchill. Inch, registered optometrist, twenty I years' experience, tests your eyes ae-i curately. All work guaranteed. I x-34.1c.l For toothache you consult your den- tist. For headache consult your ap- tometrist. Fred L. Mertens, Reg. Opt" Plume 297J. x-34-1t. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson motored and spent the week-end at Bala, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wright, Fern Ave., spent the week-end with D. M. Wright, at Stratford. Mr. Bert Harris motored and spent the 1reelc-end at Lakeport, joining Mrs. Harris, who is holidaying there. At the Ladies Aid tea of Central United Church, held at the home of Mrs. T. J. Farr recently, Mrs. Dave Rowntree, Jr., and Mrs. Tom Griffiths assisted Mrs. Farr in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence and daughter Mable, of Verdun Mani- toba. were the guests last week at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Thomas. Pearson, Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reeves and fam- ily, accompanied by Miss Doris Ball and Mr. Stan Smith motored and spent the holiday week-end at Prim- rose and Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Ross H. Fawcett, accompanied by Miss Gladys Ginn, of Goderich, left on Monday on a motor trip to New York City, Washington and At- lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. William Souter, of Chicago, were in town last week on a short visit with Mrs. Soutor's mother, Mrs. McFarland, William Street. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Saddington and daughter Laura, motored and spent the week-end _at Peterboro. Mrs. A. N. Drinkwalter and son, of Weston, were present at the family re-union held at Lakeview Park, Osh- awa, on Dominion Day. THE WESTON TIMES & GUIDE Pelmo Park, the Humber Flats, and the Weston Fair Grounds, attracted éarge crowds of picnickers on the holi- ay. Mr. J. C. Irvin, of the Irvin Lum- ber Co., attended the Ontario Retail Dealers' Third Annual Outing last week, motoring on Tuesday to Sarnia, and thence by boatitorthe Soo and on to Blind River. Aboitsixty members joined in the trip. . Two Moth planes from the Weston Airport, are participating in the Old Home Week celebrations at Peterboro this week. Pilots Earl Hand and Ir- win flew the planes to Peterboro on Saturday. Need a Bathing' Suit? We have newest all wool "Klirtirtite" suits, for men or boys. Jdhnstirn's, 55 Main St. North, Weston. it" x-34-1t Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Slater, of De.. troit, motored and spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, en route to Winnipeg. Under the auspices of Weston Lod- ges 216 and 190, L.O.L., the annual church parade and divine service is being held on Sunday next at St. John's Church. Khaki outing clothe. are service.. able. Good variety of "Silt,'.' trousers, caps, etc, at Johnston’s Men's and Boys' Wear, 55 Main St. North, Wer. ton. x-34clt Creditl Your Credit ttttt ----I_' is Good at __ Frtetll Ronson Lighters, the best on the market. From ............$5.00 Also Lyterlife, the new norrexplosive filler, at .........,..25e tube Complete lineof Optical Goods always in stock. Eyes tested accurately. Lens supplied by ii'rGiliiiririii'i'ifsiil,"in 18 kt. white, green or yellow gold, new- est designs. From o..............................-......-....-....,...') upward Silverware, beautiful designs; several spell} pieces. From ..........Fr Diamond Rings, new stock, new designs. Prices from THE PIONEER JEWELLER & OPTICIAN 2915 DundasSt. W. Jun, , Friday f and Saturday , "r ONLY Velvet Oveércoats .............. $5.75 Ladies' Tweed Suits ........... $5.95 Ladies' Dresses ...........'. . . $1.95 up 330 Yonge Street Opp. Gould MORRISON’ Use Your Credit Allen's Specials 2978 DUNDAS STREET WEST o-...,..-....-,-."."- Your credit is good. Charge it. Friday and Saturday Only "We Clothe the Whole Family” s......,.,.................,."................,.,............... $25.00 to 1ii200.00 Engagement and Wedding Gifts come to for Miss Jean Koffman, of the Jean 'Mar Shoe ~smm,.,;is.. -ho1L4.iygigg. in Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer G. H. Gray accompanied by his wife, sailed Friday on a three months tour of Europe. Rev. E. H. Toye, new pastor of Cen- tral United Church, will take up re- sidence in the house occupied by Rev. J. J. Sparling, this week, and will commence his duties on Sunday. _ Wouldn't this old world be better, If the folk we meet would say, "I know something good about you," And then treat us just that way? Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elliott, accom- panied by Miss Mina Hulf and Mr. Harry Darlington left on Saturday Tor a motor trip to New York City and through the Eastern States. Wouldn't it be fine and dandy, If each handclasp, warm and true, Carried with it this assurance, "I know something good about Wouldn't life be lots more happy, If the good that's in us all Were the only thing about us That folk bothered to recall? Wouldn't life be lots more happy, If we praised the good we see? For there's such a lot of goodness In the worst of you and me. Wouldn't it be nice to practice That fine way of thinking too ? You know something good about me! I know something good about you! n --Seleeted, C......,.,............,......,.....)) uliwards KNOW SOMETHING GOOD ABOUT YOU you" Y New Branch 2990 Dundas St. W. n? MEL“ J Unct. 9717 Thermos Kits, Vacuum Bottles, Powders, Puffs, Creams, Toilet Waters, Soaps, Shaving Sundries, Brilliantines, Kodaks and Film, Driving Glasses, Bathing Shoes and Caps, Stationery, Fountain Pens; First Aid Supplies, Mosquito Lotions, etc. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER 50 MAIN STREET N. PH Agent for: United Cigar Stores Apex Records Columbia Records Silverwood's lee Cream Radio Licenses Issued Public Telephone Cruickshank .4 Garage tif Service Station Phone 945 Washing, Greasing, Motor Repair. No matter what you want done for your car bring it to us. We perform excelle'n'fi "Are you hurt much?" "Hurt much, I'm humiliated beyond measure. I was just giving my wife a driving lesson." . It is the opinion of experienced automobile dealers that USED CARS OF SATISFACTORY CHARACTER have never been sold at such low prices as we have placed on THE USED CARS WE OFFER NOW. Easy time-payments. 122 Main St. North Phon Phone or Call for Demonstration. You will be under no obligation to buy. work and swift service and low rates. Dufferin at Main St. Wilted and forlorn looking to-day and in 24 hours a creation of colorful, shimmery beauty. That's what a dry cleaning bybllzs can do for your Frocks and Suits. Bring your next Jo 0 us. .' o Coulter and Main Sts., Weston " IQ V DODGE CARS EGRN'IAM mucus DOMESTIC SERVICE STATION MAIN 57." so. " WESTON, EDA/7’. O oCf,if)lihli;llii1 T. E. RICHARDSON Weston Cleagggg tit Dyers SARTELL' S GARAGE 7 THAT IT HAS BEEN BOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS AND Is TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER o BEFORE as A TEST|M%NIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR ITS nquRous URATIVE QUALITIES. "NEW LIFE" for Your FOR ' YOUR 1rhth'll10li Performing All Services For Your Car Summer Frocks and Suits Step In and Stock Up ' Internal ancli Easterggl Pains are prom re lave y . on. THOMAS' acf€crnlc Ot L A A. T. - SQ__U__I_I_3_B BOOKSELLER & ETATIONER 54 Main St. N. 1195 pf 'f-iii.ti,iltf1"tii.r, We Invite You To See and Ride in the New 'vtriirtA'spt"iii,c)irQiiuijj',,11i: NASH 400 On Display. 'At WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1929 WESTON CUPS PAPER N APKIN S-ALL KINDS CONFETTI AND STREAMERS PICNIC PLATES PICNIC TABLE PAPER SANITARY DRINKING Phones: Bus. 1 Res. 798 PHONE 435 ctf.'.t.i.!!ge, Phone 935F Phone 387 Weston l,

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